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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 144 KB, 720x960, 34103_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6509689 No.6509689[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Wtf is with those bangs?!

Daily_lolita thread

>> No.6509695

Eugh, did they try to pin back half their fringe but some escaped? Either way it looks greasy or sweaty.

Also is it bad I automatically assumed French if wearing Moitie before even checking their post?

>> No.6509728
File: 119 KB, 960x720, 33207_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part was her boots

>> No.6509730
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Uggs, just no.

>> No.6509732

those are Moitie boots, though.

like, none of it looks good. but not because of what it is, but how she's wearing it. she's a prime example of how brand doesn't automatically make you look good.
like, her outfit is well over $1000 retail, and since it's the gold version it might be over $2000

i just don't understand how you can spend that much on clothing, but not on your hair or makeup.

>> No.6509735
File: 64 KB, 900x1015, 43347_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best coordinates in a long while

>> No.6509738

nothing special or good about the coord... just a good picture.

Too many lolis think good or bad photography= good coord. It doesn't a good coord is good in any context. A great photo can be made from a great, average, or awful coord.

>> No.6509742

Can't say - don't see all that much of the outfit, especially with the filter. The fit doesn't look to good.

>> No.6509758
File: 558 KB, 522x1575, tumblr_mfcn3bTnwh1rvpuhco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolitaist of them all

>> No.6509775

Completely agree. I've never understood how people spend so much on their clothing but then when you look at *them* their appearance is not clean looking.

I don't think it's a case of not caring, but more so not knowing how to put themselves together in a well groomed manner. I'm fairly sure when they look in the mirror they think "Yes, I look wonderful." even though to the rest of the world they look like they just rolled out of bed.

>> No.6509857

I don't feel so bad now about cutting my bangs and messing them up a little. At least it's not this bad.

>> No.6509861

Yep.. me too.

>> No.6509874

And I think this user has been around a while? I used to see them post in the MMM comm all the time looking to buy items constantly.

>> No.6509935
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>> No.6509939

the new lolita subgenre: 'Clown Shoe Style'

>> No.6509945



>> No.6509961

hahahahaha, took me a second!

>> No.6509962
File: 87 KB, 480x640, s640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does she always look so bad but have such good clothes? She's not even fat or ugly, it's just like...so weird that someone who is interested enough in fashion to purchase such expensive clothes could be so clueless about coordinating and personal grooming. She's obviously had plenty of time to see it done right and learn by example.
Not to mention she posts the most terribad unflattering herpaderp face shots.
I dunno, she can wear whatever she wants if that makes her happy but I guess the part that pisses me off is the wasted potential. I hate seeing someone look terrible when they could potentially look awesome.

>> No.6509975

She needs to sell some of that brand and buy herself a better bra.

>> No.6509983

>she's not even fat or ugly
...I wouldn't exactly call her attractive. Maybe if she put more effort? I just don't see it. Not fat though.

>> No.6509990

Looking at the photo below, she obviously has really large breasts that seem to constantly sit at her waist... I have a feeling that to fit into that moitie stuff she didn't bother wearing a bra.

She needs to wash and style her hair (or get a wig) and put on some makeup. Because ew.

>> No.6509998

I'm not going to nitpick her face because that's something she has no control over, but I definitely don't think she's ugly and she'd look fine with good makeup/lighting and a natural expression rather than an awkward forced smile.

>> No.6510015

>not going to nitpick her face
>but part of aesthetic beauty has a lot to do with the face
Wat. Just. Wat.

>> No.6510127

Oh god I went to post an ita thread with this image as a header. It's just so painfully bad. And what's with the "I finally got my way"?

>> No.6510328

I just noticed that that dress isn't even zipped up the side... am I the only one seeing that?

>> No.6510343

Even when you cover her face the outfit is terrible.

nope, one of the first things I noticed

>> No.6510354

The man thing about the face in order for it be 'attractive' by basic aesthetic standards is that it needs to be symmetrical. OP appears to be, but then both images are at a 3/4 angle which tends to hide any major asymmetry. (Most of us have slight asymmetry in our faces that go unnoticed overall.) only problem is the very little make up she has on does nothing for the facial features she has (smudging on black eye shadow and some lip gloss does nothing for no one) not to mention the way her bangs are cut. From the second photo it looks like she could look quite pretty, if in the hands of some who knows what the fuck they are doing.

>> No.6510367

looks too short lengthwise for her bust, like she took a full length shirred dress from when she was ten and tried to wear it.

>> No.6510380

Goddamn, that bugs the fuck out of me how lolitas will buy shit and it obviously doesn't fit. Get it altered if you love it that much. People are entitled to own whatever they wanna own but... the denial is painful to see.

>> No.6510381

Ahahaha I love seeing girls looking ita while wearing brand. Please, somebody dig up whatever wonderfinch has been wearing lately! I can't post images because I'm on an iPhone that I haven't updated yet.

>> No.6510383

Now that I look at it more, I think her choker is upside down. :/

>> No.6510410

Is OP pic the girl who was wearing all moitie (divine cross i think) and had like, ribbons wrapped around her legs and looked a hot mess?

>> No.6510566

>Ahahaha I love seeing girls looking ita while wearing brand.

I'm not even a loli and I find it sad.
How can someone plunk down all that cash and just be meh with it. What's the point?

