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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 61 KB, 800x670, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6517488 No.6517488 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have an ausfag general, haven't seen one of these in a while.

>> No.6517504

Some of the QLD cosplayers are real faggots man

>> No.6517506

Some of the QLD cosplayers are real faggot men.

>> No.6517517

melbourne is dead

>> No.6517522

At least it's pretty!

>> No.6517526

What's your problem with QLD cosplayers?

>> No.6517535


>> No.6517536

You're just jelly of our swag!

>> No.6517540
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>> No.6517582
File: 10 KB, 407x205, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausfag thread? Ausfag thread.

>> No.6517612

The photographer should turn up dressed as Pauline Hanson HURRDURR

>> No.6517830

I swear, nobody in Australia is even remotely interested in Anime, let alone Cosplay.

>> No.6518694



>> No.6518846

Australian lolita comms? I lived in Sydney for a year but I never saw any lolitas when I was there.

>> No.6518853

Don't know about the lolita comm, but the Sydney cosplay comm is a bloody sausagefest. Would probably expect the same from the lolita comm.

>> No.6518963

Moving to Melbourne in a week (from Perth)
SO excited for PAX next year~
But I was wondering if there is a lolita comm in Melbourne? There is absolutely nothing in Perth (Though I have been complimented and once a girl recognised I was wearing lolita).
I wont be missing Wai-con at all though. All the times I've been its tiny and not really big in terms of content

>> No.6519016


Search for 'Melbourne Lolita Community' on Facebook.

>> No.6519023

No lolitas in Australia at all, sorry

>> No.6519025

Really? I went to Sydney for a weekend and met up with about 20 lolitas, and I've been over there to visit family and seen some just out and about in town, I ran into a couple at Paddy's market once and probably terrified them because I was wearing normal clothes and being really excited about their dresses.

>> No.6519027

Hearing you right here sister. If I could move to Mebourne I would. I think there was one time where I saw a group of cosplayers who were just doing it for fun, and not for a con, and they were just a bunch of hambeast weebs. There's nothing here in Perth.

>> No.6519032

I think I've seen those in the city a few times.
Just. Ew.

The only thing it returned for me was an annual meetup page that had no activity at all. Perhaps you could provide me with a link?

>> No.6519043


4chan's being a bitch about links to FB, so use the link in this pastebin: http://pastebin.com/EFkLy7w4

>> No.6519049

Thankyou very much!

>> No.6519501
File: 38 KB, 382x417, 1336900573100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you say QLD cosplayers do you mean the weebs that have a meet every weekend etc? because I get that feel too

>> No.6519613

ohay Kerrie!

>> No.6519677

Anything epic happen after that Canberra masquerade fiasco?

>> No.6519727

looking up perth lolita on facebook makes me want to cry ;__;

why do girls get into an expensive fashion when they can't even dress themselves in basic clothes to begin with or are hideous.

>> No.6519731

mcp is in 2 weeks

>> No.6519738
File: 61 KB, 720x540, jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most active posters on perth lolita facebook

>> No.6519742
File: 123 KB, 631x960, kkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka perth people that really need to get their eyebrows waxed goddamnIT

>> No.6519744
File: 37 KB, 720x960, mmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


photo album titled new baby the stars shine bright jsk with twelve photos of this shit

>> No.6519749
File: 121 KB, 540x720, sss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work it perth girls. one on the right runs the group.

>> No.6519750


What happened there?

>> No.6519752

I'll be avoiding Perth for these reasons, however I don't see anything wrong with the eyebrow girl. They look fine to me, though I suppose up close they may not look very neat or something. I like dominant eyebrows, but not if they're overgrown and all over the place, so...

>> No.6519760

Second. I live in Canberra now and vaguely remember seeing some poster for a cosplay event, curious to know what happened.

>> No.6519762

No, not at all.

>> No.6519775
File: 636 KB, 1277x918, kanu_ii_by_moonfoxultima-d5me9jx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There hasn't been a dramu aus thread forever

What does everyone think about katfox?

We have semi nudes now, all her cosplays are of 'sexy' characters, I'm finding it difficult to be convinced they are all 'coincidentally' her 'favourite' characters

Seems like a nice girl, good cosplays, great body, but has she now gone too far?

>> No.6519776
File: 782 KB, 1090x909, saeko_busujima_by_moonfoxultima-d5m6c3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and this one shows her lovely breasts very well

>> No.6519786

It is pretty much obvious she cosplays for male attention. Why else would you pose like that? It is super slutty and sleezy. But well, she has a nice body so show it gurl!

