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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 215 KB, 570x772, kanae-shishikura-kanya-egg-street-gyaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6449033 No.6449033 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a Gyaru thread that doesn't get deleted now?

Lets hear about your local scene, new styles you're liking or deets about your current makeup and hair. Let's all try and have a successful thread and ignore the trolls.

>> No.6449039

damn, someone forgot their anti-psychotics

>> No.6449054

I think winter is the perfect time to bust out the leather and fur. You can look adorably vampy while still staying pretty warm, and I find ear muffs and other head gear can protect your hair from the crappy weather and keep it looking cute.

I've kind of figured out through mix and matching a lot that if you're going for a lot of dark leathers wearing a really soft, cute pink shirt or girly cardigan ala Liz Lisa keeps you from looking too dark. For every black item I'm wearing I try to have a white, grey or pastel.

Oh, and if you're living somewhere icy like I am instead of going for heels you can always invest in some warm motorboots which are pretty stylish and also practical. Leg warmers over skinny jeans or tights make them look cuter.

>> No.6449092
File: 218 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mb5n1ufrTA1r99e7fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think "gyaru" is cute as a fashion but I can't help being repelled by the incessant drama surrounding the comms. It makes the people involved look bitchy and idiotic. Not to mention that if you don't have the right features, you can't really pull off the signature gyaru look. I want to make friends with people who share my interest in gal but I'm afraid we won't have very much in common.

>> No.6449124

I just avoid the comms entirely. I used to be really involved, but the bitchiest girls are often the worst and the drama is so stupid.

I think the biggest problem with gyaru is that weebs come into it and don't realize you need a good sense of fashion to pull it off. Buying brand and copycatting exact outfits from magazines does not a good gyaru make, and most of these girls have no sense of style and an elite nerd attitude. It doesn't matter if the end result looks crappy if you follow the supposed 'rules'. It's like they're too stunted to realize that there ARE no rules of gyaru, and like any fashion to be truly GOOD at it you need to create your own look and set trends yourself.

If I see one more retard with a huge nose contouring the sides to make it look even BIGGER I will murder them. YOU ARE A WHITE GIRL. YOU ALREADY HAVE A STRONG NOSE BRIDGE. STOP IT.

>> No.6449150


And TBH, most of them are of the idea that you need to find and stick to a style 100% They can't just do fashion like normal people, it has to shape their entire lifestyle even if it doesn't suit them or is impractical.

Mori, gyaru, lolita... they're all just ideas of a certain look. You don't need to BE any of them, just take what you like from each and wear whatever. The sub-styles in most cases are utterly pointless, you don't need an entire wardrobe change if you want to wear a black outfit once in a while.

You get all these bizarre elitist idiots who will only buy from Japan when you can buy stuff that will look as good if not better from here, because they're too retarded to walk into a store and recognize design elements for themselves. Fall for the past 4 years has been 'mori'.

MFW some chick tried to tell me her Liz Lisa shoes were 'in the magazine' and thus better than my Manolo B's.

Anyway, RANT OVER. This is why I avoid the comms.

>> No.6449202

One thing I loathe about gyaru is that it is filled with so many basic bitches who can't even dress themselves normally, let alone in gyaru. If these girls went to Japan they would be laughed out of 109.

>> No.6449213
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I love a lot of gyaru but I just don't think I have the right look for it. I have prominent eyelids and prominent (but relatively narrow) nose, really full lips, and a stupidly thin face. I'll just keep trying though.

>> No.6449230


So true. It's like posing as a goth or punk. If you didn't already like crosses, doing goth things and were naturally lead to the goth look through them you'll never look as good as people who do.

I already liked makeup, hair and the bright colours and the step-ahead style of asian street fashion so I was drawn to gal and it influences my sense of fashion.


You can still look great. Contouring can definitely help to make your face look more 'cute', but obviously don't follow the Japanese tutorials that are meant to make your face look longer and more defined. You don't need to try and make yourself look asian, you just need to be glamourous and do what flatters you best.

>> No.6449290
File: 126 KB, 489x700, 1353713882427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this in the last thread, how are people feeling about the new punkish gal spin? have to say I like the combo of pretty and fierce.

>> No.6449293
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I think you're forgetting the part where most western girls just honestly look like whores in gyaru fashion. There are other types of gyaru, yes, but the main type that they try to follow is the party/loose/AV gyaru look which even in Japan just comes off as really really slutty and embarrassing to look at. Then there's the flipside of that which is the hime gyaru look which just looks like one of those women you'd see on a TLC special because something is clearly wrong with her. All that pink and the big huge beehive hair-it looks disgusting. Lolita is strange, but can be passed as cute. Gyaru? Most of the time I just think they're loose easy wannabe tough girl whores. I'm not sure why people try so hard to fit this style. Oh right, because they ~like~ it. Well, whatever makes them feel good I suppose.

>> No.6449311


Lolita main pieces are nearly impossible to find in high street, just because the aesthetic is so different. Accessories and shoes though, those can be found anywhere.

I think Gyaru and Mori are the easiest j-fashions to shop for in the west. I actually saw a store on Queen in Toronto that looked perfect for Mori shopping (can't remember the name of it, I spotted it from the street car, but it was near Fashion Crimes?) and I want to go there so badly just to see if they have my favourite kind of tights and also to get some skirts. I'm really into this kind of mori/otome look for fall.

>> No.6449315


Well, the stereotype for Gals in Japan was "over-westernized sluts" last time I checked.

>> No.6449344

I'm trying to get into gyaru slowly, make up tutorials, or just general "how to be a good gyaru for western girls who can't read good"

>> No.6449348

>If I see one more retard with a huge nose contouring the sides to make it look even BIGGER I will murder them. YOU ARE A WHITE GIRL. YOU ALREADY HAVE A STRONG NOSE BRIDGE.
This, so much. I admit that I don't really know shit about gyaru fashion, but I have eyes, god fucking damnit - just don't contour your nose if you already have a strong nose bridge, it just looks bad and makes your nose look bigger and more prominent (probably not exactly the wanted outcome...).

>> No.6449351


That's not really true. It doesn't take a genius to look at Western fashion and see that Gyaru looks nothing like 90% of it. Now it's just street fashion, and looked at the same way you'd look at any girl who dresses over the top and does their hair and makeup to the nines.

In Western society everyone just wants to fit in or look natural, Gyaru basically rejects that. No one cares if you look fake, and it's honestly a style for girls. They wear fake lashes and heels and big fake nails because they're fun and we like them, its not to appeal to men.

If you want nails dripped in rhinestones, do it. If you want pink and blonde humongous hair, do it. If you want to dress up just to run an errand? do it.

You only look like a trashy whore if that's how you want to look, and if you do... who cares? I get plenty of people complimenting how I dress, from little girls who think I look like a barbie to old ladies who think my hair and nails and makeup are really cool.

>> No.6449362
File: 15 KB, 288x480, tumblr_mcryutrbDH1qfyllbo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really liking it, myself.

As I said in the other thread, I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't participate in the online comm much. Everyone here seems to avoid it for the same reasons.

I think almost anyone can be gyaru, it's just a matter of finding what works for you and applying it to the guidelines of the style.

>> No.6449360

I love you for that reference haha.

there are some great western gyaru but they are few and far in between.
Most fall into the girls who pick the most risque clothes they can find at Forever 21, you don't necessarily have to be a brand whore for gyaru but if you don't do ti right you won't look like you're into the style.

I actually like the gyaru VIP magazine that came out, I wouldn't pay for it but it's way better than tokyo catwalk imho.

also most of these girls look so ratchet sometimes.

I really wanted to use the word ratchet.

It's a party girl fashion, if you're into that go for it, I like gyaru but I'm black so it just makes me look ghetto if I don't do it right. I;ve moved on to being an observer.

some great gals where Ashley, and Shiena although they had a lot of drama around them and Sukoa is one of my favorites.

