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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 9 KB, 258x65, holidayyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6488584 No.6488584 [Reply] [Original]

Forgive me, I couldn't find a better image.

Does anyone go to this con? How do you feel about a con this close to the holidays?

>> No.6488625

This con was complete and utter shit.
You cant roam the hallways even near the exit without a ticket. last year there was a weird situation involving furries and apprently they

>> No.6488629

and to answer your question for me it doesnt mater it's around the holidays a cons a con you know

>> No.6488649

Why not just get a ticket then? Do you really base the quality of a con on how much you can do without a pass?

>> No.6488716

Haven't been to it last year. Don't plan on it this year. Heard lots of bad things from last year. Yeah no thanks.

>> No.6492698


>> No.6493256

I went last year and it was absolutely awful, so I noped all over it this year. Not worth the 2 hour drive to sit there and watch all 3 cosplayers that actually showed up play Just Dance in the game room. It was boring as fuh.

>> No.6493351

If you like Homestuck, then you might have had a reason to go. But I don't, so I didn't.

>> No.6493370

It was run like utter shit. The person running it let his girlfriend do the hiring for staff and honestly she did a piss poor job of it.

>> No.6493394
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Found this on the tag for the con. Sounds about right.

>> No.6493395
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part 2

>> No.6493618

Simon's cat was the highlight of my weekend

>> No.6493649
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I figured I would go ahead and whip up a post of my absolute approval of this convention before this thread becomes a hate-fueled orgy of drama.
Location: Was lovely. I was impressed by the decorated trees and how the main event hall and game room was set up. The dealer’s room isn’t what I was used to…considering I’m used to MegaCon big. The artist alley was my main complaint. It was wedged along a narrow hallway which frequently got congested when people decided to cluster for pictures or linger and BS with each other. Also, the windows in that narrow hallway made it uncomfortably warm when the sun was beaming against it.

I attended the Peppermint Parlor and the Maid Café. Those were the highlights of the event in my opinion. They were uniform, professional looking and served as great entertainment. They had choreographed dance numbers and singing with burlesque dancers.
I managed to attend the Cosplay contest and the Benefit Ball (Toys for Tots donation thingie). They know how to entertain their customers and make the situation less uncomfortable. The Benefit Ball started off with three songs… everyone was shy and only a few people danced in the designated area. But I appreciated that they broke the ‘awkward prom setting’ by having one of the event helpers dance on the stage (he had great moves) and they played the normal ice breaking songs like the Cuban shuffle and such.
And I know this Convention had no control over the type of people who decided to attend… but I was blown away by the amount of quality cosplayers who showed up. I wanted to take pictures of almost everyone.
My complaints would have to be the panels that were available. I can’t think of a single one which entertained me. They were a bunch of ‘Improv panels’ with the ‘character impersonators’ answering questions.

>> No.6493661

Isn't that the Sakura from the Shadocon thread that cheats?

>> No.6493663
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>> No.6493666
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>> No.6493668
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>> No.6493671
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>> No.6493672
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>> No.6493674
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>> No.6493676
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>> No.6493679
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>> No.6493683

fatty chan doin it rite

>> No.6493694

Yes, it is. She won best in show at this con too.

>> No.6493696
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>> No.6493698
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>> No.6493699
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>> No.6493714
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>> No.6493723

I guess that Florida has a new replacement for Kim the Cheat finally

>> No.6493718

Why would someone dress as something from one of the shittiest, faggiest Christmas movies?

LOL, my captcha was "convention torsnake"

>> No.6493728
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>> No.6493740
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>> No.6493788
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>> No.6493801

1. It's from a homestuck tumblrfag
2. She repeated shit over and over ("No one knew what was going on")
3. Complaining about a costume contest being TEN MINUTES late and about judging taking just a half hour.

It's like this bitch has never been to a costume contest.

>> No.6493797

Florida cosplayer that doesn't know much about the drama that goes down here. Who even is that?

>> No.6493809

Someone who used to enter contests with costumes other people made and lie about it, she's not active anymore. All happened around 2002 thru 2005. The lies finally caught up to her and she finally admitted to cheating. She's Boner Robin's girlfriend.

>> No.6493811

New FLfag here...care to elaborate? I'm unaware of who Kim the cheat is but very curious...

>> No.6493819
File: 1.57 MB, 960x720, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude wtf is going on with that chick's foot? am I just looking at this wrong?

