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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6446634 No.6446634 [Reply] [Original]

/cgl/, I have a problem. I'm down to one eye and it sucks; I have an eyepatch from Walmart that looks horrible and practically covers half my face. I asked /fa/ for advice and they behaved like, well, entitled /fa/ggots. Some did, the others directed me here because y'all have experience making custom things and so somebody could at least point me in the direction of something that fit. I'm kinda at a loss.

I guess if you need someone to cosplay as Big Boss I've never been to a con before.

But seriously this sucks. Any advice is appreciated.

>> No.6446651
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Eyepatches are used a lot on J-fash. Are you willing to PIMP OUT your eyepatch or do you just want something innocuous and comfy?

>> No.6446710


Honestly I feel p. unattractive right now. I guess once I adjust to things I'd probably be a touch more adventurous but right now I'd rather not draw too much attention. I bought a few patches from the pharmacy but one falls off and the other is way too tight. Innocuous and comfy sounds perfect

>> No.6446726

If you're wearing it for medical reasons you should keep wearing it. But you could decorate the outside though. There is an alternative and buying a Japanese styled eyepatch but it's just as big.

>> No.6446814

The standard Big Boss patch is a good one to go for, then. You can get flesh-toned eyepatches, but they just look odd to me. But a plain black patch will never go out of style.

I don't really know what is going to be most comfortable for you, and I'm tentative about DIYing medical devices, but I suggest -

1) Using a piece of scrap cloth and a pen, fold a dart in the cloth to make it into a slightly conical shape, hold it to your eye socket, and trace around the shape where it it fits most comfortable. Take it off, straighten out the lines. Make sure the dart is marked. Congratulations, that's your pattern.

2) Cut a piece of black fleece (buy a fat quarter of it) using the exact outline of your pattern. With some other, thin black fabric (good quality satin, black cotton) cut out with a 1cm seam allowance.

3) Sandwich the thin cloth and the fleece. Using small snips, folding, ironing and pins, fold the edge of the thin cloth over once (so the fraying edge is inside) and then over the side of the fleece. Take a long time doing this step, the better you do this the better it'll turn out.

4) Sew that bastard. I recommend by hand, with a running stitch. You can use a white thread if you're a neat hand-sewer, but it's probably better to use black.

>> No.6446823

Oh yeah - whatever head attachment method you want will need to be put between the two slices of eyepatch before you sew it.

>> No.6446850

If you don't want to attract attention why don't you just wear dark or mirrored sunglasses instead until you get used to it?

May I ask how you ended up minus one eye?

>> No.6446927


The only real medical need that I have is to keep my eye taped (and I gotta change that periodically), so honestly the patch is mostly for cosmetic reasons. I'm sure in a year's time I'll be confident enough to wear one that lights up and plays christmas music but for now I'd just like to look passable. I'm intrigued by the japanese style though, good to keep in mind for later.


I appreciate the advice, but all I can personally manage is a shitty blanket stitch. I can fix buttons and socks and whatnot but I dunno if I can pull this off w/o looking like some Mad Max extra. It's times like this I wish I hadn't pawned the sewing off on my sister.

>> No.6446981

not really innocuous, but I knew a little girl once who had to wear eye patches for some reason I don't remember and she usually wore ones that had no string around her head and were almost like a sticker with cutesy girly patterns on them. I have no idea how girly you dress anon, so sorry if this was no help

>> No.6446993


Dark/mirrored shades work great 'til you're indoors or it's night time. Otherwise I'd never take them off.

I lost the use of my eye via Bell's Palsy which means for all intents and purposes means half my face got paralyzed. I can smile and whistle and chew food normally now but I can't shut my eye (barring tape). It might be correctable w/ surgery but I don't find that out for a few more
weeks. The patch might be permanent.

>> No.6447119

I'm sorry to hear that anon- I can't help out but I hope things get better for you in the future.

>> No.6447357
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Dear OP, I feel you. Last year I became optically challenged as well and I decided to make myself some sew free fashion patches.

you will need:
craft foam
hot glue
the fashion fabric of your choice
you may also want some paper to experiment with the shape of your patch.

1.Decide on a size and shape that you like by experimenting with your paper.

2. Trace your shape onto your craft paper and cut the shape out of your craft foam. I recommend cutting it a bit larger than your traced line.

3. Cut a triangle from the edge of your foam to the center of the patch. The larger you make the triangle the steeper your patch will be.

4. Place hot glue on the inside of your triangular cut and glue your edges together.

5. Make sure your patch is still a shape/size that it pleasing to your face. I had to experiment around a little before I found what I wanted.

6. Place your foam base on your fashion fabric. Cut around the fabric leaving enough extra to comfortably fold over the side.

7. Glue the edges of your fashion fabric to the inside of your patch. Personally i like to use a stretchy fashion fabric since it makes getting a smooth finish easier.

8. After measuring it out so it fits comfortable, glue the ends of your ribbon/elastic to the inside of the patch. You'll want to fiddle a bit until you find where the placement of your ribbon/elastic is most comfortable.

9. Cut out a another piece of your fashion fabric small enough to fit on the inside of your patch, but large enough to cover the edges of your fashion fabric covering the outside of the patch.

10. hot glue the whole piece flat on the inside of your patch.

11. Celebrate.

pic related. It's one of the ones I made.

