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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 238 KB, 1066x1600, 1351885703368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6511050 No.6511050[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/cgl/ do you think this guy is hot?
>would you fuck or date a /fit/ hottie?

>he could role play as a super hero

>> No.6511059
File: 35 KB, 170x200, 1352943948809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing to do with cosplay or EGL
Get the fuck out

>> No.6511058
File: 54 KB, 673x625, 1356060147542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no shy qt3.14 seagull gf

>> No.6511068
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Oh /cgl/, you're so tsundere!

>> No.6511073

I'm not into gay bois anymore. I learned a long time ago that guys that look like him either are completely self absorbed or love guys bodies, not womens. I'd rather a sweet straight boy over a closeted one like him.

>> No.6511074

u just jelly you not getting any 10/10 /fit/

>> No.6511078

I'm still into gays but only the effeminate ones.

I'm not attracted to masculine features.
>super heroes
>implying there aren't better /co/ characters

>> No.6511079

at least i got a man.

>> No.6511077
File: 265 KB, 501x408, 1355862468750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, you're probably just ugly and/or fat.

>> No.6511085

That beta male with a small dick can't even be considered a man.

>> No.6511083

>implying we're all gay and/or obsessed with ourselves
>implying we don't just want
a qt3.14

too many feels back to /fit/

>> No.6511089

some one is butt hurt!!

In response to OP, yes would fuck his brains out!
even more so if he was sressed as the incredible hulk or batman

>> No.6511091

only men think dick size matters at all he pays for my stuff and isn't too bad looking

i don't need a man that worships his own body i want a man that worships mine

>> No.6511093

a beta male?

>> No.6511097

>worships his own body

How is working out worshipping your body?

>> No.6511096

>has a small dick
>pays for all your stuff
>is under 6ft


I bet if he had a 7" dick, and a RIPPED body you would be worshiping you and be his little submissive slut.

You need a real MAN

>> No.6511098

how is this cosplay/lolita/japanese fashion related?

reported + hidden

>> No.6511099

Trolling aside, i'd like /cgl/'s opinion:

Do /fit/izens have a chance at cosplay? I mean i'm not the biggest weeaboo around, but thinking that your cons are filled with beta virgin faggots, i'm pretty sure most girls would like to see a fitbro cosplaying.

>> No.6511101
File: 288 KB, 716x896, 391d6a76606b305030e1747ea8add528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I am attracted to boys far less attractive than me so I can keep him as my possession without fear of him leaving me.
I blame anime and my cripplingly low self esteem.
Still, I think homely boys are really cute.

>> No.6511104

Am currently both fucking and dating a '/fit/ hottie', but like fuck does he look like that.
>short hair untermensch
>dem veins

pls no

>> No.6511105

protip: cosplaying is mostly attention whoring, nobody really knows much about anime or whatever

>> No.6511108 [DELETED] 

The thread WAS releated as the OP was asking about the differences each gender had while cosplaying

(girls getting more attention, why guys make more armor but less likely to wear wigs)

It was civil at first

>> No.6511109

that's disgusting

I hope one day he wakes up and realizes he can do better, goes to a con and fucks all the other beta faggots gf's

>> No.6511113

whatever. i can still have sex with who i want and he just deals with it.

every woman thats ever had one of those self loving types knows he'll either turn out gay or cheat on them like hell.

men that arent good looking will let you get away with murder and give everything they can just to keep you a little bit interested.

so i can have sex with as many muscleheads as i want. i just wouldn't call any of them a bf.

>> No.6511115

>implying you could have sex with as many muscleheads as you want
good luck fattie

>> No.6511116

he was asking if the guy in op picture was hot and if seagulls would fuck/date someone from /fit/

how is that differences each gender had while cosplaying
are you retarded

>> No.6511118
File: 51 KB, 403x737, 1351650072810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cgl loves shane

>> No.6511119

go jerk off virgin

>> No.6511121

I bet you are a whale, who gets the left overs

>> No.6511123

ya also I already have a /fit/ hottie... somehow

>> No.6511125

Ok to cosplay as dongcopter pirate?

