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6474843 No.6474843 [Reply] [Original]

Are you entering? I'm iffy on my skills being able to pass the initial qualification period even, but the prizes look too good to NOT want to enter.

>> No.6474846

Haha helll nawwww but this looks awesome as fuck and I'm super excited to see who enters and what they come up with! Should be awesome!

>> No.6474887

I hope Sonteen enters. I'd root for her.

>> No.6474885

Seems like a great idea and it'd be cool to see what kinds of wigs come out of it, but also seems ripe for drama- cheating accusations, claiming they didn't get supplies on time, etc etc.

>> No.6474919

Oh man, I didn't even think of the drama potential from this.

As for people I'd love to see entering: I REALLY hope Hee Hee enters, that'd be some excellent quality up in there.

I think Greyfinch would also do well in the competition, but she's been overseas for the past year so I don't see that working out well in terms of shipping.

>> No.6476291


Sonteen and Hee Hee, yes, my favs

>> No.6476594

i can see this turning into a means to make the arda staff feel qualified and important. why else would they plan to critique the top ten's challenges publicly in youtube videos? most have horrible styling skill.

>> No.6476635

Regardless of what it's being done for, we're still probably gonna see some really interesting stuff come out of it, and talented people will be able to win some sweet swag. Let them have their ego trip.

>> No.6476661

If they had this contest a few years down the road I'd probably try my hand at it because I'd have a lot more experience than I do now. So I'm looking forward to seeing the entries and the top ten! I also really hope Hee Hee enters!

>> No.6476745

same, but if it goes well it may become an annual contest, so there's hope.

>> No.6476920

The prize for the winner is kind of disappointing, most reputable and experienced wig stylists would already have most of those supplies. I'd rather see the prize be like a $200 Arda gift card or maybe 5-6 wigs/accessories of your choice.

>> No.6476952

this is how i felt about it
i was thinking about going out and doing a couple wigs just to show what i can do to enter but then i realized- all the prizes are poopy

like, do they mean wig stand on a table or a floor one? the floor one i'd be interested in. they can cost up to $200 for really nice ones, and i got mine stolen while in a shit part of CA.
but i don't know any cosplayer who does wigs that doesn't have some sort of head stand.

and wig heads- do they mean styrofoam or the terrycloth ones? because if it's more that 3 that'd be a nice prize, but not something anyone serious about this doesn't already have.

like, the only part i was kind of ~ooh~ about was the "high quality" heat styling tools, the nameless "high quality" heat styling tools.
if they aren't saying a brand name it's most likely from Sally's. because you can get the real stuff for the same price if you're a professional hair dressers

and the scissors will be terrible bad if the prize is only worth $500 total. mine are like $300 scissors and they aren't even that nice.

it's a cool contest and all, but the vague-ness of the prizes and the "we are going to use these pictures to advertise for our site" is just very meh
i'd rather just get a ton of free wigs.
but i guess they're getting wigs when they do the competition challenges, if they don't ruin them in the process.

>> No.6476976 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 600x800, 1353300193636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you bitch about EVERYTHING? I mean honestly, does it really even matter if there are prizes or not...and even then, they're giving shit out for a completely VOLUNTEER contest. You don't have to spend any money to enter...and no one is forcing anyone to.

What ever happened to doing shit for fun...ffs...quit whining about shit.

>> No.6476980
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Do you bitch about EVERYTHING? I mean honestly, does it really even matter if there are prizes or not...and even then, they're giving shit out for a completely VOLUNTEER contest. You don't have to spend any money to enter...and no one is forcing anyone to.

What ever happened to doing shit for fun...ffs...quit whining about shit.

>> No.6477021

pretty bad when 4ng3l is telling you to stop bitching, "spooky" lol I mean damn just do it for fun

>> No.6477025

You're fucking foolish if you have $300 scissors for cutting wigs. It is absolutely unnecessary, and even professional hair stylists have some expensive scissors, but you can get a nice quality pair of hair cutting shears for much less than that.

>> No.6477243

>Do you bitch about EVERYTHING?
Says the guy who only posts to troll and be an asshole.

Go back to your hole, you ugly frankenstein-looking faggot.

