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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6480770 No.6480770[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So uh.
What happened here with moot yesterday?

>> No.6480774


>> No.6480778

My favorite part was when spoony called moot a child and then proceeded to act like a huge baby while moot laughed

>> No.6480842

Ugh fucking eva braun/hexen harlot is back? Whatever happened to her trying to be more Christlike? She could barely contain creaming her panties over drama in there.

>> No.6480849

I actually had some optimism left in me when this thread began, and I thought something might have been amended until Spoony fucking manured all over the thread.

>> No.6480853
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What makes you think these trips were never here?
A lot of trips just drop and post as anon these days. Seriously.

I was kind of hoping we could get some clearer rules established and some dramabait threads deleted when Moot showed up, but Spoony isn't the most charismatic person when she's upset and pissed him off so
>he basically TL;DR'd us about the new rules and told us to deal with them because he thought all of us only wanted the drama threads back

>> No.6480862
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Don't you fucking talk about my waifu like that. One day we're going to meet, she'll peg me with that glorious purple strap-on, and live happily ever after.
But yeah, she said she still lurks and posts as anonymous.

>> No.6480877

While I don't doubt some people drop trip to shitpost, it is so easy to just point fingers at them and say, "This board sucks because tripfags."

If you look at some dramathreads, it is usually a few specific anons antagonizing the trips out of the blue to stir shit up. To me, that is more destructive to the board than all the trips circlejerking in one thread. At least they keep their shit to themselves.

>/itt: Hey, "*insert random name* drop your trip there man.

>> No.6480885


I wasn't upset, but I sure as hell wasn't going to start sucking his dick after what the way he behaved on /q/. It worked though, I managed to lure him here, even if he did pussy out after a few posts and lock the thread, though it's to be expected really. The guy can't stand not having the last word.

The moderation wouldn't even be a big deal full stop if it weren't for the fact that a fair share of channers are now actually customers in receipt of a product. And anybody who honestly believes that moot is paying for server maintenance out of his own pocket are seriously fucking blind and that's saying that in the nicest way possible.

Before the 4chan passes were set up J-list were paying him to advertise on what you're not considering is currently the largest Western orientated image-based messaging board online, and even then you're not taking into account that he also accepts donations which I can imagine would amount to a pretty penny. Think of all the money that is going to be made over the Christmas period now that passes are available, there will most definitely be people handing them out to online friends as Christmas presents. Mod and janitorial positions are 100% voluntary, so it's not like he ever has to pay a staff wage. Moot is absolutely rolling in it and I think it's hilarious that ANY of you actually believe he is some poor, old vagrant huddling in in a shed by a wood fire, collecting cans to pay for 4chans upkeep as a single tear rolls down his hollowed cheek.

>I could spend the money on hookers and blow but so long as the site stays up twelve months from the purchase date and you get your CAPTCHA-free posting, I've fulfilled my contract with you. That's all there is to it.

I think that says enough about how much money he's making off of this, which isn't even the issue. He's impossible to communicate with because the second you say something he doesn't like he'll start beating his fists and lock the thread.

>> No.6480905

>Moot accepting donations.
Stopped reading right there, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.6480909

Moot seriously doesn't profit for shit off of the amount of ads on this site. You obviously have no idea how much money it takes to run multiple dedicated servers to host the amount of people that are on this site frequently.

>> No.6480911

Why does it matter if he's making money off 4chan? AFAIK he doesn't use it for anything than to keep the site running.
In any case, I'm willing to wait until we get a decent mod/janitor. Yeah, losing a couple good threads to their zeal is unfortunate, but so long as we point out that mistakes are being made it'll get fixed.

>> No.6480918

I get it that the extra asskissing isn't necessary at all, but I thought that the point of the thread was to see if we could get moot to level with us about it. If you fight fire with fire, then nothing's going to get done. You basically ended up representing /cgl/ as negatively as possible for attempting to call moot out when it's his site.

I'm pretty sure seagulls here can lightly enjoy a dose of drama here and there, but it went from a collective thread to you mucking up and playing postergirl for /cgl/, and moot isn't going to fucking listen to you of all people.

tl;dr keep your fucking mouth shut next time.

>> No.6480924

Why are you so butthurt that he's making money?

>> No.6480936
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You obviously have no idea what you're talking about and how fucking much maintaining a website can cost.
Especially one with this much traffic.