>> No.6511126
File: 284 KB, 993x816, decade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not tsundere, that's a fatty guy, he's jealous of /fit/'s body.

>> No.6511128

I like my men without the burn tool in PS applied so liberally, and a few yards less of bulging veins.

>> No.6511130

get the fuck out of here /fit/ you pathetic pieces of shit

>> No.6511133
File: 84 KB, 640x478, 1351780297600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sick of all the DYEL versions on here

>> No.6511134

this picutre is ps'd to the gills

>> No.6511137

>only men think dick size matters at all he pays for my stuff and isn't too bad looking

>isn't too bad looking
>has small dick

>pays for muh shit
proof that women don't give a fuck about how you look like if you have money and pay for their stupid costumes
everyone can leave now

>> No.6511138

'fraid we might steal yo' girl, you pathetic beta whiteknight?

>> No.6511139

What? I'm not a terrible person because I prefer homely men.
I need security and I am clingy. It's not like I beat him or nag him. I would just prefer him not to be so handsome so other women will not be tempted and he will have a less of a chance of leaving.
It seems smart not shallow.
Just because a man is attractive doesn't mean I have to lust for him.
>realizes he can do better.
People say this too much.

>> No.6511140
File: 432 KB, 720x481, 1356270017919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6511143

haha i'm probably stronger than you skinny faggot
just because i don't have lactose induced diarrea and squat everyday (aka visiting /fit/) doesn't mean i don't lift

>> No.6511146

stop being such a bitter prick no woman likes a bitter prick.

get a job and stop acting like i owe you sex and maybe you'll actually have a chance.

>> No.6511150

You're ugly and shallow enough that you're defending a small dick and mediocre looks because he has money.

I don't think we want a chance with you.

>> No.6511151

>get a job
>that way you might get a chance

why don't you simply prostitute yourself already

>> No.6511153

this guy posts on fit? we need him to join the segulls

total hottie

>> No.6511156

This is the board that has sugardaddy generals. I'm pretty sure they prostitute themselves.

>> No.6511155
File: 148 KB, 842x784, 1335640229800[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OCB thread

>> No.6511157

because i'm not a whore you asshole i just like men who take care of me

>> No.6511164

>pay for my shit and you can have sex with me
>not a whore


>> No.6511165

>because i'm not a whore you asshole i just like men who take care of me

HAHAHAHA this is the best excuse for being a money leech slut ever
thanks, i will use your phrase to future trolling

>> No.6511170

>lying on the internet
just because you say you have a 6" dick doesn't make it so. keep dreaming. I still don't see the cosgirls lining up to let you plunder their cave of mysteries.

>> No.6511173

and what do you want? slender, big boobs, long legs?

why should i not get what i want, too?

>> No.6511174

dumb whore haha

>> No.6511175

I judge a man by the size of his penis. You can lift to gain muscles, you can take hormones to get taller, but you can't cheat your dick. I only date men who are like stalions.

>> No.6511176
File: 176 KB, 450x386, fwark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still don't see the cosgirls lining up to let you plunder their cave of mysteries.

i can't get mad at you bro

>> No.6511179

>because i'm not a whore you asshole i just like men who take care of me

AKA a prositute

>> No.6511183
File: 369 KB, 605x908, SkateSquatz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping natty

>> No.6511184

Yes, yes the guy in the OP is probably as fancy as a french picnic and the catcher in a rough homo relationship.

But, we are from a board that spends a lot of time dedicated to doing physically what you do with costumes and the like.

We want an honest opinion on if our work is good or not. I know ladies aren't going to be exactly up front about this and most guys(well, probably me)shy away from this and honestly don't want too much attention, but it is nice to know that we are seen as attractive once in a while.

How about this:
This is a link to our current body thread.

Post a number on a scale of 1-10(1 being not fuckable and 10 being want him to fuck you right now consequences be damned) .
Or you can simply perv on us and guiltily shlick/save for whatever while we simply post our progress pics.

