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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 99 KB, 700x400, 2012TORONTOANIME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6473282 No.6473282 [Reply] [Original]

I know it's just a small con, but is anyone here going to DTAC this sunday?

>> No.6473363

Is ANYONE from CGL going?

>> No.6473379

I am

There's a few other confirmed seagulls who are going too

Meetup's at 2pm under the staircase

>> No.6473381

We had a DTAC thread last week. It's usually pretty lame, and last year was awful, so /cgl/ is staying away.

>> No.6473416

what happened? this is my first year attending DTAC

>> No.6473458

Last year it was very crowded because the space was tiny, and staff were assholes. They have a bigger space this year, but probably the same asshole staff.

There are some very basic events, a really crappy dealers room, and it's an excuse to cosplay and hang out with your friends. That's it.

>> No.6473480

>it's an excuse to cosplay and hang out with your friends. That's it.

Summed it up pretty well there. Apart from this, it's a really shitty con. Don't get your hopes up

>> No.6473543

Is the "Fuck DTAC" event happening?

>> No.6473549

Yeah there's an event on Facebook, but I think reservations for dinner/activities have already been made

>> No.6473563

Yeah it is. At least like 20 people are going to FDTAC I think.

Should we have a /cgl/ meetup?

>> No.6473585

I'm going to judge all of you trips from afar then

>> No.6473600

Hell no. you're coming.

>> No.6473614
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Come say hi, anon-kun.

>> No.6474248


>> No.6474287

yes, 2pm under the stairs/escalators

>> No.6474788

Who is everyone going as?

>> No.6476159

An azn hipster.

>> No.6476791

I've never been to an anime convention (FanExpo earlier this year was my first con) so I'll be going to DTAC tomorrow with a friend, possibly a third if she finishes her studies.

This is what I heard, but hopefully enough people complained about the mistreatment by staff that the same mistakes will not happen again.

lol, what is involved with FDTAC?

>> No.6477125

you guys better post about how bad it was on sunday night so i can feel good about not going!

>> No.6477153

i'm going but I still have no idea what I'm wearing.

>> No.6477155

I'm going to scope out some sweety cosplayer feet.

>> No.6477160

never a-fucking-gain.

hi tom.

>> No.6477176

Who's Tom? Is he around Yonge and Eglinton? We can swap strategies.

>> No.6477530

Oh Tom! XD

>> No.6477979


>> No.6478770

Okay, yeah, that was a lot smaller than I was expecting.

>> No.6478764

lol dis con

>> No.6479122

was it good?

>> No.6479168
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Nope. I'll post my bad encounter with con security later

>> No.6479219
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Con was a little better than expected, since my expectations were low.

The guy who played Krillin was not amused when his anime pictionary teammates didn't guess "Alien Nine" because they didn't count the thumbs.

>> No.6479231

Anon didn't come talk to us. I'm disappointed.

>> No.6479509

So glad I didn't cosplay to this, I'd be freezing my ass off and I wasn't even at the con for very long. Was it just me, or did the dealer's room seem very figurine-geared this year?

>> No.6479534

Figures and My Little Pony. But no MLP figures.

>> No.6479620
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>> No.6479635

Dealer rooms have degenerated into useless shit over the past 7 years or so. There's zero variety of merchandise and even less variety in price so no deals to be found.

The last time I found anything tickleworthy in a dealer room was AN2007. Glorious online shopping ever since because the locals refuse to compete.

>> No.6479653
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You didn't come hang out with us, Anon-chan.

>> No.6479682

I know it looks like he's trying to hide his beard in this photo, but I was there, and it was magnificent.

>> No.6479715
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He said he wanted a "World's Greatest Dad" mug. I love him.

>> No.6479744

Has she even seen the movie?

>> No.6479749
File: 32 KB, 288x500, Gendo mug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been done.

>> No.6479801

Probably not.
I was seeing this before the movie was even out.

>> No.6479802


the DR was at least not as cramped as last year.
It kind of sucks when the best you can say about a con is "well, it was worse last year" But tbh it wasn't bad, just meh.

