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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 456 KB, 1200x1705, p009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6484278 No.6484278 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone seen this? More importantly, would anyone consider cosplaying from it?

I think, if you show sensitivity to other people's experiences and you're ready to explain why you chose such a cosplay, you'd be okay doing this. Just don't do something asshat stupid like showing off your swastikas everywhere. (In fact, you're most likely going to have to replace those swastikas with something else.)

>> No.6484288
File: 572 KB, 1200x1698, p013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about I just dump all the pics?

Here's Stalin.

>> No.6484296
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Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

>> No.6484302
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Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini

>> No.6484308
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António de Oliveira Salazar

>> No.6484314
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Marshal Josip Broz Tito

>> No.6484318

I'd like to see a Trotsky, personally.

>> No.6484325
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Francisco Franco (y Bahamonde)

>> No.6484334

...This is really cute. Mostly for those bitty Balkans.

>> No.6484332
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Nicolae Ceaușescu and Elena Ceaușescu

>> No.6484341
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Slobodan Milošević

>> No.6484345
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Józef Klemens Piłsudski

>> No.6484351

this is just downright offensive.

>> No.6484352
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Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko

>> No.6484357
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Mao Zedong

>> No.6484364
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Saddam Hussein

>> No.6484367
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Kim Il-Sung

>> No.6484368

wow, no. most of these are insanely offensive and gross.

>> No.6484369

why are the japanese such fucking racists
like what the fuck is wrong with them

>> No.6484373
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Pol Pot

>> No.6484377
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Hideki Toujou

>> No.6484381
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Chiang Kai-shek

>> No.6484384
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Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

>> No.6484388

>mfw this entire thread
>mfw I have no face

>> No.6484390
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Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos

>> No.6484394
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Saparmurat Atayevich Niyazov

>> No.6484395

So... Is this an actual thing? Like, something I can read or watch, or is it just an art set. If the former, please provide a link because I am extremely interested.

>> No.6484399
File: 448 KB, 1200x1686, p063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hafez al-Assad and Bashar Hafez al-Assad

>> No.6484400


>don't think what you're about to think don't don't don't don't don-

>'I'd give Pol Pot the dick.'


>> No.6484402
File: 547 KB, 1200x1691, p069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fidel Castro

>> No.6484407

where the hell is Castro?

>> No.6484409
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François "Papa Doc" Duvalier

>> No.6484417
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Manuel Antonio Noriega (Moreno)

>> No.6484414


>> No.6484421

But... There were never any kpop idols in North Korea... Unless that's the joke but I don't even

>> No.6484428
File: 513 KB, 1200x1707, p077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juan Domingo Perón and María Eva Duarte de Perón

>> No.6484424

Is this suppose to be a big joke/satire or am I completely missing something here.

>> No.6484435
File: 550 KB, 1200x1690, p079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Augusto José Ramón Pinochet (Ugarte)

>> No.6484441

I hope it is.

>> No.6484439
File: 467 KB, 1200x1675, p081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hugo Rafael Chávez (Frías)

>> No.6484446
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Rafael Leonidas Trujillo (Molina)

>> No.6484448

Considering this is the nation that brought us Hetalia, this doesn't surprise me at all.

>> No.6484451
File: 559 KB, 1200x1686, p085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alfredo Stroessner (Matiauda)

>> No.6484454
File: 514 KB, 1200x1690, p087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maximiliano Hernández Martínez

>> No.6484459

hetalia isn't even close to this level of offensive.

>> No.6484461
File: 479 KB, 1200x1689, p095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi

>> No.6484464
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Idi Amin (Dada)

>> No.6484467
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Robert Gabriel Mugabe

>> No.6484471
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Omar Hassan Ahmad Al-Bashir

>> No.6484475
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Jean-Bédel Bokassa

>> No.6484478
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Hastings Kamuzu Banda

>> No.6484481
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Mohamed Siad Barre

>> No.6484482
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Mengistu Haile Mariam

>> No.6484483


...Mitt Romney!?

>> No.6484485
File: 511 KB, 1200x1684, p113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jomo Kenyatta

>> No.6484494

>...Mitt Romney!?

>> No.6484496

Kim Il Sung is kawaii as fuck!

>> No.6484499

Just so you guys know:

I didn't post the entire thing. Only the genderswap pictures. It's an extra mook released by MC Axis (a military-and-moe magazine in Japan). Over 100 pages of reading and details about the dictators. The genderswap pictures are there because, well, that's what MC Axis does. (Think mecha musume or Strike Witches.)

And yes, it's all satire. Once you get past the blatant fanservice, you start to really appreciate the extraordinary attention to historical detail in a lot of the pictures.

>> No.6484503

Back in the day Mitt Romney jumped a gay teen and chopped off his hair.

>> No.6484507

Ah, I see.

>> No.6484523

You know, my family has been affected by at least two of the dictators pictured above, and I think their moe forms are adorable as fuck.
You guys need to stop taking this seriously, or else you're just giving the dictators what they want. In fact, they would probably turn in their graves if they knew they were being re-imagined as cute girls. And that gives me immense satisfaction.

>> No.6484525

>All this delicious brown

>> No.6484532

Iknorite? Africa is clearly the best.

>> No.6484545

>Men could be seized and forced to have a haircut at the discretion of border officials or police.

Banda made it law.

>> No.6484546

>my opinion is the only one that matters

>> No.6484552

It is, because I'm cosplaying from it.

>> No.6484560
File: 246 KB, 800x600, 31811122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of whether you think it's offensive or not, some characters are objectively beautiful.

>> No.6484567

Man, boobs make they way he attempted suicide look ridiculous

>> No.6484578

>Pictures basically making fun of the dictators
I guess people get offended by anything

>> No.6484580

I want to cosplay Tito. Nobody's offended by Tito, right?

>> No.6484585

this would be absolutely hysterical had people not had to live i horrible conditions and slaughtered mercilessly
But it's totes okay cause it's moe!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6484586

So uh, what's exactly offensive about this?

