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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 262 KB, 640x732, wpid-Photo-Aug-23-2012-1224-PM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6518509 No.6518509 [Reply] [Original]

I'm doing a Ramona's hammer and just don't know how to get it looking like a stone or metal.
Any help?

>> No.6518588
File: 5 KB, 160x160, stone-effects-spray-paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stone hmmm...

try stone spray paint.
It spits out flecks so it makes an uneven color.

Every home improvement or DIY place will have it for like $7 USD a can.

>> No.6518778

there is a general help thread, you know

>> No.6518987 [DELETED] 

Do you have OCD? It's okay to make threads to ask cosplay questions. You don't have to consolidate everything on the board into a handful of threads.

>> No.6519012
File: 498 KB, 211x169, tumblr_ljatd1Hu331qegv2k.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If everyone thought like that, the board would be shitted up with 2 post threads asking inane questions that could easily go into a general thread. Also it makes you seem like a newfag fuckwit.

>> No.6519051 [DELETED] 

Threads that are on topic are not "shitting up" anything. What's "shit" is people who post with annoying attitudes like you who try to bark orders at everyone trying to tell them how they can or can't post.

If you have nothing helpful to say then fuck off and stop being a prissy bitch.

>> No.6519056

>bragging about duct tape
What the fuck.
Also your boyfriend looks like a douche.

>> No.6519054
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I'd go with Metallic spray paint instead of the stone. I did that the first time I made her hammer, but it ended up melting in rain because of shitty sealing job, so I ended up wrapping the whole hammer head in Duct Tape and that's worked ever since.

>> No.6519089 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6519091

>defending shit quality

>> No.6519367

I've been able to get a good metal effect by spray painting something in chrome or silver and then weathering it by using a dry brush or tissue with a mixture of a grey, dark grey/black paint. make sure you brush or rub it on, and then rub it off so its not painted but leaves a sort of stain. Make any seams or corners darker... and color to liking. I hope that makes sense. good luck! as a side note, this works really nice if what your working with (like wonderflex etc) has a subtly textured surface.

>> No.6519422
File: 190 KB, 258x456, hammertime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad and I made a Ramona hammer once, the shape is totally wrong but I love how the texture/look came out.
It's foam used to line heavy duty road cases, i don't know the specific name for it but it is fairly sturdy and rough, and comes in block form. We used mostly grey and a little bit of "sand" colour spray paint; the foam sucked it right up. After about 24 hours the paint dried completely and soaked in, because the holes of the foam are larger than normal and very rigid, it gave an almost concrete-like look to it, and the slight change in colour by spraying some darker paint over the grey helped give it depth
i'm sorry i can't give you a name for the foam i used though, but that's how we got it lookin' like a hunk of stone.

>> No.6519465

Different anon, but why don't you actually point out why it's whit quality and what would be a better solution, instead of just throwing around insults that have no relevance. It makes you sound cranky.

>> No.6520969

was not bragging
definitely not my boyfriend

>> No.6520992

Why does Scott like Ramona when Ramona is so slutty?

The Asian girl was pure.

>> No.6521013


>> No.6521258

Well props are an art, tools are your best friend. Sand papering sheets of hot glue and using exacto knifes, scrapers and even cheese graters can give you a surface to work with. Grab a rock and just study it and yea that stone paint will do great as long as you spray it on something that it will adhere too. So surfaces like glossy paper it may flake off. Card board absorbs it a bit but get a base paint too.

>> No.6521261

Soooo you're single?

>> No.6521265


Didn't he get together with asian girl in the end? Didn't read the comic so apologies if this isn't correct.

>> No.6521281

Different strokes for different blokes.

>> No.6521288
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Also her name is Knives Chau...she's Chinese

>> No.6521293
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>> No.6521298
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>> No.6521301
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>> No.6521325

Is Chau pronounced "cow" not "ciao"?

I think it's "cow".

>> No.6521968


Because Ramona was actually attractive

>> No.6521978

Not everyone likes clingy.

>> No.6521991


Are you serious, or trolling?

Knives was an obsessive high schooler.
Who the fuck wants that?


>> No.6521997

Because Scott Shitglim is a feminist comic? So of course they teach little kids to go for the slutty white whore instead of the cute well educated non promiscuous Asian girl.

There is a lot of racism against Asian-Americans these days, actually. Especially at universities.

>> No.6522007

It's actually quite simple; proper men like Scott prefer women who meet their match. Ramona provides so much more sparring and excitement, both physically and mentally, than Knives. Knives would be the excellent housewife for a sociopathic workaholic, but as a life partner to go on adventures with she would be boring. She would just follow Scott wherever he went and be an obedient yes-girl.

