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File: 40 KB, 369x494, 2013-japanese-wavy-hairstyle-short-hairstyles-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6482282 No.6482282 [Reply] [Original]

Gyaru Hair thread?

>> No.6482309

That just looks like hair.

General hairstyles thread, please.

>> No.6482322

I want to touch her hair.

>> No.6482323
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Hoping someone will post some good ones, I don't have enough.

>> No.6482326
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>> No.6482329

ugh, that haircolour with that skin tone looks terrible

>> No.6482346
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>> No.6482350


>> No.6482374

someone wanna show me how to do that top left one?

So hard to find good hairstyles for my length.

>> No.6482475

i want to have her hair

>> No.6482609

Looking to get my hair cut shorter (shoulder-length or slightly shorter), anyone have some cute hairstyles? I'd like to steer away from blunt bangs if I can (my hair gets oily very easily and it's Summer, eek!) but side bangs are fine!!

>> No.6482632
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No tutorial I'm afraid, but pretty simple.

How long do you think your hair would need to be to do most of these?

>> No.6482954
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>> No.6482969
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>> No.6483015

That's what hair extensions are for. ANY sally's beauty supply store has packages. Costs anywhere from $20-100 per pack.

Get clip ins. It allows you to change your hair style every day without any serious dedication to a look or style.

>> No.6483038

You just use a curling iron. And then shake out and maybe tease for extra volume. The bangs are just curled in and left alone.

>> No.6483069
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>> No.6484094
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>> No.6484129
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>> No.6484587

Does anyone know where to get a wig like this?

>> No.6484788
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>> No.6485322
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does anyone else have any sort of faux updo styles for shorter hair?

>> No.6491128

is there a bigger version of this tutorial?

>> No.6491146

Man, da sistahs in da hood be rockin' dat style 4 agez.

>> No.6491186
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What is UP with all these derpy monkey faces that they all make?? Like, do they own mirrors over there?

I hate that they're all trying to look cute and moe and make their notoriously thin japanese lips more plump by doing this shit.

>> No.6491187

its funny because its true

>> No.6491262

and you know if pictures of white girls doing that got posted here they would get tons of "lol omg ducklips" comments

>> No.6491633
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There ya go.

>> No.6491643
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>> No.6492430

Gyaru hairstyles are fucking ugly 85-90% of the time.

>> No.6492432


That eye makeup makes her eyes look so droopy. Hate that.

>> No.6492631

Ah, soon my hair will be long enough to start styling it properly.


>> No.6492637

I'm jelly, you are on daktarin right?

>> No.6492676
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>> No.6492684


I am. I was genuinely shocked to see that it had worked looking at my regrowth, I didn't actually expect it to do anything.

I had to cut an inch from my hair about a week ago after going from black to ash blonde in a matter of days. Today it's almost the exact same length as before I cut it. Unbelievable.

>> No.6492687

Is there a specific daktarin cream you're using?

>> No.6492709
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>> No.6492717


I'm not sure, does it come separate varieties? I just picked up a box in my local Boots (after leaving the shop once already due to embarrassment haha). I think the one I got was one of the weaker solutions, but it worked just the same.
Getting it all over my scalp was tricky though. I mixed mine with some hot water and massaged the mixture over my head.

>> No.6492727

there's a foot version and I think there's one for thrush
Could you please take a photo of the one you've bought if it isn't too much of a bother?

>> No.6492731

different anon but im just wondering, do you leave it on until you wash your hair again and just style it and go about your day? or do you just leave it on for a certain amount of time and then rinse like a conditioning treatment?

>> No.6492738
File: 46 KB, 800x800, Daktarin-Cream-10295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It wouldn't be too much bother but I've already used up the small tube I purchased and has since gone in the bin.
I Googled it though and I believe this is the one I purchased. I had to ask at the counter to get the lady get it from behind the shelf, not sure why they don't keep it around the store though.


It makes your hair look very greasy once applied so I put it on before I went to bed, left a towel on my bed and left it overnight. I did this every Monday and Thursday, but the tube is so small that you end up using it fast.
I have heard people warning about the application resulting in headaches which I can personally attest to, though apparently it only occurs when you don't water the solution down. The one time I applied it without mixing it with water I woke up the next with a pretty bad headache, but nothing a little ibuprofen didn't sort out.

>> No.6492761

So basically its available at boots but you have to ask for it?

>> No.6492762
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This here is some husband-finding hair

>> No.6492763


Ayup. Just go up the counter and ask if you can have some Daktarin and they'll grab it for you.

>> No.6492764

thanks for the picture, pity that the tube is small, how much did it cost?

>> No.6492767

is it less effective if you dilute it?

>> No.6492770
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I wish my hair was long enough for this
damn you slow growing hair

>> No.6492811


>> No.6492812


About £5, which is expensive for so small a tube, but I guess it's worth it if you take a primary interest in your appearance.


I wouldn't imagine so. Apparently it works on the principle that there are organisms on your scalp that prevent maximum hair growth by competing for resources, and that the Micanazole Nitrate kills them off allowing for your hair to use everything up for itself. I do not know if this holds true or not.

Diluting it would simply allow you to spread more around, but the chemicals would still kill stuff off. I've heard people recommend stronger varieties such as 4% or 6%, but the stronger it is the more likely it is to induce headaches I believe.

>> No.6492815
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just chiming in here but i just finished ordering some on amazon, mostly because i have way too much anxiety problems to buy something from behind a counter, but i found a 6 pack of the little tubes for $10.99

>> No.6492846
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>> No.6492856

is it 2% or more?

so I guess 4% would be like 7/8 £ ?
I don't live in the UK and since I'm going there I'll have to stock up on the stuff as I can't find it here, are other alternatives to Monistat/Daktarin available in Europe that have the same effect?about 2 or 3, does the stuff have an expiration date?

>> No.6492861

Can someone do this one with words? I feel like I'm always skipping a step with these picture-only tutorials

>> No.6492914

2% was all i saw on amazon, but for a little under $2 i cant complain i guess

>> No.6492965
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>> No.6493050

I'm glad it works for you! I applied it myself today again, but it's a bit a dirty job and I always forget it :C
Plus I have a LOT of hair on the back of my head so I just have to skip that.

>> No.6493350
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>> No.6493858
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>> No.6494708


>> No.6494711

This is really cute. Wow.

>> No.6495200
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>> No.6495485
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>> No.6495504 [DELETED] 

These are Palty dyes right?

>> No.6495506
File: 459 KB, 500x606, tumblr_lpxlnzVbts1qd3w72o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