>> No.6519792

LOL you idiots obviously don't know much about the Aus cosplay or GL scene. FYI it's very much alive and thriving, but you fuckers can stay in your holes and remain oblivious.

>> No.6519794

every costume choice, pose and expression screams slut, male attention is great and all I mean she has 5000K FB followers but seriously I think she's too young to be doing this, she is going to look back on this at sometime, what will she think?

>> No.6519793

I have no issue with the cosplaying of 'sexy' characters, it's the realdoll/ Kristen Stewart face that puts me off...

>> No.6519796

the poster who commented about there not even being anime fans in Aus is only trolling, calm your bits :)

>> No.6519815
File: 961 KB, 245x250, tumblr_mcz0jtWKff1rppwgg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that we don't think either scene is 'alive and thriving'

>> No.6519816

yeah I mean them. But I sometimes see people on my Tumblr dash who act like some small elitist Brisbane cosplay group and it disgusts me

>> No.6520000
File: 24 KB, 403x403, 74789_248743888585721_350790287_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A big shittorrent when the winner of the event was this 5-minute effort.

>> No.6520539


Dosen't suprise me.

(May or may not know the girl who does the art for it, may or may not know stories about the girl who runs it and how crazy she is)

>> No.6520882

I hope the group your thinking of is the group i'm thinking of.

>> No.6521033

Who the hell are you guys talking about? Details please.

>> No.6521348

i'm really looking forward to pax!

>> No.6521730

omg stop bashing lily. shes just misunderstood. shes such a nice person to me

>> No.6521983

why don't you actually try looking?

>> No.6522080
File: 49 KB, 667x500, 804680 - Axel Kingdom_Hearts Roxas cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that all conventions should not let people do skits anymore. All the serious cosfags try to be all dramatic and shit and it's almost always somehow victorian theme or inspired and shit. Can't they be more original? Or did they fail drama class and living their juvenile dreams of being an actor? Probably the both.

You're not impressing anyone considering all the judges are normally the same fags that go on stage at other cons so its essentially a fucking cesspool of inbred stroking each other's crotches.

Fucking grow up.

>> No.6522081

I hate that subtitles guy, always putting down cosplayers. I'd like to see him compete and put his dignity on the line. What a jerk.

>> No.6522083
File: 53 KB, 1225x452, 412720_10150722285876979_915831434_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man that subtitles guy is such a fag. apparently the smash guy steals his music off the supanova guy, its exactly the same. in sydney the smash guy was playing persona4 mix AFTER the supanova guy from sydney. he must of thought it was really cool n just copied him. i hope he doesnt get paid for his job. any fag with hands can just click play on itunes n do his shit. n his subtitling... not even funny half the time n he only puts it on for a split second cause hes a chicken shit. not brave enough to let the person on stage see it. wat an ass.

>> No.6522084

So he's like an asian skrillex. Fucking loser.

>> No.6522086

Yea that av guy is a fucking cunt. what a fucking loser.

>> No.6522092

He probably empties a whole jar of mousse into his hair every morning before the con so his hair can defy gravity. Bet the fucker would burn like a blue flame if he was set alight.

>> No.6522093
File: 264 KB, 500x333, fkjhdh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know this girl? I met her once at a con.
All I know is that she's from QLD, or something.
Gahh I just can't remember her.

>> No.6522095

That's Dalfe and she's beautiful <3

>> No.6522096

Shut up Jack

>> No.6522101

And she really is gorgeous. I'd seriously go full on lesbo for her.

>> No.6522106

Nope. Please insert coin to continue.

>> No.6522123

And while I'm at it, that namefag suit guy - get a new look already! like get a different hairstyle or work out or something. I keep picturing you in a hawaiian shirt and khakis - yes it is my opinion, man.

>> No.6522313

Too bad she has 0 personality. And only talks to those she thinks will make her more popular

>> No.6522346

i think she's really sweet tbh. i'm almost a complete nobody but she talks to me if i'm around.

>> No.6522665

You posted a photo of Drew... Not sure if trolling.
>>6522086 is the tosser you are talking about.

>> No.6522864

australia sucks for anime. move to america. done

>> No.6522975

Yeah. I saw the Perth Lolita FB too. I'll stick to not joining a comm now.

>> No.6522988

Wasn't there a mini-documentary on Australian Lolitas on YT? The girls seemed nice.

>> No.6523017

Australia has pretty shitty cons, but I do like the communities of people around here. I've got no idea about Perth or Brisbane, which seem to be where all the bullshit comes from though.

>> No.6523036

jesus! they are not all like that. you people really need to get off your butts and find some quality. Lazy sob's

>> No.6523039

That's the Brisbane lolitas. It's a big community, they are all very nice.

