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6514415 No.6514415 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a beauty general thread going?

Hair, skin, makeup and overall health.

Share your beauty tips and advice.

>> No.6514430

I have curly hair, want to get bangs and start straightening it with a flat iron. How do I maintain it and keep it as healthy as possible?

>> No.6514437

Trap just getting into makeup. So far I have

- A good MAC concealer matched to my skintone
- Two different kinds of their primers
- Some cheap $5 brush collection
- Watched all the notable gossmakeupartist vids

I'm looking into a powder, maybe eyeliner or eyeshadow. Shooting for subtle feminine/bishounen looks before I go all out and dive into trappy rainbows out the ass femininity.

Where to go from here? Recommended products? Any post-christmas sales? I get overwhelmed everytime I walk into Sephora.

>> No.6514439

can you post a picture of your hair please?

>> No.6514452

Hair serum and a low temp on the straightener.

Check online beauty blogs (Refinery29, tumblr) for product reviews. I find the Sephora ladies very helpful, but I am female. They have a very nice line of products.
If you have an ULTA around, go there. It's the WalMart equivalent of a beauty store - wide selection, and the workers don't hassle you.

I'll stick around a little. I am hoping to see some short cuts today!

>> No.6514449


Have you considered opting for a chemical relaxer instead?
I know relaxers fuck up your hair if not applied with care, but in the long term it may actually be a superior alternative to straightening your hair every day. I don't know anybody who straightens their hair everyday and doesn't have a head full of split ends.

In terms of keeping it healthy as possible, avoid washing your hair too much because as you probably are aware already, most shampoo's strip your hair of essential oils leading to you producing more oil at in increased rate = greasy hair all the time.
Drinking lots of a water is always a must.
Make sure you get enough protein in your diet. Protein makes for healthy, strong hair. This is why a lot of girls like to treat their hair with eggs or mayonnaise occasionally.
The occasional hot oil treatment isn't a must, but help to prevent avoidable damage in the long run when you're fooling around with heat styling products.
Make sure you're getting enough vitamin E in your diet, if not try taking supplements temporarily.
Always apply some kind of heat protection spray before applying any kind of heat to your hair, including hair dryers.
Don't ever brush your hair wet. If your hair gets knotty and tangly after a shower and absolutely needs to be brushed then use a wide toothed comb instead.

>> No.6514468
File: 190 KB, 196x602, myhair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, had to go dig one up from facebook, I'm not decent enough to take a picture right now haha. This is the most high quality one I could find.

Yeah, I'll look into getting a relaxer, thank you. Ever since my hair started falling out in the summer, I never use a brush. I always use a comb and it's much healthier now! Thanks for all of the info, I'll keep everything in mind.

>> No.6514472
File: 69 KB, 600x250, mascarawands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you have any mascara? Mascara is really the base of all things feminine when it comes to makeup. When shopping for a mascara try finding one with a thick, bushy wand. I find these give the best results when making your eyelashes look both thicker and longer.

You'll typically be looking for one similar to the first one in this image. I know it can seem overwhelming but believe it or not, yes all of these wands do completely different things to your eyelashes.

What kind of eyebrows do you have and are you intending to pluck them at all? Make sure to buy an eyebrow brush whilst you're out, or if you want to be cheap (like me), get an old mascara brush, wash off all the mascara with washing up liquid and it's basically the exact same thing.
Bear in mind that thick eyebrows are a sign of youthfulness so if you decide to pluck don't turn them into little rainbows.

>> No.6514485
File: 342 KB, 411x800, 1312247410230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eyeshadows! Eyeshadows are great.
If you're aiming to achieve a soft, feminine look then you'll want to be looking towards soft coral/peachy/pink colours. Darker, black eyeshadows give off a sharper, harsher look so avoid temporarily until you've become more accustomed with makeup.

I think what this girl has done in her image is a pretty good example of what I'm talking about. I wish I could find you a better picture but I'm watching a beauty documentary at the same time as talking to you.

Somebody should upload the eyebrow guide for him as well. I'm afraid I don't have it saved.


I'm sorry to hear about the problems you're having with your hair. Hopefully it'll sort itself out soon. I know how devastating hair loss can be.
Good luck with your straight hair quest, and for the record your hair already looks beautiful and very healthy x

>> No.6514488

Oh question, whilst I'm here.
What are primers actually for? I remember I tried using one a while ago under my makeup and just made my face feel thick and heavy.

I was under the impression that primers were used by older people to fill in wrinkles before they applied makeup for a smoother look, or have I got this wrong?

>> No.6514491

Spoony what do you use in your own skincare routine?

You always look like youve got pretty nice skin

>> No.6514513
File: 269 KB, 1984x768, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ehhh, my skin is okay. I would say it's better then most 21 year olds I know but mostly because I don't smoke and I don't drink excessively. I do sleep in my makeup though...

My skincare basically consists of everything in this picture, coupled with the fact that I rarely pull any expressions at all. I know it sounds ridiculous but I think it's one of the best things for staving off wrinkles. If you're not a very expressive person then your muscles aren't constantly contorting and pulling on your skin, and that's what ultimately causes wrinkles in the long run.

I don't have a single wrinkle on my face yet, though I've always had dark circles under my eyes which I'm quite unhappy with and I don't think there's really a fix for them bar cosmetic surgery.

>> No.6514512

Primers do fill in fine lines and help to smooth out pores. They also create an even base/canvas so that when you apply makeup it looks more even. They also help to keep makeup on and longer lasting throughout the day.

Don't know which primers you've used, but smash box photo finish and miracle
A face and eye primer are really great primers that are light weight and keep make up on all day. You also don't need to use a lot of primer, just a tiny amount will suffice.

>> No.6514515

Mirabella primer for face and eyes* not miracle a. Typing on tablet.

>> No.6514520


It's okay, and thanks for clarifying this for me. I might invest in one then. My skin is okay but I've never been able to achieve that flawless, smooth foundation look that some girls get by piling on like 4-5 layers. I imagine the primer helps with that.

>> No.6514524


Well shit.

I was laughing at you for what you said about not making facial expressions to not get wrinkles thinking it was bullshit, but it's true.

>Control your facial expressions. More animated expressions mean more creases, and creases eventually become wrinkles.[4] It might be difficult, but try to do away with frowning, eyebrow raising, and squinting. Don't stop smiling or laughing, however. A genuine smile causes crow's feet around your eyes[5] but the power of sincere joy against wrinkles may be stronger than the effects of not smiling...

>> No.6514585

well, yeah. you can usually tell if an older person was expressive when they were younger.

i don't think most 21 year old people have wrinkles, though. i've only known one guy, and he didn't do drugs, smoke, or drink heavily. he just randomly had crow's feet since he was a teen.

>> No.6514609


Get some decent brushes; your makeup is going to look like shit without some decent brushes. You can usually find Sonia Kashuk on sale at or ELF pro brushes 50% off if you want something decent but cheap.

Also foundation (I like makeup forever). And don't forget about filling in your eyebrows; so many people forget to do this step. And some blush and bronzer so you don't look washed out with all that concealer and foundation.

Sephora has a 20% off all sales item online sale right now, and a lot of various holiday sets are on sale in stores. Prime time to get things with a discount is around end of November to middle of December though.

>> No.6514630

Some things I like on the Sephora sale page:

>Stay All Day™ Mascara & Waterproof Liquid Liner Duo
The mascara is okay. The eyeliner is my favorite liquid liner ever. It stays through everything. It doesn't draw as thing of a lines as dollywink, but dollywink comes off very easily on my water eyes. Good way to try both things. With the extra 20% off, it's about $11, which is pretty good even though they are minis.

>Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil Duo - Bourbon & Ransom

Very raved about pencil liners. Colors aren't bad. About $7 for the both of them; amazing deal.

>Make Up For Ever All Eyes on You Set
Kinda pricey at $36. The ELF finishing powder is a dupe of the powder in this for only $3 or something.

>Benefit Cablana Glama

ELF has a 50% sale right now, I believe, and it's worth checking out for beginners, especially the studio line. Don't get any of the 100 eyeshadows or so palettes.

>> No.6514633

I have really thin, white, eyebrow hair that makes it look like I don't have any at all. I pencil it in but it looks fake also, I'm going on a backpacking trip with my boyfriend in the summer and won't have an opportunity to fix my eyebrows up normally like I would everyday with a mirror. Any makeup tips on making them look realistic and also stay on my face through sweat and sleep? I'm pretty much desperate at this point and looking into getting eyebrow implants done.

>> No.6514638


It can be quite different in England.
I mean, assuming you're not from Britain, in a lot of places, particularly the area that I live in, it's quite a normal thing for young girls to binge drink very, very heavily and begin smoking from a very young age. Couple that with the sunbeds that are so popular with today's youth and it's recipe for premature aging.

Being surrounded by so many of these girls does make me incredibly grateful that I took a different route. I feel like a bit of a snowflake.

It'd be a different story depending on where you live though. In London I'd be so fucking common compared to some of the girls there, but in places like Essex I'd be comparable to Snow White.

>> No.6514639

m8 which London have you been to
because it's not the one I'm from
scummy girls are everywhere, it's not exactly Made in Chelsea

>> No.6514643


Okay, this sort of thing gets a lot of rap and there is absolutely no reason for it beyond what I believe is the beauty industry trying to push their own overpriced products onto an unawares public.

If you dye your hair, next time you buy some dye, apply it to your eyebrows and leave it for around the same time you'd leave it on your hair (25-30 minutes, 40 minutes for a darker, richer colour).

I used to dye my eyebrows all the time and nobody could tell, but when I told people that my natural colour was blonde I would always get:

>wat. you dye your eyebrows? That's weird, why don't you use an eyebrow tint?

....it's the same fucking thing.

If you don't dye your hair then you've an even easier option. Go out and purchase a boxdye close to what you want your eyebrows to be coloured, and instead of mixing the whole lot and wasting money, mix a tiny bit together in a bowl, enough for you to colour both brows and then seal and store the rest i a box for when you next need to do a touch up.

>> No.6514648


I've only been to central London once but the girls there were so beautiful and fashionable compared to the North West. There were plenty of gross, scummy chavs as well... it's probably just because there's more diversity. I think Londoners tend to be more attractive then up North.

The place that I live has been polled as the most working class place in Britain though. Wikipedia it lol

>> No.6514652

At one point I think it was you that was talking about a book that had the basics of makeup and skincare and stuff? If it was you, could you post the name of the book? Thanks so much!

>> No.6514660


I'm sorry that wasn't me, but that sounds interesting, I'd like to hear more myself!

>> No.6514666

What do you guys think are the best ELF products? I'm planning on ordering stuff with the free shipping, but I'm not sure what their best products are since I've never had the chance to use any of them.

>> No.6514672

It might be Making Faces. That's the book I hear about most.

>> No.6514673

The wet hair comment is totally incorrect for curly hair. You never /ever/ brush curly hair dry. It has to be wet, it has to have conditioner in it, you need to either finger comb it or use a denman brush. Use sulfate free shampoo and silicone free conditioner.

>> No.6514682

Central London and the fashionable outskirts are full of well put together young people although of course there are a few ordinary chavs
it's mainly the shitty places that are teaming with binge drinkers and scroungers e.g Barking, Tottenham, Islington

Essex isn't that bad actually, I live where towie is filmed and it's a lot different than they portray it on tv. I won't deny that it does have an element of truth but only about 20% of the girls are fake tan loving, binge drinking skanks with the IQ of a goldfish. There's also a healthy population of weebs haha

polite sage for no real contribution

>> No.6514683 [DELETED] 


Hair is more elastic when wet. If you brush any type of hair when wet, regardless of it's type, it's going to be more prone to snapping and you'll end up with a lot of split ends.