>> No.6493820

Thanks. There are so many batshit insane people/liars/cheaters here that's it's hard to tell who is who and who did what.

>> No.6493821

>Topic about Holiday Mitsuri
No attempt to make it a conversation about the convention
>Picture of a cosplayer
Lets latch on to this and talk about her!

You want to talk about this woman so much? Make a new fucking thread and do it there.

>> No.6493824

Are you even reading this thread?

>> No.6493832

A shadow was cast on her ankle due to the fabric pooling around her feet. Her foot is slightly forward and receiving sunlight while the shadow cast by her skirt fabric is creating that freaky illusion.

If you just stare at it a little more it becomes obvious.

>> No.6493830

Thanks for your fantastic contribution to the thread. The stick up your ass must be nice.

Con wasn't bad but wasn't one of my favorites. Probably won't attend next year but I still have some hope that it might get better considering it's still a new con. Seemed okay con wise with everything being fun and people behaving but I heard from others there was drama everywhere.

/sage for not really contributing either

>> No.6493843
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>> No.6493877
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>> No.6493928
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>> No.6493942

I got SO much second hand embarrassment at the Vocaloid panel on Saturday. One of the event volunteers had severe autism or something… he was acting immaturely and managed to get kicked out of the panel by the person hosting the panel. He just made the atmosphere really uncomfortable.

>> No.6493946

So are you going to tell the story or what

>> No.6493960

I did get a pass it was my pass we were sharing it's just how strict everyone was and everything they had was shitty and terrible. everything was overpriced and everything was just ridiculous D;

>> No.6493978

Everything was overpriced? Explain.

And if I hosted an event I would want to make sure people actually paid to be there and weren't just milling around. I know MegaCon used to be VERY disorganized and didn't keep tabs on stuff like that... they only checked wrist bands for the dealers room. Who would honestly pay to get into an area to spend more money? A convention is an experience. You shouldn't be allowed there to enjoy he immersion without paying.

And don't say if you had a convention you'd be perfectly okay with people just hanging out and attending panels you put a great deal of effort into without having those moochers pay.

>> No.6494022
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>> No.6494040

You sound like a member of staff. Ive been in bad and good costume contests before and this story sounds just like some of the worst ive been in. Wouldn't put it past Matsuri.

>> No.6494048


I was in the contest (not a homestuck if that helps my credibility I guess) and can basically second that story. The contest was poorly run and there was no communication, a lot of the contestants were mad and irritated after an hour of being ignored but told to stay there as we did nothing.

>> No.6494124

I had fun at this con purely because of the fact it was so small. Made it easy to find and hang out with people. And being stupid on your balcony to the people in the elevators was one of the most fun things.
I know this guy, though I don't know the complete story. He tends to be loud and obnoxious, and doesn't know when to be quiet, but he's an okay guy. What happened?

>> No.6494440
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I wish I got a better picture of the maid cafe members as they danced. I might be biased... but I found the men more entertaining to watch. But I'm attracted to men, so that may be a big part of my reasoning.

>> No.6494520

She entered a costume that already won best in show...that she didn't make in the first place? With one of the judges being a girl she posted about on 4chan obsessively over the years? Just when I thought Florida was starting to get boring...

>> No.6494558

Whoa whoa hold up here. Okay I know alllllll about the double winning mommy made costume....but PLEASE elaborate on the judge thing?

>> No.6494561
File: 72 KB, 603x824, 282825_2622514179806_1597801475_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of dumb things in their costume contest....best craftsmanship? Im pretty sure only ONE of these girls has good craftsmanship. Sarah Boo cosplay was also very unfriendly. I guess she only cares if ur popular and can make her cosplay famoooooooose

>> No.6494564
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related: I thought she had better craftsmanship hell even better best in show

>> No.6494566

Its a small FL con guys. of course the contest was terrible with terrible winners

>> No.6494569
File: 137 KB, 871x917, 1354728556107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highlight of my Holiday Matsuri venture was the Holiday Costume Contest.

One of my friends had been in the contest and was sitting with all the others and one of her friends wanted me to give her a bag with some socks in it to give to her for later. So I approach the staff on the side while Traci Hines is starting her performance.

Well, long story short asking "Is it alright if I give this package to my friend? She was a contestant and she is sitting right there." translated to the staff "I want to give this package to Traci Hines" So for the next 10-ish minutes I'm standing there with my friend 5 meters away while these guys want to inspect the package, which was just socks, by the way. And someone who is supposedly her husband giving me something that I would equate to a death glare.