>> No.6449378
File: 48 KB, 500x412, der.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

protip: learn makeup techniques that fit a western face

also don't try to copy asian poses to look cute, their angles don't always work for longer angular faces and the pouts look a bit silly on anyone

pic related

>> No.6449383

also keep your eyelashes in check

>> No.6449393

I remember you! Thanks for the hair advice galfriend, I ended up looking on rasysa and finding a style I really liked that I ended up doing in bubblegum pink and lilac blonde. The cool part is the undercut stayed, but you don't know it's there unless I flip my hair and then it's like a big curly baby pink fro. Thanks so much for the inspiration and the advice.

>> No.6449397
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>If you want nails dripped in rhinestones, do it. If you want pink and blonde humongous hair, do it. If you want to dress up just to run an errand? do it.

I seriously appreciate your confidence, anon. Live your life. Do whatever the fuck you want. I admire you!

>> No.6449403

what exactly is the "gyaru look" (i.e. the features) that you need?

>> No.6449410


thank you! can you point me to a site or a magazine that I could get some good make up tutorials from?

I've bought some liz lisa to test the waters, but I can see how forever 21 can work in the fashion, I'm coming from lolita so I was born a brandwhore

>> No.6449411

Gal fashion is all about confidence! Who gives a fuck if your hair is fake, do what you like to look how you want for yourself.

Running errands is my test drive for a crazy outfit. Do the leopard print and ruffled skirt go together? Maybe, maybe not- but is my grocery store clerk going to care? NOPE. I've discovered some of my favourite outfits that way, also a great time to break in shoes.

My last boyfriend hated it when I did my nails and wore extensions because it looked fake, but they made me feel like a princess. Boys come and go, your self image and confidence is forever.

>> No.6449415
File: 83 KB, 538x720, 269652_10150709266150565_728550564_19993515_4720967_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of Western Gyaru that I think are great.

There are tons more that would be fantastic of they didn't over-do it with their brows and contouring. I think that's the downfall of a good many number of gals who have huge potential.

>> No.6449425

can you do gal un-tanned?

>> No.6449428

Oh my god. You are seriously my new life inspiration. I'm not even into gyaru but I have an interest in it since I love the colors/textures/outfit silhouettes, you're pushing me to take more of an interest!

>> No.6449434
File: 38 KB, 304x590, 1345394924973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your new hair sounds amazing!

You're welcome. I'm glad I was able to at least do something. When I was posting last time I was like "Damn, I'm not helping at all."

>> No.6449454


To be honest I mostly followed blogs of popular gyaru who would post tutorials every once in a while. I also follow a lot of black gyaru because they sometimes have the most difficult features to work with and it helps me adjust . I think it works even if you arent black though.
Here are some of my favorites. all different races:

makeup piggy ahs an amazing transofrmation
>Shuns Rocker gyaru
> Huoa's hime gyaru look

There arent many western gyaru magazines that are great but you might like
>Tokyo Catwalk (free)
tokyocatwalk .com
> Gal VIP ( first issue free)
fb . com /GALVIPMAG

I suggest picking a style you like, and check out some popular gyaru blogs with girls that look like you or have your features and try to incorporate their techniques.

I wish I could help more if I think of anything I'll post for you.

>> No.6449456
File: 20 KB, 240x320, Foto1043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some styles like kuronba still revolve around tans, but it's on its way out.

There are plenty of gals that aren't tanned and in my opinion look great.

That being said, there's a difference between pasty and pale. I'm also of the opinion that the more revealing styles look better if the person wearing them has a little glow--even it it's slight. A slight tan can also be a way to boost your style if there are areas you're still weak on.

Again, it's not absolutely necessary, though.

>> No.6449458

Yup! Pale skin has become popular again. It's called Ganjiro

>> No.6449465

Hmm. also I take back what I said earlier. i just checked Tokyo Catwalk and their layout and updates are much better now!

>> No.6449468

okay, thank you!

>> No.6449470

I'm flattered! Gyaru is a fun fashion, I love how exaggerated everything is and there is a lot of room for expression. Its not a style for the faint of heart but its also easy to put outfits together from stores you'll find in your own city.

Every time I go out dolled up I get loads of compliments, because its fun to look at and wear and is a unique spin on modern fashion.

Good luck!

>> No.6449488
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>> No.6449498

do you guys have any favorite western gyaru that you ollow?

>> No.6449512
File: 51 KB, 480x640, october8784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping a few of my favorites. I love this chick, but she doesn't really update her blog much.

>> No.6449528
File: 34 KB, 400x534, tumblr_lx7s5sbwkg1qcs8ijo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Emily, too.

>> No.6449546

Tumblr you guys might like:

>> No.6449653

Awesome! Thanks for the new tumblr to follow. I'm always on the lookout for those and blogs.

>> No.6449716
File: 25 KB, 400x534, tumblr_m09wbfViOw1qdouqeo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody got any other blogs/tumblrs/yt channels they want to share?

>> No.6449782

>slimmer torso/legs
>more defined face (contouring can only do so much)

I'm not very photogenic either, to boot.

>> No.6449786

looking at gyaru styles always makes me feel bad about my weight. I'd guess I'm pretty average but all the gyaru girls look like they're under 100 and I think I'd look like rubbish in those styles

>> No.6449837 [DELETED] 

Well they're basically just wearing variations of trendy Western fashion, so I don't see why you'd look bad in it. They're tiny because Japanese girls are naturally smaller-framed and have a "thinner is better" hivemind. You shouldn't let yourself be affected by some other culture's messed up body image issues.
Imo, a lot of gyaru style looks even sexier on a more curvy figure, just be careful with skirt length and stuff so you don't look like a hooker. Just like any clothing style, some items will be more flattering than others, so just find what looks good on your body.

>> No.6449854

woah, this girl is really cute.
Does anybody have her tumblr by any chance?

>> No.6449867

dunno about tumblr
but here's her blog

princessmio dot com

>> No.6449874
File: 74 KB, 612x612, 8b92e70c018b11e2adc122000a1de653_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone already posted her up here >>6449434, but Rikku is one of my favorite Western gals.
Actually...one of the few I can even stand.

>> No.6450104
File: 488 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lx6cmkOQ2c1r2d4uno1_r2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when there is no gyaru comm in your state.
Seriously though, what states have an active gyaru community?

>> No.6450125

Can any one post more rock/rokku or oraora gyaru?

>> No.6450119

Texas has one, it's pretty whack tho? and Florida and Georgia and New York. I think Lisha is in the new york one not too sure.

Ricoche used to be the place were everyone would advertise like black diamond and Bulaklak but then a bunch of n00b gals started there own circles so they wouldn't have to deal with "elitists" and it went a bit downhill from there.

>> No.6450131

Georgia has one? Is it in Altanta.

>> No.6450138
File: 70 KB, 500x675, tumblr_m6vz1j7nn61rpqmyho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Atlanta and I've not heard about it.

And I love the Rokku style. I'll post what I have.

>> No.6450144

yeah Peachy Gal, it might be disbanded now not sure if it was a scrub cir or not though

>> No.6450145
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I do have to say I love this look in hair.

>> No.6450147
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>> No.6450148
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>> No.6450153
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>> No.6450159
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And that's all I have right now.

>> No.6450162
File: 80 KB, 480x640, tumblr_m0vywobV9U1r7muquo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any shorter hairstyles? Maybe shoulder length

>> No.6450163
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>> No.6450168
File: 307 KB, 800x1126, 075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some great shaved head gyaru if you want but I can find some short hair gyaru stuff.

>> No.6450170
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>> No.6450173

I have a question for those who've gotten micro-braid extensions.

I am thinking of getting them, but I've heard that they can really thin out your hair. What have your experiences been with these extensions and where do you go to get them done?

>> No.6450172
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>> No.6450177
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>> No.6450176
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>> No.6450179
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>> No.6450181
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>> No.6450185

thanks anon, I'm getting my hair done tomorrow trying to get some ideas =D

>> No.6450186
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I love the chunky color short hair style.

