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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6529548 No.6529548 [Reply] [Original]

I know it's quite a bit off, but why not? Discuss cosplay plans for this year, Acens past, complaints, general discussion, etc, etc.

>> No.6529567
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, image_super_street_fighter_iv_arcade_edition-15323-2268_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year I cosplayed as Ryu and this Year I plan on going as Evil Ryu, not the bland Alpha 3 Version, the Super IV Arcade Edition version. I already have the fangs for it, I just have to lose some weight between now and May and I should be set.
Pic Very much related

>> No.6529598
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sweet. I was Rose 2 years ago. I love Street Fighter series.
This year I'm going as Sailor Pluto but I can't decide which version yet. Leaning toward the Manga version from the R arc. Pic related.

>> No.6529612

My friend wants me to dress up as Seiya for one of the days but unfortunately I might only have enough for the Evil Ryu costume and then the ticket itself...

>> No.6529638

Has anyone else noticed how fucking rude the staff is here? Also the elevators are a fucking mess, I hate having to wait 40 minutes just to get on one and being unable to locate the stairs because the Hyatt is a fucking maze.

>> No.6529640

Yeah that's like the one thing about ACen that I don't like, the staff sucks so hard.

>> No.6529642

Friday night I was waiting in line for the rave and this short bitch came out of nowhere acting all high and mighty, starting screaming at us to get back for the rave line and not get in the concert line. Seriously, we're con-goers, not criminals, stop acting like a prison warden just because you have a special badge.

>> No.6529659

It's rough but oh well, still a fun con though.

>> No.6529674

aww that sucks man. Hope you can get to wear both.

And yes the staff sucks as Acen.

>> No.6529689
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I fucking swear if more crazy shit interrupts the masq I will... go in a corner and cry.

>> No.6529709

Good thing they kicked his ass out after that...

>> No.6529723

kicked out? I hope he got fucking arrested. He ruined the indie lolita show too.

>> No.6529724

Who was it? I never heard the upshot of that.

ACen was super 'fuck it' for me last year, this year I'm going to just stop by if I have time.

>> No.6529726

Why was the masquerade canceled for the rave, anyway? The rave lasted for, what, eight hours? It just doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.6529732

super excited. This is the only con I really go to all year.
I got a couple planned for this year but still not 100% on what I wanna do.
For sure I will be doing gwendolyn from odin sphere. Thats a group and we will have a velvet and mercedes also.
We will also be doing a full inner planets Sailor moon group and I'm Venus.

The rest Im kinda torn on. I do kinda wanna bring my Eleanor lamb costume from bioshock back...but thats a lot of stuff to haul around so I might be passing on that. Then I kinda wanna do Mami from madoka but with no group would feel a little lonely. Also a couple other ideas but nothing solid.

that fucking sucked so hard. Waiting in line for so long then FINALLY getting in only to be told to leave. I thought it was a joke at first because of the long wait I thought they were messing with us. BUT NOPE. Well I just hope it doesnt happen again

>> No.6529739

Because Acen is shit and most kids there only go for the rave anymore

>> No.6529936

It's funny you say that consider the dome incident and the pulling of the fire alarm. You shouldn't take offense to it unless they are actually yelling at you, because some of these kids need a prison warden.

I think it's because they pay for the djs and don't get their money back if they don't do their sets. Even if they don't, as much as it's not fair to the masquerade, it wouldn't be fair to the rave either. And this is coming from someone who doesn't particularly go to either.

>> No.6530790

Indie Lolita show was already ruined by Acen by being in a panel room and not on a stage. I couldn't even get in to see it because they hit capacity so fast, the hallway was full of people that got turned away.

>> No.6530818

The staff was terrible, I agree. Another thing I didn't like is that more than half the panels intended to visit were canceled because others ran too long, moved around, or run by people who had no idea what they were doing. Did anyone else seem to have these problems in previous years?

>> No.6530842

Is it just a rumor that AP had something to do with that? (Considering the source of the rumor is this girl in my comm that hates brand, I feel like she was talking out her ass maybe.)

>> No.6530847

If you're talking about Amber, that's a rumor. She blames brands and other seamstresses for her own problems all the time.

>> No.6530851

so what are some fun panels to go to. I generally don't go to them but thinking of stopping by a couple this year.

>> No.6530860

This will be the first year I can't go since '09. I'm gonna miss everyone so much ...

>> No.6531043

I wore a Morphsuit on Friday night with a t-shirt over it that said "Yes, I'm staring at your titties". Mind you, this was well after 11pm, yet one of the IRC's made me take it off for basically no reason. But it's OK for out of shape cosplayers to 'cosplay' in the skimpiest of 'clothing'.

