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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 176 KB, 1429x1600, 37343_IMGP2436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6477592 No.6477592[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Muslim cosplay/lolita?

Can cosplay work with hijab?

I'm going to a convention near a particularly Muslim area and have been told there's a de facto dress code in those neighborhoods which means hair must be covered at the very least.

>> No.6477607

Lolitas with hijab are great. More power to them. Allah strong.

>> No.6477623


De facto dress code? Only for race traitors.

>> No.6477632

If you're allowed to wear a fuckton of plastic garbage in your hair and it's still lolita, you can wear a hijab and it's still lolita.

>> No.6477640

Hijabs are cute.

>> No.6477642

>You will never have a fat, smelly Muslim husband who beats the shit out of you whilst reciting Hadiths


>> No.6477646


>> No.6477648

>...and won't let you got to a doctor because it's against their religion.

>> No.6477674

not this thread again
>in b4 all the same old arguments again

>> No.6477693

I think they look fine if they are coordinated properly.

What do those with hijabs think of girls who wear lolita with a wig or just their normal hair?

>> No.6477694

You must live in an European country.

>> No.6477742

cosplay, not lolita.

>> No.6477753

>go to school with billions of Muslim girls
>hijabs everywhere
>tfw you see a fully decked out eyes-only ulama mama
>tfw you imagine her brutally dominating you and forcing your head underneath her robes to eat her sweet hairy sunni snatch

>> No.6477762

This is the same thing women do with the black lolita topic.


Who do you think you're fooling? Firstly, wearing a towel around your head is not lolita, it fucks up any attempt to mimic the look. So if you choose to wear that shit then no, you are not lolita. Secondly, it looks fucking retarded, lolita or not. Wearing that thing looks like you either got swallowed by a sock or are trying out in the school play to be a muppet.

You can either be lolita or have religious conviction and dress up like an earthworm. Not both. And any bleeding heart apologist who tries to tell you otherwise is just trying too hard to protect you from assholes like me who tell the truth.

>> No.6477767
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>> No.6477777

When you cross and uncross your legs do little poofs of dust blast out of your wretched withered cunt

>> No.6477789

Sometimes I feel like people are less likely to give decent concrit, the same with black girls, because they don't want to ~offend them~ or look bad.

>> No.6477793

Nobody really cares one way or another.

>> No.6477796
File: 407 KB, 412x750, tumblr_me4ctkEoH81ql6fc4o2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shitty coord got 10259 notes on Tumblr. If you want e-fame, Islam is the way to go.

>> No.6477895

You forgot to add that's she a white muslim

>> No.6477939

No, don't use a hijab, use a giant lolita hat to cover your hair instead.

>> No.6477966

As long as they keep to high-contrast outfits I love it. Pastel colors with light skin and dark eyes and hair looks really stupid.

>> No.6477975

>there's a de facto dress code in those neighborhoods which means hair must be covered at the very least.

Wait, now these assholes are expecting that people who don't even believe in the same shit as they do follow their rules?
Please tell me I got some of this wrong.

>> No.6477983
File: 17 KB, 100x100, so far so good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty Turkish to me.

>> No.6477996

>going to a convention near a particularly Muslim area
are you...stalking danny choo? at comic fiesta?

>> No.6478000

>hair must be covered at the very least
So you just wear a damn wig which is pretty much like 90% lolitas, dipshit.

>> No.6478014

Stop projecting your own taste/religious and/or racial problems onto everyone else. Not everyone actually agrees with you on this shit, and you sound like a right nasty cunt.
>"hurrdur its not lolita if i dont say it is fukkin towelheads >:(((("

>> No.6478028

They can wear their cloths over the head as much as they want. I don't have to like it and I don't like it.
But I won't tell them not to wear it either because it's totally not my problem nor does it bother me. (Why the fuck would it?)

Also, don't like this either.

>> No.6478035

>Firstly, wearing a towel around your head is not lolita, it fucks up any attempt to mimic the look

This. Lolita is 100% based on old European fashion with some modern animu shit thrown in, but the Japanese do it right.

>> No.6478044

Well, that's the same with multicolored pastel pigtail wigs too. All that shit ruins the lolita look. It was only cool for the novelty, until everyone was doing it.

DO YOU SEE MOST JAPANESE LOLITAS DOING THAT? No? Then there you go. It looks wrong.

>> No.6478050

Yeah, but some substyles look nice with the oddly-colored wigs.
I don't think any substyle looks nice with that thing on their head.

>> No.6478063

Yep. My school went on a field trip to the Mosque in Washington, DC and they required all the females to wear long sleeves, long pants, and close toed shoes.

