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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 115 KB, 500x327, tumblr_mapkrwNiwy1rnzp88o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6475016 No.6475016 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't seen a mori thread lately. You disappoint me, cgl.

>> No.6475023

Does anyone else think mori will have meetups and attention like lolita does?

>> No.6475040


Maybe, except mori meetups would be picnics in the park or photography hikes.

>> No.6475041

I don't really think so? I think it will stay just another fashion.
I mean, even if they did have meetups and stuff, what would you do? In Lolita, they have teaparties and stuff. But what, would it just be a little party in the woods with bread and jam?

>> No.6475092

I'm not going to lie, bread and jam parties in the woods sounds adorable.

Although it wouldn't work for me because I like to climb every climbable-looking tree I see, and I don't think that would work out well with mori clothing.

>> No.6475111

I remember some girls doing lolita meetups that were like going apple or berry picking that I think would work well for Mori.

Also: jam making or canning parties, Mori-related craft circles, quilting circles, etc

>> No.6475117

It actually sounds like a good idea, with all that kinds of cute things.
But I'm still scared that it would end up as catty as the lolita fandom could be, if there were to be things like meetups.

>> No.6475123

There are a lot of 'lolita activities' that mori also shares, such as tea drinking and picnics. I guess the atmosphere would just be different; instead of a super fancy victorian-esque tea place, they'd prefer something with a homey cottage setting. I could also see a meet involving nature walks.

>> No.6475145 [DELETED] 

Oops, lolita community.
I'm too obsessed with fandoms that that word falls out sometimes--

>> No.6476775
File: 80 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mamysqy1Kj1rr8arbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else have any pictures of cute Mori hairstyles?

>> No.6476909

I imagine meetups indoors would be really craftsy and a lot more like a gaggle of young housewives.

>> No.6477071

We could make potpourri and dry flowers (to decorate headbands with of course) learn how to cook delicate deserts, and braid each others' hair in complicated styles.

>> No.6477205
File: 192 KB, 500x355, tumblr_maiz0cWwj51r709xxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely adore mori girl. I think like lolita, but as not as distinct, it has subgenres. I really love the mori girl styles that incorporate other known jfashions such as gyaru and classic lolita. I really didn't know much about the fashion till a girl stopped me at an anime convention and asked if I was a mori girl. Apparently I dressed like one all along.

Anyway, I think this hairstyle would be perfect for mori girl if you put some flowers in the hair.

>> No.6478718
File: 231 KB, 427x640, 1348457537561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I need to try that!

>> No.6478727
File: 202 KB, 500x489, 1348619897931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the darker mori style called? It's something related to witches, I think...

>> No.6478748
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>> No.6478754
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>> No.6478752
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>> No.6478767


Swamp mori? I forget the Japanese word for it, though, just that it translated to 'swamp' and I remember an anon posting a link to a translation of a Japanese "guide" to swamp mori where one of the things was "we keep our fingernails long, so we can pick our noses!".

>> No.6478769
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>> No.6478763
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>> No.6478783
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>> No.6479025

Swamp girl/numa girl is just a joke, it's a fake checklist for people who try to look mori girl but fail at it. One of the other things was something like "I love loose-fitting dresses, but when I wear them everyone asks me if I'm pregnant."

>> No.6479039
File: 114 KB, 500x334, tumblr_lhu31hZ9tU1qza0aco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The darker Mori goes but many names around the western interwebs, but the terms Dark Mori/Kuro Mori are the ones used most often.
However, there is also a witch-style independent from Mori that involves teased/really long hair and long, dark dresses.

>> No.6483405

Okay, so I am falling more and more in love with mori all the time, and I'm willing to invest in a mori wardrobe or at least some pieces, but I really fucking hate shopping services and don't want to deal with them.

I'm trying to think of search terms I can use on ebay and stuff, but I'm not finding much. I want loose dresses and crocheted.... things. What search terms do you guys use when looking for mori stuff?