>> No.6450183
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>> No.6450188
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I have some non-gal short hair stuff if you want.

>> No.6450189
File: 196 KB, 400x550, kanako2271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kanako was a huge inspiration to me because I really likeed Rock gyaru with short hair. She is/was? a cocolulu model so it's not typically her style but she has some nice outfits

>> No.6450195
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>> No.6450194

I've personally never actually gotten them done, but I looked into it because I tend to wear extensions all the time. It's pretty expensive, and can be damaging to your hair overtime. It's especially hard for white girls, because our hair tends to be thinner and more fine. It's also difficult to upkeep because you can't actually wash your hair like normal.

Usually, ethnic hair places do these types of extensions, but I doubt they'd have the means available to do if you have any other type of hair composition. My suggestion would be to talk to your hairstylist, if you have one. If not, call a high end salon and inquire. They might be able to point you in the right direction.

>> No.6450198
File: 120 KB, 700x467, o0700046711036038961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short gyaru-o(?) hair.

>> No.6450199

I've had them when I was much younger (16 or so).
I liked them, but I much much much prefer clip-ins.

They make coming your hair awkward and difficult, and they look ratty pretty fast because you treat them like you would your own hair instead of taking them out for washing or sleeping.

As far as hair thinning, though, I never noticed anything like that. It could be because my hair is ridiculously thick to start with, though.

Hope this helps, anon!

>> No.6450207

clip-ins are a godsend because you can still take care of your hair easily

>> No.6450209

do not get them
anyone who has done them for awhile knows- the worse you do them the more money you make. it's an unspoken scam of the extension industry. very very very few stylists are honest about it. if they know you know nothing about extensions it will go badly for you.

simply put the more hair your client loses the more they buy.

tape extensions are much nicer on your hair. microbraids are even better, they look like a fancy up-do when you pull it into a pony tail which is really cool. i know a lot of gyaru get them.
but they take forever to put in and take out and tend to cost a lot for the sheer amount of time needed to do the service.

>> No.6450219

Agreed! My hair is platinum at the moment, I want to put some bright colors in again. <3

>> No.6450220

I'm all out of short gyaru hair stuff. any request?

>> No.6450229
File: 87 KB, 480x480, tumblr_liw2g5xdMd1qb7w7bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just post random rock gal stuff.

>> No.6450233
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>me love you long time

>> No.6450232
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Ugghh I hate cooldowns.

>> No.6450236
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>> No.6450234
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dem claws

>> No.6450245
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>> No.6450247
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>> No.6450248
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>> No.6450265

great lengths and other extensions like that are BS, but good old fashioned track weaves and japanese style threaded braids are fine for your hair and the right salons do them right.

stay away from high end salons for extensions because they always do great lengths which is BS.

this is coming from someone who worked in an extensions shop and did around a hundred fix-ups of great extensions and supposed microbead extensions.

>> No.6450281

Gyaru just seems like an exaggerated American girl style. So if you're American, it's like pretending to be a Japanese girl pretending to be an American girl.. right?

Is Snooki Gyaru?

>> No.6450319

No. there are very specific themes to gyaru. look at a gyaru, look at an american girl- do they look the same? not usually.

hair, makeup, nails and overall having a fearless and sexy/cute style make gyaru. there is no such thing as too big/too bold etc.

>> No.6450325
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>Gyaru fashion is typically characterized by having heavily bleached or dyed hair (mostly shades from dark brown to blonde), excessively decorated nails, and dramatic makeup.

>The makeup typically consists of dark eyeliner and fake eyelashes. Clothing pieces for gyaru fashion differ depending on which gyaru style the individual chooses.

>> No.6450337

Thank you for all of the helpful replies about extensions!

I really appreciate it because I'd hate to spend money to ruin my hair...

>> No.6450343

no circle lenses, makeup is too dark, there's no cuteness to her look. otherwise snookie ain't bad sometimes.

>> No.6450370

I love this outfit.

>> No.6450384

I wish I could wear gyaru, but my skin, especially nose, is wayyyyyyyyyyy too dry for any kind of contouring. I can barely wear makeup (and it never lasts anyways). I can't even wear eyeshadow cause it just gets super flaky. it always gets flaky and clusters up, making it look like random splotches of dirt on m face.

>> No.6450388

it seems like you just don't know how to wear makeup...or are buying really cheap types

>> No.6450391

I like the style and all, but I'm recovering from an ED and am scared of getting called fat.
Those girls on gyaru secrets are vicious.

>> No.6450398

they're also borderline retarded. fuck 'em.

>> No.6450401

your first mistake is looking at gyaru secrets, your second is taking any of those morons seriously/.

>> No.6450407

Tape extensions?? do you have any experience with them. googling till my hearts content cause it sounds neato

>> No.6450421

Do you moisturize before applying makeup? that helps a lot

>> No.6450486

I have tried everything from drugstore to mac to mineral makeup... i've tried almost every brad
oh, for sure. I have horribly dry skin, I can't not moisturize.

>> No.6450530

I'm sorry I'd hope no one asking that question would be that noobish but you'd really be surprised how many people just don't moisturize so I just thought I'd make sure

drink a fuckton of whater maybe, maybe someone has good advice for ths

you could try using a primer and a very thin amount of liquid foundation try cream eyeshadows and blushes and a setting spray. usually makeup setting spray keeps the makeup looking dewy and moist

>> No.6450533

water* wow what a typo haha

>> No.6450537

I know your pain, my skin is the same way (and worse in other aspects as well). I've pretty much given up to be honest and just load tons of moisturizer, primer (Smashbox light, absolutely get this) and bare minerals on when I cosplay, in real life it still looks kinda flakey but in photos it looks fine.

I'm not gyaru though, and also super pale so since makeup is so important to the look I'm not sure what to tell you to help...

>> No.6450540

You guys should read the surveys in Egg if you don't believe gyaru is a whore fashion. It's literally questions like "What's the fastest you've gone from meeting a guy to fucking him?" and "What's the largest amount of dudes you've fucked in one day?" with poll results that are honestly disturbing.

The stereotype in Japan is that gyaru are dumb sluts, and it's generally true.

I go to a top univesity in Japan and the circle I'm in is full of gyarus and gyaru-o (like at least 80%, that's what you get from a drinking circle), and while the guys are only allowed to join from my university, they have to recruit girls from all kind of lower rank schools, women's colleges, senmongakko, etc. All of the girls who go full out gyaru are from bad schools, except one! She got in via recommendation (推薦) instead of the entrance exam because she comes from the middle of nowhere.

It might sound like I'm trying to bash gyaru and shit all over your fashion, but I'm not. Most gyaru I've met have been really, really nice people. I wouldn't have spent 3 years of my university life so far surrounded by them if I hated them. Gyaru-o have the same stereotypes too, of course. Those host club looking motherfuckers are just as charai (sleep around, cheat, etc) as their reputation holds.

Gyaru is very much a "party people" fashion, the closest thing I can think of in the west is how girls slut themselves up when going to the club.

P.S. Gyaru is hardly about individuality, it's by far the most commercialized "niche fashion" in Japan and all about copying popular trends. Excessive makeup, fake nails, etc. is not making some kind of postmodern statement so much as completely and unabashedly immersing yourself in consumerism.

>> No.6450557

dang thats interesting? Anymore info or would you mind translating a sample of a poll or something. I mean I pretty much could figure the girls were lose by the way Japan has host clubs and girls like to sell their underroos and stuff. And I know AV gyaru is a thing. I dont think thats too much of what its about in the west though, dont get me wrong some of the western gals do copy that life style and have a bad rep but most just seem to enjoy the fashion

>> No.6450563

>>6450540 here, continuing.

If anything gyaru is a rebellion against the standard image of beauty for girls in Japan, incorporating some Western fashion elements but certainly not emulating it. Gyaru is wholly a Japanese creation.