It sounds like someone buying a million dollar home then setting up a pinto and a chevy nova on the lawn while saying fuck you to the garden and letting everything grow every which way.

Why bother with the clothing if you can't bother with anything else?

>> No.6510649

You should enter egl's contest this month (what even the fuck is the point of that anyway?).

>> No.6510651

so much brand
done so poorly

>> No.6510662

It's not even just hair and makeup. The way this is all put together is too much and looks awful. She needed to break up that Moitie A LOT. Her hair looks like she tried....to look like Cardcaptor Sakura and just left her bangs all fucked up

>> No.6510668

maybe they think once they put on the brand, they will be magically transformed into the best lolita ever.

>> No.6510681

Who is that one girl who has all that Moitie and AatP who has chronic bitchface and never puts any effort into her appearance? She usually posts dumps on daily_lolita because she posts so infrequently.

>> No.6510716

I dunno, burnt_tuna?
Sage because I really don't know XD.

>> No.6510826

I noticed she put up a sales post... I just..? What?

>> No.6510845

So..she wants brand boots for 20-30 euro?

She said all brand...does she want a brand wig too...wat..

>> No.6511069

burnt_tuna wishes she could have all moitie and AATP

>> No.6511087

All of her sales posts are near-incomprehensible. I remember seeing at least one or two had some wanky comments on them too? Does anyone else remember seeing this?

>> No.6511092

found its facebook

facebook dot com slash manasan.brois

oh lol

>> No.6511233
File: 114 KB, 600x900, dc2716c483_90199184_o2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be the only one who hates this.

>> No.6511263
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Remember her?

>> No.6511267
File: 207 KB, 1000x750, 8423_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl on far left is an aristocrat.

>> No.6511275

I'm not a huge fan of the skeleton print on the tights, but I like it otherwise.

>> No.6511280
File: 48 KB, 304x600, 22877_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'ma post good stuff now. I'm not a fan of her other outfits, but this was just hnnnnngggggg

>> No.6511286

If they just ditched the ugly neon tights that don't match, and get a petti, it would look okay.

>> No.6511287
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>> No.6511283
File: 42 KB, 549x538, 1337404942_at_least_you_tried_gag[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the girl in green

>> No.6511340

Good god what a bunch

>> No.6511639

I always wondered if "she" was a he, though honestly... Not gonna lie, some of the outfits s/he wears is kind of questionable like it's a man's fashion sense.

"She" looks like a guy that I knew.

>> No.6511644

What is that thing second to the left?
She looks kinda familiar, and I spy ~original~ print skirt. I am curious.

>> No.6511647

you mean like a man's fashion sense in that a man wearing what he thinks a woman would wear?

coord is cute 9.5 outta ten, but if she didn't need such a FUCK HUGE belt

>> No.6511649

Isn't that the one that flipped the fuck out on btb because it looked like there was a stain on her cardigan in some photo?

>> No.6511651

yo dog i heard you like skirts so i put a skirt on your skirt so you can wear a skirt while you wear a skirt

for the record i feel the same way about that jetj print.

>> No.6511661

i don't think it's a belt. would look better with a proper cincher.

>> No.6512001
File: 315 KB, 471x750, tumblr_mfjspoDC7t1r3rvqno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually such a cute picture, I'm not even a loli but I was here recently and just gah, so adorable. :3 This might actually inspire me to make my first purchase...

>> No.6512009
File: 134 KB, 720x960, 523622_4272041930220_2035842490_n_zpsbb23ac44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the otherhand, this is what I fear looking like. I'm not overweight but I'm very short, and I've always admired tall girls who pull of lolita very well (without their dresses too short) because they look very graceful and ethereal.

This is just bad though, right down to the strange looking LV bag whose authenticity I question.

>> No.6512034

hi darling, that will be me.
I think you are right i am strange looking, maybe is because im a dwarf XD ( just kidding).
It´s ok that you don´t like my coord, my body, my face, whatever; but i have to say the bag is real. I have no problem in saying that its a replica but in this case its not.

>> No.6512039

Seeing as she has to be wearing a replica because she's a hamplanet, I bet the LV bag is a replica too.

>> No.6512036
File: 10 KB, 493x402, 1312855655595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat louis vuitton <3

>> No.6512047

Different anon, I think you look adorable. The bag, shoes, and hat are a great match with the dress. The only thing I question is the black cardigan and tights, they seem to break the outfit up without adding anything. Just my thoughts.

>> No.6512048

Not to imply this was anything other than a troll post, but I'm pretty sure bigger girls can buy brand name things that aren't necessarily dresses.
Purses, accessories, jewelry, shoes. Your waistline usually doesn't matter.
>implying all fatties aren't just cheapshits and buy replica everythings lolololol

>> No.6512049

uhhh, nice anon, really classy

>> No.6512053

thanks anon, i get what you are saying, but i want to keep it simple as i can cause it was a very lay back meet that day =)
so much this

>> No.6512064

she has a very unique and cute style.

>> No.6512094

>Your waistline usually doesn't matter.
Since when does your waistline not matter on /cgl/ you newfag?

Calling newfag on this one too. Do you know where you are?

>> No.6512102

They mean when it comes to certain products like jewelry and purses. Not /cgl/ itself.

