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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 157 KB, 298x395, extreme shoop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6473424 No.6473424 [Reply] [Original]

Just curious about how much photoshop is too much.
I can understand making skin tone/make up more even, or make cover up a stain that was obtained during a skit. Or maybe even a bloaty day.

But the example gif shown seems an extreme change, her nose is completely different from the original picture.

Where is the line drawn for too much photoshop? Should these over photoshop photos be acceptable in Cosplay Portfolios?

Also other examples of extreme photoshop are welcome.

>> No.6473452

I believe most cosplay photographers will use it to correct bad lighting or to enhance the mood of the photograph.
For example: Making a darker setting and adding grime for a 'Silent Hill' photo.

Sometimes a Cosplayer has been on the go all day so maybe they forgot to touch up their make up before a photo session, again photoshop can help.

However photoshop is a tool not a cure-all for a Cosplayer's self esteem.
It's one thing to use photoshop on a sudden break out but your example is pretty extreme, unless she had plastic surgery and wants past photos to match, but it isn't a very good photoshop job.

>> No.6473455

Definitely not. Shooping is too far when it's blatant. IMO, the only acceptable level is altering color levels and lighting and getting rid of blemishes, stains, flyaway hairs and other small, fixable imperfections like that. When a person's features (facial or bodily) are no longer true to what they look like in real life, that's when it's too far. That includes slimming down and changing the shape of your nose and face.

Also, your pic is a perfect example of why you should always wear a wig, even if your real hair is close to the characters.

>> No.6473504
File: 34 KB, 400x273, beforeandaftercosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally agree, it's one thing to fix up little flaws and add atmosphere.

Another to make a completely new person.
Also this kind of shooping should NOT be allowed in portfolio submissions. It's a blantant lie and makes it harder for cosplayers who are trying to do the right thing.

>> No.6473753

>portfolio submissions
Wow, where's this cosplay agency I can send them to?

>> No.6473969

Think OP means portfolios for cosplay comps, I remember OPs shooped version pic appearing at WCS prelim where Lily (chick in the pic) entered

>> No.6473975
File: 151 KB, 759x537, 80fc8a37b752fdb74cfff6df347ae2de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Extreme photoshopping

Every picture a female takes of herself ever. You gals love playing with contrast, especially on Facebook.

>> No.6474001

I like the videos this guy makes. They're interesting.

>> No.6474100
File: 323 KB, 464x674, w228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh please I'm sure guys do it too.

Everyone who can will use the powers of shoop however I think the topic was about where should the line be drawn in cosplay photos
Stay on topic.

>> No.6474103

Who cares as long as the photos look decent?
I prefer OPs photoshopped picture to the original. And it's not because I have something against fatter girls, but the defined jaw structure looks nice for her character, and I'm glad she got rid of the back moles.

You're just portraying a character, not yourself. So why does it matter if people photoshop a cosplay picture? Nobody is claiming to be 'real' in that sense. Nobody claims to be from an alternate universe where you can have naturally pink hair, huge anime eyes, and a perfect hourglass figure.

Now if they were trying to pass themselves off by saying that's what they look like irl? Or saying "I DON'T PHOTOSHOP MY PICS TEEHEE~<3 :)" then yeah, it's annoying and it makes them liars. But it's nothing I'd feel compelled to start something over, honestly.

>> No.6474168

>Now if they were trying to pass themselves off by saying that's what they look like irl?
Well, given OP's subject, that is what she's trying to do.

>> No.6474673

Professional wedding and commercial photographer here. Any photoshop is too much photoshop.

I will edit a picture if requested, but I have a firm two week rule; marks such as spots or slightly tired-looking eyes, things which probably wouldn't still be there if you saw the person in two weeks time, can be edited out if the customer requests. Anything that isn't temporary like that, stays. At all times I encourage all customers to see photos before requesting photoshopping and I try to avoid photoshop at all costs.

The excessive shopping that most cosplayers and cosplay photographers seem to make use of is disgusting and bordering on farcical. Whether it's changing the shape of a nose, blurring skin to oblivion or fixing a poorly-taken picture with ridiculous contrats and saturation, it's always too much and a terrible excuse for poor pictures.

>> No.6474693

you chicks are catty as fuck

>> No.6474707

My rule as a cosplay in terms of editting is this: I will never shop myself better than I look IRL.

