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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 529 KB, 856x642, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6534647 No.6534647 [Reply] [Original]

Help thread, I choose you!

>> No.6534787

Finn/ Fionna's bag from Adventure Time. Help.

>> No.6534835
File: 653 KB, 881x2051, finn_fionna_backpack_tutorial_by_michikokojima-d4tc0xi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are various ones out there for sale, but if you prefer to make your own, I recently came across this rather simple tutorial.

>> No.6534840

Cowboy hats. I have no idea how to make them. I appreciate every help

>> No.6534843

(Try to google ou search in Deviant Art "Adventure time Bag tutorial)

What about buy one and paint or put the details and stuff you want?

>> No.6534846
File: 114 KB, 640x480, 1355081526512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm doing a Homura cosplay later in the year, and I'm wondering what the general rule about her shoes are? I was thinking on making a hole for the heel in a pair of tights and putting them into them, but I can see that going horribly wrong? Any seagulls have any experience with the costume?

>> No.6534847
File: 211 KB, 480x272, 070-peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peko Pekoyama's hair. A good wig rec would be a godsend.

>> No.6534850
File: 152 KB, 800x600, ramonahammer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time doing this thing my myself, so please, be kind to me. Tell me what do you think, /cgl/.

>> No.6534858
File: 188 KB, 253x567, Melia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning to cosplay Melia from Xenoblade Chronicles but her hair is killing me. Any advice on how to style a wig like that?

>> No.6534883

Making hats is one of the harder things to do on your own. I would have to agree with >>6534843 and just look for one that is as similar as you can find, and then go about modifying it as needed.

If you are just buying tights and cutting a hole in them, then yes, it will go badly. They will rip and run and they will not last the day.
I would recommend making your own tights, and design them so that there is a hole made for the heel.

To be honest, it doesn't look very good. It is clear that you just painted a box silver and stuck a broom handle in it.
My advice would be to start over. try making the head of the hammer out of something you can shape a little more, like insulation foam. It can be glued, cut, beveled, sanded and formed to get the exact shape you need. After that, you have a few options to make it sturdier and less looking like foam. Polystyrene sheeting is cheap, but I would go with wonderflex or maybe even worbla, or if you want it really sturdy you go go with a fiberglass resin. You can look up how to use those are your own, but the next part would mostly likely be a primer, sanding, more priming, and then silver metallic paint.
As for the handle, don't just leave it as is. I would go with something wider, personally, and maybe wrap it in pleather/vinyl to make it look less plain, and give yourself something to grip.

Also, don't forget that little ornament that appears to be dangling from the end of it.

>> No.6534889

For those massive curls, I would get some floral foam rings that are just smaller than you'll want the curls to end up as and curl the hair around them.
It's kind of a cheat, but it will be light weight, controlled, and is not dissimilar to how many Sailor Moon cosplayers make their odangos.

>> No.6534897

Remember the hammer has a smiley face drawn into it =D

>> No.6534952

Thanks anon. I've heard the rumour that nail polish prevents runs and I was going to use high denier tights, but I'd hate to risk it. Only problem though is that I have literally zero sewing experience. Sorry to be such a newfag, any one have any patterns or material tips?

>> No.6534963
File: 226 KB, 653x638, bunkershands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to be such a pain, but I am still in need of some help here.
I asked in the previous thread, but it started dying before I could get much advice.

To make it easier on myself, I'm just gonna paste my old post again:
I would like to make giant fists like what Bunker (pic related) has, and I can see was it could be done easily enough, but none of those would get the ideal effect I hope to achieve. See I would love to be able to have them be glowing all throughout. Not sure how to get that though. I know how I can have parts glow by running el wire through it, but that is only a little line of glow, and not the whole thing emitting light.
Now if it were possible to do that, and have them be semi-transparent, well that would be the best, but I imagine that is a little beyond what can actually be done in real life.

tl;dr how to big glowing hands?

>> No.6534969
File: 93 KB, 336x500, moth_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. I've never made anything like this before, I'm completely stumped on where to even begin.
I need to make this gas mask, and I have no clue what I'm doing.

>> No.6534978

Thanks for the quick reply, this sounds like a good idea!

>> No.6535015

Buy some hulk-hands and carve the rock type shape into them with a dremel or not knife.
Mold them in a silicone mold
Slush cast with a tinted transparent resin. Smoothcast makes a ton of these.
Using a clear rod, or tube attatch a handle on the inside of your cast.
Run elwire or an LED string through the hollow interior of your casting.

>> No.6535031
File: 484 KB, 448x223, tumblr_lnq3olxRNg1qi5jk5o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much! That is brilliant!
I wasn't even aware that there were tinted transparent resins. You are an amazing person, anon!

>> No.6535145
File: 379 KB, 960x720, ramonahammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not, it's not a box.
And it has to look like a old stone, not a metal piece.
A better pic to you. But thanks.

Not in the comic, sweety.

>> No.6535183


There are actually dance tights out there that already have a hole in the bottom. Go to Discount Dance Supply's website, and look for "convertible tights."
Alternatively, there are ice skating "boot cover" tights, but they're harder to find in black.

>> No.6535193

A different idea would be to trace your feet, cut out some soft black leather (go to a craft store if you don't have a Tandy's, they usually have some scrap pieces for moccasin kits and other kid's crafts) and just hand sew them to the bottom of regular tights to serve as soles.

>> No.6535206
File: 201 KB, 750x361, lucaille wig colors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone with experience on Lucaille's wig colors? I'm looking for a base wig that needs to match "#6 - chestnut brown" wefts/ponytail. Does anyone know if that better matches Lucaille's #5 or #6?

>> No.6535293

You can still follow all of >>6534883 's advice, and just paint it to look more like stone, instead of metal. It will look much better than what you have now, which, while it may not be, looks like you just painted a box silver. And what you have now doesn't look like stone either.

Sadly, you don't seem to care about advice on how to make this better, you just seem to want to show off your mediocre work. We have Progress threads for that.

>> No.6535321

Quick question, because I'm an utter idiot:
I bought interfacing for the first time, and I'm wondering if there's a specific side you're supposed to use to fuse it.
One side is slightly fuzzier than the other, and I'm wondering if it matters.

>> No.6535327

On fusible interfacing, you'll want the bumpier side face down on the back of your fabric.
Also, the heat setting you use will vary depending on the thickness of the interfacing, and your fabric. It might be a good idea to cut a small swatch and test before you go ahead with your project.

>> No.6535332

it's too shiny to look like authentic stone. i would maybe dent it up a little, then get some spackling spray. they have weird different types of spray meant to give that craggy texture they use in college apartments to make it harder to cover holes. cover it with that, then repaint it with a matte grey paint all over. use a darker, watered-down grey to add depth and shadows to the dips and cracks in the spackling. and definitely get a thicker pole; even in the pictures you posted, it's fairly obvious your current handle is way too thin.

>> No.6535408
File: 23 KB, 224x536, 212th_clone_trooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I expected to pay jew prices if I want to purchase an Episode 3 Clone Trooper helmet/armor set? Fucking $600 minimum for armor and $250 minimum for the helmet. Altogether it's minimum $1000... wtf? If I could make my own, I would, but how would I get started in making it?

>> No.6535436

I want to find a nice, pretty blonde wig and/or hair extensions that I could use on a daily basis, as in not for cosplay purposes. I'm thinking buying the hair extensions from Hairtrade and for the wig, someone suggested Ebay. Can anyone recommend some good sellers there?

>> No.6535446


you would spend more than that putting together equipment (vacuum forming machine) and materials (plastic, all the stuff to make your masters)

>> No.6535458

First off $600 +$250 is not $1000, but that is beside the point.
Making armor like this is costly, and there is a very steep learning curve, so it may take you a few attempts to get something you are happy with. Getting all your supplies and materials will end up costing as much, if not more than that $1000 you are so against spending.
If you want to invest all a lot of time, effort and, yes money, into armor making, then more power to you, and there is a lot of help out there to get you started. But if all you want is a nice Clone trooper outfit, and you want it now, it would be cheaper in the long run to just buy it.

>> No.6535468

Thank you, guys. This'll probably be a long term project for me then.

Yeah I know that isn't $1000, but there are sellers that sell the helmet and armor separately with those prices, but sell the complete set for $1000.

>> No.6535514
File: 516 KB, 1046x1519, roshi cosplay god please help what am i ever to do please help me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute nooby help please.

