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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 138 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6458823 No.6458823 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else bleached their hair for a cosplay? Or cut their long hair short?

Why did you choose to do this over a wig and did you keep it afterwards?

Or has anyone cut/dyed their hair to have a hairstyle that's more useful for cosplay in general? For example a pixie cut would be better for wearing a lot of wigs, and very blonde hair would be better if you dyed it a lot, or if you cosplayed a lot of blonde/light haired characters(Touhou comes to mind). People with naturally light blonde hair are kind of lucky here and probably save a bit of money on wigs(or bleach).

I find the dedication of those who change their appearance for cosplay fascinating. I want to do a Rin from Touhou cosplay, but I don't have a lot of money, so I was just thinking of letting my hair grow a bit and dying it the right shade of red. Some people always seem to insist on wigs for cosplay and that real hair looks "bad", I think I feel the opposite.

>> No.6458834

because you can only do so much with one head of hair. you can't cosplay a short haired person one day, and a long haired person or someone with different coloured hair the next.

you might need to change your hair, or get bored of the style and that means you can't wear the costume again without a wig.

overall hair just doesn't last long, most people don't have super thick hair and it's a lot more practical to style a wig weeks in advance than to spend hours on it in the morning.

also it's hard to get the right colours.

there is seriously barely any reason ever to use your own hair, and a good wig looks way better.

not to mention most actresses with gorgeous hair? wigs.

>> No.6458860


Wigs that actually look like real hair are very expensive. Obviously you can't change your hair every other week, but you can still change it every year or two.

>> No.6458878

No they're not. With Taobao and the increasing quality of wig stores a decent wig is $30 or less.

You can get good LACEFRONT wigs for $30.

Anime characters do not have realistic or achievable hair 90% of the time, and with humidity and the hustle and bustle of cons styled hair goes limp and gets frizzy or greasy.

Take a look at convention photos before the common use of wigs and you'll notice everyone's hair looks terrible, there is a REASON everyone moved to using wigs.

>> No.6458895


The problem is that most wigs aren't particularly better.

You sort of have different schools here, one doing the unrealistic anime hair, and ones doing anime hair achievable in real life.

Wigs I see with cosplayers rarely look 100% convincing and for characters from live action shows or the like it shows. The roots never look quite right.

>> No.6458903


Speaking of this, are there places I can get decent wigs for around that price without having to go through a middle man? Thanks.

>> No.6458913
File: 102 KB, 586x516, 1304092983953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're retarded and just looking for an excuse not to wear a wig. anime characters don't have roots most of the time, and their hair either doesn't translate to real life naturally or looks stupid toned down.

even crappy wigs look better than mediocre real hair.

also, try dyeing your hair white. seriously. most people can't do that without making it look like shit.

>> No.6458914


Speaking as someone who's mother went through breast cancer recently, yes, they are, you're looking at $100 for a short wig and up to $300 for a long one. Some cheap wigs nowadays can be surprisingly good but it's never going to be good as cutting/dying one's own hair, which can cost next to nothing.

>> No.6458918


>implying people only cosplay anime characters
>implying all anime styles are the same

>> No.6458917

epic cosplay, arda wigs, cosplay wigs, ebay, black person hair stores, taobao stores like fantasy sheep that sell directly to north american customers without a shopping service.

>> No.6458922

Seriously? You guys need to do your research. You can get custom-made lace front wigs for less money than that.

Not to sound like a dick but you and your mother are getting ripped off. I worked in a wig and hair store and we sold to cancer patients for a discount, and you can get REALLY NICE human hair lacefronts for $100 and amazing synthetics for $30.


>> No.6458926


EU/UK based?

Also the ones on the front page of the second are $300+...

>> No.6458934

Look for longer than a few minutes and you'll see some good deals. Also human hair honestly isn't necessary most of the time with how far synthetic hair has advanced. The chemicals used to treat human hair can be quite harsh on the skin of cancer patients, I'd actually recommend synthetic in a lot of cases. Most of the time you really can't tell the difference and it's very affordable and MUCH easier to take care of.

Also, call up any wig companies and if you tell them its for a cancer patient they will generally give you a decent coupon.

>> No.6458957

I have very little hair, it's have on both sides the back and around, (looks a lot like miley cyrus') hair. I didn't do this for the sake of cosplay, but it makes putting on wigs so much easier!