>> No.6514716

Yeah, I've tried to dye them before with box color and at a salon they're just way too thin and sparse for the dye to have any effect. I guess the closest I can describe it to is this girl that was on the Tyra show. I have some hairs but not enough really. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pvv5rqRMWS4

>> No.6514728

I'm obviously not ready to go under the knife or anything just looking for an eyebrow product that has strong lasting power and makes somewhat realistic looking eyebrows.

>> No.6514739

>This is why a lot of girls like to treat their hair with eggs or mayonnaise occasionally.

But that doesn't even make sense. The protein in your hair is different than those in mayo in structure and thus function. It seems dodgy that your hair is strengthened because of the protein, i.e more hair just forming from random proteins applied to it. Not saying that other stuff in mayo or egg isn't good for your hair, though.

>> No.6514741

I can suggest some really good primers, that don't have a heavy/waxy or oily feel to them once applied. UB, Smashbox and Benefit all have that type of finish. You might be looking for a Laura Mercier or Makeup Forever primer. It applies like a water-based lotion (oil-free). Bobbi Brown isn't bad either.

Basically, primer is great for the longevity of the makeup puts a protective barrier between your skin and makeup.

>> No.6514748


I can't tell you the exact science behind it, i don't understand it either. All I know is that last year when I accidentally bleached all the protein from my hair and no hair dye would stick, an overnight egg treatment fixed the problem.

>> No.6514749

I'm in need of a badass eye pencil that comes in white. suggestions?

>> No.6514750
File: 62 KB, 500x500, dollywink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you tried tinted brow mascaras? Usually, it's used by Japanese girls to lighten brows after they dye their hair lighter, but I don't see why it wouldn't work for you.
For everyday usage, have you tried eyebrow powders instead of pencils? Used together, they look way more natural.
For a long lasting pencil I would suggest something along the lines of
Have one to sell? Sell it yourself K-Palette 1 Day Tattoo Real Lasting Eyebrow Pencil 24h Waterproof. I heard a lot of good things about it.

>> No.6514751


Liquid or pencil? Shimmery or matte white? For liquid, I suggest Milani Color Play. For pencil, well there's a lot of options; you need to specify what kind of white you want and lasting power

>> No.6514758

I have some eyebrow tinters but there isn't enough eyebrow hair to make it look like I have full brows. I'm looking at the 24 hour eyebrow pencil and it looks promising! Thank you!

>> No.6514759

Their brushes are actually pretty decent. I have a powder brush, a small angled eyeliner brush, and a basic crease brush from them and they work fine. I just got a small palette from them for Christmas, and while I've only used a few colors, they seem to hold up well during the day.

Lipgloss from them is okay, I have 2. One is kind of sticky and not very good, while the other goes on smoothly and has a lot of pigment.

I feel like for the most part their products are decent for how cheap they are, but there is a chance that you may get a dud as well.

>> No.6514763

I just need something good for my lash line. Pencil probably, in a matte. I have an awful drugstore one right now that doesn't show up that well, has NO lasting power, and ends up just smeared on my lashes after a few hours

>> No.6514765

er, i meant to say water line.

>> No.6514768


Here are some of my favorite ELF products. Keep in mind that these are dirt cheap cosmetics, and therefore definitely don't compare to shit you find in Sephora. Also. I don't use any of the face products, like foundation, because how acne prone my skin is, and I'm not about to risk a $3 foundation.

>e.l.f. Studio 11 Piece Brush Collection
These are really nice brushes for the price. If you don't need all of them, I would suggest the C brush, the small stipple brush, powder brush, kabuki face brush (a MUFE dupe), and the complexion brush (?). This set is way better than the pro set.
>e.l.f. Studio High Definition Powder
Good finishing powder that is a dupe of the MUFE one.
>e.l.f. Studio Lip Exfoliator
It works okay. You can easily make your own with some olive oil and sugar, but I like the convenience of this.
>e.l.f. Mineral Eyeshadow Primer
Or the one that's $1.
>e.l.f. Studio HD Blush
Another MUFE dupe. I have the MUFE version, can't say how good this is.
>The eyelash curler
If you really don't have one. It hurts and pulls out your lashes though, but it's the best drugstore one I've used. I would splurge and get a good Shu Uemura or Shisheido one; makes all the difference.
>Cream eyeliner
Not as long lasting as Mac or Bobbi Brown, but it's okay lasting power and really good pigmentation. A good cream liner is definitely a makeup staple.
>Baked eyeshadows
Way better than their regular eyeshadows, which are complete shit to work with. But if you really want a lot of colors and don't have a lot of money, they are good for playing with. Just be prepared to use a lot of primer.

As you can see, a lot of the newer products in the studio line are MUFE dupes...

>> No.6514772

Well, you couldn't have bleached all the protein out because hair is, basically, protein.

>> No.6514777


I'm not going to pretend I know a lot about this shit, but when I bleached my hair and hated it, attempted to get it back red and the dye wouldn't stick at all I did some research and that's basically what all the results came back with.

Maybe you think I'm lying, all I know is that it is possible to bleach protein out of your hair and render dyes useless and that it can repaired slightly with eggs.

I'm sure if Spooky was here she could clear some things up.

>> No.6514788

What do you have now? I liked Revlon Colorstay crayon eyeliners - I tried it on my waterline and it stayed on okay. It does fade though.

>> No.6514792

Bleach is really alkaline, isn't it? That could fuck about with your hair by destroying the structure of the proteins it's comprised of, and eggs could superficially smooth that damage? I probably know as much as you do, all of this is based on half-remembered information from high school.

>> No.6514803


If you really want to splurge, the UD 24/7 and MUFE Aqua Eyes are good. But they only seem to come in a pearly-ish white, which while is good for the corner of the eye, I've never used on the waterline before. Also, while they don't smudge for some on the waterline, they do for others, and it's taking a big almost $20 leap of faith.

Some cheaper drugstore options:
NYX, which smudges badly on me but I do have a lot of excess sebum production.
Milani shadow eyez in winter white which is also pearly white but super long lasting.

Honestly, I would ditch putting white eyeliner on the water line and just go for the corner of your eyes. It's not good to be pulling on the skin of your eye, for one, to apply it, and it's just not good for your eye in general. And it also tends to look stupid when you overdo it.

>> No.6514807

>took accutane last year
>six months afterwards my skin is beginning to break out again
>washing face with ANYTHING (even just water) causes it to over dry like mad
>trying to use very weak soaps and moisturizing afterwards isn't cutting it
>acne is slowly getting worse under current methods

Any ideas on something with some power that won't cause my face to shed constantly?

>> No.6514810


Does that come in white? I like the milani liquid eye liquid-like eyeliner better than the colorstay ones which I find super hard to apply with not as good pigment payoff. Sadly, I don't think either comes in white though?

>> No.6514823

From what I understand, accutane permanently shrinks the size of your sebum producing glands, and that's why your skin is so dry. Have you tried PH balanced washes (ones that are soap free) or ones with essential natural oils, keyword natural? It seems that the balance of your skin is really out of whack. What have you tried so far?

>> No.6514821


Dianette. It's what I'm on for my acne which isn't strictly spots and blackhead, but an extreme dryness that causes my skin to flake off and weep. It's very sore.

Going on Dianette was like a miracle drug, my face was completely clear whithin a month. You know the happiness a completely clear face can bring? Not having to spend time scrubbing all the dead skin off, flinching at the sores, having your foundation glide on smoothly, and being able to use powder! Oh god, powder!

It's not for everybody though. Dianette is a contraceptive also so whilst you get the benefit of it being free in the UK, reducing your risk of womb and ovarian cancer, it also thickens the blood and can cause DVT so if you have a history of heart problems or clots in your family then I would steer clear.

>> No.6514825

My birth control just got changed, and my face has gotten pretty bad. Usually just a gentle soap and water wash with a little moisturizer was enough to keep my face looking good. Now it's just rough and dry and oily all at the same time. Any moisturizer I put on breaks me out more. I'm trying to get my birth control switched back to what I had. Are there any tips to help my skin clear up while I'm waiting?

>> No.6514831


This. I am also taking a contraceptive with ethinyl estradiol/ethinyl estradio right now, and my skin has stopped breaking out in painful cystic pimples. It took three months for it to really kick in (the regular amount of time it should take a birth control pill to kick in), but it's been a real miracle worker. In the US, you can go to clinics to get it if you don't want your parents to know you are on BC. You can also use generic brands other than Yaz and Dianette that will do the same thing for cheaper

>> No.6515025

Many, many different kinds of "gentle" soaps. The thing that seems to harm the least is a CeraVe product and that is the most common thing I use.

I haven't looked into PH balancing washes but I will now. Thank you.

I would like to hold off a bit longer before trying something other than topical treatments. It was a bit unnerving to be taking a pill with many baby deformation pictures all over the packaging. Thank you, I will keep that suggestion on the back burner for now.

>> No.6515042

>tfw you have normal(as in not oily) acne free skin with few discolorations
I only really wash my face with water when I shower or if I have old make up on my face or something.
The only real issues my skin has is a tiny bit of rocettia(sp?) along my jaw, but you don't see it unless I'm really hot or it's cold.

Though I'm getting into the habit of moisturizing my face, because I'm scared of getting permanent laugh lines at 20

>> No.6515056
File: 98 KB, 249x204, lamerthepowder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else use La Mer, or anything in the La Mer line?

I'm in love with The Powder and The Radiant Concealer from La Mer. Their general skin care like moisturizing cremes are amazing as well.

>> No.6515067

Do you actually need a soap any more? Have you tried oil cleansers or just washing with water?

>> No.6515091

I can't tan and most self tanners I've used turn me orange or yellow (I'm lookin at you, Jergens natural glow). I'd rock the pale thing but my skin makes me look sickly and it is apparent to other people as well. Any fake tanners that look natural?

>> No.6515105

Generally no unless you have dark skin. Have you tried using a foundation/powder that's just a teeny bit darker than your usual skin tone?

>> No.6515134

Doesn't sleeping on your side also aggravate wrinkles since your face is usually smushed on a pillow for hours or something?

>> No.6515154

Can anybody else vouch for this? I've been struggling with coloring/lightening my brows for cosplay and lolita to match wigs for years- but previous mascaras and covering methods I've tried have looked too fake. I have very course, dark, curly brows so nothing like the sparse, fine brows Asians have. Would it still work?

>> No.6515157


I tried going soapless and doing oil cleansing for awhile, since soap and sulfates on your skin is the worst thing, imo. The oils really dried out and irritated my skin. Now, I strictly use Pai because it has nothing shitty in it and I love it. I'm 25 years old and in my last semester at uni, and just got told a week ago that I never get invited out to drink with my blockmates because everyone thinks I'm 19.

>> No.6515158

NYX is ok for the waterline but personally I actually find it too harsh.

My favorite waterline pencil is the Nano eyeliner from Sephora. It's actually really soft and creamy, glides right on.

>> No.6515163

Best skin cream for acne scarring and discoloration?

>> No.6515166

What oils were you using? It looks like Pai is an oil-based emulsion in water anyway.