>> No.6511185

no a prostitute will fuck anyone for money.

you'd never have a shot at me for any price with your shitty personality.

now go back to jerking off

>> No.6511180

is this you

>> No.6511191

you are an omega anon

>> No.6511186

Ok, lets pretend i don't think you're shallow bitch after all these things you've just said. So what kind of guy should it be so that you're happy with with and don't suck any other dicks but his? Or is this impossible, since attractive man, on whom you'd have no desire to cheat on, is not an option because of fears of him cheating on you?

>> No.6511188

/fa/ or /fit/ seagulls?

>> No.6511195

That woman is an inspiration for me, but some men tend to get angry when you judge them like that so you have to be careful so they not get violent.

>> No.6511192

i like girls with artistic skills and similar tastes so we can enjoy stuff together. and most importantly the ones who don't act like total sluts, are with me beacause of my money, my body or because i'm asian (i attract sick weeaboos).
of course i like pretty girls and pretty bodies but that's definetaly the most important thing i look on a partner. just admit you are a shallow bitch.

>> No.6511194

when will you /fit/ guys realise that a good body won't make you less beta?

>> No.6511199

till you see my 10/10 face, 7" dick and 20" biceps

I'd make you my sub. you seem like the type who would enjoy being told what to do, how to dress

>> No.6511196

i meant definitely not the most important thing*

>> No.6511197

>implying you wouldn't get instantly wet when you see me with my shirt off

>> No.6511198

with your shitty personality there's nothing you could do to have a chance with me at all

>> No.6511203

>thinks 7" is big enough to care

lie harder loser

>> No.6511202

I date a /co/mrade.

>> No.6511204

I don't buy into that nonsense.
I'm simply being honest and candid.
If this upsets you then it's your problem not mine.

>> No.6511205

>tfw 5'7" qt3.14 manlet
I have gay guys all over my dick.
but I'm not gay.

>> No.6511206

>stops saying "get a job and have a chance with me"
>realizes you are a whore
>switches to "you have a shitty personality you have no chance with me

what a quick turn out of events

>implying we want to date fat assed weeaboo sluts

>> No.6511207

We're the ones with the shitty personalities? Have you listened to anything you've said in this conversation? You have the attitude of a teenage, land bound whale. The more mass you acquire the more excuses you're going to make for why we'd 'never have a shot with you.' Day by day you're going to become more and more delusional unless you do something about it. I recommend reading the sticky.

>> No.6511208

>7" dick
Come on

>> No.6511213

i'm not the one telling you that you're wrong for wanting what you want.

i'm good enough to get what i want if you're not good enough to get what you want that's your problem not mine

>> No.6511214

You sound fat. You fat, bro?

>> No.6511216

l could have estatted and said 9".. but honestly its 7".
trust me more than enough even for you size queens out there....

>> No.6511218

You have to settle for what you want. We don't.

>> No.6511215

well.. are you slender with big boobs and long legs?

>inb4 double standards

>> No.6511220

It's not enough to make me orgasm so no.

>> No.6511222

oh boy here we go

>> No.6511221


that's good for you and cute you think 7" is worth talking about but its not.

also no one cares about how big your biceps are except other gay men

>> No.6511226

Women want money protection a nice guy who's a good lay.
Men want an attractive woman, to be taken care of, a secretary/cook/maid and to get our dick wet.

>> No.6511225

You could say 9" and get away with it IRL. Women have no ability to guess accurate measurements. My ex still claims my dick is two inches longer than it is.

>> No.6511229

none of your business

i'm not looking for slender with big boobs and long legs so no double standard

all the guys i'm with are with me because they want me not because i want them

>> No.6511231
File: 28 KB, 200x200, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
>implying you have to be /fit/ to get laid at a con

>> No.6511234

sometimes just having a good hotel room and room service is enough

>> No.6511232

>none of your business

confirmed for waddling landwhale

>> No.6511236
File: 33 KB, 604x694, fitfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: fat landwhales and DYEL beta faggot /cgl/ virgins

>i'll never find a petite seagull qt3.14 to rest on my lap and cuddle with under a blanket

>> No.6511238

no but I'm ripped as FUAAARRKK
Everytime I got my chance of getting laid is 100%
back when i was DYEL it was 30%

women love big arms and strong backs

>> No.6511239
File: 76 KB, 960x717, 1356556013483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/cgl/ getting laid