>> No.6480938
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Oh shut the fuck up you british slag.
Youre the biggest attentionwhore ever, you are an insecure whore who always sucks up to mods when t serves you the best. Then when the popular opinion is mad about mods you join in to get peoples majority on your side.
I bet the only reason your fat fucking ass is even amd is because you can no longer make shitposting threads about how life sucks for you and how /cgl/ is full of mean bitches who dont let you shine. Youre not relevant to the board and never were.
You originally camwhored on /b/, then people got enough of your ugly slag face and you hoped /r9k/ would want your fat fucking ass, then they stopped responding and you moved to /fa/ and tried /fit/ but they laughed your ugly manitee DYEL ass off and here you are, on /cgl/.



>> No.6480939
File: 926 KB, 500x268, stupid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so dumb, you are really dumb, for real, you are really really really just so dumb.

Please just leave and never come back, ain't nobody wants your rachet-ass around anyways you basic ass bitch

>> No.6480943

>even if he did pussy out after a few posts and lock the thread
You have a very active imagination considering you got burned pretty hard.

>Moot is absolutely rolling in it
I don't think you know a single thing about server costs, bandwidth, colocation, etc. Got a background in tech that you haven't mentioned?

And neither you nor I knows how much money is actually being made off of J-list ads.

>I think it's hilarious that ANY of you actually believe he is some poor, old vagrant huddling in in a shed by a wood fire, collecting cans to pay for 4chans upkeep as a single tear rolls down his hollowed cheek.
Wow. Strawman much?

Funny how despite all this shit-talking you will continue to patronize 4chan and give him loadsemone from all those J-list ad hits. A contract with an online Japanese redistributor is enough to be rolling in it right?

>I think that says enough about how much money he's making off of this
That says nothing about how much money is being made off of passes. You are seeing what you want to see.

>the second you say something he doesn't like he'll start beating his fists and lock the thread.
Because this happened in that thread, right?

>> No.6480945

Moot or Moot fangirl samefagging

>> No.6480947

Shut the fuck up Spoony

>> No.6480950

This is the worst attempt at calling someone a samefag I have ever seen.

>> No.6480954
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Please refrain from posting ever again.

>> No.6480955

Well.. I'm with you.

>> No.6480956
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>they disagree with me so it MUST be moot!!!
good logic spoony, when will you realize no one likes you? even ur new bff charms is just luring you in to steal your chokers

>> No.6480960

congratulations. you are a social justice warrior arguing for the poor oppressed users of 4chan.

let that sink in.

>> No.6480961
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I'm the anon that contacted moot on AIM and made the "j-fashion?" thread that lead to the eventual sticky. I just read the thread from yesterday, and it's truly ironic how we had people trying to defend why drama threads should stay in the same thread that (apparently) several people lapped at petty heresay drama about Moot like thirsty dogs. What a special glimpse into "/cgl/ culture" he got.

In the handful of times I've spoken to him, he has been polite and he really does seem to have 4chan's best interest in mind (and he did not ask me any personal questions and or tits by the way). If it wasn't for his personal intervention, we would still have the shitty nazi mod and a bunch of off-topic spam threads. Now we have a cleaner board with a broader variety of things to discuss. I will miss the drama and I would be okay with a single drama general thread, but if we had to go back to the way it was before for drama I wouldn't do it. We will have blips like having circle lens threads deleted, but if we continue to give civil input about issues like that then they'll eventually be resolved.


>> No.6480964

honestly the only annoying threads from pre-steroid janitor days were by /jp/ and /r9k/

as long as RL contact info isn't being posted, and the postee is board-relevant, i don't see why we shouldn't have dramu threads

case in point: brolitajenny. shit is interesting as fuck, but under the new rules technically shouldn't be allowed?

it's honestly quite disheartening for me to witness this change in moderation, since i come to 4chan to read and participate in activities which would usually be totally out of the question IRL or on a non-anonymous website. while /cgl/ isn't the only board i frequent, it is definitely one of my favorites that has come to grow on me. not that my opinion matters or anything, but i can't help but feel disappointed by the direction in which it is being taken.

>tl;dr /cgl/ without free speech and board-related drama makes it a husk of its former self

>> No.6480970
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This right here.