>> No.6515176

Something with retanol or retanoid in it. It will actually make it worse for a bit (it's pretty irritating) but it will help heal it faster to fade marks - maybe a month to 3 months. Prescription-strength is best, but in OTC the higher the concentration the better. OMFG use a high UVA/UVB sunblock like a maniac while you are using it and then be extra diligent every single day until you don't care about your skin anymore.

I recommend combining it with a vitamin course (A + K + E + biotin + MSM + omega3) to help speed healing. The goal is to turn over your skin faster and have the new skin be lovely from the inside out.

>> No.6515177


All kinds of oils, from sunflower to coconut. It's not the fact that I was using oil, but that the oil was on my face in its purest form, most likely rancid from not being able to use it fast enough. I use that same company's rosehip oil every day on a damp face and my blackheads have vanished entirely. Oil is amazing. Just not as a cleanser AND a serum for me, apparently.

>> No.6515193

Their studio line brushes are good for the price. But if you live in the US, you might as well drop into a Target to buy them directly, because if you buy directly on their website, they will send you so much paper spam (especially Cosmo magazines).

>> No.6515224

Using just water yields pretty much the same results as using a mild cleanser. I don't know anything about cleansing oils but I figured they wouldn't be too good for me. Too much oil being produced on my skin was the initial reason that I had such bad acne. It is FAR better now, but I really am scared about reverting back to the old skin condition...

>> No.6515238

The point of cleansing oils is that they act like a solvent for the oil on your face - i.e. like dissolving like - as opposed to stripping it like a detergent would (i.e. soap). They do leave some of your body's normal oil on your face, which can act like a feedback mechanism for oil production (i.e. there's already some oil here, I don't need to produce any more)

>> No.6515240

Sorry if this sounds dumb... but can you be specific about your skin care routine? What do you do? Just wash your face with warm water then use the oil? I am very interested since I suffer from terrible black heads... also Pai's rosehip oil can help fight signs of aging and reduce scarring so I am excited to hear more.

>> No.6515257

Well several posts back you already had me convinced to try an oil out. Are there any kinds you personally approve of that I should keep an eye out for?

>> No.6515310

Okay, so I have an upcoming backpacking trip that will entail hiking for about 6 to 8 months. While beauty isn't a top priority in the least, I like to keep to regimens and I am finally getting my hair and skin healthy. Also, I hope to get more into loli and cosplay when I'm all done.

I have curly hair which I've been trying to grow out. While on the trail, I'll keep it up almost all the time. I imagine I'd wrap it in a satin scarf and cover it with a bandana. I will carry sunscreen and wear spf clothes, if I can afford them.

I'm hoping for advice on things that I can take with me that would be LIGHTWEIGHT, and serve multiple purposes, like coconut oil, which I could use as food, hair/skin care, burn treatment, etc.

Also, not terribly thread related but I was hoping to have a sort of mori girl feel to my clothes while I was out. Not for style or anything, I just want to feel more at one out there, rather than just like some hiker making my way through. Oh god, to be just a nymph quite at home. <3

thanks in advance for any replies!

>> No.6515322

I've only ever personally tried apricot oil, and the fancy one that I got as a gift which is a mixed sunflower/almond/rosemary oil with apple extract and some ingredients I can't pronounce that I assume are preservatives. I've got the typical combination skin - forehead/nose gets all the whiteheads and blackheads and cysts and cheeks get dry and flaky. My acne is mainly hormone related and also partly weather related (worse in humidity/heat), I can usually tell you to the week when it's going to be bad.

I found the apricot one really good for my cheeks but not so good for my t-zone, and the mixed fancy one is going pretty well so far with both areas in that my acne seems to be more under control for the time of year/month.

>> No.6515375
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Thank you anon. I will definitely look into this. The acne has been completely gone for the most part for the last three years (Couple black/white heads here and there), but skin is taking longer to heal then expected. Hopefully this will help. :3

>> No.6515388

I have curly hair and it always bothered me when I read that advice because brushing, combing or even running your fingers through it makes it big, weird and the curls turn to a strange wavy... thing.

>> No.6515423

I will keep apricot in mind when I go looking for oils to try out.

Thanks /cgl/ for assuming that I was female long enough to give me some legit-sounding advice.

>> No.6515431

>before 20

How old are you?
Asking because I'm 18 and like you only now discovered I'm supposed to moisturize and do stuff to my skin besides removing make-up.

Is it too late?

>> No.6515439


>> No.6515601

I'm looking at buying my first non-drugstore foundation.

I'm prepared to spend a good amount of money, but obviously I don't want to spend more than I have to in order to get a good quality foundation.

I'm in Australia, so I may not have access to all the brands I'd like to, but I wondered if anyone here had any preferences or recommendations?

>> No.6515655

MUFE HD works really well for me. Set it with ELF HD powder.

>> No.6515659


My favourite foundation is Lancome Teint Idole Ultra 24H, it's lovely.

>> No.6515676

I would go to a well respected store (do you have a Sephora or equivalent?) that caries many different brands.

Your first step is to match your coverage preference with your skin. Seriously, let the associate color match on.your.face. in order to get a good match (it should match your neck). You may have to be flexible with your powder/foundation/concealer in order to get the right colors. **You also should note that your skin make darken enough in summer to mismatch your makeup. Sometimes bronzer can help, other times you may have to keep a summer product and a winter product list to keep it neat.**

>> No.6515684

We don't really have anything like Sephora - only department stores like Myer or David Jones (not sure of the American equivelant) which have lots of brands but all separated into their own sections. So, if I go to the MAC counter, they'll only show/suggest MAC products, same with Illamasqua, Benefit, etc.

Perhaps I'll have to wander around to all the counters and bother every assistant I can find! I hate taking up people's time needlessly, but I really want to find the RIGHT product for me, especially as I'll be spending a fair amount of money on it.

>> No.6515714

I can understand the feeling. Maybe going with a friend can help you from feeling trapped. Keep hold of that feeling about needing what's right for you. They should be happy to introduce you - just walk away if they are trying to force something ill-matched or a high pressure sale.

let them put it on your face
try a combination of blushes/bronzer/highlighter if you can afford it
remember any products you liked (you don't have to stick with the same brand for everything)

make a decision at the first stop
rely only on indoor light (go outdoors into the sunlight to check the color with a travel mirror)
feel pressured - it's your money
buy too much - liquid goes bad in 3 months and powder in 6-12
buy their brushes - the same brushes can be found for far cheaper online

>> No.6515717


Splurge on:
Foundation - you are using this the most so it's easiest to tell if it's cheap
Powder - higher end powders are finer and made from high quality ingredients
Blush - loose/pressed powder blush also benefits from finer/better ingedients

Mascara - typically you won't be using it often enough to justify the expense
Gloss - having many to play with is easier when they are cheap
Lashes - like whoa, I'm never paying retail for those suckers again (ebay is your friend)
Eye liner - liquid and pencils vary in a way that isn't always dependent on price but you should be able to find one you like that doesn't cost a fortune

Lipstick/Eye Shadow/Moisturizer - these are mostly down to budget and personal preference:
Lip stick - some women swear by the $$$ stuff in the gold tube while others seem happy with the drug store stuff, but I don't have any experience in this area.
Eye Shadow - if you are just starting out, then stick with the cheap stuff. It works fairly well and with reapplication/primer tends to look good. The price means you can experiment with the right colors for your face/eyes/outfit. However, once you try the good stuff, you are never going back. Holiday/special edition palates are a great place to start.because you get several colors (usually coordinating) in full or nearly full size for a reduced price. My favorites are Tarte & Urban Decay but they are pricey.
Moisturizer - this is like trying to tell someone what the best underwear is. This is so intensely personal and based on your own chemistry/skin type/budget/patience... just remember a bad base for your make up will ruin the whole effect. Hopefully, you are one of who can thrive on Neutrogena and an occasional egg white mask.

>> No.6515745

I would like to throw in my two cents on this, the pill has utterly ruined my skin. I have been on four different brands for six months each, and they've all had the same effect. It's gone from slightly pimply on the forehead and chin around that time of the month, but otherwise smooth and soft with small pores; To covered in incredibly painful cystic acne, regular pimples and huge blackheads that I cannot get rid of. The area over my nose and cheeks is constantly red, it looks like rosacea. The area around my mouth has become incredibly pigmented, so it looks like I have a mustache. I also have back, chest, upper thigh and bum acne now.

I can't stop taking it either, as I'm taking it for contraceptive reasons. My SO has gotten an ex pregnant before, so being double careful is a must.

It has utterly destroyed my confidence, my skin was the only feature that I was actually happy with.

>> No.6515742

You, my dear anon, are a legend.

I'm not new to makeup entirely - I've just come into a position where I'm more able to spend more money on things that are important. I'm quite happy to stick to my ebay 120 eyeshadow palette for now but I'm definitely looking into more high end for the face (foundation, bronzer, blush, powder).

I already use a pretty pricey moisturizer, but I find that I have to use so little of a it at a time that a $50 jar lasts 7+ months.

>> No.6515756


I'm sorry to hear that as most people have amazing results with it. It's an androgen blocker so I can't think of a real reason for why it's done that to you when it should have helped, but obviously everybody's body is different.

Are you still looking into alternative contraceptions? I have heard good things about Implanon from friends, that is if you don't mind the small surgery involved.

I'm planning on looking into it soon because I can't have the injection as it makes me break out and I'm fed up of Pirates of the Cotton-Based Menstrual Cylinder: Curse of the Two Red Pearls.

>> No.6515760


Can't you switch to another contraceptive method? The stuff you're using sounds emotionally and physically damaging.

>> No.6515773

Maybe look into other contraceptives? I'm using Nuvaring and it doesn't give me much side effects at all. Also not having to take a pill every single day is amazing.

>> No.6515790

Same thought here, although I would suggest that perhaps your experiences mean that hormonal BC doesn't respond well with her chemistry.

Perhaps you might want to look into an IUD if you are only taking the pill to prevent pregnancies. I personally know several women who suffer terribly with any sort of hormonal BC (even the low dose kind like Yaz and Nuvaring) but they are happy with their alternative methods (one got a copper IUD, one switched to a diaphram + spermicide, and one does condoms + fertility tracking).

I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you. Sorry :(

>> No.6515816

I am severely lacking in make-up brushes.

Can somebody give me a run down (Preferably with links to examples if you're feeling generous.) of what brushes I need to have? If it helps, I'm really fond of super dramatic eye makeup with lots of stuff going on, so I imagine I'll need a wide selection of eye makeup brushes.

>> No.6515818

Beauty you say?

>> No.6515944

Stop whoring your video around.

>> No.6515979

true, i'm from america. the person i know who has wrinkles already is actually british, come to think of it. most girls tan here, though, and while some look kind of older because of their excessive tanning and bleached hair, they still don't have wrinkles at 21.

by the way, does anyone have recommendations for which toner to get?

>> No.6515988


I have considered it, but as the last Anon said, I don't think any other type of hormonal BC would help, and they're all so much harder to stop using if something goes awry. I would go for it if I could guarantee it would be worth it, but the possibility of it failing or ending up worse is too nerve racking. And aside the skin issue, the pill is perfect for me, other forms of BC have all kinds of side effects to account for. The IUD scares me to death, but I am considering it as a last resort.

>> No.6515989
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I use the Olay Gentle Cleansers Refreshing Toner and I'd recommend it.

>> No.6515993

Has anyone tried Retin-A here? What are your experiences with it? I have mild acne, some old acne scarring, and a lot of blackheads and whiteheads on my nose. I've tried everything and I can't get rid of it so I'm seeing a derm next week.

