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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 313 KB, 1200x800, _MG_1835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6496384 No.6496384 [Reply] [Original]

I lol ed

>> No.6496388

Only Rin looks the part.

>> No.6496390

Rin looks a little too tall there

KS thread?

>> No.6496393

Where are her arms?

>> No.6496394

In heaven.

>> No.6496395
File: 217 KB, 549x526, ba-dum-tssh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6496402

That shade of green is horrid.

>> No.6496404

This. It should be a darker shade.

>> No.6496425

In her anus, probably. Typical casualfag cosplayers. If I would cosplay Rin, I'd cut my arms off like a real pro.

>> No.6496450

She's not wearing a man's shirt... And why is her tie so badly tied? Misha is supposed to tie it, not her.

>> No.6496478

The woman in sunglasses to the far right is feeling what I feel about this.

>> No.6496610

>women cosplaying from a porn game
pick one

>> No.6496627
File: 107 KB, 1024x768, 3101302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least they all bought the same fabric

some of the faces in OP pic are quite unfortunate but they're decent enough overall. And they're cosplaying from my obscure fandom, and thus I approve

>> No.6496630

>Porn game
it'd be really sad if it was because the sex scenes were pathetic, 'specially Hanako's

>> No.6496634
File: 613 KB, 775x516, rin_tezuka_by_moosefix-d530fhc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496638
File: 143 KB, 900x1356, school_days_by_yaqut-d4pnq2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496650
File: 994 KB, 597x800, harry potter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KS thread? KS thread.

>> No.6496653
File: 112 KB, 700x525, 90428b1084594dd38a86e66503458d3ebd46c1ab-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496684
File: 621 KB, 3456x1944, 1347069906880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496682
File: 314 KB, 1280x853, 1347063969566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yay, KS thread

>> No.6496685
File: 126 KB, 1024x768, 1347664678296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496687
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>> No.6496689
File: 556 KB, 700x525, 1338440263203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496690

Aaah! Perfect!

Thank you for all this KS goodness.

>> No.6496691
File: 244 KB, 1014x761, 1347070299280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking through these, you notice that no-one ever cosplays Emi...

>> No.6496694
File: 210 KB, 650x520, ItsYourFavoriteTripfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who it is, without making drama out of it.

>> No.6496696
File: 675 KB, 683x1024, 7f6668faa932baf60a4db8c385acc245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496708
File: 54 KB, 421x627, 2257495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496709
File: 103 KB, 960x960, 1347068206825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 >why is Lilly looking at the camera

>> No.6496707
File: 37 KB, 480x720, ki254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496711
File: 687 KB, 2048x1536, SDC10901_2048x1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496715
File: 292 KB, 900x1568, rin_tezuka_cosplay___animela_by_hentaimd-d4lk7hw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496717
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>> No.6496713

I want her to look at me instead.

>> No.6496714
File: 58 KB, 639x960, qFfEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496718
File: 60 KB, 960x638, WCrTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496721
File: 77 KB, 639x960, m9abu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496719
File: 865 KB, 755x507, 1355569472951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic of >>6496634

>> No.6496724
File: 565 KB, 1184x1784, 189841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496725

Misha is too fat and too ugly

>> No.6496726
File: 78 KB, 639x960, MjN1G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6496731

Don't you insult my second waifu ;_;

>> No.6496728
File: 512 KB, 1530x2048, IMG_3406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like in-game amirite.

That's all of my folder, might as well throw my Kenji in as well.

>> No.6496729
File: 291 KB, 900x1200, hanako_ikezawa_by_xthsx-d4vm7cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6496733

Maybe I'd like her if she had an actual route, instead of just a lolbadend throw-in.

>> No.6496737
File: 169 KB, 552x742, 2889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now I really want to resume my Emi, thank you /cgl/

>> No.6496735

>second waifu
You're a slut anon.

>> No.6496739
File: 114 KB, 336x433, whythefuckdidn'tyouhavearoute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Goddammit, WHY.

>> No.6496748

It is. Just because the entire fanbase is made up from illiterate philistines (fanfics != books) doesn't mean it's anything more than a porn game for losers to fap to, and women who want attention from losers to pretend to like.

>> No.6496751

>implying people fapped to KS
everyone got a mad case of Katawa Dick from it, NO-ONE fapped to it

>> No.6496752

I got a case of increased bacon usage from it.