How others feel about moot has nothing to do with the fact you are a dumb slag. He has his faults and may be incompetent at getting /cgl/ proper janitors, but at least his ass doesnt belong to an aquarium.
You have no brains and no idea how to manage a business, if moot makes money so fucking what?
>if i cant have nice things, no one can
As long as he finally gets us decent mods i dont give a fuck what he does with the money, if he flies all the way to thailand for tranny hookers I DONT GIVE A FUCK. How he uses money, people are willing and unconditionally ready to pay for a product he delivered, is none of my or your business.
Ever thought about finally just leaving 4chan since you hate the owner so much, dont worry. No one will miss you.

>> No.6480968 [DELETED] 
File: 457 KB, 500x500, 1354036725353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kirsty u r so fabbu, thank u for all ur hard work...
luv ur secret admirer

>> No.6480971

The "anon" posting all that made up gossip bullshit about moot was Spoony dropping trip.

>> No.6480973

Those posts by Spoony are comedy gold
> I'm staunchly against any kind of harassment that involves colliding somebody's personal life with their internet life because with the internet you can just erase your identity and vanish... it's a lot harder to do in real life and can damage a person irreparably.
Yeah, because it's not like you looked through and posted about the Ostrenga family's personal information, birth certificates and police reports on /cgl/ and Encyclopedia Dramatica or anything....

>> No.6480975

My biggest thing is just that I'm really not interested in this board without the drama. Also, I don't understand why the behind the bows threads keep being deleted and the ones about specific people like brolitajenny are still around. There doesn't seem to be any reason in how drama threads are being moderated.

>> No.6480989

Oh god, all that mad.
Yes, don't stop, feed your hatred unto me. This shits like my fucking lifeforce.

>> No.6480995

And yet whenever people bitch about you on any other board you're always there to cry about how mean they are and that they need to get a life. Drop the act already.

>> No.6480997

Spoony made us all look really bad and that's really frustrating. Moot is not the bad guy here.

>> No.6480996

>Actually using the puppetmaster defense
hahah, go kill yourself tripfag

>> No.6481003

I hope moot makes /cgl/ a forced ID board soon.

>> No.6481007

OP here.

This is the saddest thread I've ever seen, this is worse than /r9k/.

>> No.6481009


I'm not acting, I'm legitimately this retarded.

I wasn't the person posting about moot has some big secret or whatever it was, if you look that person actually apologized to moot, nor am I samefagging in this thread. Hell, if moot were here he could probably tell you that himself seeing as he's keen on calling out samefaggers.

I would enjoy that.

>w-well, even if it wasn't you that was making the posts with an opinion that differs to mine you're still a big poopy-head!

>> No.6481012

Shut the fuck up and quit while you're behind.

>> No.6481017


I wholeheartedly agree.

>> No.6481026

Can you at least answer why you're so mad at moot for making money? And also, if you have such a problem with the way he runs HIS website, why don't you just leave?

>> No.6481028


>> No.6481031

There's no need for IDs on /cgl/ though, case closed.
This topic have been up for a billion times now and you guys still get a no.

>> No.6481037

You can leave too, you're just as annoying and I've literally never seen you in any on-topic thread

>> No.6481043

Meta threads are not allowed.

>> No.6481046
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I gave the reason yesterday for why i'm here, people like you make me stay even more.
If you want me to leave then begin to ignore me, though given the persona of cgl'ers i doubt you'll be able to do that.

>> No.6481048

How can anyone even be sure he's making money?

I used to run a decently trafficked member-based website (no, not porn) and the costs for the colocation + bandwidth, backup location and a half-dozen servers was not cheap. For a website of 4chan's size and traffic, I'd estimate somewhere in the low-mid five figures of $20 one-year passes would need to be sold. That's also assuming maintenance and stuff is done for free and by salaried employees.

>> No.6481050


I'm not mad he's making money, I was just responding to the people who tried to argue with me by saying "Well how about you try running a website out of your own pocket and maintaining it entirely alone".

4chan is a great website and moot deserves to make a lot of money off of it, but now he's actually peddling a product I believe he should take more care in how he treats his users.

>> No.6481052

Goodbye thread.
You were awful.

>> No.6481063

>however I'm not going pretend I don't think he's a gigantic jerk just because he owns it.
>the fact it's pretty common knowledge what a dirtbag he is

pretty big turnaround to
>4chan is a great website and moot deserves to make a lot of money off of it