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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 289 KB, 811x1600, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6459499 No.6459499[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /cgl/, what kinda guy are you looking for?

>> No.6459508

>not being a lesbian


>> No.6459515

>a guy who will call me 20 times a day if he went away

God that would be fucking annoying.

>> No.6459518

What women say they want and what they actually want are two very different things.

>> No.6459519
File: 36 KB, 500x608, tumblr_lxamn5YLPo1r6vpf5o1_1280_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff Mangum.

>> No.6459533

He can stain my mountaintops anyday if you catch my drift hurr hurr hurr.

>> No.6459542
File: 632 KB, 879x949, 454554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A guy who will let me sit near him a lot, let me nap on his chest, watch animu with me and ah Idk, a bunch of typical sappy crap, nothing special. Nothing overly needy though-jesus christ most of the stuff on that list gives me anxiety just thinking about it. I don't even like 1 phone call let alone 20.

These tumblr girls with their list of demands are getting out of control. And they're always so quick to rattle off what an ideal man should do, but snap their head and scream numerous accusations at any guy who even TRIES to stutter about what an ideal woman would be like-which believe it or not isn't just something lewd or cruel. Men have romantic needs too you know.

>> No.6459548

I really don't want to believe that the female who wrote OP's pic is real. That's so dumb it hurts brainnn

>> No.6459551

I only want a /fit/ guy

>> No.6459557

It's like I'm really on facebook

>> No.6459558

what's so funny about target?

>> No.6459566

OP here, I am male. I have heard some stuff about /cgl/ but, you guys have proved me wrong. Also, do you smell nice?

>> No.6459567

A guy who will stretch my anus using calipers every night and insert toast into my gaping love cavern like it's a hungry letterbox.

This is my dream.

>> No.6459569

Can I also insert my penis?

>> No.6459570

ay gurl I know wot u like

>> No.6459571

>any year
>believing shit you've read on /v/, /fit/, /r9k/, /a/ or /jp/ about things the majority of the people there don't actually specialize in or know much about save for skewed information and screencaps of the worst shit that no one here agrees with
Full baka.

>> No.6459572

you forgot /g/ and /pol/.
Also, no need to be a cunt

>> No.6459573


What do you think I am, some kind of deviant? I think you've got the wrong girl here, I just want fresh toast shoved up my butt.


I see a future for us.
I hope you have slippery fingers, I like my toast.... buttered.

>> No.6459575

/a/ and /jp/ are tsundere for /cgl/, but /cgl/ belongs to /fit/.

>> No.6459576

Stop saging.
>implying /cgl/ doesn't end up with /g/

>> No.6459577

I think I know who you are IRL and I can't believe you're posting here.

>> No.6459578

Too lewd.

>> No.6459579

mmmm gurl I gon' butter yo toast reaal good

>> No.6459580

You don't.
But, entertain me. Which country do I live in?

>> No.6459582

Autocorrect changed my sage to 'sagegoods+age' lolwtf

>> No.6459583

It's a East European country, although you don't like it being called east.