>> No.6516090

I'm kind of obsessed with toners and micellar waters, so I've tried a bunch, and there are a couple I absolutely love.

>For a brightening effect and to remove make-up: Koh Gen Do Spa Water (a cheaper alternative with less of a brightening effect is Bioderma's Sensibio - both are amazing for sensitive skin!)
>For oily/combo/breakout-prone skin: Origins United State Tonic or Korres Pomegranate Toner
>For extra moisturizing (and to make your face smell like roses, aha): Le Couvent des Minimes 3-in-1 Micellar Water

I also really like Caudalie's Beauty Elixir to set my makeup and refresh it throughout the day. It's an HG item for a lot of people, but some can't deal with the scent. It's pretty strong, but I've gotten used to it because I like the cooling and soothing effect it has on my skin.

>> No.6516101

Any advice on products that help make scars less noticeable?

>> No.6516113

I hope it's not your SO being a dick and refusing to use condoms.

>> No.6516115

I went on doxycycline with my BC since I can't use combined pills, only the mini pills which are just progestogen and therefore break me out like a mofo. Have you thought about seeing if that would help a little?

>> No.6516153

Any advice for making your skin lighter? I'm already fair skinned but not as much as I used to be.

>> No.6516154

You thought about the patch or ring?

>> No.6516239

No, not at all. He would use them if I wanted him to and has offered on many occasions. But I don't enjoy sex with them at all, so it kind of defeats the purpose. He also got his ex pregnant whilst using them so they don't have a great track record with him.

No I haven't, it didn't know it was possible to use anti-biotics and still have the pill be effective. I'll look into it though, thanks!

Yeah, they're both hormonal though so I don't know if there would be much difference. I'm already on a pill (Generic marvelon IIRC) supposedly very good for treating acne, so they'd likely make it worse if anything.

>> No.6516262

obviously use sunblock (not sunscreen) and reapply it often to prevent yourself from losing progress or getting even darker. even when it's cloudy, you need protection from UV rays. any technique you use to lighten your skin will make you more sensitive to the sun and get darker or sunburn more easily.

i would recommend using likas papaya soap. you can find it in filipino stores, like grocery stores or even video rental stores. i used one of those exfoliating scrub gloves when i would soap myself with it. it can dry out your skin, though. also try kojie-san soap, perhaps? my family swears it works.

the back of my cousin's neck used to be really dark. almost black, they said. he's fairly light (he's white, not filipino), but he has diabetes which supposedly causes the back of the neck to be discolored. his classmates made fun of him, so he washed his neck with that for a whole summer, and now it's a normal color.

>> No.6516377

Doxycycline isn't known to decrease the efficacy of the progestogen pill but it might impact yours, since it decreases oestrogen absorption - you should double check, since my situation was different (different pill/amount of hormones) from yours. Sometimes a lower or less systemic dose of hormone can be more helpful - since the ring only releases hormones in the actual area, it might actually be a better option for you because pills are more systemic - they act by releasing the hormone into the blood stream through gut absorption, so they have more side effects on other areas of the body. The ring hormones can still get into the bloodstream but because the hormones aren't released in an area designed to absorb things into the blood, it's a far lower dose.

>> No.6516413

There was quite a lengthy several-part image makeup tutorial I saw posted a while back for cosplay, and it was based off an asian face. Does anyone still have that?

>> No.6516419
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This one? (This is part one.)

>> No.6516426
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>> No.6516427
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>> No.6516432
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Won't let me post the fourth part because it was already posted here; >>6499806

Have the fifth part instead.

>> No.6516501

Yes, that's it! Thank you so much.

>> No.6516503

>Is it too late?
Nope! Granted some people are simply blessed with good genes (my mother is commonly mistaken for being younger then she is, which I seem to have inherited even thought I don't have the best skin) but the earlier you start taking good care of your skin the better.

If you haven't looked up gossmakeupartist on YT I suggest you do. He has several make up walk throughs and always explains what kinds of brushes and products he uses. The main thing to know is that you should always use a different brush to blend then the one[s] you are using to apply. It can otherwise muddy up your colors.

You'll generally need 3 eye shadow brushes, 1 foundation brush, 1 powder brush. At least in my experience. I'm personally waiting for Bubz's new brush line to come out as before some were double tipped.

>> No.6516522 [DELETED] 

Hi, beautiful person here. drink lots of water, take your multi, stay fit, and shampoo or vinegar rinse your hair a couple times a week. You're welcome.

>> No.6516670

Bio oil. It really does work!!

>> No.6516743 [DELETED] 

You are ugly and nobody wants to fuck you.

>> No.6516832

ban evading

>> No.6516860

thanks anon, I'll give it a try!

>> No.6516876

How do I get rid of bags under my eyes?

I try and sleep as much as I can, but I still have these terrible dark lines that make me look perpetually tired and old. Tips?

>> No.6516901

I got over my "but I don't want to be old" and started using an eye cream before I sleep and it's helped significantly. The one I'm using is Holika Holika's Dark Circle Stealer, but I haven't tested any others since this was the first I grabbed and it's doing the job fine.

I discovered most of my skin problems have been treatable just by moisturizing the fuck out of my face. It's such a simple solution, but I just never stuck to any regime before.

>> No.6517133

How much do you actually sleep?
The cold-teabags-on-my-eyes do the trick for the bags, but dark circles are better off with eye creams, sleep, and a good concealer.

>> No.6517251


This makes me sad.

I never have bags, but I have dark as fuck circles under my eyes, I hate them. I use BB cream, touche eclat concealer, normal concealer, and powder - and that only just covers them enough for my liking. I still feel like you can see them though. Haaaaate. So if anyone has a recommended concealer for dark under eyes, that would be nice...

>> No.6517293

know that feel, I always look like I've been punched on both eyes, they're that dark, and not just under the eyes, the entire area around the inner corner is dark blue. I think it's because my skin is so thin there, because I have very deep-set eyes. It just sucks, because no eye-cream, moisturizer or any amount of sleep will make them go away. And I can't cover all of it with concealer either, because for that I need to cake it on so much that it looks gross and it's better to just let them show. fml, I just want to be pretty

>> No.6517307

were can i buy cheap but good make up brushes online? i feel like the ones on ebay probably arent too good?

>> No.6517838

Check brand reviews on Makeup Alley.

>> No.6518212

Rosacea. What do? It's REALLY obvious redness over my nose and cheeks. Foundation does nothing to cover it unless I apply it with a trowel and I can't afford to do that on a daily basis.

>> No.6518217

Haha, women.

>> No.6518223


I've heard good things about the brand "elf" in general. While I believe they only sell individual brushes in stores (Target has them for $1-3 a brush), their official website has sets of them for under $30.

I've never used any of their stuff, but my sister and friends swear it's amazing for the price. MakeupAlley also gives them good reviews, and usually that site tends to be on target.

>> No.6518224

ELF make up brushes are decent for the price ($1 - $6 per brush).

I like their eyeshadow blending brush and kabuki brush.

Also get their eye primer if you end up buying from them. It's tons cheaper than urban decay potion primer and lasts almost as long. Not quite the same thing but considering the difference in price it's a good steal. :)

eco-tools is also pretty good

>> No.6518229

They sell them individually, I bought their blending and kabuki brush and they're pretty soft, work well but there's some fall out (bristles falling out) which is to be expected for the price. Still p good for the price.

Their eyeshadows suck but I've heard good things about their natural pallette. Their lipsticks are so/so but I stick with my revlon lip butters.

>> No.6518236

Do either of you use a yellow concealer?? I find that helps mask them a lot better than flesh tone concealers.

>> No.6518241

I've been wanting to try correcters because concealer just doesn't work for me. Using a yellow or orange-y corrector to cover a purple/blue under eye shadow makes sense.

Do you apply before or after foundation and which kind?

>> No.6518250

Has anyone ever tried "Frownies"?

I'm 21, and I managed to somehow get a good sized wrinkle in-between my brows, and a few faint ones on my forehead. I'm guessing it's because I often end up squinting when I'm on my computer (I have a bad habit of forgetting to wear my glasses).

I've been always been pretty good at taking care of myself and my skin, and there aren't any other signs of aging, so I'm skeptical about trying products made for older people with more severe problems. The Frownies just seem like they push your skin back, which seems like it would work if the damage was done by long-term physical force.

>> No.6518492

doxycyline and/or topical metronidazole.

>> No.6518773

Anti-aging products do not make you look younger. You only look less old for your age (35yr olds will not have teenage skin, but they won't have 50yr old skin either). At best they hide the damage already done (reducing puffiness, plumping deep lines and creases, turning over skin faster to hide dullness/fine lines, lightening age spots/sun damage, etc). This is the same reason why you use sunblock now and not after you get leathery skin in your 40s.

The very best time to start an anti-aging regimen is before you look old. You should use products that aim to prevent the formation of "aged" features like creases/wrinkles/age spots/hyper-pigmentation and correct any signs that have already appeared.

The you 5 years from now will certainly benefit from protective/preventative skin care. Night serums, day protections, gentle pH protecting products, facial exercises and tonstonsTONS of water are the only way to not look older than your age in the future.

That crease might be able to be fixed with more conscious control of your facial expressions (avoid squinting or frowning unconsciously) and those nifty night patches. If it's too deep (or it's being caused while you sleep) then some light botox in just that muscle group will help prevent any further damage.

>> No.6519287

i'm interested in what routines others have for preventive skin care. also, what kinds of things can you do on a budget?

>> No.6519293

If I posted a picture, could someone please recommend how to do my makeup? or just improve my appearance at all?

>> No.6519297

Your skin is a reflection of the environment it's exposed to (inside and out) so it's to do with what you put into your body and what you expose it to.
One thing that's really easy and cheap is to wear sunblock all the time, sun-damaged skin will age much faster. Drinking lots of water is also good.

>> No.6519300

Mostly I try not to buy anything unless I have to. I also have a tendency to buy sale items or generic in order save money (and in my experience generic benzyol peroxide is not the same) provided they are what I'm looking for/or a substitute. It's how I got a Neutrogena Wave because someone shelved it wrong.

It's generally easier for these thread to help via a pic then without on. Make sure it's fairly un-pixelated, and not an angle, from the front at eye level.

>> No.6519307

I have been religiously applying sunblock since I was fifteen. Drinking water... I really should be doing more of that. I was wondering more about the facial exercises and perhaps things I can make at home.

>> No.6519341

Whatever you do, you should also:
prevent acne/blackheads to minimize redness and scarring, avoid manipulating/scrubbing/rubbing/pulling your facial skin too hard, eat a balanced diet high in water-dense fruits and vegetables, take the right vitamins, drink water, avoid sugars/alcohol, never do junk drugs - especially intravenous, get plenty of daily exercise, sleep 8+hrs on a clean pillow case every night, avoid prolonged anger/stress, meditate/do yoga/anything to be mindful, brush your teeth every morning and night, get enough sun exposure everyday for your skin type, always moisturize because oily is still better than dry, avoid consuming or applying anything your grandmother would not recognize, tone your smile muscles by holding a light smile on your face whenever you would normally be neutral, never smoke/stay away from smokers, eat well but not too well, avoid yo-yo weightloss because it stretches your skin out, don't have too many kids, hydrate, use anti-scarring bandages before the cut dries, let your skin breathe, consume your omega3s, avoid excess salt, laugh but don't frown, use a humidifier, wear uva/uvb blocking sunglasses...

and seriously wear a full-spectrum sunblock and drink a ton of water everyday.