They didn't make us cover our hair at least, but good gravy. I'm surprised that even after that my teachers thought it would be a good idea to take us there.

>> No.6478071

i keep seing this, it's not awful but it's not really that great either. anyone has any other exemple?

>> No.6478075

No seriously I would just not go. Find another convention where you won't have to worry about being beaten or raped then blamed for it if some hair peeks out from under a wig, or if you push up your sleeves to wash your hands.

>> No.6478076

Well, it -is- a Mosque. Unless my english fails me, that's a muslim people's religious place, it makes sense that people who visit had to pay some respect.

But a convention? On a place that just HAPPENS to be around a neighborhood where these people live? An anime con that has literally nothing to do with their religion?
That's ridiculous.

>> No.6478082

>my opinion is law and I decide whether or not something is Lolita
Please stop.

>> No.6478088

Was it a public school, or a private school? If it was a public school you could have sued them for mixing state and religion and gotten a ton of cash.

>> No.6478089

Preside reason why I included 'think'.
I can think w/e the fuck I want just like you.
Please stop.

>> No.6478090

OP's pic is fucking creepy and looks like some kind of goffik ageplayer. Giant lenses, shitty eye makeup, bonnet over hijab to make it look like something off Tom & Jerry? Check, check, check. This post >>6477796 is an example of how muslim girls can definitely pull off lolita, but OP is just nightmare mode. She looks like ghostly villain from anything by Junji Ito.

>> No.6478123

It was a private school.

I have to agree. But it kind of pissed me off that my principal approved of the field trip to start, especially because the guy giving us the little "tour" never called on the girls when they raised their hands, and basically didn't acknowledge us at all.

>> No.6478148

>the guy giving us the little "tour" never called on the girls when they raised their hands

Woah, that's just awful. Especially because in every field trip I've ever gone to, the only ones who gave a fuck about what was being said or cared about the actual reason for the field trip were the girls. Except for that one odd boy, every guy was more interested in running around, making jokes and saying "woah you guys sure are weird".

Must have sucked.

>> No.6478152

IMO she looks like a creepy nun.

>> No.6478195

She looks frightening. Especially with that kind of make up and those lenses.

Otherwise i don't really care, what people wear with lolita. It's just a fashion.

>> No.6478217
File: 37 KB, 403x403, 61409_373484819409919_771300263_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as anyone else, as long as they put effort into their cosplay/coord it should be good.

>> No.6478220

she's a white girl from the UK, i follow her tumblr, o the asskissing she gets on tumblr

>> No.6478230

What's her Tumblr? She really doesn't look fully white to me, did she say or are you just basing that on the fact that she lives in the UK?

>> No.6478245

i think she said but im not too sure, her tumblr is sugarnoor

>> No.6478254

what self respecting white girl would marry a Muslim man?

>> No.6478256

If you read things like past questions, when people send her asks in Arabic, she only responds with 'Salaam'.
Someone send her an Arabic-only ask full of insults, if she responds with only 'Salaam and thank you!' 100% she's some white girl pretending to be Muslim.

>> No.6478263

I think she is muslim, cuz guess what: "You dont have to be from the middle east to be muslim" shocker i know. I dont know Arabic like that i keep forgeting what my dad taught me. so...

>> No.6478269

She's mixed race, actually. Why that even matters is beyond me. Her coords are great, headgear/ race/ religion aside.

>> No.6478271

Actually, it's more about the fact that the Quran is in Arabic, and not supposed to be translated, you dumbass.

>> No.6478283

I have zero respect for any white girl that follows that shit.

>> No.6478301

Surprised people are even able to hold a convention in a muslim area. Are you in Indonesia or something? You'd probably be shot on sight if you were in a middle eastern country.

>> No.6478305

Muslim culture is the worst.

>> No.6478308

what kind of retarded religion disallows people to translate it? fuck islam. its a shitty religion that oppresses women anyway.

>> No.6478310

I have zero respect for any girl that follows that shit regardless of race. how stupid do you have to be to willingly follow a religion that tells you that you're worth less than half of a man?

>> No.6478313

Muslims learn Arabic, even though about 90% of them don't speak it as their first language. All their prayers and their religious book is all in Arabic so they learn to read it. Unlike >>6478271 says, it can be translated. It's not forbidden. But they always refer back to the original Arabic because sometimes things do get lost in translation so it's considered to be the true version.

>> No.6478328

white men are just better than middle eastern men. even my Lebanese friend says so.

>> No.6478343

The point of covering hair is not just to literally cover your own strands of hair but to avoid flaunting the alluring/feminine quality hair inherently has. A wig doesn't accomplish that.

>should not display their beauty and ornaments, etc.

