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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6474072 No.6474072 [Reply] [Original]


What do you think of showcased cosplay/cosplayers?

>> No.6474078

what happened to her arm

>> No.6474621

Production values on this are insane.

Where do we cross the line between cosplay video and actual fan film? The way that thing was shot it looked more like a Blackcat short film.

>> No.6474678

I think it's great cosplayers are getting showcased. They are looking for a new cosplayer to sponsor for 2013. I am thinking about applying. I am not as good as the girl in the video, but I wouldn't mind giving it a shot.

>> No.6474685

I really don't see the point in having a costume professional come to look at a fucking black unitard with some fur on it.

>> No.6474686

I also hate, hate, hate that wig. If they're going to feature one of her costumes why not one that actually requires skill

>> No.6474817

It's not like this happens all the time. Cosplayers only get "showcased" when a company wants to promote something but doesn't want to spend the money to hire an actual model or celebrity. Cosplayers work for pennies and are just honored to receive the attention, so once in a blue moon a business will take advantage of that.

And of course, the friends/fans of said cosplayer will always scream propaganda and claim them being shown or technically paid by someone means they are the next coming of Christ and everyone should all bow down and worship them. When in reality these "featured" cosplayers are usually just losers who couldn't manage an actual career so they base their life around internet attention whoring.

>> No.6475025

I was hoping she would do more complex costumes instead of stuff like boobtastic Septhiroth and Black Cat.

>> No.6475037

yeah, whatever happened to her MGS4 Raiden cosplay? she has so much skill that she's not putting to good use, especially with that sponsorship.

>> No.6475052

Isn't her firefall outfit pretty intricate?

>> No.6475201

she didn't make that.

>> No.6475246
File: 150 KB, 469x350, tumblr_m7ah29uEUo1qzfn59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boobtastic Sephiroth

>> No.6475249

I always thought it was stupid they profess her to be such a great cosplayer when the main fancy outfit she wears at cons was made by someone else. Precious is just your average cosplayer playing pretend at being a pro.

>> No.6475382
File: 269 KB, 533x800, tumblr_m1hlqhMY3M1rnwx2io2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go Anon~

>> No.6475388

this thing is terrible looking.

>> No.6475511
File: 326 KB, 583x900, 8103125564_4e63f4612e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I know this is still her hobby, so I imagine normal life got in the way of making more intricate costumes. Still Venus and Fem Shep were pretty good even if Ms. Marvel and Fem Sephiroth were simple compared to some of her other costumes.

The firefall costume was made before she was sponsored by them.

Did you know that costume has 82,000 views on youtube? I guess they don't share your opinion.

Honestly if you think she is so bad why not apply to be sponsored by them and show precious how it's done? Oh that's right it's easier to shitpost on /cgl/ than make costumes.

>> No.6475521

Hi Vernedead, or whatever whiteknight you are.

It has this many views because her TITS ARE HANGING OUT and its sponsored. I don't have to prove I'm better than Precious, and I have a real job thanks.

>> No.6475528
File: 69 KB, 500x455, securedownload (54).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet jesus. Thanks for posting, though.

>> No.6475527

>Hi, I'm so mad. And I work at Mc Donalds.

Yup, really showing how superior you are.

>> No.6475542
File: 71 KB, 534x720, 165067_1697193226375_5268759_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's based on a fanart apparently.

>> No.6475638

Yeah, not mad. Even McDonalds is better than being pretend famous.

>> No.6475653

McDonalds at least has a steady paycheck. Cosplaying is a hobby where you feel honored when someone pays for your hotel room.

It's hilarious how many morons actually thinking getting attention in costumes equates to success in life.

>> No.6475665

I think most cosplayers cosplay for fun, and if they can do it for free or get free trips to other countries like Japan why not.

you honestly just sound mad and bitter. Enjoy your next shift, maybe they will let wash the windows.

>> No.6475671

Precious doesn't need a steady job, her husband is a reactor operator at some plant.

>> No.6475678

Your trash talk makes no sense. Are you implying somehow that a person is jealous of cosplayers because they work a bad job and wish they could have a career in cosplaying? There isn't a cosplayer in the world that can even make a living cosplaying, let alone be something to be jealous.

Cosplaying is not a job. The types of people who work at McDonalds or wash windows are the cosplayers you're trying to defend, not the other way around. Say hi to Precious for me when you see her working at the mall.

>> No.6475692

>I think most cosplayers cosplay for fun
>assumes anon was saying otherwise

Did you even read the post?

>> No.6475705

Precious makes the costumes she wants to make and she gets paid to make them. So what? I think most cosplayers wish they could get paid to make whatever they want. Every costume doesn't have to be OMG super difficult. She said she made Black Cat for a fan film. She has made alot of difficult costumes like Ivy, Fem Shep as well as some easy ones. All the butt hurt in this thread. Oh, I guess I'm a white knight because I have a positve opion of her rather than a negative opinion. Sorry, I forget /cgl/ only allows negative opinions.

>> No.6475736

She doesn't get paid to make them. She got paid ONCE for wearing a costume someone ELSE made. Quit trying to make her sound like cosplaying is some kind of career.