Also it's really difficult to know how to build a wardrobe when the only alt fashion I've ever been into is lolita, which has rules, so it's easy to figure out.

>> No.6483453

If you're willing to look at brick and mortar, raid Urban Outfitters or Anthropologie. Free People often has stuff that works for mori, if a bit pricey compared to taobao level stuff. But if you use those kinds of pieces there's a fine line between mori and hipster boho shit which I think is mostly separated by the accessorizing.

Like you said with lolita it's very defined and a bit foolproof so it can be difficult to shift into the mindset of a looser style like mori.

>> No.6483461

What's wrong with thrifting? It's a little more work but sooo much cheaper

>> No.6483522

As >>6483461, thrifting is a good start. Etsy crochets can also help, as well as a few peeks at the taobao thread for some shops, as well as browsing general fashion in Rakuten and Japanese resellers. Look for boho-type clothes. Also remember that, unlike lolita, pants can be more involved. Jeans, even. Just keep them looser, like a "boyfriend" cut or relaxed fit. You usually wear them with a good chunky sweater or a tunic of some sort.

>> No.6483523
File: 543 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_ma3j5jQUZ91reibl4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple Mori Girl Coord made with thrift store and handmade items. Although the shirt comes from Papaya which is an Asian fashion brick and mortar store.

>> No.6483534


Accessorizing really is key. Mori accessories are more "found object" type stuff, knotted lace, bits of things, stuff that could be made by hand out of things found in an abandoned 19th century cabin in the forest.

The hipster boho thing tends to have cleaner lines, and generally eschews animal products because of its ties to the hippie movement.

>> No.6483537

You have to be careful with papaya, though.. their quality is pretty crappy

>> No.6483542


The green dress on the girl in the middle...Isn't that an Innocent World dress? The same one that was on their Pullip collab?

>> No.6483544



>> No.6483551

I would like some brutally honest thoughts and opinions cgl. I'm a major thrifter; I go regularly and have a lot of experience under my belt. I also follow the Mori trend because I really like it, but it isn't really something that I want to wear myself. Still I can't help but find things that would be absolutely perfect for Mori on my little shopping excursions, but never have reason to buy them.

So I guess what I'm asking is what would be the viability of reselling some Mori-related clothing and accessories online?

>> No.6483580

I don't see a problem with it at all. It's exactly the same as being a vintage or secondhand reseller like Grimoire and since thrifted things tend to be hard to find, unique items insofar as not being readily available, it would also be pretty useful. If you think you have the business sense, go for it!

>> No.6483581

Go to etsy.
Look for "shabby chic" or "bayou."

>> No.6483587

People on etsy are already doing this.

Go for it.

>> No.6483611


Thanks. I'll probably wait until I get my foot pedal for my sewing machine fixed so it'll be easier to make repairs/embellishments as necessary

>> No.6483614

Actually, a couple of friends and I had a mori meetup when it was just starting to get popular... When the livejournal community was still a bit small people would post photos of their meetups, but I haven't checked the mori comm in like 3 years now.

>> No.6483630

I didn't even know there was a mori comm

>> No.6483633

Yeah, I'll try to find it for you, but it's probably dead by now...

>> No.6483636

Oh, guess it's not dead after all! I used to post a LOT during the earlier years of its creation...

>> No.6483696

Can someone suggest some mori tumblrs?

>> No.6483821

>>6483405 here, thanks for all the advice! I do thrift when I have the time, but the thrift stores (charity shops) in england are nowhere near the level of the american ones, which are so amazing, I wish I could go back. A lot of the stuff there is just cheap and slightly out of style, although there's often nice knitwear which is always good. And physical shops are all good, it's just that I only really get free time in the evenings because of school and work, but the holidays are coming so I should get to do some actual shopping soon! And I'll check the keywords out on etsy too.
Thanks everyone!