They grabbed a bunch of historical figures and made them little girls, woah, so offensive, holy shit, this is as bad as the holocaust and the Great Chinese Famine combined, people who did this should be shot.
Fuck off.

>> No.6484589

... That's the exact opposite of what Anon said. I think this is fucking hilarious.

Never thought I'd fap to Hugo Chavez.

>> No.6484590

Because it's moe-fying people who killed millions. Why do you fucking THINK it's offensive?

>> No.6484591

He does have some huge knockers in this one.

>> No.6484596

this is the tumblr board

>> No.6484598

I don't.

In fact, I think that the only people who find this offensive is because they got their panties in a bunch about a stupid drawing of a historical figure. What, if you see a photo of Hitler you get angry too?

>> No.6484610

You're an idiot and that saddens me.

>> No.6484612
File: 30 KB, 555x644, everything I say is right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6484613

>yfw they're really recurring tumors

>> No.6484614

Exactly. I just spent like, the past two hours looking at these rather than studying. I was literally raging when I saw people being "offended"...

>> No.6484615

OMG, y'guyz! There was a picture of Hitler in my high school history book! How offensive is that!

>> No.6484619

There's nothing fucking offensive about a picture of someone, you moron. There is something offensive about turning them into fanservice bullshit.

>> No.6484620

Holy shit. Are you people also offended by musicals like The Producers or Book of Mormon?

If you are, fuck off.

>> No.6484622

I get that there's a lot of history included with these, which is cool and such...
But the images are rather disconcerting and I myself was a bit offended? I realize it's better with context, but still.

>> No.6484625

no, you idiot. there's a difference between parody and fanservice. why can't you people read.

>> No.6484628

What, exactly?

Is it because bad people are being glorified? Because it's not. It's making fun of them, and also teaching something in the process.

Is it because making a real person into a cute girl is wrong? Let me introduce you to Strike Witches and Eiyuu Senki...

>> No.6484629

>There is something offensive about turning them into fanservice bullshit.


>> No.6484635

It's offensive to turn them into fanservercy moe balls of shit.
Not very good at English.

>> No.6484632

>genderswapped dictators
>not parody

>> No.6484637

You told me that already fifty times.
You didn't exactly explain me WHY it's offensive to turn them into fanservercy moe balls of shit.

>> No.6484639
File: 1.15 MB, 320x240, springtime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure is a lot of buttmad in this thread

>> No.6484640

Dude... not going to lie... If you can't figure out what could possibly be wrong with that, I'm worried about you. It only gets better with context.

>> No.6484642

are you seriously this stupid? it looks like these dictators and other awful people are being glorified as cute girls. that's why it could be offensive.

>> No.6484643

Although I think these pictures are goddamn hilarious (Kim II Sung is fucking great because in essence, that is what he did) I think cosplaying them would be a tad too much. Not to mention no one would notice who you were.

It'd be awkward as fuck
"Who are you cosplaying?"
"Adolf Hitler!"

>> No.6484645

Why can't people just take something good from this book?

I, for one, had never heard of Ceausescu or Jomo Kenyatta until a couple of days ago. Since then I've done some studying on their lives, and I think it's fascinating.

I feel like I've become smarter.

>> No.6484647

Are they being glorified? I don't think moe necessarily means glorification. Its just a drawing/reimagination. It doesn't imply any sort of positive light. Seeing a cute Adolf doesn't make me think that he was right about them Jews

>> No.6484648
File: 11 KB, 221x291, freud (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I can't, and if you could figure out, you'd explain, but you can't find the words.
You see, what you're experiencing is brainwashing, you believe that all of these people are evil by default, and that any kind of work based on them automatically is offensive.

>> No.6484651


>> No.6484656
File: 60 KB, 306x683, article-2207353-00CC57E900000190-564_306x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Filipinos are gonna pissed with this one. I don't think even Alodia would touch this one.

Hell, one of the traditional Filipino dresses, the terno, was shunned all because it was strongly associated with Imelda Marcos (as pictured, this was Ferdinand's wife). Pic related.

>> No.6484654

>other awful people
You didn't even study them did you.

Hitler rose his nation back to its feet in less than 20 years.
Perón gave rights to low class workers in Argentina, same as Evita. Fuck, Perón wasn't even a dictator.
Castro didn't gave ground to the US and proved that any nation can stand up against them, and still does.

And those are just examples.
They're not even glorifying them, maybe you should learn what "moe", "little girl" and "glorification" mean.

>> No.6484658

I'm not saying they're all evil. I'm saying...a lot of them are? But yeah, I kind of would have an issue with this if it was just the images alone. However, I wouldn't mind a copy of this book.

>> No.6484659

So you are saying you would feel glorified if someone drew you as a sexualized cartoon character and had you published for tons of men to fap over? Damn Anon you are into some weird shit.

>> No.6484661
File: 92 KB, 616x614, 1353377363346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6484664

Complete scans of the entire book are available online. It's kind of pointless though because, other than what's already been posted here, the vast majority of it is WORDS WORDS WORDS. Or rather, MOONRUNES MOONRUNES MOONRUNES.
I hope someone translates it all, because it looks like it has a huge crapton of good information.

>> No.6484665

>Hitler rose his nation back to its feet in less than 20 years.

So did Adenauer and he did it without starting another war, a genocide and building an entire culture around hatred focused on one small group.

>> No.6484666

As a matter of fact, I was just talking about it with some Filipino friends. Because moe Marcos is cute.

>> No.6484667

I hope so too, just out of curiosity.

>> No.6484669

What exactly was the point of that post?

>> No.6484668

jesus christ the people that think that this is "glorification" need to go jump of a bridge, seriously. this isn't glorification. this is the opposite of glorification. turning a bunch of men into little moe girls isn't glorification to most people, and certainly won't be seen that way by people who actually know a thing or two... either way, lol.

