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6453585 No.6453585 [Reply] [Original]

Hey seagulls. What do you eat during cons? Do you bring rice cookers, live off of chips, or eat out every night?

>> No.6453598

Cons in my country are usually just a train away, so I dine at home. Usually I bring lunch with me, sometimes I get the always available instant noodles they sell at the con, other times (usually if I'm at a different city) I eat out.

Con food around here sucks and is expensive, so bringing my own lunch is usually the best option.

>> No.6453601

melon bread. I fucking love melon bread.

>> No.6453604
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At conventions my diet consists of pretty much Ainsley Harriott 2 minute cous cous, soup in a pouch and home made brownies. If I'm lucky and there's a McDonalds, I can eat there and that's a plus.
Extra hard for me to find things to eat due to some allergies I've got, so there ain't much I can actually eat, but ah well.

Lucky for me I fucking love cous cous.

>> No.6453606

Ah, and my lunch is usually... Pasta with something on it. I bring a bento box (it's weeaboo as hell, but when I had to bring my own lunch for work every day I thought it would look nicer than a tupperware)

>> No.6453611

It kind of depends? If it's the one I volunteer at, I usually eat whatever the staff give the volunteers for meals and I get 3 square meals.
Otherwise, I usually only get to go to a con for a day or so, so I kind of get excited and forget to eat.

>> No.6453612

I bring some snacks like chips and snack bars but I usually eat out for the most part.

>> No.6453628

I bring packs of almonds and protein bars during the day and go to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

>> No.6453637

Cliff bars and Calorie Mate. I usually end up giving them to my friends who always forget to bring anything and end up starving and whining half way through the day

>> No.6453657

Usually I'll go to some fast food place nearby and grab a bite to either. Otherwise I'll usually volunteering/staffings so the con will provide food. Either way I always go to the grocery store to get a couple gallons of water and snacks for the hotel room before every con.

>> No.6453664

Whatever's available, really. I try and keep my diet at least somewhat respectable during cons, which for me really just means eating actual food three times a day.

>> No.6453668

I live on snacks from room parties and the consuite, and pack beef jerky and peanut butter crackers. Usually on Saturday night we'll chip in for a few pizzas.

>> No.6453680

I usually drink water and eat chips or cookies when I get hungry during the day. I don't want to have dinner with my costume on so I'll just wait until the evening when me and most of my friends go eat out together. Sometimes I don't eat at all until the very night because I'm so stressed and excited I forget I'm hungry, but usually I'll just snack on some cookies. Chocolate is way too messy and it melts easily.

>> No.6453695

Tons of snacks, leftovers from restaurant meals, food from Staff Lounge if I'm working.

My friend got me in the habit of loading up on snack foods for a con. PMX I was eating tons of granola, and said friend handed me a quarter of an avocado and some bagel crisps.

Fanime is great because you pass a shitload of fruit stands on the way up from Socal, so you get the stuff that was picked too late to survive shipping, but perfect to last you until the end of the con

>> No.6453856

Most of the time its not allowed to bring food to the con.
As result I'll have to wait 2 hours only to pay way to much money for some instant noodles or some other expensive food imported from asia because its Japanese food.

>> No.6453879

I'll usually have breakfast in the morning if the hotel has it for free. If not, I'll have a small snack before I leave, a granola bar or something. Later in the day, my friends and I will usually go out to eat somewhere nearby for late lunch/early dinner. I'll just eat snacks that are sold there if I get hungry, but I'm usually not hungry at cons, too much is going on to think about food.

>> No.6453883

I cook a bunch of fried rice and bring it to cons. It is delicious and keeps me fed all day.

Yes, I'm apparently supposed to get textbook case bloody diarrhea that lasts 12-24 hours, but I've never had that happen to me in all 6 years plus of eating cold fried rice, so meh.

>> No.6453891

>I'm apparently supposed to get textbook case bloody diarrhea that lasts 12-24 hours
never heard that one before

>> No.6453909

oatmeal packets in the morning and Cup ramen for whenever. Had to use the fucking coffee machine for hot water. Why the fuck doesn't an expensive hotel like the Fairmont have a microwave? Oh, but they can have a fucking minibar with their overpriced coca cola and orange juice.

also, jerky, granola bars, bottled water, and juice. Occasionally having dinner at whatever place is around town.
the weeaboo maid cafes and various foods at the con are nowhere worth the price. Never buy con food.

>> No.6453915

>bloody diarrhea
I mean, I heard you shouldn't ever reheat rice because it can start breeding a lot of bacteria at room temperature, maybe it's that? (Anyway, I've reheated rice many a time and my bowels are fine. Though I always put it in the fridge, I don't leave it out like a heathen)

>> No.6453939

I usually bring food items like bread, jelly, and peanut butter, and of course Ramen. Then I usually buy at least a few meals. Unfortunately, depending on my cosplay, I may only eat one meal a day. [My Grell teeth take forever to get in right and I hate having to take them out to eat]

>> No.6453946


>> No.6453949

I'll usually pack some sandwiches and other snacks. Might go out to eat if there's any decent restaurants nearby, but I'm perfectly fine with subsisting off of PB&J for a weekend.