If the photo is great but the lighting is terrible and casts awkward shadows, I'll lighten up undereye circles.

If the photo is taken at an atrocious angle but I love everything but what it does to my midsection by creating a weird, distracting roll where there normally isn't one I'll make it less noticeable.

I only do as much as I need to present myself honestly and to showcase my costumes online, not to look better than I am or create something fake. People who shoop their faces diffrently or shopp entire costumes pieces are going way way way too far.

>> No.6474739

Back to /r9k/ with you.

>> No.6474749

>it's always too much and a terrible excuse for poor pictures.

Yeah, because everyone can pay a professional photographer or has a friend who is one to get pictures of a simple cosplay to put on deviantArt.

>> No.6475247
File: 37 KB, 500x444, spot the difference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of people willing to take photos at an affordable price for cosplays.

Sometimes all it takes is figuring which one of your friends has a bit of understanding for photography and actually has some talent for figuring what works best for you. I've had some lovely photos taken of me with no photoshop by friends who know how to work my best features with some creative angles.

If I cannot have a decent photo of a cosplay, I'd rather not have a photo.
If I've put all that work in a cosplay I'm as sure as hell not getting a point, shoot and photoshop session. I would rather a good photo than a shoop any day.

Also it's something I can proudly put in my portfolio and say to judges "What you see is what you get".

>> No.6475267

Both of these pics are awful...

>> No.6475294
File: 367 KB, 720x480, tumblr_m84nb27trk1rufgaro1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these threads!

>> No.6475296
File: 1.49 MB, 900x1554, when_works_go_wild_by_krisez-d4wgim2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6475302


>> No.6475316

You do know that one of these photos is shooped heavily and the left is the original one.

I get your point and your information, but your example doesn't work properly in this case because the cosplayer in question shoops herself heavily, so it's not so much of a question of angle in that situation.

>> No.6475323

All the Photoshop in the world can't fix that ass face

>> No.6475354

>that is what she's trying to do
Proof? Or is this just your speculation of what you think she's trying to do?

Because I highly doubt once people see that nose and those moles irl that they're going to be too convinced that it was ever her in the photoshopped picture.

>> No.6475725
File: 125 KB, 900x1201, shoopdewhoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proof? Or is this just your speculation of what you think she's trying to do?

She is just a sad Ausfag all her photos are heavily shooped. Her DA and other online "portfolios" are filled with these ridicolous shoops.
These are also the same images she submits in competitions, when judges she hasn't met yet sure get a shock when they do.

This pic here - the top one was already shooped by the photographer, the bottom one is the one that appears on her DA

>> No.6475732

...but she's not actually claiming that the photoshopped picture is what she looks like irl, is she? People submit heavily photoshopped pics of themselves all the time to contests.

They're being judged for end looks, not their integrity.

>> No.6475817
File: 415 KB, 800x533, end_of_story_by_yuuko2011-d39o23z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I animated this for you.
Frame one is the photographer's bad edit with the background layer visible at 20% opacity, that is the true original. Next is the version from her DA.

>> No.6475821
File: 574 KB, 809x853, fraceofhetalia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could be worse, she could be cosplaying Frace, from Hetalia.

>> No.6475908

Know her personally, and yeah, she tries to claim that she does look like this IRL despite being a haggard, old hambeast.

>Be 30 years old
>Trying to 'troll' a cosplay competition
>Submitting a shitty headshot and an unstyled wig as a 'cosplay'
>Spells 'naked' as 'nekked' multiple times
>Thinks anybody in their right mind would want to peek at her 100+kilogram body

>> No.6475915

Oh, and before I forget - she has that awful giant chin thing where her neck disappears under fat, so it's a diagonal slide from chin to collarbone. Except she shoops it out in all her photos, and calls herself an AUS-size 16 (I think that's American 12-14 or something) when she's clearly at least a size 20.

>> No.6475929
File: 551 KB, 735x579, Fatty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you thick? She is a size 10.

>> No.6475993

Ah yes, the dress that turned her into a bratwurst.

>> No.6476000

Are there any pics of her actually wearing it? I just can't see how it could possibly fit...