>> No.6484670

That he did.
With all the money of the US and Britain provided them through the Marshall Plan, separated by a wall of the USSR and East Germany (AKA: Cancer), and they didn't have several treaties limiting their industries and military, unlike Hitler, who had to deal with the Versailles treaty.

Why don't you stop spouting idiocy, grab a book and read. It'll certainly be better than "GERMANY BAD MURRIKA STRONK!" you seem to have in your mind.

>> No.6484672

Where can I find said book?

>> No.6484673

That wasn't me, and I'm not America, you idiot. (I thought my 'I don't type english well' thing would indicate that.

>> No.6484677

>a company publishes a magazine designed to teach a thing or two about military history and technology
>decides to cater to the otaku crowd by turning said military technology into cute girls while retaining factual accuracy
>one day do a special on totalitarian leaders

>> No.6484678


That the "but but Hitler did some good stuff" argument is fucking worthless when other people accomplished the same things as he did without being a monster.

>> No.6484676

Even worse if you're not American, seems you really believe their propaganda.

>> No.6484681

wait so
>Stalin and Hitler are bad

>> No.6484680

<Brief history of Hitler>...Anyway, the Hitler portrayed in this illustration is a girl who's part of the art club. She is very passionate about art and loves talking about it. However, she only approves pieces that suits her tastes, making her a rather difficult person to deal with.

>> No.6484683

e-hentai if you don't want to bother with DDL.
Just search for
>Nyotaika!! Sekai no Dokusaisha Retsuden

>> No.6484684

Please read
What he accomplished was and is unmatched, considering the circumstances in which he had to work.
Please get off your computer and go read a book.

>> No.6484682

The Evita one is really rubbing me the wrong way but I think it's just because I'm cranky in general over people just believing the musical without bothering to learn more about her.

>> No.6484687

I am into weird shit. Now I'm going to fap to the thought of these dictators fapping to the thought of tons of men fapping to the thought of them as moe girls.

>> No.6484689

Pretty much this.

>> No.6484690

But they aren't dictators. And that's what the book is about.
About dictators.
Putting Adenauer into it would make no sense. Even less sense than guys like Peron and Tito.

>> No.6484692

So we shouldn't talk about bad people?
Or portray them in art?
At all?

Jesus Christ, you are worse than Hitler.

>> No.6484694

no one ever said that.

and did you seriously just accuse me of being worse than Hitler. Are you retarded?

>> No.6484695

>Jesus Christ, you are worse than Hitler.
Are you being serious now? That is far stupider than anything anon has said.

>> No.6484696
File: 28 KB, 205x222, 2347910-1897161_persona_2_hitler_sunglasses1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adolf Hitler is a character in the Persona games.

>> No.6484697

>Even less sense than guys like Peron and Tito.
Or Atatürk. Peron and Ataturk make no sense to me, but they were pretty cool guys, so whatever.

>> No.6484698

I enjoy how Hitler continues making people mad even 67 after his death.
Nigga be puttin' dem crackas on their place from beyond the grave.

>> No.6484700

Why does everything on /cgl/ get taken so seriously? My god, remind me to never come back here again. This really is indeed the tumblr board.

The fact that you guys are getting up in arms about this if actually laughable, to say the least. It's not offensive at all, but I guess you'd find even studying these men at great lengths "offensive" because spending so much time on them would be considering "glorification" or what not.

Over at /int/, they seemed to actually quite enjoy the pieces the other day from what I saw. Like the previous anon said, over-sexualizing a bunch of men and turning them into little girls isn't offensive to anyone except these dictators... if anything the attn to detail is kind of cool.

>> No.6484701
File: 60 KB, 600x755, 3ed7bda8aec99146af25a6ff07435dba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this make you angry as well /cgl/?

>> No.6484703

>but I guess you'd find even studying these men at great lengths "offensive"
...I'm a history major... so...no...

>> No.6484705

Peron, Tito, and Ataturk were benevolent dictators, weren't they?

>> No.6484708

gtfo, you won't be missed, nazi

>> No.6484711


Peron was elected by the people on democracy, and remained on the power because people wanted so.
Yet even beyond the grave he continues to fuck up the Argentine economy because most Argentines still believe his economic plan can be useful in the conditions their country is.

>> No.6484712

Their genderswap forms are pretty damn flattering if you ask me.
I laugh at the ones like Stalin or Noriega.

>> No.6484719

Ataturk was hardly comparable to most people we consider dictators or the rest of them in this thread because of the time frame and culture which Turkey had at the time. Peron wasn't really a dictator at all.

Tito WAS a dictator, but I wouldn't dispute that he was a benevolent one.

>> No.6484716

People are going to get offended anyway. Even if this was made as a "joke", some people still remember or know what those dictators did.

This is something to definitely laugh and enjoy, but cosplaying may be pushing it.

>> No.6484717

I'd gladly fight the american devil for that.

>> No.6484722

Depends on who you ask, I guess.

>> No.6484726

>accuses Japanese of being racist
>Hideki Tojo is in this book


>> No.6484737

But you're studying them for such long periods of time, you MUST be glorifying them! /sarcasm

>> No.6484735

I don't cosplay.. I just stumbled upon this thread because I was on a diff board and it was crosslinked.

I don't think most people would cosplay this in the first place? It would be offensive to cosplay, but drawing insightful "art" isn't normally offensive and the people that get offended by pictures of moe dictators are literally ridiculous. I understand getting offended by a cosplay of them, though, but I don't think anyone would do that (it would be pointless imo)

>> No.6484736

I still think it can be done, as long as you stay tasteful and respectful.
A similar shitstorm happened within the Hellsing cosplay community, and they managed to handle it.

>> No.6484741

>implying this is insightful in any way, shape, or form

>> No.6484740

Why would it necessarily be offensive?
I understand some people are going to be offended regardless, but you're ridiculing the dictator, not glorifying him.

>> No.6484742

>implying it isn't
It's a caricature.