>> No.6511237

>never fucked a guy who knows what he's doing
>probably limits self to boring positions with below optimum penetration and g spot coverage
>therefore likely only opens legs for beta males with big wallets or is a fatty who needs an extra four inches to get past her vaginal rolls

>implying biceps are the focus of /fit/ or anybody who lifts at least semi-seriously

>> No.6511243

>getting this trolled
>being this naive

>> No.6511244

>still believing in alpha/beta

Don't change /fit/

All your no gf feels are mostly because of your aspergers.

>> No.6511245

Do you understand that around 75% of women don't orgasm through vaginal stimulation alone? In those that can it was girth, not length that helped. Given that the average vagina only expands to 5-7 inches, I must conclude that you are a lying whore with no knowledge of anatomy and/or sex.

>> No.6511240

>all the guys i'm with are with me because they want me not because i want them

but you just said you get what you want because you can
so if you are with guys you don't want but still are with them is because you just want their money
just admit you are a fucking fat prostitute. don't tell me "I'M ATTRACTIVE I GET GUYS WHO HAS MONEYZ" because I see faggots paying shit for their fat girl friends all the time. there's more than enough desperate faggots in the world than you can think

>> No.6511247

I've fucked guys who claimed to know what they were doing but couldn't make me orgasm because they were too small. About positions, good luck doing everything you want when you have a small jim.

>> No.6511251


>Women Who Prefer Longer Penises Are More Likely to Have Vaginal Orgasms (but Not Clitoral Orgasms): Implications for an Evolutionary Theory of Vaginal Orgasm.

>> No.6511255
File: 134 KB, 757x1073, RipandRex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>trying to defend himself
Don't you have some knitting to do, pansy?

>> No.6511257

Actually the vast majority of lifters spend a considerable amount of time on their arms. The few who don't are strength trainers who are honestly moments away from a bicep tear or permastalling till they do consider "focusing on their biceps".

>> No.6511260

who said i don't want the guys i'm with?

it's not like they're forcing me or i'm forcing them

they like me for what i offer and i like them for what they offer which is mostly helping me buy the materials i need and giving me a nice place to live and good food to eat so i can use my time for cosplay

>> No.6511261


Assuming for a moment that you're not a troll, why is it a big deal?

Some girls orgasm from having their cervix bumped mang.

>> No.6511264

you should just charge them money.
I bet you would do better as an escort


>> No.6511270


go back to jerking off to your anime drawings

>> No.6511273

>Assuming for a moment that you're not a troll, why is it a big deal?
Personal preference. The first time I got fucked really hard by a big guy it was like I was discovering sex again.

>> No.6511282

I didn't mean why do you prefer big dicks- that's one I can kinda work out for myself. I just mean, why is it such a big deal that sex has to be 10/10 perfect? Would you turn down a really lovely, caring, romantic guy if he wasn't well-hung?

>> No.6511277

>Three hundred twenty-three women reported in an online survey their past month frequency
>Future research could extend the findings by overcoming limitations related to more precise measurement of penis length

Study covers 323 women over the course of one month with data collected by online survey with female reported lengths and orgasms.

>implying anyone should trust female reported sexual statistics
>implying that women having enough partners to report accurately over the course of that month weren't whores
>implying anyone with a scientific background would take this seriously

>> No.6511278

is it that hard to admit you are a prostitute? what would the poor boy friend think if he read this? do you HONESTLY think he wouldn't think he's simply paying you to fuck you?

>> No.6511285
File: 69 KB, 207x205, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonderful raid guys we sure showed them

>> No.6511292

i'm not a prostitute you butthurt beta virgin.

he'd see nothing here he shouldn't already know. every time he tells me he loves me i hug him and tell him i think he's really great its not like i lie to him

>> No.6511294

I tried, after a while I came to resent him because the sex sucked and wouldn't get better.

>> No.6511296

HAHAHAHAH very subtle
i dare you to show him this thread and tell him which posts belong to you
if you are that secure about your relationship and think that what you do is perfectly fine and acceptable for him, do it.

