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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6514432 No.6514432 [Reply] [Original]

Brolita thread, anyone?
Post, discuss, share, etc

>> No.6514441

Jesus you could least post someone that looks good.

>> No.6514455
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How's this then?

>> No.6514489
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>> No.6514510
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>> No.6514542
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>> No.6514596
File: 132 KB, 400x533, 11.09.12.BABY(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an aspiring brolita who's getting in shape to look as best as I can. Would being 5'8" with a figure of 36-30-30 work against me? I'm V shaped with big shoulders but thankfully I have a small waist.

Pic related, it's the JSK I want. Can't wait to go to BTSSB's SF store and throw down the plastic to buy it.

>> No.6514604

Hey! I'm a tippy heavy former fatty chan whose 5'8! My measurments were 40-30-42 and baby dresses with shirring fit me! I'm now 37-28-35 and my baby dresses, now, have extra room in them! Based on my experience you're going to be a-okay as long as you go with at least half shirring. Also aim for drop waist cuts it'll elongate your torso and make you look more femanin.

>> No.6514608

your bust and waist are on the upper limits of brand sizing, especially Baby.
You're gonna wanna look for a lot of full shirring pieces because even with partial shirring your gonna be a few cm's out of max range
its not unpossible, you just have to dig a little deeper to find pieces that fit

>> No.6514693


Sweet! Thanks for the tips especially on drop waist cuts. I'm taking this pretty seriously since I want to look as feminine as possible.


Hopefully at the rate I'm going in a few months I'll be able to shave off 2 more inches in each of my measurements. Would wearing a corset help as well?

>> No.6514703
File: 277 KB, 543x724, tumblr_mfnvwrAq3n1r6m0q4o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this the dude who just posted that outfit with the black milk leggings? Or do they just look similar?

>> No.6514705

Ah, no chin moles so I guess I just tricked myself.

>> No.6514708
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>> No.6514718

a black brolita

haha what

>> No.6514721

is this the deerstalker pictures dude? the one who was the loli in "shit lolitas say"?

>> No.6514722

and he doesn't look like shit
my mind is sufficiently blown

>> No.6514731

Yeah that's him. Their facial features just look so damn similar to me heh.

>> No.6514737

I did an image search and yeah, it is. He's technotropism on tumblr.

>> No.6514740
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>mfw technotropism ever did full blown lolita

>> No.6514742

is there any way to downplay, or physically shrink a large chest? not width wise, but like, looking at someone from the side, shrinkage. I was a swimmer in highschool and my lungs were gigantic, and made my chest big, in all directions.

>> No.6514744
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Want more?

>> No.6514747

No they mean he's the one in the video, not in OP's picture.

>> No.6514753

My problem with brolitas is that I can tell they are men every single time. It's offputting and god forbid they open their mouth to speak... it's like walking next to a freakshow.

>> No.6514795

u just fat

ur lungs don't get "gigantic" you fucking fat you just get fat under your ribcage

>> No.6514813

...wow such hate... I weigh 140, and im 5'10... and yes they do, lungs can increase in size quite easily. how the fuck do you think freedivers can hold their breath for 20 minutes at a time?

>> No.6514838

I think wearing a corset would help you in gaining a more feminine shape. But remember, don't solely rely on that to shed off those inches.

>> No.6514881

>my lungs make me look fat!

lol wow. First time I've heard THAT excuse.

>> No.6514938

Different anon, but just so you know, this is actually a common problem among chilldhood athletes. I haven't heard of it with swimmers, but young gymnasts can stretch out/expand their ribcage permanently by stretching it out to often during gymnastics. Ribs are actually very flexible if repeated activity causes them to stretch out, especially during childhood. It's not an entirely implausible concept. That said, it could also just genetic. I have a large ribcage as well (not large in general, but for my height/weight), but there's no special reason for it - it's just a feature of my family.

>> No.6514950

My friend's corgi has an enormous, flat ribcage because he was the runt of the litter and his legs were too stumpy for him to stand for the first few weeks.
Sage for ot

>> No.6514953

then you have never known many swimmers, gymnasts, singers, players of wind instruments, etc...

>> No.6514970

Where you would you guys recommend to buy a wig from? I'm thinking about Arda or maybe Gabalnara.

>> No.6514974

thanks for the backup on that anons. so now that thats settled, is there any way to shrink it(exercise, etc) or downplay it?

>> No.6514975

Arda's only good for cosplay. Go for Galbanara or Cyperous

>> No.6514977
File: 38 KB, 500x333, sadkitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, that's really sad... Poor thing. I hope his breathing was affected!

>> No.6514991

What do most brolitas do for shoes? I'm 10.5 US mens and it seems I'm SOL with Bodyline.

I've already ruled out rocking horse shoes since I know would look way too goofy in them.

>> No.6514993

I do know there's ClobbaOnline and Qutieland which both offer bigger shoe sizes.

