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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 275 KB, 1280x960, strippertier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6486531 No.6486531 [Reply] [Original]

Homestuck General Hospital

Feels like I'm autosaging nothing at all >>6483345

>> No.6486540

But why start with this picture

>> No.6486544
File: 36 KB, 525x156, Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 10.04.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's gonna be this kind of thread, huh.

I do not envy her job.

>> No.6486550

You do realize you don't have to start a thread with a prettied up photo, right? Good, bad, or anything in between still counts.

Also in the last thread, 'strippertier' discussion was started >>6486242

Someone said they were lenient towards it because 'they were clearly having fun.'

Think of how no one around them was having fun and feeling fucking uncomfortable. This is one of those things that gets Homestuck such a bad reputation.

>> No.6486549

I used to think that dave was the worst part of this group. Then I saw Rose's southward-migrating boobs. I want to run and cover her with a towel seriously so much second hand embarrassment it hurts.

>> No.6486555
File: 277 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_m9yeolumVo1qmhipeo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have the photoset of this Dave that (I think) went around in the past week or so? The photographer was ace and shopped to the point where if you saw the photos without seeing these candid types, you'd think the Dave looked good.

>> No.6486556

Is John wearing a felt wig?

>> No.6486586

I don't think so- it just looks that was in this pic because it's a bit overstyled.

>> No.6486592
File: 94 KB, 623x700, 1353946203245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh christ, here we go again.

>> No.6486600
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>> No.6486604
File: 322 KB, 1280x1704, tumblr_meucleyMZN1r3iotno3_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, found it.

>> No.6486605
File: 327 KB, 1280x1704, tumblr_meucleyMZN1r3iotno2_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this photoset has over 1200+ notes.

>> No.6486610
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Holy christ that is a fat Karkat, yo. God damn. I guess you could say... he's a fatkat.

>> No.6486617

The guy holding up Dave looks like Ders

>> No.6486621
File: 48 KB, 467x698, 3485527258_4261063a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this Fef.

>> No.6486625

Not really enjoying the fabric choice for the skirt but she's cute. I like how much volume her wig has.

>> No.6486628

What's Homestuck and why does it have so many cosplayers?

>> No.6486629

Don't know who Ders is, but I'm pretty sure the guy holding up Dave is that creepy dude who always tries to pick people up (literally).

I saw him at ALA last year and AX this year. Both times he kept insisting that we (friend and I) should let him pick us up and ride around on his shoulders. Like with out crotches to the back of his head/thighs by his head.

We kept telling him no and he kept insisting we do it. It was fucking skeevy as shit. I don't want a stranger picking me up, if you ask and someone says no, don't keep asking? We eventually walked away since he would stop and went to the con staff desk to let them know about him. They said they'd received complaints about him already.

>> No.6486630

Homestuck is a shitty webcomic and it has a lot of cosplayers because a lot of the characters have outfits that are very simple and easy to cosplay, and since you can buy shirts with the symbols on them, take literally no effort to make.

>> No.6486632
File: 19 KB, 361x73, Screen Shot 2012-12-12 at 10.30.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi ashley.

>> No.6486633

Ders, from Workaholics. I guess not that many people watch Workaholics in this fandom, so nevermind.

>> No.6486635

>What is it
A web comic that combines a lot of different medias such as flash, gifs, still images, text, and interactive flash games.
>Why does it have so many cosplayers
It's at the height of it's popularity. Just like the giant crowds of Naruto and Kingdom Hearts in their days. A lot of people think they can get away with putting very little effort into their costumes and still look good. There are a lot of people who have never cosplayed before who flock to it because it looks easy.

>> No.6486638

A webcomic about a boy named John on his 13th birthday. He receives a game in the mail that he plays with his friends, that end up destroying the earth itself and meeting aliens from another planet playing the same game. Not a very good description sorry, but here's the website!

>> No.6486640

hi cgl.

>> No.6486648

That would be me. Were you at the con they were at? Did you feel uncomfortable? I'm sorry if you did, but did a good job at generally keeping to themselves and other Homestucks. It definitely wasn't hard since most Homestuck fans at that particular con kept to one general area and behaved themselves quite well, which I know comes as a shock to many.

Homestuck fans are gonna do completely inane shit at cons, but that's a given. What are you, new? I can't apologize on behalf of this group or anything, but if this shit seriously rustles your jimmies when things like nudestuck are still alive and strong I don't really know what to say to you other than back out of the fandom for a little bit.

>> No.6486656


>> No.6486654

Having fun should not mean that you completely disregard how to function like a normal human in society.

>> No.6486661

Does anyone know something about a freaky Eridan cosplayer in Toronto? I heard that he took a girl bac to his hotel room and she was stone cold drunk apparently.
Does anyone know who this guy is? Or if that girl is okay?

>> No.6486676

>implying anyone functions like normal humans at cons

>> No.6486684

>What are you, new?

I've been cosplaying Homestuck for two years, and I've been on cgl since before Yaya had her boob job.

It was uncomfortable for several con goers, not only me. There's a very, very big difference between their cosplay group and nudestuck. You do not see Homestuck cosplayers walking around in the buff at cons. It is on the internet, and you can avoid it.

Nudestuck participants are also 18+ for the most part (not to say that some younger ones haven't slipped through). A few of the people in that cosplay group were quite young.

I don't go to cons to see scantily dressed barely-teens, no matter the fandom. It is no secret that there are some fucking seedy people at cons, and while that group may be doing it to have fun, no one can deny it's going to attract those scummy people.

>> No.6486688


>> No.6486686

In Toronto there is one Eridan cosplayer who has been accused of groping and inappropriate fondling/hugging/clinging, but while their hands are wandering and their social skills are lacking, they are not a rapist.

>> No.6486690


I'm gonna call some bullshit on you. These cosplayers have the exact same coverage as a Black Rock Shooter cosplayer, or a Yoko cosplayer, or a ton of other cosplayers. But no one says those cosplayers aren't acting like adults.

If they were running around groping people they didn't know, yeah, that would be shitty. But if they did what >>6486648 said which was stick to their friends and homestucks i'm not seeing a problem with them.

And even if there was a problem, it would be on them, not their very common skin amount coverage for an anime con outfits.

>> No.6486705

Why is everyone in defense of this group disregarding how young some of them are? Stripper outfits for kids aren't okay. I don't care how they behave in them, good or bad.

Have none of you ever been to the cosplay creeper stories thread? Do you have no idea how people can get, especially at cons? Some of these people are young teens. People don't want t see them show that much skin, and those that do are fucked up.

>> No.6486720

Ah I see. Shit, story I was told got amped up.

>> No.6486726

It helps to know that they don't have a dick.

>> No.6486747
File: 104 KB, 493x740, italianrose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit dropped my picture

>> No.6486744

implying that female-bodied people can not rape?
glad to clear it up. They have been accused of a lot in the past, and they dont need anymore lies on their name.

back to cosplay - contributing and requesting roses

>> No.6486756

Laughing really hard at that filename omg

>> No.6486765

That's not something we have control over, though. I wouldn't say I'm defending them, just pointing out that it's not really something you can stop or discourage. If they aren't aware how how people act at conventions, it's really not anyone's business but their own to recognize those risks and act accordingly.