>> No.6458958

*shaved, whoops

>> No.6459013

That's different than getting a decent wig for maybe a one time(or couple) costume as opposed to wearing a wig for an everyday thing.

>> No.6459022

>Some cheap wigs nowadays can be surprisingly good but it's never going to be good as cutting/dying one's own hair, which can cost next to nothing.

Time is money. We hear that phrase all the time but it's true. Your time is worth something. For simple-ass styles like page boy cuts, pixies, bobs, boy style hair cuts, etc. those are doable and with enough styling products, it can hold all day at a con. You do have to load up on styling products to keep your hair looking the same as it did in the morning. One side job I have is styling hair for weddings, we use a shitton of products, but it holds all day and night. Keep in mind, it takes time to style your real hair.

For cosplaying from games, manga, and anime in particular, wigs are going to be the better bet. As other anons said, you're going to get a time savings (style once, rewear many times - no fussing with that in the morning). Your natural hair isn't going to be tortured by bleaches/dyes etc. and you can switch styles instantly. You can also add wefts and modify that shit to get more volume than is humanly possible // think massive animu spikes with a wig versus trying to make spikes with natural hair (which always end up as skinny, greasy looking spikes).

Celebrities and models with ungodly thick, gorgeous hair? Extensions which are $500 for a full set and they last 3 months. Wigs are cheaper and quicker than waiting for hair to grow to any length and they don't have to cost a lot. You just need to shop around and be patient. I got a gorgeous, full, heat-resistant lace front wig for my Legolas costume. It looks absolutely perfect and natural and is from a well-known brand here in the states. It cost me $35 on eBay but retails for over $100. Ebay has a really good number of nice wigs deals with low starting bids... the aforementioned wig started at 99 cents. Taobao has a lot of good companies offering really nice wigs with heat-resistant low-shine fibers. Just gotta look around.

>> No.6463552

All that aside, I know there are still cosplayers that do crazy things to their own hair from time to time and I'd like to see some pics of that.

Especially in the case where someone has one stock cosplay they keep coming back to, it makes more sense for them to cut/dye their hair to resemble it in cases where they don't have a specific, product heavy hairstyle.

>> No.6464110
File: 518 KB, 431x692, 2174619-screen_shot_2012_01_25_at_4.17.53_pm_1_super.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been growing out and dying my hair gradually to match up with my cosplays for 2013. I plan to do black/brunette cosplays only that share a similar haircut. (Got 2 lined up so fair. One being Superboy unused official artist work, the other being a Red Robin. Both use the same hair style and color which I already have). As a guy, with short hair cosplays, I feel they're just not effective with wigs. It just looks... Awkward. If you're hair is right and you can make it look natural to the character without a wig, why not?

Then again, I do wardrobe design for a high end salon, so I get next-to-free professional products and services. I could have any hair I want and look way better than a wig, but then again, I'm a guy doing short hair cosplays. I guess it'd be different for women with longer hair or drastic colors.

>> No.6464329

Not exactly the same but I have my hair grown out to my waist mainly for cosplay. There are some characters i cosplay like Aerith and Lara that have long pony tails and i dont have the money to be doing trial and error making pony tail wigs that look natural when i can just use my own hair.

I tried ordering drawstrings and clip ons but they haven't matched my hair color enough. So until there is a wig store in my area to go color matching, or i have money to throw around experimenting on wigs I'm keeping it this way haha

Dont get me wrong i do love my hair like this alot, but if i didn't cosplay or if i could find a good drawstrings/wig for my purposes i know i would have a different hairstyle.

>> No.6464354

Just because you're too stupid to find the good, cheap ones doesn't mean wigs are bad.
Ffs, you're on cgl and you can't be arsed to look through a wig thread for good shops? I feel sorry for your mother, since your stupidity and stubbornness are costing her money she needs now more than ever. Stop being a bitch.

>> No.6464366

How isn't it? You're on a board where 95% of the posters know how to get amazing wigs that nobody will know as wigs for dirt cheap.

Besides, technically, depending on the cut, the salon you go to, how your hair is, will you like the style/color, it will pretty much always be easier and cheaper to just buy a wig. At least you don't have to risk getting a shitty hairstyle or killing your hair through poor coloring.