Lolita does pretty starkly contrast with the idea that a Muslim person is supposed to be focusing on God and doing good things and following the Quran ,not spending time and money on the way they look and being cute/pretty...

Personally I think it looks cute but if I were Muslim I would be extremely conflicted about spending so much effort on looks and I would be nervous that it was detracting from my religious and spiritual life. I mean, I'm a Christian and I already have that conflict since the Bible has similar commands to be modest and not to be overly concerned with adornments.

But depending on where they live everyone has the freedom to interpret scripture the way they feel fit for their life. If Muslim girls want to do lolita but they aren't comfortable completely disregarding commandments to cover up, I'm not going to say they can't include a headscarf.

>> No.6478356

Well think about it.

>words from perfect God
>nonperfect humans with agendas and biases

Translating it leads to misunderstandings due to cultural differences and the possibility of using multiple meanings to craft a different interpretation of something. I mean there's already enough argument about meaning within people who speak Arabic.
A great example of this happening would be the King James Bible: James gave the translators instructions intended to guarantee that the new version would conform to the Church of England's belief in an ordained clergy. Basically it was translated in a way that solidified power for a certain group of people.

>> No.6478377

Except the part where it was written by imperfect humans with shitty memories and their own biases. Oh, and the main guy was illiterate and married his boss. LOL

>> No.6478383
File: 1.45 MB, 320x240, 1311981260518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread.jpg

>> No.6478398

Janitor, delete this thread.


These are retarded. Literally.
And seeing as though you bar anyone from making comments against someone's race anyway, what do these really serve except as a place to rehash old opinions that we've already heard, over and over?

If anyone needs a thread to see that people of different races and religions can look good in lolita, they are either retarded or incredibly new.

>> No.6478423

Having seen her mother, I can confirm that she's at least 50% Turkish. In case you don't know, Turkish Muslims in Europe are generally treated as terribly as black people in the US. So whining that she's a 'white girl' is full-on bullshit if you're doing it to show she's not discriminated against/treated terribly/checking her privileges, Europeans would be able to tell the difference between European and Middle Eastern easily.

>> No.6478450

Islam originally gave more rights to women Than christanilty did. For example You can divorce in Islam but you can't in christanilty

>> No.6478469

Supposedly Muhammad wrote it as dictated by the angel Gabriel. Except for the Satanic Verses, trolololol

>> No.6478554

you mean in catholicism.
henry viii LEFT that church because he wanted a divorce. he was still christian but not catholic.

>> No.6478564

I thought it was possible to divorce, but if you divorced you couldn't remarry etc. In the end it was the society that forbid people from divorcing rather than bible itself.

>> No.6478588

someone has been learning their history from tumblr I see.

>> No.6478598

no my friend who is Muslim told me some stuff and i read on my own because one of my fav graphic artists is Muslim.

>> No.6478599

>Turkish Muslims
>treated terribly as black people in the US?

So they have a host of legal privileges and can call upon "Turkish rage" as a legal defense?

Please keep the SJW shit in tumblr please.

>> No.6478602

>my friend told me

Yeah, have you actually read or even heard of any Medievalists/Byzantintists?

>> No.6478610

im aware of the terms

>> No.6478611

>white people get more leeway in court for drug-related crime than black people
>police officers are more pushy/forceful or suspicious around black people than white people
>"LOL if your white and like a black guy, youre a slut. sorry but its true."/"if my daughter gets a black guy for a boyfriend i'm disowning her"
>"your ugly and ur natural hair is ugly. just wear a wave godamit"

Not even SJW Tumblr, but sit down.

>> No.6478622

If the police disproportionately target blacks, why are they arrested at roughly the same rate for most crimes as they are reported to commit them on the NCVS?

>"LOL if your white and like a black guy, youre a slut. sorry but its true."/"if my daughter gets a black guy for a boyfriend i'm disowning her"

You know BM/WF marriages have the highest divorce rates right? Also, way higher spousal homicide rates than homogeneous marriages.

Seems like you like black guys and are butthurt about the fact people rightly identify you as a whore for doing so.

Fact is, most women who like black men are kinda trashy, you can't do anything to change this.

>"your ugly and ur natural hair is ugly. just wear a wave godamit"

Actually, most seagulls asskiss black girls and tell them they look beautiful. It's a very small proportion of comments like the above.

You can't name a single Medievalist yet you think you have the right to make sweeping claims about historical periods a millenia in length covering vastly different types of culture/racial group/state?

>> No.6478625

>Not even SJW


>> No.6478623

Why did she wear jeans instead of tights? Is she not allowed to wear them? I think the outfit is cute, but the jeans and shoes just ruin it.