>> No.6523065

Pretty sure they are the same guy.

>> No.6523245

I swear every Australian cosplayer I have met is a fucking idiot or a tumblr feminist.

>> No.6523244
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>> No.6523260
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>> No.6523274
File: 1.09 MB, 1600x1067, a84561355ae35560aadfb936c1a7506a-d5lfww0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone around is non-catty enough to participate, I'd love to see some talented, non-drama whore Australian cosplayers.

This girl and her Zelda are lovely, and their costumes are just beautiful. They won best group both days of Sydnova last year.

>> No.6523278
File: 152 KB, 960x720, 306763_297820163663704_1519398463_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more incredibly talented girls.

>> No.6523287
File: 53 KB, 748x149, tumblr_m5fsbdVlX91rufgaro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6523306
File: 285 KB, 600x900, belle___beauty_and_the_beast_by_emiko_sakura-d5p7g1z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6523308
File: 138 KB, 900x600, sheik_cosplay_by_mishelly88-d4b9ubd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6523417

But why

>> No.6523421
File: 114 KB, 900x600, _hack__the_one_that_got_away_by_kerryn_butterfly-d3g0gu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6523423

Zelda girl is a legend, really nice to everyone and her work is really good

>> No.6523427
File: 414 KB, 1600x1066, bbs_group_by_mishelly88-d5iniug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6523447 [DELETED] 
File: 1.36 MB, 1356x2048, DSC_4696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at those titties. would love to get a titty fuck from tat

>> No.6523450
File: 1.36 MB, 1356x2048, tittyfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man look at these aussie titties. would love to get a tittyfuck from these beauties

>> No.6523459


>> No.6523466

everyone in melbourne is indeed dead

god damnit

>> No.6524001

Posting for lols huh

>> No.6524016


...Jesus Christ. Are those... are those warts?

>> No.6524025


They're moles you fucking retard.

>> No.6524884 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6524890
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>> No.6524897
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>> No.6525564


Yeah fucks up the sound on EVERY skit or interview to troll cosplayers...f-ing "qwark"

>> No.6525569
File: 68 KB, 420x663, 2012 recap highlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has she ever won anything? Seems she claims anything she didn't get 1st place in rigged.

>> No.6525570

I want to start having an artists alley table, but i don't know which one to start with. What cons have the best artist alleys?
(I'm in syndey and can get to melbourne and brisbane easily, also adelaide.)

>> No.6525573

You shouldn't be too harsh on Jacky, at least he fucks up every skit's video and sound evenly and fairly.

>> No.6525575

She'll need 3 wedding dresses just to circumnavigate that girth.

>> No.6525579
File: 29 KB, 230x199, 1306698006907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I am not paid enough to care. I hate every cosplayer equally.

>> No.6525588

I find that hard to believe...why bother doing doing sound if you don't even want to try doing a good job?

>> No.6525587

lol if you are joking
lol if you arent

>> No.6525589

staff pass and the ability to trip/brag on 4chan?

>> No.6525593

Hardly thinks he does it to brag. He doesn't even wear a suit.

>> No.6525595

Wow shows how "professional" Supernova is. Probably as professional as their stage set

>> No.6525597

lol its a platform you stand on
natural selection takes care of the rest

>> No.6525607

Yeah that's as professional as Supanova gets. Shit service, shit con, shit performances because none of the good ones will come because of the shit sound and shit "stage".
Oh and we how the shit sound guy who actually get PAID for his shit work shit here.

Ah Australia and your shit gun laws

>> No.6525610


idunno man. he does sound for like smash and animania as well

>> No.6525614

>natural selection takes care of the rest

No one has died yet, ergo natural selection fail.
And the only cosplayer we seem to want dead has already bred

>> No.6525617

Yes, does it badly.
I wouldn't even know who to complain about him to though.

>> No.6525627

I think just submitting this page to them showing how much he cares is a good start.
He wants attention so lets give it to him

>> No.6525628

How do we even prove to them that it's really him? He has no evidence of his identity even if it he is a tripfag.

>> No.6525629

I'm fairly certain he brags about his posting on here.

>> No.6525631

Lol all this bitching about the av guy. It's like you don't know if he is friends with mods and he has a track of samefag posters. Such familiar IPs.

>> No.6525633

>Angry name callers and Itas

Perth sounds like the place to be.

>> No.6525635

Hey beethy!