>> No.6496755

I got a rock

>> No.6496763

girl otaku do exist, you know. that said I personally thought it was hilarious, my boyfriend did also, we play/watched it together and it's a sorry excuse for a VN or even a porn game.

also, it's not just for porn, it's for lonely fucks so they'll feel less lonely and retarded.

>> No.6496769

>VN's are for lonely and retarded people.
Thank you, i dont feel better now.

>> No.6496778

Have you played through the game to draw this opinion on it?
And if you call the fanbase philistines, what do you read instead?

[Please note that all I am trying to do is start a healthy conversation with you and not trying to debase you or troll you.]

>> No.6496811

What VNs have you played?

>> No.6496822
File: 101 KB, 680x680, 1343784397716[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these Lillys looking at the camera

>> No.6496908

That piece of trash that's being discussed ITT, Fate/Stay Inside Me, some weird thing about an adopted guy (although he was like 18?) who had to then fuck his adoptive mother, her servant, and all her daughters for some reason and it ended with bloodshed and an exploding mansion like in a Hollywood movie but it was definitely Japanese, can't remember the name, that one about some moron with glasses who fought vampires, some boring shit about a fucked up school where nothing ever happened, Hatoful Boyfriend and...
... dunno if Ace Attorney, 999 and Ghost Trick count. If yes, there's at least some decent ones indeed.

>> No.6496913
File: 53 KB, 800x600, still not following you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6496914

I was talking explicitly about eroge/moege. Not VNs, which have plot and little to do with sex or romance. Go to /jp/ you'll understand. Also there is no ' in VNs, it doesn't own anything.

>> No.6496919

Wow, I almost missed this turd.

>Have you played through the game to draw this opinion on it?
Yes? I played the supposedly best part (the one with the armless mentally unstable girl), the blind chick's part (that was even blander than I had expected), the two moronic girls that were always together (with a good use of fast forward, otherwise I would probably die) and I think that's about it. I didn't have to play through the burned chick, since some nice person provided a TL;DR of that.
>And if you call the fanbase philistines, what do you read instead?
Books, motherfucker, do you read them?
(Dumbest question I've heard this year.)

>> No.6496920

Fate/Stay Inside Me, you mean Rin is a slut the game? Fate route best route, moe moe saber-chan.

>> No.6496922

Uhm, I don't know how you got that, and I probably didn't mean it, but yes Rin was the worst and Saber was the only character I liked, since she was at least original (for the most part), different from the typical female anime character (however, they obviously had to tone all her strong points and turn her into a moeblob for the otakus eventually).

>> No.6497037
File: 59 KB, 640x480, 120713-184049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emi closet cosplay

>> No.6497089

>obscure fandom
I dunno, KS is pretty big right now.


>some weird thing about an adopted guy (although he was like 18?) who had to then fuck his adoptive mother, her servant, and all her daughters
I mean, it sounds like you're talking about explicit porn games VS. more story-oriented games.

I would really like to see her do a full-on version of Emi

>> No.6497095

>Ash Blackum in the background
Is there any good cosplay of Emi?

>> No.6497100

I want to cosplay as Emi because I'm a wheelchair user but I have legs and the only time she uses a wheelchair is when she can't wear her fake legs.

>> No.6497129

They're all too fat/ugly.

>> No.6497128

>I mean, it sounds like you're talking about explicit porn games VS. more story-oriented games.
Just as explicit as Disabled Girls.

>> No.6497199

Not really understanding all the vitriol against KS in this thread. Could it have been better? Sure. Could it have had better player agency? Yeah. Would it have been better without the porn? You can say that about pretty much any decent VN. Should Misha have had a route? YES GODDAMN IT.

But calling it "for loners and retards", "objectively terrible", and "a sorry excuse for a novel?" That's a bit over the top, as is the claim that it's somehow a fetish game just because the girls each have a disability.

>> No.6497223
File: 99 KB, 900x675, ready_for_expomanga_by_mugiwaragirl-d50b0f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this just started as a vendetta since those girls seems to be Spanish and you know how they love to troll around here http://mugiwaragirl.deviantart.com/art/Ready-for-expomanga-302844643

Add a handful of KS haters and there you have it.