"Sorry, bro. Flowers and stuff are ok but we're not sure about socks."

"Wait, who do you think I'm talking about?"

It would have been awkward but in the end we all had a laugh.

>> No.6494570

Well cosplay famoose seriously isnt happening looking like this. I hope she wears this again so i can talk to her about supergirl because I have the strangest feeling she doesnt read shit on DC (or marvel for that fact too)

>> No.6494572
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forgot pic

>> No.6494573

wait so Sarah Boo was rude and didn't have a good costume? that doesn't seem surprising

>> No.6494578

You forgot and tagged onto a talented/attractive cosplayer for attention, in this case whoever this new chick is. Honestly surprised she isn't leeching off Alouette like always.

>> No.6494581

Young FL fag here. I know cheat-Sakura dramu first hand but sauce on this?

>> No.6494585

Well Allie wasn't at the con that's why

>> No.6494590

Con goer here who ACTUALLY went to the con, To be honest, yeah it was a small con.. yeah the dealers room did not have much and it was mostly craft made stuff.. but you don't HAVE to spend your money at every con you go to, it usually is easier to order online.. the whole sakura's costume being all cheaty face thing? I liked her costume and it had some awesome details, but supposedly the whole thing going on is that her mom helps her make the costumes.. and yeah she did enter both contests and won both.. holiday runway and the costume contest, but now think about it, Yaya was going to be there as a judge and she had to cancel due to a death in the family in china, so they were scrambling last minute to find people.. the only irritant I had the entire time? people who think its fun to run around the con halls late at night blasting music and screaming along with it, I know you guys are having fun but, be respectful to other panels that might be going on.. I know its a small venue on the other side where they had artists alley and whatnot but you guys could have seriously gone outside..

HOMESTUCKERS.. you guys are quite nice actually, minus you have a slight problem of making a bunch of mini groups in the halls and tend to form clots that I had to sidestep to get through, i'm guessing its just the certain characters from the series but a few of you were slight assholes, but most of you are tolerable, so thumbs up for that

Other thing about the con? Jack Frosts.. Jack Frosts.. everywhere.. I hate to say on how easy this costume will be to make.. but this will be the new L

anything else? The hotel staff were awesome! the free breakfast was ok, and I loved how easy it was to get food that it was either a brisk 5 minute walk or less, and there was a walmart not a 3 minute drive away! great venue holiday matsuri.

>> No.6494599

Oh that makes sense

>> No.6494605

Can we get a story or some about how she is rude?

>> No.6494607

I had a great time at the con. My biggest complaints were the homestuckers more or less clogging the hallway and the small little outside sitting area that, other than the mass amounts of ponies and homestuckers, would have been a great place for photos. Other than that, the con SEEMED to run rather smoothly (despite having to scramble for last-minute staff for contests because the original host/judge either couldn't make it, or decided they didn't want to do it at the last minute).

The only thing that truly irritated me was that there was such a huge discrepancy between panel times/locations on the website and in the official con guide. My group and I spent a lot of time advertising for events that we then had to go back and change the time for b/c it had changed on us. But despite being a small con, we got good crowds and really enjoyed the weekend.

As far as all the Sarah Boo haterading...knowing her personal she's a sweetheart so I don't really see how anyone could hate her.

>> No.6494616

>Sarah Boo, a sweetheart.
Why does everyone use this word to describe a cosplayer? She is an attention whore just like 80% of "popular" cosplayers here.

>> No.6494617

"Here" as in Florida.

>> No.6494618

Maybe cause I know her outside of whatever "4-chan fam" she's somehow accrued? What you're allowed to think whatever you want, just form your opinion.

>> No.6494622

She's your generic "lol I want to be famous and hot" con girl. Craves attention and you can tell. Id put money that she's in this thread right now because to her attention is attention. In person at many cons she only wants to deal with you if your her "friend", or have a camera. Other cosplayers get the fake nice treatment, trust me.

>> No.6494629

What the fuck is a 4chan fam?
Also most of her "old" friends tolerate her horrible behavior for some reason. You must be a new college or con friend....you will learn soon enough when she either uses you or drops you because she can't use you.

>> No.6494631

Who judged the contest? Maybe that's why the awards were garbage.

>> No.6494633

Probably referring to people who are plastered all over 4-chan for one reason or another (Yaya for her yayas, PT, etc). I'm curious how many people here actually know her or just go off of what's posted.