>> No.6512109

don´t even try to make her understand, as she says, this is /cgl/

>> No.6512264
File: 70 KB, 624x960, 547403_581555971869976_1165910315_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6512309

Eugh this reminds me of a terrible mallgawf outfit I wore to a dance once in 8th grade.

>> No.6512308

Could've been because the dress was too big around the waist or too high waisted though, in which case yes to the belt.

looks like a corset belt, the ones with corset lacing at the front and domed elastic at the back.

>> No.6512325


God that's awful.

Awww, she's cute. Hate the bag though.

>> No.6512336

What bag? We're talking about the same picture..

>> No.6512339

It's unfortunate she has Iron Gate ;_;

>> No.6512352

Didn't OoJia do a replica of it? Could be that.

>> No.6512403

>>6512009 that bag
>>6512336 I misfired mate.

>> No.6512551


>are kinda questionable like it's a man's fashion sense

what the fuck does that even mean

also, Coco Chanel.

>> No.6512577
File: 85 KB, 500x669, garderob9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how do you feel about having a dress on your dress?

>> No.6512582

She really did. Honestly, it seems like that girl has a lot of potential, she paid a lot of attention to details like color-matching, make-up, hair: all the things people tend to screw up on. It's just her main piece choice that is awkward and ill-fitting, so if she can every afford some better quality items she'll probably look really nice.

>> No.6512589

Looks like replica. The original had a much smaller ruffle, and drapes differently.

>> No.6512594

FUCK. BUY A BETTER BRA. HOLY SHIT. If she can afford all of this brand, she can afford buying a specialty bra. They're a bit expensive, but not too hard to find online.
ex: Freya bras carry small band sizes with giant cup sizes

>> No.6512598

>three non-matching shades of pink
>random fluff on head
>even more random skeleton tights

seriously, there's like a dozen motifs and colour themes you could pick out of that print really easily, yet she chose three clashing ideas that didn't go with each other. The headthing and the tights match, the ?wristcuffs/bracelets compliment the RHS, and the fur knit cardi/drapey necklace thing work together, but ALL together just nope.

>> No.6512621

Things I like: the hat, dat LV bag(If real. I hope you didn't buy it from someone online without a certificate!)
Things I don't like: all of the black with the skirt which is brwn/pnk, the shoes(make you look stubby, doesn't look good with the skirt), the blouse, the short sleeved cardi over the blouse(It also looks a tad small?), your hair(I would go for side swept instead of blunt bangs and grow it out a bit the colour is a bit...splotchy looking. Maybe look into extensions?

but oh my gosh that hat hnngn

>> No.6512697

It makes me sad because this is a legit Iron Gate skirt. This chick always mutilates every bit of Moitie she touches. :/ You'd think with all the rare pieces she has that she would look amazing, but NOPE.

>> No.6516580
File: 98 KB, 960x720, 418407_10152005802850043_1032014998_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice to see rabbit hasn't improved at all. Lovely stain on the front of her dress.

>> No.6516592

Jesus, can't that girl keep her shit clean for five minutes?

>> No.6516597


>> No.6516609

genuine question gais

I wear lolita a lot but I never post pictures on daily lolita. This is because I look terrible in pictures. Somehow, every time the photo is snapped, one of my eyes is half closed or I'm laughing or in the middle of a conversation.
It doesn't help all my lolita friends are shorter than me (upshots of my chin make me look huge), and they can't take photos to save their life (blurry blurry blurry/bad composition/chopping off my feet.)

What should I do? I really want to contribute to the community and i want coord concrit. Any suggestions? There's probably an easy solution that's been escaping me. Taking thousands of pictures of myself in a mirror is an option but usually the camera is covering the face or part of the outfit, which (to me) would defeat the purpose of trying to take a good photo of the coord.

>> No.6516612
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>> No.6516622
File: 134 KB, 500x395, tumblr_lghvfs6w0g1qd17sxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cameras have timers so use them, or invest in a tripod. Also get a parent/whomever you live with take a simple full body shot. Obstruct the face like in my picture if you don't want people to see your face.

>> No.6516628

His eye brows piss me off. I wish he left the hair blonde.

>> No.6516651

That dress is so cheap and poorly made it obviously couldn't fit any petti and is see through.

>> No.6516693

not a replica. The OO Jia one screwed up the writing and the gate is too short.

I think a lot of Mana fans just can't dress.

>> No.6516694

When the best-looking person at the meet is the one in stripy mallgoth socks, flats and what seems to be a low-cut t-shirt, that's a pretty good sign that you might as well give up. Well, at least they look happy being ita together rather than ugging up an otherwise nice comm's pictures.
Also, when did Steve Buscemi get into lolita?

>> No.6516704

I hate mirror pictures and I don't have the schedule for meetups. Isimply set my phone (or camera) on auto shoot and set it up on my kitchen counter. You can play with angles this way so you can get the best shot. I don't think it's in any way a necessity to post to the D_L community at all, but it seems like you really want to show off your coords, so I hope this is an Ok solution.

>> No.6516708

You think the stripey socks looks better than the MM mint replica on the shorter girl? I know the colors really clash with her skin tone but I'd put her outfit above striped socks-chan.

>> No.6516737

Hoe have I never heard of this brand?! Thank you kind anon. I can finally buy a swimsuit top that fits.

