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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6487972 No.6487972[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


So a few cosplayers make a music video....

>> No.6488116

She really just looks silly in that whole video.

>> No.6488119
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she tries too hard

>> No.6488122

isn't she a cunt in real life though?

>> No.6488124
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No idea. But anyone who makes a living from copyrighted media while claiming Disney has hired them to do guest spots/events is kinda bleh in my book.

>> No.6488130

She's just full of herself. She does this disney princess crap because she wants people to believe she IS some sort of princess.

>> No.6488135
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Party princess/cosplayer party thread?

Spieling Peter just joined True Enchantment. The fandom is crashing down. He can kiss his face character friends adieux...

>> No.6488138

OP here, I thought the video was very mediocre. The way they re-did the song was absolutely terrible and the way she over acted everything made the whole thing very cheesy :/

>> No.6488139

She is pretty, thin, and has a nice voice.
y'all are jelly.

>> No.6488142

>Um, miss... you're overweight. Please have some self-respect.

>> No.6488141
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so jelly

>> No.6488148

Ahh I think the idea was ok, and everything definitely looks pretty but there's something about how they edited it all together that just makes it look so awkward. I guess I just personally wish it was a little less "Traci singing while dressed as Ariel" and more just shots of her doing random things and actually acting like Ariel?

Also the prolonged eye contact with the camera makes me really uncomfortable. Needs more Eric and Max.

>> No.6488151

I don't find her to be especially pretty. She has a large mouth and a weird face. Definitely not impressive enough to be some sort of disney idol like she wants to be.

She does have an okay voice, but she ruins it with all the attention whoring and ego flaunting. the little mermaid came out 20 years ago it's time to move on and get a job.

>> No.6488152

Though it is a smart, smart move. Traci may be an egotistical liar who is obsessed with trying to present herself as a Disney princess, but she knows what she's doing. He's incredibly popular and you know fangirls will be trying to throw together parties just to hire him.

>> No.6488155


she is too tan and wears too much horrible makeup to be a good ariel :(

>i am a jelly bitch, etc etc

>> No.6488161

Her voice is definitely mediocre, but the way she changes it to sound more like Ariel's and whenever she tries to pull a cute little note or vibrato she sounds dumb.

>> No.6488163


>...from the moment I first saw Ariel splash onto that movie screen, I knew she and I were one and the same. Think I’m crazy yet? Oh just you wait.

Lol okay.

>Both costumes were created by my extremely talented friend Lisa Fabio, who creates most of the costumes I currently wear-they were made for me to wear at events with True Enchantment Entertainment. I do get to help with detail work from time to time, like bedazzling and sometimes giving input on fabric choices and opinions on designs, but Lisa is hands down the true genius and visionary for the costumes. In regards to costume design, my talents lie more in makeup artistry and hair/wig styling.

Bedazzling? Really?

>Traci auditioned for American Idol in 2008 and 2009. (This photo is from 2008. Traci made the dress herself – can you guess where she got the extra material?)

I thought Lisa made that.

Also why does her mole keep switching sides of her face?

>> No.6488169

She should really find a vocal coach... you can almost hear her vocal nodes from her constantly straining. I mean, to be fair, in terms of a party princess her voice is pretty standard--little kids don't know the difference between an actually good voice and one that just mimics decency.

>> No.6488177
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>> No.6488180

I think her voice sounds awesome. What exactly is bad/unprofessional about it? Not trying to start drama or anything, just curious.

>> No.6488204

Not the anon, but it's pretty obvious. She tries too much to sound like Jodi Benson because she wants to be Ariel. Their voices are similar but she has nowhere near the range or control Jodi Benson does, which is why all of her attempts at recreating Jodi's staccato notes come off as pinched and flat with a distinct tinny sound. She also can't emit a vibrato at all; every time she does it falls short, she runs out of breath to sustain it, or she just plain whiffs it and fucks up the width of each oscillation.

>> No.6488210


Not a cosplayer, but an adorable k-pop girl. She is so much better. Love the mom in the background playing the piano.

I watched Traci and while I love the design of the dress, it do this it's a nice re-design... There's one shot of her singing and it's a close up of her face. The look she gives the camera, it made me wince. Not a princess look, too sexy.

>> No.6488229

Oh god the errors in my post.

*It's a nice re-design - no idea what the hell I was trying to type in front of it.

>> No.6488234

Listen to Jodi Benson singing Part of Your World. Or even Sierra Bogess. Then listen to Traci.

There's such a difference between someone who knows how to sing something properly with their own voice (Sierra, for example, adapted the song to fit with her own voice rather than try to imitate Jodi Benson) and someone who is trying very hard to emulate another singer in pitch and tone but who cannot actually do it. Traci is trying to sing in a higher register to match Jodi Benson's tone, but you can hear how tight and pinched her vocals are whenever she tries to sustain a note for even a modest period of time or during certain parts, like "burn" "up where they walk, up where they run, etc." You can hear how shaky her control is during parts like "Betcha on land they understand, bet they don't reprimand their daughters." Whenever she "riffs" it's her covering up the fact that she can't sustain that note or hold it well enough without it cracking or sounding even more tinny than usual.

If you listen to her other song covers, it's the same. She has a decent enough voice for a children's performer where little kids aren't going to go "omg mom her vibrato sucks!" but to trained ears... ehhhh...

>> No.6488237

Oh my god the engrish she is trying so hard and it is so cute, I can't handle all these feels.

>> No.6488240

Is it just me or is that dress fitting weird? It's like it's too big for her but not too big all at the same time.

>> No.6488242

Lmao at "You want thingamabobs?" and the mom shaking her head.

She's not the best singer but to me, it's more pleasing to listen to because she's not trying and failing to pitch her voice higher and mimic a "Disney Princess voice" like Traci does

>> No.6488251

So, what is the verdict on princess party companies? People seem to dislike Traci--is it because she works for a knockoff princess party company? Or?