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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6525465 No.6525465[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you cosplay, /cgl/ ?

what is the driving force, what makes you say "hey, I want to dress up like that cartoon character" ? do you identify with them? do you really love sewing? do you get off on people admiring your cosplay/abilites/you in general? do you love the community at cons? is it escapism?

obviously there are a lot of things i didnt even consider, but I'm really just trying to wrap my brain around this.


>> No.6525510


Next question.

>> No.6525518

surely it's more than simply that?

>> No.6525519


>> No.6525524

In case you're not a troll: it's more than that, but we constantly get these questions. Last thread about that was just yesterday. So don't feel insulted when we sometimes don't give a single fuck about these threads anymore.

>> No.6525532

really not a troll. tell me /cgl/, i'm genuinely curious. i have better things to do than troll here, trying to figure this hobby(?) out.

>> No.6525535

>it's more than that

It really isn't.

>> No.6525586

I like swords.

...Wait, maybe I should cosplay Fighter. How did this not occur to me before?

>> No.6525602

It's a really good way to meet people who like the same show/manga/game/webcomic and the escapism of it is fun.

>> No.6525601

>Sexual attention from men.

- all female cosplayers

>> No.6525615

For me, it's many things.
One, it's a great way to show my appreciation for the character. I really do adore all of the characters I cosplay.
Two, I'm very creative and it's great for me to be able to express myself and display my attention to detail.
Three, I'm always up for anything that'll improve my sewing/ crafting skills!
Four, the con scene is great. While I'm actually rather introverted, for whatever reason being at cons makes me blossom into a totally different person. I'm way more outgoing and the energy of other people in this setting doesn't tire me out like similar social situations. It's also nice to be in a place where so many people appreciate the same thing

>> No.6525623
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I like making things. I learned to sew when I was really little, and art was always my favorite subject in school. So it's a creative outlet for me. I've also always enjoyed Halloween/costume stuff. And yeah, nobody on here wants to admit it, but all the attention you get when you're in costume is awesome. Outside of cosplay I'm just a nobody, but when I'm cosplaying I feel like a celebrity for a little bit.

>> No.6525675

Its fun. Dressing up to wear clothes I would never be able to in every day life, meeting fans, taking photos, and just having a good time. Its a fun hobby.

I do find myself wondering which characters to cosplay, if I have the ability to do it, and as far as the whole " you do it for attention" goes we all do it for some form of attention. That has been discussed up and down, left to right.
To each person the level of attention they want varies.

>> No.6525678

>Somebody wants to cosplay
>Oh, they must have issues

Because there's no such a person who just likes the video game and wants to have fun. You can make friends at conventions who share your interests. You can find those friends by cosplaying from your favorite series. I thought it was a simple concept. Apparently not.

>> No.6525720

I'm about to corny up this thread watch out,

My reason is because when I first went to a con I saw cosplayers and it was like seeing my favorite characters come to life, and it made me so happy.
So now I'm trying to become a better cosplayer (though I have a very far way to go) so I can give someone that same feeling back.

>> No.6525726

Initially, I got into cosplay because I thought it was what people did at cons. I've always cosplayed characters I really love and for whom I feel an affinity, either through personality or even physical characteristics (I love short blondes because I am one).

However, now that I'm actually sewing my own cosplays, it's brought out my creative passion. I've always been creative and artistic, so I absolutely love sewing my cosplays and finding characters with costumes I can build in extra detail to really make it fancy. Sewing my cosplays makes me feel even better when I wear them. It's a sense of pride to say, "Wow, I made this." I don't cosplay FOR the attention, I cosplay because it's a hobby I love. However, no one can deny that when someone wants to take your picture, or praises your cosplay, that it doesn't feel good. It's an added bonus, to me.

I do feel there is a certain sense of escapism in cosplay. You're getting a chance to play someone else for the day. That's part of why I love crossplay I think, it gives me the chance to play a guy but at the end of the day, I'm still me beneath all the clothes and makeup. I wouldn't do it everyday, because as much as I love cosplay, I find it to be physically and emotionally draining sometimes. The costumes themselves can be uncomfortable and the strain of being in character and putting on this face for everyone at a con definitely wears on me by the end of the day. But I still love it and can't imagine attending a con without cosplaying.

