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6491351 No.6491351 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of inspiring lolitas have been out of the fashion for a while... who would you like to make a comeback? (even if it's not feasible)

I really miss osea_chelleo. She was the cutest!

>> No.6491361
File: 41 KB, 391x700, olivehat03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember this girl Kathryn, pui_puni
she quit the style a long time ago, but i remember she had some amazing classic outfits

i remember a gorgeous outfit with the JetJ Crucifixion jsk, but can't seem to find it, pictures are down sadly

>> No.6491364

From what I heard, both quit Lolita for religion

>> No.6491366

better to have it the other way round: quitting religion for lolita

>> No.6491368

I wonder, has it ever happened?

>> No.6491374
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Good for them! I hope if I'm ever convicted as such, that I will be strong enough to do what these girls have done.

>> No.6491376

unfortunately, both decided to quit Lolita for religion, not the other way round

>> No.6491377

That girl that jumped to her death from the open window of a tall building was actually really freaking cute. I know that a comeback would be impossible, since she decided to exit the gene pool on her last birthday. What was her name again?

>> No.6491381

who? can't believe i didn't know about that

>> No.6491385

that would be Meagan Bly, it was really depressing news

>> No.6491392

She didn't jump out a window. She was seen naked running along a hotel's parking garage and squeezed herself past the wall barrier and fell to her death.

>> No.6491391


Why was someone so cute doing drugs in the first place? Peer pressure, or was she really depressed?

>> No.6491397


Either way, I feel bad for all of her brand.

>> No.6491398


What did she look like? This is the second or third time I've heard about it, but I've never seen picks.

>> No.6491403
File: 82 KB, 500x326, tumblr_m78qrcI8Tm1ql69aho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not in lolita, but here it goes

>> No.6491414

She was really into raves, wasn't she? She was probably just doing drugs for fun. You hardly have to be depressed or experiencing a lot of peer pressure to get into most drugs.

>> No.6491839

aww she was so cute :(

>> No.6491872 [DELETED] 

I thought she was wearing some horn shit on her head before I clicked the picture.
She should have done a lighter color of brown, it blends into her hair too much.
I mean, obviously it can't be fixed now, but whatever.

>> No.6491937

This always upsets me. LSD does not make you jump out of windows. Her death was tragic, but it's being used by the media for anti drug campaigns.

>> No.6491990

that's... mostly true. if you have a bad trip though, or if something else is mixed in the drug, terrible things can happen. my ex had a bad trip, destroyed our apartment, and nearly died, and all he knows he took is LSD that night.

>> No.6492020

Yes, all I'm saying is that there were probably some extenuating circumstances.

>> No.6492024

It wasn't just LSD, people were saying she was on E too.

"She probably thought she could fly."

>> No.6492022

the rest of the pictures from that set were very... >_> is the best I can do because I really don't think there's a word for it. Inappropriate doesn't cut it.

(mostly because she's dead now and it's weird)

>> No.6492028

Where was the trip sitter? Or was she so new in the drug scene that she didn't know any better? Sorry to say, but this is a result of dumb choices and not a tragic accident.

>> No.6492029

wow are you 12

>> No.6492032

I thought that osea_chelleo stopped wearing lolita because she got into a different scene? I heard that she dressed like she was going to raves and did a lot of drugs so I'm not sure if she's both religious and going to crazy parties or if either or neither stories are true.

As much as I dislike funkychin's face, I do miss her outfits.

>> No.6492035

I think running after her? Nobody really knows. Someone said her boyfriend was there.

>> No.6492037
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>> No.6492039

I think you're thinking of that Australian chick, Faithchann maybe? I know there was a shitstorm about her leaving lolita and being a prostitute at a brothel in Australia. Someone linked it and it looked pretty classy.

>> No.6492041

Sweetheart, here.


>> No.6492042

Nope, I know that faith_chan did stripping but there were some stories about Michelle/osea_chelleo going to crazy parties.

So faith_chan, osea_chelleo, faunkegin, and pui_puni are listed... I can't think of anyone else that was inspirational that has left the fashion. I thought that lilac_ambiance was back but I found her on Tumblr.