So my little brother, who has gone to two cons with me, decided he finally wants to try and cosplay something. He wants to do Master Roshi.

the problem is that he isn't sure what clothing to get for it exactly - and I'm no help since I'm a /fit/ and /a/ guy, not a /cgl/ genius ;__;

So anyway, picture related is what he wants me to buy him - but I was curious if maybe you guys could help find better stuff than that single piece (at the bottom) costume buy.

Please and thanks.

>> No.6535529

For what it is, that is really overpriced.
If you want a cheaper alternative that doesn't require any sewing, I would look at thrift stores for a loud Hawaiian shirt, and a pair of khaki shorts. Then, buy one of those suddenly very popular turtle shell backpacks, and you're done.

>> No.6535537

Thanks. I know it's stupid, but I am that inept when it comes to these things. I just don't want him to feel like shit in a bad costume.



>> No.6535789

this is the best roshi. also depending on how old/painfully shy your brother is, pack the backpack with underwear. and don't forget a bitchin beard!

>> No.6535897
File: 10 KB, 300x300, Mameshiba plush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of a pattern/tutorial for a mameshiba like in this pic? I haven't been able to find one that isn't flat.

>> No.6535933
File: 100 KB, 320x240, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing an asura cosplay, these are the best ears I could find. Do you think they would be alright?

Pic related but not of me, haven't bought the ears yet.

>> No.6535937
File: 126 KB, 300x394, asura-class.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a random asura for reference.

>> No.6536022
File: 459 KB, 600x900, stray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they look good but is there a way you could perhaps..paint them? they look a bit smooth although if theyre under all the headdress you'd maybe get away with it

I'm thinking of cosplaying stray girl!Rin because I was to cosplay something that focuses on a small prop (I'm pretty new to proper work) and I want to make the glasses but... I don't know where to start for the side wing/main part . I'd like them to look something like a mildly simpler these?

>> No.6536034

Anyone has advice on how to wash synthetic wigs? It's just that I see so many different and contradictory methods online, should I comb it before or after? will the fabric softener get rid of the knots? Where I live they don't really sell any wig care products....

>> No.6536060

Is it tangled to shit and back? Give it a perfunctory finger-comb before immersing it in the water. I usually wash mine in wig conditioner or fabric softener, just a little bit added to the water.

Let it dry FULLY before you try combing it after. Wet wigs do not comb, they tear.

>> No.6536072

yes it is, plus the ends are just a mess in the front, they look like old barbie hair. Is there any way to fix that, or will I have to cut it?

>> No.6536112

Probably have to cut it.

Damp (not wet, just slightly damp) a towel and fold the combed wig sandwiched between it. Run over that with an iron.

If that doesn't soften up the old barbie hair, you'll have to cut it to salvage the wig. That shit spreads up like wildfire if not nipped in the bud.

>> No.6536212

Can I have some circle lens recommendations?

>> No.6536216

If you have a fabric steamer, that can be used to straighten out the ends of a frizzy wig. Test a small section first in case the wig is sensitive to heat, if it passes use a comb to hold the hair in place and run the steamer and the comb down together. The wig has to be detangled first btw.

>> No.6536418

thanks guys, that's pretty good advice, I'll try both!

>> No.6536466

also, does brushing your wig after every use causes old barbie ends?

>> No.6536519

Pinky Paradise seems pretty legit. I've yet to hear any complaints about them, but I haven't ordered from them myself. They throw in complimentary animal cases for each pair of circle lenses you buy.

>> No.6536597



>> No.6537481

Tangles and knots are what cause old Barbie ends. They can be made worse by brushing the ends too hard. Unfortunately there's really no way to avoid them in a long wig.

>> No.6537486
File: 56 KB, 317x559, asura-medium-craft-seeker-female.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have some fabric suggestions for this?

>> No.6537511

suede, leather, and that sort of potato sackish fabric

>> No.6537545

Potato sacks are usually hemp or something, aren't they?
Canvas would work too, I think..

>> No.6537552

You can brush Model Magic with resin, right?

>> No.6537553

Burlap. You can get it at JoAnn's for super cheap.

>> No.6537563


Thank you!

>> No.6537866
File: 21 KB, 400x290, Kagura-Sohma-kagura-sohma-17343061-400-290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fabric should I use to make this dress?

>> No.6537872

just standard kona cotton?

>> No.6537993

Avoid Kona cotton, it crinkles like nobody's business. Get a nice cotton twill or sateen.

>> No.6538069
File: 107 KB, 783x871, MeilingShoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finding a pair of shoes similar to this is proving far more difficult than it should be. Can I get some advice on where to look? I'm trying to keep prices down, but I'll pay a little more for accuracy.

I know they're traditional Chinese/martial arts. I can live with a white sole since that's what everything seems to have, it's the top I'm bothered with.

>> No.6538115

Would these work?

>> No.6538122

Have you considered ballet slippers?

>> No.6538159

They would, if they were...actually black. If you're getting what's in the photo I'm not really sure how they construe that as 'black'. It gives me a jumping-off point to look for more, though, thank you!

Not a possibility that had occurred to me, I'll have to check that out. Thanks!

>> No.6538183
File: 35 KB, 560x524, 2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like these might work

>> No.6538665
File: 101 KB, 600x905, BkEMQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QUESTION. If I sculpt something out of oil-based clay, can I make a silicone mold out of it? I feel like that's not right. Like, if I brush on the silicone it will mess up the mold. How does this work? Any tutorials? I have a good grasp on sculpting, molding, and casting, but I'm not sure how to make a mold out of oil-based clay...

>> No.6538890
File: 388 KB, 1920x1080, 1357276547752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on Mari Makinami's school uniform, and I wondering on how to go about her skirt. I have two options. I could paint on the design onto a red or green fabric, or I could have the fabric printed. /cgl/ which is the better option?

>> No.6538897

Silicone should only stick to silicone, but if you want to be extra sure, you could coat your model in a silicone release first.

>> No.6538902

I don't think either would be necessary as I am sure you will be able to find a tartan pattern that matches that if you looked for it.

>> No.6538903

I'm pretty sure someone has already uploaded the pattern to spoonflower.

>> No.6538950

Thank you. Hopefully I can find one close enough.
Thanks! I'll go look in case I can't find a premade one.

>> No.6539029


When brushing the silicone on, the brush won't damage the sculpt?

>> No.6539040

Brushing silicone? wtf?
Are you sure you know how to make molds?

>> No.6539056

I'm looking to make a brush on silicone mold (yes, that is a thing)

>> No.6539379
File: 59 KB, 800x520, data02_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i'm trying to put together a quick costume in about a month. My options so far are taokaka and kuroyukihime [accel world]. I may do taokaka because its a bit easier but i've never made a hooded jacket before. any good tips or close pattern suggestions to start?
[any other simple cosplay ideas are welcome.]

>> No.6539409

How do you add something like sideburns to a wig? I'm looking to modify a lacefront one, but this'll be my first time doing it.

Also, are there any tutorials on painting? The character I have in mind is greying at his temples, so I'd like to replicate that.

>> No.6539911

Any help with finding a pair of lenses that are yellow/golden or looks yellow/golden and fades into light blue or purpule, and that have a 8,7 basecurve?

>> No.6540161
File: 118 KB, 399x455, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a pattern for Kuranosuke's dress, any pointers?

I'm really not confident about drafting my own pattern...

>> No.6540184
File: 14 KB, 252x300, 1013221931-252x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm trying to rev up my sewing machine, and the thread keeps coming out like pic related.
No matter what I do to tension, stitch length, stitch style, what have you, it keeps coming out in varying thicknesses of pic related.

What the hell do I do. If it matters, I have a Singer Inspiration.

>> No.6540189

You're definitely going to need a thick petticoat, it looks like. Search on deviantArt for a Madoka petticoat tutorial; it might help.
The little hanging-bits remind me of a cage skirt, so you might want to look at some of those.

>> No.6540191

Petti is covered, the hanging bits are pearls (also covered, bought a couple of kg of them in Brazil). My main concern is the bodice, as I've never made anything strapless before.

>> No.6540199
File: 258 KB, 1536x778, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay Moeka but I'm a little stuck on deciding on her skirt.

In the anime it's a plain gray skirt, but in official artworks it's drawn as a pinstriped skirt.

Which do you think I should go with? She's supposed to be considered smart looking and fashionable so I'm leaning more towards pinstripe, but I don't want the cosplay to come across inaccurate.

>> No.6540201
File: 1.10 MB, 800x1675, Bunny Suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, okay.
Maybe pic related can help?

>> No.6540203

Change needle, rethread. This is always the first thing you should try.