However you can't dye your hair or have ridiculous nails 99% of real jobs in Japan. You can't do that stuff in high school most places either (except schools that are lowest of the low, or international schools). Gyaru can be college students but are most often NEETs/Freeters, aka people who have no future. That is why people don't respect it.

What's crazy though, is girls who go all-out aiming for kirei-kei or kawaii-kei or whatever, wearing Dazzlin and shit like that, are just as slutty as gyaru. They are dressing exactly to the desires of men. In this way gyaru have some kind of female empowerment shit going on which I think is cool.

In summary gyaru are the kind of people who would attend a slut walk.

>> No.6450569

Oh yeah I am not trying to anything about western girls who follow gyaru, I'm sorry if I offend anyone here. I am sure they just like the look of the fashion which is cool.
Unfortunately I don't have any Egg copies but my friend collects them religiously so I'll try to get some translations in /cgl/ eventually.

>> No.6450591

I can support this 100%. I've been a gyaru for a good 10 years. I lived in japan for 3 of those, and joined a small circle for about a year.
I can just say I did some things I deeply regret. We had lots of parties which were quite sex-oriented, and everyone was so casual about it. I mean, there was plenty of alcohol involved but still, I've never seen anything so blatant and promiscuous in my life. They also talked about sex 24/7. It was either have it, or talk about it.

Wow, feels awkward admitting that. inb4 someone calls me a slut, I know

>> No.6450593

oh no I didn't mean that either I was just pointing it out but thank you for the info. it's really interesting. it's a new perspective to it really versus how seriously they take the fashion compared to foreign gals

>> No.6450595

That sounds like my idea of hell, most likely because I'm such an introvert and have been brought up to be a lady.

>> No.6450600

it's okay anon. I'm really interested in this. would you mind sharing more details or any stories. If it's embarrassing or you don't feel comfortable it's okay though. i don't know how i'd feel about it either

>> No.6450608

Really the closest thing I can think of is a sorority of slutty girls. Just, you know, instead of school hang out and go shopping all day. They even had a sort of "initiation" including some hazing-style stuff. To be fair I'm sure this group of girls was a bit more sexual (or kinky) than other groups. And there definitely are more refined/classy circles out there. I almost joined one, but my first experience scared me off. I regret it, because I got to know some of the members quite well, and they were very sweet and honest girls.

>> No.6450610

I'm also interested in hearing more about this, if either of you want to share more.
I'm currently living in Japan, and was hoping to join a circle, but I'm not sure, and this is the kind of genuine info I'm looking for and can't find.

>> No.6450828
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I'll post what I have.

I'm not sure if it has disbanded or not, either. Everyone was really nice, though. We were all new to gal at the time I attended meets. Unfortunately, that was at a time of my life where I was super busy and barely even had time to check Ricoche or whatever it was, let alone attend a meet.

Maybe we could establish a community of some sort again? Even if it's just chatting online.

>> No.6450836
File: 46 KB, 500x562, tumblr_lglaayI7qR1qgbo51o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think if she had lenses, the right kind of lashes, less of a scouse brow and a different type of nail--those fan shaped nails are not the business and round tips seem more popular anyway--she would be pretty decent by gal standards. Smokey eyes and darker makeup are acceptable in some styles.

>> No.6450855
File: 317 KB, 400x550, tumblr_m9k9w1sctU1rekeqdo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been on a huge Mipochi kick lately.

>> No.6450877

Contouring can look good if done right. There are thousand guides to contour your nose according to your nose type. People just ned to stop doing every little thing the same as asian gyarus.


>> No.6450893

It would be nice to have a small group of 4chan gyaru, since all of us seem in agreement the other comms are mostly trash.

Aside from the quality which is generally low, its mostly the attitude and ridiculous elitist attitude I hate. I would rather be friends with another decent gal than tear her apart.

Does anyone have any preference for a community space? I was just thinking of creating a dreamwidth and letting in anyone who joined, and just kicking out any trolls.

>> No.6450946

so jelly of rikku, I wish I was that thin, is she naturally that skinny??

>> No.6450965

ugh. thank god someone else has their eyes open about this. i live in japan right now, have done for a long while and it just annoys me how so many gaijin-gyaru just dont get what the 'fashion culture' means over here.
its a bit ironic how the gaijin gyaru wearing full D.I.A in the west getting called a slut or a hooker really isnt one(shes just 'inspired' by all the 'strong', 'individual' young japanese), where as the japanese gyaru girl wearing full D.I.A in shibuya, getting called a hooker usually is one.

>> No.6450972

a lot of them get it and don't care. how many girls who read fashion magazines about the lives and styles of celebrities and mimic celebrity style live those kinds of lives? not many.

I for one think that party, glamourous 'charisma' image is interesting and while I'm not quite confident enough to do it myself love being apart of a shameless fashion movement that celebrates doing whatever the hell you want with your look and body regardless of what people think.

though really, beauty and fashion industry is the same everywhere. if you don't think the makeup/hair/clothes crowd in NA is just as slutty and about socialization and partying here, you'd be sorely mistaken.

>> No.6450974

That just reminds me of universal-doll tbh

>> No.6450978


>> No.6451030

I would be interested because I would only want to do gal if I could actually do it right, but who even uses dreamwidth?
I mean I was under the impression that only furries use it.

>> No.6451034

If you go to vvshu.com they have all of the issues scanned.

Also, for anyone else ITT they have almost all japanese/asian popular magazine scans up on this site.

>> No.6451058
File: 72 KB, 424x640, DSC_0105b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds a good idea to me! I don't have any experience with dreamwidth, but I'm down for trying just about any medium.

>> No.6451067

Same, post the link if you do it.

>> No.6451069

Hi everyone! I am trying to get into gyaru and I've done some research, but I am having a bit of trouble finding info about all the different gyaru styles. I like the sort of cute but sexy style of clothing rather than just all out sexy.

If anyone would be willing to give me some more info I'd really appreciate it.

>> No.6451082

sure, but try freefourm or something

>> No.6451098
File: 12 KB, 280x320, mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like koakuma/himekaji/agejo to me. I could be wrong, though.

Brands like MA*RS and Lipservice usually carry these kinds of clothes. Of course, there are others too, but those two appear to be the most popular.

Here's a good starting point to read about agejo style:


The 'agejo' tag for that blog is pretty useful. You can also download Ageha scans since they tend to feature those kinds of clothes heavily.

>> No.6451124

what's the term for the more liz lisa-like gyaru style? like flower prints, chiffon blouses, pastel colours, etc

>> No.6451150

I've heard it be called himekaji, but I've seen some people say that Jesus Diamante is a himekaji brand... which I don't get because I consider everything they have to be straight up Hime gyaru.

Someone on /cgl/ a little bit ago called more cutesy toned-down Liz Lisa style 'romantic gyaru' but then they were criticized for making up a term where himekaji was already the name...

I'm not sure if himekaji is exactly the right name for it, but it's the closest thing imo.

>> No.6451170


Ladies, I present


Please join up and hopefully we can make this not suck!

>> No.6451185


I registered. I hope this works out.

>> No.6451191

I think you're approved! still figuring this out... I'm doing activation by email at first just to keep any obvious trolls out if there are any, gimme a sec and I'll put up some threads and try to clean the place up!

>> No.6451193
File: 17 KB, 220x391, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also registered. My user name is so lame. I just called myself the first thing I saw.

>> No.6451194

Haha no problem.

>> No.6451195

I'm interested anon! but I never heard of dream width. I've used webs.com it allows you to have members. thats what my old cir used!

>> No.6451196

I just registered too! plz approve me

>> No.6451199

I just registered as well!

>> No.6451203

join http://anonigals.freeforums.org/index.php !

>> No.6451204

everyone is approved, I'm home from work sick today so I really have nothing better to do

>> No.6451230
File: 32 KB, 250x638, 1319245707887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw sorry you're sick, but thank you for doing all of this.

