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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6521688 No.6521688 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know what to do, /cgl/.
Lolita is my life. When I'm not working or studying, I'm going through tumblr, LJ, brand websites, taobao and - of course - this board. I spend all the money I get on lolita (which isn't much). But ever since I read this post I just can't stop thinking about it.
Lolita gives me a lot of joy, sure, but am I just a stupid spoiled bitch spending more than I should on pretty frills I can't even wear on an everyday basis?

Please give me decent arguments, my life is about to crash.

>> No.6521699

If it's about money, donate a small sum of money to charities so you still have lots left over for brand. $25, $30... You get the benefit of helping a charity or a non-profit without dropping the big bucks. As you get used to giving your money to those less fortunate, over time you may feel inclined to give a little bit more each year (25 to 30, 30 to 40, etc)

I work at a non-profit in fundraising; trust me you have no idea how goot it feels when someone chooses to give my organization even $5 rather than 0.

>> No.6521700

Maybe just stop being stupid and drop the lolita for awhile and do something different
wtf do you want us to say

>> No.6521706

Since you admit to it I like you as a person since you are true to your person

>> No.6521710

A lot of the charity groups are frauds since a very small percentage of the money helps the the people. The majority of it goes towards in expanding the foundation. Want to help? Then don't help even doing small things as donated used clothing and giving food cans is a sure way.

It is not stupid

>> No.6521711

Actually, my income is 400$, but I have to pay my rent and bills and all I have left is usually less than 100$. So, no, I definitely can't donate and afford brand. I'm feeling terrible. I guess I should quit lolita afterall...

>> No.6521712

Stick with what you enjoy since very few people ca say they spend x amount on something different

>> No.6521717

You need to do something else that doesn't involve lolita. Sounds like you're realizing how empty your life actually is if lolita is all you care about.

Personally, I agree with the secrets, but I'm perfectly capable of working towards a fulfilling life with lolita clothing on the side.

>> No.6521720

Surely voluntourism is a worse vanity than pretty dresses, because it's so shallow.

You don't need to go on vacation to help the downtrodden people of Goiteria, that's so you can feel nice about yourself.
>save your money to have an experience

>> No.6521723

Since you don't have a lot of cash, why don't you give another asset: your time? Even if you're working and going to school, you could probably find four hours a week to volunteer. And for a lot of organizations, that time means a lot more than a monetary donation.

>> No.6521724

You're right, I guess. This fashion has been my only getaway for a while now... I do feel empty. What else do you do to fulfill your life? And how do you manage to balance everything?

>> No.6521729

Thank you so much for replying to this thread. It really means *a lot* to me.

I wish I had the time! I could work on weekends. I just don't know if it would be much of a help, though...

>> No.6521731

You seem like a nice person OP. I think you should get out while you still can, sounds like you'll be the type of person to actually contribute something to the world instead of being a selfish bitch.

>> No.6521736

There are a billion and a half "charity rating" organizations that tell you specifically how the money is split up. Saying "don't ever donate to anything, ever" is a horrible idea. You can also earmark your money and tell it to go to a specific place.

>> No.6521740


Play word game, give free rice. Only takes your time and you're helping feed hungry people. :)

You can also see if there's a local organization that is sponsering a child, and get on that. You can send your child some lolita-esque things, like stickers or cute stationary, and you can write letters and send pictures, etc. Let other people handle the money, you can be the one to make a child's day with a letter.

>> No.6521741

Amm.. I wouldn't do this to feel good about myself nor to tell everybody what a nice person I am. I just want to actually help people who need help, that's all.

>> No.6521742


Voluntourism is actually a big hindrance to real work. Untrained late teen to twenty somethings showing up, getting in the way of real doctors and carpenters and other people who actually know what they're doing. For example, a lot of the schools built by high school students in underdeveloped countries are not up to code, even dangerous.

I don't have to go to Romania to rescue girls sold into sexual slavery. Instead, I sat bound and gagged in a cage without food or water for a day as part of a fundraiser to send actual doctors and social workers.