>> No.6525645
File: 198 KB, 489x1200, 2012end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blames everybody but herself for stupid mistakes and decisions
>Cites favoritism, biased judging and poor rule-enforcement for not winning competitions
>Everybody is horrible except for herself she is a perfect innocent XXXXXTRA SEXXY GRAMMATICALLY PURFECT WOMYN
>I am a victim gaiz look at how much suffering and hardships I went through waaaahhh 5000 crystals des~
>all said and done it was still a pretty awesome year

Never change, Lily, never change.

(anybody catch the gossip about how much she bitched about the Madman winners this year? I only heard a bit of it)

>> No.6525648

Lol all this bitching about the av guy. It's like you don't know if he drops trips to passive aggressively back himself up.

>> No.6525647

How does one quantify what 'attention' is around here? This is in consideration that most anon posters praising other cosplayers are almost always praising themselves behind a mask.

And report him? Wow, that's rich. Considering the platform you guys are using to bitch about others behind a mask makes it so fucking rich beyond fucking words.

At least he is tripping. There's still integrity in tripping compared to a bunch of sad fucking cosplay and photography drama queens out there.

>> No.6525652

Ok then don't
Yes he probably does
Yeah it's past 1am here and you have 3 seperate people doing a late shift bitching about shit AV year in and year out. Yeah it's familar IPs...but if it was peak traffic time - how many then?

We have already started seeing a response with crappy cons - How many attended Animania last year?
After years of complaints and promises for improvement we get to watch Animania die like a festy dementia-ridden crusty dog that should have crawled away to die long ago.
So people have stopped complaining and stopped going.

Then with people actually getting on stage at Cons...let alone compete in competitions. Notice how they have to pad out the entries with interstaters?
Why go on stage to have some fun when it's proven that the staff don't give a shit (nothing to do with JOSX - because it's been proven already) or openly mock you because they are amateurs (subtitle guy) and cannot get a real job because they have no integrity.

So if you have an issue with staff then write a letter of complaint, make a phone call etc etc.
If the convention chooses to do nothing then they will end up like Animania.
If they do something like actually improve then great.

But don't sit there and do nothing...or just worst, whine about it because nothing will happen.

Don't know who to complain to? Then find out, All real conventions have contact people. Contact them, find out and tell them.

Seriously whinging here gets you nowhere

>> No.6525653

Posted by

Way to invalidate your own rant Jacky.

>> No.6525654
File: 45 KB, 600x409, 1353569194551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say it's not me but that doesn't really matter tbh :)

I'm actually quite enjoying this. Please go on about how knowledgeable you are in sound engineering.

>> No.6525659

I'm Batman?

>> No.6525664

I don't think anyone is claiming knowledge of sound engineering.

Only that you do a consistantly shit job with no improvement.

So if you are not going to try and actually do the job correctly, at least fuck off and let someone else do it.

>> No.6525668

Lol inorite. so many whingers waaaaah.

fuck off. that was my post. just because my opinion differs from you doesn't mean I'm the same person. Hell, you could be 10 different anon trying to talk shit about one person. Makes you more of a pathetic cunt but can't be proven can it?

Inorite? Pretty rich lol.

>> No.6525670

How does one claim a shit job without actually having knowledge of what they are talking about?

>> No.6525679

*Sigh* so basic aren't you.
Sound engineer consisitantly fucks up the sound coming out of the speakers because he is an incompentant lazy fuck

Bunch of people complain they get labelled as "people who are claiming knoeledge of sound engineering"

No we just want the guy to do the job he was paid to do. If he doesn't want to do it then give it to someone who does. At least we know they will TRY

>> No.6525680

Lol yeah. Wat a butthurt cosfag. Probably got their skit got shafted by him.

>> No.6525683

Considering how many he has fucked up that is a pretty big list

>> No.6525684


Here I was thinking that people on 4chan says shit they don't mean and then get ostracized by lol. Have you even seen him do av compared to other cons? I think he is so much better than other cons that do av like Manifest, AVcon or Animania for example. Them three have loads of money in av but their operators are crap.

But then there's Smash. Their av is amazing!

>> No.6525686

define fucked up? :/

Unless you're a friend of that nathan fuck-knuckle, whose audio when recorded is lower than his IQ, i don't recall many skits being "ruined" in recent years.

Sounds just like a lot of vendettafaggotry in here for some reason.

>> No.6525688

Not an Ausfag myself, but I was over in Melbourne for a vacation last month and saw the most gorgeous girl in lolita out on the streets while I was window shopping.

Wish I'd thought to ask for a photo or something. Though I suspect a foreign guy going up to her out of the blue and requesting a photograph would probably come off kinda sleazy. Ah well.

If you are here, mysterious Melbourne lolita in white, you looked absoloutely stunning. My mom was gushing about how pretty you looked for hours after we saw you.