Personally, I liked the game (not a masterpiece though) and those girls look fine to me. I might be biased since, despite what someone said before me, I don't think the KS fandom is that big and I appreciate each and every one attempt at cosplaying its characters. To each their own.

>> No.6497229

To be fair you can play it without the porn in the options, and even then there isn't much of it
I found issue in that it was a boring read most of the time and the writing wasn't consistent in each route because they were written by different people

>> No.6497268

It's like I'm on fucking Nintetard boards. The story is shit, and VNs are only about the story (since they have no gameplay, well, at least the shitty ones don't), ergo the game is shit.

Why is it that only illiterate monkeys love it? I am totally failing to see a pattern here.

Have you even read anything that passes as tolerable literature?

>> No.6497303

Not either of the people you're replying to, but seriously get the sand out of your vag. It was an enjoyable way to pass the time for me, as I'm assuming it was for others who played it. I would play it in my car before class because I had nothing else to do. It was fun reading the story. It was sort of cliche in some ways, but each route had its strong and weak points and it was fine that way. Go spew your hate elsewhere. I hear /v/ really hates this game.

>> No.6497345


No, but really. Story is shit because you don't like it? Cool.
Illiterate monkeys couldn't read it in the first place. yourargumentisinvalid.jpg

If we were all such glorious gentlemen and scholars that we spent our time reading quality literature, I'm sure we wouldn't be playing VNs to begin with. And aren't VNs just babymode LNs with pictures?

Pointless I'm-better-than-you-ism is pointless.

Sage for lack of picture to offer.

>> No.6497365

Also someone that hasn't posted in this thread before, but you are incredibly up your own arse.
Calling everyone who has ever enjoyed KS illiterate monkeys isn't far from saying anyone intelligent can't enjoy something lighthearted.
Like, I can't have my PHD and enjoy an Lindsy Lohan film.
Fuck you much?

It's a thing some people put a lot of love in to, and some of us have loved it back. God forbid someone should have another opinion to you, and further that they shouldn't be 'philistines'.

>> No.6497372

>Have you even read anything that passes as tolerable literature?
You'd be surprised if you knew what I've studied and what I do for a living.

I did say KS isn't a masterpiece, and I agree with a fellow anon in that it's not consistent, but it's still different, cute and enjoyable. I usually don't expect to find Shakespearean-quality storytelling in the pop culture I consume, after all.

>> No.6497389

Make socks or stockings that look like prosthetics, much like those stockings that look like doll joints.

>> No.6497399
File: 495 KB, 1536x2048, SDC10891_2048x1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you expect from a bunch of guys from 4chan that had 3 years of their lives to spare?

But for the quality of where it came from, it's kind of a miracle it even happened. It ain't a masterpiece, but for what it is, it's cute and charming, and hits home a few too many times in some places (I've seen fucking masses on /v/ get some serious feels over it for weeks on end). Even if that's happening to 'sad, pathetic losers', it's still managed to do it.

Oh yeah, I found another Misha pic in my AN folder too. Waha~

>> No.6497419
File: 226 KB, 357x400, 1308577513747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to /v/

>> No.6497588

bumpin for more cosplay

>> No.6497683
File: 54 KB, 500x294, tumblr_lxrnywrMPc1r9kqvto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look, it's me.

that guy cosplaying as Jesus was super cool.

>> No.6497691

I am jerking off to your feet.

>> No.6497704
File: 972 KB, 597x800, cute patootie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6497724

Why exactly did Misha cut off her drills?

>> No.6497731

Character development.
Just like my Chinese cartoons.

>> No.6497735

I'm not liking how tight these girls' shirts are because they didn't take into consideration their arms. It doesn't look 'hawt', it just looks like they suck at buying clothes in their size.

>> No.6497771

Does she really not have arms?

>> No.6497869

Nice job moron, they are the ones who loved it to death in the first place, i.e. losers like you.

>> No.6498252 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 755x1255, LOL-I-TROLL-YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So edgy...

>> No.6498255
File: 87 KB, 755x1255, LOL-I-TROLL-YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I only like serious adult VNs for serious adults like myself.

>> No.6498308

Yeah, because the ones that I mentioned as good are serious, right?

Cooking Mama has way more worth than your beloved fapfics / "visual" """"""novels"""""".

>> No.6498324

Look closely at her pants.

>> No.6498770

>fanfics != books

Tell that to 50 Shades of Gay.