>> No.6464381

I did it for Enrico Pucci and Aqualad. Never again bleaching my hair. But I do want to experiment with straightening it and seeing where it goes. If it works out, then I'mma cosplay Batsu Ichimonji

>> No.6464436

Adding on to what >>6458917 said, I just bought a cheap wig from some Chinese ebay store called jcf882011 and the quality is awesome. Passes for real hair and it's super soft. I'd definitely recommend them. Only downside is shipping takes forever and a day because it's from China.

>> No.6464437
File: 1.66 MB, 660x2970, whyyoushouldwearawig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real hair wig for a cosplay
>ishiggy diggy doo

now read this

>> No.6464444

Jesus christ what's wrong with people? Someone actually still thinks good wigs cost hundreds of dollars? The highest price I've ever paid for a wig was around 60 bucks and that was ONLY because it was a long and pre-styled character wig and I didn't realize I could've gotten it for half the price from taobao. Normally I pay 10-30 bucks for my wigs and they always look nice.

>> No.6464452

>Normally I pay 10-30 bucks for my wigs and they always look nice.

>> No.6464466

A little off topic, but since we're talking about wigs. I'm new to wig-use, so I dunno all the tips and tricks to finding a good cheap one. Recently ordered one on ebay for ~$20. What I got was fantastic, but it ended up being too small for my head. Is there a specific site for larger wigs, or some kind of sizing tip? I didn't even notice a posted size or anything when I bought it.

>> No.6464480

Asian wigs (i.e most of the stuff on ebay) tend to run smaller. WHen you're measuring your head for a wig, measure around the crown of your head. I think Asian heads tend to run 21~23" while larger ones run 24" or bigger (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Most American/Western companies have larger wig heads (Arda being the most popular/well-known) but there's no single way to tell at first glance unless a website gives you their wig measurements.

>> No.6464617


Ahh, of course, that makes sense. I'll check out Arda and keep an eye out for posted measurements from now on. Thanks a lot!

>> No.6464676
File: 10 KB, 125x126, 545176_10150811720552779_1252591048_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dyed/bleached my hair for my Ronald Knox cosplay because it was near impossible to find a wig and I wasn't ready to try and make my own yet.
I actually still have my hair like that, but I only get it redone before special events so I don't drain my wallet.

[My hair in the pic is actually styled for a dance not Ronald so it's a little wonky looking]

>> No.6464691

The one time I had to use my real hair for cosplay was against my will.

Although I had ordered my wig with more than enough time for it to arrive before Fanime, it still hadn't arrived before Day Zero. In fact, it didn't arrive until the day after the con was over.

I hated it. My hair looked like shit. And I felt like shit.

But I've had friends use their real hair for costumes, and turned out wonderful. My boyfriend gets away with it all the time.

>> No.6464694
File: 116 KB, 945x661, Seve_X_Lili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<---- I did for this guy, My hair is usually longer or shorter than this. Needed to get it shorter though, and lighter. I try to use my real hair when possible, but I tend to cosplay realistic characters. I do keep my hair the same as my characters for a bit for that same reason.

>> No.6464707

Is the girl using her real hair as well?

>> No.6464713

>mfw you actually think this looks good

Holy hell what is wrong with you?

>> No.6464729

Real hair only looks good if you're cosplaying a character from a RL show with characters who also use their real hair. Or if the character has really really really short hair, you might get away with it. Real hair doesn't have nearly as much volume as most anime characters have. Stick to wigs.

>> No.6464730

Yes! That's my girlfriend as Lili, she cosplayed her more because lili looks like her, she keeps her hair like that year round. She's also into lolita and is around here sometimes, though never really posts. We both try to cosplay characters we fit or can at least try to fit.

>> No.6464750


>most people can't do that without making it look like shit.

That, and if you decide to have white hair you have pretty much no choice but to keep it short. The overwhelming majority of people that decide to bleach their hair white end up having to slice it all off because it gets that fucked up.
It's slice it off, or you can try and keep it long and have it looking thin, ratty and constantly shedding. I have literally never seen anybody able to maintain long white hair, excluding Albino's.

It's probably doable if your hair is already naturally very blonde, I've just yet to see it done though.

>> No.6464757

>doesn't know about taobao

>> No.6465659

>Rin from touhou. Jeffory is that you?

>> No.6465694

It's completely possible, most people are just idiots.