>> No.6479805
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alright here goes

>Get to the con with friend, but was meeting up with more
>Didn't want to go inside without other friends, we take a seat next to the entrance and just sit patiently waiting
>Security walks by
>"Stamps? Stamps? Stamps?"
>Reply that we didn't get ours yet cause we were waiting for friend (We had to pay to sit in the con hall? Wat)
>He leaves, continuing his rounds
>We continue to sit and wait
>About 5-7 minutes later he comes back
>Starts yelling at us to leave, causing a scene. Other cosplayers sitting around in the area start looking around like an arrest was happening
>Confused, I try to ask him where we can stand without wearing a wrist band (We were literally about 15 feet from the entrance to the building)
>He doesn't give us a straight answer except for us just to leave

Continued in the next post

>> No.6479814

woops forgot my trip

>So we walk the couple of steps over the the entrance doors where I guess was a safe zone...? There were 3 different cons that day and maybe casual people were walking everywhere really
>Go to the bathroom, come back, meet friends near the doors. They got stamps
>Decide to buy our stamps too and start making our way to the table, but we recognize a few cosplayers on the way, stop to take pictures and chat a bit
>Security guy spots us again
>At this point he looks literally fed up and is yelling at us to leave the con
>Honestly try to explain that we were in fact on our way to the table to buy our stamps
>He doesn't believe us for a second, continues to try to kick us out
>Friend gets mad and starts to argue about his rudeness, shows the cash in her hand that she was ready to use to prove it to him
>My anxiety starts going through the roof and I just want to leave before I break down, still hear my friend and him argueing
>He sticks right to us and follows us all the way to the table to make sure we weren't bullshitting about paying

TL;DR Angered and got kicked out by security multiple times for not having a stamp near the con

>> No.6479818
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When he kicked us out the first time, I honestly just wanted to say fuck it and leave the con. I was planning on paying to go in, but after getting treated like that I didn't want to go back inside at all.

I forgot the transcript of the arguement, but lines I remember him saying were "I can do whatever I want to you" and him counting down from 5 to try to get us to leave, like you do with kids. There was also some other bs lines he had, gosh I wish I could remember them

But yeah once again, con security and it's finiest. Last year they had a boundary where the con actually existed, in which you needed to pay to enter. Today there was an imaginary boundary only know to security where the con was and wasn't. Apparently if you passed this invisible line you had to pay if you were going to stand there. Iunno, it really pissed me off and it unnecessarily ruined my day.

>> No.6479823
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Went. Had fun. Would go again.

>> No.6479849

this happened when you got there? I hadn't heard this story

a new trip at a Toronto event.... Careful, you might become one of us before long

>> No.6479854
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Security was pretty rude.


which one's you?

>> No.6479873

I've had the trip for about three years, but I virtually never post. Trying to frequent /cgl/ a bit more since I've mainly stuck to /a/, /g/, and /int/.

I dunno, I found security to be alright. He'd check our stamps and I'd tell him how many times it was he'd asked, then he'd joke about "x amount to go until 100". Seemed friendly enough. Anyways, I'm the guy on the screen-left.

>> No.6480161
File: 614 KB, 1506x1000, DSC_5610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I took a picture of you!

>> No.6480183

Awesome! I remember you...well, your face at least. Man that picture's crisp!

>> No.6480448

That's because there needs to be a new type of dealer room focused on used and old stuff. Like they have at Anime North, a garage sale type thing of anime and general nerd related stuff. I wish something like that existed on a huge scale.

>> No.6480450

So I don't get it, I just walked in and no one asked for tickets or stamps or nothing. I didn't even see a ticket booth so I just went right in the dealers room and bought something, wandered around the whole small hall area and left, no problems.

>> No.6480452

Also, I can't believe this "convention" gets a thread so immediately and a huge thing like FanExpo never does as I have had to start one myself in the last two years. Must be 'cause of the Winter time and people sitting around at home.

>> No.6480460

Toronto bro here, new to this stuff. What else do we have besides this and Anime North? I wanna be cool like you guys.

>> No.6480477

So glad I didn't go to this, it sounds like it was total shit. Although ...

ajghsajghdsha JACK FROST OMG

>> No.6480627

this time of year? Nothing, but there'll be another con like this in March, then there's AN, FanEX, Atomic Lollipop, and an assload of others outside of the city

>> No.6480638
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Well, it wasn't /totally/ shit. It was ok for $10. I had a pretty good time.

>> No.6480657
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>>This pikachu had fake abs

>> No.6480745

I had never been to one before. met some nice people. cosplaying was fun. vendor room was very tight. security were anal.. but fun

>> No.6480749
File: 165 KB, 900x633, kerith_04_by_straight_starlight-d5emwn0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and b4 someone asks, I went as Kerith from Dance Central

you can just barely see me in one of the other photos above :p

>> No.6480756

No problems with security but oh god was it a tight space. Also cosplayers were mostly homestucks.