I have no idea how old they are but assumed they were at least 18 since they all definitely look it. If some of them are underage, that pretty much sucks and it's seedy of them to be acting that way, but like that other anon pointed out, this isn't really anything "new" in any convention-related context, least of all Homestuck, and again, it's not something we can scold them over and actually expect to be taken seriously over.

>> No.6486769

What Tim are you because if you're Tim Tim then heeyyy

>> No.6486773

Not with an actual dick they can't, which was part of the rumor that went around. Don't you fucking go turning this into social justice.

>> No.6486780
File: 477 KB, 500x281, 1298060072306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what Tim Tim means but there is a Homestuck cosplayer who has also posted here as Tim before and I can assure you that is definitely not me as I don't cosplay Homestuck (much)

But hey anon heeeeeyyy

>> No.6486785

You mentioned you were lenient toward them in the last thread, which generally means somewhat encouraging. While no one can flat out stop them, it also shouldn't be something they're encouraged to do.

Some of them are 18, some of them are not.

Your posts have been nothing but saying how people shouldn't be upset or unsettled by them when they're just having fun. What fucking part of their age aren't you getting? I see you're backpedaling now, but just admit you fucked up.

Whether or not skimpy outs are new or not (and the post you're referring to says nothing of age or if younger folk in revealing outfits is hunky dory) when it comes to underage cosplays that doesn't make it a-okay.

>it's really not anyone's business but their own to recognize those risks and act accordingly.

Because underage people are entirely capable of making the best decisions ever. I'm at a loss for your logic.

Do you even cosplay or take photographs, or do you just dawdle around threads here acting like you know what you're doing?

>> No.6486788
File: 223 KB, 494x700, tumblr_mer1hmzmuH1r6nzsco1_r4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's a regular wig. He came to our room a few times during that con since he's buddies with one of my roomies.

She's cute, but I suspect a self post. I like the volume of wig, but at same time it looks very un-styled. Also the super long shorts under the skirt really bug me. If they were short swimmer shorts or if the skirt was actually longer than them it would probably look better

I really doubt you were at the con. The only one underage is the Jade and she had people with her most of the time. While I do not like what they cosplayed I'm not gonna bitch about them doing it. For the most part all their goodies are covered up. I've seen rave skanks in see-through skirts and candie bikini walking around sac anime during the day when children are around. I've seen 14 year olds trying to be sexy no jutsu girls at those cons as well. Everyone in that group is covered, so shut up over being offended by skin.
>>6486705 are you out policing the 13 year olds who hang out in malls on the weekends? Today's teens are usually skimpily clad sluts. It's sad but true. I believe the Jade was 14? Which is young, but it was her choice to wear it. Get the fuck over yourself and what you think people should wear.

>> No.6486791

Tim as in buttpilgrim Tim, iirc.

>> No.6486793

>is down with the stripper outfits
>finds out cosplayers are underage
>"Well they're responsible for themselves, you see."

Do you also think people who get raped were 'asking for it' with how they dress? Because that's how your reasoning is coming across.

>> No.6486799

I posted the Fef, and it's not a self-post. She's a Swedish (or Norwegian??) cosplayer. The one who took the photo of the Sollux and Kanaya grocery shopping ages ago.

I'm not hot on the skirt either, but I do actually like shorts (though I know they're not canon and see why people wouldn't like them).

The wig is my favorite part though, and I'm not sure how it seems unstyled? She's a sea-dweller, so I don't think it's unreasonable to have such a beachy/tousled look.

>> No.6486800

I think you're trying to make it look that way. The one underage girl was with a group of friends who are all avid Sac con and Sac Anime con goers and are popular on tumblr for their costumes at it. If her friends did not prepare her for possible con creeps it is their fault for not just saying "hey beware of pervs" I believe she had pepper spray in a bag, and she was with the Dave and John most of the weekend.

>> No.6486806

>I really doubt you were at the con.

Except that I was? It was practically Brony con. I think that little corner outside the hall that turns into a nonstop rave party is dumb as fuck too.

I even recall how at SacAnime in January, one girl was dancing in the group and someone was grinding on her. Tasteless, right? Well, then the crowd started chanting, "Rape her, rape her, rape her."

SacAnime is such a fucked up con, I swear to god. Then again, it's Sacramento. The sun-dried meth-head of California.

Also holy shit, the Jade being 14.

A 14 year old doing a stripper outfit, that's something to tell people not to condone, clearly.

>> No.6486821

Sure is tumblr logic here

Yes, I said I was "lenient," which I admit could've been worded better. I don't want to give people the impression that I'm some sort of authority on what is acceptable in Homestuck fandom or cosplay, because I'm not. If by your definition of "lenient" I'm saying that strippertier is totally okay and that I am totally for it, then I think we might have different definitions. To make it clear, since I obviously didn't do that before, I'm largely ambivalent about strippertier cosplay. I don't actively encourage it, nor do I actively criticize it because regardless of what MY particular stance is, it's gonna happen and the last thing to change that is my opinion of it one way or the other. I'd probably venture that your impassioned thoughts on this probably wouldn't make them change their minds about this particular cosplay either.

Underage people aren't the most responsible people out there, but since when is that my fault? Or yours? Or anyone else's but perhaps their own or their parents'? They have access to endless information regarding this kinda stuff, and if they or their guardians choose not to take advantage of that and act according to what they learn, that is on them. Sorry if you disagree with that.

I feel like you've misconstrued my original post and are dogging me for being some sort of rape-enabler (nice jump in logic there). All I can apologize for is not making my stance clearer and for wording it badly.

>> No.6486822
File: 764 KB, 900x584, royalty_by_snowdrak-d4jbmbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To answer >>6485763 question, NYCstuck is pretty chill I think and the small group I'm in is full of nice people.

>> No.6486830

>A fourteen year old makes a stripper version of a character.

>4chan defends it repeatedly.

I can't tell if it's a bunch of tumblr social justice 'body policing' people or 4chan's usual sketchy folk.

>> No.6486846

It's that and it's a samefag mistaking people's attitudes of "don't give a shit" as supporting rape and misogyny

>> No.6486851

Knowing the Dave personally, I can say that he would not have let any harm come to their Jade, period.

Regardless, when I realized who their Jade was (knowing her age beforehand), I had to raise my eyebrows. Even if everyone in the group was watching her like a hawk, I'm still a little doubtful of the decision to allow someone underage as part of the group.

>> No.6486861

I'm going to say the same except that I found out about the Jade's age at the con. The Dave is one of the best people in the NorCal Homestuck community, but the Jade was just a bad decision. Every time I saw her when she wasn't actively posing for a photo she looked so miserable and uncomfortable and scared.

>> No.6486879
File: 1.28 MB, 1060x1600, tumblr_mexm3rqagl1qj2fd2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6486887

I'm a little confused. I'm actually friends with the Jade (brixyfire, yes?) and she's told me she's 18 this year! Maybe she's lied to me, maybe you're getting the info from something else, maybe I'm just stupidly confused. But as far as I'm aware, the Jade is 18, or maybe 17 at the con they wore Strippertier at.