>> No.6498944

Yes, that's exactly the level of writing Physically Retarded Girls have.

>> No.6498948

skirts are way too yellow, lily would be great if she was thinner

>> No.6498974

It sucks but it's still a book.

>> No.6499012

>if she was thinner
And didn't look at the camera, and pretty

>> No.6502986

I don't think many people actually fapped to it? The threads when it first came out were full of straight guys crying about their feelings. I played it mostly for the atmosphere, anyway. There was just something really nice and calming about the music and slow stories of school life and the quiet animu rooftop lunch scenes and stuff.

>> No.6502994
File: 682 KB, 800x600, rin20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one did not fap to it- I thought it was really well-done and I feel no shame in admitting Rin's path got to me.


>> No.6503003

>I don't think many people actually fapped to it?
Just because they didn't explicitly state they fapped to it, or even said the opposite, does not (shocking, I know) mean that they actually didn't masturbate to it. They're probably rationalizing in their heads that since they only did it around three to four times (probably to multiple girls), it didn't really count as fapping, since they usually do it multiple times a day.

Shut up.
Noooope. See this is how you can easily point out illiterate monkeys from a crowd.

>> No.6503009

>using colloquial terms on the internet

Shocking, I know.

>> No.6503010
File: 136 KB, 800x600, rin_goodend_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has no arms to hug you with

>> No.6503015

Why would guys on /v/ pretend not to fap to something

>> No.6503018

To make it look like their opinion on the product was not influenced by their tiny and redundant penises.

>> No.6503020

Is it really that hard to buy the correct wig and socks?
I'd really like to see a well done Emi.
I'm planning on cosplaying her in April and need some inspiration!

>> No.6503029

I just went to /v/ and the first thing I saw was a thread with Pokemon box art as the OP image and the first reply to that thread was "Fuck, Lugia is so god damn sexy"
I think you're giving /v/ too much credit

>> No.6504477

>adopted guy (although he was like 18?) who had to then fuck his adoptive mother, her servant, and all her daughters for some reason and it ended with bloodshed and an exploding mansion like in a Hollywood movie but it was definitely Japanese
Fatal Relations.
You're seriously listing Fatal Relations as a serious Visual Novel? Shut the fuck up.

>> No.6504502
File: 285 KB, 1000x583, furry conspiracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


B-but that's just the furries.

>> No.6504723

It is just as serious as Disabled Broads.

>> No.6504760





>> No.6504796


>> No.6505253

I thought the guy in the red was cosplaying Archer.
I am severly disappointed

>> No.6507654

i am a 30 year old virgin male loser who loves to fap to that burned girl, tee hee, look at me, projecting my own insecurities onto another, a female whom i don't even see as a human being, but only a sex object to satisfy my lust and one that is frail and therefore can be easily controlled even by a fat weakling who should never have been born like me

>> No.6507719
File: 408 KB, 700x394, Cooking Mama ~ cosplay;group;700x394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6508737
File: 648 KB, 519x774, 1354923193647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey i can help

>> No.6508743
File: 119 KB, 803x960, 530177_245905932183950_216032481837962_471487_1375827652_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6509000

fuck me, ain't that barcelona?

>> No.6509385

it'd made sense because some above poster said they were Spanish

>> No.6509454
File: 21 KB, 460x337, HitlerMussolini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this butt-crucifixion

>> No.6510524

You're talking about yourself.

>> No.6510549
File: 82 KB, 482x750, kenjikins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan on cosplaying Hanako soon, but I'm nervous about the type of people who might recognize the character.
Have any of you guys experienced excessive creepiness when cosplaying from VN's?

>> No.6510554

I've cosplayed as Hanako before and the people who recognised the cosplay were all really lovely! So don't be scared to cosplay a character you love :)

>> No.6510575

You should be fine, a lot of people I met were fantastic (most of them were normalfags too).
If anyone gives you trouble, you could always go to con security.

>> No.6510742

>The story is shit

I like VNs, but I agree with you. The story in KS was so awful. The entire beginning was just wordswordswords nothing happening at all, nothing to draw someone in. It was terribly boring and overrated. The only thing impressive about it is that it was made by a very small Western company, and the quality of it overall is pretty great with that being said. Otherwise it's just a good VN for people who aren't into VNs to get into them, a gateway VN I guess.