>> No.6451242

what's going to be the goal of this? Would ou like members to submit content and share tutorials? Is it going to be like another Ricochet? I'd like to join but I want to make sure I can contribute and help out as well

>> No.6451301
File: 6 KB, 191x234, Yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just signed up. Waiting for confirmation.

>> No.6451309

It will be worth it to chat someplace about fashion that doesn't get derailed every five minutes!

I'm not sure yet, I figure we would see where it goes. It would be awesome if we could contribute and archive a lot of tutorials and information and be a place to learn about gyaru and get into the fashion without being coddled or completely torn apart.

>> No.6451348

I hope I get in. I have a goofy nick name that I go by.

>> No.6451384

Hi, lolita here. Sorry for the incoming deluge of noob questions.

I'm pretty curious about gyaru. I like most of what I've seen of it, anyway, but people keep throwing out words that I don't understand! Anyone got a 'gyaru substyles for idiots' type guide? Good complete beginner articles? I'm afraid of running across something terrible and getting everything totally wrong.

How expensive would you say gyaru is, compared to western high street fashion, or compared to lolita? And how long does it take you all to get dressed every day?

Also, do you absolutely, 100% have to wear circle lenses? And do gyarus hate lolitas as much as lolitas seem to hate gyarus?

Again, sorry for all the questions.

>> No.6451403

>Anyone got a 'gyaru substyles for idiots' type guide?
this is pretty complete and not horrible http://gal-handbook.livejournal.com/4657.html

>How expensive would you say gyaru is
It's a bit more than lolita for 'brand' and it's a bit cheaper than western high street fashion.

>Also, do you absolutely, 100% have to wear circle lenses?
Honestly, sort of. I feel like it would look strange without them.

>Also, do you absolutely, 100% have to wear circle lenses?
Not too sure on this one.

>> No.6451421

Just registered! I always wanted to be active on Ricoche, but I hated the community, hopefully this will be better.

>> No.6451431

> this is pretty complete and not horrible http://gal-handbook.livejournal.com/4657.html

Ooh, thank you! I shall study it well.

> It's a bit more than lolita for 'brand' and it's a bit cheaper than western high street fashion.
Ah, damn, there I was thinking it would be cheaper. How easy is it to get gyaru-appropriate clothes from western shops (New Look-tier places)?

> Honestly, sort of. I feel like it would look strange without them.
Okay. I'm sure I can get used to them.

> Not too sure on this one.
Eh, it doesn't matter anyway. Just curious.

>> No.6451445

yeah you're right sounds good :D

>> No.6451451


I only by a few brand peices for gal such as jackets etc.
But to be honest I think gal is very enexpensive compared to lolita. As a beginner ( some people will hate me for saying this ) but you can shop at places like Forever21, Rue 21, Charlottle Russe, Sasha. The clothes aren't too specific the main focus is hair, makeup, nails.

>> No.6451456

>ITT; White girls trying to be asian girls trying to be white girls

>> No.6451457

Also every once in a while they will mix it up, I do feel like circle lenses complete the look but not everyone wears them. Ageha did a special issue of their girls wearing their natural hair colors, straight hair, and once no circle lenses ( if I recall correctly)

Makeup and lashes are a complete and utter must!

>> No.6451459

>ITT: white girls trying to be asian girls trying to be black girls

>> No.6451468
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>> No.6451465

yeah cause white girls totally look like this.
1/10 for making me reply

>> No.6451469
File: 76 KB, 425x410, b-gyaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha thats more like it

>> No.6451476
File: 191 KB, 600x900, Japanese-Gyaru-Black-Diamond-012-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I see tons of white chicks walking around looking like this...

>> No.6451483


>> No.6451522

Do it, you have to.

>> No.6451527


I'm shy too anon. (._. ) Just go for it!

>> No.6451555

That's good to know. I think I've seen a Forever 21 round somewhere... there's one in London, if I recall. I'll have to go when I'm next up there.

I need to learn to do make-up and lashes properly, anyway. I know that Egg and Ageha are pretty big gal magazines... are there any others I should know about? I'm leaning towards hime-gyaru (naturally), if that helps any.

Would you girls say that it's common/uncommon/looked down upon to make your own clothes? I sew to a fairly high standard, and unless I make something lolita, people usually think it's bought. What about modifying cheap basics? And is it okay to wear wigs? My hair is just past my shoulders at the moment, so I can't really make it as big as is required.

One more thing; I have a dress similar to this one, except the blue is black, with corset lacing instead of that split, and the skirt is somewhat shorter. I ordered it from yesstyle.com some time ago when I was going through my ita phase. Would it be workable into a gyaru outfit? How easily? I'm thinking black knee high stiletto boots, and some chunky gold jewelry. Am I way off the mark?

>> No.6451573

I think gal is a lot cheaper then lolita. Once you have a few key pieces of gal brand items and know what style you want it is easier to find cheaper american brands.

Maybe upkeep of hair and nails might be expensive if you can't do it yourself.

>> No.6451576

As for magazines, Popteen is a good one. I am not sure if there's one that caters to Hime specifically.

It's not a problem to make your own stuff. The only 'problem' I'd see is people asking where you bought it because they want one, too. lol

Wigs are A-ok as long as they are more natural looking than OTT lolita wigs. I wouldn't recommend any wigs that aren't at least in the ballpark of a natural color.

I think you dropped your picture, so I dunno about your dress.

>> No.6451593

Definitely signing up for this! Now that I work in the retail industry again I have more inspiration to start dressing gal again :D

>> No.6451612

Also a good place to get good gal jewelry and belts is at the black beauty supply stores that are run by korean families because they usually stock the stores full of cheap korean brands and sell great cheap (sometimes gaudy) jewelry.

And if you don't want to spend a lot of money buying clip on hair pieces you can always make them if you buy a wig or weave (cut it up and sew it) and use the right type of clips.

The only thing I think might be hard to make on your own is shoes or things with bows or some cuts of items.

>> No.6451638

I'll learn how to do my own hair/nails. It looks like fun! I've never seen a black beauty supply store (there's three black people where I live...), but I'm sure I can get that stuff in one of the many Asian emporiums around town.

I'm not planning on even touching making shoes. I'm under no illusions that it's way cheaper to buy shoes.

Oh, cool, I'll probably make a few pieces then. Since it seems brands are pretty important from a status point of view, would you say that brand bags with conspicuous logos and the like would be good to buy to start with?

I wasn't planning on wearing a twin-tail split pastel explosion, don't worry! I've seen some nice brown bouffant type wigs on ebay that I've been meaning to order since forever.

I actually meant to paste a link. Here it is; http://www.yesstyle.co.uk/en/asha-baba-color-block-a-line-knit-minidress/info.html/pid.1031872926

>> No.6451642

Any sites or ebay shops you guys recommend for wigs? I love arda but their colors don't' look very natural.

>> No.6451643

Wigs and extensions are very very common especially in Hime gyaru.I think they usually use Prisila wigs

making your own clothes seems really interesting try it out. No one is really that much of a stickler about handmade items even though they aren't very common in gal. long as it adheres to the style/

>> No.6451647
File: 65 KB, 439x500, tf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tasteful life has some nice ones

>> No.6451649

I've heard good things about Prisila; hime lolitas use them a lot.

I really love sewing and pattern cutting, and I make most of my lolita pieces. I just thought I'd check, since gyaru seems to be a lot about looking expensive (or maybe I'm reading it wrong), and making your own clothes because you can't afford brand doesn't exactly scream 'rich girl'.

>> No.6451659
File: 707 KB, 1400x2105, 1343547055215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a total noob with make-up but, I want to start getting better at it. I don't know anyone who wears false eyeslashes so I thought here is the best place to ask.

Where online is a good place to buy them? Is there anything in particular I should look for? I also know nothing about the glue and whatnot. Any tips would be great.

Here have the only gyaru related pic I have on my comp.