>> No.6511297
File: 6 KB, 444x417, 1330643631257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man... that's really sad for him.
I would hate to be in that relationship.

>> No.6511301
File: 34 KB, 398x436, 1343610166451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Curls isn't /fit/ I am sure

>> No.6511303

I admit that sometimes I have accepted cash/gifts in return for sex.
no shame in it though

>> No.6511304

cut it out

he's got a woman that's much better looking than him having sex with him what more can a short not very good looking guy ask for?

>> No.6511307

a woman who actually loves him, and not just in it for the gifts / cash

>> No.6511305

I showed my boyfriend this thread, and he wanted to vomit at the sexist bigotry. You know, normal people work and take care of themselves, where is your self respect?!? Wtf?

You know what women like? Self confidence, and any sane man would like the same. Grow up, stop preying on the social insecurities of others for your benefit. Hot guys who cheat on you will cheat on anyone, even hot girls. That's a matter of personality, not the fact that he's better looking than you. If you had a halfway decent personality, maybe you wouldn't have to worry about that BS.

>> No.6511306

>75% of women don't orgasm through vaginal stimulation alone

That statistic is allways bandied about and the number is always some huge number.
I have never not once heard of a single legit study that backs this up. Not one.

If it was even remotely true then men with large dicks wouldn't be in demand, and sex toys would look remarkably different don't you think?

>> No.6511310

this post is so awful
you are either a troll or a absolutely disgusting female, and i really pitty your partner for having you as a girl friend.

>> No.6511312

>doesn't understand double standards
the point isn't the specifics, it's wanting somebody you consider attractive.
You have a standard you expect people to be attaining for you, but don't seem to be aspiring to return the favour.
welcome to bizzaro world where logic counts for nothing and lunacy is rational

>all the guys i'm with are with me because they want me not because i want them
sounds like your standards are too high AND you feel the need to showcase the implication that you are able to manipulate several weaker low value men.
well done, you.

spending a disproportionate time and focussing entirely on one's arms would not be considered to be semi-serious then. I used that for a reason.
The "few who don't" from your pulled-out-of-ass invisible statistics are people who are semi-serious and beyond.
>there's a reason curlbro is an insult
I agree that in a four day split there should be time allocating to arms, but you wouldn't focus on them for the sake of the arms - besides, the poster was talking in terms of aesthetics, in which case the tricep is the muscle that's going to make your arm look biggest (chest and pull up engaged) with bicep hypertrophy being easily attainable with curl variations and chins once a week.

>moments away from a bicep tear
seriously? are you fucking kidding me?
that would have to be some terrifyingly serious neglect in a strength routine, surely? as such would not be one anybody lifting seriously would follow.

>> No.6511311

and one day maybe that's what he'll be looking for and find

just like one day i'll marry a doctor or lawyer

>> No.6511315

Yes there is

>> No.6511316

you'd have to be sub 5" if you're not fucking a fatty/gigantic ghetto booty to not be able to do the vast majority of positions, surely?
I'm only a half inch over average and have never had a problem in any position.

my god, this.
I like some of the guys on /cgl/ and pretty much all the bros on /fit/ but I can really understand why some of them hate women after reading a lot of this.
very glad I've never met a woman this two faced and pathetic outside of the internet.

as a distinctly average person, I'd want mutual affection on any level.
none of this soppy romantic bullshit, I just want to take what I give - same as any kind of relationship.

maybe if you were worth a doctor or a lawyer you would
I see little evidence so far.

>> No.6511319

>not sure if troll
>troll claims not to be a prostitute, then wants to marry for the money

>I'm sure these rich types aren't into ham beast anime role playing loosers

>> No.6511317

Well considering the fact that he said he loves you, probably the same in return

>> No.6511322

he doesn't love me he's just inexperienced and thinks he should say that.

he understands i'm not in love with him and is okay with us having an open relationship

>> No.6511323

That's kind of sad. You can love someone even if the sex is mediocre- hell, sometimes feels can be all it takes to make sex amazing.