>> No.6519782

I'm in Aus and have used Clinique and Lancome foundations, they are very nice.

Best thing to do is go to a chemist or department store and go to the said counters and tell them you've only ever used cheap foundation and you'd like to see full coverage and see how it goes throughout the day. They will do your makeup for you with their testers and tell you the shade, then go away for the rest of the day and see how it holds up, we have crazy weather here and it's a great time of year to test the wear value of the brands.

Don't just do it once. Trust me, a lot of sales reps are bored shitless at counters and are more than happy to play with your face!!!

>> No.6519824


You really should avoid this concept of "facial exercises".

The muscle in your face doesn't really have the capabilities to develop in the same way that the muscle in your arms, legs or abdominals might.

Physical activity of the facial skin is what causes wrinkles in the first place, and when I say activity I literally mean anything that causes your skin to move around on your face.

As you age your facial muscles begin to deteriorate. This is unavoidable. Dermal fillers work (derma being Latin for skin, bella derma = beautiful skin) by injecting mass under the tissue in order to fill it out and give it the impression of youth. It's like getting an empty bag and putting all your things inside of it.

I hope this makes the whole concept easier to understand.

>> No.6519828

I've been plagued with hair loss recently, and I did a scalp scan to find out why. The people at that salon said it was because I had an oily scalp and the hair follicles were blocked. Do you guys have any experience with hair loss/ how did you solve it?

>> No.6519835


I had alopecia, the kind where my body says "fuck you hair" and my hair falls out. I dealt with it by finding a hairdresser who showed me how to style my hair to hide the missing patches and visiting the doctor who gave me a bunch of stuff to try and fix it.

In your case, I'd try to avoid heat styling and excessive product use to let it recover a little.

>> No.6519845


Oh, oh also, see if you can get medicated shampoo from your GP designed to fix your problem.

>> No.6519884

Feeling your pain, anon. I've had alopecia in various stages my who life. When I was a little girl, I lost so much of it that I had to wear hats/bandanas everywhere. Recently (I'm 26), I had another bout which lasted about a year where I was missing two huge patches.

Go to your doctor, he will be able to prescribe you a special shampoo if what you described is your only problem. He may also refer you to a dermatologist. There are also special hair salons where they specialize in women's hair loss and are very sensitive (private rooms etc) and can help you with styles and hair pieces.

If you are just asking for basic advice to dry your scalp out though, I'd say shampoo at least once a day, don't let any conditioner get on your roots, and use cheap shit that will dry you out.

good luck, anon.

>> No.6519997 [DELETED] 
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/cgl/ tell me what makeup to wear and how to wear it PLEASE i'm sick of smearing on makeup in hopes of it working. Thank you

>> No.6520001


I'm sorry but you are not white

>> No.6520010

This is not even you ? You know how you color things in the lines well do that but on your face

>> No.6520573

Can anyone recommend a good AM eye cream in the $30-$40 range? I want it to have anti-aging properties because I'm nearing 19, and it seems like now's a good time to get a start on keeping my skin looking young. I use Antipode's eye cream at night, but it doesn't work for me during the day because I have really, really oily undereyes, and it just feels gross underneath my concealer. I'm hoping for more of a serum or gel, actually - I just haven't found any that look appealing. Thanks in advance! :)

>> No.6520613

Would anyone be able to help me finding an eyeliner that's really good at staying put? My eyes get irritated by absolutely everything and it always comes off really quickly. I'd ideally like gel or liquid, and available in the UK?

>> No.6520663

I found some old pictures of me about an hour ago from when I was quite slim and had long, beautiful, healthy hair and now I've got a bad case of the regretsies.

Does anybody else do this? I'm kicking myself for now for ever cutting it.

>> No.6520672
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When you say gel or liquid, do you mean eyeliner pens at all? I recently bought one and they are soooo good for when you need a controlled, detailed line. I still use the standard black wax eyeliner for the top of my lid just because it gives better coverage, but the pens are really good for little cat eye flicks.

I don't know much about other brands, but mine was this cheap brand you'd find on a market (I think it was called KG, KrazyGirl or something?) and it doesn't smudge at all and lasts until I wipe it off back at home.

>> No.6520680
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Bobbi Brown's gel liner. It's seriously the most amazing eyeliner I've ever tried. I've worn it during 12-hour shifts and it didn't even budge. I have really, really sensitive eyes, and my eyes have never been irritated by it. It's probably my HG eyeliner, especially because the black shade is the darkest black I've ever seen.

>> No.6520683


I can't use gel eyeliner, my hands are too unsteady. I've heard it's the best type of eyeliner you can use though.

>> No.6520696

chapstick, I tweeze my eyebrows and use moisturiser on my face and hands

i'm a boy btw

>> No.6520700

Probably going to get shot for this but I actually use my mascara and apply it with a thin paintbrush
It literally stays on all day as it's waterproof and pretty resilient. If your mascara doesn't irritate your eyes then this could be a good alternative?
Also there used to be a make up range a while back which was like non perfumed anti allergy stuff? It was created by a mum who's daughter was allergic to loads of shit and wanted to be able to wear make up. I'm from the UK so it was definetly a local thing - i'll try and find it

>> No.6520703


>> No.6520707


I can't think of a reason why that would be a bad idea actually. Not the most practical alternative, but it sounds like it works. Clever you.

>> No.6520713
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Yeah, I was pretty horrible at applying it at first, but I bought an angled Lancome brush a few months ago, and using it is seriously foolproof. I think it's my favorite brush in my entire collection just because it always makes my liner look flawless.

>> No.6520717


the chapstick smells like mango

the moisturiser doesnt smell of much

the eyebrows don't smell of anything, for they are my eyebrows

>> No.6520726


uh, this is sort of unrelated, but what were the red lenses you wore for that Lily doll contest thing?

>> No.6520734
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I have darkish blond eyebrows and want to fill them in. What are some good eyebrow pencils that you guys use?

>> No.6520738


>> No.6520740


tweezers are just some tweezers I found in a drawer

they just smell of drawer

>> No.6520753
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No doubt it'll burst into flames with me then.


They're actually pink but I think the poor lighting combined with the red dress I was wearing made them look red.
Anyway, they're I.Fairy Super Crystal Pink, but there is an I.Fairy Super Crystal Red.

Picture related.

>> No.6521093

I'm sorry but why does that matter?

>> No.6521139

Do you apply sunscreen or lotion first?

>> No.6521171


Sunscreen mah nugga.

>> No.6521209

Thanks, homie.

>> No.6521225

shut the fuck up, nerd

>> No.6521449
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I used to have severe cystic acne when I was younger. Partly because hurr durr puberty and the other because I have a disese that wreaks sweet chaotic havok on my hormones. I got put on the pill (tri-nessa) for health reasons(the dieses shit) when I was around 16 and a lot of it cleared up. But it was so bad that it just made my face have normalish looking acne and not holyshitmountsthelen looking. I used to use all the oxy products they had out. The face wash had the most ben peroxide (like 10% in max strength). The toner pads things had salicylic acid (about 2%) and where pleasantly textured. The spot treatment they had got rid of a lot of the redness, but the zit was still there sadly. It will dry the shit outta your face though so i used some OTC moisterizer (something from olay I think) I'd say that oxy works pretty well for young teens with severe acne if they have a tight budget.

I'm almost 20 now and i still have some cystic stuff here and there. Always painfull and takes almost a month to get rid off. And like clockwork it get worse about midway though the rag. Thankfully my pores are in good shape and I somehow made it out with absolutely no acne scars. I dont want to risk accutane, and I tried using topical retinol. After 6 months my face still had the shit, though markedly less, but it looked like it lost fight with a belt sander. The best luck I have had so far is useing St.ives green tea or arpicot scrub (about 3 times a week). Oxy max every day twice a day. Along with clearasil toner (the orange-pink stuff) twice a day. Most of my blackheads come out pretty easy and dont leave those weird holes, and the redness goes away pretty quick. But whenever i get a actual zit it still takes damn near a month to get rid of the fucker, no matter what I do. Doesnt matter if i leave it alone, put meds on it, pop it, steam it....anything in any combonation. Its not as bad as it was but its really embarissing, as i almost always have a handfull on my face.

>> No.6521454


Is there anything i can do short of just ripping my face off to get rid of these things. I have yet to try proactive as I have always had mixed reviews and the price was a bit much for a faild experiment in the waiting. I dont want to swtich pills as the ones im taking now give me no side effects what so ever and do exactly what they need to do.

>> No.6521519


Proactive is shit, your only option is to nuke it from orbit via Accutane.

>> No.6521633

DON'T ever use accutane! My mother is fixing a friend's horrible acne (so bad his face looked like it was melting) and because he's on accutane his skin is extra sensitive and she can't treat him properly. She uses a laser to kill the bacteria and for his skin coloring she's supposed to use the laser at a level of around 65 but because of the accutane she can only treat him at a 5. It also did nothing for his skin and it made him ill all the time.

The laser on the other hand made his skin look normal...like not a puss filled volcano. He's only half way done with treatment but he looks so much better.

>> No.6521648

Any of these applies to guys?

>> No.6521656

Seconding Proactiv being shit. I used that overpriced crap for months and it did nothing but make my skin worse. I can still remember how bad it burned my skin. Proactiv is HORRIBLE.

>> No.6521903

Unless guys have different skin.

>> No.6521931

... Don't they?

>> No.6521948


I wouldn't ever tell people full stop to never use it just because somebody you know didn't have a great experience.

I know a few people who used it and it has been a miracle drug for them and has completely restored their confidence. That and not everybody has access to lasers so for many people it's the only option.

>> No.6521951


Accutane was the best thing to ever happen to me. I dealt with ever intensifying treatments with a dermatologist for years before she agreed to try it. The side effects were awful, some of them longer term than the meds and some permanent. I never recommend Accutane without explaining how difficult it was (and annoying to do all of the anti-preggers bullshit) and how my eyes and hair have suffered since.

BUT having said that, I would do it all again in an instant if I ever have acne that bad again. My cystic acne covered my back, chest and forehead and the infection was so deep in my skin that it would have never gotten better on its own. (I bled on my sheets every night, I had to wear black t-shirts because I oozed all day and I stopped enjoying hugs at 13 because the contact was painful. Nvm all the self-esteem shit that comes with being teased about your skin.)

/loves Accutane <3
//seriously you had better want clear skin so bad you are willing to get way worse before it gets better
///somethings may get damaged in the process

>> No.6521953


Yes actually.
Put some human male skin under a microscope next to some female skin and you'll see that the males dermis is actually made up of tiny beer cans, weights and dick jokes, whereas the womens is held together by handbags, high heels and spinning dildos.

>> No.6521956


Wow, sounds like you've had a terrible experience. I'm really pleased for you that you managed to find something that works for you. I know how devastating even the slightest skin irregularities can be to your self esteem and what a pain in the butt it trying to cover it up all the time and not being able to wear certain things.

>> No.6521966

I thought male skin was thicker, had more blood vessels, contained more collagen, and produced more oil. I've never been a man, so I don't know if those conditions mean it should be treated differently. I also have no idea if shaving causes the facial skin's condition to differ.

>> No.6521967

+1, it's not fair to turn people off something that could help them, and statistically is very likely to.

That being said, I've been on accutane for 5 months and my skin is still bad. I have very mild side effects but it's not clear and my doctor thinks I've been doing something wrong with my pills because he's never had a patient it didn't work for.