>> No.6525689

I don't pay a lot of attention as to who is doing all that technical stuff but Melbourne Supernova was pretty well run this year.

>> No.6525690

I don't think I can count the well-recorded and mixed cosplay skits on more than one hand. Everyone usually sounds like they're recording out of a cheap $10 mic from the 80s while sitting next to an industrial fan.

Shit recording + shit acoustics venue = absolute garbage shit that no one can hear nor understand. Not sure what ppl expect a sound engineer to do about that.

>> No.6525693

I actually do SMASH as well lol. But yeah, some people don't actually know that the quality of skits given is almost always what you will get out of the setup. One of the other factors is venue - I'm not exactly happy with how we setup the stage at Sydney but that is what I'm given to work with.

Interestingly, SMASH tends to have a very decent amount of cosplayers who care about their skit quality and would actually give me a decent file. Coupled with the amount of money we use to hire the venue; it's no wonder a lot of people talk good about the stage.

>> No.6525698
File: 92 KB, 400x349, JOSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single Madman competitor for Sydnova complained that their sound dropped out at the beginning or during their skit.

And the Madman competitors submitted their skits two weeks prior - Ample time to fix any issues

Doubt any of them have a vendetta but they all had sound issues regardless

Smash is definately the best con going around, but I personally feel it is due to the superior venue, stage and sound set up.

>> No.6525710

perhaps that has more to do with the venue, and less to do with the AV staff though?

Having been to sydney and comparing it to the GC and Bris conventions which have actual stages and sound systems set up for such, it was a bit eh.

Perhaps more needs to be done regarding pushing SN to shift to a new venue or at least sorting out a different stage arrangement? idk but singling out the AV guy as the source of any/all problems is a bit bullshit.

>> No.6525713

Yeah and he also does SMASH. I think you're onto something about the venue!


>> No.6525766


Lol 'proven' and all those keywords. Poor vindictive narcissistic cosfag. That av guy from what I've heard works two jobs and does something at university too. Integrity? Maybe if you get off ya fat cunt ass and find a job instead of using centrelink money or leech off others to buy your fabric and materials.

>> No.6525769

Lol 3 people? Unless I've mistaken, there are different timezones with different people and their sleeping habits. You seem to think you know a lot when you actually don't.

>> No.6525774


Lol so true. Stupid idiot. I'm up because I have stuff to do for work which accumulated over new years but taking breaks every now and then.

>> No.6526230
File: 167 KB, 960x588, 405988_454842411231640_738879325_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from what I've heard
Assuming this is Lily or some butthurt cosplayer
>You seem to think you know a lot when you actually don't.
Assuming the rest of the world gives a shit about ausfaggotry
>I'm up because I have stuff to do for work which accumulated over new years
Stupid idiot with crap time management skills calling others stupid

Anyway let's get back to why we are really here.

>> No.6527060
File: 17 KB, 155x202, 1265364244871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol jus bcuz she has accumulated work doesnt mean u kno wat it entails or the circumstances.

>> No.6527073

Australia shares a few different timezones you fagget. Stop trying to put the thread back onto Lily and face the fact that your other anon posts are full of shit.

>> No.6527946 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 718x255, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's won a daily deviation

>> No.6527951
File: 11 KB, 210x227, 1357104068792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have arrived.

>> No.6527963 [DELETED] 

she won a daily deviation

>> No.6527964
File: 36 KB, 718x255, captureaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she won a daily deviation

>> No.6527986

fiathriel's photography won a daily deviation

>> No.6529807

Still claiming to have bought a million roses from Mexico and thats what stopped her from winning. Why doesnt she get that noone believes her lies that become more and more outrageous by the day?
Cant wait to see her attack on favoritism that she is going on about constantly. Anything else than the fact she isnt winning because she is a terrible cosplayer and a crazy bitch.

>> No.6529930
File: 35 KB, 418x409, lia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck knows.

Fucking cycling vagina possums she is talking some blue outfit Lia again

>> No.6529965

>this entire thread

If I wanted to be embarrassed and ashamed by my country, I'd be watching A Current Affair.

>> No.6529970

She's still of the firm belief that Aly and Yiji only won Madman because they cheated AND knew the judges.

>> No.6530019
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>> No.6530026

I only have what I was told by one of her now-ex friends. She thinks the paper streamers they used on stage were cheating (despite herself constantly using shit like glitter and powder which is a bitch to clean, considering Team Gusta's streamers took all of five seconds to ball up). I was there when she did the Tsubasa skit with her money sponge. Fucking glitter all over the stage, which they didn't clean up afterwards, and the next day the stage crew were STILL vacuuming that shit up.