>> No.6521743

>they tell you on how the money is split up

After the amount of fraudulent scandals that keep showing up. Very hard to trust the sources and how the money is distributed since it has to keep the organization afloat as well. Look the best way to help is the community around you not in Zimbabwe or Mozambique

>> No.6521745

Volunteerism is shallow since its more on the self satisfaction on helping others. If you want to help just help don't go parading that its some god giving divinity. Sorry but I have met a lot of people and when i ask them about the work they do its like they are telling me that they feel better for giving.

Either that or straw shack

>> No.6521747

i spend all my money on lolita stuff but never ever wear it because I think I look stupid in lolita and then i get depressed and dress like a hobo-dyke every day because I'm broke and really self concious about my body

>> No.6521748

This is a very cute idea, thank you! Maybe just by doing something nice to some children I won't feel so bad next time I buy my precious second hand brand. It is one of the very few things that actually make me happy, afterall.

>> No.6521752

Freerice is also a scam so you are helping yourself

>> No.6521753

Freerice is not a registered charity and they have had lots of controversy and reviews over its practices.

>> No.6521754

That's so sad. :( I don't wear my lolita everyday because I would probably get fired. Maybe you should go to meetings? And talk to girls who are into this for a while... I bet a lot of them had problems with the fashion too.

>> No.6521755

Why are you self conscious? Is it your weight?

>> No.6521757

It's probably because I have met a lot of these people, I have grown to despise them. In my case, it was a bunch of people in my highschool going on a trip to Kenya to build a school, and they came back all "holier-than-thou" and try to shame you about doing nothing. I have nothing against people who do things for charity, it's when they get a superiority complex and shove it in your face that I want to punch them.

Now that I got the rant out of my system, you shouldn't let this pic make you feel bad about funding your hobby. If it's what makes you happy, then it makes you happy. If you want to do something charitable, then do it because you want to, not because you're guilt tripped into it.

>> No.6521758

I was talking about sponsoring a child. Or maybe an elder person I could visit on weekends and all..
I realized freerice could be a scam. The whole idea sounds very dubious.

>> No.6521759

>superiority complex and shove it in your face that I want to punch them.

Who wouldn't? They are masturbating in front of you

>then do it because you want to

OP should avoid it all together because the idea is being pushed down forcefully. Then he/she will end up as one of those cunts as you mentioned.

>> No.6521762

>I was talking about sponsoring a child or helping the elderly person.

The problem is that you are seeing it as a way to help yourself instead of others through self satisfaction. Talking to the elderly is not a bad idea but the problem is that you are going through it the wrong way. So you will force this fake smile at the nursing home that the nurses really hate.

>> No.6521766

don't worry, the story is probably made up by someone jealous of brand.

>> No.6521767

The campaign idea for the game was started by the WFP and it's owned by them now. Unless you're assuming that the WFP is running a scam.

>> No.6521769

Sorry but they have been under investigation several times because of said practices. I know that you google searched the answer on its credibility.

>> No.6521770

I wouldn't brag myself to others about it, I'm not like that. But I do believe people who spend money/time helping others are better than people who spend money/time on dresses.

>> No.6521771


You mean that one thing on dailycow? They said right out that they were using an autoclicker bot, which freerice.com states in their FAQ will not work. They get the revenue to donate the rice from the banner ads on the page.

>> No.6521772

I'm not retarded, you're probably talking about the thing with Somalia. If that prevents you from spending a little time clicking shit to possibly help others, that's just silly.

>> No.6521774

Help just by opening new tabs.

>> No.6521773

Besides, I love elder people and I ***want to be helpful***, so I wouldn't be forcing anything. I think it would actually be very pleasant.

>> No.6521776

Do what you enjoy.
Wear your lolita on a daily basis. Adopt a persona.
Hell, go further and move to Victoria. Yes, it exists.

>> No.6521777

>spend money/time helping others are better than people who spend money/time on dresses.

They are not we are all equal and this whole superiority complex of helping others is more on self gratification making it very shallow.