>> No.6483909

The only ones I know of are:

And I just found those by searching mori on tumblr

>> No.6483948


These are some of the ones I follow.

>> No.6484009

This thread must live!

I'm a lurker, not a big poster here on /cgl/, but I'm very quickly falling in love with mori, seeing as it's already similar to my fashion and one of the tamer, more modest j-fashions (imo, no hate)

anyone have any beginners suggestions? i've noted thrifting, drifting aimlessly through blogs and tumblrs...

>> No.6484051

I really do wish there were mori girl meetups. I would start one, but I just don't feel as if I know enough about mori girl to set it up. I also don't know any one in my local area

>> No.6484135


Don't shy away from learning so simple crafting skills like crochet. It's a simple needle craft (easier than knitting, imo, which I still haven't gotten the hang of), and there's quite a lot that you can make with basic knowledge of it for mori girl.

Like with lolita, always keep an eye out from your typical fashion chains for something you can work with. F21 usually has something nice in the way of knits, and I'm constantly seeing cute boots and clunky but comfy shoes that would work great.

>> No.6484164


That sounds like a cute hobby to take up. I was gonna start sewing anyways -not the same thing but still helpful!
what other crafts are good? I need more hobbies

>> No.6484258


>> No.6485039


And felting.

>> No.6485161


Lurker again
I have a good sense of what a meet up -is- but how do those usually go down in other crowds like lolita? Who organizes it and who pays for what, where is it held, who goes to it and whats the atmosphere like? If I REALLY get into mori like im hoping to, I would actually consider holding one in the future because a bunch of mori girls baking shit and taking nature hikes sounds adorbs

>> No.6485645

I know /cgl/ is slow as fuck but are so few people interested in mori?

>> No.6485667
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>> No.6485672
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>> No.6485732
File: 281 KB, 400x318, 87304-134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get into mori, but I'm having a lot of trouble specially at accessorizing. I just don't know when the accessories are too much or too little. Also, I don't know where can I go for concrits on my outfits. (Help?)

>> No.6485778


Hoping to god that's not your attempt at mori.

If so, please kill oneself immediately

>> No.6485998

ffs it's a Syrup model, calm down. Mori girl isn't all beige and fifty pounds of layers.

Anyway, to the person who wanted concrit, morigirls on LJ will probably help you if you specifically ask for advice on your outfits.

>> No.6486132

Please go...

>> No.6486179

not anon-- but it is Mori? The hair looks a bit.... Much. The idea of Mori is to look like a kind of fairy lady living in the forest or something. She... Doesn't look like that at all?

>> No.6486199
File: 319 KB, 400x345, Picture 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of mori is not to look like a forest fairy, but to look like a forest girl. The style isn't defined by light beige, the point is to look like you're living in a wooden hut in the forest.

Denim and strong colors aren't unusual.

Also, the model in >>6485732 is pretty well known within the mori scene.

>> No.6486211
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>> No.6486212
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>> No.6486221
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>> No.6486224
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>> No.6486229
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>> No.6486235
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>> No.6486248
File: 60 KB, 357x500, 20100412_535264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the feeling that comparisons to lolita and other J-fashions have made people think mori needs to be really OTT in order to actually fit into the style. Of course it can be, but the goal is (generally) more about looking natural and sweet than it is about looking like some magical forest goddess all the time.

Here's another example of a similar hairstyle on the cover of the first issue of Mori Girl papier.

>> No.6486253

I think people confuse Mori and Cult Party a lot for this reason, in the west people seem to think Mori = beige with a million layers of sheers and lace and linens etc. and crochet accessories, when that drapey silhouette is kinda closer to most Cult Party snaps you see, if you change the beige to white with spots of pastel.