>> No.6494644

The con was okay I guess.

If you think about all the new cons that have been announced in FL for the past two years (FAE, SwampCon, UmiCon, SukoshiCon, Khaotic Kon, BelleCon, WasabiCon, KnightroKon, etc..), this may have been the best new one. Not that may be saying much.

The costume contest looked kind of lame since a lot of entries were entered at other conventions. Some of which had even won awards already. Also I normally don't mind Homestuck, but it was really out of control here. Half of the convention was HomeStuck. The con and hotel staff seemed friendly enough, but I can't speak for the actual organization. Nobody bothered me.


I have one, but I don't really care enough to say anything.

>> No.6494655

tbh, I hung out with her for part of the weekend and never heard anything about a judge. The only obsessing she did was over the bunny avenger girls. To be fair though, bunny girls were asking for it, and she had enough class to wear a flattering tsubasa design as opposed to the BIG girl in the bunny group.

>> No.6494668

Pkease do share. Im honestly interested if there's any truth in this because my close friend cosplays with her and this worries me.>>6494655

>> No.6494672

Rest of post dropped oops. I was going to say wow she sounds like a bitch. Awesome.

>> No.6494676

forgot to add-I'm not saying the big bunny girl deserves hate, but curvy girls who work extra hard to tailor cosplays to their figure do not get the attention they deserve

>> No.6494689

Are you forgetting the fact that her mom did it all? So good job mom on making your little flower look "good"

>> No.6494693

Oh, I have some stories. I'm currently her roommate and OHMYGOOOODDD. Seriously. She does just use people. There's pretty much a parade of people coming in and out at almost all hours. Not just any people, either. Stupid little cosplay people in the area. I guess she invites them over to "work on cosplay together" and they pretty much just do her stuff, then she sleeps with them. Some nights, I can't even go into the livingroom. It's RIDICULOUS.
this cunt, seriously.

>> No.6494699

as someone in fashion school, that is an ignorant thing to say. Her mom may have done all the sewing, but the dress was designed to her exact specifications. She supervised the whole thing and made adjustment as well as did bead and jewel details to make the design her own. When Michael lord works with a seamstress to realize his vision, nobody cares. Why should a little contest be even more anal???

>> No.6494702

Because of the simple fact she is saying she made it all, not that her mom did the sewing work. She even claims to make parts of the costume that she bought.

>> No.6494716

As someone who knows her in real life (and her roomies as well), I SOMEHOW feel like you're not actually one of her roommates.

Yes, she can be a bitch, but this is really stretching it.

>> No.6494718

I had the distinct feeling that this was mostly sarcasm and exaggeration.

>> No.6494734

But with cosplay it's a little bit different. It wasn't HER design. Most cosplays are based off of art by someone else, not an original design by the wearer. So if her mom did in fact sew the costume for her, she basically just sat there an watched.

>> No.6494737

If it was one of her roomies I bet they'll get an awkward shitstorm lol

>> No.6494815

I watched the Pokemon Contest and a fucking kugurumi won best craftmanship.

>> No.6494820

The random girl was probably my friend and I. We were informed by the person at the contest sign-up booth that the Holiday Costume Contest lineup was at 7 and was told to tell everyone else that seemed festive that there were changes. Mind you the changes were told to us like 20 minutes before the lineup. We shouldn't have been the ones telling people, that's what con staff was for, but we were nice enough to tell people who actually really wanted to be in the contest what was up. The fact that there was no communication and it was poorly run is no big deal really, it's their second year and it was a tiny convention in my eyes. I just think people who take this shit so seriously (for the judges and prizes we're getting) need to chill the fuck out.

The Pokemon costume contest was the same, and no big deal either; it was running late as well but I have no complains other than the categories. How the hell I won the smart category I have no idea. There were no indications in how anyone really won (like craftsmanship), and it just felt like a sympathy handout just because I made my own costume and my friend's costume by hand days before the con.

TL:DR the con was okay and everyone needs to chill the fuck out.

>> No.6494830
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Can we get some more con photos? I'm not seeing much

>> No.6494843
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my one and only horrifying thing I witnessed was seeing a fat homestuck dirk crossplay coming out of the men's bathroom as I was going to the women's.

why do you think you're a skinny white boy. you're a fat hambeast. you don't have a penis. why was this allowed.

>> No.6494873

Probably one of those tumblrkids that think they're ~trans~.