>> No.6486901

and yet he did....
Oops, I let the cat out of the bag, didn't I?

>> No.6486904

I just heard from someone else that the Jade was underage. I do not know her, and only know the others in passing, but I'll stand by saying that every time I saw her at that con she looked like she didn't want to be there and wearing that outfit. Maybe I read her wrong, but she didn't seem to be having much fun.

That being said, the other anons are right, these were far from the skankiest outfits at the con that day, and it was on a Sunday.

>> No.6486909

Pretty hilarious when I net 5k notes in 3 hours and Homefags are bragging about 1200 notes

>> No.6486913

Thinking about doing DD. Question: Has anyone ever done a "proper" Droog without lapels on his jacket? Because I imagine it'd look hella dumb.

>> No.6486933

Working on a genderbent!GT John. Any tips on making it not a shitty trainwreck, cgl? Don't worry, I'm not slutting it up.

>> No.6486948


She is not in a million years 18, although I think she turned 15 a few days ago. She still needs rides from her parents to meetups and everything.

>> No.6486956

please know how to sew

>> No.6486963
File: 600 KB, 1041x1570, 1345923699132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HSG, question!! So many of the cosplayers in the fandom seem to be teenagers. Who are some of the older (like, 21+ fans) in the fandom? Well-known or not, I don't care. I'm getting into Homestuck but I don't want to be drinking with underage idiots at conventions.

>> No.6486972

Where are you located might be a good thing to mention.

>> No.6486978

Ah, sorry. East coast! Next convention I'll be attending is Katsucon. I do the usual run of east coast conventions: Katsu, AnimeBoston, Otakon, NYCC

>> No.6486979
File: 9 KB, 650x450, 1320005909886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am one but I stopped cosplaying HS entirely because of how rare tolerable fans are in my area.

>> No.6486982


>> No.6486983


Same. I've only done two Homestuck costumes for AB last year and I think I'm already done.

>> No.6486992

I think there might actually be a Barstuck meet being planned at Katsucon? Iirc there was one at AnimeUSA (not the disaster of a draw party, but a legit one at the hotel bar where people were actually fucking carded) and I seem to recall a post about it in the Katsustuck tag on tumblr but I could be wrong. That being said, I know terminallyxsadistic is semi-well known in the area and they're over 21, and in general they tend to hang out with those of legal drinking age.

>> No.6486994

Barstuck would be...really fun, if planned well and didn't somehow get crashed by underage weenies. I hope that works out.

>> No.6486997


I'm a fellow old-fart on the East Coast!

Though I'm pretty much a loner nobody due to the saturation of teenagers. It's not even so much that I don't find them annoying, but I just feel really awkward being in a group of kids almost ten years younger than me.

Especially when I end up chatting with some of their parents. Though those parents are awesome though, supporting their kids' interests and watching out for them.

>> No.6486999

Oh snap I'm in the same boat as you! I've been cosplaying from Homestuck for a few months and I do love some of the kids but it would be nice to find people my own age...

Some of my friends have been talking about planning a barstuck Katsu, I should bug them into making a tumblr post of FB event for it or something...!

>> No.6487001

go to katsu midnight draw party, observe drunks, befriend

>> No.6487004

Honestly I'm afraid most of the midnight drunks will be 16 year olds

>> No.6487007

I was a midnight drunk at Katsu this year and I'm 25.

>> No.6487012

I haven't gone to Katsu in a few years but I fully plan on being drunk from 10 pm on, and will probably show up at the draw party. I'm 24.

>> No.6487015


that must make you... 25, 26... whatever. Really not that old. You may be missing out on friendships, even if theres an age gap. Nothing fun about talking to parents lol. just have fun or dont. Maybe you'll have better conncetions with rare people your age, but just have fun. I'm 26

>> No.6487017

I'm not missing out on friendships - I have PLENTY of fandom friends who are 16-20. I'm just looking to make a few more who are my age, not cut myself off from people younger.

>> No.6487019

besides terminallyxsadistic, any more people I should look out for?

>> No.6487042
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Hey >>6486785, >>6486793? See pic.

>> No.6487048

Ok, does anyone have any tips for lace front wigs? What liquid adhesive would you recommend?

My first time ever dealing with one.

>> No.6487050
File: 529 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_m9rbjbFae51ratlc8o9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piggybacking to ask if there are any California 20+ fans in here? My next con is probably Wondercon.

>> No.6487056

I'm (very) late to the drama party, but going back to the subject of Brett/Lauderdale/Ellistheharrible I've got some drama with her. Well, more like she has drama with me.
Okay this story will probably make it incredibly obvious who I am, but whatever.
Anyway, I'm not a very well known cosplayer, just a casual Roxy cosplayer in NorCal. I go to Fanime and SacAnime and I chill with friends and whatnot.
So anyways it's been mentioned to me through a mutual friend MUCH LATER that a while ago she sent me an anonymous message saying something like "Wow your roxy is so much better than mine!" and I jokingly replied "thanks i know." Apparently she took A HUGE OFFENSE TO THAT and bitched to her friends about it(maybe because I didn't bother kissing her ass like she's used to).

>> No.6487059

a LOT of California homestucks are 20+. Do you want SoCal, NorCal, either one because you might go to Fanime too, famous, lesser known, what are you looking for?

I'm a California Homestuck and the best way to find your fellow 20+ Homestuck fans is to look for the ones organizing groups, or the ones running around the shoots and hallways calming the loud underage kids and fixing everybody's wigs and makeup. Every time I've seen a Homestuck cosplayer just look a hyperactive Gamzee with a bike horn dead in the eyes and tell them flat out to stop, it's been an oldstuck.

>> No.6487061

Fast forward to SacSummer, I'm hanging out with some friends in the courtyard, along with Alex/Princebeefdirky. Now in person he's a pretty cool guy to hang out with, but Brett calls him over and starts bitching at him over something. Once she leaves we go up and ask what happened. He says something I can't remember but then points to me "And she also yelled at me not to hang out with you."
Now a little background info, this is still when her and Gabbi/Ferocity are still friends, and Gabbi has a little crush on this guy who has a crush on me. A guy who lives in Canada. Fucking Canada.
I ask Alex if it's about ferocity's crush and he said it was. So during the con they not only told him, but other people(which was later learned) not to hang out with me. Because Gabbi's jealous.

>> No.6487063

Now ANOTHER thing I later learned was from a friend who was friends with Brett at the time of SacSummer. While they were hanging out (Friend, Brett, and Gabbi) they both thought it a good idea to tell him that they decided if they could get away with killing anyone, it would be me.
Now in the time since she's sent me messages claiming she "doesn't have any beef" with me yet she has me blocked, which I find very amusing. There may be things I'm forgetting, but that's about it.

>> No.6487064

>thanks i know
Did you even attempt to make it obvious you were "jokingly" saying this, or could it have been read as serious? Because if I sent you a message like she sent, even anonymously, and I got that reply, I'd think you were being a massive bitch, and I wouldn't blame her for bitching to her friends about that.