>> No.6531501

This is unrelated to any wank that the girl spread as I don't really know her.
Yes, the base of her rumor is true- AP did made steps to make sure they did not share the stage with any other brand at the time. The head made a point to make sure the indie brand show was not before or after them on the main stage. ACen stupidly defaulted to putting the indie girls into a tiny room. Whether or not AP went as far as to make sure they weren't on the main stage at all I do not know. But yes, AP had a part of it.
And I should clarify, it's not AP as a brand as much as it is the people who head AP in the US. They were managing the entire deal with the models, tea party, etc.

>> No.6531518

That seems like ACen's screw up then - the old fashion show used to be on the main stage without conflicting with brand fashion shows, so it doesn't make sense.

>> No.6531541

AP in particular is very...well...particular about who they share the stage with.

>> No.6531542

my main beef with acen is that it seems to have turned into a party con above all else. it's awesome to have a good time and all, but it's steadily declining into nothing but a huge drunken rave. i know a bunch of people that just go to get smashed without even knowing what anime is.

it's kind of sad to see it deteriorate, because it's my home con and i've been going for years.

>> No.6531555

God, I couldn't agree harder with this. I feel like there's so many rave kiddies who go and their knowledge of anime is Pikachu and Dragon Ball Z.

>> No.6531564
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Whenever I hear about crazy staff, it makes me want to join staff just so I can be that one awesome staffer, but then I realize they'll just run me ragged and I'll probably turn into a huge grump too.

>> No.6531699
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Working on Sailor Pluto and Kid Flash for Acen this year. Otherwise I have no plans, tends to be better that way.

I love that version of Pluto. You should do it!

>> No.6531883

I haven't been to ACEN in ages because of their anal retentive security and horrible registration lines.

Has any of this changed?

>> No.6531888

I went for the first time last year.
Felt no inclination to go back. You're pretty much spot on. I'm so glad I got my badge in the mail.

>> No.6531937

This is actually going to be my first time going.. -_-' What should I expect? Any tips for a complete newbie?

>> No.6532004

So I was really never one to go to cons, but since ACEN is close by, I'll be going with a few friends of mine. What can I expect?

>> No.6532149

You can look forward to being stepped all over by the con chair and his cronies. Don't go in expecting any kind of glory; most repeat staff are still there because they truly love their departments, abuse and all.

>> No.6532186

I was thinking of signing up for the EMT service. How are they?

>> No.6532262

EMRT is one of the three remaining departments with any form of dignity left. You'll have your hands full the entire weekend though. There's been everything from fights, to handling a rape in the parking lot. If you feel that you can stomach it, by all means, go ahead and sign up!

>> No.6532529

As I mentioned before, I haven't been in a while, but the lines always sucked for registration. This applies to both pre-reg and regular reg.

Also, con staff can be real assholes about props. I had a skeleton on wheels one year and they flipped their shit.

>> No.6536283

bring tons of cash if you're going one day bc the credit card line might be shorter, but don't let that deceive you, you'll be waiting forever while the people in the cash line will be laughing at your sorry face as you wait for another 30 minutes

>> No.6536694

Don't stay at the Hyatt. Too noisy. Even in the executive wing. Seconding the cash that someone mentioned earlier. ATM lines get absurd and most of the machines end up running out by Saturday.

>> No.6536835
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Please. PLEASE. Not the Soap Bubble. They pay to fly out the Japanese and UK DJs for Hardcore Synergy, but as far as compensation for performing? Nope!

The DJs for the Soap Bubble have been ass-tier anyway. Sorry, but the guy who runs the soap bubble is a piece of shit. If I could change anything, I would make the guys in charge of Hardcore Synergy run both. Fuck, even having Allkore take over Saturday would be better.

Also, a big fuck you to everyone hating on those going to ACen just for the raves. I've been going to anime cons for years and I love anime just as much as the rest of the schmucks there, I just like dancing and drinking. It's nice to have a con around in the Midwest that doesn't completely pander to the 'family/young adult' crowd. pic related

>> No.6536841

>It's nice to have a con around in the Midwest that doesn't completely pander to the 'family/young adult' crowd
>implying every midwest con isn't just an excuse to get drunk in a hotelroom

my sides

>> No.6536849


Well maybe if the programming wasn't so shitty at these cons I wouldn't have to resort to killing my kidneys slowly amongst oldfags like myself!

Colossalcon was a hoot this year though, I have to say. Having a con at a waterpark resort was absolutely FANTASTIC.

>> No.6536882
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It wasn't terribly noisy when I stayed at the Hyatt, but I would probably go with anon's suggestion as well. It's nice to be at the hotel where the con is at, but the Hyatt isn't very accommodating, especially for a group of more than 4, and it's kind of bitch to check out. I'm not a fan of getting charged for opening the room's fridge either.