And yes, you're a whiteknight because you think spouting generic praises is going to put a smokescreen over any criticisms or negative commentary. If you weren't one you wouldn't care.

>> No.6475744

Uhh.. no. The Red 5 gig is that they pay for material costs for her costumes for a year. Maybe you need to get the stick out of your ass.

>> No.6475743

What's your point even white knight? No one is saying Precious can't do what she wants or have fun, they're just not kissing her ass and aren't amazed by what she has done.

You're the one shitting on real jobs because apparently you can't not care about Precious without being jelly somehow.

>> No.6475746

Given the resources and the knowledge she has, you would think she'd use it to make more difficult and nicer costumes. Instead of putting herself in a catagory with other Black Cat and Cammy cosplayers. I know if I was in her position I used all the time she had make those simple cosplays to make more difficult ones. But that's just me.

>> No.6475753

Paying for someones materials does not make them a professional cosplayer, it makes them lucky and sponsored. She doesn't get paid for her hours works or the conventions she goes to, at most she gets comped. Big deal.


>> No.6475762

Reimbursing someone for material costs is not "getting paid to make costumes". They don't give a fuck if she makes the costumes or not. They just wanted her to stand around a booth in a costume somebody else made.

>> No.6475772

She gets paid a monthly amount to make costumes, and gets paid per event for convention appearances.

She has to make a certain amount of costumes by contract, according to her fb, and twitter she has had a few surgeries and had complications (she has a heart condition.).

This maybe why she went with some easier costumes.

>Paying for someones materials does not make them a professional cosplayer

I don't think she considers herself one.

>She doesn't get paid for her hours works or the conventions she goes to, at most she gets comped. Big deal.

Wrong, see above.

>> No.6475781

>She gets paid a monthly amount to make costumes, and gets paid per event for convention appearances.
lol she doesn't get paid monthly. She got paid at one time to be a booth babe for the Firefall launch promotion thing and that's over. And no, she does not get paid to make costumes. That's just her hobby.

>She has to make a certain amount of costumes by contract
lol no. That doesn't even make sense. "You have to make costumes for your own hobby to wear at your leisure OR ELSE!"

>I don't think she considers herself one.
Then please stop trying to insist that she is.

>> No.6475802

>refuting things that have previously been proven correct.

You must be new here.

>> No.6475810

>have nothing left to say

You can leave now.

>> No.6475823

anon you sound like you are flailing, trying to tear down something you don't know anything about on someone you don't know.

>> No.6475825

>have nothing left to say

I'm not going to argue with someone that is going to ignore the facts. The post >>6475772
is stating facts, you just saying it isn't true is silly.

>> No.6475852

Your post got corrected by >>6475781

Which is probably why you strategically decided to stop arguing and are now just making childish one-liners and name-calling.

>> No.6475887

>Your post got corrected by >>6475781

Nope, Vernedead actually came on here and confirmed all that was mentioned in >>6475772

>> No.6475901

Vernedead is an annoying whiteknight much like yourself. But no, he said none of that.

>> No.6475909

>Doesn't even know who Verndead is.

you're not helping your argument.

>> No.6475965

Vernedead has always come across as here is my trophy wife, you will bow down and worship her - I mean who posts their wedding photo's on cgl? This kind of stuff will do the opposite and people will won't be a fan regardless if the costumes are good or not.

>> No.6475985

You have nothing to say outside of generic "u must be new here" bullshit. Just quit while you're behind.

>> No.6476007

Except that I'm mentioning facts about how Precious does in fact get paid for what she does.

That's a nice opinion you have there.

>> No.6476014

I disagree. They are a cute couple,they obviously love each other, so just stop being so pathetically jealous and negative. Try brushing your teeth and combing your hair and getting out of the basement once in a while.

>> No.6476015

Are there sources for these facts?

>diff anon, new and curious

>> No.6476018

Her fb, and her husband coming on here posting that she gets paid.

Honestly, is it that hard to believe she gets paid for her work?

>> No.6476024

I don't know much about her. The costumes seem ok? So yes, it's a little hard to believe she gets paid. Can you not give quotes or anything? Just because you type/believe something, doesn't make it a fact... I guess I find it hard to believe she gets paid by a company to fund a hobby she has without having some kind of obligation to the company itself (like making exclusive costumes from their franchise) or does she only make their costumes?

>> No.6476026

It's Kotaku but...

>One is cosplayer Crystal Graziano, who Red 5 is also sponsoring for a full year. The other is not a cosplayer. He's an actor and...American Gladiator.

>> No.6476032

The company sponsoring her if you watch the videos claim her to be a proffesional cosplayer, which insinuates she gets paid to make costumes.

>> No.6476035

I love how the vendetta fag tries to downplay everything. We get it, you don't like precious, or think you're so much better.

If this was Jnigs though, you would put her up as the best US cosplayer.

>> No.6476041

I'll take that as a source, it's a lot better than just saying 'I saw it on FB and someone said it that one time'. So is she no longer sponsored as of now, since it was only a year contract? I saw the thread about them picking a new cosplayer.

>> No.6476044

She isn't sponsored, but she still portrays their character at cons which made more money anyway.

>> No.6476109

Disagree about what? He did post the wedding photo's on here. Oh no, someone doesn't agree with you, deal with it.