>> No.6540204
File: 152 KB, 850x850, finn__s_backpack_adventure_time_cosplay_by_silkencat-d5fy5ak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more question about Finn/ Fionna's bag from Adventure Time! I'm tottaly sute about the pattern, but what kind of fabric should I use? I'm thinking about a kind of nylon with some very thin foam into OR a very fluffly plush ou something OR a kind of faux leather, napa ou something.

am I totally crazy? Please, help;

>> No.6540207


>> No.6540224

I think pinstripe will look nicer IRL, but overall, it's not a huge deal either way. As long as you get the other details right, like the wig, the belt and the shirt details, it probably won't be too noticeable.

>> No.6540226

Aaand now my amateur is showing through. Thank you.

>> No.6540230

I'd go with fleece, which is what the picture shows. It holds up pretty well. If not, faux leather might work, but I think it'd just be really tedious to work with.

>> No.6540238

Nah, a lot of people fiddle with tension and what not. But I am being sincere when i say I've seen my teacher take in a `broken` machine from someone with experience, change the needle and rethread, and machine is good to go. It may not fix your problem but always try these methods first, no matter what the problem is! Other than like... the machine isn't turning on. Best of luck.

>> No.6540242

Do you want the blue/purple on the pupil-end of the lens or around the edge?

>> No.6540257
File: 137 KB, 898x350, $T2eC16F,!y8E9s2fjFN3BQV(NRb(u!~~60_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pinstripe it is! Thanks for your help x
I'm still searching for the right wig at the moment. There's plenty of wig with the right hair pattern and colour, but never enough volume. I believe there's wig tuts on how to get them a bit more poofy looking, but again I suppose it depends on whether you're going with the anime or the artwork as her hair is a lot flatter in the anime.

>> No.6540278
File: 797 KB, 670x1900, 1353639528417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been trying to search for a pattern for Sophies dress from Howls moving castle but I cant find any that look similar. Im looking mostly for the top. And then in anyone has any body suit tutorials or patterns that would be fantastic to see.

>> No.6540321

It could be either really. The most important thing would be though that it only gets a small "spray" of the color, instead of like.. 1 mm of the yellow, and the rest in a bright color that wouldn't fit the character.
I have dark eyes btw. And the character I'm gonna use the lenses for are Akuroma as number one priority, and then maybe for a Homestuck troll or an OC, or maybe even for a character at a LARP-thingie I might be attending this year.
I've tried EOS Dolly Eye Brown who was supposed to be yellow for dark eyes, but they just kept getting stuck to my eyelid and get dragged around and slided around, so I can't wear a 8,6 lens ever again probably..

>> No.6541576
File: 374 KB, 443x550, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would i go about making this top piece. i was thinking about going with a wrap around piece and having a zipper with fake buttons or just using real buttons. i just dont know how to start the pattern

>> No.6541579


See >>6540201, but without making the crotch area obviously.

>> No.6541595

http://www.folkwear.com/romantic.html Their #205 looks like a very similar pattern for the top of her dress.
Another possibility is to look for a pattern for the top part of her dress and construct a yoke from it, like it is shown here: http://thecuttingclass.com/post/5540217278/basic-yokes . The bottom part of Sophie's bodice might be a rectangle that's gathered to fit the yoke.

>> No.6541710



This is a pdf file made by the smooth on company on how to do molds. It is chock full of so much information. I do not know exactly if it answers your question but I feel anyone who wants to mold should have a read. Hope it helps.

>> No.6541724
File: 331 KB, 648x864, P1020443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any ideas what to use to solidify a helmet?
pic is the helmet so far and I need to cover the yellowish parts with something light that will make it solid but also can be smoothed out.

>> No.6541727

paper clay
wood putty

>> No.6541728
File: 8 KB, 240x145, 031n1est-1_mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


derp, I meant modelling clay

>> No.6541731

Thank you. I'll try them out.

>> No.6541801

What is the best material to use for super hero costumes? I often find that spandex looks too cheap, and doesn't look like it would stand up to the kind of abuse superhero costumes tend to take in comics, and that vinyl, which looks sturdier, also looks too shiny and plasticy.

>> No.6541803
File: 351 KB, 600x450, madokasleeve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these even possible in real life? All the cosplay I've seen for this are just regular puff sleeves with long sleeves attached to the bottom, which is not nearly as cute and perky as the drawings. But I know anime doesn't work the same as real life.
So, any secrets to sleeves like this? I'm not interested in the cuff part. This is for a different project.

>> No.6541811

Are there different grades of spandex? Like probably the kind that figure skaters use is better than the kind they sell at chain fabric stores.
But I guess you're right that none of it would stand up to the wear that superheros put it through in comics.
Are you going to be a real superhero? Cuz if you are, spandex seems like the least practical option of all.
Vinyl doesn't look right for most costumes unless you're doing like "vinyl version of Robin" or whatever. It really changes the look. It can look really cool, but it looks very different.

>> No.6541816

>Are you going to be a real superhero?

Not in the least. I just want my costume to look as accurate as it can be, and be as much of a real world equivalent as possible. Sadly, my knowledge of fabric types is lacking at best.

>> No.6541817

It is possible, but it requires a decent amount of advanced drafting.

>> No.6541820

What I did for the school uniform was put the seam in the middle of the puff instead of at the bottom so it hides it a little better.

It required a lot of adjustments and some really annoying drafting though.

>> No.6541821
File: 219 KB, 1487x2100, superman_returns_25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My superhero costuming friends would kill me if they knew I leaked this because its their 'closely guarded secret' but for a more high-end and professional look use milliskin. Superman Returns used the shiny milliskin turned inside out for a dull lustre with some interesting texture.

>> No.6541825

Is there a specific name for that kind of sleeve? I can try to look up how to do it. I think there are a few pattern drafting books at my library.
I don't know much advanced drafting, but the worst I can do is waste my time and muslin.

>> No.6541827


Spandex often comes in an assortment of levels of shininess. There's no formal grading system, so it'd probably just be best to check out a bunch of different stores. Also, lycra might be worth a look. It generally looks and feels tougher than spandex, while having a similar matte appearance. Think wetsuits, but you can get full-body suits or sheets of lycra to work with.

And for the love of god, if you're cosplaying a comic book or tokusatsu hero, wear an athletic cup. You don't want to end up like that one image of the awful Robin cosplay with the boner.

>> No.6541829

Thanks. I was thinking something like that would be an option.

>> No.6541832

Ooh, that seems perfect! Thank you!

>> No.6541833

That's good! But like other people are saying, you should try looking at different kinds of spandex and other stretch fabrics to see if there are any that you think are good. Honestly, spandex would be terrible for doing anything rough and tumble so everyone pretty much suspends their disbelief a little.

>> No.6541835

>And for the love of god, if you're cosplaying a comic book or tokusatsu hero, wear an athletic cup. You don't want to end up like that one image of the awful Robin cosplay with the boner.

I've already taken that into consideration. I have a dancebelt.

>> No.6541841

Does anyone know how to make boots without a center seam?

>> No.6541864
File: 144 KB, 851x1280, 738250_403600639721478_993858897_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want my wig to look less "fizzy" on top. How do I do that? I tried combing this thing nonstop but it just puts it in place.

>> No.6541875

Make a pattern similar to cowboy boots. Don't have a picture, sorry. (But you need a shaft and vamp.) It will be a two or more piece pattern and it only works with stretch fabric. If the fabric has enough give it might work.

>> No.6541889
File: 216 KB, 1280x720, W6bBW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, i'm planning on doing Solaire for anime north this year, it'll be my first convention and my first cosplay. i just need some tips, so far it will consist of:

>standard crusader helmet with red feather, im thinking of creating the lower portion of the helmet the sticks out with foam, i have a faded olive drab bandana as well for around the neck
>a worn sheet for the tabard, with thick torn green fabric for the shoulders
>a fitted back shirt and steel bracers for the upper body
>fitted black jeans and my black puma future cats for my legs. im thinking of doing foam, cut and sanded for the greaves
>because weapons are hard to deal with at anime north, i was thinking of a piece of wooden dowel wrapped in gold tinsel or something else for a sunlight spear. and a tobogganing saucer made into a shield

also i was thinking of bringing a box of white soapstone to hand out to various people. i wanna know if i have all my bases covered. I'm looking more less for help on the greaves and shield. any other help would be great. sorry if this a the wrong thread to post in, i'm relativity new to this board

>> No.6541893

>>fitted black jeans

Please, PLEASE, do not this. Jeans do not equal all pants. It will look terrible.

>> No.6541894

then what could i use? i dont have the cash ffor chainmail? help me ;_;

>> No.6541900

You could try knitting?

