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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6506818 No.6506818 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you seagulls tried this? Did any with acne find it improved the acne/cleanliness of your face, or did it just irritate?

I really want to try it, as I find my acne not only embarrassing in general but it keeps me away from public cosplay (I don't want people to take photos of me I can't shoop the acne out of - even with make up it's often noticeable). I know with the price tag attached, though, I don't want to buy something like this without many 'realistic' success stories.

Possible skincare general thread, if you do please.

>> No.6506833

It works. Ive used it. But only if you have good acne routine, and keep things that come into contact with your face often clean. But if i was you i would rather go to a dermatologist and get a good cleaning or chemical face peel. My friend had like the worst acne ever, like whatever you're thinking of times 10. I remember one of his pimples being a bit bigger then a size of a nickel. My mom does it, I do, and we all have good skin.

>> No.6506839

it hasn't made a huge difference in my skin, but i went from small problems to smaller problems. nothing very big. but the big thing i've seen is after i use a makeup remover, makeup remover wash, and then this i will literally have to rinse off the skin colored tone on my brush. it gets off so much makeup, i never realized how much could be left behind after doing a wipe and a wash.

it has made my skin perfectly smooth, so when i wear makeup now i look 100% airbrushed not even real looking. i get comments all the time about how unreal my skin looks in real life.

>> No.6506844

Hi OP, I suffer from severe acne but using the Clarisonic has helped my skin clear up or "keep calm." It really has helped me clean areas where I had trouble washing and I'd recommend to gradually use this brush into your routine s your skin does not freak out. If your skin is sensitive like mine, you can buy the sensitive brush head instead. You'll definitely feel a difference in your skin. The price tag is expensive but I really think it is worth it.

>> No.6506847

oh, and on the brushes.
the normal brush is the 3rd most soft, the sensitive one is the 2nd softest, and the softest brush is the acne head.

i felt the normal one was kind of rough unless my water was really hot, so i switched to the sensitive one and it always feels really nice.

>> No.6506865

Thanks for your advice! I have been wanting to see a derm, but the waiting list is over a year long (I shit you not). I have a doctor who offered to put me on accutane, as well, but I'm a bit iffy about the potential side effects and I don't think I'll be able to afford the continued prescription right now. I figure anything to try until I can actually see a derm or otherwise afford more prescriptions would be lovely.


Thank you, this is good info to know! I am definitely excited to try this, I hope I see good results as well - at least in some aspect. Do you know if all the brush heads are compatible with any version of it? (Ie. do you HAVE to buy the acne brush to use the acne brush head, or are they all interchangeable?). I figure I'll try to steer clear of the normal brush too, since I don't want to irritate my skin.

Thanks for sharing your experience, Anon. I have seen a few people (from what google research I've done) say that they broke out a lot at first, but that their acne settled down with continued use. Did you find it was the same for you?

>> No.6506873

Been looking at getting myself one of these forever, but I was at the Proactiv kiosk in my mall and saw something similar.

I'm still leaning towards the clarisonic though.

Interesting short read about brushes: http://www.15minutebeauty.com/2012/05/deep-cleansing-brushes-whats-difference.html

>> No.6506891

the Clairisonic's and Mia's are compatible with all of the different face brush heads as far as i know, i know for sure the Mia's are. but i believe you need to buy the body brush if you want to use the body brush heads.

also, as far as the people who break out a lot when they start using it it's most likely because they aren't following up with it properly.
after you use something like that you need to use a toner to get your pores to close back up before putting on a moisturizer, or too much moisture will get in your pores and clog them.

>> No.6506894


Yeah, I'd seen a commercial for the Proactiv one (they had offered the brush free if you bought the kit, and I had been considering trying Proactiv again).

Thanks for the link, too. I think after reading it I'm still leaning towards the Clarisonic, as well.

>> No.6506901

Thank you again for all your advice and answers to questions on Clarisonic! It's good to know about the toner, as well.

I think I'll definitely give it a try. And if it doesn't work, oh well. I've spent more money on less useful items in the past and the likeliness that it'll improve my skin seems pretty high (even if it doesn't fix everything, I can't expect a miracle!)

>> No.6506908

Oh yea, i forgot to add that in three months his face was spotless.

>> No.6506912

I use the Olay brush since I'm a poorfag. I've definitely noticed an improvement. I've had huge pores and nose blackheads since puberty, they're tiny now.

I now only get zits during my period (or if I'm lazy and don't use the brush for a while...) but they go away after like two days of brushing.

>> No.6506910

DONT get the cheap alternatives. They suck donkey cock. They hurt my skin because they go in full circles, this one however goes in tiny side to side motions that don't hurt the skin.