Want you are looking for is more meaning

>> No.6521780

>It's impossible to volunteer or donate for both the needy and yourself
Even if someone donates for themself, I'd be very grateful if I were in these people's shoes.

>> No.6521783

They have been under heavy scrutiny because the amount of visits that they receive did not equal to the amount of rice they "promised". Not only that but the amount of revenue they are receiving because of the number of clicks that they have been receiving. So people like you are helping them in getting richer and fooling others that they are doing the right thing and frowning on those who do not participate. This is how a good campaign in advertising works because if you work with emotions then it sell itself.

I have seen the force smiles at these establishments and the nurses are more annoyed since the volunteers quit very early they always do. Takes a lot of patience to even talk to them even them some do not understand the words that are coming out of your motuh. If they are not understanding a word you are saying then who are you trying to help? Yourself?


>> No.6521788

Yes by not thinking about it and just doing it instead of pondering over it kinda like recycling. You might not think much of it but every bit helps.

>> No.6521791

OP here.
Thank you so much for replying. This thread brought up a lot of questions in my head and I will take some time to think about them (still, I'm calmer now). Anyway, it's nice to know I can count on you, /cgl/. I'm going to bed now, thanks again and good night to all of you. (:

>> No.6521795

Yeah, you probably are a stupid spoiled bitch. But then again so are we.

>> No.6521800
File: 280 KB, 570x620, 1356930232419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually makes me sick how I can spend $350 just to get one item, OP. To me that's what's insane especially for the quality, and the long-term wear of lolita clothes.
I mean, if I think about it I would only wear the dress a few times a year to meetups or something. And eventually, like all clothes, I'll probably get bored with it and sell it anyway.

While I don't donate to charities, I prefer spending money on practical things that I can use over and over again. Like books, or cookware, or things for my house or car. I can buy multiples of these kinds of things with that money instead of one dress.
That's what strikes me as so indulgent about lolita clothes.
If I do buy them, I try to buy handmade or secondhand. I received brand items once as a Christmas gift, but that's it. And it hurts me that I rarely wear the dress I got and I'm too scared to carry around the $300 purse.
>srsly mfw the thought of ruining those clothes

And don't get me wrong, power to the people who can spend that kind of money on a dress and not feel guilty, or their lives don't face the financial impact for whatever reason. I think people should do what makes them personally happy.
It's just that I don't think girls these days are buying lolita to make themselves happy so much as show off and keep up in the rat race that is Japanese fashion. That's sad.

>> No.6521802

Don't feel like you need to justify not doing something nice for someone else, or ask for validation. People ignore charity bins all the time. People donate all the time.

Even if you are "guilted" into doing something nice for someone else, you have the potential to feel good about it afterwards, because it's a nice thing to do. That doesn't mean you'll become haughty about it, either. Keep that and mind and don't rule it out. I highly doubt you will regret it if you do something charitable. It doesn't need to be big, either. People say a lot of hooey about this or that but in the end it's your executive decision.

The worst thing the ladies of /cgl/ do is look for validation. Just do what you're going to do, because you were probably going to do it anyway. You don't need us to tell you that. The truth is, it's really not as big of a deal in the long run as it seems to be just because it's you.

>> No.6521810

>k girls these days are buying lolita to make themselves happy so much as show off and keep up in the rat race that is Japanese fashion.

Describes the community

> worst thing the ladies of /cgl/ do is look for validation.

Too bad is OP is looking for the same thing in charity work

>> No.6521817

I wouldn't say that describes the whole community. There are girls who legitimately space out their purchases and don't seem to be interested in being tumblr copycats.
Never hurts to be low-key.

>> No.6521821

Why do you find that inherently bad? It really isn't. Yes, when people become stuck-up jackasses just because they've been charitable, that's a shitty thing to do, but they are still helping people. They're just assholes about it. Looking to feel better about yourself by being charitable is not a bad thing, nor will it turn OP into a braggart. That is some ass-backwards thinking.

>> No.6521822

Describes the majority of the community then you have to account for the personality. So at the end of the of the day I expect about very small handful that are decent human beings who doesn't spend entire day proving something. Then I have ask myself if they are decent why do the like lolita in the first place? Since they are the minority are they not hte crazy ones?