>> No.6516738

Oh man that makes me even sadder

Lies, the girl in the mint is much nicer despite the colours in the outfit not suiting her.

>> No.6516740

Self timer, a tripod, and posing across from a mirror so you don't look too terrible.

>> No.6516746

Maybe I'm biased, because the MM replica girl looks exactly like a dude I know. For a moment I seriously wondered if it was him, but he's taller (and not into lolita that I know of).
I also tend to prefer underdressed-and-not-really-lolita to the-whole-shebang-but-wrong, personally, even if they're both itas. There's just so much second-hand embarrassment involved when they try really hard and just... miss.

Both have the potential to look really nice, though. They just have to stop hanging out with those other messes.

>> No.6516868


That is an example of so much gorgeous clothes paired with extremely bad photo, awkward poses and bad grooming.

The girl is not even ugly. She can be gorgeous if only she pay more attention to presentation.

>> No.6516883 [DELETED] 

Smoke weed every day

>> No.6516887


I really love this one. I dislike the mozarabic chant because of the name and the religious print, but this girl make it look good that I actually want it.

>> No.6516890

god damn all of you are so mean
I can only imagine the shit talk i get behind my back, thank god I'm not popular enough to end up on the internet

>> No.6516895

> dat feel
This is the exact reason i don't post there either.

>> No.6516897

They make the most beautiful swimsuits! Welcome to awesome anon :D

>> No.6516900
File: 100 KB, 533x800, tumblr_mfi1jik8C81redg2qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not from d_l, but damn....

>> No.6516902

Do you look like these people? If Yes, then you get criticized. Do you dress well? If Yes, then you probably don't (unless you're just a bitch). Not sure why we have to explain that.

>> No.6516921

You must be new.

>> No.6516944
File: 47 KB, 720x720, 1356752368181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw MMM clothes are so badly constructed and poor quality people think they're replicas anyway

>> No.6516945

>and posing across from a mirror so you don't look too terrible.

Could you elaborate please?

>> No.6516958

Not the same anon but I think they mean stand across from a mirror so you can see what you look like. i.e. if your wig or outfit is messed up and how to tilt your head and pose.

>> No.6516961
File: 149 KB, 480x722, fox (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat beautiful long hair

holy shit.

>> No.6516985
File: 183 KB, 684x912, 383697_278147835641019_721429082_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this scrolling through GLW fb posts...

>> No.6516988
File: 85 KB, 808x902, tumblr_m5bpnmQX6A1qgxqs9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just gives you a chance to make sure everything looks okay. I use it for 3 things.

1. Fixing my outfit e.g. collars being turned in, bows being wonky, front lacing coming undone, socks at different heights, petti poking out, fringe looking funny, accessories having moved awkwardly and getting caught on things...

2. Facial expression check. e.g. I know if I do a full smile my nose spreads across my face and my eyes look tiny vs a half smile with slight teeth exposure which still looks nice, but without the above problems.

3. Pose/angle check - maybe feet together and hands behind your back or folded in the front worked for school photos, but irl it's often very meh. For many people 3/4 angles are amazing, and one leg in front of the other turned slightly to show off shoes. Look at some of the nice photos of lolitas, and look at how they pose. xylia-x does the "crossed legs, very slightly turned away from the camera, and one-hand-up-one-hand-down" thing quite a lot which is the pose that she goes to to make her look good, and also never smiles any more than you see in those photos. You've already identified that "upshots of my chin make me look huge" so maybe tilting your head slightly forward should be something else you do when you pose. I'm still figuring this out myself through trial and error, I was noticing that when I did "outfit photos" with a friend that she would look fantastic in every single one and I'd always need to fix something, so I started looking at these photos and she always had a go to pose/expression and things she'd automatically fix with her hair to make it look good. She has been taking outfit photos forever and blogging, so it makes sense that she should've figured that out by now.

>> No.6517002

Looks like a middle aged Asian businessman in drag.

>> No.6517011

I hate her.

>> No.6517014

Agreed, I cringed when I saw her pictures. Poor poor Cinema Doll... Appears she's some kind of spokesperson/blogger for GLW too. Figures.

>> No.6517017

Who is she, I just pulled the picture from her gallery after I saw some comment from her on the GLW FB. Do you know her?

>> No.6517018
File: 49 KB, 450x600, 9243_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHA Oh god.


>> No.6517020

Wasn't there some drama with this girl flipping her shit at someone? I don't remember what the story was though

>> No.6517028

She got mad someone posted her on btb cuz she was trying to sell her old ratty clothes as "loliable"

there was a hello kitty shirt in therefor gods sake.

>> No.6517033
File: 26 KB, 529x399, kbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what every lolita that frequents this board looked like as beginners
Don't even deny it ladies...

>> No.6517031

also she has some kind of eye problem and got mad someone made fun of it

>> No.6517038


To be fair I think the hat IS cool and could work in a gothic coord, but not with that limp hair- and the rest of the outfit is too babby's first oldschool.

>> No.6517049


no. Just no.

>> No.6517060

I didn't develop a love for lolita until after I developed a good sense of fashion.

>> No.6517065
File: 198 KB, 337x380, 1354807614024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw I hate this girl, and she looks like this.
In all seriousness, whenever she comments on something, it's stupid.