>> No.6486263

Regardless, I still don't think the picture fits Mori much at all, mostly because the hair is so awkward and unnatural. It could look cute in different fashions, but for Mori it doesn't fit at all.
And to be honest, the model looks like a terrifying doll that's going to kill you in this one:

And nowhere did I say that the style is defined by light beige. I'm saying the particular picture--as stated, mostly the hair--doesn't look particularly Mori, regardless of how well known the model is.

>> No.6486289

Idk, I think it fits mori girl quite well. Cute curls, youthful bangs. It's not too different from the hair on >>6486248

>> No.6486292

Did they stop printing the Mori Girl Lesson Mooks? I waited and waited for an Autumn/Winter 2012 one, but it never came out.

>> No.6486297


Somewhat related to this. Would anyone happen to have that Mori vs Dolly vs Cult party comparison image?

I *think* that's the three that were compared. It has the styles in rows with several examples for each.

>> No.6486325
File: 879 KB, 850x1276, dolly-mori-cpk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I made that one :)

Just because she doesn't have that typical natural bob/braid/long hair doesn't mean that it isn't mori. I think the styling is what mostly makes the outfit look like mori style (but that's just my opinion).

>> No.6486411
File: 72 KB, 516x386, pink823402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6485732 here.
Thank you, >>6485998, I'll try posting there as soon as I find the guts to.

I have another question to ask I hope you can answer. I really like the substyle that is more about looking, um.. like a child(?) from the woods(?).
Does it have a name? I guess it's not very popular since it's pretty difficult to run into pictures of it (at least on the blogs I follow).
Last picture and this one are very related.

>> No.6486459
File: 94 KB, 640x534, MORI-GIRL-131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still my favorite mori image

>> No.6486466
File: 88 KB, 489x750, lacesimplemori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6486474
File: 61 KB, 500x415, darkmori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this still considered mori?
i really like the darker spin on it. not so light and dainty.

>> No.6486482

Not sure if this still qualifies as mori... I guess you could say it's what a forest girl might wear when she finally does have to dress up, but that's kind of a stretch

>> No.6486495

its from a mori fashion magazine.

>> No.6486498
File: 63 KB, 500x500, morimorimori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6486571


Love it, she looks like a girl who lives in a young forest walking into the village to sell wildflowers.

>> No.6486595
File: 42 KB, 209x360, IMG_0645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6486603
File: 108 KB, 500x700, moriwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6486606
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>> No.6486631
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Mori actually doesn't seem very big on substyles. The only people trying to categorize it are outside of Japan, I think. For instance, what we call "dark mori" doesn't go by any kind of name in Japanese, it's just mori girl using darker colors. So whatever approach you want to take to the fashion, mori is mori (granted it doesn't turn into cult party or dolly).

Basically, if you like certain clothes together for whatever reason and they still form a cohesive forest-y look, just wear them, the result doesn't have to have a name. If nothing else, you can always start investigating brands to find one that matches the specific aesthetic you want? Your second picture reminded me a little of the outerwear from axes femme.

>> No.6486850
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>> No.6486858
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>> No.6486934

This. Also Syrup is a brand that's been featured in morigirl magazines before. It is still mori even if that one anon disagrees (it's just a photoshoot modeling their spring brand. Get over it)

>> No.6487367

Some anons clearly have no idea wtf they are talking about.

>> No.6487455

Are there any male styles that could maybe pass as mori? I think it's such a lovely style.

>> No.6487469
File: 129 KB, 600x763, 792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for all your help, anon. You're such a lovely person.
Please have these mushrooms.

>> No.6487503


I can't imagine it would be that hard to do a Mori Boy style. I see a lot of grandpa sweaters and overalls with rolled up cuffs.

So basically the same as Mori Girl in pants. Or a hipster. Either or.

>> No.6487508



this tag might help a bit!

>> No.6487578

I'm sorry but can someone explain again the difference between "mori gal" and "mori gyaru"?

>> No.6487645

Ah excellent. Thank you!