>> No.6506917

the proactive one is actually really damaging. like, it's bad. the bristles are much harsher.

of course.
like, i have relatively red skin, with acne scaring, but it is perfectly smooth. and my clairsonic did that.

>> No.6506919

Do you use a face wash with the brush or just water? What face wash do you use if you do use one? Would the proactive cleanser work well with it, or would something that lathers more be better?

>> No.6506922

I've heard nothing good about Proactiv anything. It seems with anything they put out, everyone says it's way too harsh to use.

>> No.6506927

it does almost nothing if you just use the brush. it is not an exfoliater, it's a cleansing tool. water cannot remove oil, as water and oil do not mix. that's what soaps do, basically, is they allow the oil to be rolled into balls and then the water rinses them off.

you are supposed to remove your makeup, then either put soap on your face or on your brush and wash your face with it. rinse with cool water, pat dry, mist or blot on toner, apply moisturizer, and follow with any special products you may be using. like serums, acne spot treatments, under eye treatments, wrinkle treatments, or whatever.

>> No.6506932
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Your comment was very informative I'm looking forward to using this product.

>> No.6506935

i'm glad!

the point of the Clairsonic is to gently exfoliate, hardly counts as exfoliating, and to really deep clean the pores. the vibration really loosens up and dirt so the when you rinse it off a lot more comes off than just with regular hand washing.
but without a detergent the oil wont like- ball up with the dirt it will just push around, and since water and oil don't mix water can't really rinse off oil.

>> No.6506945

I'm sold, I wish I had decided to buy this earlier as I've been hearing of it for a while, but it'd be terrible if I didn't know how to use it properly, so thank you again.

>> No.6506957

I get chemical peels at my regular doctor, it's a lot cheaper and not near the waiting list, you should try asking if yours could do the same. I have bad skin myself but it always looks a lot nicer for a few weeks after a peel.

>> No.6506968

i hope it works out for you

>> No.6506994

You need to see a dermatologists and get on some bactrim or accutane. It will finally go away. Its also infinitely cheaper than a clarisonic as they are generics.

>> No.6506997

What kind of shitty country do you live in where you have to wait a fucking year to see a derm? I live in america and I can call and see one within a week.

>> No.6507032

I agree with this Anon. Thank you for all your help, Spooky!

I will definitely see if I can try that! It'd be a lot more convenient. Thanks!
Canada. I also find the area I live in, in-particular is bad for doctors/specialists (nearly everyone moves elsewhere in Canada for better job opportunities). I know I have friends in other provinces who have no problem with getting a derm, either. I don't know why it is so shitty here.

Since I have no insurance accutane is actually quite expensive, especially for the extended amount of time I'll have to use it. I can one-time splurge on a clarisonic, but I can't afford accutane right now.

>> No.6507052

of course, if you ever have any other questions feel free to ask.

>> No.6507478

Is it alright to use this if you have close to no pimples? Just to keep my skin clear, as you said there seems to be left over makeup.

>> No.6507504

I'm not sure if this would be a good idea to ask this (or just go to /fit/) but I've been losing a lot of weight recently. I wanted to cosplay as someone skinny, I've got about 20lbs to lose in the next couple of months.

I'm extremely worried about getting stretchmarks from losing weight.
Any tips to help minimize this from happening (I use moisturiser and a Dove body lotion in the shower, it's made my skin a lot smoother but I'm not sure if it'll be enough..), or a goal weight to lose every week?

>> No.6507614

I have combo skin, like my jaw and tzone break out occasionally, but my nose and the spot between my eyebrows is super flakey...with this help with that?

>> No.6507641

With the Clarisonic, is it alright to use cleansers other than the ones supplied for it.

>> No.6507657

I must be a freak of nature because I got one and it never improved my skin at all. It just made it worse. I'm not talking about that period people mention where you use it for a week and then your skin gets amazing, then gets bad and then good again. I'm talking about the very next day my forehead got covered with tiny bumps and zits.

I've had it for like a year and every once in a while I'll try it but I just can't bare to give it a longer chance each time I try to use it because I don't want to look worse than I already do just for that hope that after I'll look better.

>> No.6507855

That might be a purge. If your skin is OK and it gets yuck afterwards you'll notice a temporary improvement while you get some fine exfoliation, but it will also bring crap up to the surface and then the bumps. I use a daily blackhead scrub to help keep that in check.