>> No.6492047

are you sure you aren't thinking of shelbycloud and not michelle?

>> No.6492061

ahh okay I figured you were talking about Faith because I know her rave and drug habits were cause of much gossip here and elsewhere

>> No.6492065

Good, I was hoping you were kidding.

>> No.6492086
File: 103 KB, 600x987, lighthouse___Military_Lolita_by_listerinepree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tropigalia because she had a kick arse attitude and was hilarious and adorable.

Also those english girls from yeeeears ago who used to post together often twinning in odd locations. listerinepree(just looked her up). They rock the giant shoes and aren't especially classically beautiful in a commercial pop sense, but they took amazing photographs. And were massively bitchy on the communities.

I think, looking back, lolita isn't about girls looking pretty in pretty dresses to me. It's about kicking arse in pretty dresses. It is a subculture, it is expression, it's not just a fashion and it's not about being a prude or a lady or whatever(although, if osea_chello et all left lolita to persue religious convictions, so be it). Even though it is modest. I'm just being a loli nanna.

Now back to my porch where I will mutter under my breath about how easy you lot have it these days with your conversion rates and international shipping and paypal.

>> No.6492091

No and Shelby still wears lolita.
There was a lot of speculation about Michelle about a year or two back and there were conflicting stories then. No one on cgl seems to know much about Michelle although someone did post her blog and there were pictures of her partying. I don't know her blog url though.

>> No.6492096

I loved listerinepree. The photoshoot she did with the strings was gorgeous.

Another lolita I miss: charmmy_loli
Her outfits weren't super amazing and were just normal but her body and her face were perfect for lolita.

>> No.6492110

I see her pop up every now and again in the comments on getoffegl and I always want to be like YOU'RE BACK <3


>> No.6492117

I found the string ones!!

You're allowed to like what you like. F the disney princess ott conventionally pretty folk!

>> No.6492119

Osea_chelleo: somanyswoonmoments.tumblr.com

>> No.6492133
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>> No.6492188

God I hope you don't speak this way.

>> No.6492209

Oh my god, those glasses look like absolute shit on her. Like even more shitty than they look on most people. Why. ;_;

>> No.6492215

not enough drama on the boards so you nitpick people's language that was obviously meant to be joking and facetious?


>> No.6492219
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I kinda miss theosakakoneko's outfits, especially after she lost weight since her outfits no longer look fucked up with her super tight corsets

although her mohawk (or at least, the one she had in 2011) was just awful

>> No.6492222

Her outfits were always interesting, but there was always something really ...off about them. IDK.

>> No.6492224

why didn't you post one of her more recent photos? she even says in her about me that she isn't doing the nugoth thing anymore

>> No.6492228
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I feel like the bulk of her outfits were... how do I put this... not necessarily casual lolita but to me, "street" lolita? Like she would often post outfits without blouses or outfits paired with very casual/plain tops and cardigans, or mix & match a lot of pieces.

>> No.6492257

Yeeeah like this pic for example is more otome to me than lolita.

>> No.6492270
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trop had such a cute face. also rocked ITS.

>> No.6492296

I remember selling her a blouse when she first started lolita. Girl doesn't stay in any fashion for more than 5 minutes, it seems. What a bore.

>> No.6492316

She looks so good here. I miss her as well. I didn't even mind the mohawk.

>> No.6492356


Wow, she was doing dolly kei before dolly kei was a thing.

>> No.6492357


I loved her! I wonder if her vendetta chan is still lurking /cgl/, someone was always real mad that she was Christian but owned a vibrator.

>> No.6492360

I miss pui_puni's coordinates too. She was the one who got me into classic lolita really. She was a talented singer too, she used to post her recordings. She's wearing an MM dress on the album cover too.

Her boyfriend was really creepy looking though.

>> No.6492363

Does smileysquid still do lolita?

>> No.6492376


She does, I think she just doesn't post to LJ anymore. Her blog is called Julie Doll.