>> No.6484745

I didn't say it would necessarily be offensive. I just said that I can see why people would get offended by it (especially if it was a bunch of teenage girls dressed up in skanky clothing with swastikas all over it)... simply b/c I don't see that as doing anything but attention whoring (i.e. it's really easy to put on a skanky dress and sew a bunch of swastikas to it)

It is.

>> No.6484746


>> No.6484747

Hitler's dress in that picture is anything but skanky.
Only thing might be the skirt which is a bit short but after that it's pretty... uh, normal?

>> No.6484749

What, no Suharto?


>> No.6484751

Let's say I cosplay Hitler-chan, but instead of the swastika armband, I wear a red armband with kanji on it, like Haruhi Suzumiya would wear.
Is it still ofensive?

>> No.6484752

I was talking about Chavez/Lenin/etc. and the like, but there was another moe-girl picture of Hitler done by another artist on /int/ (where she was blue eyed, blonde haired) and that outfit was kinda skanky... and I personally wouldn't wear most of these. I actually agree with you though, this Hitler is a lot plainer than the rest.

>> No.6484754

The things these people did are not ~moe kawaii desu uguu~ and the idea that you believe you fapping over them is somehow equal to or is better than properly denouncing what they did doubly disgusting.

>> No.6484755

>like Haruhi Suzumiya would wear.
Well, then you aren't cosplaying Hitler, are you? :)

>> No.6484756

To idiots, yeah.

>> No.6484758

why would it even matter
nobody is seriously triggered by swastikas anymore

>> No.6484759

No one is saying these things are ~moe desu kawaii~...

They're just drawing historically accurate parodies of them. If they were realistically trying to make them moedesukawaii they wouldn't GENDER SWAP THEM AND MAKE THEM AS SEXUALLY INAPPROPRIATE AS POSSIBLE.

>> No.6484761

Hey, I'm not walking around in a swastika. I may think cosplaying these girls is relatively okay, but I'm not stupid.

>> No.6484765

>historically accurate parodies
>moeblob face, moeblob proportions, short tiny ruffled skirts
Right. Because this clearly isn't the depiction of you average moeblob fapfodder.
>If they were realistically trying to make them moedesukawaii they wouldn't GENDER SWAP THEM
Are you kidding me? The actual historical figures looked nothing like the moeblobs. Of course to make them fap fodder the first thing they would do is genderswap.

>> No.6484768

The things Hitler did are not ~FABULOUS AND SUPER~ and the idea that Mel Brooks believes making a gay Hitler is somehow equal to or is better than properly denouncing what he did doubly disgusting.

>> No.6484769

>fap fodder
>implying this isn't from a military mag
>implying there aren't 100x hotter hitler-related things to fap to ON THE FUCKING INTERNET

only a retard (re: you) would think about fapping to this.

>> No.6484772

>The things these people did are not ~moe kawaii desu uguu~

Have you even SEEN Noriega-chan's entry?

>> No.6484778

Oh yes, because you have to actually want to fap to it to make it porn. Only a retard like you would deny that these are designed to be fap fodder and insist it is some sort of ~higher art form from a distinguished publication~.
And the military "magazine" this is from is absolute garbage, /k/ would be trolling up and down the pantylines with that shit..
That only boosts my argument: oversimplifying bullshit to make it seem totes kawaii makes it worse

>> No.6484780

>dissing MC Axis
>refusing to acknowledge sarcasm

Okay, I'm done with you. Good night.

>> No.6484782

Only a retard attention whore would post "I'm done with you". How about just not posting and bumping shitty threads?

>> No.6484783

Hahaha no.

>> No.6484787

As I was saying, I might cosplay Hitler-chan, but omit the swastika armband and replace it with something else.
Most people may not recognize me, but that's fine too. I'm doing this for myself, and for my own reasons.

>> No.6484789

This thread is freaking hilarious. People get offended by this parody as if they thought these dictators were great men or some shit. Maybe you guys *do* consider them as your idols, and are offended that "someone dared to insult Hitler-sama like that!!" Otherwise, I don't see how making parody is offensive. It's not making fun of the people who suffered anyway, it's making fun of the culprits. But go ahead and stay rational, girls.

>> No.6484790

>It's not making fun of the people who suffered anyway
See >>6484478

>> No.6484795

I still don't see how the victim is being made fun of in that pic. It's the gender-swapped dictator. Or is telling others that some nutjob dictator did terrible things (when that actually happened?) considered a parody of some sort?

>> No.6484800

How is this "glorification"? Do you even know what glorification means?

>To cause to be or seem more glorious or excellent than is actually the case
To glorify
>to make glorious by bestowing honor, praise,
or admiration

Tell me how you think these drawings accomplish any of that. If anything, they've caused me to look into some people and histories I didn't know about. Don't cause PC shitstorms because it's easier being offended by something than actually learning about it.

>> No.6484806

I feel a little uncomfortable about those pictures because they're kind of cute and, to me, cute and dictators don't go well together. It feels to me like people will start to sympathise with something rather awful if they start finding it cute.
I think making a parody is fine, but making one with cute little girls is not the most tasteful way to go at it, it'd explain why it's somewhat offensive. I think it's also linked to this stereotype on little girls, going "little girls are sweet, innocent angels".
Though I also think this is a good way to get people interested in some parts of history; I believe it's both helpful and slightly distasteful, but if it's what people need to learn new things... It can't be that bad.

>> No.6484805

It does kinda glorify a couple of them. Like Josip Tito. Or at least the country which he governed.

>> No.6484811

My final form has been revealed.

>> No.6484814

>It feels to me like people will start to sympathise with something rather awful if they start finding it cute.
Why do we have to cater to the lowest common denominator?
Only the most idiotic of idiots would do that. And let's face it, they were probably going to do something similar anyway.

Anywho, I disagree with your viewpoint but I respect it. And I'm glad you acknowledge its potential as a gateway teaching tool.