>> No.6487066

I believe there's a type of glue that you can use specific to that, not sure of a name brand sorry. There's also tape that's used for lacefront wigs. Look up a video of how to apply a lacefrot and it might tell you.

>> No.6487068

yooooo, that's weird man.

>> No.6487077

Ah, there's a brand of glue called
Ultra Hold Adhesive for that type of thing. Hope it helps!

>> No.6487081

I honestly cannot remember exactly what I said, since it was a long time ago, and the message had so little an impact in my memory, but knowing myself and how I type on tumblr I probably put some sarcastic emote or some dumb reaction image that indicated a joking tone. I may or may not have said an actual thanks in the tags, but like I said, I don't remember.
Honestly though, for that I wouldn't blame her for bitching, whether I made my joking tone obvious online or not. All I know is that's apparently her reason to start hating me.

>> No.6487086

I do think that she took it a little too hard though, telling people not to hang out with you and spread a bad rep? Too much man.

>> No.6487088

I'm pretty sure you can also use spirit gum to attach lace fronts. Might be a cheapo option, though.

Sup sexy mama

I wonder if I've hung out with you before. I was talking to a Roxy cosplayer at the last SacAnime and she was talking about drama with some Homestuck group and how someone was jealous of her and etc. Were you at the drawparty on Sunday by any chance?

>> No.6487097

I might have been?? If it was a pink haired Roxy you were talking to then it might have been me.

>> No.6487101

georgia is this you

>> No.6487102

Yes anon this is me.

>> No.6487104

Spirit gum works like shit on most lace front wigs.

>> No.6487119

If you're looking for norcal peeps I don't know as many, but there's a bunch of cool 20+ folk I can think of in the SoCal realm.

Starting off with scuttlecat, lesser-known in a way but with two cosplays that spread like wildfire: Troll Hussie at AX 2011 and ALA 2012, and Caliborn at AX 2012. Drama-free, kind of shy, but also on a spree with drawing fantrolls.

April and Sam technically don't qualify I think?, but have enough presence and maturity to do so. Excluding the shit that went down with the AX 2012 gathering, fairly clean drama records for both.

Chazostatue/Nicholas (Jack Noir at Fanime 2011 and Summoner at AX 2011) might also be under 20, I'm not sure again. Not much of a partier either, but he's really mature and an absolute sweetheart.

>> No.6487120

That one in the blue
All my Hnnnng

>> No.6487125
File: 960 KB, 320x240, tumblr_m7a8l0lgGX1qihft3o1_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 19 close enough?

>> No.6487150
File: 89 KB, 489x640, cage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in here
>>6487059 and>>6487119, I was mostly asking about people in this thread, since I'm aware enough of the better-known people from Tumblr. Thanks, though.
I'm at uni in NorCal but spend parts of summer/spring break/winter in SoCal.

Ladyfellow I am much perturbed I missed you in the velvet Rose dress at the last SacAnime. You wore it pretty well.

>> No.6487155

Meant to add - picture not me; it's the Nic Cage from summer '12 SacAnime and my friend was receiving a bunny. It was his first time seeing Homestuck at a convention and he was pretty enthusiastic about getting pictures with everyone!

>> No.6487190

Which trolls do you think wearing fangs are basically a necessity for?

>> No.6487191

As some one who personally knows her I can confirm she's 18.

>> No.6487204

Terezi and Karkat need spiky teeth. Gamzee and Kanaya really need fangs. If you can get Sollux's teeth right without looking fucking stupid, you're a god. The rest it's not as important, but always a nice detail.

>> No.6487230

Vriska, Kanaya, and Nepeta for sure.

>> No.6487235

Aww man, I feel like there should be like a list of Homestuck assholes. Like "stay away from these douchebags if you see them at cons they're filled with drama"

>> No.6487252

Problem is that'll depend vastly on who you are, who you interact with, and what you do.

Even some of the people who get brought up as assholes or dramaqueens or whatnot have friends who they are quite nice people towards. And I wouldn't take 4chan's word for who's nice or not, because plenty of people I've met who 4chan says are the nicest ever and they're terrible, and plenty of people who 4chan hates I find to be entirely pleasant, and essentially all interactions are subjective.

Oooooor you can just notice if everybody in your local group seems to have issues with someone, and then avoid.

>> No.6487265

Except she isn't 18, unless you're operating in the sense that we've all been 18 online since we were 13 when it comes to having to put our age in for a site.

I know her. I even know where she lives (here's a hint, right fucking next to the mall). She's not 18.

>> No.6487270



>> No.6487275

Pretty much this. Using Lauderdale as an example, I recognize the fact that she's a drama bomb, but I keep myself firmly distanced away from that drama and have no problem interacting with her on a personal level. It's the same business with a bunch of people in the area I'm local to; there's a bunch of people who are GREAT to hang around with at cons for short periods of time, but are best avoided for out-of-meetup interactions due to drama potential.

>> No.6487299
File: 214 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mefl95TEtV1qecd9qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone name cosplayers (or fandom names) who'd be cool to hang out with at a con? Be it ten minutes or two hours, who are some mature, chill/funny people you'd like to meet (or have met)?

On my list: Adebimpe, Yaexrae, Hanyaan
I've talked briefly with Hanyaan twice and she's been nothing but chipper and a pretty swell human being even though both times I was on the brink of breaking into fangirl.

>> No.6487308

Look I'm not going to get into an argument online about it. In that picture, she probably wasn't 18.
But now. She is, only recently but she is 18.

>> No.6487311

I see Hanyaan pretty regularly at cons, but what I wouldn't give to be able to see Gabby or Yaexrae at a con JUST ONCE. Especially seeing those photos of Yaexrae pulling faces with her friends, they look like a lovely group to hang out with. If I see someone pulling unattractive faces in a skilled cosplay, I automatically get all the "I NEED TO MEET THIS PERSON" thoughts.

>> No.6487345

mm i'm an east coaster as well
but not old enough to drink lol
give me like six more months

>> No.6487358
File: 546 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_meqyh5gmMJ1roap7wo12_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was from the tigercon homestuck meet...

>> No.6487361
File: 67 KB, 675x566, i-am-so-sick-of-reading-this-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that terrible

>> No.6487368

the latula looks kind of cute
and that one nepeta is ok to me? although her coat is brighter than i prefer
there are two vriska a that look ok as well
but i can't really tell from this distance

>> No.6487371

4 people out of 40+ does not change the overall thought of the quality
That asian Nep on the ground is cute as fuck but sadly most of the photo is just terrible

>> No.6487374

Nepeta in the bright green jacket on the left, the Vriska with her, and the god-tier Jade behind them and a bit to the right (viewer-wise) look like they'd have potential.

The Caliborn in a Santa hat with its face directly towards the camera -- I thought it was one of the pig-people from Doctor Who and was briefly terrified.

>> No.6487395
File: 107 KB, 712x962, tumblr_mep79mOM8z1qim4fgo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was talk in the last thread about Hanari making the same smug face in each picture.
She may have finally picked the perfect character for that face.