>> No.6515051

Okay anon, don't worry, these are just internet fatties or skinny fats that don't know what ACTUAL ATHLETIC EXERCISE will do to the body especially when you get into it during a developmental age and it makes almost permanent changes. This is a super common amongst athletes and there is no going back, sadly, other than corsets and shape wear.

>> No.6515053

aitana (can not spell that for the life of me) offers custom sizing in all their shoes.

>> No.6515059
File: 431 KB, 980x2334, DSC_0016 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 11 US, and 270's from bodyline fit me just fine~
Pic related, it's me wearing them!

Sorry I'm not the best brolita though~

>> No.6515064


>> No.6515066

you look cute

>> No.6515075

You need makeup like the dickens... Learn to use foundation and concealer at the very least, youtube is a wonderful resource for any makeup knowledge.

Your forearms are also ultra muscular, veiny buff and and angular. You should wear long sleeves to pass better. Your legs look fine, though and your hair is nice.

>> No.6515081
File: 135 KB, 267x722, DSC_0142 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you, a second, more recent picture of me!
Yet again, standing beside a Loli I had to crop out to protect her identity~

>> No.6515083

Like the skirt
blouse is ugly and makes me think of something an age player would wear to get daddy to fuck them.
you have pretty hair, get a cut that won't make it seem so flat and dull, learn to do basic styling

learn to make up
I would also suggest blouse under skirt unless the skirt has no band(in which case wear a cardigan or something over the blouse)

also preferably avoid lots of pinkXwhite, especially when it's very ruffly and frilly or has teddy bears and shit, tends to look very age play.
Like for this I would have had an off white/cream blouse that was simple but had a tie/bow thing(the skirt isn't pure white which makes it look off)

>> No.6515087

Thanks for the advice!
That picture was from one of my first outings in Loli, so.... ^.^' It's not the greatest~

>> No.6515090

wear longer sleeves, ditch the striped tights, get a wig which the colour suits you(looks very off imo), I think your actual hair could be used, just give it a style (eg layers and bangs) and learn to style it. Also maybe adjust the dress length via bigger petti or something? Looks a tad too long

I can see that you like sweet and pastels, but darker and richer colours would probably be more flattering and help pass you more(since it hides rather than highlights things like muscles and your lack of boobies). And make up.

I don't say this like you're awful, you aren't, but simple things to improve on.

>> No.6515093

even with your arms behind your back they still look like boy arms - go for the long sleeve blouses if possible.
Can't tell from the photo, but it looks like you need foundation coverage (or better foundation)

>> No.6515094

oh also high collars, high heels, dark tights, long sleeves will all help you pass better, same with getting a cut that softens your jaw/brow bone and such

>> No.6515112

>same with getting a cut that softens your jaw/brow bone and such
I agree. Get long sidepieces cut in which will curve just under your jaw, it does wonders for my squarish jaw (I'm female).

>> No.6515117

Someday, I'll post a progress thread~ Heheh, thanks everyone! I'll try to be a good Brolita!

>> No.6515126


I can definitely see the improvement! I really like your outfit in the 2nd photo. Also thanks for the info on BL shoes. As for outfits I'm planning to go for darker colors like blues and navy as I think they would match my skin tone better.

In the 2-3 months that I've decided that I really want to do this I've gotten more serious about skincare (I want to stay looking as young as possible lol) and I've noticed a definite improvement in my skin. I have to say wanting to be a brolita is an amazing motivator in working out. =)

>> No.6515174

whats a good skincare/work out routine for brolitas?

>> No.6515194

well you're a dude, so ask /fa/ for dude skin care

>> No.6515198

I ask here, because /fa/ will give me male skincare tips for good male skin. I want feminine skin, and cgl is the best place to ask for that

>> No.6515203

But male skin is different from female skin...

>> No.6515209

yes, but I am asking for tips to help a male have more feminine skin...I dont think what I am asking is that hard to grasp...

>> No.6515211


for fitness, I think your best best would be to read through the /fit/ faq. I personally try to lift weights 3 times and run 5-8 miles 3 times a week.

For skincare I've been doing cleanser->toner->anti-aging cream at night. In the mornings I use a cleanser, followed with an exfoliating facial scrub twice a week. Just like Patrick Bateman I'm giving using an ice pack in the mornings some serious thought. I also moisturize my face frequently, mostly twice a day. I've had a lot less breakouts than before I started my regimen. Using sunscreen helps a lot too for me since I'm pretty fair.

>> No.6515214

how does one deal with facial hair in all of this?

>> No.6515222

Check out some youtube tutorials for covering facial hair for dragqueens. There's tons of videos on that subject.

For the broader subject of mtf makeup tips, consulting draqueens is a way better resource than asking us lolitas.

>> No.6515318

For something longer lasting than shaving. remove hair from the roots by depilatory creams threading, , electrolysis or waxing (waxing is likely the quickest and painless of these.). Regardless on how you go about it, be sure to clean your face and exfoliate to clear dead skin cells. If you're shaving, be sure to moisture and apply of orange lip stick over the areas shaven as this color neutralizes the blue shade of an unexpected 5 o clock shadow.