>> No.6521825


>> No.6521829

>why do they like lolita?
For the aesthetic. Classic and gothic lolita really appealed to me when I first found out about the fashion. And it was because I thought the dresses were legitimately elegant.

It's reasonable to admire the clothes, but not necessarily the people wearing them.

>> No.6521826

>but they are still helping people

Not saying its bad but a lot of people going at it the wrong way and justifying for that. Help those around you instead of looking for gratification in a distant land.

>> No.6521834

Same scam problem so its better to do small things around city/town or not helping.

>> No.6521838

Yes the aesthetic of it is something to look either good or bad. I was specifically talking about the decent people who are in the community which is only a handful them.

>> No.6521845

I can't speak for them honestly, I'm not very active myself. Sounds like a good question to ask though.

>> No.6521859

Active or not if you have a dress you are a lolita

>> No.6521871
File: 190 KB, 600x620, 1252356374402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you have a dress you are a lolita


>> No.6521873

hi leebs <3

>> No.6521898

If it means a lot to you, hold onto it. Money is just another material commodity, and what that poster is cherishing is the EXPERIENCE she had, not the warm fuzzy feeling she got from spending her money on something else. She wouldn't feel this strongly about it if her experience wasn't that great.

Money you can spend on whatever the fuck you want. THat's what it's there for. If you want to make a difference, use yourself. Donate your time and your energy. Help out at a local shelter or charity. Throwing money at charities or causes is not that much better than blowing it all on dresses, imo. It's only really significant in massive amounts, which not many people have.

>> No.6521908

>But I do believe people who spend money/time helping others are better than people who spend money/time on dresses.

I'm calling it now, OP here is gonna "help" someone and then start ranking herself above everyone else. Leading to posting in other lolita threads about how everyone should feel ashamed of themselves for not spending their money/time on helping people.

>> No.6521913

Calling it now, OP is going to choose not to do anything because she didn't intend to from the start.

If you're going to assume the worst at least do it right.

>> No.6521932

OP. Only do it if you want to. Don't do it if you are feeling guilted into it. You'll never really enjoy it or you'll feel like you need some sort of validation and it won't be that fun. If you really want to help out though, look for local charities to donate or help out in.

Also, don't know why there is so much hate for volunteering and charities in the thread. If you don't want your money to go to big corporations, actually do your homework and find a charity you are interested in instead of donating to UNICEF or something. And no, volunteerism isn't just about making yourself feel holier-than-thou. Some of us actually fucking love volunteering. I help rescue wildlife, clean up beaches and give food to the homeless on weekends. Do I tell people about it? Yes, but only when asked/if it is relevant. And yeah I tell people it's fun. Of course you have the ones who gloat, but those are usually the ones who do it once in their lives and hold it over everyone else. People who volunteer often don't see it as something special so we don't talk about it. It's part of our everyday lives, like going to the gym or doing puzzles.

I dunno. I just think people are too negative and think volunteering and helping out is only going to the peace corps and donating to red cross. Every town has local charities, volunteer there. You'll directly see your efforts actually happen.

>> No.6521947

If we're talking about which charities do the most with their money and volunteering vs giving money, it's worth a look here http://www.givingwhatwecan.org/ and here http://80000hours.org/

>> No.6521958

Why should I help others? What do I care about them and they about me? If they had the money and I didn't, surely they wouldn't think of helping me.

Don't bother OP. You only live once and everyone is fending for themselves.

>> No.6521973
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You are a woman and you only live once honey, so why not live for yourself. All the other girls are doing it. Most /cgl/ers are quite happy with their current lives, no need complicating it with the well-being of people outside of yourself.

Even better idea, donate a little money and post about it on Facebook to your fellow lolita friends. They will be impressed and your generosity will benefit your stance in your social circle. Maybe your friends will donate as well which will get even more money in the hands of these little ones. Best of both worlds.