>> No.6511326

>it's wanting somebody you consider attractive.

we don't all find the same things attractive you should understand that by now

>> No.6511329

Well maybe it's sad but I have enough options so I can pick a guy who's exactly what I want.

>> No.6511328

oh so now is confidence? i thought we neede jobs to have a chance. did you show him your first posts? i bet you didn't. stop lying you landwhale fat slut. you are so disgusting it hurts. when i remember the post compilation from /cgl/ and read this i can imagine what kind of woman you are. from what you told me about your relationships (i'm with the guys who want me, not me who want them) i can tell you can't have the guys you want and your bf is short and ugly, so you are probably REALLY ugly too. then you tell me about having a chance with you is about having a job, that means you just fuck guys because they pay shit for you. then you start to talk about personality and confidence out of nowhere, that means you are in a really strong denial. and i can tell how bitter you are from your posts.

you are not just disgusting by the outside, you are disgusting inside too.

i'm not angry. now i just feel sad. no, i don't pity you because as i said, you are unlikable. i just feel genuinely sad for you and your boyfriend. your story is really heart crushing.

good bye because i can't stand reading this.

>> No.6511330

Why does /fit/ shitpost here so often?

What's the point? Is there like a huge contingent of your board that thinks 4chan is for dating and hookups and /cgl/ is the 'girl board'?

I don't get it.

>> No.6511332

thank god i saw this post
now i'm sure it is a troll

>> No.6511333

So... why haven't you then?

>> No.6511331

yes. I know.
but here's something you should know by now.
there are two people in a relationship

my point is that you expect something from someone else and completely disregard your own contribution as necessary
this is what I'd like to call "being a lazy whore"

>> No.6511334

Huh? What?

>> No.6511336
File: 28 KB, 427x231, 1337484069368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He just thinks he's in love
>Is that love any less true?
>What is love?

I wasn't ready for this today.

>> No.6511335

>being a lazy whore

youre a stupid asshole

i exercise like crazy every day to stay in shape and protect my skin from the sun to stay pretty

i'm not a lazy whore i do more to stay desirable than some anime jerking asshole

>> No.6511339

You claim you can have a guy who's exactly what you want. Yet you've complained about your bf several times already. If you could have exactly who you wanted, why wouldn't you?

>> No.6511338


Fuck off. You're worse than r9gay for fuck sake.

>> No.6511341

I'm another person, I only talked about an ex who was small.

>> No.6511342

"Love" fades, fizzles and burns out quickly.
Love born over a long period of time, of mutual affection and seeing each other through rough patches and the like.
Most people become infatuated with the momentary high of new love and are suckered into thinking that it is the end all be all and not just something fun for a while.

Most fags on /fit/ spend their time tarding on about squats and squats alone while curls are completely ignored and even talking about working on the arms is spit on.
My bullshit statistic is as legit as yours. As a matter of fact, care to show me these /fit/ posters who don't work on their arms at all?

Yes, it's a joke losers like you blather on about in an attempt to look like you didn't just start working out last week.

I'm fucking sorry. The entire sticky and people like you say to NOT work on your arms. Hell the one workout plan that is whored around there up until recently ignored entire chunks of the body cast aspersions on anyone who thought otherwise the hid behind the "it's only a beginner program" and "you should have known better/known to add other lifts to make you look not like a sack of shit" and my personal favorite"didn't follow the program correctly" when the obvious results make them look like shit.

I said neglecting your arms in favor of big numbers on certain lifts will lead to bicep tears and stalling out completely and without any ability to grow beyond that.
I stand by that.

>> No.6511347

he doesn't even think he's in love

i'm sure he knows he just likes having sex with me and thinks if he keeps telling me that maybe i'll be with him a bit longer

it's no big deal i told him this is just for now and to be happy with the time we have together

>> No.6511348

We'll take our sculpted bodies, massive dicks, barely restrained need to fuck and impregnate and take our leave.
Good day to you ladies.

>> No.6511361

Jesus Christ this thread makes me so glad I'm dating a female ChemE who makes more money than me. I get the benefit of knowing she's not using me for money AND having intellectual conversations.