>> No.6477245

>for cutting wigs
i cut wigs for a living
and actually, thinking about it i do use $350 scissors on my wigs, my old scissors. i use them on all the hair enhancements i do.

and while you can get nice sheers for less than $300 you'll need to sharpen them the same as any other pair, most cheaper sheers get about 20 sharpening-s out of them before they can't be used anymore from what i remember. it's life time that makes them expensive. not how sharp they are when you buy them.

idk who 4ng3l is. do they have a reputation for bitching?

i'm a critical person, it's an obvious contest to get quality wig designers to give them free advertising material for not much in return.
that kind of scheme bothers me.

>> No.6477304

Just gotta ask... Why would you be using your GOOD shears on a plastic-fiber wig? Unless you've got some kind of arm or wrist injury which makes the use of swivel-thumb shears pretty much a requirement, if you're cutting plastic, why would you use the expensive ones for that when the cheap scissors exist and will dull at approximately the same rate and cost far less? I wouldn't use my good shears or my good razor combs on a plastic wig, and for good reason. Shitty hair scissors from Target or a decent pair of Fiskars is more than good enough for synthetic hair.

Now, if all of these were human hair wigs, it'd be another thing, but they aren't, and it isn't.

>> No.6477306

Wig cutting for a living? How is that going for you?

>> No.6477314

I cut a shoulder legnth wig into a short, spiky boy wig with my 8 year old body-hair-grooming scissors that I bought at the dollar store and they worked out fine. I don't know why you would need to spend $300 on scissors unless you are some privileged celebrity stylist.

>> No.6477315

So don't enter if you think the prizes aren't useful to you since you're a "pro wig stylist".

To some people, free supplies are free supplies and will gladly take them.

To me it sounds about on par with the Cosplay Idol contest which really amounts to more free advertising for the company and some "stuff" for the winners, but who the fuck cares.

If you don't agree with what they are doing and think the prizes suck, stay away from it. Problem solved.

>> No.6477344

On the low, low chance that I won, I'd probably use the supplies to bulk out what I own and as replacements should anything I already have break, get stolen, lost, etc.

Mostly what I'm interested in are the supplies sent for each round. Free wigs are free wigs.

>> No.6477352

>Free wigs are free wig

>> No.6477377

I wish this could be done as a live show, it would be way more interesting that way.

>> No.6477385

Maybe they like spending unwarranted amounts of money on snooty scissors.

Dollar stores have a lot of useful things for cosplay! I have some dollar store thinning shears. They are still godly on my synthetic wigs and I've had them going on 6 years. I'm also pretty happy with my generic orange-handle Fiskars and scissor sharpener.

>> No.6477394

Next week, on Iron Wig: "Oh my god, look at how ratty the ends of her wig look already. She's not even TRYING to tease it, but look at it." "That BITCH, I bet she used my straightener!"

>> No.6477402


>> No.6477412

Rex when they're cosplaying as Moriarty, give them the crown and cape.

>> No.6477441

I think this is kind of an odd contest. Reading through it all it sounds really great at first, free wigs and all that jazz.

But when it comes down to it the people good enough to enter could probably take commissions and spend that time making actual cash well still gaining the experience of working on a wig. Sure in this case they get to keep a wig, but assuming it's styled in an extravagant unremovable style you are kind of stuck with a useless wig. Unless you happen to want to cosplay the character it aligns with or can sell it.

If you are good enough, through styling 10 wigs for commissions you could easily make $1000/way more then the prize. I guess you achieve popularity through arda which is nice, but it seems like a contest that would eat up a lot of time without having a major benefit.

But that's just my opinion. I'm no good with wigs so I probably shouldn't be allowed to comment.

>> No.6477448

I think the ideal person to do this contest would be someone who has the talent but whose work isn't well-known enough to attract a bunch of commissions.

>> No.6477453

initial qualification? So this isn't going to be another one where everyone and their mother plops a completely unstyled wig on their head and snaps a myspace shot?

>> No.6477467

Arda staff is choosing 10 contestants based on a portfolio of work they've submitted of 3-10 wigs they have styled themselves.

I wonder if the people who've already submitted their portfolios have been including text descriptions with theirs? If I was in their shoes, I would be as detailed as possible with everything, pad it out like a resume.