>> No.6487661

If I remember correctly gyaru was like regular mori and gal was the one that was sort of cuter and more gal/gyaru style

>> No.6488044
File: 617 KB, 1576x1200, Brecon 2012 160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love a mori meetup. I wish it had the same community as lolita, that would make me so happy.

>> No.6488089
File: 314 KB, 500x375, m8kofb9oor1qkhz5qo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umn, there are already meetups and a community similar to lolita but the really big ones are mainly in china (don't know why thought).

>> No.6488107
File: 386 KB, 467x700, 20120924_fb38f0c19116ac525318l26gUH9xyj5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, some popular chinese Mori Kei brand makes them always, next ist at the 23. december.

>> No.6488111

hyggewood would be the name...

>> No.6488115
File: 158 KB, 700x392, 092704lnc0ndxkrc0xjlm0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are (at last in china).

>> No.6488125

I'm gonna blow all my Christmas money thrifting after the holidays for mori-like clothing. I fucking love the fashion.

>> No.6488220

where the frack do I find a blouse like this?
Everything is chiffon, and i hate chiffon so much

>> No.6488551

I love the spirit of mori style, the celebration of natural beauty. This is probably a very silly idea, but I wonder if the same spirit might be applied to other biomes, like desert-girl or mountain-girl, without seeming too gimmicky.

>> No.6488557

Mountain girl exists. It's basically hiking clothes.

>> No.6488570

Does anyone have mori looks for warm weather? Kinda like this one >>6478727

I live in an tropical place so all the layering can get extremely hot, but we have forests too ;_;

>> No.6488587
File: 113 KB, 416x640, Yama girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem! Have fun finding your style and all.

Some mountain/yama girl for you. The look is mostly based around colorful and practical pieces for hiking like >>6488557 said, proper shoes, backpacks, etc. I've actually always wondered what desert girl would be like, since I used to live in the desert (I moved to a colder area just before discovering mori girl).

>> No.6488658
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>> No.6488672
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>> No.6488675
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>> No.6488677
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>> No.6488729


>wearing loose shorts
>and knee socks

I like her overall presentation, but omfg she's going get some nasty bites up her panty area.

>> No.6489025

...anywhere. none of the blouses i have are chiffon. taobao has lots. rakuten has lots. anthropologie and forever21 and shit probably have them too. check ebay bro.

>> No.6489069

what, you don't like it when you find ticks and other fun visitors in your cooter?

>> No.6489088

A lot of sundresses and flats lend themselves to mori pretty well. Try layering with very thin fabrics and incorporate a lot of white. Also, sunhats look really great with mori outfits, imo.

>> No.6489122
File: 299 KB, 400x600, snap08_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I added "mostly" for that reason, haha. I had a more realistic example at first, but I find the style kind of... unappealing, so I changed it to something that fit better with this thread.

I guess it's just my tastes, but I can very rarely find it cute as a fashion.

>> No.6489127
File: 472 KB, 1400x2202, morigirl0411-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think looking for pieces like these could probably help with putting together warm weather looks.

>> No.6489456
File: 57 KB, 600x400, 293482-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just casually bumping.

>> No.6490149

If somebody didn't know it yet, the chinese term for Mori is 森女系, you can find a lot clothes at taobao with this.

>> No.6490399
File: 42 KB, 400x600, 5174737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too cute, i can't even

>> No.6490790

Is there such a thing as ocean-inspired mori girl? Like with starfish and seashells in your hair instead of woodsy stuff?

And can we call it Nori Girl?

>> No.6490795


It's called hama-girl.

>> No.6493572

I really hate the fact that I live in the desert. I would kill to live in a beautiful forest and be a mori girl. Sucks so much

>> No.6493630
File: 18 KB, 445x234, 1354692320840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And can we call it Nori Girl?

>> No.6493662

I'd really like to see more western lolitas... does anyone know of blogs or tumblrs of western lolitas?

>> No.6494052

This thread makes me happy. More please.