Pic related, under the rainbow this chick's hair is completely white, naturally I think it's a medium mousy brown. She always ends up with the most gorgeous pastel fades, especially anything blue/purple.

>> No.6465697
File: 220 KB, 500x434, 4082270561_31feecc05e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it. Of course I forgot the image.

>> No.6465744
File: 731 KB, 621x587, i miss the T&amp;B fandom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kept my hair that way for a good 6 months because I took this cosplay to about 5 different cons pfft its just blonde now

>> No.6465754

honestly, if you have thick hair and you dye/ take care of it well, everyone always thinks you're wearing a wig anyway... The problem is a lot of people either don't have or don't want to invest the time for upkeep. Of course if you need a gravity defying style, a wig is better.

>> No.6465767

Except wigs are better you vapid moron. A wig can hold a style indefinitely until you wash it out. Your real hair will lose shape and body as you walk around throughout the day. Not only that by 99% of anime characters have impossible unrealistic hair that is physically impossible to obtain no matter how much shit you jam into your hair. Getting a decent quality wig that you can wash, style and wear whenever you want to wear your costume is a hell of a lot more cost-effective than getting a 60$ dye job every time.

>The roots never look quite right.
Anime characters don't have roots

>> No.6467800

You realize all you would've had to do is get a blonde wig and glue in some black wefts on the bottom, right?

>> No.6468010


For wefts to look natural on a wig that short you'd have to sew them in. She also already said that she wasn't ready to try and make her own.

Might want to dial back on the snottiness there, honey. Cuntery doesn't become you.

>> No.6469421

Mmkay, you sound like an angry faggot.

>> No.6471999

I have really long and thick hair and I've been having tons of trouble getting my hair to look right in wigs. How do you think I should put my hair in my wig cap. I need a really good way of getting all my hair in there so it can look right. Cutting my hair isn't an option.

>> No.6472150


>> No.6472162

Pin curls!

>> No.6472243

My point exactly. Plus I thought the two-toned look was fun and it ended up turning out great and I really like it on me.

>> No.6472273
File: 193 KB, 498x289, wigvsnowig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In some cases, not using wigs can work. Like 10% of the time, maybe. I have super fucking thick hair, to the point where I've been asked if it's a wig. For short styles, it can work as long as your hair is healthy-looking, clean, and not faded (if you dyed it).

When I cosplayed Ringo I gave up on the wig I bought after one shoot. The light is particularly unflattering in that shot, because normally it looked fine, but it didn't have enough volume. In this pic you can see that my ends had faded, so I did break the "no faded hair" rule, but I didn't realize how obvious it looked until I got pictures back.

Also, number one thing to remember if you're doing real hair to a con- make sure to know the weather for the area where your con is. I have to straighten my hair, and as soon as it rains my hair goes to being super wavy so if I'm going somewhere that's humid, not using a wig is a bad idea
I also have to plan washing my hair; it gets really dry and frizzy the day after I wash it so I need to prepare my shower schedule before the con to make sure it looks good. Last time I used my real hair for a con, I put it in a wig before it had completely dried and even after trying to straighten it, it ended up being a weird shape and just looked bad.

>> No.6472308
File: 115 KB, 731x1094, hello__azu_nyan_by_lobitah-d31449v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on how thick+well maintained your hair is
Some people can pull it off but this probably goes mostly for short hair-styles
If you're using your real hair do the best you can to make it look decent and more accurate as possible
I can understand if one wants to use their own hair because they don't trust the quality of online wigs, but then, real hair might look better or worse, it's all up to how it's kept.

>pic related is how it's done well

>> No.6472495
File: 410 KB, 614x819, PixelfaceMcAnimuhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it for a few years. If I liked a character's look and planned on cosplaying them, I'd see no problem with using them as a reference and getting their style cut.

With that said, I keep whatever I pick in reason. No bleaching as it's too risky to cause damage with other processes, and natural colors only as anything in an animated tone would need crazy amounts of bleaching with me to get the color vivid enough anyway. Plus, whatever I pick needs enough detail to look like it's actually doable with real hair. The more realistic the character is rendered, the more likely the hair can be replicated.

I don't change it much now though. I have a favorite style that I'm happy with and is pretty universal. It's easy enough to match a few characters I do or am planning on doing with a trim here or an inch there.