>> No.6484815

It was made for you and only you.

>> No.6484827

oh my god, I haven't seen you post in forever.

>> No.6484842

Shift work at the Lubyanka, my friend. I don't see sunlight most days in winter, like being back in Siberia.
It's pretty amazing though, the call of capitalist riches proved too much to resist, even if I'm paying with a probable vitamin D deficiency by now.

>> No.6484846

But I'd rather people throw a fit about how the depiction misrepresents the actual relations and motivations of these countries and people, because this actually means that they've looked into them. I'd gladly have a drink and a discussion with those people. If anything, it provides some excellent opportunities for conversation.

I don't want to force political correctness just so you can please the people who'd get offended by something like this. And frankly, I fail to see how it's worse than cosplays featuring a Nazi uniform. E.g. Helsing nazi-vampires.

>> No.6484849

I'd say it provided excellent opportunities for conversation already.

Also, Hetalia cosplayers mistreating flags. No one can possibly tell me cosplaying one of these girls is worse than that.

>> No.6484860

honest to god, last time I saw you, we wound up talking about Trotsky and his resemblance to KFC's Colonel.
I've missed you.

>> No.6484865

I am touched. As a sign of my affection allow me to serenade you with my latest translation of epic Georgian poetry. If you do not like it I will have you deported to a place where the most poetic thing you will hear is the death rattle of your tubercular bunk-mate.

And Trotsky is kind of like how the KFC Colonel would market himself if they wanted to open a new branch of restaurant catering to cruelty free vegan hipsters.

>> No.6484877

Itd prob be easier for me to see this as "making fun of them/parody" if it wasnt moeshit to be honest. Im more offended by moeblobs and how same facey they are than dictators being drawn

>> No.6484892

Is there any reason for this at all? Like, did they NEED to do this? They couldn't have just designed military clothing that was a nod to how those dictators/revolutionaries dressed, they had to go all-out and make kawaii loli versions of them? What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.6484902

>What he accomplished was and is unmatched, considering the circumstances in which he had to work.

Nope. Also, it was done at the cost of either invoking an evne worse crash or plundering out the neighbours to keep the entire scam running. Bringing Austria into the fold narrowly averted the german economy from crashing apart. Same for annexing the Czech Republic. Same again for Poland etc. Hell, by 1941 Hitler had no chance to pay back all the shit he owed to Stalin. So instead, he invaded the USSR.

The 3rd Reich was a a rotten, unsustainable scam as far as economic matters went.

>> No.6484908

I would love to hear poetry, comrade.

>And Trotsky is kind of like how the KFC Colonel would market himself if they wanted to open a new branch of restaurant catering to cruelty free vegan hipsters.
christ my sides

>> No.6484928

I've been born in Romania, though I live in a different country right now.
Even the history books didn't picture Ceausescu as a tottally evil man, of course he forbid lots of stuff, like any importations ( exporting only ), or anything from the outside. You couldn't travel out of the country unless you had the citizenship of another country.
Still, he did good things, like paying the entire debt the country had after WWII, separating from the URSS, and the public employees were given a house and a job for life.
The thing is the other people from the government started doing stupid stuff, and the people got mad and the revolution begun. When it begun, Ceausescu and his wife didn't even know why the people were mad. They were caught and executed without a proper trial. The people who executed them are now ruling the country, and I'm so fucking happy I'm out of there.

>> No.6484942
File: 82 KB, 600x406, Female Mongol Warrior - Excalibur 2006 ~ armor;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(political talk) = skipped

Is this only modern age dictators?

Sure would like to see some great khans represented.

Anyone who can make a mountain of skulls deserves to be in with this company.

>> No.6484951

It would be much cooler if there where old dictators...

Anyway, was this a bunch of artists drawing different dictators? Most of the drawings are bland, generic animu.

Also, I don't know we should worry so much about offending anyone, As an example, I know Salazar is know as one of the greatest portuguese ever, even being a dictator, so cosplaying him is not so offensive.

It would be very offensive to cosplay as adolf hitler in germany or other countires of europe that were deeply affected by nazism. It would be normal and cool to do so in Japan. Just keep in mind where you live if you don't want to offend anyone.

No one would recognize you anyway.

>> No.6484972

I'm Portuguese. Great part of my family was sent to death in the Colonial War. But I'm fascinated by the moe-Salazar.

Damn, I may even cosplay it!

>> No.6485115

I'm picturing a "Springtime for Hitler" with moe Hitler saying "Heil myself."
It would make a great masquerade skit.

>> No.6485119

Good luck pulling it off without any sort of backlash

>> No.6485130

Sad how people won't get the context of "Springtime for Hitler." Or won't care.

>> No.6485142

Typical woman IQ.

>> No.6485144

>this thread
so much for women being spiritually superior

>> No.6485145

serbia is be the toddler who rips his diaper off and throws steaming shit at everyone

>> No.6485168
File: 85 KB, 1024x701, 1355332803376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler saved Mami. How can you not glorify that?

>> No.6485220
File: 51 KB, 473x611, che_guevara1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know he wasn't a dictator and all but...


>> No.6485225

It's missing Getulio Vargas...

I wanted him, he's family...

>> No.6485232


What the fuck.

>> No.6485236

This just in, but Asians (not just gooks) LOOOOOOOOOVE Hitler.

>> No.6485238
File: 176 KB, 732x706, 7IO14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6485239

More like, use him as an easy target for all kinds of hilarious shit.

>> No.6485269

I was waiting for him to come also.

>> No.6485286

Nope. Do you even Asia? They truly think he was a great man.

>> No.6485308

>[citation needed]

>> No.6485336

it's hard to be mad at pinochet for attempting to slaughter my boyfriend's grandparents when he/she? is just so darn cute.

>> No.6485339
File: 71 KB, 852x1228, 1355283624261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Chileans on /a/ seem to think he's a bro. Others think he's a bastard.