>> No.6541904

Google doesn't help me, does anyone have a pattern?

>> No.6541905

that would do for a shirt because i can just buy one and paint it, but i don't know about pants, that would take a skill that i don't have and they don't really sell that sorta thing. thank you for the help though, ill definitely rethink the pants though

>> No.6541934
File: 976 KB, 777x3000, leather_boot_tutorial_by_harmoniccosplay-d4ht4ua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Googled "boot covers cosplay"

>> No.6541944
File: 485 KB, 320x240, 3669100_o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some ways to make my eyes appear larger??

>> No.6541977
File: 78 KB, 800x534, 460207562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


False eyelashes, circle lenses and Kooter makeup.

I would actually avoid advice of white eyeliner. That shit never looks good. Ever.

>> No.6541982
File: 203 KB, 1270x546, tao1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay this is going to be a hopefully short explanation but I will tell you how I went through making taokaka.
it could be fairly easy if you dont get too nitpicky like I did about it. the body of the jacket I made larger than I to give the same baggy jacket effect that taokaka has. its pretty much the same pattern as a hoodie, cept instead of the sides going straight down on the sides, I had them flare out. the zipper part is what I drove myself up a wall for, I literally made these two strips of fabric for each side that interlocked in a zig zag pattern like a giant zipper, and it was just a flap so the actual zipper to this costume is under the flap.I replicated the giant yellow circles that are running on each side of the zipper with giant yellow buttons. The paws were two extra long sleeves, but I sewed two zippers on the insides of the sleeve so I can take my hands out if I needed. On the picture the part where the red line runs up and down is how long the zipper is and where it is placed. the two yellow things in the picture were the pillows I placed in the sleeves. I would recommend using white fabric, but my fabric was sooo thick you couldn't see the yellow any who. The bottom where her claws come out I got lazy with, I just sewed strips of fabric there.

>> No.6541989
File: 291 KB, 1013x720, Tao2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thing to go a little indepth with is the sleeves. The patterns that go on her paws I just cut out of craft foam and sewed them together and then to the sleeve. Before cutting them out of the material I made sure to make a template out of newsprint. you can use any paper, I just used newsprint because I have a abundance of it. You can see in the top right hand corner is the template I cut out inside the red circle. I usually fold it in half and cut it that way to make sure that each side was symmetrical.

>> No.6542005
File: 175 KB, 960x720, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then there is her giant zipper pull. I made this out of model magic. First I made a template on what I wanted the cut pieces to look like then I literally rolled a sheet of model magic, placed the template ontop of it and used an exacto knife to cut it out. I wanted to make sure it was able to move a little so if you need that red bar in the middle of the two little dome shaped pieces was a piece of pencil I cut to go in between. I made sure to work a little hold in the model magic with the pencil where I wanted the pencil to sit in the two pieces. I made sure it was long enough to fit through the loop I put on the end of the big zipper part. when they were all done drying I glued one end of the pencil to one side, stuck the pencil through the hole on the big piece and then put a dab of glue inside the piece the pencil is suppose to sit in. and had it sit until it dryed, then I painted it all gold.
After that was done and made I glued Velcro to the back of it to just velcro to the jacket.

>> No.6542016

I am only able to show a bit of what I did here because this part I really did finish in the hotel room during the convention. I fisht made a dome shaped mask outta a papercraft. I cut down thicker drawing paper and fed that into the machine so that way I knew it was going to be sturdy to work with. after I did that I put paper tape all over the mask for some more hold. After that I measured out about where my eyes were going to be and made two rectangular shapes there, and two circles right above them where my eyebrows would be. then from there I covered the whole mask in paperclay, only a thin layer though. I didnt want it being too heavy. I used a bit of water before it was dry to try and smooth it out, then when it was fully dry I sanded it down then spray painted it black. The circular holes I glued a red gel (a lighting gel) to it from the inside, and I built a little box to house a Red LED on the inside. the LED was powered by 1 hearing aid battery. On the rectangular parts I glued really dark sunglasses lenses from he inside. I also made a sort harness for my head to hold the mask on with. there was one strap that went over my head and one on each side of my head so it couldnt fall off or start to shift down my face. In the last picture you can see what it looked like up close. For the mouth I just used craft foam cutouts so I can interchange the mouth. its just taped on

>> No.6542018
File: 273 KB, 1404x462, tao3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whopsie I forgot the pic

>> No.6542021

Little side note also, the hood front I made extend a bit upward to hide my neck. and right there I put two Curtain grommets in where I could stick my ponytails through, so if god forbid I didnt like the way my wig was starting to look, or the length of it I could get a new one. which I just ordered the other day.

>> No.6542023

So, even though I imagine most are sick of Jack cosplays everywhere, I hope that won't impede any help I might be able to get on this.

I am trying to find a fabric that will match this texture for the pants, but I am terrible at picking proper fabrics, and my recent trip to the fabric district the other day was mostly pointless. What fabric should I use for these pants?
Also, for the ties around the bottom. Would bias tape work, or should I look for a flat leather cord?

>> No.6542026
File: 129 KB, 646x1170, jackpants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I forgot my pic...

>> No.6542032

Twill, tan or brown denim or linen.

>> No.6542037
File: 8 KB, 227x222, rocketgrunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this May will be my first time cosplaying and this is what I'm going for. I can't find anything that matches the hat's description online. A link would be helpful thanks.

>> No.6542038

I THINK they are called paperboy hats, but you could try with that, I hope that helps.

>> No.6542040

That was it. Thanks.

>> No.6542045

Where can I get colored contact lenses with a prescription for cheap?
Specifically with an OD of -8.00 and OS of -7.50.

>> No.6542050
File: 382 KB, 560x775, PH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am planning the game version of Pyramid Head and while I don't think I'll have any actual construction problems, the vision in the helmet is a bit... problematic. After some time on google I found out that using a camera for vision would be an option but how viable would that actually be for a whole con day? Does anyone have any experience with anything like this?

I'd rather avoid cutting a hole and using mesh for visibility if I can but I'm a bit stumped since I've never had to think of anything like this with my past projects... Thanks in advance for any ideas!

>> No.6542053

What are you planning on making the head and butcher knife out of?

This is funny, because Im doing the same thing and was also suggested a camera heh.

>> No.6542071
File: 23 KB, 126x83, phcam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As to where I was thinking of camera placement. I was thinking the best place would be in the shadow of the lip of the bill probably.

>> No.6542079

Hahah, yeah. Wood for the knife, still a bit undecided on the helmet since there's the weight issue... what are you planning?

A couple of days ago I saw this thread on some SH forum where a girl posted on her progress with the costume, I think she used both mirrors and a camera for vision, making the camera appear as a bullet hole. Have you seen that one?

>> No.6542086

Thank you. That will greatly help narrow my search!

>> No.6542102
File: 76 KB, 630x448, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooo I haven't actually looked at SH forums for ideas. That's an awesome thought! I was going to go with fiberglass, someone keeps egging me to use it... just feels like that's a little outdated for cosplay these days? I know a couple people who just did sealed foam, but the texture wasn't right in my mind. I've got most of the year so I'll probably experiment heh. I'm doing just a mockup with cardboard to get pattern pieces right in the next week or so though. I was just going to do cardboard sealed in fiberglass (after seeing the gundam anon do that method with his mechs, it looked great!) but then building up the details/cracks/bulges on top would probably make it way too heavy. I'm using the Konami licensed SH2 figures for sources, since I think the detailing on the entire outfit is much better than the in-game sprites. Like the big tumor kind of bulging out of the back of the head and what not. The zipper on the back and the whole 'skin' feel of the apron is something I want to replicate (probably with some kind of latex applied over the fabric and air brushing). And the toymunkey version is good to. But they forgot the fused fingers, which kind of made me laugh.

>> No.6542115

if you have a link for the forum thread on the SH forums, can you toss it my way? I love seeing how other people do things and getting ideas that way! Always great inspiration and motivation for me.

>> No.6542131

Found it! (there's a really nice texture of the helmet ripped from the game in there as well!)


Ah yeah, I was wondering if it would get TOO heavy with wood but I guess I'll just have to try and see since I'm more comfortable working with wood over other materials... And I'm also kind of stuck on the cardboard mindset with this, I might experiment with foamcore as well a bit since I can get sheets for dirt cheap at my uni, I'm not really sure how well it would work with something as big as this.

I'm looking at the figures too, I especially like the texture and detail on the outfit as well! A lot of otherwise decent cosplayers just seem to ruin theirs by using some sleek fabric and/or splattering it with bright red blood...