>> No.6478631

There was a middle eastern guy working at Subway who was extremely rude to me and my other female friend. Like, when she asked for her sandwich to be toasted he rolled his eyes and grunted, then kind of shoved it in the microwave. But when this other man and his son came up to the counter he was very friendly and outgoing, making jokes and all.

I mean, I've been going to that Subway for years considering I only live a few blocks away. And there have been other middle easterners working there who were very friendly to me. Some of them just...need to accept our culture is different from theirs or go back to their own countries.

>> No.6478643

Shariah Law just isn't a very good legal system in general. It's not only that it's fairly shitty towards women, it's that it has no background other than the context of Islam. It's not particularly well designed and it always had problems guaranteeing things like property rights which is why Muslim farmers were actually better off under the rule of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Christianity grew out of the Roman Empire, so 'Christian' law contained Ecclesiastical elements, but it was mostly pre-Christian common law elements from the Germanics or Roman law that held it in place, which is why it was a lot fairer. It actually had a legal framework and background beyond the religion.

Ibn Jubayr's described the Muslims living under the Christian crusaders' Kingdom of Jerusalem:

>We left Tibnin by a road running past farms where Muslims live who do very well under the Franks-may Allah preserve us from such a temptation! ... The Muslims own their own houses and rule themselves in their own way. This is the way the farms and big villages are organized in Frankish territory. Many Muslims are sorely tempted to settle here when they see the far from comfortable conditions in which their brethren live in the districts under Muslim rule. Unfortunately for the Muslims, they have always reason for complaint about the injustices of their chiefs in the lands governed by their coreligionists, whereas they can have nothing but praise for the conduct of the Franks, whose justice they can always rely on.

>> No.6478652

Sorry, but niggers being niggers isn't white privilege.

>> No.6478660

>"LOL if your white and like a black guy, youre a slut. sorry but its true."/"if my daughter gets a black guy for a boyfriend i'm disowning her"

This is true of all families you tard. You think Asian dads want their daughters marrying Black guys? They have enough problems as it is accepting a mild mannered white dude.

>> No.6478671

That's why nobody should date Asians. They're all racist cunts, including the males.

>> No.6478673


They are not allowed to wear anything that is too form fitting, like tights or leggings, because it's deemed as inappropriate. I agree she would look really nice with tights.

>> No.6478681

Couldn't she find....loose fitting tights? or something? I don't know, jeans with lolita just looks.....awkward.

>> No.6478682

Suit yourself. I swear, it's like you're either a Retarded SJ Warrior or Retarded Stormfag/Generally Ignorant Caucasian Girl and there's no in between with when it comes to either of you.

What a compelling argument.

>> No.6478690

But only half her leg would be showing! And they'd still be covered up!

I swear, muslims are fucking scum.

>> No.6478694
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>> No.6478698

>You know BM/WF marriages have the highest divorce rates right? Also, way higher spousal homicide rates than homogeneous marriages.
Which makes who a slut, exactly? If the sentiment were "It probably won't go well if you're marrying a black male while being a white girl." it'd be fine and dandy.

>Seems like you like black guys and are butthurt about the fact people rightly identify you as a whore for doing so.
Please don't project what are possibly your own insecurities on to me.

>Actually, most seagulls asskiss black girls and tell them they look beautiful. It's a very small proportion of comments like the above.
And they're ALWAYS there and argued about and the entire thread is derailed because dumbfucks want to argue opinion like it's fact.

Asians doing it doesn't suddenly make it okay for anyone, including white people.

>> No.6478699

>tfw best friend is an American-born Pakistani
>tfw she wears normal clothes + swimsuits and doesn't cover her hair, yet still follows the Muslim religion.

She does cover up when she goes to the mosque though.

>> No.6478707

Forgot to add
>Fact is, most women who like black men are kinda trashy, you can't do anything to change this.
There's no study that proves that mostly trashy white women like black men. You just generalize large groups based on a few examples and some shitty porn.

>> No.6478713

>Ignorant Caucasian Girl

God damn, nigger, you sure are clever, nigger.

>> No.6478715

I have a white friend who only dates black guys and she's quite classy.

Though, she grew up going to a classy private school where she met all her black boyfriends, so it wasn't like they were typical nigga thugs. I think most of them were half white anyway.

>> No.6478719

So are you, Cracker-chan.

>> No.6478722

No Asians, and middle easterners doing it means it's not an exclusively white thing. Asians get away with it more than whites as well. Since it's just dismissed as them being 'traditional'.

>> No.6478721

This post is exactly why most black men prefer white girls and latinas rather than your flat yellow ass.