>> No.6485349

Can we discuss cosplay in this thread, please?
I think girl Franco is cute and I wouldn't mind doing her.

>> No.6485362
File: 65 KB, 1349x690, che's totally awesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a dictator
That's why he killed civilians, right?

>> No.6485403

Che wasn't a "leader" in the sense of being president, etc...

Not a good guy but technically not a dictator.

>> No.6485576

Anybody who's still offended needs to watch this video.
Trust me, it'll make you feel better.

>> No.6485726
File: 28 KB, 500x375, letitburn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread
Wasn't this about cosplay?

Would I consider cosplaying this? Nope.
I can see how a lot of these would probably pass as regular cosplay or normal clothes even(the ones without the uniforms), but I also get the feeling that people might confuse you for Hetalia if you tried this. If you feel like cosplaying this, go ahead, just be respectful and don't shit anything up.
Actually, this may be a better cosplay to do privately. Like, just a private photoshoot and not wander around a con like this.

And oh man everyone's raging in this thread.
People are gonna be offended by this.
People aren't gonna be offended by this.

>Deal with it

>> No.6485833

I'd say only the respectful and sensitive people should be allowed to cosplay any of these. Extensive knowledge of the history is a bonus.
Trolls and attention whores can gtfo.

>> No.6486200
File: 420 KB, 2048x1529, dear Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A letter from a Japanese student.

>> No.6486205

and to prove it's not gook only (I'm pretty sure you don't need proof Muslims agree with Adolf)
hindus do too

>> No.6486312

You can find nuts like that in any country. Doesn't make them the majority.

>> No.6486429

Thats so cute ^^
all my heart felt right there.

kinda wish she wrote to Stalin though ;_;
Since I'm a big communist & all.

>> No.6486506

Cosplay Stalin-chan please.

>> No.6486527

In my country, on school sports day some teams uses Nazis/Hitler as a theme.

>> No.6486672

This is literally just generic moe anime art of girls in shitty generic uniforms.

Those of you who are praising how ~amazing~ and detailed these pictures are are obviously hopeless weaboos.

Those of you who are already planning their boring kawaii Hitler-chan cosplays are lazy as fuck attention whores who want to be kawaii and edgy but don't even have the talent to do it in any other way that's not "lol school girl Hitler".

The rest of you who claim they cannot possibly understand how dictators turned into panty-flashing moe girls doing cute moe things of the atrocities those dictators committed is offensive are clearly autistic.

I want to say I am disappointed in this whole post, but it's exactly what I expect from you guys.

>> No.6486759

>This is literally just generic moe anime art of girls in shitty generic uniforms.
Oh boy, I already know where this post is going.
>Those of you who are praising how ~amazing~ and detailed these pictures are are obviously hopeless weaboos.
Looks like you're one of the people who haven't gotten past the OH JUST MORE MOEBLOB WEEABOO FAPFODDER mentality. Most of them do have nice tidbits of historical fact integrated into them.
>Those of you who are already planning their boring kawaii Hitler-chan cosplays are lazy as fuck attention whores who want to be kawaii and edgy but don't even have the talent to do it in any other way that's not "lol school girl Hitler".
Nice projecting bro. For all you know, I'm better at sewing and costume construction than you are. And I'm certainly not doing it to be "kawaii and edgy."
>The rest of you who claim they cannot possibly understand how dictators turned into panty-flashing moe girls doing cute moe things of the atrocities those dictators committed is offensive are clearly autistic.
I won't deny there are some trolls saying that here, but the rest of us understand completely why it's a touchy subject with some people. We can't just politely disagree and continue to do it without having to bite our nails over what other people think?
>I want to say I am disappointed in this whole post, but it's exactly what I expect from you guys.
Funny, I was about to say the same thing.

>> No.6486764

They made it a huge ass deal about that in the hetalia fandom so that has basically stopped. >>6485168
Fuck my sides

>> No.6486775

I'm just waiting for US presidents or something equally silly

>> No.6486776
File: 365 KB, 590x621, columbus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an eroge with other historical figures so that can't be too far behind.
Pic related, it's Christopher Columbus.

>> No.6486869

I'd explore that continent, if you know what I mean.

>> No.6486873

There's something wrong with her skirt.

>> No.6486883

yeah, it isn't short enough

>> No.6486969

isn't that from the hentai game Angeslut cosplayed from?

>> No.6486996

You have to be more specific, I know several people who plan to cosplay from this.

>> No.6487005

thats not very nice...

>> No.6487366

Yep. She sure likes showing dat juicy underage butt to as many guys as possible if you get what I mean.

>> No.6487370

This fucking ho.

Has the weeaboo pushed out the last bit of common sense in your head or what?
There is no stigma associated with Hitler and Nazis in Asia. So why the fuck would only nutjobs praise him? I'd say that the only one in Japan who would not publicly express their endorsement of Hitler are politicians, and even then it would be just a tiny fraction, those who are into foreign politics. And even that's just to remain PC towards European/whiteys/juice.

>> No.6487414

I skipped past all the tumblr-esque whining ITT to tell OP thanks for reminding me about this. These images made me smile. I would definitely cosplay Il-jung-chan, just look at how kawaii desu she is.

I get the feeling some people don't actually know what constitutes a moeblob and just attach this label to any semi-cute anime images. Maybe someday we will all be able to appreciate the hilarity of things like this.

>> No.6487541

Your mad is showing.

>> No.6487549

>Looks like you're one of the people who haven't gotten past the OH JUST MORE MOEBLOB WEEABOO FAPFODDER mentality. Most of them do have nice tidbits of historical fact integrated into them.

I must admit I agree with >>6486672, the drawings are, overall, extremelly bland and boring. While some do have the sasid tidbits of historical facts, some doesn't.

I'm guessing they called different artists and in the end some did a good job, others didn't.

>> No.6487554

So fucking what? Just because I'm angry at you being a dumb ho doesn't mean you're any less of a dumb ho.