>> No.6542143

Thanks so much for sharing! haha, I had totally forgotten about the damn tongue. Not something I'm planning on adding unfortunately (maybe I'll add some kind of sliding panel though so you can see where the hole is... I always liked the smell scene)... I like that she made the spear too! Thanks so much, more ideas for me!

>> No.6542292
File: 45 KB, 405x219, Rakka&#039;s Wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to cosplay Rakka for NYCC '13, but I'm unsure of how to go about making her wings. Might anyone have an idea? Thank you!

>> No.6542298

Just buy a pair from a halloween shop online

>> No.6542305


Kooter makeup?

>> No.6542308

The thing is, they're gray in color, and that should be harder to come by than the typical white. Still, I'll peck and pluck around for a bit - thanks!

>> No.6542326

I imagine light grey would be hard to come by for feathers... You might need to figure out some kind of dyeing method.

>> No.6542339

It's funny that you mention that because that's just what I started to look into. I'll go see if there are any tutorials lying around!

>> No.6542351
File: 26 KB, 336x229, 1352784464115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do tattoos

>> No.6542362

Any tips on making it appear to only have one arm without having it look completely foolish?

>> No.6542381

Are you going to wear form-fitting/skimpy clothing?
If not, just tuck one of your arms in.
If so, you might have to just turn at a certain angle for pictures.

>> No.6542382

Make a stencil and use body paint.

>> No.6542551
File: 45 KB, 720x538, 46101_1601920173008_5843548_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont for the love of god get crap halloween wings. I did Reki from this pattern. It takes time but you can create shaped wings that look fantastic.Here is a pic from a different costume i used them for as well. http://www.paper-wings.org/tutorials/wings/wings.html

>> No.6542572

When I did mine I dipped them in India Ink and they washed off the right color. But it took FOREVER.

>> No.6542603
File: 19 KB, 400x400, jodhpurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I need to get ahold of some old-school jodhpurs for a cosplay. However, every attempt to find a pair has only yielded the modern kind (which don't have the puffed thighs). Is there a specific terminology for the traditional ones, or a sort of pants that look similar?

>> No.6542609

Wow, this looks great! I'll look into this right away! Your wings came out wonderfully, dear.

Yikes! I read somethin' about Jacquard acid dye somewhere and according to the tutorial, it came out lookin' real nice. That was only one tutorial I read, tho.

Thank you both for the tips!

>> No.6542629
File: 208 KB, 640x905, Leila.Malcal.full.1020103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, all!

I'm planning on cosplaying Leila from Code Geass: Akito the Exiled later this year. While I'm pretty set on the skirt (circle skirt most likely with a petti under, unless you guys have any better ideas for the right shape/flounce?) I have no clue where to even begin with the jacket. Does a similar pattern/something that could easily be altered exist? And if it's not so simple, what patterns would you recommend getting started with?


>> No.6542634

Are you trying to be Diego Brando?

You can always try and buy pants which are too big and take them in everywhere else.

>> No.6542637


You know me too well, you do. But yeah, if I can't find any actual old-school jodhpurs, I guess I'll just have to use a strong belt and tuck them into the boots.

>> No.6542651

Those pants are pretty damn recognizable, provided you're a JoJo fan. What other anime or manga character right around now wears gigantic puffy jodhpurs?

You can also take a pattern for standard pants and add in the hip and thigh flares. But you'd want to just take in at the crotch, inner thigh, waistband with a lot of darting, and thin up the leg from the knee down if you start with purchased pants. You might also want to consider (for cosplay reasons) tacking elastic stirrups onto the pants so they don't pop out of your boots.

>> No.6542658
File: 1011 KB, 600x3852, Bias Tape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The skirt seems to be very gathered. Make sure your pattern allows for this, and if it's not bouncy enough in the end, add a black petti.

For the jacket... the bit in the front is supposed to be double-breasted, I can tell you that.
For the puff on the sleeves, I'd recommend making the sleeves wide, like at the wrists, then add a strip of elastic on the inside to make it puff at the shoulder.
Pic related might help for the gold trim.
This as well ( http://firewolf826.tumblr.com/post/38184410936/seamless-trim-tutorial ) if you need it. Good luck!

>> No.6542666
File: 135 KB, 400x800, $(KGrHqVHJCsE7BcvicGBBO2qbq,p8!~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this wig, and I'd like to reuse it for a small con again. The thing is, I don't want to cosplay Aradia or any other Homestuck characters.

Can anyone suggest some characters that have blue, grey, or brown eyes and I can use for this wig that have a relatively easy costume I can make?

I can sew pretty well, but if I'm just going to wear it for a small con, I don't want to make anything more complicated than it has to be.

>> No.6542673

First thought was Marceline.

>> No.6542671

I had to hunt the same thing for Duo Maxwell and ended up just patterning them from scratch.

>> No.6542676
File: 43 KB, 270x400, NadeshikoKinomoto2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno why such an obscure character came to mind, but Nadeshiko Kinomoto, Sakura Kinomoto's mom, although her hair is often portrayed as grey or greyish-brown as well. Variety of outfits to go with, I'm sure, especially from the manga.

>> No.6542700
File: 570 KB, 600x600, 25818658_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's Elly from Madoka Magica

But depending on what design you use, or even one you may design yourself, expect a few people to confuse you for Seychelles from Hetalia.

>> No.6542714

This links may help you
(it's a "kawaii" imageboard, you can search for the kind of the hair)

(the same the last one)


(As the name says, Anime Characters Database

>> No.6542738
File: 41 KB, 630x419, Okuyasu-Nijimura-JoJos-Bizarre-adventure-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Everyone!
This is my first time doing Cosplay so I really need help
How should I make the accessories in the chest, neck and sleeves?
Thank you

>> No.6542747
File: 775 KB, 1224x1024, blackrockshooter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there
so I would like to cosplay Black Rock Shooter but what should i use for the flame in her eye?
and how will i make it stay on my face

>> No.6542754

I assume you're being Okuyasu and not The Hand, right?

If Okuyasu, you can just buy gold vinyl or gold metallic spandex, cut out the shapes and iron them on with a press cloth and Steam-A-Seam, and carefully topstitch around the edges to keep them in place.

>> No.6542756


>> No.6542763
File: 117 KB, 1024x819, phineas-and-ferb-rikimaru-us-fotos-120156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm planing on cosplaying Rikimaru this year, in his Wrath of Heaven/Tenchu Z attire. I'm assuming the armour under his gi is chainmail. Does anyone have any good tutorials for chainmail, or know a good seller?

>> No.6542764


I take it you're doing Okuyasu and not The Hand? Anyway, for the neck and chest accessories, my advise would be to cut them out of foam or cardboard, then paint them with resin or melted-down hot-glue sticks for an even coating. From there, you can paint them gold and attach them to the uniform. As for the sleeves, they're a bit tougher. You could probably use a stencil to make the "BILLION" letters in gold fabric to sew on, but you might have to look into getting some sort of custom patch for the kanji. Also, which con are you doing him for? Not enough JoJos around if you ask me.

>> No.6542762

I need fabric help:
I want some tulle that's not like the flimsy plastic-y $1.00-a-yard kind you use for tutus and stuff but more...soft and flexible with a slight stretchiness to it but not like spandex stretchy. Like more of a mesh fabric that resembles tulle I guess. Does anyone know what I mean? I've searched in stores and online, but I don't know if there's a technical name for it other than "really nice tulle". The closest I found was this stuff at Jo-ann that had a wire running along the bottom, but it only comes in black.
I've been trying bridal sites, but they mostly have the cheap kind too and it's hard to tell from photos what you're getting. Is there a name for what I'm looking for?
Sorry for the convoluted tl;dr, but I'm really going crazy trying to find this stuff.

>> No.6542766
File: 350 KB, 1280x800, Koneko_Toujou_Wallpaper_1280x800_wallpaperhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea how'd one could make Koneko's cat hair pieces? <:3

>> No.6542769

Oh, thank you very much

>> No.6542776


Polymer clay. Sculpey, Fimo, it's all good. Alternatively, you can use Crayola Model Magic - it's much lighter when hardened, but it's harder to work with (especially as far as keeping details goes).

>> No.6542795

Ah thanks!

>> No.6542942

Thanks for the advice, I was also asking for the gold things in his sleeves
Im not American, sorry and yeah we totally need more Jojos Cosplays

>> No.6543013
File: 461 KB, 557x507, eye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking at circle lenses from http://www.pinkyparadise.com/ , which lense type/color would look the best for my eye color? I'm looking for something that will really make my eyes look huge, I'm alright with them looking unnatural in terms of color

>> No.6543209

A while ago I saw a cat/animal ear tutorial floating around that used wire frames and fabric ears. Anyone still got it? Or anything similar.