Sage for not Homestuck.

>> No.6487399
File: 49 KB, 303x393, 1352059955225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hola guys, Scratchman here, thought I'd kinda jump in and post about something really quickly.

2012 was a fantastic year for Homestuck Gatherings and I'm looking forward to 2013's onslaught as well. Out of the gatherings I was privileged to be apart of AX was by far the busiest and most fun one yet.

As a bit of an aside I'd like to take the time to point out a post that I made on the MSPAforums regarding Convention Gathering Creation and management. It's a guide that I whipped up to share my thoughts and experiences with other potential Homestuck Gathering runners (or ANY other kind of gathering for that matter).

Feel free to peruse or share it with people whom you know are thinking about organizing a gathering. Night all.

>> No.6487402


The post in question


>> No.6487417

They look like they're having fun at least.

>> No.6487480

I'm apart of NYCstuck; love it. A little drama last year in December, but it's still a nice bunch!

>> No.6487484
File: 926 KB, 1917x2919, wayward_vagabond_by_truealaso-d4wi17d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how to do a good WV cosplay?

>> No.6487542

Anymore things about SDstuck? Other thread was inactive before I got a minute to read up..

>> No.6487553


For a Katsu Bar Meetup, what would be ideal? Is the drawmeet usually Saturday? Would people want to go drinking Thurs before con or Friday?

>> No.6487556

here's an old guide on how one person made the head:

it should be obvious, but get yourself a zentai suit. i've seen more than one wv cosplay at cons that would have been ten times better if the cosplayer used one instead of black clothing.

>> No.6487586

you ask this every single thread...

>> No.6487588

I haven't been in a thread in like forever, so no.

>> No.6487593

This is a true statement from the Otakon one.

But honestly most of the grownup HS group do come to the midnight draw meets and the bar meets. I personally don't drink, so it's a bit awkward for me, but it's a great time to meet older Homestucks.

>> No.6487602

i only really know massachusetts people and some nyc people, but lavendork and vantasss from bostonstuck are older and are really cool to hang with at cons. i talked to them at AAC and once or twice in a meetup, and i think they go to a lot of conventions

>> No.6487614

You say that like anyone cares about a sub par floridastuck who no one outside of florida knows or cares about.

>> No.6487616

Different question from the "what homestucks are over 21" but sort of on the same level.

Anyone know if any popular homestucks smoke weed? who?

>> No.6487619


Bostonstuck is all high school drama all the time but a few people are cool.

>> No.6487621

damaramegido said she smokes a while back. I know seerofsarcasm smokes too, and I heard rumors that lindzar does but they've never said anything about it themselves.

Interesting question though, has anyone ever seen a cosplayer who's cosplaying like, Gamzee or Damara smoking in cosplay either in real life or just in photos? I feel like it would be a great opportunity for a stoner (I wonder if damaramegido has since she cosplays Damara and seems to like her a lot.)

>> No.6487622

Vantasss is kawaii as fuck in person and both of them seem cool to hang with but >>6487619
yeah that

>> No.6487626

see >>6487602

>> No.6487637

I doubt you could get away with that at a convention.

>> No.6487656

not for at a convention, duh

>> No.6487667

I've seen incredibly stoned Gamzees at a con, but never actually smoking on camera. They were just sneaking off to stairwells or whatnot with a joint and then going to the meetup stoned.

Gamzee's a better choice than Damara if you're going to be high or drunk at a con. I've seen the drunkest Gamzees not noticed by younger fans as being drunk because they're being "in character", and it's hilarious.

>> No.6487672

Hey /cgl/- do you think that exact color match is more important, or good fabric choice is more important? I've found this excellent purple velvet to use for Rose's velvet squiddleknit dress- the only thing is, it's a shade or two darker than the purple of the dress in my reference image. Should I get it, or should I keep looking?

>> No.6487674

In my experience, any character is fine to be drunk or high at a con.

>> No.6487676

I love the idea of a damara cosplayer smoking up lol


>> No.6487675


For trolls, color needs to be exact

For kids you have a bit more leeway

>> No.6487677

I was thinking about doing one of the Maryams, it probably won't happen but what would you say about contacts? Jade green, whole black or rainbow drinker yellow?

>> No.6487679

>Different question from the "what homestucks are over 21" but sort of on the same level.
Draw meet is usually on Saturday, yes, and I've vaguely heard about the girl running it already planning it.

Glad you're trying to plan around it though, because if it was on the same day there's a higher chance of obnoxious drunks and a rehash of AUSA's draw party which ended up being like 90% drunk people making out.

That being said, Thursday is a good day if you want a smaller barstuck meet (probably advisable and more tangible too.)

>> No.6487682

At this point, good fabric choice is what will stand out. It's too easy to just find a standard cotton fabric of the perfect shade, since that's the first thing newbies do for a cosplay. Texture and body will make the actual costume itself look good, and god knows we could use more good velvet Roses.

>> No.6487685

depends on which Maryam. I like black for the younger trolls since that's canon, but if you're doing Porrim (who's old enough so that her eyes have probably started to turn) or Dolorosa, I say go with jade green.

>> No.6487687

who gives a fuck...? smoking weed isn't limited to "cool people". you sound like a 14 year old.

>> No.6487698

i think anon just wants to get high with people who arent retards.

I'd share with you anon, but I'm not in the States.

>> No.6487709

Pretty much this, but more in the Norcal area? Or at least people who attend Norcal cons

>> No.6487741

theres this horrible gamzee cosplayer in the dfw scene that is constantly high out of his mind, everyone worships him because he does the octopimp voice and smokes all the damn time but really hes disgusting and rude and touches people without having consent, etc. the usual trainwreck. his girlfriend is a lolcow as well

>> No.6487760
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>> No.6487774

Can I just talk about how much hate drunk teenagers at cons? AUSA was ridiculous. Granted many weren't underage, but it's just a shameful sloppy display that is rather distasteful.

>> No.6487807

I honestly could care less if people are drunk, or how old they are, as long as they don't make a scene.

>> No.6487809

Holy shit and that's a pretty decent Gamzee too, not just some fucker on a webcam wearing shitty paint and nothing else.

>> No.6487811

Here, have a drink and lighten the fuck up.

>> No.6487814

what does this have to do with homestuck

>> No.6487818

that was goddamned ridiculous, i can't remember it being nearly that bad at previous conventions. (then again, ausa is a relatively small con even with the upsizing of the venue, so maybe that affected my perception.)

at ausa there was a bit of a scene and it was fucking ridiculous but i am overall inclined to agree with you. not a big fan of public intoxication though so i was in major shock at the draw meet.

sage for technical lack of contribution.

>> No.6487819

Either they're trying to complain about drunk people who they don't like, or theyre trying to complain about Homestucks who drink and are underaged.
young dweebs in grey paint who are drunk off their ass=no fun for the rest of us

>> No.6487822

Me and my friends have baked grasshopper pie with weed for meets and cons (and for eating at home, its delicious). The best part is it looks like sopor slime pie, though we've never actually had it while any of us have been cosplaying Gamzee, which is a shame.
We used this recipe http://tw33k3r.tumblr.com/post/10186737784 and it turned out great.
Only downside is making sure no one eats it unsuspectingly.