>> No.6521974
File: 96 KB, 960x643, likewhore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she should become a Like-Whore

>> No.6522075

They only live once too. And their life is ruined because they are poor, uneducated, and no one helps them, so they are likely to be in this state all their lives. Following your logic, selfish whores, your argument makes no sense.

That's it.

>> No.6522131

You have to know about these dresses a long wile before the actual purchase. So yeah it takes a bit of digging

hello person

>Leading to posting in other lolita threads about how everyone should feel ashamed of themselves

Depends on the purpose because some stubborn people will go into great lengths to prove themselves

I hate the idea of money being used for charities that have been known to launder money around.

>Yes, but only when asked/if it is relevant.

You could just said that volunteering is fun

>Every town has local charities, volunteer there

If you read the dam thing I specifically mention local charities

No OP is going at it the wrong way and is looking for recognition

>> No.6522148

It doesn't have to be money you donate OP. As a few people have already mentioned, a lot of charity organizations are very corrupt and it can be extremely difficult to differentiate between whom is trustworthy and who is using donations to line their coffers.

If you want to do something good but you worry about where your donations could end up, a good idea would be to go out and buy food to donate to food banks, or something similar with clothing. Even small things like if you see somebody homeless on the street, go and buy them a sandwich, pasta, crisps or a nice drink.

>> No.6522150

I can't help but think every time that someone goes on about this shit, they're just trying to placate their guilt of privilege. Some girl did this in our local comm's facebook group, crying about the poor when she has all her brand. And then it deteriorated into "How can I volunteer in my lolita clothes?" and talking about animal shelters. Flounced when people started calling her on her shit and telling her that if she really cares, to no fucking wear her brand like stuck up bitch and just donate old clothes and canned foods to shelters. No, clearly the solution for the poor is to play with dogs at the shelter and dress in circus themed lolita at a children's event at her temple.

Seriously, if it's bothering you that much, you can easily research the best way for you to give within your means. Sponsor a kid in an underdeveloped for $17 a month, clear out your non-lolita closet of things you don't wear, check your pantry for non-perishables you won't actually touch. It's not that hard, and unless you're actually a skilled worker of some sort, volunteering abroad can be more detrimental than helpful.

>> No.6522151


Ooooh, or, or! You could like, sponsor an animal! When I was a kid I used to send off my pocket money to rescued battery hens and stuff, and they'd send me pictures of the chickens and things.

>> No.6522154

Yes its the the small things that can make a difference

>No, clearly the solution for the poor is to play with dogs at the shelter and dress in circus themed lolita at a children's event at her temple.

I like you already

>Sponsor a kid in an underdeveloped for $17 a month

Help a kid in the neighborhood throwing a money is going to solve anything.

>> No.6522158

>sponsor chickens

Yeah I eat them

>> No.6522162

Okay saging becuase I'm not Lolita but,

Personally I kinda get how you are feeling sometimes, just not in a financial way? I am doing something I love school-wise but I don't have much outside of it besides things like RPing and cosplay, and I see all my friends growing up and getting careers and blossoming and all these other things and I felt really hollow and empty and sad because I thought maybe I was just being a baby about things you know?

But let me tell you something right now, you sound like a really nice person if this worries you so much! And do you want to know the best thing you should do? Stop feeling ashamed for doing things you like, and if you want to make a difference in people's lives just be the best you that you can be. That's it. It's so common hearing people say that you should help those less fortunate but there's people less fortunate in many different ways all around you. That girl you just bumped into may have had a really shitty day and be upset. A guy working at McDonalds may have been called a nigger or something dreadful like that. Just being nice to people you talk to does a lot more than all of this charity work.

Giving money to organizations for places like Africa even IF your organization is 100 percent honest and does give it all to say, the Congo, is absolutely pointless because the money cannot be given directly to the people and instead is given usually to corrupt leaders with their own best interests and the interests of Western powers. Those people will almost never see a goddamn cent of that money, and going there to help them you'll notice that even the things you do there won't fix the problems. Building schools means shit when the people cannot afford to let their kids go since they need help harvesting food and crap. Sometimes its too far away. Installing things like ways to get fresh water is nice, and a couple other things are great as well.