>> No.6543212

Beaucon shimmers?

>> No.6543242


Best enlargement I've ever gotten were from the GEO Bambi series.
I have grey eyes, but they showed up pretty nicely.

>> No.6543741
File: 240 KB, 1600x900, lenses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty much have the same eye colour to you. I'm uploading a video right now onto my youtube channel (www.youtube.com/hurry123456) showing different contact lenses.
But the largest contact lenses out are the IFairy series (16mm) and the mimi cafe series (15mm) normal eye diameter is around 14-14.5mm

>> No.6543790

Puff, Princess or Lantern sleeves will usually pull up similar results.

>> No.6543795

If you're really bent on sticking your shoes through the stockings, just reinforce the sole. Here's a tutorial where someone did that method: lolainprogress.deviantart.com/art/Making-thigh-high-boots-The-cheats-way-339994708

>> No.6543798

Maybe because you've combed it so much that the fibers have stretched into a frizzy state. Try to relax the fibers with some heat. Depending on how much heat your wig can take, either blowdryer on low heat or the hot water relaxing method. If you go for the hot water method, be prepared to re-style...

Do you mean Chiffon?

>> No.6543901
File: 5 KB, 150x150, 150-edit-bullseye-lenses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do bullseye contact lenses look decent in real life? I'm looking into cosplaying Dangan Ronpa and seeing how a lot of characters kind of have that effect with their eyes I thought it would be pretty cool, but I can't seem to find any pictures of actual people wearing them.

>> No.6543915


Thank you!

>> No.6544053

This is the video I was telling you about. Hope it's helpful!

>> No.6544056
File: 723 KB, 1500x1050, il_fullxfull.311905678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you mean Chiffon?
No, it's tulle, with the little holes and all, but just with more of a fabric drape and weight to it.
Kinda like tulle lace but without the embroidery.
I think attached pic is kinda what I mean. I know it exists because I've bought clothing made with it, but I can't find it as fabric.

>> No.6544078


It was! Thank you very much.

>> No.6544205
File: 32 KB, 288x390, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make the curls (covering the ears) of this pic? Can't find any tutorial....

>> No.6544293

Is it a silk/silk blend or soft nylon tulle perhaps?

>> No.6544300

Look for a tutorial on hair drills and do that, but smaller and sideways.

>> No.6544395

Try honeycolor.com
They're circle lenses, though, but they are colored and prescription.

>> No.6544398

Dakota Rose. /cgl/ just calls her Kooter.
She's known for giving herself immaculate eyes, such as in that picture Anon posted at some point.
Look her up on YouTube, perhaps.

>> No.6544400
File: 81 KB, 834x600, 901980_press14-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to special effects makeup and I need a recommendations for a good silver paint/powder/whatever and blood to do something similar to this. I'd prefer to buy blood instead of making my own.

>> No.6544412
File: 187 KB, 768x1644, slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make blood pretty easily with corn syrup and red food coloring, and add tiny bits of blue or green to make it darker.
Pic related should help with the injuries.
I'm not too sure about the silver bits, though.
Good luck!

>> No.6544423

Thanks! I'll see if any mixes come recommended but my main concern that they'll all use corn syrup and be awfully sticky after a few hours. That would drive me nuts.

>> No.6544431

Check out the RPF as they have a whole bunch of builds for this kind of stuff, they also have instructions and WIP that are invaluable.

>> No.6544443

Never knew of that site until now, fantastic stuff. Thanks.

>> No.6544446
File: 1022 KB, 768x1644, Slice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On second thought, the font in that is ungodly.
I made you an edit.

>> No.6544476

You're a saint, anon.

>> No.6544495

Bless you

>> No.6544511

I'm looking to make a costume look like it has been in the arctic regions, with ice all caked into the fabric.

Does anyone any tutorials/info on achieving this?

>> No.6544632
File: 58 KB, 450x700, ggx2-bridget-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking to make Bridget's dress and habit and I was wondering if I can get some suggestions on what fabric to use. Also what fabric for the lining of the habit.

>> No.6544648

Whatever you pick.. have it be the same material between the dress and the habit (imo) and I would just do a cotton or cotton sateen. it looks medium weight and non glossy (sateen will just have a slight shine to it, it's not a satin)

>> No.6544702
File: 551 KB, 960x540, Lambient_Light.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only made one sword and it was horrible...

can I please have some help getting everything prepared.. like what I should buy? I was thinking balsa or birtch wood in layers? and then craftfoam for the ring? Can you bondo the wood to smooth it out.. or spackle?

or links to tutorials.. everything I find doesn't come close to what I want to do.

pic related its the one on the right, Lambent Light

>> No.6544712
File: 38 KB, 300x430, Harbinger1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been staring at references for a while now. Can anyone help me guess whether the raised detail on the forearm guard is on the front or side of it? Just as soon as I see it one way or another, the angle changes and I can't figure it out anymore.

>> No.6544727

I agree with >>6544648 a cotton poplin or sateen would be best.
And please for the love of god, make sure your seams are crisp and ironed, and your habit and collar are interfaced. Bridget is overdone so poorly so at least make an effort to construct it well. Wrinkly thin quilting cotton makes colorblocking look horrendous.

>> No.6544730

I'd say the side.

>> No.6544736

You could use clear glaze and cake it in certain regions. If an area has particularly thick ice, add a teeny bit of white paint to the glaze.

I'd recommend doing it on a piece of test-fabric first, as I'm not entirely sure if this would look right.

>> No.6545643
File: 186 KB, 1000x807, IMG_5567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have a tutorial for making a wig part like in this picture? I would prefer to not have to use a heat sealer if possible. Thank you!

>> No.6545659
File: 354 KB, 654x2000, tut_wigpart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's already lots of wigs with parts sewn into the wig itself, like the Chibi or Leia from Arda. However, you can make a part like that via this tutorial, which is leagues easier than Katie Bair's method.

>> No.6545668

Thank you! I would get one from them but those wigs don't come in the color I need.

>> No.6545676

Can always get the right color and matching wefts from there, then. I think Epic Cosplay has wefts that match their wigs, too. But instead of hair-spraying the wefts down like the tutorial recommends, I'd recommend putting them into pigtails and doing the hot water trick first. It helps the hair curve that way more naturally, so you won't be fighting it so hard with the hairspray.

>> No.6545689

Ah, didn't think of that. Thanks for the tip. Sounds like it would be a lot easier to do.

>> No.6545691
File: 368 KB, 786x850, tumblr_mga26vyeI91rwgw9ho2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any suggestions on what fabric I should use for Dynastystuck Rose? At first thought of brocade but figured that wouldn't paint too well.

>> No.6545699
File: 188 KB, 768x1024, Demoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Demoman's vest, should I try to make one or possibly buy something that looks close to it? I'm not the most creative person when it comes to making shit so I'm scared if I try to design it then I'll screw up

>> No.6545702

Bridal satin if it's not too far out of your budget. The actual flower pattern doesn't look too defined here (and maybe it is on another ref?) but you may be able to find a brocade in a suitable pattern depending on what kind of look you're going for.

Oh and I think if you used piping for the edges it'd look nice too.

>> No.6545704
File: 209 KB, 318x750, tumblr_md8oundoYX1rwgw9ho1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually only just a reference picture so the pattern isn't quite as strong. The only other picture is this one. But bridal satin shouldn't be too far from it. Thanks for the help though!

>> No.6545715

It's either one of two things. The first is diamond point tulle which is a very soft fine mesh which has slight stretch but tears pretty easily.

Or search sheer stretch mesh and you should find what you are talking about. I've heard it called sheer spandex too (it feels and acts nothing like spandex but it is still called this). It's usually used for underwear and printed tights,

>> No.6545946

I want to make a formed boob-plate. I only have craft foam and don't really have the money for Worbla or wonderflex. Is there tutorials for this? I've searched the internet for over an hour with really no luck in terms of a detailed tut other than "heat it up" I tried heating it, it didn't work, so I probably didn't do something right.

>> No.6546408

Find something roughly boob-shaped and stretch the heated craft foam around said shape. The key is to stretch it out, just heating it really won't do much: you have to shape it.