>> No.6487825

Could I request some good Vriskas to get the thread back on topic?

>> No.6487837

Oh I should note that you can make it without drugs if you just want a tasty, sharable prop.

>> No.6487848
File: 187 KB, 900x1350, i_never_knew_daylight_could_be_so_violent_by_andatariel-d51oujj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6487846

Out of curiosity, what's the WAstuck group like?

>> No.6487868

Oh god, are you fucking kidding me? Thanks for describing him so I know what to look out for. I don't have a problem with people smoking or whatever the fuck but good lord.

>> No.6487879
File: 427 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mesf9dCJDi1rmvw1po2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, that was ridiculous. There were like maybe 5 people by the end that weren't drunk, including myself.

Picture unrelated.

>> No.6487909
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>> No.6487911
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>> No.6487914

Lindzars clic are pretty heavy smokers and drinkers. I can't imagine her wanting to hang around them unless she smoked too. I know she drinks an awful lot.

I know there's a Lil Cal she hangs out with who's always high.

>> No.6487915
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>> No.6487919
File: 760 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_m39ai9lvHt1qgfq2ko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love how this shows the age difference

>> No.6487921

How do you guys feel about those underwater photoshoots for Feferi? Or any other outfits. Do you think it can mess up an outfit hella bad and a waste of grey? Or do you think it's really cool and should be done more? Asking cause I wanna try to do a shoot with my friend as Fef, but she thinks it might not be worth it if the wig gets messed up; though I don't think it would.

>> No.6487927
File: 66 KB, 367x490, tumblr_mehppl5yBn1r6z4pro1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the way this crown looks, but there isn't a single good picture of this Roxy, much less non-jpeggy ones that show the entire outfit.

I love how his eyes are just slightly unfocused.

>> No.6487928

I think it's pretty cool. If you want to do it, I think you should just go for it. Also I think the wig would be okay, unless it's made from some foreign substances that fizzes and bubbles whenever it comes into contact with water.

>> No.6487929

Buy a <$20 wig from eBay and use it exclusively for that shoot if she's worried. If her horns aren't waterproof or sealed, she should make a secondary pair also for that shoot. Anything that might be painted -crown, jewelry, glasses- should have waterproof sealant.

>> No.6487930

They're fucking amazing.

And they're no more hard on outfits than regular washing would be.
As for the wig, if it's in chlorine, just wash it with some baby shampoo to get rid of it and carefully brush it out

>> No.6487942

Ah, thankyou! Also hat do you think would look better, in a pool or at te beach? The beach is only 10 minutes away from me so that wouldn't be hard, but I feel like it would only look good for above water shots? Only reason I mention it is cause wen I see the curves of the pool in other pictures it bugs me (though it shouldn't lol).

>> No.6487943

pretty sure that's harshwhimsical

>> No.6487947

I'm gonna try and cosplay one of the scratch trolls after the holidays. Any tips for cosplaying trolls?

>> No.6487949

I always feel like the East Coast people are known for being more... I don't know. I don't want to say uptight or straight edge, but they see more disapproving about drinking at cons. Obviously this doesn't apply to everyone, but the ones that disprove are a lot more vocal about it, is what I mean.

Because at ALA there was hardly a sober Homestuck at the draw meet and I've never heard anyone complain about it.

Then again, ALA is known for being a kind of drinking con.

>> No.6487956

i heard her saying that she designed her outfit. or all of them? but definitely hers. if you can call it a design

>> No.6487957

Seal your paint for the love of god!! And for a troll when picking out a wig, it might be best to get (if i'm wrong someone correct me) "True Black". Some black wigs have a dark brown blend into them, and with the grey paint and black shirt, will make it really obvious.
That's just a few important things off the top of my head.

>> No.6487961

like someone said seal your paint, but another thing to do is contour your face to give it some depth since the grey paint takes your features away by a bit. don't go too crazy dark, but enough so you can tell. even if you're doing a girl, contour!

>> No.6487963

Hell yes, no matter what else you do, seal your shit. It's one thing to be a crappy cosplayer, it's another to to be a crappy cosplayer getting gray everywhere.

>> No.6487964


Okay. What about making the accessories and the like?

>> No.6487970

Yeah, defiantly. Most anyone I meet here and they see some people who are drinking, they have a fit about it (but it's only been the homestucks so far?). And when they're not vocal about it at the con, they sure are online. If they're not shoving booze down your throat and they're leaving you alone, why complain?

>> No.6487976

It'd help if you could say what troll you'd want to cosplay for reference, please?

>> No.6487978

what specifically?
it shouldn't have to be said, but avoid cardboard unless it's a sord or something that's supposed to look bad.

>> No.6487980



>> No.6487995

Her bracelets can either be made by modding onto premade gold or whatever color bracelets and gems added to it. If you're to make them yourself, some people make them out of craft foam. Sealing it, painting it gold, adding gems, then clips to the sides so they stay on.
Really i'm not too good at this, but thats what I think could work!

>> No.6487996
File: 194 KB, 461x699, tumblr_meznc9YUMC1r6nzsco1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going through the homestuck cosplay tag

>> No.6487999
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>> No.6488000
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>> No.6488001
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>> No.6488004
File: 192 KB, 640x480, tumblr_meyw9crmy61ro35euo7_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one is safe in this tag

>> No.6488007
File: 805 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mezj9sijan1qkayf7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even you, ginger dave

>> No.6488011

Thank you both! I went ahead and purchased the good-quality-but-slightly-darker-purple fabric; will be sure to post again once I've made some progress.

>> No.6488021

The big issue with the AUSA con was the fact they were teenagers, there were two rather whorish girls making out with everyone. Black lipstick as far as the eye could see, and some of the drunk individuals were actually stepping on art and open sketch books and ripping prints by stepping on them

>> No.6488022

You can make her piercings out of 16-gauge brass wire (can get at Jo-anns or whatever craft store), spirit gum, and spirit gum remover. Use a pair of pliers and wire cutters to cut them to the size you want, and curve them into the right shape. Apply your troll grey and whatever eyebrow color you use, then apply spirit gum to area and wait for it to get a bit sticky, do the same to the ends of the piercings you made. When the gum is sticky enough, apply them to your skin and press them down lightly for a minute or two to stick to the skin.

For the trident I'd say to try to find a tutorial out there on the Internet, there's a few on homestuckcosplayhelp. If not there, you can either buy a trident or make one from another character tutorial. Hope this helps sorta! ;;

>> No.6488028

As far as the bracelets go, I'd suggest going to your local craft store, as they tend to have plain chunky bangles that would be a good base for her bracelets. Cheap accessory stores would probably also have good stuff. It doesn't matter the color, but the size. Painting is easy.

If you can resin-cast gems, it would probably look amazing, if not, large googley-eyes painted with a glossy/shiny paint on it would suffice. Fake gems always work, but the artwork shows the jewels as being more circular and smooth.