As for biased judging, well, everybody in the judging panel is always biased against her. It's common knowledge that she doesn't win because clearly everybody sleeps with judges except her, she has more integrity and honor than - I'm sorry, I've used up my quota of sarcasm for 2013.

>> No.6530047
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This was posted a while ago on the perth cosplayers groups. There were a few rational people that were like just smile and say you made it, others acted like it was the biggest insult of their lives. Opinions?

>> No.6530053


I'm flattered when people think I buy my costumes. It means it looks good. But people often hear it as "You're not good enough to make that", When it's not meant as that.

>> No.6530059

How sensitive could one get?
If someone asks where you bought it then you calmly explain that you made it yourself, and if need be give a general process of how you did it if they ask further.

Getting defensive at someone because they asked an innocent question is such a douche move.

>> No.6530125

Contageous moles!

>> No.6530139

auscosers are really hurtful, is it all over th world or are aus particulary nasty with thought for consequences of their actions?

>> No.6530160

I think the diffence is less professional people who aren't as confident about heir works see it as 'omg it's so good surely you bought that somewhere' and the people who think they are 'pros' see it al 'lol where did you buy that it looks like a shitty ebay costume'. Derp

>> No.6530161

One of the commentors on it said when some girls asked where she brought an armour cosplay from, she death stared them and growled at them. I don't even, seriously relax. Why are perth people crazy

>> No.6532270

"The recent Black Cat shoot with Kris was a big learning experience for me and I'd like to share with you guys some footage of how we put it all together. There's a lot more to a photo shoot than just a couple of lights and a black roll of paper. There's preparation, trial and error, mistakes and lots of time that go into making a shoot look great. I want to credit the real star of the shoot; Kris. He sets things up, directs me, gets me to and from shoots, fixes my wigs/costumes and sometimes buys me lunch ;) He's a champ and I honestly wouldn't be so confident without all of his help. So please, watch the time lapse and see how we did these shots :) "


What, No hanging shots this time Kris?

>> No.6532350

seriously trying to drag old dramu alive, whats next beethy drama too no one gives s a shit about csoplay photographers so drop it

>> No.6532502

......On top of making the photographer take the photos, he has to pick her up, drop her off, pose her, fix her costume and wig, on top of all that...he buys her lunch.

Personally I get to my own shoots, have poses ready but accept direction on them, maintain my own appearance and costume and I buy my photographer lunch :S

Just because a photographer will do those thing doesn't mean he should :S

>> No.6533808
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I think a lot of them come across as hurtful because some take it too seriously.

It's a bunch of adults (and sometimes children) dressing up, you normally do this for fun, so as soon as people become all serious it really shows how pathetic humans as a species can be.

Fair enough if you want to make it special and as close to the references as possible, but if you want to talk about how many hundreds or thousands it cost to make it then you'll find a lot of us will turn our heads and say "WTF! that's how much I put into rent per month/year etc"

Same again for alot of competitors who carry on like divas for no good reason. Okay you made a nice outfit, sure you looked like the character but your skit was a boring as drying paint. Or the other way around.

Or like the pic "a team fighting hard for the chance to be team australia in WCS" really...I didn't realise WCS selection had anything to do with being in a struggle let alone a fight of some kind.

Yes AusCos scene can be nasty but not to everyone.

I personally haven't had any problems because I don't act like a wanker. You will find that the cosplayers that get shit put on them because they put themselves in that position in the first place. People like Nic and Lily take cosplay way too seriously. Like making blanket statements that the competitions are rigged because they didn't win...

They dealt their own cards and I can easily see the train wreak they are, so why not laugh about it - certainly cannot do anything else

>> No.6534015

Did anyone see the huge congregation at around midday in Melbourne central? Creepy!!

>> No.6534523

So to keep this on topic:
>What cons are you attending for 2013
>What are you cosplaying
>Are you entering any contests this year
>What cosplay are you looking for most
>Which one is giving you the most trouble
>Other local cosplayers you are looking forward to seeing

>> No.6534562
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>What cons are you attending for 2013?
Definite: AVCon, PAX Melbourne, Supanova Adelaide
Maybe: Oz Comic-Con Adelaide, Supanova Sydney, SMASH!

>What are you cosplaying?
See picture.

>Are you entering any contests this year?
AVCon is the only definite, I guess.

>What cosplay are you looking for most?
Assuming this meant 'looking forward to most', Lucifer!

>Which one is giving you the most trouble?
At this point in time, Azusa, if just for finding the right shades of colour for things. Contacts that will suit Hibari, too. Otherwise I'm cruising pretty smoothly.