>> No.6492381

Are you sure you've got the right person? Because Michelle wore lolita for a decently long time - at least 4 or 5 years, if my memory is serving me correctly.

>> No.6492383

She occasionally wears lolita, but not that often. I still love her style out of lolita, though.

>> No.6492399

smileysquid reminds me of crazysporkiam. she had wonderful hair and coordinates.

>> No.6492400

Chelle just got bored of lolita, I think. She said to me once that she was sick of wearing pastels. She doesn't drug/go to raves afaik, she's studying. She's been to a couple of local meets to catch up with people but is usually dressed super casually (by lolita standards)

>> No.6492402

I loved crazyspork's hair.

>> No.6492420 [DELETED] 

no she wasn't a prostitute and no she didn't work at a brothel. she worked at a place called love and rockets.
she's really lovely and while it's sad she is no longer into lolita ( both her and buttons) what she did for her burando was her own business, if it was stripping or just working behind the bar no one ever knew or found out.
I personally think it was all just a bunch of young girls being catty out of a little bit of jealousy considering her e-fame at the time. :S

>> No.6492422
File: 10 KB, 274x184, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No she wasn't a prostitute and no she didn't work at a brothel, she worked at a place called love and rockets.
She's really lovely and while it's sad she no longer wears lolita ( both her and buttons) what she did for her burando was her own business, if it was stripping or working behind the bar no one ever knew or found out. Adding also her party habits I think the whole drama was just a bunch of young girls being jelly and catty on account of her e-fame at the time :/

>> No.6492425
File: 349 KB, 702x661, zeruda8320633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about her?
She did leave lolita recently, didn't she?

>> No.6492428

what was the whole story on Faith anyway?????

>> No.6492431

what ahppened to xbaudelaire and that french girl with blonde hair and super short bangs?

>> No.6492434
File: 96 KB, 575x768, 942791-30857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was such an inspiration for me. Her outfits were always very creative.

>> No.6492448

xbaudelaire is sort-of leaving lolita, wearing more otome kind of stuff these days. I believe she sold Electric Alice to her partners to take over from her..?

>> No.6492454

Ugh whatever, what a hypocrit. I remember her back in the early days, and her lookbook was full of "ILL NEVER BE A BRANDWHORE LIKE THOSE OTHER LOLIS" etc etc. And then suddenly she had brand..

>> No.6492467

I guess she had like maybe 2 or 3 brand dresses, that doesn't make her a brandwhore. I admired her ability to coordinate the same skirt in so many outfits, and in different colorways. Very inspirational.

>> No.6492474

Not the other anon but yeah her early blog was a lot of hate, both towards other lolitas and hate for brand. Never could muster her because of it.

>> No.6492488

I miss listerinespree & brionyalissa for their creative outfits and great shoots. I also loved smileysquid, charmmy_loli & Scarlet Sedusa.
I prefer those old school stuff above anything posted or released nowadays.
I remember selling ETC dresses to osea_chelleo and to xbaudelaire. I was never a fan of pui_puni as it was very clear she was very religious (and I'm not at all).
I loved the burger outfit from tropigalia.

This post makes me miss the old days.

>> No.6492515

Biancavalentine. I miss her a lot. She made amazing classical/sweet outfits.


Any notice about her?

>> No.6492520

she was cute too! i remember her...

>> No.6492533

She sold off her lolita collection to fund her horses, but recently started buying some back. Her tumblr is http://cloudberry-jam.tumblr.com/ but it's mostly reblogs.

>> No.6492571

Does anyone know where I can find charmmy_loli now?

>> No.6492657

I miss Sn0rkmaiden, she always had the cutest ETC and Milk coords before Emily Temple Cute got really popular. Also there was this really rich girl who had a loft full of stuffed giraffes that wore mostly Meta, but I can't remember her name. . .

>> No.6492706

But she has her own brand doesn't she?

>> No.6492735

No, she's never had her own brand. You must be thinking about someone else.

>> No.6492743

Gabrielle? She still wears lolita. I'm friends with her on facebook and she occasionally posts outfits.