The trident can easily be modded from your standard Halloween pitchfork and look fine.

And as for additional accessories, I'd love to see a Meenah with a clamshell purse, as described in one of the flashes.

>> No.6488034

It really annoys me how much attention the east coast homestucks get. I seriously hear about them more than anything on here.

>> No.6488035

I was under the impression that the two girls were (close?) friends with everyone involved with the make out parade, but I could be totally wrong. I do remember a friend of mine getting her portfolio and sketch book tripped over; thankfully nothing was irreparably damaged but it was still really inconsiderate.

>> No.6488038

the east coast is a train wreck in my experience so it's understandable even if it's also understandably annoying

>> No.6488039

There's a few pics of damaramegido smoking a fat cuban cigar as aradia so i'm hoping she'll repeat it with damara

>> No.6488046
File: 100 KB, 500x333, tumblr_m7uv1lCwdo1qh9u1oo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this has 6000 notes because....?

>> No.6488053

it's a dave cosplayer. in a pikachu blanket and a decorative room.
people just seem to like dave cosplayers a lot, doesn't matter if it's just a dude in sunglasses, a wig, and a broken record shirt.
and it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of "hipster" blogs reblogged that too

>> No.6488054

the cosplay itself is decent, but i personally like it because of the structure of the photograph.

>> No.6488057

Wow, she's adorable.

>> No.6488061

>insinuating being posted on 4chan is a good thing.

>> No.6488063

Wow what is all this about people being drunk at cons.

Around here the universal code is no alcohol or drugs at the convention area. Which is great, as most congoers is <16.

>> No.6488066
File: 4 KB, 159x241, TiaratopJaneCrocker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, does anyone have any good advice for someone cosplaying Jane soon? Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.6488079

Not seeing your point here.

>> No.6488106

Your cons must really suck then

>> No.6488112

I believe it makes the con more open, with the possibility for more to take part. It also means younger children are let away to the con, which means they will learn to be socially appropriate for cons earlier as most are older than them.
We have very little problems with weeaboos.

>> No.6488123

we have that too but everyone still sneaks shit in. I got a joint into the club at the official of-age after party by hiding in my Gamzee wig and even the organizer at the con site had mini bottles of vodka and shit. As far as I know no one got caught. And childish as it is I have to say the whole fuck da police thing made it all even more fun.

>> No.6488128

Anyone going to Arisia, by any chance?

>> No.6488131


oh my god this is so bad please watch it

>> No.6488136


Absolutely. Can't see why more Bostonstucks aren't going, considering how easy it is to not buy a badge

>> No.6488154


When it comes to drinking at cons, it's not like people are getting smashed at 11 am and bothering kids.

They go to their hotel rooms and drink at night, and usually head out to a draw party. Being tipsy or drunk at midnight really isn't some terrible thing, and little kids shouldn't be at a con around that time, Homestuck or not. That's when all the oily raver weirdos comes out.

>> No.6488158

i lasted like 20 seconds. Oh my god that was fucking painful.

>> No.6488159

There was a dramu fest at NYCstuck with underage drinking/smoking and shit last year in December. Like, big drama fest.

>> No.6488216


Yeah! I'm probably just gonna attend one day but it's a nice low key little con. I'm not surprised there's not a big HS presence--the average attendee is a lot older. I like that, though--you meet some interesting people.

I've heard there's gonna a HS panel actually. Not an RP one though, one that discusses it a bit more seriously. AFAIK, the two people I know involved are really intelligent, older fans--I'm curious to see a more grown up fandom event. One of the people is a cosplayer, but I don't know how well known she is in fandom, I don't stop by here much.

>> No.6488223

She has a bunch of non smoking non drinking friends, just fyi. She's isn't very vocal about smoking, however.

>> No.6488244


Older intelligent Boston-area fans? Do you know their tumblrs? I'd be way interested in a theory panel since I'll be there anyway

>> No.6488270

If you're drinking at a hotel con, wouldn't it be legal? (Assuming you're the legal drinking age wherever you are.)

Since you can drink at a private property and not have it fall under intoxicated in public.

>> No.6488325


One doesn't have a tumblr, but he's a big HS fan and very involved in the comics scene in Boston, I'm excited for his take. The cosplayer is thighhighs, I think. I hung out a little with her last Arisia--she knows a shitton about comics, so I'm really curious to see her talk about HS. I know her whole friend crowd vaguely--they're all HS fans but not all are in the fandom (I think they know each other from school)--they're a really fun bunch of people. I think what passes for a Homestuck crowd at Arisia will be a group of really fun, laid-back older people--hopefully we'll all have a good time!

>> No.6488332


Forgot to add--I won't be cosplaying (especially since Arisia isn't really a cosplay con) but I'll probably wear my Jade shirt around. If you see a short, blonde-pixie-cut Jade-shirt-wearing girl, come say hi!

>> No.6488360

Does anyone have tips for cosplaying Doc Scratch? I'd love to try him but I have absolutely no experience cosplaying. One of the only scratch cosplayers I've seen is this perfect person >>6487399

I like the acrylic globe idea for a head, but I was hoping to use something that wouldn't cost me $100. I'm considering paper mache, but I've got a feeling it would look relatively bad. Any other (hopefully inexpensive) ideas?

>> No.6488371
File: 113 KB, 700x500, tumblr_meyb6oOCh91rl95i3o6_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For her glasses, make sure you get good sized oval frames. I've seen too many where Jane cosplayers try to use circle or even square, eep! Red or black seem to be popular colors with her, so pick one of those.

If you use an iron-on for her shirt, buy one that is meant for darker clothing. The color will stand out better than if you bought one for a light shirt. Jane's skirt can be interpreted in different ways, which can let you have some choice in color and length. I'd say a skirt that comes to either your knee, or just above it would be a good length. I've seen people make her skirt white, grey, and blue before, so that's really you're choice. Shoes I'd suggest getting some plain white tennis shoes and adding the black stripes onto them if they don't come with it already.

>> No.6488374

Doing her teeth, you could do two options. One would be taking some tooth black and the two teeth beside your two front teeth, make a small strip near the bottom of them (not too large though, that might look odd) and it will give the appearance of bucked teeth.
You could also go with the option of taking false nails and painting them white (or if they come in white that's handy!) and using white denture cream to apply them. In my opinion, using the false nails for teeth really only work when you shave the nail down to fit your teeth. Otherwise, you'll look like you have rabbit teeth and not in the good way.

For her hair, I'd say either go with this wig
or this one http://www.animestuffstore.com/wig-11-messy-short-cut-black-c-5542-p-1-pr-21981.html
First link being if you want her hair to be more neat and orderly, second if you want it to be shorter and floofy at the top (which i've seen some people do).
Image is a neat reference someone drew to help with wig styling/drawing, but obviously using it for styling now.
Aaaaaaaah and this was really long and you probably only wanted some small hints but I thought I'd give you a whole load of blooey. Good luck!