>> No.6494261

i want to see desert girl. i really like the concept of taking the same aesthetic and applying it to different settings. hama girl for example is more beach inspired but one could go further and do a underwater style. or a mountain girl that is more ethereal than the sporty yama girl. i just really like dressing up with a concept in mind.

>> No.6494291

I was honestly wondering the same thing a while ago.

Holy shit I need to look this up. Though is it more "day the beach" sort of thing, or "came from the ocean"?

>> No.6494294


>> No.6494300

I love mori! I'm an avid hiker and love spending time in the woods, I would love to dress more mori than typical hiker garb, I think it would make me feel closer to it all, somehow. Like a nymph in the woods rather than some person making their way through them.

Any ideas on functional outfits I could put together for a backpacking trip?

>> No.6494306
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>> No.6494307
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>> No.6494308

this seems like it could me a less sporty mountain girl>>6486474

>> No.6494323
File: 492 KB, 750x850, 36956939764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to hama girl, there's not really much else you can look up besides the Tumblr linked above, since the style was more or less made up by the person who runs it.

>> No.6494597

There's also http://sunnypearls.tumblr.com/ and http://umikei.tumblr.com

>> No.6494601

This seems the same as mori girl only with ocean colors.

>> No.6494669

This umi-kei/hama girl stuff just makes me think of sea punk gone boring. The little joke that became cult and then died, small and unloved. Why can't we see more shells and nettings and underwatery things rather than just a blue colourway?

I prefer the name Nori Girl too, that's adorbz

>> No.6494696


I think that the way that it is now, hama girl coord is way too... thick for lack of a better term. It reminds me more of .... snow girl? Autumn transitioning into Winter girl? Heh, point is that it's quite thick for a more ocean-y feel, particularly a stereotypical beach feel.

I think we should replace the general thick quality of the clothing with something a lot lighter - maybe layers of loose crocheted cloaks and sweaters? And then end it in a very light lacy tank top you can wear underneath. The bottom can be a more gauzy type of skirt - layers of them in either green, blue, or tan colorways. And then a shitton of beach themed jewelry - hemp, knitted wire, anything with random findings or charms, the like (only because there isn't really a time or place for knitted wire, except here).

... or I guess that isn't really allowed either? Herp.

>> No.6494748

on the topic of mori girl meetups...I think it would be fun to just have a picnic in the park and and trade craft techniques.
Seriously man, I would give some wicked awesome lacemaking tutorials, crochet, tatting, embroidery, I dig all of it.

>> No.6494766


Because seapunk was ugly as fuck. I'd love to see those sorts of details but without the tacky neon Tumblr bullshit.

>> No.6494799

check your tropical beach privilege, where i'm at i wouldn't mind seeing more oil cloth parkas in hama/mori girl

>> No.6495051
File: 92 KB, 427x640, modern-hijab-islamic-clothes-for-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a desert, and I find it to be a really beautiful environment. Life thrives in spite of the sometimes harsh and unforgiving conditions. I find it inspiring.
I think that desert-girl style might incorporate some middle-eastern flavor, retaining a lot of the lovely flowing layers that mori-girl seems to favor. The basic desert survival rules of covering your head and body to protect from the sun could easily be incorporated in to something stylish, I'd think.

>> No.6495262

There have been mori meet-ups, most of them in cafes and parks :) well for British Moris

>> No.6495321

That's what "hama girl" basically is. Like I said, it's not a particularly defined style because it's a relatively new aesthetic adopted by a handful of people at the moment -- a lot of what's posted on the ohyeahhamagirls blog comes from mori girl shops or sites. I would like to see a more concrete look along the lines of what >>6494696 suggested, though.

I'm always really jealous of the UK mori girls' meet-ups, they look fun.

>> No.6495868


Hey, at least you can layer on from there. Hell you can even have your oil cloth parkas. We tropical fags need to figure out something else that isn't as sweltering.