>> No.6478726

Thanks, coon-kun.

Now go.

Off to tumblr with your 'transgendervestitesexual autistic niggo womens' studies" degree.

>> No.6478730

Actually there is a study that shows white women who self identify as slim or slender are more likely to exclude black men as potential dating partners than women who identify as 'curvaceous'.

>> No.6478736

she doesn't sound very classy...

>> No.6478738


RACIST (Unless you're not white)

>> No.6478739

No one said it was an exclusively white thing, though.

Right after you go off and log into your ChimpOut account, "SaltyNiggerChickenCoon777" and go on your rant on why Hitler was Jesus incarnate.

>> No.6478740

That's because black men usually like fat white girls.

Idgi but whatever, at least they're accepted somewhere.

>> No.6478744


>> No.6478745

She is though. Grew up in a wealthy white family and dates wealthy black/mulatto guys.

They're rare but they exist.

>> No.6478741

That doesn't really mean much in regards to anything, Anon.

>> No.6478743

What black men like doesn't matter. You are twenty times more likely than Asian Americans to have aids even amongst black Americans.

>> No.6478747

>Tyrone is an Irish name

>> No.6478756

And about 95% of Asians are ugly without plastic surgery. White girls/black girls/latinas ftw.

>> No.6478750

It means fat white women and black men have low market value.

>> No.6478766
File: 677 KB, 222x139, cLcKj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find many black men attractive but the one thing that kept me from dating them was the fear that his dick would be too big.

>> No.6478771

If they're also classy like Nate King Cole, that's fine.

>> No.6478761

Typical of a Stormfag to assume anyone who doesn't think all black people are dumbniggerniggers are TRANS-FAT FtMtFtM WOLF-IDENTIFYING TRANS-ETHNIC JAPANESE MAJORING IN WOMEN'S STUDIES WHO RECENTLY BECAME A LESBIAN CHECK YOUR PRIVELIGE.

>> No.6478762

No. She's from a classy family. She isn't classy.

>> No.6478774

Because thinner white women don't usually date black men, fat white women who will date black men, as well as black men themselves are seen as lesser?
You're not making sense.

>> No.6478772

You're making assumptions about someone you don't know. I find it funny.

>> No.6478780

Oh look. An idiot who thinks fat women are desirable.

>> No.6478784

>Fat people master race.

>> No.6478786

Nice ad hominem/strawman. When the fuck did I say white women are "desirable"? You're the only idiot here.

>> No.6478788


> /cgl/ The Story
>Screenplay written by the Internet

>> No.6478793


Most white women don't want your black ass either.

>> No.6478798

>Implying I'm black.

>> No.6478799

>only blacks in america are named tyrone

who'da thought there'd be names co-opted by blacks that aren't actually african in origin?

>> No.6478807

I've never met a Tyrone, black or otherwise, and I've only met one Jamal at all.

>> No.6478804
File: 446 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m33tw4aAdu1r0rdu8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that shit is just adorable. I would hug and tenderly love her.

>> No.6478809

why do u people state opinions as facts and are racist

>> No.6478815

One of the most striking findings is that white women who describe themselves as slim, slender, athletic, fit or average are nearly seven times as likely to exclude black men as dates as women who describe themselves as thick, voluptuous, a few extra pounds, or large. This finding is consistent with racial–beauty exchange theories in that white women who do not meet conventional standards of beauty (in terms of having a thinner body type) are more open to dating black men, who may be considered a lower status group.



>> No.6478814

The only race I hate as a whole are Asians. Everyone else is fine as long as they act civilized.

>> No.6478817

>White women were 12 times more likely to be murdered by their spouse in an interracial marriage, as compared to a same-race marriage. White men in interracial marriages were 21 times more likely to meet the same fate.


>First marriages in which the husband and wife are both members of the same race/ethnicity are more likely to succeed than those in which the spouses are of different race/ethnicity. After 10 years of marriage, interracial marriages have a 41% chance of disruption and same-race marriages have a 31% chance of disruption.


>> No.6478816

Facts aren't racist.

Fact: Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime even when class is taken into account.

>> No.6478825
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>is crossplaying as genderbent miku vocaloid
>has feminine hijab on
>arm cuff things are too high
>has a long sleeve t-shirt under that for whatever reason
>shitty looking costume

Honestly? If you have to wear a hijab, I think it would make more sense cosplaying some sort of fashionista character. Because headscarf=classic fashion
-Paradise kiss

I know there's others, but off the top of my head those stick out

>> No.6478823

>dumping links as if that disproves any counter-arguments made ITT even though those very same statistics and facts have been addressed
It's like I'm really on /pol/.