>> No.6522011

No, being a whore does not make you intellectual or exciting. Knives is probably better in everything.

>> No.6522015

Ramona isn't a whore. She's an experienced girl. But she has moral values and intelligence that raise her above the average party slut.

Knives is dull.

>> No.6522026

No, she said she had 5 sex parters before. She's not even 20. She's a whore.

Knives is perfection, you racist man.

>> No.6522029

>5 sex partners
At what part does she state she had sex with any of them? If I recall correctly, many of her exes were around middle school.

Also, Knives is a high school virgin. Imagine all the perverted thought's she's having, and how she for some reason thinks that hooking up with another guy will get her an Scott back together. Her slut-hood is present, even though she's a virgin.

Ramona is honest to her sexuality, and would never pull stunts like Knives do. That makes her vastly superior to the little chink hypothetical slut.

>> No.6522030

>mangina talk

>> No.6522032

We're resorting to namecalling now? Ok.

>western skank believing in purity ideals

When you're a manager looking for new employees, you don't want the one with 0 experience, astounding naivety, but a cute look, do you? No, you want the employee who knows what they're doing and doesn't give a fuck, yet still manages to do a great piece of work.

>> No.6522033

You're that summer cancer virgin who came here to hit on girls, if I remember correctly. Your arguments are invalid.

>> No.6522038

You're mistaking me for another guy.

I just showed up today.

My argument still stand and, if I remember correctly, stronger than yours.

>> No.6522039



1. Matthew Patel: "dated" for a couple weeks in middle school. Kissed once.
2. Lucas Lee: Followed her around in 9th grade until she agreed to date, mostly just sat on the curb together and smoked until she left him for
3. Todd Ingram: Her first actual relationship, lasted through high school until they went to different colleges.
4: Roxie Richter: College roommate through her bicurious phase, broke up after graduation.
5&6: Kyle and Ken Katayanagi: These are the ones she really wronged, cheating on each with the other.
7: Gideon Graves: The ultimate abusive, manipulative asshole.

0. Scott. He has no number because he's the one who breaks the cycle.

>> No.6522041


Also, Scott and Knives did make out once.

It was horrible.

For everyone.

And that includes you.

>> No.6522077
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Ohhh you're Blair!
I see you all the time at conventions

>> No.6522282
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>Sexist Comic
>Racist Comic

HAHA. Ohhhhh good fucking shit right here

>> No.6522285

Thank you for being one of the only people in this thread who knows anything about Scott Pilgrim.

>> No.6522288

It's still a shitty comic that tries way too hard with it's retro jokes.

Also what kind of whore dates twins at the same time

>> No.6522294
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>> No.6522295


yup. this.

>> No.6522329


I dated twins, but one at a time. The younger one was kind of creepily eager for a twincest threesome, so I eventually broke contact with both of them.

>> No.6522330


Not touching this derailed train-wreck of a thread, but just going to state that the creator of the comic is half Asian.

Also this: >>6522039

>> No.6522366
File: 432 KB, 1078x1592, tumblr_mffrgcqkB11rqbu99o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows his shit

Gideon is pretty cool though

>> No.6522628

>the younger one

Not how twins work.

Fuck that born one minute bullshit if you're born on the same day as some one you're the same age.

>> No.6522671

do you know any IRL twins? it IS how it works. since they're always treated the same, they use every second/minute to try to differentiate themselves.

>> No.6522676

Yeah, like Ramona, I've had a hard time finding a guy that's not a total ass

>> No.6522685
File: 173 KB, 495x580, tumblr_lxf8nzNPkG1qfjcnyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find someone like Scott

He'd be in lesbians with you

>> No.6522694
File: 124 KB, 239x304, 1342781049377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking scott pilgrim
cmon i know this board is shitty but lets not stoop so low ok

>> No.6522733

I've known far too many IRL Scott Pilgrims and they're completely undateable.

>> No.6523235


Yeah, that's the point. Scott was a huge douchebag who treated his girlfriends like shit, that's why he has to earn the Powers of Love and Understanding and merge with NegaScott (accepting his mistakes and moving forward). He realizes what an asshole he's been, and that if he wants to make it work with Ramona he has to change.

>> No.6523242

fuck i lol'd

>> No.6523246

>eager for a twincest threesome
shit, anon. that would have been awesome

>> No.6523249


Not really. He was kind of obsessed with his brother. Shit was fucked up.

I think it stemmed from them having been separated in foster care.

>> No.6523259

That's the gayest thing ever

>> No.6523275
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