Plus--as it's been mentioned already--natural hair is less practical and hard to maintain for a con. Most styles need some sort of heat treatment, straightening, curling, creating body, spiking, and a shitload of wax, gel, and hairspray to keep it right. Also, any sweat and excessive humidity ruin everything.

I don't bash anything either way though. What matters is what looks good. Wigs are itchy and hold in body heat; natural hair is troublesome to maintain. I will say though, if someone can pull off something wild and unnatural with real hair, I give them props for having the balls and patience to do it.

>> No.6472526

lol@all the people selfposting examples of "good" natural hair cosplays
that's a wig, nig

>> No.6472561
File: 13 KB, 294x331, 1327346418148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a wig

>> No.6472562
File: 140 KB, 800x601, sakahagi_the_foul__by_strikes_twice-d5cm1ld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say 90% of the time a wig is necessary. Most people simply don't have the thickness, texture or length to cosplay efficiently using their own hair, and those that do will be really constricted in their choice of character.

I've only gone with my own hair once for a costume (pic related) because it was my exact natural colour, texture and I liked the look enough to have it on my own head (even then it wasn't 100% perfect) and in this case using real hair was a lot easier. Most of the time it isn't, throwing on a perfectly curled wig is easier than curling your entire head and touching up during the day. It worked great at the convention and was really comfortable, but I didn't want that hair forever and now that I've changed my style I won't be able to cosplay that character again.

What I like about wigs, ignoring how much time they save you every morning at a convention and the fact they won't lose their body as the day goes on, is that you can be whoever you want whenever you want. You can cosplay a long haired pink character friday, a short haired black character saturday and wear a casual blonde wig (or nothing) Sunday. Wigs can also be reused and sold, so they're an investment and they don't actually cost a whole lot. You also don't get stuck cutting or dyeing your hair into something that looks terrible on you, because if a wig looks bad you can just choose not to wear it.

Real hair just isn't as efficient, versatile or convenient for most characters or cosplayers in comparison to wigs.

>> No.6472583

I usually don't use wigs for my /co/splay. I have long black hair, that when styled, looks the same as the long/wavy hairstyle many characters have.

>> No.6472788

This. Quit being lazy/cheap and trying to use your own hair when it looks like crap anyway. Wigs are fuller and you will just look flat using your own hair.

>> No.6472945

I'm all about the wigs- I love wigs, I love the effect you can get with them, and I have really shitty natural hair so I'm even more inclined to wear a wig.

What I object to in this thread, though, is the all-or-none mentality of wigs vs. no wigs. When it comes to really short styles or things like mohawks and other specialty short styles, they can be difficult if not impossible to replicate with a wig. How exactly do you replicate a buzz cut with a wig? You can't. If you're cosplaying Jack from Mass Effect, you're probably going to have to shave that shit, unless you're a fucking wizard with bald caps and liquid latex. Most of us aren't. One of my pet peeves in cosplay is people's hair sticking out of their wigs, and that's a hell of a lot more likely to happen on a short wig that doesn't have bangs to disguise your hairline. Lacefronts are great, but a poorly worn lacefront can be just as bad as no wig at all.

If the character's hair is longer than about three inches and/or is a non-natural color, get a fucking wig. If they've got a specialty hairstyle like a buzz or a mohawk or something like that, then go ahead and use your hair, but put some effort into it.

What I'm trying to say is that there really aren't any absolutes here, and arguing that you should ALWAYS wear a wig or you should ALWAYS use your natural hair is pretty dumb and will only go in circles.

>> No.6472950

barely anyone said wigs work 100% of the time, just most of the time. lrn2read you dumb broad.

>> No.6472954

The fact that people are saying that at all is what I object to. No need to get nasty, sweetheart.

>> No.6473162

I just don't get why you feel the need to march in here and state your opinion like everyone else has been unreasonable when multiple people have already said the same thing

>> No.6473207
File: 107 KB, 576x720, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a Red Queen cosplay I did where I dyed my hair the same red as my costume. The outfit is based off of the Zenescope Beyond Wonderland comic & appeared on the cover of their #1 LTD (different photo than this)

>> No.6473213
File: 60 KB, 480x720, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another with dyed hair.

I feel that if you can accomplish the proper color and style by dying your hair - you should dye your hair. Real hair always looks better than a wig.

