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File: 55 KB, 409x474, Shiva_FFX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6524576 No.6524576 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't seen a body makeup thread recently.
Can someone answer a few questions I have about Ben Nye products?

For starters, what the hell happened to their website? Do you actually have to download their catalog now to order their items? Last time I just bought from a webshop online. That's confusing to me.

My second question is what kind of makeup should I buy? The color is similar to Shiva's color from FF X. I know there's such types as their aquacolor series, etc. but what works best for all-day wear? I do own their sealer spray and I understand to set it properly it takes a few coats. The paint needs to be applied to my arms, chest, and face.

One last question: Do you recommend I bring the paint with me? As in, will I need to do touch-ups throughout the day? How does this paint hold up on the hands, and should I not touch anything?

>Homestuck troll advice is appreciated.

>> No.6524596

For full body coverage I would recommend using PAX or a body stocking. PAX can be mixed to any color and it doesn't rub off. It takes FOREVER to remove it though. Use Ben Nye on your face.

>> No.6524597

Ben Nye does not sell to individuals because they want to support local distributors of their products. If you want to purchase their products you either have to find a local store that sells it, or an online seller.

PAX is super hardcore and does not rub off. I know I've showered in it and it is still on me.

If you don't want to use PAX, you can try either a cream or water based makeup , but if you will have any areas that will rub (armpit etc) I would get an alcohol based makeup since they are usually more steadfast, don't rub off as easily and don't come off with water, sweat, etc.

If you are careful, you shouldn't really have to do touch ups except for the lips. A cream based makeup will rub off the hands, and water based paints will rub off of your palms slowly over time. Touching will only make it happen faster. Alcohol based will not rub off nearly as quickly. I would say once you get your products do some tests to see what your limits are.

I've always loved that version of Shiva so I hope you will post pictures when you are done! Let me know if you have questions and good luck!

>> No.6524618

>PAX is super hardcore and does not rub off. I know I've showered in it and it is still on me.
Cool story bro.

From what I've heard and experienced, PAX varies from person to person. I've worn it several times on my arms and I've never had a problem, though getting it off isn't without its difficulties. Usually it just takes diligence and maybe an extra pair of eyes, along with a very steamy shower and proper, liberal moisturizing on the applied area prior to wearing. You can also easily wipe it off with I think alcohol or some other agent that basically melts it away. Otherwise, it forms a second skin and can (usually) peel right off.

>> No.6524625

In that case, can someone tell me where to get PAX makeup and how to apply it?
I've never worked with this stuff before, and I will have to be applying it in a hotel room.

So, say I'm buying Ben Nye's Calypso Blue for my face, will I have to mix the PAX color myself then? This isn't the funky one where you need an airbrush gun, right?

>> No.6524635
File: 2 KB, 171x171, NCF6__83447.1334256647.171.171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw this is Ben Nye's Calypso Blue, is there a PAX shade similar to this?

>> No.6524644

You're best off mixing your own PAX. It's 1/2 Pros Aide adhesive http://www.fxwarehouse.info/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=FW&Product_Code=PNT3&Category_Code= mixed with an equal amount of acrylic paint. You need help putting it on because it will stick to itself before you powder it. Also make sure not to put it on too thick on squishy parts like your boobs. I did that once and it got all wrinkly looking after a while.

>> No.6524666

Good to know. Are there any visual tutorials of how to do this?

My boobs won't show very much in this costume so I'm not worried about that. I'm more worried about the creases that could form on my neck, elbows, and of course my hands.

>> No.6524669

Oh and the description on the product page says it doesn't need powdering but that is a filthy lie. You only need regular baby powder so feel free to go crazy nuts with it.

>> No.6524670


I'm watching this girl do a tutorial about PAX. She starts at about 4:50. She looks like she's doing it right, I think.

>> No.6524672

You just brush it on really. It goes on pretty even in one coat. You WILL need help putting it on your arms, legs, and back because it will stick to itself like crazy before you powder it.

>> No.6524674

Noted. Thank you!

>> No.6524677

So I get how to do the arms, neck, and face. But I still have the hands issue. Any tips going about that? Just seems like the makeup would be more prone to crease/rub off on your fingers and palms. Do you use PAX for that? Or do you use Ben Nye and try not to touch anything?

>> No.6524686

Btw is this the correct type of PAX I should order?


>> No.6524692

Not really as long you don't move your fingers at all while it's drying. Did you ever get white glue on your fingers while your little? It's kind of like that.

>> No.6524696

Oh I see. Alright then, thank you!

>> No.6524697

That's not PAX it's Pros Aide. PAX refers to the mixture of Acrylic paint with Pros Aide. Just order that and mix it with an equal amount of whatever brand ofAcrylic paint you want.

>> No.6524705
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Gotcha. This doesn't seem so bad now.

>> No.6524709

I suggest to use ben nye at least on your face, if you can find somewhere to buy it.
if you're going to use ben nye i suggest getting a small bottle of the sealer spray (you can buy it off of amazon)
spray once, let dry for a minute or two, and repeat two more times. i've done this and i lasted 7 hours without having to do any touch-ups.
sadly though, i don't have any experience with PAX so i can't give any advice on that

>> No.6524723

Well it's weird because I've been looking up tutorials of PAX, and a lot of these girls say you can apply it to your face as well (with caution around the eyes of course).

I'd just be more comfortable with Ben Nye for that purpose because I've used it before on my face as well. So I completely understand where you're coming from.
Also thank you for the sealing tip. I had no idea Ben Nye could last for 7 hours with that sealant!

>> No.6524718

Yeah definately don't use PAX on your face because it accentuates wrinkles and will likely rid you of large portions of your eyebrows when you take it off.

>> No.6524739

It can be used on the face but I'd advise against it as it clings to hair, takes a lot of rubbing to remove, and can look wrinkly.

>> No.6524743

Ergh, yeah. Well I've got a lot of time before the convention date. I think I'll practice a bit with the pax, and apply it to my face and see what happens after a few hours.

I can understand why some people do it. It's pretty convenient as opposed to trying to match shades with Ben Nye.

>> No.6524750
File: 224 KB, 900x1354, 2660478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This popular Shiva used PAX as facepaint OP. As you can see, the color is very even but she does have some obvious wrinkles. Especially on her neck. I would make movements as minimized as possible.

>> No.6524755

Having a slightly different shade between your neck and face can actually work in your favor. If your face is a little lighter it will stick out more.

>> No.6524760

Yeah on second thought I think I will just go with an ordinary facepaint like BN. I'm reading some really iffy reviews about putting it on your face.

>> No.6524765

matching colors isn't as hard as you think. just make sure you let the PAX dry since acrylics dry darker.

I would say mix your pax and then mix your face makeup before hand so you don't have to mix it day of and won't have to do it at the convention.

>> No.6524778

Well that's the thing. If I go with Ben Nye aquacolor, the facepaint color will be preset.
So the trick would be trying to match the PAX color to the Ben Nye color in my case.