>> No.6522167

FUCK I FORGOT TO SAGE sorry guys anyways continuing.

Trust me, any charity work done in countries in Africa and Latin America just tend to be another way for Western powers to use soft power and make themselves seem great. Charities and aid and relief is their version of a celebrity adopting an African baby.

What this girl got out of doing this was making individuals happy. You don't need to give up what you love to do that!

Basically yeah just don't worry so much and try to be the nicest person you can be to people around you, and help if they obviously need it. A lot more good will come of that than worrying about giving up what makes you happy.

Sorry for the big long read down there I'm sort of really passionate about why foreign aid sucks I'm going away now

>> No.6522180

> foreign aid sucks

That is all we need to know

>> No.6522210

You're waking up and realizing how unimportant your hobby really is. That's awesome, OP. You're growing up. Some girls in your hobby never learn. Same goes for cosplayers.

You can enjoy lolita while still investing your money in things that actually matter (i.e. - your health, your education, your family, your friends, life-changing experiences such as traveling) as well as using your time more wisely than browsing lolita blogs (i.e. - studying something new that you're curious about, reading a book, taking up a sport, donating to an animal shelter, or volunteering to pick up litter etc)

>> No.6522215

Nothing matters since w are all dust in the wind

>> No.6522259

Yes!!! This!!!
I don't think I expressed myself clearly yesterday. My lolita sits inside my closet most of the time and all these sort of unused stuff is money that could be helping someone. But I work hard for my money! Besides, lolita even makes me work and study harder, since it's my biggest motivation. I still want to help in anyway I can, though. And when I have the financial ways to help, I certainly will.

Yeah, I decided I'll help out the way I can. I like the idea of going to rest homes (I'm not sure if that's how you call it in English) and just taking my time to listen to people. I know I won't be much of a help, I just feel like it's always nice to make someone's day a little brighter. I'll enjoy it a lot.

I guess I thought you guys would come here and tell me to stop buying lolita immediately because it was a horrible thing to do, but you told me I should do what makes me happy instead. I appreciate that point of view. Thank you.

>> No.6522262

You guys should go share this info with /toy/, I'm sure they'd react really well to being told that spending all their money on plastic figurines is selfish and they should go volunteer and donate. You'd be doing them a favor, i bet.

>> No.6522279

Screw helping others and use that money to acquire more Lolita.

>> No.6522293

screw that. You only live once. If you enjoy lolita then get what you enjoy. If you really want to help others donate plasma or blood. At least you know that is going to save someone's life. Either way it's your life and live it how you want

>> No.6522296

You don't really have to give up lolita for charities? I mean, all you really need to do is do things like donate clothes, or give money to organizations. Using your time and money to go to places and do things you aren't trained to do usually ends up with plenty of problems, so it's better to donate. Just be careful about who you donate to, and go more for, say, that one charity that gives farm animals to impoverished people so they can feed themselves rather than rely on charities for help. Heifer International, I think?
If you can save up the money to go on a trip to somewhere like Uganda or Guetamala to be of no use, you can save up the money to buy a few dairy cows for a hungry family.

>> No.6522297

>(I'm not sure if that's how you call it in English)

So what country or continent are you from? Changes everything

>> No.6522303

I'm not sure why you feel the need to have this all or nothing mentality. If you feel you need to lessen Lolita influence in your life, so be it. Sell away some pieces you don't really like or have no sentimental value. You can still donate/volunteer irregardless of whether or not you spend $x on clothes or things that make you happy.

There are some people who dedicate their entire lives to good causes, but they don't make a fraction of the total of the other's contribution. People who donate regularly, of time or money, even if it's just two times a year, make up a much greater percentage and they're not shipped to some orphanage in a 3rd world. It does matter, to someone, even if you don't know who they are.

If you want to budget for a charity or cause, then figure it in like you would any other. You'll have to find a compromise somewhere, but otherwise it's not like someone would judge you for not giving enough. That's absolutely silly in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.6522333

Just gotta say that the op pic is a pretty disgusting self-righteous, self-buttpatting piece of bullshit, and I don't even own brand.