Cosplay makes me happy!

>> No.6525730

>Because there's no such a person who just likes the video game and wants to have fun.

There are, but they're all men.

>> No.6525750

I'm not sure if you're implying men don't want to have fun or not. Sage for obvious reason

>> No.6525753

I'm implying men cosplay for fun and because they enjoy the material, while women only cosplay for attention.

>> No.6525759

This is a troll thread. He going to say the same stupid shit over and over again.

>> No.6525763

>Implying there aren't men who love to cosplay for attention, too

Actually, the only reason this stereotype looks like it's true is because the ones who don't do it for attention are never mentioned. Why? Because they didn't do it for attention. You're obviously not going to get noticed if you didn't cosplay to BE noticed. Look harder.

>> No.6525768


Because they don't exist, since all women by nature dress up for attention.

Which is why women only do reveal and FotM cosplays; they don't actually care about the things they dress up as, they just want more people to notice them.

>> No.6525771

Short answer: Attention.
Longer answer: I personally only cosplay characters that I really like. It's sort of neat to be able to identify somebody's interests just by looking at them, and to be able to spark a conversation based upon it. At the same time, having children run up to you and hug you because you're their favorite character is heartwarming. And of course, getting your picture taken and having people come up to you to talk is nice as well.

>> No.6525782

bc its fun.

>> No.6525977

for you maybe. its a pity people like you are the cancer of cosplay.

>> No.6525980

I made a thread about this a year ago, posing as HK-47, and it was really good, since back then /cgl/ was good and we didn't have /r9k/ raids nor was everyone touchy about "omg he mite b a misogynist" and also me being a much better OP than you will ever be OP. Delete sys32.

>> No.6525994

I all honesty I do like the attention. I put the most effort into my appearance when I cosplay and I like when people like my costume or think I'm pretty. But really I get the most satisfaction out of seeing someone get really excited when they see my costume and being able to talk to people about our mutual interests. The comradery of the con scene is just fantastic if you can navigate the pitfalls.

>> No.6526016
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I'm a tranny that likes to crossdress in an accepting environment.
I like putting effort in my appearance and expressing femininity.

>> No.6526014

Everyone likes attention.

It's sad that 4chan and the internet culture managed to make this such a shameful thing.

>> No.6526021

fuck you redwood

>> No.6526219

the person you're replying to wasnt the OP, i went to bed after i posted >>6525532

i dont follow but OK friend.

okay, so far figure it's
>creative outlet
fair, i get that. sewing and other craftwork is tough, and i can appreciate well done cosplays that obviously involved a lot of work for the work involved; i don't/didn't quite get why one would put so much work in is all.
>fun to dress up and be silly/escapism
sure, sure. i guess i always left that at halloween, personally, but i never exactly made my outfit/went to a con.
>meet people into the same X/con people
i suppose, but i think i run into problems with the stereotypes of people at cons; i could be wrong, but i assume they exist for a reason.
>show appreciation for a character
i think this is the biggest sticking point for me; it's a fictional character. maybe if you were at a big con and could meet the creator?

thanks for your time /cgl/ and for those who didn't automatically assume i was a troll.

crossover between /fit/izen and seagull

>> No.6526423

Disgusting misogyny thread.

>> No.6526448
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>> No.6526483

I really liked Halloween as a kid. Then I discovered there were other faggots like me who enjoy costuming.

>> No.6526506

Never got to celebrate halloween and I like anime, put those two together and you have me at an anime con in a fun costume

>> No.6526541

I typically just really like my characters and I enjoy performing. I used to really enjoy the crafting aspect of making costumes, but after ten years of this I'm getting a bit tired of sewing... being an adult and all eats up all that old cosplay freetime. Now it's a fun thing I can do with friends. I photoshoot but I don't care if I do it much at all... I also don't care if many people recognize the character or come up to me. I just really enjoy the transformation, performance, and friend-interaction that comes from it. It makes for nice memories.

>> No.6526547

Go back to tumblr.

>> No.6526914

Attention, for sure.

But otherwise, I just enjoy making things. I like the challenge of putting something together start from finish and being able to say, "Hey I made this."
I was always an artsy person but I've grown bored of simply drawing stuff.