>> No.6478831

oh, "peasant" Jasmine in Aladdin when she goes into the market place

>> No.6478833

They haven't been addressed. You just throw them down your personal memory holes.

>> No.6478842

i didn't say facts are racist

i meant something like

all Australians are stupid

when it's obvious not all of them are stupid

in fact it's a fact i made up on the spot and cherry picked in an attempt to sound edgey

>> No.6478841

Nope, they have.
That doesn't mean a white woman who dates a black man is automatically trashy or a slut.
Fat =/= Slutty

You're sounding more and more like a broken record.

>> No.6478849

>That doesn't mean a white woman who dates a black man is automatically trashy or a slut.

Hi, I'm an Anti-Racist, my entire ideology is based around the idea that exceptions invalidate general trends.

>Fat =/= Slutty

When did I say slutty? I said trashy. As in, overweight, more willing to put up with a partner who has a shit job, or no job at all, more willing to risk it with a guy who is way more likely to have STDs than the average white man etc.

>> No.6478860

It's not a "trend". Show me a study that proves more slutty or trashy white women date black men. And no, interracial gangbang porn you found on /b/ does not count as proof of anything.

>When did I say slutty? I said trashy.
Are you seriously trying to argue semantics now?

>overweight, more willing to put up with a partner who has a shit job, or no job at all, more willing to risk it with a guy who is way more likely to have STDs than the average white man etc.
Since when does overweight mean all or even any of those things? Goddamn, it's a weight and possibly unhealthy diet (inb4 "all fat people eat unhealthy", you can still get fat if you overeat food that just happens to be healthy. 7000 pounds of fruits and veggies are still calories, nigga) not a lifestyle.

>> No.6478865

I've seen Maury and it's usually the fat white chicks going for the blacks.

>> No.6478872

>It's not a "trend". Show me a study that proves more slutty or trashy white women date black men.

Stop being an autist, everyone knows black men have lower dating market value which is why they settle for fat white women. Trashyness is inversely proportional to dating market value. Obesity is just one part of this.

>Are you seriously trying to argue semantics now?

That's not semantics, that's you putting words in my mouth, there are plenty of sluts with high standards who won't touch blacks.

>Since when does overweight mean all or even any of those things? Goddamn, it's a weight and possibly unhealthy diet (inb4 "all fat people eat unhealthy", you can still get fat if you overeat food that just happens to be healthy.

You're just trying to dispute the obvious here.

>> No.6478877

JFC. You really are losing this argument. Just quit.

>That's not semantics, that's you putting words in my mouth, there are plenty of sluts with high standards who won't touch blacks.
"Trashy" is often a synonym for "slutty", "whoreish" (which you also used), etc.

>You're just trying to dispute the obvious here.
Nothing's "obvious", you're just talking bullshit and can't back any of it up.

>> No.6478884
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Ya'll bitches be cray

>> No.6478887

Whatever dude, keep on believing that there's no correlation if it protects your feelings. Everyone else can see reality.

>> No.6478890

Drawn Together even made an episode about it. Foxxy Love's kid wanted to live up in Toot's big ass.

>> No.6478893

Keep lying to yourself based on shitty cultural misconceptions. Everyone with half a brain can see reality.

>> No.6478896
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>people citing Drawn Together and Maury as evidence for why their blatant racism is ok

Sure is /pol/ in here

>> No.6478897

>Everyone with half a brain can see reality.

What reality is that? That middle and upper class white women are complete equal opportunists when it comes to dating?

Would you say the same about Asian women? It's fairly obvious the vast majority of them do not like black men.

>> No.6478899

In your world, blacks must be well behaved at not cause immeasurable trouble wherever they go. If only that were true for the rest of us.

>> No.6478901

No, I'm just saying that it's in popular culture and is a stereotype precisely because it is seen so frequently.

>> No.6478908
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Wanna know how I know you're a racist and full of shit?

>> No.6478910

>What reality is that? That middle and upper class white women are complete equal opportunists when it comes to dating?
No, that there's no proof that mostly or only lower-class white women date black men, and that there are examples of mid-to-upper class white women doing it. Placing a stigma on that sort of thing is fucking dumb and you should feel dumb for doing it.

>Would you say the same about Asian women?
I don't think only slutty/trashy Asian women date black men, so yeah.

You just keep repeating the same thing on and on like it's valid, and I don't even know what you're trying to do here anymore.

I don't believe mentioning anything about that, but it's okay to put words in other peoples' mouths in order to soothe your inflamed anus, right?

>> No.6478915

No, it's because those writers are fucking hacks and racism is lazy

How does it feel to have such shit taste? The most intense flavor of shit humanity can possibly muster. You should be fucking embarrassed

>> No.6478922

Not really. Black are funny when their angry.