>> No.6494876

Oh god

>> No.6494879
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>> No.6495038

hey next time you take photos from my facebook just lemme know first so i don't spend 15 minutes trying to figure out why they look so familiar.

>> No.6495377

Yep, it's a FL con, alright.

>> No.6495386

Sarah Boo is going to judge a contest in Florida. Aside from kapalaka I think this is a bad roster for a judging team, but many smaller FL cons are the same. http://swampcon.com/events/cosplay/

>> No.6495400

There's no way this girl made this cosplay. No way at all.

>> No.6495401

why do you say that?

>> No.6495411

I say this because her usually quality of cosplay is complete crap, and this >>6493671 looks somewhat good.
>no Progress pics
I'm not saying that she bought it or anything. I'm just saying her usual quality is crap and if she actual made this I'd be rather impressed.

>> No.6495426

Who is this cosplayer? I don't know, it just looks 'okay' to me, nothing stellar. I've seen much better Velvets.

>> No.6495439
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It's almost like... she improved and/or put more effort into this costume. Which is impossible, cause people never get better at things.

>> No.6495461
File: 134 KB, 900x900, tumblr_mf4u0t0ChM1qcjmwlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Did this con really happen this past weekend? Huh. This thread is amusing. Please continue.

>> No.6495511
File: 103 KB, 546x960, 536721_397175213685053_1905434617_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her usual quality anon, and this was only last month.

>> No.6495518

Yusette cosplay. She's been around for a couple of years. Another generic attention whore much like Sarah Boo. But I believe Sarah Boo's been around a lot longer.

>> No.6495520

>implying people's skills can't improve
>implying this costume even required extreme measures of skill

I think she would have had to make more effort in attempting to make it look BAD. I mean... the design isn't terribly hard.

>> No.6495530

Anon I want to see cosplay pics of you in comparison. If you are tearing apart this quality of costume you'd better be in the finest of garb.

All I see is a simple costume highlighted because it's on an attractive girl. It might not look as great on a fattychan/ugly chick.

>> No.6495540

Yeah as if I'd post myself on here, thus being an Anon would be pointless.

>> No.6495564

>confirmed to be a butterface/fatty

Or maybe your cosplay crafting is just subpar? Either way... if you can't back up your claims dont jump down someone else's crafting skills when it's apparent there was a distinct effort placed in the outfit.

>> No.6495568
File: 30 KB, 344x291, yeah-nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And? From this to >>6493671 in a month doesn't seem impossible, or even improbable.

FL... I swear...

>> No.6495570

Sure thing Anon.

>> No.6495574
File: 441 KB, 1200x873, Konachan.com - 140802 brown_hair glasses keg kujikawa_rise long_hair persona persona_4 seifuku white yellow_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding on about the hotel part, every staff member I ran into was very friendly and very interested in what was going, some even asking about particular costumes they saw around. Of course there were those particular con-goers that make me facepalm, I even gave the hotel attendant an apologetic look while sharing the elevator with these kids.
Overall, I liked the con though I only went on Friday. Pic related also, I cosplayed this version of Rise on Friday.

>> No.6495588

Korin, I love you. Are you going to mega cause I miss seeing you around.

>> No.6495592

Oh! This brings up a good point!

I only had pleasant experiences with the staff members. One of them noticed me and a friend discussing the map/baffled and confused looking for an event and the staff member nicely pointed out where it was and sent us on our merry way.

For the Maid Cafe I accidentally arrived an hour late and started to worry that they wouldn't let me in... the event organizer just smiled and handed me a ticket with no qualms about it.

>> No.6495605

I meant to say an employee at the hotel, not a staff member of the con itself, but I do agree, they were very nice and made it a pleasant con for myself.

>> No.6495608

Shit yeah I'm going to Mega! It's my favorite Florida con and I miss all you classy guys.
I've been busy with real life stuff and getting a house, so cons have kinda taken a back seat to a lot of things.

>> No.6495613

Nice! Any idea what you're wearing? Being curious don't mind me lol

>> No.6495669

I'm sorry! ;_;

>> No.6496270

The hotel staff was EXCEEDINGLY nice.
Me and my friends were guilty of being a little too loud on the balconies at a late hour (unintentionally, mind you) and the woman who seemed to be the head of hotel security asked us EXTREMELY NICELY to quiet down a bit.
Like probably the nicest hotel staff I've ever experienced.