>> No.6480843

The thread was started days before the con because people weren't sure if Hobbystar's six hour moneygrab was worth ten bucks.

The next Toronto-area anime con is Con G in Guelph in late February. I've never gone, but I've heard good things about it, despite their mascot being a developmentally delayed dragon.


Hobbystar used to run a two-day anime event in March (creatively named "March Toronto Anime Con") but their only March event now is the Toronto ComiCon. It's not an anime event, but Hobbystar is implying that it is because they know some of you are willing to pay them for the chance to cosplay there. See if you can tell which section on their site doesn't match:


The only guests they've announced are the entire cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation, so if you thought that Con Bravo had too many neckbeards...

>> No.6480910

Who the hell would want to go to Guelph ...

>> No.6480919

For party reasons

>> No.6481071

Well I was Minato there yesterday with a Persona 3 group.

This was big improvement over 2011's cattle pen >_< Kinda like 2010's except it was actually better since security at worse only asked if we had stamps which is fine.

The dealers room was rather good this year with vendors selling both newer and rarer items which I nearly died at the sight of a legit looking ocarina at only 60 bucks XD

Still even with what happened last year I was glad a lot of people still did come to keep its lively and good. Hobbystar seems to indeed be improving with their last few cons (not counting November Comicon)

>> No.6481077

are there any pictures yet of the con?

>> No.6481185

There are a few here and there. There's about three on the FB event page, a few ITT, and some scattered around FB by attendees.

It's a mess, but they're out there.

>> No.6481194

I was lead by the security guard to the table tl buy the stamp, and that's where I first saw you lol

>> No.6481448

i'll go!

>> No.6481602
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I'll dump some of mine

>> No.6481610
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>> No.6481621
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>> No.6481639
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>> No.6481693
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>> No.6481860
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>> No.6481990

I now demand an entire crew of the Strawhats as children!

>> No.6482004

Alright. As long as I look better than her.

>> No.6482006

Too many fucking closed toe. Waste of time. I hate all of you.

>> No.6482018

dill !PicKleqHjM

my friend and I had the same thing happen to us with the security, but we left the second time he came around and told us to either get a hand stamp or leave. i almost gave in and paid, but the atm wouldn't let me take out money because i was 30 cents short for the service charge. we had no intention of going in the dealers room or anything, we were just hanging out in the hall with friends. so we left and then went to FDTAC which was loads of fun

>> No.6482017


>> No.6482063
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>> No.6482065


Where was the FDTAC event being held this year?

>> No.6482067
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Fuck yeah Mirai Nikki

>> No.6482073
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>> No.6482081
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Kyubey giving zero fucks

>> No.6482082
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What? She was the only lolita there I think.

>> No.6482085
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>> No.6482088

I haven't seen the other TO lolitas, not a social person.
So if I'm walking around TO as long as I look better than her, I'm good.

>> No.6482090

You seem to have self esteem issues.

>> No.6482107
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>> No.6482111

Holy shit dat Asian(?). I want her to sit on my face.

>> No.6482117

Who is this on the comm? Coord would've been lovely if it wasn't for that aweful wig and random spatterings of blue....

>> No.6482119
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/cgl/ meetup

>> No.6482122
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>> No.6482124

>voldie actually learned how to dress

>> No.6482134


>> No.6482130
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>> No.6482138
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She's kinda /fa/

I have seen her at a few cons. She's always by herself.

>> No.6482165
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>> No.6482178
File: 390 KB, 1280x956, IMG_1569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's always by herself.

She's never with other lolitas*

>> No.6482190

Is the blonde long-haired with beanie a girl or dude?
S/he looks cute.

>> No.6482191

>voldie looking straight at the camera

>> No.6482196

I'm always on Todd-watch because he's constantly trying to take secret photos.

>> No.6482205

i'm surprised he's not got his head in that delicious ramen

>> No.6482208
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Say that to my face, not online, see what happens.

>> No.6482213

>Is the blonde long-haired with beanie a girl or dude

Not sure.