>> No.6492780

Oops! Yes, I am, I was thinking of Cloudberry Lady when I saw the tumblr URL.

>> No.6492825
File: 188 KB, 375x500, 448118553_7bbda2bf9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you not mentioning the great princess skye?!

No,seriously her blog was quite fun to read.
I'm actually a bit worried about her sudden change of attitude.

>> No.6492900

Lilac Ambience. I don't have any pics of her on this computer but she was so gorgeous and was instrumental in my decision to wear classic instead of sweet..

>> No.6492936

I didn't think she did it for brand, I remember all of that came out after she left lolita

>> No.6493100

yep, like her outfits

>> No.6493135

Faith was such an ugly bitch. I never quite understood her popularity.

>> No.6493142

Vanillablitz and Shelbycloud are the only inspirational lolitas left, really. I'll be sad if/when they leave. I really miss faunkegin and faith-chan.

>> No.6493238

I always see/hear about this girl, but I never actually saw any of her lolita posts on the internet prior to this happening. Hell, this picture isn't even lolita.

>> No.6493252 [DELETED] 

I'm friends with her on poupee girl and she's still buying new lolita things and posting them up.

>> No.6493262

Same here. I wish I could look good in her daily style like she does. Would look like shit on me.

>> No.6493348
File: 25 KB, 500x375, as_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel old but I really miss Graveflower and Psychodollfie, they were the reason I got into lolita. I don't even know what they look like nowadays

>> No.6493364

Camilla/Psychodollfie still models (she recently appeared in Excentrique ads), Anna/Graveflower left lolita maybe 5-6 years ago at least? I stopped keeping track of her about the same time she and her then girlfriend broke up. I was already a lolita when they got into it, if you feel old I must be ancient...

>> No.6493371
File: 143 KB, 1040x700, bg_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here she is, from Excentriques webshop.

>> No.6493374

I miss the old school drama commenters. We don't hear names like vomitrocity, cidsa, or fashionbabylon anymore. They were such bitches but always hilarious.

>> No.6493383


I got into lolita 2004 but totally sucked (it was a lot harder to come by then)


That's awesome! Is there any more?

>> No.6493397

I got into it around 2001 and I looked terrible, but tbh everyone else was terrible back then as well.

And sure! Just check http://www.excentrique.biz/, the slides are filled with Camilla (she also appears in older collection photos).

>> No.6493405

They didn't quit (well vomitrocity and fashionbabylon didn't) they are very active in my city.

>> No.6493411

Wow... what the hell? She used to be so cute!

>> No.6493415
File: 21 KB, 280x373, gloria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they love religion there are certainly enough religious prints out there...

>> No.6493424

>>6491364 This makes no sense to me. I've been dragged to every sect of Christian church and I can only think of like 3 religions where lolita isn't acceptable. Most bible verses are all about modesty and femininity when it comes to women.

>> No.6493440

pui_puni often wore lolita to church (she once posted a daily snapshot when she wore the JetJ crucifiction dress with a headscarf for church), I don't think she left because religion didn't accept it.

>> No.6493456

Not only did she wear it to church, she wore it to performances in church as she was a soloist. I doubt they would let her preform if she wore something they disapproved of.

>> No.6493642

Lolita is fine for most religions in terms of modesty, but can also be seen as covetous (trying to accumulate a large wardrobe and get the newest print) and distracting from god (putting together the best coord and keeping up with the comms is takes time away from god) also, vanity.

So really any fashion or non god related hobby can be left in service of god. I have known girls to give up loli for lent as well.

>> No.6493927

I find the while leaving lolita for religion to be kinda funny. I consider myself a religious person and while I don't wear it to religious services I've worn it to gatherings where most of the attendees were from my congregation. I've received nothing but compliments and people asking where they could get my dress for their teenage daughter/niece/cousin what have you. Maybe my congregation doesn't care as long as I'm covered and not embarrassing anyone.