I also super love all the colors. I've always enjoyed fabric stores because of all the colors all along the walls. I dunno. There's just something so satisfying about having all the colors in your sewing room.

I tend to cosplay characters that I like their outfit design. Whether it's because it's skimpy and it'll get me attention, or because it's detailed and dramatic and I want to be able to say I've done that. Maybe every few years there's a new character I'll latch onto and make her my cosplay project simply because I love her so much... but I can't really say that's happened for more than a character or two.

>> No.6530035

misogynist trash

>> No.6530106

I'm too old and too ugly to be a Power Ranger, so I dress up like Japanese bugmen instead.

>> No.6530142

I guess I like cosplaying for the social aspect, it's growing here in South Africa so it's nice to get into the hobby at an early stage, it's nice meeting people with a common interest.

The best thing about the social aspect is that you pick up on tips.

>> No.6532263


>> No.6532297

I enjoy acting out my character and doing skits.

>> No.6532325

i love seeing how different i can look, and the new things i can learn to make. its a creative hobby that is growing with my ability. I also have a side of me that revels in having pictures taken. I will fully own up to that, and it does not represent the group.

>> No.6532341

I just want there to be a buff Goku cosplayer

This is my motivation, too many skinny dragonball cosplayers

>> No.6532344
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Because this is partially how I meet new people and make friends.
Because I like putting together a costume, and if it hasn't been done a lot before, how good it comes out comparatively.
It's also kind of cool to see what other fandoms people are into, and what they do to represent. And also seeing voice actors or panelists.

Other than that it's a money-waster. I legit feel sorry for people who do it for attention or as a way of living. You won't get much else out of it.

>> No.6534684
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I don't cosplay full outfits at all, but I'll wear my Jill Valentine hat anywhere, or a Stella Loussier jacket because why the hell not?

>> No.6534690

I'm so fukkin badass, characters cosplay me

>> No.6535402

I do it to make friends and meet new people
also because its fun to dress up. and I get a little kick out of looking so different that I don't have to worry about people recognizing me.

>> No.6535428

pls be in london

>> No.6535431

hey lyper, are you still fat?

>> No.6535470
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Yes actually, I even put on some weight. Apartment life was tough, going back to exercise and proper diet. pls don't tell me to go bby

>> No.6535534

>I thought it was a simple concept. Apparently not.

Well reading the drama threads here, no it is not

>> No.6535552

only if you get a 5 win streak with maapo on solo queue pubs

>> No.6535560


Dude, this is a challenge? I shall fucking take it.

This is going to be worse than my 17 loss in a row pre batrider buff. I was trying to go midas radiance jungling, but everytime my team would go 20-0 within 6 minutes. I had many seizures.

Also it's impossible if I go on solo queue because I play versus shit like singsing and 5man stack of pros, shit's dumb. Meepo has no place in here, but I'll do it with my shitty friends.

>> No.6535601

In the beginning, I cosplayed because I loved the characters, I loved the attention, I loved the idea of crafting something from a pile of fabric into a wearable garment, I loved competing, I loved performing, I loved meeting new people.

Now? Well, I don't have as much time to dedicate to the craft and I've seen how much it has changed, even in the span of 2 years, never mind the 11 years that I've been at it. It appears to me that people are far more impersonal about the whole thing.. or maybe it's because I'm with the wrong crowd. I don't know, but the passion is no longer there. I still enjoy meeting new people, that's the best for me. Even then, I feel like people at cons aren't the most honest, or perhaps are too honest about themselves, which makes reading people too difficult for me to feel comfortable opening myself up to that person.

I dunno how I feel about con life anymore. We'll see when Katsu rolls around, that should be a good time.

>> No.6537423

Actually, Maapo is quite OP these days, in Europe especially, since he's mostly played by Russians who use the Maapo Script (TM) for Maapo, a kind of script that let's you bind teleportation with Blink Dagger and automatic Poof to you by all your Maapos to one button and a lot of different nifty stuff.

They're Russian, so they still suck dick hard, but it's incredibly hard to survive a sudden spike (it's automatic, no delay) of nearly 1k damage at level 4, with maxed Maapos.

>> No.6537487 [DELETED] 

I think you're just projecting since you're a bitter cunt.

>> No.6537504

Yep. Happened to me again.