>> No.6476005

He pussy must be hungry

>> No.6476009

looks like she's taking a deep breath

>> No.6476054
File: 59 KB, 500x250, shoopvsunshoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6476061
File: 64 KB, 720x480, 1329349281226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6476088


Wait...she can't be 30. I know 40 year olds who still get carded...

>> No.6476402

No amount of shopping will excuse how bad that wig is.
And how dark her eyebrows are.

>> No.6476529

It's all in genetics + how well you take care of yourself. Pretty obvious she hasn't done the latter, or was rather unsuccessful. First time I saw the pic I thought it might be her mom or something.

>> No.6476915
File: 89 KB, 693x500, shooping mde red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6476924
File: 645 KB, 900x598, pl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is from July this year...

>> No.6476989
File: 106 KB, 1129x559, wcs shoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6477039
File: 133 KB, 716x1207, shoopmuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>September 2012

June 2012

>> No.6477047

Dear god.

>> No.6477048
File: 31 KB, 619x448, SHOOPER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


November this year...
So basically EVERY cosplay she has done this year has been SHOOPED to another dimension

>> No.6477055
File: 83 KB, 500x1017, Miss2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So I guess it's completely ok to enter these shooped out the wazoo images into portfolios and competitions too, especially when it is obvious that other competitors don't

>> No.6477060

But the shoops don't even make her look good. Just really odd. Not like a normal/pretty girl, like an alien.

>> No.6477072

Shouldn't there be integrity in cosplay?

>> No.6477082

>implying there is
Oh this is rich, I await your response to this one.

>implying cosplay competitions aren't just one big popularity contest

>> No.6477099

To be honest, if you're entering a contest that involves photos and you don't use any quality or photo editing, then you honestly might as well not enter. It would be like entering a body building competition even though you have no muscle mass. Not that Fatty Mcgoo is any good at editing, but it's better than a shit camera and no editing at all.

>> No.6477162


Why the fuck does she insist on shooping that much? Obviously she's ashamed about being fat as fuck. I know, she's cray cray as fuck and a lardass, but fuck. Wouldn't the sheer fact of having to sew so much fabric discourage one from being fat? She doesn't even shoop herself to look normal or believable. At least Dakota shoops herself consistently

>> No.6477187
File: 24 KB, 396x360, 1346961464293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying if ANY of you girls were that fucking hideous you wouldn't be living under a rock or trying to shoop yourselves as well

Normally I'd say she's just being insecure, but she has a legitimate reason to hate how she looks. Grow some empathy people. You all wince and whine when you have a dimple of cellulite or a pimple. Even if she did lose the weight she'd still have that unfortunate face structure that makes her look like a hag, and I'm sure the criticism she gets for it doesn't help her achieve that self-acceptance any better.

>> No.6477193

You mean the judges choose who they like the most, not if it was just an awesome costume/performance?

>> No.6477210
File: 38 KB, 469x428, ohtheirony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6477219

What a slow board

>> No.6477223
File: 60 KB, 600x564, 381899_10151338460111159_1733776650_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pffft you don't know Ausfags very well.

As for your "Empathy" Hilarious!

Seriously if you feel you are so hideous that you have to shoop your photos to this extent, - just don't cosplay.
If you are going to bitch and gripe that things are unfair in the cosplay scene - just don't cosplay
Feel like you are being ignored or you are being pick on because you did a shitty job - just don't cosplay.

Stop being a whiner and get over it.

Real easy

>> No.6477230

This is so confusing.
Do these people think this is what they actually look like, and every photo of them ever is just unflattering?
And if not, how do they expect it to fool anyone?

>> No.6477265

Nearly as annoying as the Furries buying foam

>> No.6477284


>> No.6477288

>if you feel you are hideous
Dude, she IS hideous!
She's a 4/10 at her best irl. You don't feel that kind of empathy for people who are truly unattractive and have image issues because obviously you lack one of the aforementioned.

>> No.6477470

I think some wish there was like >6477072.

True it is apparent that there isn't any amongst judges and the same names come up again and again with wins and placings according to some of the jaded responses.

I'm pretty sure *some* cosplayers have some.

Why go to all that trouble for a few minutes on stage? Hardly seems worth the hassle to bother for some cheap attention and friends oooooing.
So in the end no new will enter except the naive and comps with die out all together.

>> No.6477545
File: 11 KB, 327x388, 1334992434056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I smell butt hurt