>> No.6477491

Says the guy who flips his shit over every real or perceived infraction of his own whacked-out belief system. Why can't you just pull a cosplay-com tantrum, ragequit cgl and start your own "way better, way cooler" imageboard that will totally be better than 4chan. It didn't work with cosfu, but maybe second time's the charm?

>> No.6477505

Nah, it has to be a styled wig, so spikes, foamcore, wefting, dyeing, etc. Also there needs to be multiple shots of the wig in a clear photo. The people who take shitty myspace photos will most likely NOT get into the competition, people who have sense and are skilled like sonteen, akuriko, and hee hee are a shoe-in if they enter.

>> No.6477523
File: 70 KB, 500x380, icame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am now super fucking excited about this. (presumably) cool wigs to go with the dramu? Bring it the fuck on.

>> No.6477584

TBH, I don't like image board culture...it's generally full of cowards...like yourself.

>> No.6477609

Wait. He's starting up ANOTHER site? Lmao.

>> No.6477619

No he's not.

>> No.6478348

Pretty much. We'll see which contestants rise or fall in this contest. I think the dramu will start as soon as the initial 10 are selected. Someone's going to be butthurt over that, and the butthurt will roll on into each round. I'm surprised more seagulls aren't into this because of dramu potential.

I wouldn't mind competing but I'm not a fan of Arda wigs so... may as well stay around for the laughs though.

>> No.6478387

Hopefully there'll be a LyingBitchigo class scandal. We need another one of those

>> No.6478466

Yes, that was quite beautiful, wasn't it?!

It would have to be more than a simple facebook "LIKE" hack since Arda is doing the judging. So, I am guessing either cries of judging favortism/shenanigans and contestants cheating by "getting help" would be 2 big things. Arda does require "progress pics" but it's not a live contest so who could tell whether or not you have a team of people working.

>> No.6479254

This is my biggest concern. What is to stop someone from getting help? No one would know.

>> No.6479308

I'm pretty jazzed about the contest. It seems like a lot of fun, and yes: free supplies are free supplies.

I included a small and very brief description on each collage that I entered for each wig.

>> No.6479314

>live Wig Styling show.
If EpicCosplay did they're own version and called it WigMaster, I'd enter.
Cause that sounds pretty awesome. Like 2 hours, limited supplies (A can of G2B, regular scissors, a comb, and 10 bobby pins) and had it on, like Skype or something then recorded it.

That'd be pretty fucking awesome come to think of it.

>> No.6479381

I actually think that would be pretty cool. It's a little bit like comparing the mini-challenges from Top Model with their final photo evaluation; each focuses on a different skill set.

>> No.6479457

But this way there's more drama since allegations of cheating can't be easily disproven. Personally I'm hoping for something to rival the LyingBitchigo drama

>> No.6479702

Well, when I made the "Live Show" comment, I was thinking it could even be held at a con or at various (cons). But a recorded version would also be pretty amazing.

>> No.6479752

Depending on the styling necessary, a live show would be REALLY boring. Stuff like foamcore & wefting and things would be progress, but when it comes to hairspray/glue/heatsetting/et cetera there is a HELL of a lot of wait time. Waiting for things to cool, to dry, whatever it is, but it sure would not be fun watching contestants sit there and twiddle their thumbs while their style sets.

>> No.6479869

For some people that don't style wigs normally? No, probably not, but for those of us who are curious about how other people work/techniques, it could be pretty interesting. If it were a truly live show, they could always have fillers going on while some of this is going on and not to mention, it's kinda unlikely that everyone would be doing the same steps at the same time, so there could be someone/something to watch at all times.

>> No.6480212

If we had live comments enabled, I think it could be... really amusing. I am NOT a serious person while styling wigs. All of my concentration and professionalism is focused on the wig itself, so any other interactions going on at the time are heavily peppered with HURRDURR. I would love to see what other cosplayers are like when styling their wigs.

>> No.6480969

That'd be great to have recorded.
Seeing contestants singing while styling and the classic "I JUST had my scissors, where did they go?"

>> No.6481106

>Maybe they like spending unwarranted amounts of money on snooty scissors.
Charms relies on her mother to pay for everything for her.

>> No.6484657