>some faggot on opponent team picks Maapo
>Russian Federation
>can't hit a single net
>but instantly poofs with all Maapos
Gee, I wonder why?

>you will never know the pain of being a Europoor

>> No.6537518
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I cosplay because I like attention.

>> No.6537525

i /cgl/ to give it to you.

>> No.6537537

We know.

>> No.6537558

But he still sucks dicks.

>> No.6537694

I'd define cosplay as a pleasing extension of a narrative I like into another context (faithful to the source material or perhaps notsomuch), and its community as fans of some aesthetic/media/ideal. I enjoy looking at a lot of the cosplay here (like the touhou/jjba/loli threads).

I want to take a shot at this. I considered cosplayish stuff once I was interested in clothes and not before. Derivative work is often derided and fans want to maintain an image that is faithful-to-source, and you see digressions called doujin/secondaries/tertiaries/casuals/etc.

Male cosplayers fit into a similar social position to "girl gamers", that is, outsiders posing to assimilate who aren't vested in the community.

I'd say it has a lot to do with (body) image norms; More generally though and for better and worse, condescension does a very good job at perpetuating culture & community.
Conversely people embody ideals and evoke sentiment through a costume.

This is definitely an attention-whoring post, i'm pretty sure of it.

>> No.6537833 [DELETED] 

Gee, we couldn't have guessed.

Your tripcode should be !zmlkDADDYISSUES

>> No.6537868
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For me it's a few factors. Let's get this one out of the way first: Attention. Who doesn't love attention? It's nice to be noticed for things you do and work on.

I also enjoy sewing. Making things in general is always a lot of fun. Solving puzzles, putting things together, bringing something 2D to life is beyond amazing. And seeing others do it as well is just as wonderful! Cosplaying specifically, the characters I choose to dress as I normally have some investment into, whether it be similar features, attitude, behavior, or an awesome outfit.

As for the community? It can be good and bad, I've met lots of wonderful people, I've learned a lot of new things! There's something to take away from it all and that's why I cosplay.

>> No.6537879

>Male cosplayers fit into a similar social position to "girl gamers", that is, outsiders posing to assimilate who aren't vested in the community.


>> No.6537924

Except we do.
If a GUY wants to cosplay it's just because he wants to get laid at a con.

Granted there's a shit load of douchebags at bigger cons that make this truer than true but that doesn't make it true.

Get off your feminist high horse.

>> No.6537925
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because I've been doing it with my close friends for years. It's so much fun have sewing sleepovers. We love to to group cosplays so it's always great fun. And we go to one or two cons a year so it's like a little getaway for us....So the magic of friendship is what drives me

>> No.6537936
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>tfw no gf

>> No.6537937 [DELETED] 

That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Guys cosplay for the same reason girls do: to have fun and get attention. Just because most cosplayers are female does not make it some sort of women's club that men can't naturally be a part of.

>> No.6537946

>If a GUY wants to cosplay it's just because he wants to get laid at a con.

Just look at guys like Valle, Kanji Misogynist, Roko & that ugly fattie who sucks up to god and thinks he's David Tennant.

None of those people would EVER show up at a con were it not for pussy.

>> No.6537952 [DELETED] 

So you're generalizing every single male cosplayer on earth because of 3 guys on the internet you dont like. Nice logic.

>> No.6537978

I will be your gf if you switch to League of Legends and play with me

>> No.6538063
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>> No.6538078

y-yes I should've known that was silly, it's not like boys would like me since I have a girlish face and an underdepeloped flat chest and I'm a virgin and 20... h-how silly

>> No.6538112

>male cosplayers dress as a variety of characters that most women at cons can't even recognize because they enjoy the series they cosplay from and talking about it with others

>female cosplayers dress up as flavor of the month girls and in the skimpiest costumes they can because they just want to show off their bodies

/cgl/ logic

>> No.6538129

yet you have maguma, a male cosplayer who freely admits to making shit just because he likes the costume in this thread

>> No.6538224
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Come again? I would rather like you as a gf after all.

no homo.

>> No.6538228

Maguma is the king of /cgl/, shut the fuck up kid ~

>> No.6538229

>is this a character I like
>is it piss easy to throw together
>how mobile am I while drinking in this costume
Thats my mental checklist. Fuck attention, cosplay awful 80's movies.