>Other local cosplayers you are looking forward to seeing?
I don't really follow any cosplayers, as weird as that probably seems. I am horrible with names so I just operate on a 'oh, that's awesome!' basis.

>> No.6534567

What are you talking about? There was a cosplay meet today..

Was that the cosplay teddybear picnic? I'm not entirely sure where they were located, but I think the event page had over 100 people going.

>> No.6534586

>What cons are you attending for 2013?
Manifest, Supanova Melbourne, maybe Armageddon and possibly Oz Comic-Con Melbourne, though that con was so shit last year that I'm not too sure.

>What are you cosplaying
Not sure yet. Basic costumes, I only just got my first sewing machine so I won't try and do anything ridiculous.

>Are you entering any contests this year?
Probably not.

>What cosplay are you looking for most?
Do you mean looking forward to? Uh, not sure, haven't decided yet.

>Which one is giving you the most trouble?
All of them. Obviously.

>Other local cosplayers you are looking forward to seeing?
Just my friends in the local community, I guess.

>> No.6534587

I was passing through Fed Square at about 3pm and saw a Naruto and a nine-tailed demon fox in a business suit. Had no idea an event was on.

>> No.6535028

what is the chick with the ram horns from?

>> No.6535459

You have my eternal love for wanting to cosplay the Adventurer from Oglaf

>> No.6536190

I should hopefully have a Vanka and a Mistertique when I do.

Lucifer, she's from The 7 Deadly Sins, a project between Orchid Seed and Hobby Japan with character designs by Nishii.

>> No.6538266
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Photographs like this just make me even more sure her breasts are totally fake.

>> No.6538321

They aren't jelly anon, that's just clever costume engineering combined with youth. There were also pics floating around a couple of years ago with stretch marks that she was confident to display so take your vendetta elsewhere, at least her tits aren't out like katsuya moonfox

>> No.6538368

>dat back fat oozing out


And fake? Hardly, if she has to lift up an arm to show off a round tit, they aren't fake. Look how the other one is just sitting flat in the cup of the bodice...

>> No.6538376

They look pretty real to me. It's just that her arm is raised above her head making it look perkier.

You can tell they're real because the other is shaping to the dress in a different way since that arm is down.

>> No.6538425
File: 175 KB, 521x405, 580546_412193802189547_3464478_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look pretty darn fake to me. Tits that big dont grow on women that small. How do you know theyre real? Youre just taking her word for it.

>> No.6538439

Look how they smoosh and mold as she moves in the pictures and due to the pressure of the dress. Silicon maintains a pretty much perfect circle regardless of your position. If the boobs "flow" (such as that weird boob muffin top she has in the second picture), you can tell they're real. And while they're big they aren't so big that I find them unbelievable.

>> No.6538455
File: 55 KB, 500x500, Featured-yaya-han-jessica-rabbit-bustedjoystick-0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you... 12? She isn't tiny. She's wearing a corset with padded cups. Her tits are flat on the top, aka not fake. Do you even know what fake tits look like? Here, I'll show you.

>> No.6538464
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>Tits that big dont grow on women that small


>> No.6538468
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>Tits that big dont grow on women that small

Double dumbass.

>> No.6538472
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>Tits that big dont grow on women that small

Triple dumbass.

>> No.6538479

Those are not like.. super huge compared to her frame though. They look very well in proportion.

>> No.6538476
File: 36 KB, 382x604, tumblr_mehcgfkdLJ1qfaek7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tits that big dont grow on women that small

Quadruple dumbass.

>> No.6538482


>Tits that big dont grow on women that small

Quintuple dumbass.

>> No.6538486
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Forgot my titties.
Anyway, I think we all see where I'm going with this.

>> No.6538494

Actually, those cups don't look padded at all judging by the way her breasts sink into them and alter the shape. It looks like a corset under the dress which seems to have underwiring sewn into it.

>> No.6538498

While i agree with your point anon, those are some tiny tits

>> No.6538506
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They're big in proportion to their frame/body fat, at least I think.

>> No.6538502

She said herself she used a padded bra for the costume.

>> No.6538509


braces get back to /soc/

>> No.6538511

Yaya did. Not Ardella. I've seen the inside of the dress, there's a corset but no padding at all.

>> No.6538512
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stop being jelly they are real

>> No.6538522


I'm not Braces lol, just a female admirer.
I want her bod.

>> No.6538532
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>Tits that big dont grow on women that small

small as in short? or thin?

>> No.6538531

i can tell she was wearing tights and she has bad posture just from the lines on her tummy

>> No.6538542
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>> No.6538551

looking more like boring soft-core porn to me.