I hope that you at least read the sticky. If you're driving, you might want to jail park your car at the Double Tree; I got lucky not to have to pay for a spot for three days. Please pre-reg and get your badge mailed to you or you will spend half a day in a line for one. ACen is a big con so don't expect to see or do everything you want, however, I'd definitely chart out realistic agenda, which includes time to rest, and skimp out on the rave (another line people wait all day for).

If you're not from the area, I recommend taking time away from the convention and get some real food at least once; Bogart's (attached to Muvico 18) is a nice and quiet environment, and the bacon cheeseburger is fucking amazing.

>> No.6536886

Well I totally agree with you there, but that's the problem, isn't it? Instead of focusing on improving topical events like anime/game/culture panels, they give in to letting the rave win out over everything else to please the plebs who only come for the booze and raves.

If they actually cared about improving the con experience, they wouldn't let the rave be half or more of the con.

>> No.6536908

Calm down, I only get upset when people go exclusively for the rave/party scene. If you like anime and also happen to enjoy raving, that's fine. I like going to the rave plenty.

>> No.6536931
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Aw. For all of the times I've attended conventions, I have yet to blow off panels to go swimming at the hotel's pool. I should really consider going to colossalcon because I've lost a lot of faith in cons for a few years, especially because of the drunken raves; if I wanted to go to one, I'd throw my money into a music festival because at least the music is good and the venues tend to be made for that kind of thing.

Back on the topic of Acen, I wonder if there is still going to be a lolita related guest. I doubt I'll go to Acen again this year, however, my mind might change to meet Btssb designers.

>> No.6537454
File: 141 KB, 333x500, Woman-laughing-alone-with-salad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm cosplaying all western shit this year because I don't give a fuck

>> No.6537659


Well Colossal's rave is a pretty big deal too IME, but it was super balanced out. I think the only complaint I had was that they didn't have a tabletop gaming room (irrelevant to anime cons? YOU BE THE JUDGE!) But their gaming room was ABSOLUTELY fantastic. I think all the arcades were on free play (not sure though, it was a few months ago and I was dropping acid that weekend), and they had Technika, DDR, and I hear RUMORS that there will be a jubeat machine. Bless my little heart, if it's true, I'll faint.

>> No.6539804

I'm the one doing the yaoi panel this year. I did it last year and I *think* it turned out pretty well, so I'm hoping I get a good turnout again.

I haven't decided on a cosplay yet, I'll probably either recycle something old or wear Lolita the entire weekend.

>> No.6539848

Oh god, please take the hambeasts with you.

>> No.6540073

Nobody requested a lolita guest in the forums, therefore there probably won't be a lolita guest.

>> No.6540077

yes they did, there is a couple posts asking for people from last year to come back

to anyone that wants ap to come back post!! i would let them to come because i missed last year :(

>> No.6540125 [DELETED] 

I actually have worked as acen staff for a few years and I'm sorry to hear that so many people hat the staff. I'll i can say is staff are real people with real personalities and we are not all bad.

>> No.6542160

I see only one post with a single reply. People are not interested in AP coming back it seems, or wouldn't they be posting?

>> No.6542171

its a few pages back, and like 80 percent of the topics only have a couple replies lol
>mfw thread asking for yukapon with no replies

>> No.6542212

I'm only bringing 2 cosplays this year, feels weird compared to the usual 3 or 4. However, one of them requires a lot of work, so it keeps me entertained during university breaks.

I'm actually joining staff this year, one of my cosplay partners does and she loves it. I've never personally had problems with staff or IRT, in fact they've always been really nice to me. I know they get kind of grumpy at the night shift, but I kind of understand because people get really obnoxious and they're worried about safety. I just do what they say and I don't really mind it.

Sage for no real contribution.

>> No.6542916
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ACEN 2013 is going to be my first ACEN and my first time in Chicago in almost ten years. What should I expect in terms of both ACEN and Chicago? (I'm from St. Louis and I'm tempted to wear Cardinals shit just to cause problems)

Anyway, here's one of three of my planned cosplay. I'm getting the head made right now by one of my best friend and his cousin and it's almost complete. Only thing I'm annoyed by it is how long the cousin of my friend took to get it done but meh. I wish I knew how to craft his sword to make the cosplay complete.

Off topic - For a second I thought the Captcha said "con slut" and not "consult" ha ha ha

>> No.6543974

I was told that aCen broke off talks with AP because they didn't feel the interest level like last year, so people need to post if they want AP to come back.

>> No.6544360

As long as you aren't wearing a redwings jersey I could give a fuck less what you wear. If you do dare wear a redwings jersey I will have to go all hanson brothers on your ass.