>> No.6478917

>mostly or only

See, the latter was never posited, it was the former. The assertion was that white women who had lower dating market value, lower social status etc were more open to dating black men. The evidence provided for this was a study that showed obese white women were more open, and slim white women were less open. Sure, it's not comprehensive empirical evidence, but I'm not autistic enough to believe I need across the board datasets to prove what anybody with two eyes can already see.

>I don't think only slutty/trashy Asian women date black men, so yeah.

I think trashy asian women are more likely to date black men.

>> No.6478920

>I don't believe mentioning
I accidentally my grammar.

>> No.6478923


>I think trashy asian women are more likely to date black men

Only Koreans.

>> No.6478924

>>arm cuff things are too high
>>has a long sleeve t-shirt under that for whatever reason
For modesty. What would be the point of going so far as having your head covered, then leave your arms hanging out?

>> No.6478927


>> No.6478930

You're missing the fact that being overweight does not directly mean that you are lower class or have lower dating standards.
You're taking an example of one thing, then twisting it to imply something completely different.

>I think trashy asian women are more likely to date black men.
>I think
Okay. That will forever remain the law in your own mind unless you show conclusive evidence that it's correct.

>> No.6478934

I bet you use "your" interchangeably with "you're", as well. Disgusting.

>> No.6478933

>You're missing the fact that being overweight does not directly mean that you are lower class or have lower dating standards.

So you're saying fat white women could have top tier white men if they wanted? lol ok.

>> No.6478940

Some so-called "top tier white men" have fetishes for fatties. I'd post that one picture of the incredibly /fit/ dude kissing a landwhale, but I don't save pictures like that. Chances are you've seen it, anyway.

>> No.6478943

Oh dear.

Refer to:


>> No.6478942

I do do dat.

>> No.6478945

>top tier white men


>> No.6478946


>> No.6478947

make the arm cuff things longer->attach to shirt
makes more sense and looks better
anon posted it as an example of 'effort'
it's a shitty cosplay even without the whole hijab bit

that's not to say it can't be done or shouldn't, just it's not a good cosplay or even a good adaptation for the person's needs(in this case to be covered)

>> No.6478959

I've already answered that, thanks. It's more or less the very same thing mentioned in >>6478917, and is being repeated over and over.

Second, I'd ask what you'd define as a "top tier white man", but...no.

>> No.6478968

>What do you think of Muslim cosplay/lolita?
The whole purpose of wearing the veil is to preserve your "modesty" and attract the minimum amount of attention to yourself. So given that reason, a veiled muslim in lolita is a pretty substantial contradiction. If you are going to go out in public dressed in such an unusual fashion, there is really no point in wearing the veil. If the girls are really so concerned about maintaining their pious appearance, they should not be wearing lolita in the first place.

>Can cosplay work with hijab?
If it is part of the original character design, yes.

>> No.6478965

/fit/ aren't top tier white men because they're on /fit/. A lot of them use exercise as a crutch because they're not naturally attractive.

>> No.6478973

/fit/ is fucking hideous, how blind are you and when was the last time you even looked? How low are YOUR standards?

>> No.6478977
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>> No.6478981
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>> No.6478978
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>> No.6478985

I've always found it weird how black men seem to universally reject black women in favor of non-black women.

No other race of men does that.White men generally prefer White women, Asian men generally prefer Asian women etc.

>> No.6478988
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>> No.6478993

>Lose argument
>Start spamming pictures

[x] ProudCuteAsian tier

>> No.6478995
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>> No.6478997

actually I was never part of the argument. Just joining in with pic spam cause the thread derailed so hard.

>> No.6478999
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I used /fit/ to mean "incredibly fit", not some faggot who browses /fit/. Pic related, the men who showed up to the /fit/ meetup. All that lip on being "alpha as fuck" for nothing.

>> No.6479002

ha asian men and black women are both on the lowest tier when it comes to dating, in Korea a girl wont even date you if you dont own a car

>> No.6479003

Nah, that's not true. My dad's a hardcore "BLACK MASTER RACE FUCK YEAH BLACK WOMEN > ALL WOMEN" guy.
Then again, he actually turned out to be mixed race so lul.

>> No.6479005

It's like a tacit admission of inferiority, as only white men and white women can produce white children.

>> No.6479000

What fucking planet do you live on? I'm from NY, black men aren't exclusively fucking and dating your white women

>> No.6479008

I feel a bit ashamed to say it but thank goodness. I'm a black girl but I've never been into black guys. I didn't really grow up around them so that's probably why. All of my relationships with with South east asians except for the Russian guy and my first boyfriend was serbian.