>> No.6521970

Could you tell me some of the side effects? My girlfriend doesn't have as severe of acne as you had, it's mainly just on her back, and I'm all for her having higher self esteem, but what should she look out for?

>> No.6521987

Are you people girls? Females?!

>> No.6521989 [DELETED] 


Nope. Male and female skin is the same, the only thing that's different is what hormones produce what. Males have more oil-producing androgens in their body and it's why certain contraceptives can also help clear up your skin because they contain androgen-blockers.

>> No.6521994

It's possible you aren't on a high enough dose. The doctors are a lot more conservative now after the bad press a few years ago.
The lack of side effects is what concerns me. My skin basically resurfaced itself in the span of 3-4 months and I had definite symptoms of the medication in other places (it is similar to extreme vitamin A overdose).
The meds are usually prescribed calculated on your body weight, but it is affected by your bodyfat. If you have a higher BF% than typical then the meds will be less effective for you.

>> No.6521995


Nope, it's all the same stuff. The only thing that's different is which hormones produce what. Males have more oil-producing androgens in their body and it's why certain contraceptives can also help clear up your skin when they contain androgen-blockers.

I guess technically that's like saying acne is a male attribute.


There's a similar thing going on in this British newspaper which is trying to scare the whole of the UK off Dianette because 2 girls on it got blood clots in their legs and died. It's silly because before you start it you're heavily informed of the potential risks and complications, and how to recognize when their's a problem. It's very unfortunate that two girls lost their lives because of it, but silly to ban the whole thing just because two out of millions of people experienced adverse effects. I guess scaremongering sells more papers though.



No, we're goblins.

>> No.6521998

Everyone is a little different but I can tell you about what I experienced:
Accutane works in a very specific way - it drastically increases the amount of vitamin A in your system at the same time it makes the majority of your bodyfat unavailable for daily metabolism. (Mimics the effects of an extremely low fat diet that is high n dangerous amounts of vit A).
This combination of effects means that your skin's oil production basically shuts down (hormonal and dirty-skin acne), infections erupt (mainly cystic acne), and the new skin that you are growing underneath forms in an ideal environment (pretty perfect skin).

The goal is to give you a clean slate and to try and reset your sebellum production to normal (this is why I was warned that pregnancy may bring my acne back - hormones cause your oil production to freak out).

However, in the meantime, you have to deal with side effects:
>Itchy Skin
I cannot say enough about this. I live in the desert and had fairly dry skin to begin with so this was the absolute worst. It started just with dry, flakey lips. Then cracked lips and dry, flakey skin all over my body. Then cracked, bleeding lips; facial skin that sloughed off in piles; and dry, itchy ashey skin that would wake me up with the worst sharp scratchy pain. If I was careful and put a ton of lotion (special, extra moisturizing kind that wouldn't inflame my now super sensitive skin) on immediately after my shower, I would only itch mildly. I left the insides of all of my clothes ashy white and they would create mini blizzards whenever I took them off. Towards the end my mucous membranes were starting to dry up and I was getting nose bleeds several times a day.

>> No.6522000

>the eyes
During the meds I really didn't notice. I had to blink more and I really didn't like ceiling fans, but everything was taking second-place to the itching.
But I was getting incredibly bad dry eyes. I still have them, though not so bad that I have to treat them. It did prevent me from wearing contacts, but not from getting lasik.
But this is the best part: I went night blind for over a year. I literally had very little visibility in the dark and it took over 30 mins to adjust to a point that would normally happen in a minute or two on a normal person. I was lucky I wasn't driving yet because I would have been a danger on the road. It cleared up, but it was definitely the strangest side effect.

>> No.6522004

>the pain
This part is so easy to forget because it didn't happen all the time:
Turns out you can actually get a sunburn in just a minute or two of sun exposure. I would get painful, peeling burns just walking to class. I had to get a waiver to wear this big floppy hat at school, I wore long sleeves in 90 degree heat, I had to cover the tops of my hands in the car... it was even worse because I couldn't tolerate sunblock. These habits were hard to break and today I am still very adverse to standing in direct sunlight even with sunblock on.
-joint aches
The low-fat effects meant that the lubrication in my joints was terrible. I had constant knee aches and lower back pain. It was low-grade so I didn't pay it much attention but it definitely left me stiffer for a while.
>there is never enough lip balm
I cannot even tell you how much you move you lips each day. But it's a fucking lot, especially when you feel every twitch and pay for every laugh with a bleeding crack. I went through tubes of lip balm in a week and it took a while to find one that really worked. This cleared up immediately but now I will drink 1L of water the moment my lips feel dry to avoid ever being chapped again.

>> No.6522014

>the hair
My hair will never be the same. After the meds, my hair shed so badly I was leaving hairballs in the carpet. It was fried - like bad perm fried - but growing like that from the follicle. My long, thick, strong, wavy hair was a point of pride, but it will never come back.
It took about 3 years to finally settle down, but now I have very fine, thin, pin-straight hair with so little texture that I can't tease my hair (it literally won't tangle). Every other year or so I lose about 50% of it in the span of 3 months - always just in time to ruin holiday pictures.
Other than the shedding, this is just inconvenient. I have been able to find the right cuts/vitamins/products to have decent hair, it's just more work than it was before.

>my skin
Is lovely now. I never get pimples and I only get black heads/white heads when I get lazy (don't wash/use the wrong product/re-use pillow cases). I actually noticed my scars lightening during the meds and are now barely visible, especially compared to any new ones.
I spend a ton of time/money on my skin. It's worth it to me still and some people get surprised that I have a lengthy routine/worry about my skin. It's a relief to know that no one remembers my skin as my first feature and that the effort I put into my skin actually makes a difference (before I could never alter my acne with surface products).

>> No.6522020

That's about it. The only other complaint was the blood tests, but that is so different now that I'm not sure what the protocol is. When I was on it, I had to pass a monthly blood pregnancy test (and liver test) before I was allowed to get a refill. Luckily my doc understood my needle phobia so every test was given doped up on Valium to avoid my typical running and screaming reactions.

I actually loved being on hormonal BC (you are required to be on this during the Accutane treatment because it causes horrible birth defects... and they are diligent about reminding you... up to little malformed fetuses on every single foil pouch of my pills) and stayed on it after accutane even though it wasn't to prevent pregnancy (I was 15). However, some girls don't respond well to it and you are required to pledge you will use 2 different kinds of BC (pills and a barrier method) every time you have sex. But its a personal thing.

This is serious shit, but it works for most people who stay on it. She should do some more research and talk to her doctor. (There is some scary shit out there but this is the part that convinced me: Accutane has been prescribed in the US (in one form or another) since the '70s. In all that time, no one has ever died from taking it. There have been some accusations of suicidal depression (anyone with acne knows that the accutane was trying to fix his unhappiness, not causing it) and birth defects (the reason for all the scare tactics and paranoia), but I felt confident that my family would help me monitor my behavior and I wasn't getting preggers so I took the risk. It's all a matter of personal priorities.

>> No.6522052

Take showers everyday. No that hard.

>> No.6522122


>Take showers everyday. No that hard.

That's horrible advice when it comes to beauty. Water washes away the healthy, natural oils on your skin and hair. Over-washing will cause a person to become unnecessarily greasy as the body goes into overtime trying to replace the oils you washed away.

>> No.6522153

i think i get it, thanks. though i kind of lumped together giving yourself facial massages. i assume that's okay?

thanks! i'm halfway there, i guess.

showering every day is bad for you.

>> No.6522165

Do you have to use sunblock even if the UV levels are at 0 for your entire city?

>> No.6522169
File: 82 KB, 206x224, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/.

So, uh, I'm one of those stupidly pale, undertone-less people that you often get around here. A couple of weeks ago I got horribly, painfully sunburnt; Huge blisters all over my face which were then replaced with the hard, stiff texture of a brick and lasted over a week.

It healed really well and my face was totally clear for a while afterwards, but all of a sudden (within the past two days) it's started to get dry and crunchy again and is a big, lumpy red mess. My skin was fairly even and clear before all of this nonsense.

>Mfw I have a date on Wednesday.

Any suggestions?

>> No.6522170


Any time the sun is in the sky yes! Best safe then sorry as uv can damage your skin and ruin hair color and highlights

>> No.6522172

Oh. I'm washing it with the same stuff that I was beforehand - Goat's milk soap, tea-tree oil and then argan oil.

>> No.6522178

Something you'll find is that you don't actually NEED to do much with your skin untila ter you've already started. The shitty products and chemicals that most people use to wash their faces is what causes bad skin in the first place.

I'd suggest just giving it a gentle scrub with warm water and a microfiber cloth after you've removed your makeup.

>> No.6522179


Sounds like some sun damage, just wash and moisturizer and grab some toner as well, it will help clear the dead skin and ye moisturizer will replace missing nutience.

Next time you get a burn get some after sun care lotion. Aloe works well too

If it's still bad the day of your date don't put to much make up over the dry spots get a good concealer and foundation seal them with powder you skin needs time to heal don't rush it

>> No.6522183

Ah, okay. I guess it could be going through cycles of burnt skin?

I did use straight-up aloe mash from the plant.

>> No.6522185

Tea tree is very harsh on your skIn ad I wouldnt use it after a bad sun burn. Head to body shop and take a look. They got great products that aren't too bank breaking. Oils souls r use scarcely since they are concentrated. Try aloe moisturizer every day after you wash your face That is made for the face not the body lotion

>> No.6522189


>> No.6522340

I have tourettes with mostly simple facial motor tics... am I screwed?
I already have fine lines just under my eyes.

>> No.6522687

I've got pretty pin-straight eyelashes, so much so that there is at least one per eye that perpetually pokes me in the eye.
Even after I curl them, there are some stragglers in the outer corner of my eye that the mascara wand won't pick up. Feels stupid to complain of too many lashes, but is there a way to get *all* of the lashes cooperating?

>> No.6522688

heated eyelash curler.

>> No.6523344

Thanks for the advice guys! I'll be going to the doctors to get it checked out soon...I don't even style my hair that much so I think it's probably all the stress from school.

>> No.6523370

What? I get all smelly and nasty if I miss a day.
Plus, what would I look like to others if I didn't shower everyday?

>> No.6523467

Lol wow what an idiot

>> No.6523474

lol so funny

>> No.6523482

I can tell by your witty retorts and your ill-informed ideas about health and beauty that you must be either underage or special needs. Not showering every day is beauty 101. I'm not sure you realize this, but you can actually clean yourself without showering.

What you would "look like to others" really is up to you, showering or no.

>> No.6523485 [DELETED] 

Recently, my hair had another falling out spell. It wasn't too bad, I've not got any bald patches, just slightly thinner areas here and there that are unnoticeable. Thing is, some of my eyebrows jumped ship at the same time. My brows have recovered, but one of my eyebrows is noticeably less full than the other. Does anybody know how I can balance them out without my brows looking too "fake"?


I know this feeling. I have distichiasis and my eyelashes are super crowded. It's insanely hard to get mascara on without getting it all over the place. If I get the lashes on the bottom, then the top are still white. If I get the ones on the top, it goes everywhere. The ones in the corners I might as well just forget about and because they're so close together, they get clumpy really easily. I tint my lashes to give them colour because they're white, but I'd like to be able to use mascara. My lashes poke me in the eye too, I've ended up just plucking some of them which does the trick until another set takes their place. Eyelash curlers do help, though. If you can make your lashes cooperate.