>> No.6546529
File: 75 KB, 500x667, Marvel Dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this be a good beginner's project for me? Also what lining fabric, if any, should I use for this? It's 100% cotton material

>> No.6546546
File: 40 KB, 556x350, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to cosplay Fluttershy,this Summer, but I'm having trouble finding a nice sun-dress that is the right shade of yellow, and not horrendously ugly.
I've checked eBay and the only thrift store nearby here only has ugly mustard yellow old lady dresses. ;-;

Should I try dying a white sun-dress, or try to go with a cutie mark t-shirt (pic related) and yellow skirt?

Also, I would love to do the big sweater cosplay, unfortunately I'm prone to fainting when I get overheated and I think that would be asking for trouble since it'll be August.

I really can't sew otherwise I'd make one myself, and whatever sewing skills I do have wouldn't be good enough to make a dress, at least not one I could wear to a con in the Summer. I am still practicing though, so hopefully eventually I'll be good enough to do something like that.
Thanks for the help!

>> No.6546605

Lining fabric is usually polyester.

>> No.6546610

Be prepared for creepers. They love the Fluttershy.

I'd go with a yellow chiffon dress. You can try looking around stores at a mall or something.

>> No.6546664


Oh, I'm well aware. I've had creeper issues at cons before, and someone tried to take a picture up my dress once when I wasn't even in cosplay...so I'll definitely be wearing some sort of light shorts underneath it or something, haha.
I also have a big,burly boyfriend who will be cosplaying Big Mac, so I won't be alone at least.

Thanks for the idea! I'll be looking out for some nice ones.

>> No.6546674

You could also wear a bolero or something similar over it, as Fluttershy is pretty modest.

>> No.6546683


I was thinking of something like that or possibly a light pink or white cardigan? I've seen other people do something similar to that.

>> No.6546709

Looking for knee high military boots, but don't want to spend upwards of $99. Anybody know where I could get those kinds of boots for like, $50?

>> No.6546715

Thanks, I'll try

>> No.6546727

Try looking at an army surplus store.
Online or in real-life, I'd say.

>> No.6547109
File: 653 KB, 1685x2199, Ice_queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good giant princess dress patterns? The only ones I can find are for little kids, and uh, I'm definitely not little kid sized. I'm doing this, if that helps

>> No.6547204

Anyone? Please?

>> No.6547215

You can always scale it up to your size.

>> No.6547240

I don't think it'd fit properly. 8 year old girl patterns don't really account for breasts or waist. And all of the patterns don't have that boob panel that this dress has. It's safe to say I'm a noob at this, and I don't really want to fuck it up

>> No.6547247

Have you tried looking at period patterns? You'd still need to tweek it but I know simplicity has some that are meant for Victorian styles and then there are Renfaire ones too.

>> No.6547260

You think the white dress on this could be tweaked for it? I've been eyeing it.


>> No.6547268

Er how about something like this?


I think you might find some better ones in the costume dress patterns more then anything.

>> No.6547285

hm, I think they both require the same amount of altering. I'm more worried about the bodice shape and the sleeves more than anything, as the skirt is the part I don't think will be too bad. I've done a skirt like it before, anyway. I think the one you posted has a better bodice, so maybe I'll grab that one instead.

>> No.6547771
File: 815 KB, 1650x1200, 1351739783737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay as Kumagawa from Medaka Box and I need some help.

I think my best bet for the outfit would be to get a Gakuran from somewhere, but I'm not sure where. The problem with most of the ones I'm finding is that they either aren't skinny enough or have pockets.

I also need a good wig. A friend of mine suggested this store: http://stores.ebay.com/COSPLAY-WIG/BLACK-/_i.html?_fsub=1013003012&_sid=211130012&_trksid=p4634.c0.m322 I read the pastebin but I wanted to get some opinions on what I should do about getting the correct wig for this.


>> No.6548972
File: 188 KB, 553x600, desmond-miles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two things I need help with.

FIRST: Cosplaying a character who's hair is just about buzz-cut, so a wig isn't really possible. (see pic) I did a test shave on my hair, but my hairline is more 'trapezoid' and less 'm' shaped. What would be the best way to go about achieving the hairstyle? Mess with trimming? Attempt to shape the hairline with careful scissoring? Since it's so short, a wig is pretty much impossible.

SECOND: I have a pair of Arda wigs that I was given by a friend. They're totally untouched; friend just ended up never wearing them. For whatever reason, they just... Don't seem to sit on my head right? I have other brands of wigs so I'm pretty sure it's just an Arda thing, but I can't really describe it. They feel fine, but when looking in a mirror, they just look weird. Any tips on how to fix this / similar experiences? Should I just sell them for cheap and try to get a different brand?

>> No.6549018

So I bought some hot pink webbing. The problem is, it's way more flourescent in person than it was in the website i bought it from.

How do I go about toning down the color? A friend suggested rit color remover, but this is Nylon.

>> No.6550244


>> No.6550253

>Medaka Box

>> No.6550445
File: 98 KB, 540x720, 197956_213019518723677_7081827_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would I go about making something like this?
Would just backcombing and dreading some extensions work?

>> No.6550471
File: 88 KB, 540x720, 13312_400475162752_6966089_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look up tutorials on single ended dreadlocks, buy non wefted extensions and wire attach by lace or individually like I did with a wig I dreaded and then inserted 100+ dreads to fill in the holes

thus resulted in this monster who weighs a ton. I installed clips to keep it from falling back an off my head. pic is a friend modeling it for me

>> No.6550483
File: 98 KB, 499x800, Assassins-creed-ii-20090923115453941_640w-2dsc62f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be making an Assassin's Creed courtesan cosplay here in a short while and was just wondering that when it came to the hair, does anyone know how to style a wig with those like....I don't even know what to call them, two horn/lump things on the top, like in the picture?

>> No.6550502


you just have to make bigger ones

>> No.6550533


Thanks for the enthusiasm but I still need help.

>> No.6550580
File: 117 KB, 700x582, shoeses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used like... suede shoes? and it looks seamless plus I can take them off if my feet start hurting. But yes if you wanna cut a hole in the tights where the heel is and put moleskin on the soles it works well. Just don't leave any runs where you cut the hole.
>>inb4 dirty bathroom I know already

>> No.6550592
File: 175 KB, 373x493, tumblr_mb294jXiIv1r1mupf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying as mami, but I absolutely have no idea what to do for the wig. Suggestions?

>> No.6550602

seriously dude? google 'mami wig tutorial' you'll find a ton.

>> No.6550623

I've been thinking of cosplaying Rhyme from twewy but I have no idea how to make her bell pendant, anyone got any ideas?

Also, what could i do for the design on her shirt/jumper thing?

>> No.6550626

Is it really that difficult to post a picture of what you're taking about?

>> No.6550629


I would but my phone's sd card is messed up and won't let me save pictures


>> No.6550684
File: 80 KB, 900x1150, marshall_lee_vs__marceline___adventure_time_by_qhyperdunk24-d4ydrou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in another thread just in case, but no luck.
Hopefully its different here
Keep in mind that I already have everything else!
>Hey there seagulls, I an in need of some serious help here.
I live in Miami, FL and I need help finding a wig similar to Marshall Lee's hairstyle and backup vampire teeth and was wondering if anyone knew any good stores here that sell such a thing or any online stoss that deliver in less than 3 days.
Since I need this wig before this Saturday for that small convention Animate!
I am literally going crazy trying to find a good store here, but no luck and any help from you guys would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks :3

>> No.6550727

I have a solution but it depends on how much you'd want to reuse the wig for something else?

>> No.6550738

For a Mami Tomoe cosplay, I'm confused about the corset deal. Custom corsets, I know, can be very pricey. I've seen some girls get a corset underneath and buy a tight costume, but I'm not sure how well that would work.
Any advice please? I posted in the corset thread but it's kinda gone.

>> No.6550771

make it, corsets are not as hard to make as you think they are. It's all about making sure it fits, so do a mockup and make sure it gives you the shape you want before you make the actual corset.

>> No.6550789

How much skill do they require? I don't really have much skill with sewing, since my friend commissions my costumes for me.

>> No.6550792


I don't plan on reusing the wig for anything else. Fire away!

>> No.6550796

Sayaka Miki costume. Is kona cotton good enough for the skirt?

>> No.6550802


Wig shops, friend. http://www.yellowpages.com/miami-fl/wig-store
Since black is a natural color you'll be able to find it in a non-costume wig store. Just get a mid length wig with some volume and cut/style.
At Party City I found some Dracula Fangs for $20, and they look great.

>> No.6551327

This is merely what a friend of mine did for an extremely similar style. I know she made some kind of tutorial but I haven't been able to get in touch with her to get the images so I'll just have to describe it (though I'll post it if she sends it along to me before the thread dies).