>> No.6508013

absolutely. i don't like the Clairsonic cleanser, it did nothing for me.

you wont get stretchmarks from losing weight, you get them from gaining weight quickly. you should be worried about excess skin if you're losing over 50lbs in a short amount of time, just keep up your hydration and make sure to moisturize everyday- twice a day if you can.

get a really good exfoliater. EfoliKate is my favorite- but it's quite expensive. Sephora sells a mini bottle that's only $20 (the full size is like $80) but it's worth it if you only need it every few days/weeks.
i use it a couple times a month all over my face and my skin is smooth like new born skin. it's amazing.
it also is helpful for break outs and such as well.

it sounds to me like you're irritating your skin, when you use a clairisonic - or any brush or scrubby pad you should wash with a "limp wrist". meaning literally the only thing holding up that device or pad or whatever should be that it's leaning against your face. if you take it away from your face your wrist should just bend, totally relaxed, no pressure at all.
you should never "scrub" your face, push the brush into your face, anything like that. let it do the work 100%

>> No.6509792

I have the clarisonic Mia. I wouldn't say it's a cure all, but it does help keep my face clear for sure. I've never had overly bad acne, but I always tend to have it. If I use this daily, I end up with practically none. Also, I personally don't like the clarisonic cleanser. You can use anything you want with it, just make sure it doesn't have beads or so on, because they can get stuck in the brush. Personally, I use mary kay.

It's also the best makeup remover i've ever used, it will get everything off.

>> No.6510389

Spooky, what are your opinions of LUSH products? My skin is oily as all fuck but it's also sensitive, then my cheeks are dry. It's like a hellish battle 24/7 and whenever I actually do wear makeup (primer, powder) it just oils right the fuck up on my forehead and nose within a few hours.

My current routine is: Wash face with Burts Bees Willowbark cleanser, then BB Rosewater Toner, then lastly the Clinique dramatically different gel for moisturizer. I do this morning and night, save for adding Tarte's Maracuja Oil at night after everything. I exfoliate my face once a week.

I was hoping that maybe LUSH would be worth a try?

>> No.6510414

Will moisturizing help out sufficiently for weight loss? I know you say stretch marks come from the gain, but I have always been fat and now that I am loosing weight I worry about my skin's health even more. I haven't seen any terrible effects yet with 40lb loss but there is suprisingly only a small amount of useful info online regarding this. (Or my Google-fu sucks...)

>> No.6510423

LOVE IT. It was worth every penny. Super smooth skin, no pimples and hardly a clogged pore even after wearing make-up all week. I use Philosophy On A Clear Day in the summer and Purity Made Simple in the winter.

If you are like me, then you are probably using it too much/at too high of speed or pressure/with the wrong brush. "Purging" is rubbish and any reputable dermatologist will explain that if your skin is freaking out, then something is wrong (I was under the care of one for years and years until I finished Accutane so I don't f-around with my skin).

I switched to the softest head and only use the low setting and my face calmed right down after a week or so.

My experience wasn't so bad, but this is the video that got me to try the switch:

>> No.6510444

I just watched a video about this and she explains why you don't get stretchmarks from loosing weight


Teal Deer: Basically when the dermis of your skin (the actual part that is living skin cells as your epidermis, or top layer, of your skin is dead) has to stretch too quickly and breaks. It heals with a purple or white scar. You won't get these from loosing weight because your dermis won't get stretched.

What you should pay attention to is how quickly you're loosing weight and if your skin is... well too loose, What can happen with rapid weight lose is that the body looses the weight too quickly and the skin doesn't have enough time to contract with it. I can't say I've seen it with weight loss that wasn't very significant (as in people who need gastric bypass surgery because they're too fat to work out) but hydrate and stay healthy.

>> No.6510494
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>What can happen with rapid weight lose is that the body looses

Jesus fucking christ get your grammar together, people.

>> No.6513919

Hey /cgl/, I decided to whip up a batch of lemon sugar scrub to use 2-3 times a week. Should I use my regular body wash along with this? As in body wash first, then scrub? Or would that be overboard for my skin?

>> No.6518520

I had mild acne before i bought my Clarisonic Mia and now i have almost none. I use the acne brush because of the sensitive skin on my cheeks. It only really works if you find a face wash that works for you. The heads so need to be replaced every 3 months at $25 apiece though.

>> No.6518533

Not Spooky, but I LOVE their face masks. My favorite is Catastrophe Cosmetic. My cheeks are super dry as well, and it helps moisturize and soothe them without making my oily T-spot go crazy. Some other masks can smell a little weird, but they all back up their claims. You have to keep them refrigerated and even then they only last 3 weeks. Aside from that, they're great.

>> No.6518559
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i love that gif.

>> No.6518738

I got the Aria for christmas, and I've been using it since then. I haven't noticed a huge difference in the quality of my skin quite yet, but I have noticed that it's made my skin brighter and a bit healthier looking. I have combo skin that gets pretty dehydrated in the winter, and I think the Clarisonic might actually be keeping my skin from getting dry patches and such. I've been using the sensitive brush head (I think), and I really love it. I'd recommend giving it a try!