>> No.6517068
File: 26 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lowfdm8yWr1qb8rsoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw my hair is longer
I don't get why more girls don't wear it that long.

>> No.6517070

>>I wore it to school, hence the lack of make-up.
Isn't that all the more reason to wear make-up?

>> No.6517075

my hair doesnt even grow that long lol
I haven't had a haircut since i was 15 and It stopped getting longer around 19-20 and has been about tit length for almost 4 years now . It's gotten a little longer since i started hrt but I doubt it will ever get as long as that pic

>> No.6517090

Some people can't grow their hair out that long. A lot of people find that they can't get past their waist. Some people's hair follicles just don't live as long as others.

>> No.6517099

tfw your hair won't even grow past barely mid-back.

>> No.6517130

What i would give to have that kind of hair, auuugh.

>> No.6517137
File: 54 KB, 333x186, tumblr_lologuYLXO1qh2eis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have all my envy. Do you have some special trick or something?

>> No.6517154

i've seen her on youtube and she's just as annoying as she looks

>> No.6517410

Hahahaha it looks like a thumb.
And I plan to keep my hair in a bob for a long while yet; used to have butt length hair, and I would always used to do that thing where it gets caught and my head would jerk back. Also my hair is crazy thick so not practical at all. I love wigs too much these days.

>> No.6517464

>$2000 on clothes
>$0 on shitty home-cut hairstyle
>looking absolutely horrible in all Moitie: Priceless

>> No.6518729

Different person but it isnt anything special. You have to have geneitcs for it, then most of the care is stop doing shit. Stop striaghtening/curling it. Get it trimed but not one of those 5 inches cut in a year stuff, if you can trim your own ends for when it splits it is better. Learn how to braid and do updos.

>> No.6518755

Nah it was getoffegl. Someone posted her and she flipped shit got her whiteknights to run in there and got the girl to delete her post and then the mods banned her and people flipped

>> No.6518769
File: 239 KB, 500x743, tumblr_mf6fmdNiiG1rkrfxxo1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Louvrianne probably has the longest hair when it comes to lolita. I love it, but I would never be able to have it that long myself. But she seem to be a lifestyle classic though.

>> No.6518776

God she's gorgeous.

>> No.6518796

if i could get my hair to grow out that long, i would be so happy...
she really is gorgeous.

>> No.6518829

link to youtube

>> No.6520966

She looks like an ugly girl who keeps posting her webcam fat rolls to reddit.

>> No.6523282

THAT'S dhpunk??? Well damn.

>> No.6523307

Can someone explain what's so bad about the mint girl.

>> No.6523324


I don't think she's horrible, but the dress is too long for her, it makes her look even shorter. She has one of the rare instances of too much petticoat poof, making the the proportions look off. Her dress is as wide as it is long. She must be wearing a large square dancing petticoat.

>> No.6523416

It doesn't look that poorly made to me, it just looks like she's trying to squeeze in a dress 2 sizes too small for her.

Though maybe she ate the previous wearer and that stain on her crotch is where the blood spilled. I can understand boobstains (spilled drink), ass stains (wet seat), but crotch stains? Did it rain and did that retarded headdress (yes I know it's so rori but fuck if you wear that and don't wear it well you look like a giant baby and it especially counts for fatties) incidentally drop all of the water in your lap? Is she trying to make a fertility statement? Why would you even upload something with giant stains in awkward locations without even trying to shoop it out?

>> No.6523439

She probably was sitting down when something spilled and dripped down from the table. Stop acting like stains on the lap is a huge mystery.

>> No.6523513


Is no one else concerned that this picture depicts her favorite coord of the whole year? I'd hate to see what she DOESN'T think is good. Then again she might be like PT where she hates when she looks good and prefers to just be awful.

>> No.6523515

It's poorly made because it's really just a couple basic sewn shapes made out of cheap, flimsy material. It really shows where the sun shines through the fabric, it almost looks scratchy. It probably shows wear and tear really easily too since the fabric has no depth or texture, hence the stain (and likely pulls on the seams).

>> No.6523557

It looks worse in motion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfWJk3hRxOY

>> No.6523572

oh god that shit does not fit her AT ALL.

>> No.6523605


Hmm, I would NOT wear that in public until I dropped 15 lbs.
Just take a couple months and cut out all soda, eat various veggies and proteins for lunch, and a small dinner. Go for a fast walk after dinner.

Couple months of that and you have your 15 lbs off.

>> No.6523717

I lost 15lbs in about 2 months just from eating less calories. I still eat shitty food most of the time (and I should really fix that), but I just cut portions down a lot.I eat about 1200-1400 per day most days, but I have one day a week where I eat more than usual to keep my metabolism going. I've also sat on my ass most of that time and moved around at work because I hate the cold. So it's possible to loose weight without doing too much.

>> No.6523747

I've been at 900c a day for four months and I've only dropped 3lbs
I don't even know what this fuckery is, my metabolism must be that of a sloth- as with my activity level.

>> No.6523754

This might sound weird but bump it up to around 12-1400. Your body likely thinks it's starving and is slowing down its metabolism because you're taking in so little.