>> No.6538243
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But you're not even good at DotA!... ho wait that's not what you're talking about...

... well fuck you too.

>> No.6538253

I never said I was Lyper, you always have to carry me because Diane is BSoD'ing and Hard Locking during the first 10 minutes of the game. <3

>> No.6538363
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Am I the only one who feels lately like the MM is fucking him up hard? Like, really, right up the asshole, hard?

Whenever I'm on a win streak, suddenly I get mm'd with some level 1 Russians against English master race high levels.

>> No.6538398
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I honestly don't know that feel. I'm a team leader mid solo player. I usually lead the worst russians to victory, and I solo queue against casters and pro anyway.

But yeah, Matchmaking is always matchmaking. Why the fuck are ruskies on the fucking english servers, still blows my mind.

>> No.6538421

Yes. A few games its been me and a friend at 120ish wins with 3 level 1 accounts or some stupid shit like that against 5 people at 50 wins. Its a fucking crap shoot as to if I get super fed or they devour our rusians. WHY ARE THEY SO BAD?

>> No.6538778

I just tried some inverse logic and played on a Russian server, and holy shit, that was the most wtf experience of my life. I picked CM since I figured no one else knows how to support (even though they picked ES & Ogre Magi afterwards), bought Courier and... went mid? Against a Pudge.

A Russian Pudge. He was very clever and figured that since I'm ranged, he best stay near his tower all the time and not farm.

We had an SF, who would go through with his ulti no matter what when he decided to throw it. Most of the times on empty space, but once, he managed to (accidentally, I suppose) cancel it (no one was around), but noooo, he threw it again - and canceled it again. But on the third try, he successfully ultied the wind (no one on their team had invis even).

Our DS would give me and only me Ion Shell and Surge, probably because I was so sexy and he thought I was a girl. The whole team in general had a tendency to dive under three towers to get keels.

Anyhow, I realized that the only solution was to carry this game like man, and I bought my CM a Divine Rapier, had the carry score of our team (and only score with a positive KDA) and the highest XPM/GPM and carried us to the victory.

It should be noted that their Russians, though still Russian (like Bloodseeker throwing all his shit onto me everytime, just for me to TP away like nothing happened, and none of them knew what Ghost Scepter did to me, etc), were still slightly better so MM still hates me.

>> No.6538835

I like video games. If there's a game I'm really into, I usually want to cosplay as one of the characters. Also, I enjoy sewing.

>> No.6538848

>Divine Rapier on CM
I want to see the replay of this game haha

>> No.6538858
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Speak for yourself

>whether it be similar features, attitude, behavior, or an awesome outfit.
Yep. I clearly stated I only cosplay things just because I like costumes and not because I like the characters or have any investment in em. Way to read there, anon!~

>> No.6538872

the MM is crazy and is part of why i mostly do the VS bots thing in my extremely short DOTA2 career (also because Lina doesnt have any cosmetic items and i am a sucker for hats)

>> No.6538901

Theres something about watching a well made cosplay come together that's always seemed so magical to me. And when people compliment a piece of armor or extra detail that you spent even more time on, its just the greatest feeling on earth.

So yea. I like to build shit and I like to have it complimented.

>> No.6539725

>Speak for yourself
are you fucking shitting me??? you're the ultimate example of a male doing it just for that reason
remember when you always wanted attention in elementary school but no one gave a fuck since you were ugly, stupid & dressed like shit?

>> No.6539863

>>6539725 remember when you always wanted attention in elementary school but no one gave a fuck since you were ugly, stupid & dressed like shit?
You could do better than that, anon. But no, that was not the case

>> No.6539873 [DELETED] 

>on /cgl/ all night
>go to bed
>wake up at 6am

Get a job, niglet.

>> No.6539895

You don't start cosplaying 'just because it's cool'. It always starts from some sort of psycho-social stigma.

>Run of the mill awesome guy. Artist, Gamer, Cosplayer, Social butterfly.
>avatar tinted with maximum white

So much delicious complexes just waiting to be analyzed. Too bad I can't do it here since /cgl/ is SJW&femtardism central, so they believe that psychology is worthless and biology a social construct.
>*rolls eyes*

>> No.6539896

>90% of manga/comic characters are fit and good looking people
>If you are fit and/or good looking you will look good cosplaying these characters
>ugly/fat/black people cosplay these characters
>they look like shit

The end.