>> No.6496207
File: 87 KB, 600x600, 330_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, I'm the person that runs the hamagirl tumblr and it's basically supposed to be a concept fashion blog, if hama girl were a thing what would a blog dedicated to it look like. It started to get awkward when I got questions on the ~history of hama girl and I didn't want to make up stories but also didn't want to ruin the immersion, haha.
Since hama girl isn't really a thing I'm obviously just stealing pictures from wherever I can, it's mostly "mori girl at the beach" or something and personally I also like simple Japanese natural style like SM2 and Scandinavian shabby chic brands like Ewa i Walla and NoaNoa and I think it fits the aesthetic I'm going for. I'm not a big fan of lots of lace and tons of accessories so that is definitely underrepresented.
Since my interpretation of mori is a girl that lives in a hut in the forest rather than some ethereal forest fairy, hama is supposed to be the beach equivalent and I don't want to make it look too much like a mermaid turned human or something and I especially want to stay far far away from anything seapunk. But I totally can see "girl from the ocean" working and Nori girl sounds adorable!

>> No.6496224

did you...invent a new jfashion?

>> No.6496241

... how is it japanese fashion if the person "inventing" it isn't japanese?

As she said, it's just a concept, not a real style. It's just mori with more blue and stuff.

>> No.6496245

I don't think so?

>> No.6496258

I respect what you're trying to do

>> No.6497615

mine too
i think part of it is the fact that imo mori looks x10000000 better on pale skin and redheads

>> No.6497749

C-can we think up some "rules" for it? I think I've fallen in love with the idea.

>> No.6497786

Following the other anon's idea of having rules, have you ever considered making a "hama girl checklist" for your blog like the original mori girl one?

>> No.6497975

Maybe we could brain storm? And then have two categories, one for "girl from the ocean" and another "lives by the beach/on a ship"?

>> No.6497987

IMO, given how easily mori girl can be transformed from an everyday girl who lives in the forest to the more fantastical forest fairy kind of style, I think a general list of loose ideas that could be interpreted either way would be easiest.

>> No.6498025

One of the very first entries on the tumlbr is a rudimentary checklist but I'm up for posting a more expanded one, we can brainstorm here.

>> No.6498180

I'd think having a strict set of rules sort of goes against what mori and other nature-centric styles are going for.

>> No.6498990

I never said "strict" and I put "rules" in quotations for a reason. It wouldn't be like in lolita where there's a set of rules you need to strictly adhere to, but just a bunch of guidelines for people who are interested in it, but don't really know where to start to help them branch out.

>> No.6499057

I don't think anyone said anything about strict rules. I mentioned the mori girl checklist because it gives general pointers for what suits the style, you don't have to adhere to all of it. I just thought it would be helpful if hama girl had a similar thing since a lot of people want to pursue it.

How would you even know what a style should look like if not for some manner of guidelines?

>> No.6499081

Just another anon lurking in mori threads. Out of all the Japanese fashion styles, I think I'll feel most comfortable dressed as a mori girl. It's a look that is easy and wallet-friendly to attain, it isn't flashy, and I'm a fan of earth tones.

I think a simple open guideline as >>6498990 suggests would be nice for a beginner like me. I don't know where to start, but having visual keys and terms of clothing pieces would be useful to me.

>> No.6499772

I came across this list quite sometime ago. It is translation of a mori girl guideline list posted on Mixi.

Here are some of the guidelines they list:

* Loves to wear ethnic clothes.
*Dresses in A line clothes.
*Loves one-piece dresses little girls would wear too.
* Loves smock-like one piece dresses and blouses.

Then there is that one controversial part of the list... Obviously it was written for Japanese people. It notes that mori girls have "pale complexions," but I think mori girl would work with any skin tone.