>> No.6451660

Conspicuous branding isn't that important I think. For Hime gyaru, I only know of Jesus Diamante and the brand isn't plastered everywhere so much as the style is really recognizable. Huge brand logos are more of a Cocolulu/oraora-kei thing.

>> No.6451663

Don't worry about it too much anon as long as you look well dressed it shouldnt be a problem.

Haha on the other hand the idiot comms who see girls with a lot of nice brand and things always assume they are prostitutes and do sexual favors for their clothing. It's a catch 22 with some people really.

>> No.6451679
File: 93 KB, 640x480, Picture wig example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second Prisila. Surprisingly, Fantasy sheep has some nice options in naturalish colors. I have this one milk tea red/brown wig that has pretty good potential. Pic related.

>> No.6451684


I got these cause I wear lashes a lot, they are decent quality and such a deal! You get a few styles ranging from really noticeable to less subtle. They are a bit stiff, but I found they go on easily and don't bother my eyes or anything.

>> No.6451701

I've looked around and these seem good to me! Especially since there is different types. I guess variety will be good especially with me not knowing what will look good. Thank you very much.

Though if I may ask, how easily are these to take off? Like, sometimes I might accidentally rub my eye gently(I usually stop myself) out of habit. Not hard or anything though. Would that be enough to pull them off?
I already have to check a mirror every 3 minutes to make sure I don't smear anything haha.

>> No.6451717
File: 845 KB, 1400x1994, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never bought lashes online, I always buy them at beauty supply stores. But what type of look you are going for? I like the chunky spiky lashes because I think they look more doll cartoonish looking.

>> No.6451736
File: 642 KB, 1400x1975, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

protip: try and get black lash glue and use eyeliner. The eyeliner makes the fake lashes less noticeable if you might have put the lashes on crooked.

If you put your lashes on right and let the glue fully dry, the lashes will not come off unless you are trying to rip them off or you didn't put on enough glue.

Once I fell asleep with my eyelashes on (because I was drunk) they didn't come off the whole night but my eyes where almost glued shut from the lash glue melting a little.

>> No.6451739
File: 685 KB, 1400x1995, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6451747

Got it. Thanks! You probably just saved me a ton of money.

Okay, good. Fabric shopping time! After some more research, anyway.

Thanks for all your help, everyone!

>> No.6451743

I don't think I have any beauty shops in my tiny ass town sadly. The only time I've ever seen any were at Rite Aid when Halloween comes around. *the really cheap ones*

I kind of want to try a few different types to see what would best fit my look I think. I'm just tired of this pants T-shirt and a little eye-liner all around. I got a bunch of cute clothes and I want to wear them dammit! I think I've given up caring if people stare.

Oops, sorry, raged a little. I am trying to a gyaru-ish look these days. (closer to the himekaji look) So I don't know if the Dolly ones will OTT or not on me.

Thank you for the the tip. I'll be sure not to fall asleep with them on haha! That must have been scary.

>> No.6451744
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>> No.6451748

I usually don't like to wear eyelashes because no matter what i do, even if i curl/use mascara/whatever, they always seem to stick straight out instead of curling upwards, so they cast weird shadows and make my eyes look smaller/uglier.

>> No.6451759
File: 533 KB, 1400x1952, 180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yea the color of fake eyelashes are important.
I think if you are really fair and pale or have light colored hair and eyebrows that you should probably try brown fake eyelashes because they don't look so harsh (and color in your eyebrows a little darker with eyeshadow or eyebrow pencil)

>> No.6451760
File: 789 KB, 1400x1995, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your eye shape. I bet we could figure out how to fix that.

>> No.6451762
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>> No.6451764

I would really like to get some brown lashes, but the selection doesn't seem to be as good as plain old black. Do you know of any places that sell gyaru-esque brown lashes?

I'm blonde and pale, so black looks really cold on me.

>> No.6451773

those black legwarmers are bitchin

>> No.6451774
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>> No.6451777
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This is my eye.

>> No.6451780
File: 810 KB, 1400x1995, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking for some now. Could you post your eyes and brows or do you see any style you like? I need to get an idea of what I am working with.

>> No.6451785
File: 466 KB, 1400x2017, ww (68).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm it looks like you have deep hooded eyes but you have double lids.

Do you mind wearing eye shadow because I think I know a way to help. Can I get a eyebrow and eye pic (I feel like a weirdo for asking).

>> No.6451787


what color eyeshadow, does it matter? also, mascara?

>> No.6451798
File: 931 KB, 1227x1659, egg0808_026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a few minutes to write the answer.

>> No.6451799
File: 523 KB, 1400x2055, 1301506504345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I like the sorts in pic related. I have a good idea of what styles look ok on me because I do have falsies, but alas they are in black, so they don't go with a lot of things.

>> No.6451836
File: 558 KB, 1400x1844, SC153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to post a quick answer (I will post a longer answer after I get back from class)

But you need a highlighter (so a white or lighter color) eye shadow and a darker (a darker color then your highlight color) eye shadow. And yes mascara is important. Also a white and black eyeliner pencil.

Let me see your whole face so I can make a good graph to explain how to put on the make up. lol sorry for being a creepy make up person.

>> No.6451846

I have all those things haha, I meant for the picture you wanted. And I really can't post a full face pic, I just want to know how to put the falsies on the right way, not how to do makeup in general XD

>> No.6452050


I have eyelids like this too, are there any gyaru/lolita/dolly/whatever makeup tutorials for this eye shape? It sucks looking at all these adorable tutorials and knowing none of them will work for me.

>> No.6452112

I don't understand the issue with this type of eyelid, it looks like 90% of the gal eyelids.

>> No.6452154

You know gyaru is about being a complete whore, right?

Are the rumours about you /cgl/ girls actually true? Are you really just completely shameless whores?

>> No.6452159

I hope and I wish. Maybe then I could use some seagulls to find some legit attractive women.

>> No.6452163

Fuck off you white knighting twat.

Don't make me come find you at the next con you're at and sucker punch you in the balls.

/fit/ wil fall before the might of /jp/

>> No.6452175

It may be the way that anon is putting on the lashes? Mine did something like that the first few times I tried to wear falsies. It could also be the kind that anon is using.

>> No.6452202

I have a few n00b questions I apologize in advance if they are stupid. I admire gyaru make-up and hair but some of the clothing is a bit too revealing for me, I like Liz Lisa type stuff it tends to be a little more cute+ a little sexy rather than full out sexy which I like! Some Dream V stuff is like this as well. Are there any other brands that are similar or have more cute aspects than sexy?

Are there any good tutorials for gyaru hair for white people? I currently have super straight hair with blunt bangs that doesn't take to styling very well. Should I just say forget it and buy wigs?

Bottom lashes! Any tips on how to apply? I got the top ones down but bottoms I always end up with glue all over and it not looking good.

>> No.6452209

You know you're a complete whore right?

>> No.6452222

Gyaru clothing is a fuckton cheaper than lolita are you serious? A gyaru dress is usually around 10,000 compared to 30,000 for a lolita dress. Plus a lot of gyaru items can be purchased cheaply at off-name stores, and lolita items can't

>> No.6452235


Asian eye sockets aren't as deep as Caucasian eyelids, so whenever I try to follow Asian eye makeup tutorials it all just looks awful and gets lost in the bottomless depths of my eyelid crease. Plus, Asian eyes are shaped differently. Remember when Kooter went on that Korean makeup show and did that lady's eye makeup the way she does it on herself and it looked awful? Exactly like that

>> No.6452238


Holy shit look at the claws on the far left

>> No.6452249

>Asian eye sockets aren't as deep as Caucasian eyelids,

meant to say Caucasian eyesockets. Derp.

>> No.6452275

Please, don't use the word.

If this is Ashley promptly destroy your computer or at least never get on the internet and spew your stupidity again.