>> No.6523785

Yep that's the problem. Your body thinks it is starving and it holds onto the weight. You need at least 1200 for proper brain function, or so I've read. Having a day every once in awhile where you eat more than usual helps your metabolism too. It's what's recommended if you hit a plateau: up your calories to closer to 2,000 for a few weeks. I literally stuffed myself on the last few major holidays and have just maintained my weight (actually I think I lost some because suddenly things fit better that were very snug a few weeks ago). But it might be a loss of muscle mass. I need to get back to working out and lifting.

>> No.6523877


Dieting alone will not work for some people. If you reduce calories and exercise a little bit, even as little as walking 20min daily you can start to see big results.

Also everyone has a different amount of calories they need for their normal functions called basal metabolic rate. You can find out yours based on your age, height, sex, and weight and then change the calories you take in to fit that rate.

>> No.6523980

It's weird though, I'm only 4''11,so naturally I should be eating less, but I've stayed at 113lbs on 900?
I live in fr and I have to cycle every where, such as to shops, and I have 5-10 minutues on my bicycle each day (i know it's not much)

I don't know why I'm still so fat!

>> No.6524024

because you aren't doing enough exercise.

>> No.6524040
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4" 11 is pretty short, but I still don't see how 113lbs could ever be "fat".

>> No.6524043
File: 9 KB, 344x341, 1311713162888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, reading this thread I've learned never to take weight loss advice from /cgl/...

Here's the only thing you need to know about weight loss.

All you need is calorie deficit.

>> No.6524045

biology!boner here, what people have been saying about needing to eat at least 1200 calories is correct, any less than that your body thinks it is being starved and therefore holds onto weight. If you really want to know how much you should be eating I suggest using myfitnesspal.com. It is easy to use and has a ton of info in the forums as well (mobile app as well).

The only time one should be eating less than 1200 calories is if a large amount of weight (>30 lbs) needs to be lost. Also note, that muscle does weigh more than fat in the way that it is more compacted so you can fit more into the same amount of space as fat.

>> No.6524052
File: 75 KB, 309x259, 1351831439440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Right now I'm 140, I'd love to be at 110lbs and the only way I can stay motivated is by eating 500-1000 calories a day because the hunger is like my motivation.

Eating more than that makes me feel like there's no point and that makes me want to binge.

>> No.6524054

At 5'2 I was 115 and looked fat as hell. 4"11 at 113 sounds gross.

>> No.6524063

Not even a little bit true, Anon. I am the only member of my family who LOST 5kg over Christmas despite stuffing my face because

2) Metabolism of a hummingbird.

Exercise - particularly anaerobic exercise - is needed to break down fat deposits. Undereating is a surefire way to stockpile fat.

>> No.6524066


Ugh, that's just what fat people say because they don't want to stop stuffing their faces.

I suppose that's why all anorexic people are such fatties, huh?

>> No.6524071

it is gross. I'm fat as all hell.

I'm considering fasting, any of you have experiences to share?
Most annorexics are actually skinny, it's the bullimics who are fatties irl because they constantly think about food and purging barely looses any of the calories of their binge food.

Bulimia is shit-tier anorexia.

>> No.6524075

Anorexics chronically starve themselves and usually overexercise as well.

Different people have different metabolisms. It's not a one-size-fits-all thing.

>> No.6524080

If you want to lose weight continuosly, cut out all carbs and sugar, and eat at least 1000 cals of lean protein and vegetables. And drink plenty of water. I lost 10 lbs in 5 days doing that once. My fiancé does it to lose weight before fights if he needs to go down a weight class. He lost 55 lbs in a month and a half just this past year. Oh, and you only need to exercise twice a week.
Also, focus more on body fat percentage than weight. You can be 5ft tall and 130 lbs with toned muscle and look better than someone who is
5 ft tall and 90 lbs of no muscle and fat. True story.

>> No.6524084

You really are putting your body into starvation mode though, especially if you're only eating 500 calories. If you really want to drop the weight but then you need to eat more. However, eat it in healthy things such as vegetables and some carbs and a little bit of sugar (to avoid blood sugar stuff. You can get this sugar from fruit). Look online for diet plans as well.

>> No.6524085

Also, you can transition into this from anorexia and still lose weight if you're trying to recover but aren't deathly thin. I was eating 100-200 calories a day, losing almost a pound a day, and then when I switched to this I lost 3 lbs the very next day.

>> No.6524087

I did liquid fasting for 5 days once. My cellulite went down by a lot during that time and I lost a tiny bit of weight. I didn't feel tired or anything but I got sick of drinking everything by day three. My poop also became the colors of whatever I ate.

I felt like a true lolita when my poop became pink and smelled like strawberries.

>> No.6524098

you're my hero.

>> No.6524100

you're also my hero with your strawberry poop

>> No.6524130

Glad I could help!

>> No.6524179

Because 900 is starving level. Small or not you are not doing yourself any favours by limiting yourself that much.
You are stupid. There is no benefit in starving yourself for 5 days and anything you make go away would go back as soon as you ate food again because a 'fast' isnt something you do to loose weight.

>> No.6524196

I didn't do it to lose weight. It's a way to remove toxins. It I wasn't hungry during that time either since the juices I drank were quite large. I just missed the sensation of eating.

>> No.6524223

wow as someone who has been recovering from a restrictive eating disorder for the past year, i don't know whether to laugh or cry at the "dieting" advice being given or the ignorant comments being made about eating disorders. never change cgl.