>> No.6482214
File: 70 KB, 720x960, 14691_10152351719135093_1487987538_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was fun. I bought some 80's mecha stuff and some pins, i spent a lot less money than expected. i wore a black and purple outfit with stupid starcraft stuff all over and the only people that took my photo were 3 asian guys(probably koreans) and the gendo cosplayer (10/10)
Hanging out with the trips was nice, you guys are fun to be around. sorry if I was really awkward, haha.
security was mildly annoying with "stamps? stamps?" I felt like I was on a go train where they checked your ticket twice between every stop
like "okay i showed you my ticket you know i'm going to the end of line go away seriously"
that kind of irritating
also what was the deal with so many homestucks and hetalia? Holy crap the Hetalia cosplayers in the hallway were ungodly loud

>> No.6482230

>she can /fa/
>dat sweater

>> No.6482239
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>> No.6482247

Hey, I recognized your Zerg cosplay...

>> No.6482251
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not zerg cosplay, "kawaii zerg lolita princess"
but really you did and i appreciated that

>> No.6482274
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>I felt like I was on a go train where they checked your ticket twice between every stop
I don't think even GO checks that often (if ever). Personally I've only been checked for a ticket once or twice for an entire eight months of taking the GO train 2-3 times a week. But seriously, the constant stamp checking was annoying as fuck.

>> No.6482293
File: 19 KB, 200x200, 1309453258268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you asked me if I knew your name, I knew your name as takumi

>> No.6482299
File: 53 KB, 170x193, watno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't talk about my sister like that!

>> No.6482306

Fuck why must you post image sliek this

>> No.6482316

oh please don't be a tranny why did you have to bring that up


>> No.6482320

All the people in the middle don't know how to use chopsticks.

>> No.6482333

It's a guy you idiot.

>> No.6482363
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Close enough.

>> No.6482460

well this thread quickly went to hell.

>> No.6482481

Are those noodles extra? Or do they come with the meal?

>> No.6482486

I went, it was fun but the security was kinda rude as always but that didnt stop it from being cool, I think they learnt a lot from last year. Im considering going to mtac now.

>> No.6482572

Didn't know you were on 4chan, leaf XD

>> No.6482695

yep ^-^ I dont post too often though

>> No.6482711
File: 166 KB, 765x1024, IMG_1533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to pay for them, but they were only $2 each. SO WORTH IT

I actually enjoyed MTAC a lot. You should cosplay a Naruto character there.


>> No.6482751

haha I might, or I may do digimon since my cosplay group for that was planning it for march I think.. im not sure what their plans are

>> No.6482813

She's in the cgl meet up photos above

>> No.6482838


I was so clueless about the Loli Zerg, We all must go to Victory Cafe and watch MLG! I know a majority of the ESC staff

>> No.6482865

Is this Dave?

>> No.6482883


Day[9]'s Gay lover? indeed

>> No.6482936

none of the homestucks were expecting so many of each other.... I counted the shoot and there was more than 85

>> No.6482956


There were only like 250 people at con...
Oh God...

>> No.6483052

Is ConG worth the money? it's in Guelph though...

>> No.6483067

Absolutely. Con-G is fukkin' amazing! Small and cozy, but has real heart. I think they had like 1200 people last year?

>> No.6483074


>> No.6483112

i'm definitely going to the next barcraft. the IPL5 bc was so much fun.
hahahah what

>> No.6483152

Yeah I saw. XD I had no idea that was a cgl meet.

>> No.6483197

please stop

What was with the fucking homosucks this weekend? Did they seriously think it was a good idea to have their giant photoshoot right in the middle of the bridge from the skywalk to the MTCC? Like, there's no other way to get in than to walk right through their photoshoot, yet they gave us the dirtiest looks when we "interrupted" them by passing through.

>> No.6483214

I saw a shitload of them at last year's DTAC too and I swear to god they're multiplying,

>> No.6483569

I'd like you to find a place to put them all, while keeping them inside

>> No.6483671
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That's sew funni! xoxox


>> No.6483682
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Why not rent out part of the convention for the shoot or go somewhere you will not be blocking other people. On the side where the dealers room wasn't near the other elevators there was plenty of space. Be more considerate of others next time please.

>> No.6483690

Mr. Obsessive !fj4xSNxPOc

it was at the Korean Grill House (Y & D locaton) at 2, then we went across the street for karaoke and drinks

>> No.6483718

I can't stop laughing at this reply.

>> No.6483747

i don't get it :S what did i do?

>> No.6483763

What annoys me is that they don't seem to be dying down either like the way Hetalia and Vocaloids eventually died down. These days just seem to grow and do stuff like this. At least the bronys seem to have more control.