>> No.6452353

I have this problem sometimes - I find it helps if you tilt the lash band down a bit, almost so it's angled into your natural lash band. That forces them down and then back up, if that makes sense? Also after I put them on, while they're still drying, if they seem like a funny shape I bend them on my eye by pushing on the inner and outer corners and patting the rest down to help the fake lashes contour to my eye. Also, either cutting them down to the length of your eye beforehand or making sure they are not placed too far on the inside of your eye will hopefully help.

>> No.6452391


have you even been to jesus diamante?

>2/10 got me to respond

>> No.6452411

sorry I was out, they don't come with glue. So just get a good glue brand and that will improve how well/long they stay on.

>> No.6452440

Oh wow, ONE brand sells their dresses for a lot. Have you ever been to 109 or Alta or Lumine EST? Moron

>> No.6452464


"Oh, SURE Baby the Stars Shine Bright costs a lot, but that is ONE brand, have you ever heard of BODYLINE"

Are you serious girl?

>> No.6452470

What. Why? and no would shitty be better..fine most look shitty..and Ashley as in Asherbee? Nope not me.

why so mad anon?

>> No.6452476

Also is Ashley even black? I didn't think she was I don't really follow her drama

>> No.6452477

Jesus Diamante, one brand out of the many many gyaru brands, who very few people wear except for very rich housewives and hostesses is NOT a good example of the average cost of gyaru clothing.

>> No.6452478
File: 185 KB, 723x546, huuurrrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I am finally back, I don't know if eye anon still needs help but I am guessing you're white and have a hooded lid so going on my guess. I think you could get away with doing a tiny bit of the panda eye (tiny tiny tiny bit of it and if you don't like using the white to make your eye bigger on the outside, you can use black instead). But I think you should high light the inner eye tear duck part of your eye with white and use dark eyeliner to draw a darker line away from your eye (I hope I am making sense)

Try an aim for eyelash shapes that are heavier on the end and/or longer in the middle of the eyelash (I tried to draw a picture on the bottom)

And if I am not making any sense at all then you can try watching these links:



this guy gets linked a lot but he is really good and better at explaining stuff.

>> No.6452483

Different anon, but I think what she means is that, by and large, gyaru clothing IS generally cheaper. A lot of gyaru do by the vast majority of their wardrobes from cheaper shops in the aforementioned places (109, Alta, Lumine EST), and while their certainly are more expensive shops like Jesus Diamante, their prices don't really reflect the cost of typical gyaru clothing. The most common dresses worn by lolitas, however, do come from more expensive shops (run by the main lolita brands), as opposed to Bodyline. So, the price per-piece tends to run a bit higher.

That said, it depends on the person. Some lolitas only buy off-brand and bodyline, some gyarus by from smaller and more expensive boutiques than are found in the major Tokyo malls. But in general, I would say the anon you're arguing with is right - I think tempers are just flaring because the discussion escalated.

>> No.6452487

Are you just really thick and don't understand the concept of an "average cost"?

MOST lolita brands are more expensive than Bodyline.
MOST gyaru brands are less expensive than JD.

Average cost for a gyaru dress from a major brand like Liz Lisa, Murua: 7,000-10,000
Average cost for a lolita dress from a major brand like BtSSB, AP: 25,000-30,000

>> No.6452496
File: 28 KB, 240x320, o0240032011738253272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying this hairstyle with priscilla wig pieces and it never turns out as voluminous. Can someone give some pointers or a video tutorial?

>> No.6452498

Could you recommend some lash glue? Not that anon, but still completely new.

>> No.6452506

Wow, same typo multiple times, oops. *buy, not by.

>> No.6452512
File: 500 KB, 1400x1917, zxcvbju89olk, (172).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one I like to use is called Waterproof LashGrip. It smells god awful, it smells like spoiled fish and burns if you don't let it dry a little and let it get sticky before you put it on. Once it dries the smell goes away and it doesn't burn at all.

>> No.6452515
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>> No.6452518
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>> No.6452526
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>> No.6452531
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>> No.6452544
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I have massive hair in the first place but have you tried teasing?

>> No.6452591
File: 275 KB, 472x700, tumblr_lpzbg8lcqm1qmgbwyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried that and it still looks off. I think I'm just doing it wrong somewhere.

>> No.6452598

I've seen a video tutorial for it before but it was on TV, not recorded
1. Real hair in a bun
2. Pin rat to bun (for more volume "bump", optional)
3. Twirl and pin rope wig pieces around it
4. Put on teased half wig
5. Put on shorted teased half wig on top
6. Clip-in bangs

>> No.6452599

Thank you anon, I'll try it out. You're awesome. I keep saving all these as well, keep up the good work.

>> No.6452600

Have you tried 'stuffing' it? Or putting what they rat a rat underneath instead? Teasing can only do so much.

>> No.6452620
File: 724 KB, 1400x2032, 017 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon.

>> No.6452625
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>> No.6452632
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>> No.6452633
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>> No.6452642
File: 674 KB, 900x1293, ageha_apr08_42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally signed up for anongals, hope I get approved soon.

>> No.6452648
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>> No.6452652
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Finally I found the two pages that showed the different eyelash styles.

>> No.6452657
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>> No.6452661
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>> No.6452666

I look forward to magazine spam goodness.

>> No.6452667

approved! I've just set privacy levels so that only members can read/look at forums for the moment if anyone has any privacy concerns about sharing photos/information with any random person who finds the forum

but I think I will leave resources open so that anyone can see it

>> No.6452684
File: 845 KB, 1400x2091, 032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else like Happie Nuts? I never see scans of it here or people talking about it. I guess people don't like it because it's not as bold as ageha or hime? It's my favorite magazine and style alongside the stuff in Popteen/Popsister. The stuff in Happie Nuts is too sexy for me to pull off though lmao but I try. And omg was anyone else surprised when Nicorun joined?! I remember her when she was in Ranzuki and she just looks so different

Anyway, I'll dump scans of the latest issues if anyone wants

>> No.6452692

It looks great to me! I'd never heard of that magazine. (I barely go on LJ to get scans so I guess that could be why.)

>> No.6452697
File: 35 KB, 360x480, o0360048011319056437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Happy Nuts, but it can come off looking very normal if it isn't done right and doesn't photograph as flashy as hime or ageha (but when it's done right it looks so good in real life) Happie nuts kind seems like very casual sexy adult tailored looking.

I think most people don't talk about it because it looks normal and it seems mature looking. Even the hair and make styles in the magazine are more natural looking (as natural as gal can get).

>> No.6452709
File: 146 KB, 436x640, complex gal 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like mainstream western clothes to me. Can't say I'm a fan.

>> No.6452735
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>> No.6452739
File: 624 KB, 1400x2088, 078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I figured that was why it wasn't super popular, from afar it doesn't look very gal but I think the combination of hair/makeup is still evident! I feel the same way with Popteen/Popsister though. It's very cutesy but no where near hime-gal. I probably like them because I like a more subtle style... but I'll crawl back into my cave now.

>> No.6452742
File: 63 KB, 359x639, 85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For that person who was looking for brown lashes I found these links:

http://falseeyelashessite.com/cart.php?m=search_results&headerSearch=Y&search=brown (this has the largest selection of brown lashes)




>> No.6452747
File: 128 KB, 529x554, loose-egoistpage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon don't hide, I think the subtle or mature styles are just as important. Plus even the subtle styles look ten times more flashy and sexy compared to what normal people wear but still look family/public/boyfriend safe.

>> No.6452751

Oh wow! Thank you so much!
I'd been googling as well and I guess I narrowed my search too much by looking for Japanese brands. The brown lashes AMO and Zipper released looked ok, but many said that they weren't terribly thick.

Anyway, thank you so much! I hope I can improve my make up with these!

>> No.6452754
File: 145 KB, 375x500, o0375050011305734055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I'm approved, I'm too nervous to post. I am so used to posting anon. I want to start a thread like "ask me anything and I'll try and find an answer" but it seems too egotistical.

>> No.6452757
File: 51 KB, 253x450, tumblr_limm27EuWk1qdouqeo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No probs, anon. Glad I can help.