>> No.6499792

Silly me. Forgot to post the list

>> No.6500883
File: 172 KB, 768x616, 2012-12-02 14.33.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I ask for concrit here?
I did this some time ago. I'm unsure about the colours, accessories and maybe I should add a cream skirt under the dress?
Please be nice to me; it's my first time trying the mori style. I really love it and want to learn how to do it right.

>> No.6500894

It looks more otome than mori to me, but it's still really cute as is. Mori has more layering, so add a scarf or shawl, another skirt underneath, maybe chunky-knit wool socks over the tights.
But, like I said, I like it as is - it's just a different style.

>> No.6500898

>pale complexions
They probably mean like "mori girls don't go to tanning salons"

>> No.6500909

Oh, I'm so glad someone replied quickly!
I love everything you said, it makes so much sense! Yeah, I'll definitely go for the scarf and the wool socks. Thanks!!!

>> No.6500943

I think creme or beige wool socks would complete the look. Or socks the same color as the cardigan.

>> No.6500978

I agree with you and >>6500894
about the socks! I can't believe I didn't think of that before. Thanks for helping me out!

Girls, what kind of scarf should I add? I have a wool-thick one, but maybe a ligther one would look nicer?

>> No.6501093

Since no one's really mentioned it yet, for accessories, I think you have a small gold necklace there? (Hard to see from the picture.) I would maybe recommend something longer and more antique-looking for mori girl outfits. Mori accessories tend to be on the rustic side.

>> No.6501546
File: 29 KB, 290x444, necklace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a gold necklace, yes. It has two little birds - which I love - but yeah, I was very unsure about it. You're right, I guess a necklace like this one on my picture would look *much* cuter. Thanks!

>> No.6501582

I agree with the other anon. I think they just mean pale in terms of not tanning. Since the main purpose of mori is to look natural, artificially dark tans (for a Japanese girl) would seem inconsistent. If you have naturally dark skin, I don't think it's an issue.

>> No.6501583
File: 16 KB, 228x228, 228x228_linda-elfenkrone-haarkranz-von-elfenkuss-77[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know where can I get fairy crowns? I rarely see them on ebay or etsy, but maybe I'm just too stupid to find them?
>but you can make one by yourself
99% of the fake flowers I find look to plasticy and ugly :/

>> No.6501588

floral tiara on etsy gets a lot of really really really pretty results.

>> No.6505952
File: 114 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m3n64vZPe81rt8x5go1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I ever get enough courage and extra money to spend at Taobao shops, there will be so many mori girl items I am going to buy.

>> No.6505970
File: 87 KB, 500x345, crown-daisy-girl-green-hair-Favim.com-207192_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like real flowers. Learn how to daisy chain.

>> No.6506035

Soulberry has a Taobao store?

>> No.6506073

I just realized that the term daisy chain originally referred to actual daisies. Mind = blown.

>> No.6506081

Mori is really out of style in Japan now.

>> No.6506086

>implying any of this stuff is still fashionable after it hits the western hemisphere.

>> No.6506107
File: 105 KB, 473x630, hama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more hama girl but does anyone have the source for this shirt/dress? I ran a reverse image search but it just sent me to a bunch of Korean blogs posting it as an inspiration shot. It looks like it might be franche lippee but I can't find it that way either.

>> No.6506112

Isn't that Aoi Yuu?

/sage for not answering the question

>> No.6506113

Really? We have a lot of japanese exchange students in our uni, and many of them dress in mori-ish style.

>> No.6506119


I heard it's super big in China right now, but they're sort of over it in Japan. IDK how true that is. I wonder what the next big style will be.

>> No.6506121

No, anon is just talking out of her ass because people here like to think they ~know all about Japan, desu~

>> No.6506241


its from tsumori chisato

>> No.6506607
File: 312 KB, 1400x1918, zipper0709-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For people who jumped on the bandwagon when it first got to be popular, yeah, probably. I've noticed mori shops closing and mori magazines going out of print in the past year. But there will always be people who dress in this fashion because they love it, not because it's in style.