>> No.6524231


Whats your opinion on the whole "starvation mode" thing?

I honestly would like to hear from someone who isn't just a bullshitting wannarexic.

>> No.6524249


well, if you restrict your calories, then yes, you will of course lose weight. however, your body has a natural set point weight and once you go below that, your body will shoot into starvation mode (because, aha, you are starving it) and you will have to continually reduce and reduce your intake to continue losing weight. your body will continually function less and less well, you will feel like shit all the time, think about food all the time (because you are starving) and this sort of "dieting" is completely unsustanable because you are below your natural set point and your body will fight you to get back there. this is why "dieting" fails 99 percent of the time. i don't know why people just don't eat healthy, exercise in moderation, and learn to accept that not all bodies look the same.

>> No.6524255
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Lovely advice, thank you. I hope all the idiots in this thread read your contribution.

>> No.6524271


i hope so too. my eating disorder ruined my entire life and it really breaks my heart to think about other people going down that same road.

>> No.6524273

Not a wannarexic, a nurse chiming in. It's legit that if you eat too little you'll slow your metabolism.

>> No.6524298

Try ketogenic diet. No carbs, high fat, medium protein.

>> No.6524324


Lol reminds me of the time my cousin had to go for a colonoscopy. He ran screaming from the toilet "HOLY SHIT MY PEE IS THE COLOR OF THE JELLO I ATE." Lols ensued. To this day, he loathes jello.


Listen to these guys. Everyone who's saying starving yourself is bad and isn't that efficient is right. I can attest personally.

>> No.6524503
File: 69 KB, 273x240, 1293990983463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calorie restriction to very low levels is bad for your health.

But starvation mode is a myth.



The study that brought about the "discovery" of starvation mode literally starved people for a prolong period of time. The human body did eventually hit starvation mode - after it had lost so much fat that there wasn't much left to self cannibalize. Right up until that point, however, there was no substantial change in metabolism. SO yes, it does exist, but only when you are literally starving and so thin you have nothing left to lose.
You will not encounter it when trying to lose weight until you get extremely underweight.

Doesn't mean it's a good idea to starve yourself, but all you self-righteous idiots need to stop pretending to be dieting experts.
You don't know shit.

>> No.6524850

BAHAHAHA that's hilarious! My pee didn't get weird just my poop. My boyfriend thought it was the most hilarious thing that my farts smelled like fruit. Reminds me of a comedy sketch where a guy's farts smells like whatever he thinks about.

>> No.6525333


Holy crap did I say pee? My bad - I meant poop. Nonetheless, his poop was apparently the consistency of pee.

>> No.6525514

damn, if I braid all of my hair it's about as thick as the middle of one of her braids

>> No.6525523


I especially hate people who (claim to) have an ED and still talk about starvation mode. And negative calories.

Want to help someone so they don't go down the same path as them? Stop saying "anorexia doesn't work bby you hit starvation mode and your body starts functioning on air as to keep your fat", because that's bullshit.

>> No.6525531

I agree about the breasts. she should probably try some minimizing corset or bra before wearing something like this. It looks ghastly

>> No.6525536

This. And I've tried to argue with people who claim that your body hold onto your fat if you enter "starvation mode". Let see, you've only eaten 500kcal today, and your body needs more nutrients. What will it choose? The excess and completely useless fat on your gut and thighs, or the extremely valuable muscles that makes your body work? Most people will say the body will pick the muscles because you NEED large amounts of body fat. When I ask these people what the body needs the excess fat for they just repeat the mantra that it NEEDS it. For some weird reason we don't need muscle mass. Logic does not work on these people.

>> No.6525540

It does, but only once you start eating again...which is why starvation diets aren't great for you. Obviously you have to believe that rat models are similar to human ones for this to be supported, because they had to dissect them to get these findings


also exercise is good for you

>> No.6525542

>Not even a little bit true

Yeah, because metabolism is just like mlp - magic!

What that person said is right, you lost weight despite stuffing your face because the combo of your metabolism along with medical problems (infections are champions at making you burn tons of calories) made your body burn it all off.
You DID burn off more than you ate.
That IS the rule.

>> No.6525632

okay, wow. yes, if you continue to starve your body by heavily restricting you will not start to mysteriously put on weight one day. ( there's a reason i got down to 68 lbs ). however, this is not sustainable. in order to keep all the weight off that you lost, you must continue to eat a starvation level of calories, which will wreck your body and eventually kill you. once you start eating "normal" ammounts, you'll start putting all of that weight back on rapidly because your body want to protect itself from what it considers to be a famine.

>> No.6525662

Holy hell, this thread.

Getting below a certain level of calories, even if you want to argue against starvation mode, is really unnecessary - below 1200-1500 calories, you feel like shit, you're groggy, and you're just going to yo yo back up in weight when you're done dieting because that low of a calorie intake is pretty unsustainable.

The key is to calculate how many calories you need a day (and there are tons of good calculators out there if you look,) and then cut by like, five hundred. Exercise as well, it'll speed up your metabolism a bit and aid in weight loss.

I've been lifting & eating about 1900 calories a day and I'm still loosing weight. Slowly, but I'm not really trying that hard to actually lose.

>> No.6525682
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68lbs? Holy hell...