>> No.6515328

>Singer and former swimmer hurr

I'm not a guy, but I've gotten accustomed to diaphragmatic breathing long enough in which in spite of having an ideal bust size for lolita, wearing dresses are generally uncomfortably tight for my expanded ribcage. I've even had trouble fitting in custom sized ones because the bodices tend to be so damn short.

Oh, I forgot to mention that if you are shaving, please shave against the grain.

>> No.6515339

Maybe it's just me but I notice that girls tend to have fuller arms. I usually see a dead give away among MtF cross dressers/trans people who have super skinny-angular arms. Definitely take some time lifting for fuller arms (just don't over do it), or disguise this feature with chiffon blouses, and remember to invest in wrist cuffs to make up for length.

>> No.6515341

all dis hate

as long as they look nice and aren't creepy, i don't see what the issue is

>> No.6515373

it doesn't work that way....you are a man, you do not have female skin, you can not get female skin aside from doing man care and keeping yourself clan shaven and making your skin soft

>> No.6515394

better at coords than most girls

>> No.6515421

i envy your cuteness

>> No.6515444

I'm sorry, how are male and female skin different, aside from facial hair?

>> No.6515453

They are biologically different in thickness, hair follicles (over the entire body), and veins, among many other things.

>> No.6515464

Something to note that's somewhat related, if you take MtF hormones your 'male skin' will change to 'female skin' (thinner, smaller hair follicles, smaller surface veins, etc.) but taking care of skin doesn't differ that greatly between females and males.

>> No.6515493


This is a guy?
Wow, he makes a very pretty girl imo.

>> No.6515550

pretty much, it's like if a black girl with thick 'nappy' hair trying to use products made for girls with "normal" hair texture

>> No.6515558

Yeah, pretty much this.
There's currently a skincare thread running in /fa/, so check it out anyway? >>>>>/fa/5339246

>> No.6515683

who is this beauty?

>> No.6515703

ITT: Hamplanets getting pissed off that most of these guys make better girls than they do.

>> No.6515709

wait, who's getting mad? seems like this thread was a) skincare advice b) brolita pictures

stop starting shit

>> No.6515711

Ignore the troll, geez.

>> No.6515766

To get this thread back on track I have to say that despite being a guy, I never knew it was so much fun to look at outfits/accessories and try to develop your own sense of style.

>> No.6515781

His tumblr: cutepokemonsaremeow.tumblr.com

>> No.6515885
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>> No.6515886
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>> No.6515889
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>> No.6515890
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>> No.6515931
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>> No.6516036


You look cute, but I feel like you need a poofier petti.

>> No.6516040


>> No.6516041
File: 996 KB, 175x131, goshujinsama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6516083
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>> No.6516091
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>> No.6516086
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>> No.6516097


>> No.6516138
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>> No.6516177
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>> No.6516180
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>> No.6516181
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>> No.6516183
File: 121 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m92rh3vtYX1qalpipo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic of a brolita doin it right

>> No.6516194

w...who dis

>> No.6516203

waffledolly on tumblr

>> No.6516207

I realize not every guy can pass, but it just... ruins it for me when they have obvious manface

But oh my god, all of my hhhnnnggg for this guy: >>6514542

>> No.6516222
File: 62 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lt4tx954YE1qalpipo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6516256

I'd love to have a brolita boyfriend but most of the ones I've met are either gay or really weird.

>> No.6516331

Yeah I know how you feel. This guy took me on date and it was horrible. I thought he was gay.

>> No.6516374

>tfw straight and love lolita but have no reason to wear it

>> No.6516491
File: 243 KB, 500x710, tumblr_mbhpvhlIfO1ql9ilao1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6516667


>> No.6516671
File: 130 KB, 720x960, 9666_515703955120515_1935860769_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6516774
File: 64 KB, 720x960, 206721_326175070831922_382778233_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6516776
File: 72 KB, 479x720, 530963_305966846186078_1625602931_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6517005


This one's just amazing. He's really giving me ideas on how to hide a masculine jaw.

>> No.6518459

Potential future brolita here. I have a couple of questions:
1. How do you deal with beard shadow? As a regular crossdresser, that's been my biggest battle.
2. What's the best way to start brolita (not sure if there is a better way to phrase that). Are there particularly good places to acquire things, items that I need to have or else, etc.?
3. I ask this mainly because I am curious. Do the brolitas here regularly crossdress normally, or is it just lolita fashion only?

>> No.6518481

I cannot answer one since I'm still a beginner with makeup. I'm sure transgender (not drag queen, as drag queens are a bit ott with their makeup) tutorials on youtube may be of some help.
2. You need your basics (petticoat, blouse, bloomers* optional but recommended, etc) I'd say it'd be best to start out with BodyLine. Be wary though, as they have some terribly ita items.
3. I have a small lolita wardrobe myself, but I do plan on going outside of Lolita fashion and going into Fairy kei and probably Pastel goth too.

>> No.6519832