>> No.6487558

Weeaboo Neo-Nazi detected.
Sit the fuck down. Nobody actually likes Hitler, they just like the uniforms (with good reason) and he's used for shock value shit.

>> No.6487559

Not that anon, but that's actually not true. Hitler lied to the Japanese during WWII in order to use them for their Pacific navy and promoted the idea that the Japanese were part of the "chosen race". A lot of Japanese people have a love/hate relationship and in some aspects, admaration for Germany, Hitler, Nazis and the whole idea of a "chosen race" because of their own ego and xenophobia before WWII as well as now.

>> No.6487561

Also, the Nazi uniforms look basically the same as the Japanese uniforms from WWII

>> No.6487574

I'm sorry, but it is silly to believe that. Japan was already figthing their own wars in Asia without being friends with Hitler and operated pretty much like Nazi back them, testing in chinese and korean as if they weren't human beings. They believed they were the chosen race by themselves, and not because of Hitler.

Japan was just as bad as Germany back then.

>> No.6487639

Exactly, if you read what I wrote, Hitler helped promote their ego even further than it already was, you basically just said what I did, but you're refusing to acknowledge information just because you don't like it. It's the truth.

>> No.6487662

I dont't mind when they picture any kind of dictator, what makes me mad is the fact that they are so "sexy" and most of them are not even remotely close to the actual one, nor even the clothing

>> No.6487703

Lol ok.

I have never watched a Chinese cartoon in my life.
That might be you, probably, since you're so offended by the notion that your beloved Japs love Hitler's cock so much. Hey, actually you projected everything you are onto me.

Good job buddy.

>> No.6487707

>Everybody are offended by everything ITT

My grandparents were sent to Siberia, do you see me complaining/whining/getting offended?
As much as I despise Stalin, >>6484288
is moe as fugg:D:DD

>> No.6487902

Well, I doubt it was intentional, but it has some fridge brilliance to it.

>> No.6487916
File: 89 KB, 750x1076, we must go to the store i have run out of jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wouldn't get backlashed to hell I would cosplay the shit out of >>6484314.

>> No.6488465

That cosplay would get the least backlash out of all of them.
Slavs on /int/ agreed, they wouldn't mind.

>> No.6488468

You sound like those two women who got raped by Japanese soldiers who go around saying the Koreans and Chinese should not be butthurt about the whole comfort women business - you choosing not to be personally offended by something does not give you the right to take away someone else's offense.

>> No.6488473

Completely intentional. They took his quote about "standing on two stools" and applied it to the picture.

>> No.6488747
File: 758 KB, 1200x1705, moehit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6488761


Nazi magic. Didn't you watch Hellboy?

>> No.6488770

Not that anon, but in that case you being offended doesn't give you the right to take away someone elses fun/enjoyment.

>> No.6489243

Self-propelled by a huge fart. Didn't you know about Hitler-chan's legendary flatulence?

>> No.6489324

Is that Germany in her eyes?

>> No.6489381

I dont think there is anything wrong with the pictures themselves, its obviously parody-like. But if your gonna be cosplaying these people, nobody is going to know about it, your just going to look like your dressing up as Hitler or Stalin. If you tell them "Im insert Dictator moe version" your gonna look like an idiot and people will be right for thinking your one.

>> No.6489396

Where you from?

>> No.6489397

The only people who dislike him to my knowledge are people adamant that all dictators are evil. He was pretty awesome as far as dictators go.

>> No.6489415


>> No.6489435


No I'm not from Japan. Another Asian country though but I'd prefer not to say.

>> No.6489458

>my grandma live in Europe during WW2
>was effected by both Hitler and Stalin
I don't feel offended
>other grandma directly in the line of fire of the Cuban Missile Crisis, should it have happened
>sort of effected by Stalin and Casto
Still not offended
>Marshal Josip Broz Tito
>Did good things for Eastern Europe, unlike most dictators here who only did bad evil things. One of my best friends lives there
Still not fucking offended.

You guys are pussies. They're not even saying these are good people, if you can even read moonrunes you'd be able to read all the atrocities (or lack thereof in one or two cases like Tito) they committed. If anything it's showing persons you may be attracted to at first glance are horrible, monstrous people. And guess what? A shitload of dictators ruled using their charisma and police power, not any actual leadership.

The only way this is offensive is if you think this is glorifying them. It's not if you even take ten seconds to read into the purpose of the book - to educate. The moe/sexy pictures are just there to draw otaku in and be educated (or well, just buyt the book).

Yeah sure, maybe one or two people will walk away thinking "hey, Mao Zedong wasn't such a bad guy", but they're probably worthless shitstains on society anyway. I'm going to assume the best of humanity and think people are smart enough to tell this is satire/parody, not glorification.

>> No.6489481
File: 2.35 MB, 2156x3040, 1355498204136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, am grateful for the educational experience. I never would have known how moe Niyazov is otherwise.
>let's build a zoo in the desert!
>let's build an ice castle in the desert so nomads can learn to skate!
>let's all chew bones so we don't need gold teeth!
>let's rename all the mothers of the year after my onee-san!
>let's build a massive highway from the capital to my hometown!
>let's build a golden statue of me that rotates to face the sun!
>let's have a holiday for melons!

>> No.6489502

>I watched young dogs when I was young. They were given bones to gnaw to strengthen their teeth. Those of you whose teeth have fallen out did not chew on bones. This is my advice...
This man is a fucking nut

>> No.6489512
File: 2.74 MB, 2164x3048, 1355496121230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PROTIP: nearly all of them were fucking nuts.
Pic related.

>> No.6489525

>I don't feel offended
And? Why should we give a fuck? You're agreeing with Nazi ideology just because you're ugly/fat and henceforth desperate for male attention.

>> No.6489527

I'm going to guess and say India.

>> No.6489533

>implying I agree with Nazi ideology
>implying I'm a girl
If anything, you're the Nazi sympathizer for limiting free speech. Or didja forget about the book burnings?