>> No.6473222
File: 115 KB, 416x639, TFW10C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except your hair looks nothing like hers. This character always has big, thick and usually curly hair that is longer than yours. Yours is far too straight, glat and thin... illustrating exactly why wigs usually look as good if not better.

>> No.6473223
File: 96 KB, 960x727, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That said, when it's impractical to dye one's hair, a wig is a great option and you don't always have to put a lot of money into it.

Cosplaying Casey Hack (the one choking the chicken). Used this wig for the Hack/Slash cover and Mystery Society. It cost $35, bought it in 2010 & wear it 6+ times a year for appearances

>> No.6473232

I also had the top of my hair formed into a heart behind the tiara.

>> No.6473237

it still looks nothing like hers, and its not big enough to be visible so whats the point?

>> No.6473242

About the same point as white girls cosplaying Japanese girls I suppose?

>> No.6473244

Get a wig.

>> No.6473251

Dat chin is unfortunate

>> No.6473253
File: 131 KB, 720x480, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic with the girl who did Calie.

>> No.6473255

i rather like it-- better suited for different characters though

>> No.6473260

Any suggestions? She's just starting out with c
cosplay - that was her first event. We're going to a con this weekend, so something relatively simple and suiting would be a huge help.
She did a great Black Swan.

>> No.6473266
File: 93 KB, 411x381, 1352597942155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shuttup with your special snowflake attitude and listen to what we're saying, this is an argument you can't win, specially not in /cgl/ your hair looks lame for the character.
>get a wig or gtfo

>> No.6473279

Let's see one of yours?

>> No.6473297
File: 322 KB, 544x408, 1354810309272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>special snowflake attitude
not everyone wants to use their real hair because they think it's more *natural desu* maybe the wig couldn't arrive on time , the quality was crappy or why not we just want to use our natural hair because the cosplay is simple and we're only going to wear it once

>TL;DR quit shitting your pants over decisions that are not yours

>> No.6473302

Your hair is thin and greasy looking, the costume makes you look like a teenager trying desperately to be ~so unique~ but failing, and the face you're pulling in the second picture makes you look like an old woman whose face is frozen from botox.

If you're going to try to argue that wigs are bad, you should probably fix that rats nest on your head first.

>> No.6473314
File: 74 KB, 900x602, that's her real hair?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this is her real hair.

Not bad at all, but god, that must be hell to maintain.

>> No.6473326

>Real hair always looks better than a wig.

Always? No, don't think so, sorry. Real hair is usually too limp to have the style that's needed in cosplay. All of the pictures you have been posting up until now only prove that.

>> No.6473336

u look like joan rivers lol

>> No.6473351


>Is a natural blond.

Yeah lol.. I'm naturally blond so it's easy to cosplay characters who're already blond like Marissa from Touhou, I was planning on trying the next time I ever went to a con again since I have naturally long blond hair, it'd be easy! And my friend would be Reimu since she has dark brown hair and we're both pretty skinny.

I went as a fem Naruto ( Naruko ) since I don't/didn't want to wear a wig or fucking cut my hair. And I was surprised since I got a lot of complements being the first time I ever went to a con. It was fun! Maybe I'll be Maka from Soul Eater next time.

Point is, if you naturally look like someone you're trying to cosplay, it works out better. If you're 5'6, dark skinned and weight 200lbs chances are you're not gonna make a good Flandre and regret dying your hair blond.

>> No.6473420
File: 71 KB, 600x750, f2afd6caee4bec450978b1cb3ee4d9e31247497594_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Point I'm trying to make-- pic related.

That's a really cool cosplay of Lightning, she has the body structure similar to Lightning and looks for it.

But just because you have a good wig doesn't make you a better cosplayer. Most of the wigs I've seen were horrible. Some were really good but only if the person had the features to be the character. Or people just dyed their hair and put 0 effort into dressing like the character. Just because you've got blue short hair, doesn't make you Kaito.. Those skinny jeans and goth piercings say otherwise..
But yes, real hair can look like shit also. It get fizzy and cons are normally crouded and overheated and you bump into someone or something and your hair loses its good looks. But some weaboos have really nasty greasy hair they try and dye or use that just gives a really "Seriously, take a fucking shower and don't blame it on the heat of the con." Look.

It's really 50/50