>> No.6538564

lol their tits have been liquefied to shit, are you really that dumb? not to mention the girl's on the left are rather bulbous-looking, which is indicative of a boob-job.

>i have a master's in boobology, don't question me

>> No.6538569

>work it perth girls.

...the blue one is definitely not female

>> No.6538579

: 3
You must be Adelaide based on your con list.
You'll be at all the same ones as me.

>> No.6538581

Fake boobs
Padded bra

>> No.6538595

... >>6538464 Is not wearing a bra, moron, there is nothing on under that tank top. Have you ever seen boobs... ever?

>> No.6538795

Yeah, here's the reason why the other perth lolitas have their facebook group set to private.

>> No.6538805

Have you not seen the video where she "makes the bat fly"? They're real, and she has a sense of humor about them as well.

>> No.6539257
File: 184 KB, 600x900, all_i_want_for_christmas_by_ardella-d35bvss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, you've been out voted. They're real, they're fabulous and so is the lady they belong to.

>> No.6539588


Everytime Perth lolitas are brought up this happens...

The REAL Perth loli facebook group is PRIVATE.
The ones you find through the search are full of weebs/creeps and we avoid those.
To see the actual community you'd have to ask to be added though the Perth loli livejournal or from another Perth lolita on facebook, and the group is called "Perth Lolita (from LJ)"

>> No.6539631

>Fake boobs

She's 14 in that pic dumbass

>> No.6539655

Not who you're replying to, but now I'm curious about said video. Link?

>> No.6539671

I'm a cosplayer and lolita in brisbane and most of the cosplay community disgusts me. they treat others like shit and bag on those who dont go to their stupid meet ups. ben larsen, the cat guy also fucking stalked me on MULTIPLE accounts. god i had to block all of them. also there are tonnes of itas which pisses me off god cosplay is not lolita

>> No.6539676

Ben Larsen added my mother on facebook. She thought he was my friend, and she added him back. :|

When I unfriended him, he immediately sent me a PM asking what he'd done wrong and hoped I would reconsider.. I'd never even talked to him IRL though I'd seen him at cons and stuff a lot. I only added him out of politeness.

>> No.6539681

he tried to hit on me so many times and asked to come over to my house while i was going through some rough times.

>> No.6539682

>What cons are you attending for 2013
Sydnova and SMASH! hopefully a few more
>What are you cosplaying
Marisa and Suika from Touhou Project. I don't want to plan more since I am coming back from a very long cosplay hiatus.
>Are you entering any contests this year
Erm, kind if really put off by how everyone acts, so no, unless I do it for shits and giggles
>What cosplay are you looking for most
Forward to? Suika. Will be fun.
>Which one is giving you the most trouble
I am working on Marisa right now, the most difficult thing is finding time.
>Other local cosplayers you are looking forward to seeing
Just friends. Or old friends. I used to be active nigh on 10 years ago, but I don't think anyone remembers me, which is probably a good thing.

Are you active in the brisbane community? I am coming up to visit soon. Kind of want to meet some brisbane lolis.

>> No.6539684

yes i am active, there is a new lolita community called the australian lolita community and brisbane is the brisbane rufflebutts

>> No.6539686

Not who you're talking to but if you request to join Brisbane Rufflebutts now and are an active Sydney? lolita already, I will add you.

>> No.6539692

Oh well, if we come to a meet, I might see you around.
Thanks. Also if you're the one who approved my request, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GIVING US SOMEWHERE TO STAY ; A;

>> No.6539695

Does everyone in Australia call each other cunts? Even your own parents?

>> No.6539699

yeh cunt

>> No.6539743


>> No.6541490

...but she's not that small. look at that fat fucking arm

>> No.6541662

>fat fucking arm

Wow anything above a size 2 must be fat to you

>> No.6541682

on the whole, it's good but I dunno about that belt/bracer/boot fabric

>> No.6541757


She's one of the newer members.
From what I know she was just trying the dress on after receiving it.
None of us are yet to see her in a coord or anything so she seems to be researching a bit before she delves into it.

>> No.6543602

what is SMASH like? I was considering going this year and haven't been before.

>> No.6543692

So I'm new to the Brisbane cosplay community, wonder who is this suit guy I've heard about?

>> No.6543742

Ben Larsen. Avoid him in person and on facebook

>> No.6543748

>Ben Larsen
I've seen him at cons a few times. What's the story behind him?

>> No.6546689

Best Con in Sydney IMO

>> No.6547133

wait, i thought suit guy was that supanova employee.
are you talking about green shirt guy?