>> No.6523489

I think it really depends on the country/climate you live in, though. Like, I live in a really humid, polluted tropical country, and if someone took the public transport every day and misses a day of shower, it would feel pretty gross.

>third world problems yay
>capcha uffacat according to

>> No.6523490

Recently, my hair had another falling out spell. It wasn't too bad, I've not got any bald patches, just slightly thinner areas here and there that are unnoticeable. Thing is, some of my eyebrows jumped ship at the same time. My brows have recovered, but one of my eyebrows is noticeably less full than the other. Does anybody know how I can balance them out without my brows looking too "fake"?


I know this feeling. I have double-row eyelashes and my eyelashes are super crowded. It's insanely hard to get mascara on without getting it all over the place. If I get the lashes on the bottom, then the top are still white. If I get the ones on the top, it goes everywhere. The ones in the corners I might as well just forget about and because they're so close together, they get clumpy really easily. I tint my lashes to give them colour because they're white, but I'd like to be able to use mascara. My lashes poke me in the eye too, I've ended up just plucking some of them which does the trick until another set takes their place. Eyelash curlers do help, though. If you can make your lashes cooperate.

>> No.6523494 [DELETED] 

I've got the same problem with my alopecia. One of my browns is about half missing. I have to fill them in and I think they look pretty good but there isn't much I can do without them looking 'fake'. Even with a very very light hand, it's hard to fake something that just isn't there at all.

If you're just filling in, try eyeshadow and an angled brush as opposed to a pencil.

>> No.6523496

I've got the same problem with my alopecia. One of my browns is about half missing. I have to fill them in and I think they look pretty good but there isn't much I can do without them looking 'fake'. Even with a very very light hand, it's hard to fake something that just isn't there at all.

If you're just filling in, try eyeshadow and an angled brush as opposed to a pencil.

>> No.6523500


I use eyeshadow and a brush at the moment, but I'm still learning to how to do it so they're the same on both sides; I'm not great with symmetry.

Thank you for the help! I pray for both of us our eyebrows grow back normally.

>> No.6523503

That's sweet, thank you. I hope your brows will come around too. :)

As far as getting them symmetrical, I fill the normal brow in first, and then use parts of my eye as guidelines to make the other one the same - if that makes sense.

One other thing to help them seem a little more realistic is to make sure to fade the centres. Nothing looks more fake I think then when they come to a sharp end.

>> No.6523719

Do you have white lashes/brows too? Sorry to hear about the alopecia, I can't imagine having to deal with that.
When you tint your lashes does it stick? I ask because my lashes are white as in not pigmented so I'm not sure if it'll stick.

>> No.6523784


Ah it's alright, it's not as bad as it used to be when I was younger. Thank you though.

My lashes and brows are white/nearly white (It varies; they're a mixture of white/see-throughish and pale, pale gingery blonde.) so I tint both of them.

What do you mean by stick? Sorry, I'm just a bit unsure what precisely you're asking.

>> No.6524148

How can I cosplay a white-haired character without looking like an idiot? My skin color is yellow-based and "light" by most foundation brands, but not fair enough. Obviously I have to use a different shade of foundation than I usually do, but is there something else?

>> No.6524161


>> No.6524205

Make sure your eyebrows aren't too dark and are nicely trimmed and plucked.

>> No.6524230

late to the party, but from what I know of hair when you bleach it you are taking the cuticle of the hair and making it not lay smoothly (also the reason why bleaching changes the texture of hair). The reason why egg/ EVOO/ and deep conditioners work is because they smooth this cuticle back down and "repair" the damage. They also do other things but I'm not as familiar.

>> No.6524305

Also, how do you apply tea tree oil to the face. I have some really bad acne on my forehead I cannot seem to get rid of and was thinking of using this. I think I have just a little oily skin? I don't know, I don't know how to find out.
At the moment I am using:
Clean & Clear Advantage Oil-Absorbing Cream to wash my face.
Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Night Cream
and Maybelline's BB cream.

>> No.6524315


Be careful with tea tree, it can badly irritate your skin undiluted.

>> No.6524314

I dab it on my zits to try and settle them down, but I haven't got a foolproof regimen to keep acne under control yet. To be honest, when it gets out of control I nuke it with doxycycline for 3-6 weeks.

>> No.6524320

Ugh, this sucks. I used to have such good skin. I have no clue what happened. I'm thinking about just going to a demotologist to try to get it taken care of because my skin feels oily but after I treat my acne for a bit my skin gets all flakey and peely like its dry and I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IS HAPPENING.

>> No.6524334



>> No.6524336

Do any of you ladies know how to get rid of facial hair?
Most of the hair on my face is pretty thin and blonde so you can't really see it (you can feal it though) but the hair under my nose is dark brown and tends to make the area look gray.

Also do you know how to "correct" droopy eyes. The top portion eyes sort of slant downwards. I've tried lash curlers and mascara to bring my lashes up to make them less but my eyes still look kind of droopy.

>> No.6524342

Mine did that after puberty. Like, you know how everyone tells you that acne is a thing of teenagerhood and it settles down after puberty? Not fucking true. I used to get the occasional zit on my forehead or chin up until I was 17-18 and then bam, my skin got MORE acne prone, sensitive to hormonal changes, and sensitive to humidity/weather. I'm 22 and still trying to get it under control.

>> No.6524367
File: 6 KB, 195x240, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 22 now and same thing, my skin is horrid now.

I use the Olay Hair Removal, you do it yourself and it's fairly cheap so it's nice. Pic related.

>> No.6524373

you can just use veet or nair on your face, leave it on no longer than 3 min and follow with a really good moisturizer.
same thing.
much cheaper.

>> No.6524379


Thank you both! I'll try doing both and see which one works better on me.

>> No.6524402

I compulsively pluck my eyebrows and once I went too far resulting in the most awful things you have ever seen
My trick to filling them in is to first mark out the area in white eyeliner - use that as a guideline for the eyeshadow (it also helps the shadow stick more imo)
the white eyeliner is easily cleaned up and corrected without having to redo your whole face and it makes it much easier to get them symmetrical

>> No.6524459

Actually, I do take showers everyday. I just wanted to know the other two's reasoning for recommending not to. I was being sarcastic in my last response.

>> No.6524478
File: 73 KB, 500x381, cc cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any experience with CC cream?
I saw a commercial for it and thought it had some interesting claims, but am wary about buying it. The last BB cream I bought was a disappointment.

>> No.6524823

Anyone have any solutions for tineaversicolor? It's persistent as all hell as it covers my torso and underarms. Tried the Wal Mart equivalent of Selson Blue before but it didn't take. May think of the athlete's foot spray next.

>> No.6524871

other people have discussed it several times in this thread. showering and using most shampoos strip you of your natural oils and cause you to produce an excess amount of oils. you basically end up getting oilier/greasier looking faster. as someone else put it, it's a vicious cycle.

i do agree that if you live in a humid climate, heavily polluted area, or just sweat a lot, you might have to shower more often. most of us here seem to stay indoors anyway, so that doesn't matter so much.

i still shower almost every day. for example, when i spend my day off at home surfing the internet and crafting, i don't shower. though, i just don't wash my hair every time i shower; i wear a shower cap so that i wash my hair every other day. it's probably still bad for me, but it's not as bad as every day, right?

i used to wash my hair every day, and going one day without washing my hair made me look like a MESS. however, after switching to every other day, it only took me about a week to adjust. now my hair doesn't get greasy looking until 2-3 days without being washed. my hair also started growing way faster. it's crazy. and obviously my hair dye isn't fading as fast.

>> No.6525119

Did the walmart equivalent of selsun blue have the correct active ingredient in the correct concentration? Honestly though you need something that you leave on rather than something that you rinse off, most standard topical antifungal treatments are leave-on creams for a reason. If it's persisting, you might even need oral antifungal treatment.

>> No.6525128

And you may need a higher concentration of selenium sulfide or whatever antifungal agent you choose. Dermnet recommends the 2.5% strength.

"For skin infections:

Apply selenium sulfide lotion to affected areas of the body (do not apply to face or genitals)
Work up a lather using a small amount of water
Allow the medicine to stay in contact with your skin for about 10 minutes
Rinse body well to remove all the medicine
Use the 2.5% lotion once per day for 7 days"

>> No.6525205
File: 88 KB, 640x480, Photo 52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My streaks have grown out

what should i dye it now

Id dye it back to my natural but I was soooo bored of my natural

The blonde streaks used to be a dull pink btw.
also excuse the ugggo picture im doing a full beauty day tomorrow

>> No.6525211

I want you to do some Dr. Slump cosplay. Please.

>> No.6525217

>Dr. Slump
Lol, why Dr.Slump? I dont look the slightest bit like a dragon ball z style character. owo

>> No.6525226

Anyone know a good highlighter that'll give a natural, dewy look to skin? Preferably not too expensive, but I'm willing to splurge.

>> No.6525230
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>> No.6525248

I really like Benefit's High Beam, but it's not for everyone (according to some people it's hard to blend). I like how it instantly makes my face look more glowy though.
There is a dupe for it by Boots or something (available at Target) if Benefit is too expensive.

>> No.6525263

Different anon lurking for the same question-

I tried High Beam and didn't like how sparkly it was, does anyone have any ideas for highlighters that are less "sparkly" and have a more natural-looking shine, if that makes sense?

>> No.6525270


goddammit I miss my dark violet hair

but the dye I used that time dyed EVERYTHING



>> No.6525271

Did you bleach and use a semi permanent or go with a box dye like this one?

>> No.6525273


I dyed it over my natural color because I wanted it dark, not vibrant. it was Special Effects brand.

>> No.6525297

Yeah, Special Effects goes everywhere. But it's really freaking good in terms of colour.

>> No.6525296

I see. I sweat too much for that but it makes sense.

>> No.6525312

Accutane damnit. Fucking iPhone.

>> No.6525310

I took accurate and it was the greatest thing ever. I didn't have to take bc because I chose abstinence as my thing. I just had to take a pee pregnancy test every month. I had no side effects except very chapped lips. It was easy and painless for me and I recommend everyone to do it. I got my dad and sister to go on it too and now they have perfect skin too.

>> No.6525387

I really like The Body Shop's highlighter. Just a suggestion, haven't really tried others!

>> No.6525424

isn't cc cream actually america's real attempt at bb cream
>even puts blemish balm on label

>> No.6525433

I am looking to cosplay an extremely pale character....my skin is already very white and pale, yet it can be improved. I bought white eye liner and powder....should i just rub it all over?? just under my eyes??

how can i get my pale skin even paler???

>> No.6525441

the palest concealer you can find + pale powder. you probably don't want to go actual whiteface as that looks really fake (unless your character is like that)

>> No.6525478

It's not for everyone. I had to take blood panels every three months when I was on it just in case my kidneys failed or something.

>> No.6525482

I like bb creams that look really natural on the skin (skin79 gold and lovely girl cover everything, but you can't tell they are on).

Other than those 2 bb creams, all the ones I've tried tend to look like they are sitting on top of the skin... Not good at all (I've had this problem with holika holika petit bb creams, BRTC Jasmine BB cream, Etude House Precious mineral, etc). Can anyone recommend some (non-skin79) BB creams with a really natural finish?

Also, a natural looking foundation is something I'd like, too. I'm looking into chanel vitalumiere aqua and Bourjois Healthy mix serum as of now.

>> No.6525488

BB creams are kinda designed to cover everything, maybe go for sheer coverage foundations or powders instead. I quite liked Etude House's powder for a natural finish, but I can't remember which one I have

>> No.6525493

My skins a bit to dry for powders, otherwise I would! Thanks anyway though.