Honestly, op? There are other ways you can help people, not just by donating cash. Personally, I prefer charities that involve giving free livelihood workshops, that help people get started on getting on their feet. I can't stand stuff like Tod's shoe charities, I feel like they harm more than help.

>> No.6522519

ilu leebs

>> No.6522531

Let me tell you a story... Suddenly, my family fell into poverty. I had to sell my plasma to buy our dogs medications and our three dogs, myself and my parent food. We had no car. My mother is disabled without being on disability and can not hardly walk among many other things. I sold most all of my clothes, went 3 days at a time without eating, walked several miles to sell my plasma to and from in horrible heat twice a week... I sold my clothes, shoes, dresser, rug, all my manga and books, all my dvds, games and gaming systems, jewelry, perfume, my bed, my desk, my tv, my cellphone, my ipod, my chairs, my make up, until I literally had almost nothing left... The one thing I held out on selling was my lolita wardrobe. I realized at the end of it, when God, the church and my determination helped to carry us through the hell, that although I loved my lolita clothes, I was entirely content if I had to sacrifice them for something more important. My father, two of our dogs and my cousin all died during this time, and my mom was diagnosed with cancer. I sold my belongings to afford our dogs medications, and to pay for them to be cremated since we could not afford to purchase coffins and bury them at the local pet cemetery. Lolita is beautiful, but it is not everything. Everything has a cost... unless you can keep this cost in mind and have a clear conscious when you make a purchase, it is not a purchase you should make. Don't store up treasures here on earth and neglect your own soul and the souls of others for it, you know what is right, you know what is wrong, you know what is necessary, you know what is not. Stop trying to justify yourself, you will just end up making yourself miserable.

>> No.6522534

Yes it is self-righteous thing but OP is not from a country that does not speak English. So that changes things

I love you too stranger but you sound familiar

>> No.6522544

Everyone should stop spending money on their hobbies and spend it on poverty tourism instead.

>> No.6522554

I would never understand people who have pets then complain about the costs.

Yes lets all join a mission and help people from Ecuador in reading then come back to our comfy lifestyle and tell all of our facebook friends that we made a difference and we are better than them.

>> No.6522580
File: 22 KB, 600x450, A-ahfFwCMAAcqvO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<3 shhhh

>> No.6522597
File: 71 KB, 306x336, steve_irwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of that whole post the only thing you got out of it was the fact they spent money on their pets? I didn't see them complaining about it. It was simply included in all of the reasons why they had to sell everything they owned.

wtf anon, srsly?

>> No.6522602
File: 14 KB, 483x418, smug-obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wait you're a tripfag that explains why you're a dense piece of shit, silly me

>> No.6522606

No its how they go on about having a pet is some sort of burden to them even though voluntary.

Aren't you the one being dense?

>> No.6522613

obama is a shite tier president syou should beel bead for posting him

>> No.6522617

Yeah, I don't think you actually read that story at all. The point of it was not to hoard money / items because in the end, they aren't important compared to other things in life. There was nothing hinting "If only I didn't have those pets I could have kept my lolita!!" about it, only a bit of disappointment that they weren't able to have their pet buried at the pet cemetery and had to have them cremated instead. People who whine about how expensive pets are don't actually take the extra step and have them cremated, they just tell the vet to throw them out / do whatever with them.

Wow, you really are a sorry piece of shit.

>> No.6522621

who cares?

>> No.6522624

nice dropping trip to samefag there libra

>> No.6522626

>not to hoard money / items because in the end, they aren't important compared to other things in life.

Life is unimportant in the first place? Also the way he or she mention pets and medication prices told me a whole different story. You have your own iteration while I have my own.

>> No.6522629

i wish i was leebs he qt
i lost his trip tho D:

>> No.6522633

How do I benefit from dropping my own trip? Look the point is OP is looking at it the wrong way but later he/she said that they are not from a English speaking country. So now we are waiting on a different answer.

>> No.6522637

found it but he doesnt like me using it QQQQQ