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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6492534 No.6492534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I haven't seen a weeaboo thread here in a while. I mean, weeaboo threads aren't singling a person out right? Can we please have one?

>> No.6492539

This is a board for cosplay, not "weeaboos"

>> No.6492541

But we always had weeaboo threads you baka ;n;

>> No.6492547

>implying Weeaboo Horror threads aren't part of /cgl/ culture
Stop trying to fit in, newfag
You are failing

>> No.6492548

Where did all these bithces came from? We always had a good share of threads that are not directly cosplay/lolita related, but were about part of the culture: artists alley thread, mail threads, makeup threads, sewing threads and much more.

So, stop being such a whiny bitch and obviously newfag and let us have our most traditional threads.

>> No.6492558

Just because you got used to seeing something on /cgl/ doesn't mean it ever belonged here. Stop using the clubhouse mob mentality as an excuse to behave however you wish.

That was the problem. In times past we had no mods or janitors so idiots were free to spam and post whatever they wished on /cgl/, which in turn lead to idiots like you getting used to seeing it and thinking its "BOARD CULTURE DURR" when in reality it's just shit that never should have been here to begin with.

This is a cosplay board. If you want to spout vendettas and talk about irrelevant crap then go to your facebook wall.

>> No.6492559

But weeaboo's are a big and essential part of the cosplay and j-fashion scene. Have you ever been to a con without weeaboo's?

>> No.6492560

>this is a cosplay board
And a Lolita/J-Fashion general board. Get the fuck out, you're the worst type of poster.

>> No.6492564
File: 56 KB, 500x517, tumblr_mewfq4FUUG1rvyr1to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does anyone has some good stories capped? Unfortunately I don't have any, but I found this jewel on tumblr just a minute ago.

>> No.6492567


>> No.6492574
File: 151 KB, 1319x1205, 1305238293459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore the haters, weeaboo thread!!

>> No.6492575

None of which has anything to do with "weeaboos" or posting stories talking about how dumb somebody on the internet might be.

>> No.6492579
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>> No.6492582

Weebs are part of J-fashion. Fucking deal with it.

>> No.6492581
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>> No.6492583
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>> No.6492587
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You are the biggest of faggots.

90% of weeaboo thread content is stories from conventions about encounters with people in cosplay. So go fuck yourself. Complaining about weeaboo threads is like being on /ck/ and getting your jimmies rustled over a thread asking about what the best knife is because no one is talking about cooking in it.

>> No.6492590
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>> No.6492591
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>> No.6492594

It's more like going to /ck/ and saying "lol fat people are dumb. post your stories about dumb fat people. XD" then when someone tells you to go away you say "STFU 90% OF FAT PEOPLE LIKE TO COOK ITS RELEVANT."

You're just looking for excuses to post whatever you wish. This crap belongs on /jp/ or /r9k/, not here.

>> No.6492595
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>> No.6492599
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a classic

>> No.6492600
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>> No.6492601
File: 14 KB, 483x418, smug-obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw you're obviously someone who was spoken about in a weaaboo thread and is still buttmad about it

>> No.6492602
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>> No.6492604
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>> No.6492606

I need hetalia horror stories

>> No.6492609

/ck/ has stories about shitty restaurants and retarded fat customers. The threads are pretty popular and people generally tend to like them.

It isn't related to cooking. That doesn't mean it's better to be posted on /r9k/ or /fit/.


>> No.6492611
File: 55 KB, 1225x439, AREYOUHORNYYETBRIAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k im out.

>> No.6492620

/ck/ has tipping threads, and bad food service threads
/fit/ has Fat People Stories
/cgl/ has Weeaboo threads