>> No.6479009



>> No.6479010

That's not even me. I don't save pictures purely to enrage people and spam threads.

>> No.6479013

So you mean...FIT or BUFF men? As in the regular words. The regular words that make sense and don't need the // for any reason.

P.S. I'm not into meatheads, they're actually second to last tier to me.

>> No.6479018

Yeah, thinking any race is "master race" is pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.6479016

Black girls have the rough personality that drives away men regardless of their ethnicity.

>> No.6479021
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It's so funny because really don't even know whats going on just started posted to see the rage after reading one post. Why do people get so upset by things on the internet?

>> No.6479024

They're quite basically the same thing, the only difference is the //. I've just grown used to using them on 4chan because it's 4chan.

>> No.6479031

>implying that anon lost the argument
stay mad stormfriend

>> No.6479034

>Thinking that the rate of preference towards black men is the same regardless of social class

>> No.6479035

Apparently, to you they are not (and they're fucking not). And for fuck's sake, don't be such a pathetic shit that you blur 4chan and real life.

>> No.6479037

not necessarily. I will say yeah it's a mostly true generalization but it depends on where their from, I've seen a lot of shy african girls and I think it's because their culture is male dominated. American black girls fall more into that stereotype

>> No.6479048
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>> No.6479045
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>> No.6479046

People use "get /fit/" a lot on this website. That doesn't mean you should go and acquire a board on 4chan. In the same way, "he is /fit/" could simply mean "he is fit". Stop being obtuse.
>don't blur 4chan and real life
This...isn't real life.

I know you're not responding to me, but lol. When will you stop?

>> No.6479050


>> No.6479057

>hasnt even seen shy american black girls cuz they are always unheard over the loud ones

>> No.6479056
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>> No.6479062
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>> No.6479059
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dude from scrubs has a hot wife

>> No.6479060

I actually like blacks from the continent because they know what an opportunity it is to live here. They try really hard in school and in life whereas the ones that were born here cry about slavery and don't want to do shit with their lives.

>> No.6479064

I can't help it if the only 2 blacks girls are the loudest in class. I'm not even exaggerating.

>> No.6479065
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>> No.6479067
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>> No.6479070

Okay, you keep being embarrassment all you want.

>> No.6479069

You can't anon. it's not you're fault.Long as you understand all black females aren't like that,

I always enjoyed this video:

Black people vs. niggas

>> No.6479076

100% agreed.

No, she does not respect herself and I simply cannot respect someone like that. A whore is a thousand times more respectable than a Muslim woman.

Really, they fight for the right to study. They have to fight for the right to do stuff just for being women when we're in the fucking XXI century and they could do any of those stuff if only they gave up that stupid faith.

Keep believing in Allah or whatever if you want to, keep every other aspect of the religion but GIVE THE FUCK UP OF THE OTHER ONES. I feel like if these women were forced to literally be sex slaves and have their husbands wipe the floor with their faces they'd still accept it.

>> No.6479080

as a black girl with a white husband, these pictures make me hnnng because we don't get to see images like these too often

too bad this thread is shit

>> No.6479086

I'm not being an embarrassment at all. You're just being dumb.

>> No.6479089

What wrong with getting a black husband? Afraid he will either 1) beat you or 2) leave when you're pregnant?

>> No.6479091

nothing's wrong with it, it just didn't happen that way for me.

>> No.6479092

like white men arent the poster child for beating thier wives

>> No.6479096

True but at least they support their children when they do have them.

>> No.6479099
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>> No.6479101
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>> No.6479103
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>> No.6479106

hahahahaha yea right whites are more likely to deny their child or leave without a word

>> No.6479108

>more likely

Give me some stats on this one.

As far as I'm aware, black illegitimacy rates are the highest in America.

>> No.6479109

I thought that was Asian guys. The image of the angry Korean who beats the shit out of his wife behind closed doors for example.

>> No.6479111

dear mods
please delete this thread
at least drama threads are tangentially related to the board
this is just race wank

>> No.6479112

probably more likely murder them

>> No.6479176

can we report this for being off topic about lolita? i mean it started as a hijab in lolita thread but now it's just some /pol/ race shit.

>> No.6479586
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>> No.6479616

I know I'm being ignorant here, but is the Hijab the religious symbol or is the idea to have your hair covered no matter what is on there?

I'm only asking because I was wondering if a wig counted as covering up hair.

Nevertheless; I think that Hijabs can be worked into a co-ord if they're colour coordinated. There are unfortunately a lot of black/crappy lace coordinates (Like OP's picture) but I think there is potential for greatness.