>> No.6488379
File: 183 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mccygx2yT01r2hji0o3_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this one called dirktier
she ran the panel and photoshoot at animefest and did an absolute 100% great job
she has a low tolerance of bullshit so everybody was on their best behavior and nobody was annoying
she's going to a-kon so I'll be so happy to see her again

>> No.6488381

Depends on the con, I believe. In most scenarios, from what I've gathered, people who are seen outside bars or their hotel rooms with alcoholic beverages are sent back to their hotels, due to the fact that most conventions aren't entirely a 21+ environment.

>> No.6488385

How would y'all go about styling a wig for Dirk?

>> No.6488391


sounds fun, I'll definitely hit that panel up. and say hi to you, anon, if I see you!

>> No.6488400
File: 45 KB, 149x369, Scratch_Unstable_Slow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could try this tutorial (done by scratchman). http://browse.deviantart.com/photography/people/cosplay/?qh=&section=&q=doc+scratch+#/d48upo
And here's a link to where you can get a globe (that he could have used in the tutorial) right here!

You could also look up a tutorial on how to make a Deadmou5 head from here. http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-your-own-Deadmau5-Mau5head/ (there's probably others on the site if you don't like that one).
ts_id=432 Sorry if it isn't in your price range aha, but it's lower than $100 so..

>> No.6488407
File: 106 KB, 700x500, tumblr_meyb6oOCh91rl95i3o8_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This helped me a lot when I was styling mine.

>> No.6488412

These are neat! Are their any more?

>> No.6488414
File: 105 KB, 700x500, tumblr_meyb6oOCh91rl95i3o3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure sweetie! I'll post the whole lot they have, all kids and beta trolls.

>> No.6488417
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>> No.6488415
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>> No.6488416

Here you go!

>> No.6488418

Cool! Thanks, you guys!!

>> No.6488419 [DELETED] 

(ah thank

>> No.6488420

Thank you, kind soul! This looks a lot like how have styled my wig previously, so it looks like I'm on the right track.

>> No.6488422
File: 119 KB, 700x500, tumblr_meyb6oOCh91rl95i3o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(ah thank you! still gonna post the rest here cause it'll annoy me if i don't lol)

>> No.6488426

Hmm thanks! I've seen the scratchman tutorial, and the deadmau5 head looks viable. With shipping added that lamp bulb is $70. Sure it's still expensive but now it's something I'll actually seriously consider.

>> No.6488425
File: 111 KB, 700x500, tumblr_meyb6oOCh91rl95i3o7_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem dear, I hope it turns out well!

>> No.6488428
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>> No.6488432
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>> No.6488435
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>> No.6488437
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>> No.6488441
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>> No.6488445
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>> No.6488446
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>> No.6488450
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>> No.6488447
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>> No.6488451
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>> No.6488453
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>> No.6488454
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>> No.6488456
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>> No.6488459


Except Sollux has side burns. Not long side bangs.

>> No.6488464

Probably more of a basic guide than anything, then you can change parts you want to work with.

>> No.6488470

I can't stand to look at that interpretation of Feferi's hair. Clearly it's brushed directly back with the waves happening behind her.

>> No.6488482

I'm glad I'm not alone on this. It annoys me to lengths I know are unreasonable.

>> No.6488479

I can only wonder if Andrew himself put this much thought into his characters' hair styles.

>> No.6488493

the other ones are good but this one just... doesn't make any sense. jake seems to have more of a faux hawk.

>> No.6488507

this one doesn't make sense either. i always thought her part was in between the two cowlicks. otherwise wtf is that spike at the back of her head

>> No.6488514


Thirding. These are mostly pretty good, but they are definitely one fan's interpretation.

>> No.6488517

It's God's love, you heathen.

Also her hair isn't straight. It's shown as being pretty wavy in the flashes.

I dig that this person drew these, but the way they worded them makes them seem like they feel they're ab absolute authority.

>> No.6488539

>It's God's love, you heathen.
oh my god anon

ia with you, fan interpretations are fine and dandy but something about the attitude in these rubs me the wrong way

>> No.6488549
File: 86 KB, 720x960, 422670_2703867158194_1213319332_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I though this one was kinda cute. (sorry for the crappy quality ahh)

>> No.6488566
File: 481 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mbj42whgKP1qkwelmo3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to fem cosplays, being hot/knowing your angles works.

>> No.6488567
File: 508 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mbj42whgKP1qkwelmo2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6488579


Woo, thanks for this. I'm planning to run my first shoot at a small con next month and this is going to make it much easier.

>> No.6488583
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>> No.6488589
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>> No.6488606
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>> No.6488614


These have already been posted. Are there any newer con photos?

>> No.6488627
File: 59 KB, 500x750, tumblr_meu5aveIwX1r2s5f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, Tigercon? I'm not really up to date on the recent conventions.

>> No.6488631
File: 299 KB, 567x850, tumblr_meswlyQnVK1qdwjd1o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6488634

I think they were all taken at Chibi-pa. Also, yeah, the con was pretty recent, it was November 16th to 18th.

>> No.6488635
File: 275 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mf01q50ylN1r4zig0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6488639
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>> No.6488644
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>> No.6488648
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>> No.6488654
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>> No.6488657

Her head is the size of a melon.

>> No.6488661

>skinny jeans

>> No.6488664

oh lord there be homestuck in here

>> No.6488674
File: 321 KB, 335x742, tumblr_mexpcczton1qfntixo2_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the beginnings of a harajuku streetstyle Roxy Lalonde!!


>> No.6488680
File: 26 KB, 300x375, carlton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truer words have never been typed

>> No.6488681
File: 2.17 MB, 1200x795, tumblr_meyb5oJgzW1r52j3zo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6488684

Let's be fair, the dozens of brightly colored simple characters don't hurt.

>> No.6488700
File: 136 KB, 238x280, 119948224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6488702

Doesn't that paint take effort? Sorry, not into homestuck, just saw this in passing and was curious

>> No.6488701

I saw the original photo of this on my dash earlier. There was a Jade in it as well.

They said they were off to go see The Hobbit.

>> No.6488709

Why are they wearing homestuck costumes to a LOTR movie?

>> No.6488706

jesus christ that brobot

>> No.6488710

Yes and no.

If you do a good, even job, seal it, and contour, it's time consuming.

If you slap on dollar store facepaint, no.

>> No.6488711

I don't know. Casual cosplay you could get away with, or even just kid cosplay in general as long as it's not dreamer or god tier.

But this was full paint and horns.

Secondhand embarrassment everywhere.

>> No.6488712

Aaah really quick, different anon but these are the shoes I use for my Jane cosplay if you want a pair of decent shoes: http://www.payless.com/store/product/detail.jsp?catId=cat10088&subCatId=cat220004&skuId=0064

Very comfortable, and I like having the blue laces, I just took ribbon, burned the edges, and sewed them into the side of the sneakers for the stripes.

>> No.6488715

This one is autosaging so new thread >>6488713

>> No.6488717

A later post reveals that they're actually going to go see it while cosplaying Rose, not Karkat (and I must report that I am somewhat relieved; going to a con or a meetup in full grey is one thing, but going to see a movie is quite another... not that it's any of my business, but admittedly I did cringe a bit at first from the secondhand embarassment).