>> No.6493998

I miss all of who you mentioned (except vomitrocity) plus mikachanyo, tropigalia, adalmin, listerinepree, shincaru, pretty much all the old drama commenters (save for that mennonite chick who's name i forgot) but we never see them anymore ;__;

>> No.6494027

Celticfreefall? I'm 1/2 of lunagoonie and she popped into one of my posts and apologized to me and some other people for ever being an asshole to them. It seemed really contrived and weird.

>> No.6494034


hahahaahahah homg i completely forgot!!!

>> No.6494106

Hahaha yes! She did, what post? o_O I can't imagine why she would need to apologize to you since she pops up every now and then and is still super bitchy (she came up on egl once and WF smacked her down because she said something to the effect of this is boring etc)

>> No.6494157

I remember them, they had great shoots.

>> No.6494169


Dolly Kei's actually been around for a while, it just got really popular in about 2010 or so. Grimoire's been open since June 2009, and you could see elements of the style cropping up before then.

That said, this was still a FANTASTIC shoot, and I saved it too.

>> No.6494191

Giving up as in giving it all away or giving it up by not wearing it/buying anything? Because the latter is piss easy to do unless you only own lolita. I gave up chocolate for Lent once to support one of my friends, now that was fucking hard.

>> No.6494235


Wait, wait, what's her real name? I know vomitrocity IRL but I didn't think I knew fashionbabylon. I fucking LOVED her on sf_drama. She was seriously my hero.

>> No.6494241

Don't. The thread will probably get deleted if you do.

>> No.6494245

>Just started lolita.
>Egl feedback wasn't mandatory back during that time because I joined a little bit after the loligoth dbs went down.
>See seller selling baby bunny ears.
>Pay for them.
>Seller says she shipped them.
>Wait like 5 weeks... they never come.
>Ask her about it.
>She says she will show proof of shipping.
>She never does.
>Never do anything about it, but see her selling occasionally off of gyaru_comm_sales...
>still butthurt 2 plus years later when seeing her name.

>> No.6494265

Uh I think you have the wrong thread >>6494057

>> No.6494292

she's in the chicago community and she's tall. you can deduce from there.

>> No.6494522

It wasn't her boyfriend, she was running about naked and on drugs in some random unknown man's hotel room.
Poor girl, nobody wants to lose a daughter that way,

>> No.6494524

How do you know it was a random unknown man? Wasn't she doing it for her like birthday or something?

>> No.6494530

I say unknown because no legit sources ever confirmed who he was. He may of been known to her, or maybe she met him that night.

The fact was that her boyfriend was looking everywhere for her at the time, he was not with her and did not know where she was. He even posted on reddit to ask if she'd been seen.

>> No.6494536

But like how do you know she was even with a man?

I saw the reddit thread about the person who saw her die and they linked to another thread.. I didn't know that was her boyfriend? Or at least it wasn't obvious

>> No.6496202

Lilac's on tumblr and still wears lolita! aerynia.tumblr.com.

>> No.6496262

It was in the info that the few friends gave out before everything went hush hush, it certainly wasn't her own hotel room she was in.
I'm sorry, I'm not expecting you to believe me as I don't have caps. This is just all the seemingly legit info I gathered during that week when I cared. The family and friends kept things pretty under the radar.

>> No.6496263

And now it's 404'd?

>> No.6496271

Working fine for me...

>> No.6496274

Weird. I'll try again later.

>> No.6496308

I saw something on one of the archived threads about it, and that he fleed the scene but I still wonder how anyone even knows there was another man involved. Someone said it was possible that she was trying to escape a potentially violent or dangerous situation, which kind of makes sense if she was naked... Part of me feels like she was just partying too hard and lost it. Maybe with a sugar daddy or something IDK.

>> No.6496314

I was speculating it was probably a 'wanna come to my room and get high' situation, but I don't have too much of a basis for it. Also, they could have pinned the blame on him if he'd given her the drugs and that would have made headlines, so probably not.

>> No.6496335

What's interesting is all of the pictures that one asian chick put up of her, she looks SO fucking high it's almost concerning. I'm surprised nobody looked into the mystery man angle as much as "girl takes too many drugs and kills herself" because that seems reaaaaally sketchy now that you mention it. It's unfortunate.