>> No.6525511

Have you tried tinted moisturisers/sunblocks? They aren't really made for coverage so if you can find a close match...

>> No.6525544

I'm at my wits end here.
I'm getting over my acne, but there's lots of dark spots/marks/scars remaining on my cheeks. Thankfully the acne didn't make any dimples or actually affect my skin texture, but since I'm mixed race I now look very oddly freckled.
I've heard lemon juice can help, but I'd really rather not use it since my skin is pretty dry as it is.

What do?

>> No.6525699

I'm brown too, and I have the same problem. I use a 1:1 ratio of glycerine and lemon juice mixed together, then just applied to the skin and washed off later. I accidentally forgot about it and left it on for about 3 hours once and nothing bad happened to my skin.

>> No.6525755

yeah. it's difficult to transition to something like that if you sweat a lot, but perhaps try looking into the "no poo" no shampoo method or making your own shampoo.

>> No.6525761

lemon juice can lighten your skin, so be careful.

>> No.6525792

How do I get as pale as possible? I'm Jennifer Lopez's skin color and I look really greasy and tan in every single picture that's taken of me. I really hate it, I try using an exfoliating sponge on my whole body but it's not a very noticeable difference. Are there any skin bleach products anyone would recommend or should I try something else?

>> No.6525807

You're not going to go from tan to white, so just embrace your skin tone. J.lo has gorgeous skin, why wouldn't you want that?

If your skin is oily, that's something you *can* change. Use skin care products formulated for oily skin, and, depending on what kind of makeup you use, be sure to use a primer first and set your makeup with translucent powder. To avoid getting any darker, apply sunscreen religiously.

>> No.6525808


Hispanic skintones are really beautiful, I wouldn't recommend you try bleaching or lightening it. I guess it's up to you, but I'd avoid skin lightening; it can be quite emotionally damaging, as well as physically problematic if you're not super safe about it. If you have a predominantly Asiatic or Indian neighbourhood in your town, you may find stores there that sell the products your looking for. I can't vouch for their effectiveness or safety though.

>> No.6525812

>why wouldn't you want that?
>whole thread people who are ACTUALLY WHITE wanting to get WHITER
>lolz y would u want to look lighter and not embrace your tanned skin

That is a really dumb question. Most of us are lighter than that and we don't embrace our natural tans.

>> No.6525814

well, it's possible that a lot of people don't have nice skin tones in addition to having a tan. their skin tone might look better pale rather than dark.

are you naturally jennifer lopez's skin color, or are you actually lighter with a tan? that affects my advice.

>> No.6525816

jlo's skin makes her look glamorous and i don't want to look glamorous. it's not that i'm ashamed of my color, it's just that i don't like how it looks with my style(stupid as it sounds). i've wanted to get gray circle lenses but i've been afraid i'll look ridiculous with it, and i haven't dyed my hair any color out of fear that i'll look even tanner. i love wearing white and light baby colors and it all makes me look really tan.

>> No.6525819

i don't even leave the house and i am her skin color sob sob

>> No.6525824


I understand! I'm not critiquing your choice at all, just trying to make you aware of potential repercussions.

If you want grey circle lenses, try the GEO Bambis in Sesame Grey. They tend to go on over dark eyes really nicely and do look grey but not that really fake opaque, cartoony solid colour grey if you know what I mean.

Funnily enough, I've got grey eyes and I'm looking for some nice dark brown circle lenses.

Why not look into how some darker skinned girls wear their styles and try to get tips from there? You could also try buying a wig and trying out how colours look against your skin etc. before making any final decisions.

I'd say try to work with what you have but if you're really struggling, then there's nothing stopping you from lightening your skin, just please be sure you're super safe about it!

>> No.6525830

i'll try looking into some darker skinned girls' styles, since most of the girls' styles i look at are pale heh. i'll definitely think about what you've said!

>> No.6525836

Hey, I actually have the same problem as the anon that has tan skin. I naturally have a bit of a yellow/tan tint and I feel that I have to whiten my skin for cosplays so I don't stand out among my palest of friends.

Is there any other way to naturally lighten the skin? I've tried methods of using wigs that would look better on my skin tone, but as a cosplayer I'd like to strive for accuracy.

Yellow/Blonde characters are the hardest to deal with, as the wigs tend to look badly on my skin tone.

>> No.6525843

alright. well, i'm going to restate what i've said earlier in this thread, though i'm not sure it'll help you get LIGHTER. i have certainly lifted my tan using this method, but i'm naturally pale, so i'm not sure if it'll actually make you lighter. it has faded acne scars quickly, so maybe that means it will work at least a bit.

1. always use sunblock (not sunscreen). just make it a habit. you probably don't realize how much the sun can affect you even when you're sitting next to the window or riding in a car. apply it as directed, so that's once every couple of hours. absolutely anything you do to make yourself lighter makes your skin more sensitive to the sun, so you need to protect yourself. i use moisturizer with SPF as well as body lotion with SPF. i honestly should be putting sunblock, but i always wear long sleeves and don't go outside for more than a few minutes either.) don't forget that UV rays go through clothing, so put it under your clothes, especially your back, back of the neck, and stomach.

i use an umbrella/parasol when i'm walking around outside for extended periods of time. depending on where you live, people might look at you funny, but ignore them. some even have UV protection in them. don't completely avoid the sun, though. that's also bad for you.

2. wash yourself with a skin lightening soap like likas papaya soap or kojie-san. you can find these at filipino stores of almost any kind or asian grocery stores. as i said before, i use an exfoliating glove when i apply it. i used to use both soaps every day, and it helped to even my skin since i had horrible tan lines. they do dry your skin out, though, so moisturize.

>> No.6525845


3. try home remedies to lighten your skin. just google it, because i don't want to tell you something incorrectly, but most of them involve lemon juice. my sister was able to get rid of a really bad scar on her face (i think she got bitten by a dog?) by using some home remedy. you can mix them into your moisturizer, i think.

4. use whitening face masks. you can get them from asian stores for pretty cheap. alternatively, find BRIGHTENING face masks literally anywhere. brightening and whitening usually mean the same thing.

5. when dyeing your hair, which probably means lightening it in your case, look into gradual methods like adding highlights first or going a less vibrant/crazy shade at first. the transition will most likely make it look more natural. unfortunately, as >>6525836
said, yellow-blonde characters probably aren't so easy to deal with, even if you do achieve pale skin if you have yellow undertones. the only thing you can really do is to put on foundation that counters the yellowness if you want to stay accurate.

even darker people can look good in pastels without looking weird. i know there are some tan girls who like fairy kei and make it look just as good as pale girls, for example. in fact, i think pastels make people who are too pale look washed out. just try finding style inspiration from girls with a similar skin tone to you.

>> No.6525865
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is it possible to do hair like this? is there a name for it? i look for twin buns but none of them have this shape

>> No.6525868

They look like short pigtails with like..half a bun/twist underneath for volume

>> No.6525873


>> No.6525876
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Terrible drawing, but this is what it is. You have to have just the right hair length and thickness though. It's not gonna poof out like that on the ends if you don't have thicker hair. Pins can be involved to keep in place.

>> No.6525885

thats helping alot more thank you anon

>> No.6526054

Honestly, I don't remember but I read online to try it. But I'll definitely be on the lookout for any antifungal property with 2.5% strength


>> No.6526114

They don't really last very long for my tastes. I liked the 2 from skin79 because they had amazing coverage, while looking and feeling like you had nothing on, plus they lasted a while. I'm going to keep using those 2, but I want to branch out to other brands that have the same pro's as well (I mean, I've already branched out; i have 10 BB Creams, but of the ones I own, the skinfood red orange jelly is the only other one I've liked)

>> No.6526385

Revlon makes Burgundy and Dark Burgundy hair dye. They're supposedly permanent, but I find it fades to a dull pink by the end of the month. Out the rainbow of colours I've done my hair, burgundy's my favorite.

>> No.6526416

Anyone have good tips for big, dark circles that are also extremely puffy at all times? I can cover the darkness (it's subtle and my foundation takes care of it), but they're really paunchy and age me quite a bit. Plus I can't look down in any cosplay photos or I look like a melting demon. .. :D

>> No.6526455


The trick to burgundy if you have to lighten your hair first is not to lighten it past pumpkin orange or dark orange preferably. That undertone will keep it from fading 'pink'.

>> No.6526839


I've never been a huge fan of burgundy, but I'm olive toned. It might look nice...

>> No.6526888

I managed to snag an ELF eye shadow and foundation brush from the dollar store and I have to say, I feel like an absolute dumbass for never using them before! I use the eyeshadow brush for concealer and it is fantastic.

Anyways question, I'm a dance student, so I don't get to use much makeup and what I do (concealer, foundation powder, and mascara) melts off almost instantly. Are there any tips or makeup brands that stay better through wear and sweat?

>> No.6527128

Seconding this!
I'm an ausfag so the heat we have over here + my nerves make my makeup melt off my face.
I've seen an anti-sweat cream for facial use but I'm worried it will only block my pores and make me breakout.

>> No.6527168
File: 134 KB, 280x540, ColorStayWhippedCreme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the swamps of Louisiana where the humidity is like 99%. I have combo/oily skin that is prone to blemishes, however my skin tone is rather even and cool.

Ya'll this shit is amazing, i figured there was no such thing as foundation in the summer where i live. This is not the case. Blew my MAC match master and Clinique Stay-Matte out of the water.

>> No.6527177

Cover your face in your boyfriend's semen and let it rest for a couple of minutes.

Not even kidding.

>> No.6527230

B-but I have no boyfreind. :(

>> No.6527511

For the anon in Australia, this will be even more expensive, so I apologize in advanced! I wish I knew of more affordable stuff.

Anyway, I'd start with either a facial anti-perspirant and/or a mattifying primer (like NYX shine killer or Urban Decay De-Slick Primer)

Then you are going to want a "water proof" foundation or bb cream (I think Fairydrops has one, and so does innisfree)

Once you have that one, you are going to want to spray urban decay De-Slick or All Nighter onto your face. Let it dry, and then apply your favorite matte powder. Then Spray the All Nighter Spray on top.

For mascara, I'd say something waterproof. I generally dislike maybelline, and I HATE their mascaras, but the Mega Plush waterproof has been an exception. I don't remember why I tried it, but it's great if you like natural, wispy lashes that don't budge!

Also, if you don't want to wear the foundation/bb cream, you can use a water proof concealer (like the one Lancome makes) where you need it instead. Still use all the other steps (like the primer/powder/sprays), though.

This should stay on all day without a problem! Again, I'm sorry that some of these are pretty pricey.

>> No.6527547

Is it possible to raise my nose tip without surgery?

>> No.6528212

Similar question, except I would like something more sparkly. Does anyone know a good illuminator/highlighter that doesn't come with a tint of its own? I'm very pale and all the ones I've tried in stores look like brownish or pinkish splotches on my cheeks, even after blending. The sales assistant ended up telling me I should get a tan and that a dewy look on such pale skin was unattractive anyway... so I stopped looking.
But fuck that. Fuck her. I can be shiny white if I want to. Any tips? I don't mind if it's a bit glittery, as long as it's not the huge oh-god-why-did-I-go-to-that-party-this-will-never-leave-my-clothes type glitter.

>> No.6528311

Loreal has one called "magic lumi primer," it might work well for you.

>> No.6532412

does anyone know any home-remedies for large pores?