>> No.6539903

I have three. and one of em is to play video games and then keep em for free~ Get on my level, anon!

>avatar tinted with maximum white
I'm impressed you can go on twitter and read~
Also /cgl/ is far from social justice. Because if it was some social justice, there weren't be threads, time and again, shitting on people for their looks or reasons to cosplay, they'd just accept it and allow it. But ya know, you do remind me I should update my general Icons. I drew a fun little self portrait for my art portfolio and I should start using it more as I do quite enjoy it~

Thanks, guy!

>> No.6539904

It doesn't matter, even the 'good looking' ones bear little actual resemblance to their characters most of the time (it's just halo effect from professionally bought costumes and the looks). Maguma has never cosplayed a character he really looks like (even the one that came closest is miles away from the author's intention).

What's important that, even though you're fat, you're dressing as Boba Fett because you like to be fat. I mean Fett. Such person is much more of a cornerstone for the fandom than some attention whore who's just being a parasite on its popularity.

That's why you never see some obscurer cosplay themes (and by that I don't mean hipster popular or "lol edgy~" joke cosplays).

>> No.6539907

>I drew a fun little self portrait
Do you know how much of a disappointment you are to MLK and Malcolm X, throwing away your blackness and fully accepting the white oppressors' ideals of beauty?

It makes me sick in my stomach.

>> No.6539913

0/10 It's like you're not even trying anymore

>> No.6539917 [DELETED] 

Anon was talking about a REAL job. You know, the kind that allows you to move out of your mother's house.

>> No.6539924

You make a SELF PORTRAIT with intentionally whiter skin (as white as possible) than you really have.

How is pointing out that this is sickening a troll? Since you seem to have brainwashed absolutely every last bit of black dignity out of your head, imagine a white person painting themselves black. Similarly outrage causing.

>> No.6539926

Oh, sweet jelly anon, I have those too! Maybe if you got off your ass and did something besides scrutinize others on /cgl/, the ass pit of 4chan, you could have one too~

Maybe someday. But you'll have to graduate high school first, or at least go back and get your G.E.D.

>> No.6539930

It's not a full time job, you're still listed as unemployed and are leeching off the state. Guess you've got some blackness in you after all eh /sarcastic stereotypical racist comments.

>> No.6539937 [DELETED] 

>"the ass pit of 4chan"
>spend all day and night here

Oh the irony.

Don't worry about me though. I have a college degree. Did you remember to sign up for your spring classes at community college yet?

>> No.6539947

Turned in my portfolio for fall '13 at CalArts this past fall actually. :D

>> No.6539950 [DELETED] 

lol do you even know how hard it is to get into CalArts? It's one of the most competitive art schools in the world. Your little doodles aren't going to get you into there.

Keep up the dream though.

>> No.6539958

That's why I applied with my nice doodles~ But I appreciate the encouragement all the same. If ya need anything else, I'll leave ya my email and get back to ya when I get home. Toodles!

>> No.6539966 [DELETED] 

Nigga you're not fooling anyone. You haven't left home.

Hope you get some nice combos off in marvel vs capcom.

>> No.6541828

>implying Maguma isn't the kindg of /cgl/

>> No.6545969

I cosplay to meet my soulmate

>> No.6546925

My cousin's going there, getting a music composition/audio engineering degree with his crazy bloop blaps.

>> No.6546933

it's fun

>> No.6546946

I like Halloween but if I try to dress like anime characters from stuff that isn't Sailor Moon, DBZ, or Pokemon, people won't know what I am.

>> No.6547192

I think it's fun, and I feel weird just walking around a con in normal clothes.

>> No.6547193

& To get laid.

>> No.6547235

I like to look completely different. I like the fact that even changing my hair and clothes and makeup a little bit will make me almost unrecognizable. I also love dressing up as characters I like, and the costume making part is a lot of fun, as is finishing and getting to sit back and appreciate what you've accomplished, and then have other people appreciate it. Everything about it is fun!

>> No.6548160

When I cosplay it's always a character from a series I love. So I want to bring that character to life, and make some fellow fans of that series happy to see me.