>> No.6453957


I leave it out in my bag at room temp all day. I'm pretty sure it'll be breeding plenty of bacteria, so I was prepared to get some scolding for leaving shit out all day. But yeah, I'm also the person who had to leave out their rice because there was no more room in the fridge and I still ate it (our house is cold, but apparently not cold enough for bacteria to not grow. Shame.)

Anyways, should probably clarify. Not bloody diarrhea, I was exaggerating a bit there.

>> No.6454471


>> No.6454477

Kinda same here. Cigarettes and liquids all day with a nice dinner out at a restaurant Friday and Saturday night.

>> No.6454593

are you acen staff, anon?

>> No.6454604

>eat during cons

Hahahahahahahahha fuckin hilarious.

Aha just kidding. Usually I'll just eat at whatever restaurant is nearby. For ALA that means Denny's. For Fanime that means Hydrations and La Vic's. God have mercy if there's nothing but a convenience store- then it's just chips and water for the weekend for whatever reason. I treat my body like shit at cons.

I always hope for nearby Asian/Japanese supermarkets, though. Those prepackaged onigiri are awesome even though I'm pants-on-head retarded at opening them. Also sweet buns and whatever small breads they have.

>> No.6454626

whatever's nearby.
> Dat fucking line up at the Tim hortons at Anime north. I want my coffee now damn it.

>> No.6454674

I eat pretty decent. Fast food is either a hit or miss. Subway, chipotle, chinese food..
I don't buy much in the dealers room or merchants alley.

>> No.6454676

I think my diet at a con improves compared to my intake. Most of which is Booster Juice smoothies with a ton of calories dumped into it.

I don't know how people can do entire weekends on just ramen and pocky, and not feel like ass at any point in time.

>> No.6454691

Anything that's around, really. Amecon was horrendous because there was hardly anywhere to eat aside from the breakfast hall in the mornings, you had to order a takeaway delivered to you.

Can usually get by on simple stuff like Subway though, worked well at AN and HyperJapan, though it is nice to have one night at a restaurant or such (which is when I fell in love with Jack Astor's)

>> No.6454698

fast food, snacks, convenience store sandwiches
my stomach usually grumbles at me for a day after the convention

>> No.6454702

>What do you eat during cons? Do you bring rice cookers, live off of chips, or eat out every night?

Eat out most nights. Coffee pot+Ramen some nights. I fucking love eating ramen in hotel rooms.

>> No.6454703

The only sleep away con I go to is anime boston.
And the convention center is in a mall, so lots of mall foods.
They also have this really nice salad place, I forget the name, but man I could eat there all day every day, I wish the mall I worked in had a nice salad place...
I also always, always go over to the Hilton for an overpriced omelet at least once because it is tradition.

>> No.6454747
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>mfw I went to Atomic Lollipop this year and they served pancakes for breakfast and a burger (WITH ICE COLD POP, NOT THAT WARM SHIT STRAIGHT FROM THE BOX/CASE PACKAGING. Fuck that shit, son) for lunch

It kind of offset the expensive weekend pass. The staff ladies serving the food were so nice.

>> No.6454749

Water, pop tarts and/or granola bars. If any place is selling it, orange juice. And if I'm staying for the whole thing I'll also bring pepto-bismol, because I usually don't wind up bringing or getting much else for food.

Last time I stayed at a hotel my roommates were nasty and would leave their food out. The smell of nearly two-day old chinese take out and pizza is something I don't want to remember.

>> No.6454759

Cons I attend if they're close enough. I pick up something along the way, and pack granola bars and capri suns with me.

If it's one I have to stay at(as an attendant). I pack a large bag of snacks, and extra boxes of capri suns and bottled waters.

If I'm working the con. It'll depend. If I'm working the con with my boss, they'll sometimes cover dinner and pick up breakfast. Any traveling cons, they give me a budget and usually pay me back for any snacks and drinks I pick up to have at the booth.

>> No.6454780
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Not even worth it over the weekend unless you get there super early.
Hell yes. All I had to do was get dinner each night and I was set.

With Atomic Lollipop I went with the club lounge hotel room option and that way I got free breakfast.

Anime North I eat shit, things like hot dogs and ice cream mostly. And then Jack Astors at least once on the weekend. That goddamn garlic bread is too good

>> No.6454782

>assumes rice cookers
Holy shit so weeb.
Fucking hit costco before a con and get a shit load of both healthy and unhealthy snacks, and then just eat out. And hotel breakfasts are the best.

>> No.6454791

breakfast: leftovers from day before's dinner. if first day, then a sandwich i got from a store. i usually go straight to convention so i don't head to a restaurant or anything.
lunch: lately there have been foodtrucks at conventions i have been visiting. if not foodtrucks, i grab a sandwich from somewhere.
dinner: "actual" food. take the leftovers home for breakfast the day after.
snacks: candy bars, granola, trail mix, clif bars, etc. i always try to have a few on me each day.

and water. lots and lots of water.

>> No.6454804

I bring a portable fridge and prepackage lunches. Chicken, rice, and veggies.