Seriously, are you offended by Sengoku Basara's depiction of characters? If not, you're a right hypocrite.

Oh, and thank you for not refuting any of the points I made.

>> No.6489536

>>implying I'm a girl
>implying you're not a gay male

>> No.6489537

Just letting you know the rest of 4chan is laughing at you.

No other board got close to as buttmad about this book as you are. No other board. Not even /int/.

>> No.6489544

>implying I'm not bi with heavy female lean
>implying I want male attention from Nazi sympathizers

please don't lump us normal anons in with the overly politically correct ones, please

>> No.6489550


I solved it for you, gentlemen.

>> No.6489549

>implying I'm not bi with heavy female lean
>"heavy female lean"
Stop vying for attention. You're fucking straight.

>> No.6489556
File: 290 KB, 500x497, 1342133938426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I konw right, this board is almost as politically correct as facebook.

>> No.6489578

... So am I straight or gay or bi or what, make up your fucking mind.

We're also completely offtopic now, so polite sage.

>> No.6489585


>> No.6489597

If you want to believe that, fine.
I look forward to cosplay of this.

>> No.6489623
File: 101 KB, 520x466, 12688558211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s/he still believes the holocaust happened

>> No.6489636

Nice try, troll. 2/10 because you got me to reply.
And this is coming from someone who wants to cosplay Hitler-chan.

>> No.6489703

The problem, you dumb cunt, is that while it's certainly acceptable (on 4chan) to think that Hitler was right and it will blow no one's socks away, cosplaying this supposedly 'moe' version of Hitler is still considered absolute trash IQ. Not because it's Hitler, but because it's edgy for the sake of edgyness and nothing but an outcry of "I am a cheap attention whore". You think 4chan rallied behind that dumbfuck who dressed as Hitler for Halloween? And I'm not even talking about Prince Harry, or whatever that incestuous bastard is called.

>> No.6489765

What's the story behind this? Was this from /cgl/ ?

>> No.6489837

>implying I'm a troll

Why would they have a law regarding the subject if it actually happened? Why aren't citizens allowed to -think- it may not have happened?

Have you seen the numbers they faked, that got smaller and more realistic each year?

Stay stupid, murica.

>> No.6489863

I thought it was only against the law in Europe?

>> No.6489875

'Murica is basically the Jews' bitch, so although there might not be a law about it, I'd think they'd figure out a way to punish such person anyway.

>> No.6490686

What's the likelihood of someone in Japan eventually cosplaying this?

>> No.6490907

Not knowing how to read Japanese makes it rather hard to judge these. From what I've gathered it's not all flattering text. Also most dictators seemed to think of themselves as pinnacles of masculinity, so depicting them as "cute" girls would be rather insulting to them. I can understand people that were personally affected by said dictators being offended it no matter what, but really that's about it. The rest of us should just get fully informed before making a big deal about it.

I can't believe my first post on 4chan is about this.

>> No.6490910

No, stop trying so hard you fucking weeaboo. Japs loved the Nazis and still do. You would probably do the same if it weren't illegal in your country, you racist piece of shit.

>> No.6490940

And this is why I've never posted before. I don't know why I chose to post on /cgl/ of all places since I'm a straight male that's never cosplayed and thinks lolita fashion looks horrible on 90% of the people that wear it (opinion! not a fact!). I just come for the cool pictures of people in costume and this threat caught my attention.

I happen to not really be a big fan of anything Japanese and never went through a weeaboo phase. I've liked various animes and I believe I own roughly 10 issues of manga comics.

I live in the southern USA and despite what people seem to think, we actually have very good race relations. We grow up with people from all sorts of groups. We learn that people are people no matter what color skin they have. So your assumption about me being a racist are pretty far off. I'm also not homophobic in case you are wondering. I happen to have a FtM friend that's transitioning currently. When they are done they will be a gay male. Actually meeting a person like that made me think differently of transgendered people, so I'm pretty open minded too. Imagine that! Someone willing to change their views on something!

I've done my fair share of research on WWII and Nazism to know that while I have blond hair and blue eyes, my medical conditions would have had me either outright killed or forcefully sterilized. I feel nothing but contempt towards Hitler. I don't feel anything along the lines that he was just "misunderstood" or any of that other BS that people like to say to make him seem like less of a monster.

If you want a tl:dr: I'm not a racist and you assume too much. You ticked me off enough to post a second time, but not enough to bring me down to insulting someone I don't know.

>> No.6490962

Yep, TL;DR. No1curr about your love for Chinese cartoons. If you ever went to their country, you'd be a white piggu until you die, and all your children will be white piggus, and even if they inbreed with the local population until you can barely tell the white blood, they will still be white piggus.

>> No.6490976

I was hoping for a smarter reply. I guess I overestimated you. Good job on completely missing the part where I said I wasn't a big fan of anything "Chinese" and adding in a part about wanting to move there. It shows you at least have a little bit of creativity. Hope you have fun trying to ruin other people's days.

>> No.6491019

I think you're mad. Back to >>>/r9k/ where you belong, misogynist neckbeard.

>> No.6492136

You are being stupid, these were on /a/ and half of the discussion on the thread was about fapping to them. As if this isn't another "sex sells" technique.

>> No.6492149

You being offended doesn't make it any less funny. God, why are woman such faggots?

>> No.6492177 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 1206x819, 1348458782176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Not being a full blown racist

>> No.6492184

Cute girls can also be evil bastards that kill people? Yes, in real life? You just want to promote stereotypes that only ugly old men can be evil, don't you!

>> No.6492187
File: 178 KB, 530x970, 1353913798058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6492199

He acts like one, though.

>> No.6492221

This is accurate though it usually skips from 1st to 3rd.

>> No.6492258

>"i don't like being a doctor but my parents force me to in order to support them out of guilt."

>> No.6492269


SJW detected, I hope your vagina will be blessed with as many negroid dicks as possible