>> No.6452761

please post anon! you could always make topics on different things (like eyelashes and where to buy them or nails) if making a big post like that is too frightening!

>> No.6452769
File: 85 KB, 480x640, 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a big post doesn't seem too scary, I guess I should post this under Resources? Since I love collecting resources and links and I will probably only be posting links and tutorials.

>I feel like a forum newbie, I haven't used one of these since I was 13.

>> No.6452771

resources would work fine, though if you're more into beauty advice maybe the beauty section?

>> No.6452773
File: 390 KB, 1195x1553, 1279093545630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good idea. I am typing up a post now.

>> No.6452789

Oh lord, I love gyaru, rock gyaru even more, it looks so cool. I could never pull it off (mostly due to laziness) but you girls who do it look awesome, keep it up!

>> No.6452790

Is that....eyebrow math?

>> No.6452799
File: 360 KB, 1181x1552, 1279093386121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, eyebrows are srs bsn.

>> No.6452805

I don't know if they pick idols for these or what but imagine being a model for one of those; "Oh man this is going to be my big break, they are measuring my eyebrows and everything"

>> No.6452822

Can barely see most of their eyebrows.

>> No.6452862

Okay gals, I need a D.I.A. belt. Badly. Obviously I am google-illiterate. I can't find anything. Anyone have search terms for this? Or something similar, as I'm sort of ballin' on a budget? Thanks so much

>> No.6452865
File: 130 KB, 600x900, diabelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess a pic would've helped.

>> No.6452876

ughhughguh I want a DIA belt too. They're so sexy.

>> No.6452907

I did some googlin' and found out that D.I.A has no webstore, they only have shopblogs. So I guess you can buy the belts if you have a shopping service? Or make them yourself.

>> No.6452916


>d.i.a does NOT host an webstore - their clothes are exclusively available in stores only. You can find them in Tokyo (Shibuya 109), Kyoto (OPA) and Okinawa (??).

>So how to get d.i.a wear at all?
The magic word is “mbok”. mbok (or “mobauko) is a japanese auction site, just like Ebay.

As many Gal brands, d.i.a does have an own tag there.
To shop from mbok, you will need a shopping service that caters japanese auction sites. Here are two of them, that I can recommand:

>d.i.a’s sizes do definitely run small, I would say a tad smaller then japanese clothes already are by nature. Most of the clothes by this brand do run as “free-size”, which will fit an S size comfortably. On an M size it will be a very tight fit already, L size should be kinda impossible to fit in. =/
>The infamous blingy belts go for 100€~140€!

I hope that helps.

>> No.6452923

Just fyi DIA belts are like $100 and tarnish like fuck. Skinny Lip has cheaper similar ones, even better when they're on sale. If you're set on a Japanese one, alternately, check mBok.
In the west, if you have any ghetto/slutty mexican stores (ie there's on in my area called Gen-X fashion) sometimes they have similar things. Or DIY, one of the European bloggers (Rox or Charlotte or someone) did one and blogged it.

>> No.6452925

Oops meant $100+

>> No.6452963 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 500x667, hairrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get my hair this colour? ;-;

>> No.6452982 [DELETED] 

Any seagulls would care to post pics of themselves in Gyaru? Can blur face. Would just like to see how you actually look compared to the references.

>> No.6453001

I'd love to give gal a try (everyone looks so cute!) but my problem is that I'm very tall, a size 8 and hourglass shaped. Not really fat since I'm fucking 5'11. Does most gals look down on girls that aren't small and skinny? and most importantly can someone with my stature pull it of?

>> No.6453004

As long as you dress well, nobody will care.
If you plan on buying clothes from Japan, just be very careful about the length. I'm about 5'4 and still a lot of skirts and dresses barely cover my ass. You should be fine with tops though

>> No.6453038

Other than the makeup, circle lenses and some of the hair styles this fashion looks normal. How is it classed as Japanese exactly?

>> No.6453160
File: 45 KB, 220x293, banba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the more wild styles it evolved from (ganguro, mamba, banba etc.) were "invented" by Japanese people.

>> No.6454766

I never realized how weird gyaru brows are. What's going on there? They looked shaved down then shaded back in. Is that the gyaru standard?

>> No.6454773

Yeah it kind of is unfortunately.

There are ways to get around it though.

>> No.6454777

Filling in brows is a normal make up technique. Some people also just have natural thin brows (I do; too awhile for me to grow them out to the point that they don't need much filling in.)

>> No.6454802

No no I get filing in brows if they're sparse. I do that too but I meant they have eyebrow stubble. Also half-brows/half-arches. And I guess it's weird to me cause I've never noticed that in any gyaru make-up tutorials I've seen/read. Everything is focused on the eyeshadow/lenses/lashes and/or hair.

>> No.6454819

I hate their brows also. They are nearly invisible.

>> No.6454854

Maybe that way makes it easier to shoop them.

>> No.6455259

If you have any specific questions I can answer them but mostly it's like the other person said, sorority girls.

>> No.6457606
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>> No.6457773

Gyaru is just asian girls dressing up in the style of caucasians. If you are white then you are already gyaru.

>> No.6457914
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>> No.6457928

for those of you living in japan right now... are you all attending school there?

do you regularly wear gyaru coords outside (without your circle)? how is it received?

>> No.6459084
File: 1.31 MB, 2560x1920, 2012-12-01 13.07.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this j-fash event thing next week that my friends are making me go. The focus is on gyaru and so we're encouraged to dress up. The problem is that I'm a lolita and my normal clothes are all office wear.
I bought this top yesterday out of desperation but I have no idea how to coord it.
Dress me please?

>> No.6459096

Darn, I wish someone made a tutorial. What's the rat?

>> No.6459099

Is that a top or a dress? Either way, go with a belt, a wide one please. All that leopard print is hurting my eyes. If the top is a looser fit then maybe go with skinny jeans. It seems like much of gyaru is the hair and the makeup anyway, so focus on that.

Not a gyaru but I hope that helps.

>> No.6459101

How does it fit on you?
(worn pic plz)

>> No.6459106


do you have patterned black tights and heels?

also agreeing with the other anon, falsies and circle lenses + a blonde wig or something would go a long way

>> No.6459129

Wide belt check. I got a few. I have two skinny jeans, one black and one red, which would you recommend to go with it?
I don't have a big enough mirror and there's no one at home to take pics of me. Its kind of slightly too big.
My heels are loli heels from Bodyline. I don't think it'll work. My work shoes are a pair of short wedges in a boring style. I do have a pair of calf boots with a hidden heel in black.

I have falsies but I'm not sure if they're big enough, from googling, it seems that gyaru's falsies are fuck huge and obvious, mine are more natural styled. I have a few wigs, but they're mostly shades of brown.

Thank you for all the responses so far!

>> No.6459130

red skinny jeans. go to your local thrift store and get some glitzy platform sandals.

>> No.6459138
File: 128 KB, 393x700, 82937498329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Black skinny jeans, and maybe double or triple layer the falsies, plus pile on the mascara and white eyeliner

brown wigs are fine too, can you style and curl them like pic related?

>> No.6459386

No thrift stores near me, but I'll check all the shoe shops near me if I can find some cheap platform sandals.
Ah, I didn't know you could layer falsies. I will try this out thanks!
My wig already looks like that, but in a darker more chocolate shade.

Again, thank you for the responses!

>> No.6459632

Is there such a thing as a plus size gyaru who can pull it off?

>> No.6460646

Not at the moment.

>> No.6462332

Bump for a gyaru hopeful looking for more advice.

Where do you get your gyaru wigs from? (the natural color kind) I've heard of Prisila and Gabalnara so far.
Does Tsubasa Masuwaka's style of make-up still count as gyaru? It's really subdued compared to some of the stuff I've seen but I really like it.
Is there a magazine that caters to styles like Liz Lisa and Ank Rouge? (what do you call that style anyway?)