A funnel or cone of some sort
Hair clips
Hair ties
Blond wig
Hair spray

Part one of two

>> No.6551328

>Get a blonde wig that was at least semi-long
>Cut and style the bangs and then pulled the wig into pig tails
>At this point, tightly tie off the pig tails and hair spray the part of the wig that wasn't in the pig tails before cutting the pig tails off the wig
>Wrap the wire in the pattern of the hair spiral you're trying to achieve around a long funnel
>Wrap one of the cut off pig tails over the wire on the funnel
>Mix a small part of glue with hair spray in a spritz bottle (I don't know the ratio or even type of glue so might just want to stick with just hair spray)
>Mist the wig hair until it holds its shape
>By the wire, pull the wig off the funnel (making sure to keep the hair on the wire)
>Add more hairspray on the underside for good measure
>Both the wire and the hairspray will help the spiral curl keep its shape and the wire will later be used to attach it to the wig
>Repeat for the other pig tail.

>> No.6551454

How to dye a wig without the infamous sharpie method?

>> No.6551728
File: 8 KB, 211x251, 1338012124105s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love you! Thank for the tutorial! It seems fairly easy, but I think I'm going to get a cheap wig to try this first, I don't want to mess up on the final result. But again, thank you so much!

>> No.6551770


Can anyone help me with this please?

>> No.6551780
File: 31 KB, 467x600, BlW201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good wig places with a wig like this? Tried the few main ones I know.
And the original site it's from looks sketchy.

>> No.6551793

So I literally searched "Gakuran" and this was maybe the thirs link down (after a wikipedia definition and some other site)


They are based in Itally tho, but I'm sure you can find more shops. You will have to custom that collar.

As for the wig, have you just searched on ebay for a short blue-black wig? I kind of dig this one for that character (who I know nothing about and am only going by the image and the assumption it's the dude in front)


>> No.6551816
File: 90 KB, 690x500, halp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys, I am looking to make a phyco mask that i will use for my next 2 cons, first for a phyco cosplay then for a tiny tina one. I have no idea about how to go about making this mask nor the materials i should use. i was thinking of buying some of this stuff, it looks pretty good and is fairly affordable i guess. Is there something cheaper i can buy, techniques, and easier way? should i use a small fan like from a computer for the mouth peice?

>> No.6551834


Hmm, thanks, but I don't think that one is long enough, Also, it has the same waist problems.

Don't get me wrong, I did the exact same thing and googled Gakuran. The problem I'm having is they either have pockets or aren't thin in the waist.

Is there any way I can modify one so that it has that tight waist without looking bad? Also get rid of the pockets...

I'm not sure how hard it would be to do that.

Thanks for the advice on the wig though. And yes, he's a dude.

>> No.6552078

I want to cosplay from League of Legends but the problem is, I am shy about how much skin I show. I figured a nude-colored body suit, or even leotard to at least cover my stomach and back, might resolve this. Good idea? Bad idea? Any recommendation on where I can buy one?

>> No.6552620
File: 151 KB, 256x512, KeineIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to make little shoe bows for Keine, but I want to know if there is anyway to attach it to the shoe so that it's removable, and won't leave any imprint/ damage on it.

I thought about using double sided tailor's tape, but I'm not sure if that's going to stick all day at a con.

>> No.6552625

put the bows on a clip (like even a safety pin?) and slide the clip onto your shoes!

>> No.6552642

Okay thank you!
I was thinking about that, but I wasn't sure if it would be a good idea or not.

>> No.6552682
File: 328 KB, 1518x1319, Yuuki.Asuna.full.1197341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never made armor before and after days looking online I just need to know if I'm going in the right direction..

so far I have wrapped my form with newspaper and packing tape in the approximate shape of the chest plate.. and then cut it in the back and reinforced with tape and trimmed it to shape. I was then thinking of using that as a pattern to make a craftfoam version that I will cover with styrene..

or could I use wonderflex right on the newspaper/tape? I would like to be able to sand and make it uniform.. Ald not to heavy or hot I'll be wearing it when it's 90°+ please help? I want to order my supplies asap

pic is the armor/character.... I'll take a photo of what I have so far when I get home from work

>> No.6552691

You can buy actual shoe clips, or even use clip on earrings blanks, that will work much better. Good luck touhou person :D

>> No.6552714
File: 587 KB, 570x1509, AQUA1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and some friends are doing a group order and I'm looking for an Aqua cosplay from kingdom hearts. I make most of my costumes but lately since i'm doing college and high school at the same time, i'm too busy to make the main costume and will only be making the props.. I've been looking all over taobao and have searched in Chinese and in English and I cannot for the life of me find any costumes other than two for 1550 and 1750. If i'm gonna order from taobao, i'd like it to be a bit cheaper.. if anyone can give me any tips or search? thank you!!!

>> No.6552985
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted in the last help thread, but it autosaged before I was able to check back.

Anyone have advice on Nirvana's arms? They'll be covering a good portion of my upper arms as well, so I'd like to either have them easily removable or to have some sort of movement at the elbow (more for posing than anything else). I've been stuck over this for ages, heh...

>> No.6553086
File: 64 KB, 600x383, VividRed-Operation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image!

>> No.6553085

I've never made a sailor suit before, but I was wondering how you would go about constructing a top like the one in my image? I'm quite new to sewing, the most I've done is create a pair of pajama bottoms. Also, would it be considered a jacket our just a shirt that opens up?

>> No.6553143
File: 59 KB, 748x825, gogoboots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to cosplay Black Rock Shooter, any opinions on using these boots? I've read that some people think they are terrible but they are pretty close to hers it seems. (Of course I'm going to add the cuffs and white)
if anyone has a link to another shoes I could use let me know :3

>> No.6553151

Hey, you're the Nirvana girl! If you want the arms to be detachable in some way but still have some movement, i'd recommend having some sort of simple brace attached at the forearm with splints to have a comfortable amount of extra arm( they're supposed to pretty long and danglly). The brace would end at the palm of the puppet's hand and somewhere in the middle would be a handle for you to grab so you can maneuver the arm effectively and be able to slip it off without too much hassle. To cover up the brace, just use the sleeve of the whole arm that would meet at her shoulder pauldron/ collar/thing. The only thing to remember is just basic scaling so you're not dragging some derpy knuckles along behind you. Hope this helps you, it's so nice to see other fans of Blazblue

>> No.6553211

You're going to need to style it by yourself, I don't believe there is a good premade character wig. Or even one from another character that you can use.

What you need to do is pull the hair into two pony tails high ( not sticking out of the top of your head, but high enough so it looks right( on the back of your wig, remembering to leave hair for the bangs, and then you braid the hair.

Maybe trying getting one of Arda's long pony tail wigs and then take out the one pony tail and make it into two?

>> No.6553350


here is my chest armor that I was talking about.. since I can't post the same picture in more than one thread

>> No.6553357

so this might sound really elementary but... is there a successful way of making a halo appear like it's floating without using the headband under the wig method? i can't wear headbands because they cut/irritate my ear.

>> No.6553364

The "photo" on the left doesn't look like a photo... and I personally find that a bit unsettling...

But other than that, go for it.

>> No.6553607

I'm working on a cosplay of a character who is skinny but with abnormally wide hips.
Right now, I'm working to lose weight for this purpose, but I was wondering if there were corsets that are relatively inexpensive and good for those who have never worn one before, to enhance the weird body shape this character has?

>> No.6553612
File: 40 KB, 470x376, albus things I need.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've got the majority of what I need for this thing from Tandy Leather, but there were a few odder pieces that they don't have.
Does anybody have any good sites for belt buckles, metal rings, and other of those kind of notions that I could check?
If it comes to it, I can make my own rectangle and step-up things, but...

>> No.6553675

tandy's website has a few of those on there already, like so: http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/en-usd/home/department/buckles/heel-bar-buckles/1532-093.aspx

>> No.6553690

Yeah, but those are 2" big. I only need an inch.

>> No.6553692

This thread looks like it's in autosage now so I hope it's okay if I make a new thread.

>> No.6553701

Derp for double posting but new thread >>6553698

If you just posted you should repost in the new thread!

>> No.6553706

there is this.. but its 1.5... I would keep looking on this site you are bound to find something.. it would be double tongue buckle btw


>> No.6553711

Cool, this looks promising. Thanks

>> No.6554059

Mentioned it in the old thread, but I would suggest pool noodles. Since they have a hole through them you can also attach a controlling mechanism to run through it and control movements of the hands if you'd like.