>> No.6525895
File: 191 KB, 500x395, felice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether or not you believe in the magical 'starvation mode' or not, once you're eating less like 800 cals a day you feel beyond shitty.
It's fine if all you have to do is go on tumblr, maybe take a feel classes and keep your mind off of food but if you actually need to study or work or maintain a life you will be in hell.

You just want to sleep all the time and feel miserable.

>> No.6525922

jesus, her arm.
i feel so bad for girls who starve themselves this way. they need more help than any obese person.

>> No.6525927

i hate uggs but at least she tried to tie them in with the muff.

>> No.6525930

I seriously believe the only thing these girls must do is sleep, put on makeup, go on tumblr, and sleep some more.
She looks like she has no energy.

>> No.6525947

This is shopped though

>> No.6525949

>below 1200-1500 calories, you feel like shit

What's really funny is, people throw around the 1200 calories like it is some sort of magic number that is the bare minimum for EVERYONE when it's really not. If you are short, you probably CAN eat about 900 a day and still have lots of energy.

>> No.6525963

that 5kg you lost is mostly water+digested food you shit out. Even if you didn't eat any food over the period of christmas and fasted, you still wouldn't have burned enough calories to lose 5kg of fat.

>> No.6525965

I kinda doubt that.

Basal Metabolic Rate is how much calories you burn just by living. That is, if you never left your bed, this is how much calories you burn. This doesn't include walking around, typing on the computer, etc.

A 4'8" adult weighing 80lbs and with a BMI of 18 (underweight is anything <18.5), will burn a BMR of 1167 calories.

That's why 1200 is a magic number. It's close to the absolute bare minimum for normal healthy body function.

>> No.6525970

I didn't say if it was or wasn't.
Did you even read what I typed?

>> No.6525973

Btw, this is a 21 aged female. If you're a guy, your BMR will be higher. If you're older, than it starts to lower as well.

But very very few people, like old and frail and near death people, can sustain themselves with 900 calories. That is not a healthy idea to push around, especially on a board that practically encourages starvation mode dieting and faux science.

>> No.6525991

Actually this is not right at all.

The BMR calculation is an example of this. Your Basal Metabolic Rate measures the amount of calories you'd burn if you were to stay in bed all day.

So, for example, a person that's 5'1 who weighs 120 pounds has a BMR of 1365.
In order to calculate their caloric needs to maintain weight this weight, you multiply this number by a variable given if they live a sedentary or active lifestyle.

If this particular person never exercised, then their daily calorie quota to maintain their weight would be to ingest at least 1638 if you multiply their BMR by 1.2
If this person lived a very active lifestyle, you multiply the BMR by 1.9 and you get that they would have to injest 3106 calories to maintain their weight.

Depending on how much weight they'd want to lose (let's go with 1-2 pounds a week), they would subtract roughly 200 calories from these calculated calorie figures.

Not only would they not have proper nutrition at eating only 900 calories, they would feel hungry and lethargic because their bodies wouldn't be getting enough calories.

>> No.6526001

Oh and this was a 21 year old female figure. Not male.

>> No.6526084

plain tights and it would have been really cute and casual.

>> No.6526088

man that's a shitty duo cosplay, she doesn't even have the brai-

oh for fuck's sake.

>> No.6526090



>> No.6526522
File: 229 KB, 500x750, fannie fall colors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get a little positivity in here.

I have SO MUCH JELLY over Fannie's wardrobe, and she's always impeccable.

>> No.6529943
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I'm not even a loli and I am like WHOA every time. Girl is freaking stunning and knows it.

>> No.6529945
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>> No.6532598

remember when cgl had a d_l thread going ? Well, no

>> No.6533559
File: 1.03 MB, 1574x2800, sdvgsdv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The french lolita in general can have all of my cum. Pic related, it's my wifeu.

>> No.6533626

Pretty sure Fannie's French Canadian. The French are generally pretty good, though. But then you have girls like

>> No.6533647

I thought she was a mexican, lawl. Anyhow, she can't be ethnically french. Probably an arab? All the more reason to hate them.

>> No.6533656

I hate bonnets, but she looks like a doll. So cute~

>> No.6533662

Isn't this Sonoma County Itas?

>> No.6533707

Honey, y'all sound like you got an eating disorder. 113 pounds for your height is totally fine.

>> No.6533745

I actually agree with you. See, to begin with, people shorter than about 5'1" with a small frame need about 1400-1500 cals a day to maintain their weight, as opposed to the recommended 2000 for everyone else. Eating 900 a day isn't dangerous, and I do it sometimes without realising. I can assure you, I'm anything but anorexic, I have a BMI of about 21, 5'1", and would mostly eat about 1000 a day.

The whole 1200 thing is just a guideline, every body is different.

>> No.6534293

Her coords are still improving but gosh she is cute ! Posted lately a new dress coord, saw it on tumblr what a cutie

>> No.6539807
File: 160 KB, 540x800, thefuckisthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this shit? Why would she think this belongs here? The dress is Bodyline but it's not lolita or even really lolita inspired.

>> No.6539858
File: 67 KB, 286x399, pink falls do not want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to post this. How do you look in the mirror in that mess and think, "Yes, this will do nicely!"?

And yes, even "casual" needs a petticoat, even if it's a flatter/more subtle one. Hell, I have a super-thin one I wear for a la mode stuff.