>> No.6496486

I liked the fact this con was close to the holidays. Call me a romantic but I've always wanted to attend 'holiday themed' anime events. I wish there was a Halloween convention so there might be scarier costumes. Or so I can see lolitas in orange/black outfits etc.

>> No.6496564
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I caused many hall traffic problems Friday and Saturday night. They walked by, smiled, and never said anything.

>> No.6497601


>> No.6497633


Sounds like Dupont from Anirage. XD Give it rest Dupont.

That's funny though people should say about Sarah Boo, she's gonna be part of a cosplay group of Kore Wa Zombie desu ka with Alouette, GothTea, and some guy whom FL con people know..

So you guys think that she and Yusette both are attention whores, what about some of the others, like Bi-Dentity Cosplay? I'm sure they're good people right?

>> No.6497648

Hmm. Called out by last name. Who is this?

>> No.6497656

im pretty sure you're getting toneriko mixed up with Alouette which I dont see how since they look nothing alike aside from both being tall. Sarah, Ashley, and Catherine already did that group at AFO. I highly doubt Alouette will do anything from that show considering she doesnt really cosplay much from anime to begin with

>> No.6497657

Are you ten years old? No one can criticize others unless they're better than them? It doesn't take years of sewing to see >>6495511 is piss poor.

>> No.6497680

Uhhhh actually they do look alike

>> No.6497694
File: 56 KB, 426x640, 528052_393243124063957_1974905533_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually no. Here is Toneriko

>> No.6497699
File: 33 KB, 960x640, 524176_500372459989783_1448836115_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the is Alouette. Sorry mate, not seeing it

>> No.6497710

all rite perple rook teh same

>> No.6497711

Yeah, Tonriko. Sorry, I meant Tonriko. I kept thinking it was Alouette, since she hangs with both. But Catherine and the others are gonna attempt it again, and this time, with a proper Ayumu to round out the group.

Alouette cosplays from just comics correct?

And holy shit we were right? It was either a toss up betweenhim or that guy who runs that spade photo place.

>> No.6497712

I love this girl. Im kind of sad she disappeared off the cosplay and convention scene.

>> No.6497714

She cosplays from some anime...I know she did Mami, Sailor Uranus, and Princess Tutu. But yeah her big and "known" cosplays are comics / vidya games. I know her personally, and I can tell shes way more passionate about comics and games then most anime

>> No.6497721

Again, who are you?

>> No.6497750

Im curious too.

>> No.6497887

We prefer to remain nameless for now. But to be frank, we've met Sarah before and she was really nice. I mean, if she's been in a mood, maybe it's because of other factors.

Though, she has a wide amount of creepers/stalkers, maybe she's also been crabby about that. (Shrugs)

Though, this whole thing about Sarah reminds us of the time someone posted Vic Mignogna in the cosplay section...and wow, truths revealed galore.

>> No.6498219

What about Bi-Dentity? Are you Sarah Boo or Yusette?

>> No.6498249

Wow you are obviously a friend of hers or even her because if you even pay attention to the FL cosplayers you know she is only nice to her friends or those who can give her something and has no creepers at all. Like seriously. I NEVER heard of her having creepers or stalkers. Why would you even want to creep on that?

>> No.6498258

Not on topic at all but now that you all are speaking like that Im convinced you're geth. Thought Id share

>> No.6498276

LOL, I get it. They are legion.

>> No.6498280

This is why I'm mostly going out of state next year. Fuck Florida.

>> No.6498302

Same. God Mega is really the only con I like here, plus AFO for nostalgia / shits and giggles

>> No.6498334

Who the fuck is "we". I'm only curious because you called me out by my last name, something very few people a) know and b) refer to me by.

>> No.6498355

Though I don't like many cons in Florida, I have to say Megacon is my absolute favorite convention. I haven't been to any big west coast cons, but plenty along the Atlantic.

>> No.6499246

This is a good decision. Florida conventions are cancer, let this thread be proof of that. I got sick of the back-stabbing a long time ago.

>> No.6499362

FL Oldfag here. Who the fuck are all of these people? So much selfpost and samefagging.

>> No.6499380

I've been wondering that myself. I know Sarah and Aloutte, but fuck me if I could tell you the other ones.

>> No.6501488

I consider myself a middle-age FL fag. I know most of the old ones, most of the "current" ones, and some of the newer ones mentioned here. I just dont know the ancients and fetuses lmao

>> No.6501842

same dude. Its awkard

>> No.6501927