Then some protein powder for snacks, and protein 32 bars for breakfast.

>> No.6454907

I eat a good breakfast, eggs maybe, something hearty to start the day.
Usually I make a nice salad for lunch, some diced fruits for something sweet and a mixture of nuts and dried fruits to snack on during the day. As for dinners I head to my friends place to cook dinner together.

>> No.6454933
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I always take Fritos, cookies, and a few packs of Pop Tarts with me. For breakfast I eat Pop Tarts and might snack on some Fritos.
Lunch is usually nothing.
And for dinner I'll usually eat out or eat nothing.
My friend and I joke that con weekends are good for diets because we're usually to distracted or busy to eat.

>> No.6455822
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My con diet consists of alcohol. I probably only really eat once or twice during the entire weekend, mostly because I forget. Pizza, Subway, fast food...that's about it for me. Sometimes I'll go to a store and get some chips or something. I'm disgusting.

>> No.6456015
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Bento boxes ftw! Also, water.

If there's no way you can prepare bento, buy some of those ready-to eat salads for the con and some 5-minute food cups for the hotel. And if you have money left, eat out~

>> No.6457548

I pretty much hardly eat at all at cons. Just supper when I get together with con friends I haven't seen since the last one. Last con I went to, honestly all I ate was Pho friday night, saturday night I had Ramen (not the packaged kind, real raman) and a slice of cheese cake, then sunday I had a sausage at lunch. The on site food is far too expensive, and I always forget to bring food with me, plus I'm usually too busy to even think about food.

>> No.6457555

When I actually remember to eat, I usually stick to some take-away food like pizza or fries or something.

But most of the time, no foods will be had all weekend.

>> No.6457892
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>>Buy Chef Boyardee
>>Put it in a rice cooker

>> No.6457915
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>> No.6457918

I bring an Electric Kettle so that I can have Hot Water in the room and just make junk with that.

>> No.6457927

Why does the guy holding the Minute Maids have such long ass fucking nails? Unless it's a girl then all I have to say is

>dat terrible attire and boy clothes

>> No.6457931

he's gay you fucking homophobic piece f shit

>> No.6457933

We pretty much eat like shit at cons. The hotel we go to doesn't guarantee you'll get a fridge, so we don't bring anything perishable. The food places around the con are always ridiculously crowded, so we try to carry food with us.

We bring stuff for breakfast so we can eat while getting ready in the morning. For lunches, we either bring breakfast stuff with us or eat out. Saturday night we always go to a restaurant. Other nights we either order pizza or have more breakfast stuff.

>> No.6457943

>implying i'm homophobic for not knowing it's a universal rule that all gay guys have long fingernails and everyone should know this fact
Fack off, mate.

>> No.6457987

I'm usually way too busy to eat anything, and I don't eat that much anyway because of my slow-as-fuck digestion. I can run about all day without eating, drinking or using the bathroom, which would be really useful in cons if it wasn't for my con partner, a sporty weeaboo.

Thanks to her we eat at McDonald's, Subway and all kinds of shitty restaurants four times a day and buy snacks at least twice, so I get poor and feel sick every night.

She's still a good friend of mine but fuck, I wish she'd bring her own food or agree to go eat alone. The problem is that we usually bring a third party member and they always want to eat whenever she does and it's out of question that I just wait for them somewhere.

>> No.6458000

>slow-as-fuck digestio

>> No.6458009

Cigarettes, water, and whatever food deals I can wiggle out of hotel staff by schmoozing with them. Got a comp'd dinner a few times during Katsucon for being personable and talking with front desk people for a while.

>> No.6458029

I budget about $150-200 for the weekend. Continental breakfasts are great if my hotel offers them. Otherwise, I'll buy something in the hotel's restaurant or somewhere local. Lunch is usually just a snack like a smoothie or some soup. For dinner, I'll meet up with friends to go out somewhere.

It's not cheap, but I'm not cool with spending my weekend eating ramen and other junky snacks. I tried it once when I first started going to cons as a character gimmick, and I felt so miserable on Sunday between weakness and a constant headache for two days that I never wanted to do it again.

>> No.6458718

I take food and I eat there because if it's interesting food it would sort of seem a waste not to try it.

>> No.6458786

Leave and go to a restaurant.
I like Cracker Barrel, that's where I almost always eat when I go to AWA

>> No.6458818

I typically commute to cons. If I'm cosplaying I typically don't have much room to pack food for the day. I normally just go out to eat with friends
Aw man seeing this makes me want to eat Chef Boyardee now

>> No.6459053

I bring sandwich stuff to leave in the hotel and snacks I can carry to the fan table I run. My friends and I tend to meet at a nice place for dinner once every con and my guy and I will wonder over to whatevers nearby when we feel like it.

Awa, my friends and I went to an authentic Japanese place (dont remember the name), later, my guy and I went to Cheesecake factory b/c we could walk there since it was behind the sheraton.

otherwise, I made sandwiches. I also take a 12 pack of sodas and a small hello kitty travel fridge to keep them cool in case there isnt a fridge in the room.