The FDTAC was at a KGH??? Aren't they normally near the con and not in a restaurant?

>> No.6483761

You went to FDTAC? How many people showed up?

>> No.6483775


we took up three large tables at KGH (so approx. 40 people) and there were definitely at least 20 at karaoke.
Yeah we hung out near the con last year but we decided to make some actual plans this year so we weren't just wasting time hanging around... if we wanted to do that, we would have gone to the con. though most of us were there for an hour or so just to scope it out.

>> No.6483778

40 people? Nice!

I wanted to go cause I love kBBQ.

>> No.6483784

To quote people you click on the number part for example No.66666 You would click on the 66666. Try to avoid using emotes because it makes you look like a weeb. Instead if ou have a facial expression or reaction you want to use an image. This is an image board after all. Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.6483792

well yes i know that, i use to spend a lot of time on /b/ years ago and i've been on cgl for a while, but i don't post often. i'm not going to waste my time uploading a picture of an emotion i'm trying to convey when i can simply put it in text in two seconds. i honestly don't care if i look like a weeb for that.

>> No.6483796

Just trying to help you out.

>> No.6483810


ooh nice! and it actually went well even with out reservations. My crew of people decided to go after the con to the KGH at Queen and Mccowan instead though which I think would be a nice place for you guys next time too as its a bit closer to the con.

>> No.6483826

yeah i've been to that location but it's much too small for the crowd we had. and we chose that location because it was close to the karaoke. and still easy to get to through path/the eaton's centre.

>> No.6483936
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posting a selfpost. sage for shitty shoop job

>> No.6483984

Karaoke was so awesome. I didn't even know you could get private rooms that big.
I kinda want to go do more karaoke asap. it's way too enjoyable.

>> No.6484001

Someone should post more pictures

Did they have any anime songs?

>> No.6484020
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Funny thing was how there was some biker convention right next door. There was big, old tattooed biker guys and their fat and equally tattooed girlfriends regularly walking past the anime area. I heard one of them say how this is the one time these kind of people can feel normal.

>> No.6484024
File: 68 KB, 720x960, 67795_10152351719220093_908020088_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had all the anime songs in another book which uses a different machine that you have to ask them to turn on/connect it. we didn't use it last night but I went there a couple weeks ago we did. They have a lot of mainstream songs and some older stuff (SDF Macross opening, haha). I'm not 100% sure of the selection because my Japanese isn't so good. They also have a lot of J-pop and K-pop. Gangnam Style is there too in the default/english book.

I didn't take many pictures and most of them are of me or from karaoke, or I would post more. Sorry.

>> No.6484027

whoops meant to quote >>6484001

>> No.6484075

>I heard one of them say how this is the one time these kind of people can feel normal.


>> No.6484086

40 /cgl/ people from Toronto?
Am I misreading, or is the Toronto community really good?

>> No.6484089

only some of those 40 go on /cgl/

>> No.6484093

Most of them don't come to /cgl/. It's the organizer's group of con friends, I think. She just has a lot of friends, I guess.

>> No.6484153

that aint no biker con those are all rice rockets
ya'll need to call each one out for a being faggot spread that hate and make it the norm
considering that Toronto is a major city globally 20-40 is a pretty tiny number if you think about it

>> No.6484181

anybody else take pictures? i took a few but the majority came out a little blurry (still getting used to a new camera)

lots of fun at my first con

there was a nice larger fellow dressed as wreck-it ralph who took a lot of photos with a nice camera, anyone know of his blog? or portfolio?

>> No.6484196
File: 74 KB, 400x300, 28385373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


glad you had fun!

>> No.6484237

>nicer larger fellow

Are you serious?

>> No.6484250
File: 114 KB, 730x1095, art_8_by_everage-d5nsf8t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hack and slash wat


>> No.6484310


Still trying to justify his sick fap fodder I see.

>> No.6484317

Trust me you don't want to see his "portfolio".

>> No.6484319

and.... it begins.

>> No.6484337

Also wow glad you liked it for a first con. Good thing you came this year and not the last which was rather bad. But this is considered rather minor, just be ready for all the bigger ones coming up that are FAR superior

>> No.6485020

It's a troll

>> No.6489767
File: 254 KB, 1100x825, DSCN2304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anime North has this small halloween event around the end of October.

>> No.6489771
File: 328 KB, 1100x825, DSCN2307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6490020

It keeps happening...

>> No.6491113

Any more con pics?