>> No.6447404
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I hope it works out for you anon~

>> No.6447475

Dunno whether you're a girl or guy OP, but eye patches are fucking hot and the fact that you can wear one legitimately is pretty awesome (glass half full thinking here). You should look up the lead singer of Lyric 145, a short-lived act on X-Factor; the lead girl had to wear an eyepatch for similar medical reasons and she made it look smoking hot amazing by wearing it with confidence and style.

Anyway I hope your feeling toward it improves and you work the shit out of your new potential for badassery.

>> No.6447472


>>6447357 here again,

Sorry I didn't realize the thread had updated while I was writing the tutorial. I don't know how long you have been dealing with this, but I remember waiting to find out what I was dealing with and what could be done was the worst part for me. I don't know where you are right now, or if you are in a bad place regarding this situation, but in case you are I just wanted to encourage you to stay strong! I hate to tell you that you will feel better with time since it's so cliched sounding, but I did, and I hope you will too.

>> No.6447566


Well, the patch you made looks snazzy as all hell. The only problem I have is I work at a courthouse and if I showed up in something like that the judge & opposing counsel would both tear me a new orifice literally in seconds. Remember the scene in my cousin vinny when Joe Pesci shows up in a "different-looking" shitbrown suit...? Yeah. I think your patch looks awesome though. If nothing else you seagulls are awesome for ideas. I'm still in the sadfrog stage of dealing w/ this whole thing, but it does me good to hear that others can handle it. How is driving working out for you? How about reading? My good eye seems to tire out twice as fast. It's like constantly straining and I hate it.


I'm a dude. 6"4 too, so maybe I'll eventually be able to make it look intimidating or something. I don't feel stylin' or badass though. Oh well.
glass half full... glass half full... glass half full...

>> No.6447597

Reminds me of one of my ex's friends. Socially awkward one eyed dude who looked like he was in his 50's.
Often tried to pick girls up at the con with gems like 'EYYY GIRLLL, WANNA SEE MY EYE SOCKET???'
I wish I was making this up.

>> No.6447615

Oh dude you're tall? Sweet as, you totally got this. If you're tall you can totally make it look awesome/intentional. Maybe sharpen up the rest of your personal style so that it really looks like you KNOW you are wearing an eyepatch and you KNOW you look fucking awesome in it. I believe in your potential hotness anon!

(Haha I hope this doesn't come across as making light of your situation, but to me it seems like at least some of your unhappiness is cosmetic)

>> No.6447667


"hey qt, the fact that there's no eye in there just means there's more room for your tongue!"

>> No.6447682
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oh god....

>> No.6447689

That was just an example. You can make it in any color you want (including nude or black). I just wanted to let you know you can make something that might fit your face better so your aren't just restricted to what you can find at the drug store.

Also, great reference, I know exactly what you are talking about and how a patch covered in rhinestones and junk might not fly.

I was too scared to drive for a number of months, but I got so tired of getting rides from other people I sucked it up and I'm fine now. After about 15-20 feet your impaired depth perceptions stops mattering while driving so it's not too bad. You may look a little silly doing this, but if you shake your head side to side quickly it will help with depth perception since the movement approximates the two points of separate visual impute (normally your other eye) that creates depth perception. Also, your good eye will start compensating for your lost eye naturally over time.

I 100% am with you on the reading. Actual paper/books aren't as bad for some reason, but the computer/TV can be really hard to read and very tiring, especially at the beginning. It has become less straining over time, but I still have to sit way close to my TV to get my vidya on.

Although now that I think about it, my partial blindness could just be gods way of confirming what I've suspected for while: that I need a bigger TV.

>> No.6447716


Yeah, I still have my other eye so I won't actually ever get the chance to use that sweet line IRL I'm afraid. glad it squicked you though :D Still, this thread has perked me up a little bit. Thanks /cgl/.

>> No.6447719

How long ago since your diagnosis? As I understand it, Bell's palsy has the potential to recover over a number of months (unless it's been months, in which case there's nothing doing).

>> No.6447771

A cursory search of etsy leads me to believe you have many stylish and generally bad ass as fuck choices. Also any girl that likes the 'bad boy' look is gonna be all over you. Sorry for your loss, but the bright side is an awesome new necessary accessory you can use to your swaggering advantage :)


had some interesting if a bit fantastical options, but that doesn't mean you couldn't ask for something custom to your needs!

>> No.6447774
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bro, eyepatches are complete badass material, don't listen to the /fa/gs that think purses can ever be manly.
it might be a good idea to lay down some time on making the perfect one though, it shouldn't be too big, or too small, or frizzy on the edges
it should be a well-made patch, worn with pride since you'll always be "the guy with the eyepatch" whether you like it or not, so make it a good one.

search up some quality fabric, soft and densely threaded, and perhaps make some good cardboard or other hard material "skeleton" for it, you could probably carefully stuff it with small amounts of fluffy material, or layered fabric, but don't make it too thick.

I would make one rather than buy one because you can make it fit your face and eyes better, and if you make one try different methods of fastening it, more threads = larger pressurized area + more ways of making it sit tight.

My first attempt at making one would probably be some type of quality cardboard and some layers of soft stretchy yoga-pants tier material (black, of course) all wrapped in more yoga-pants fabric, sewed together with some semi-thick thread with about 10mm of space from the edge to the seam, to make it more cushion~esque.
also somewhat shaped like in the picture, but i made this picture in like 15 seconds so it's not that thought through.

>> No.6447807
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Good luck wit your eye, OP. My right eye is a piece of shit, so I feel for you.

>> No.6448028

Lost my left about two years ago. The best thing I ever did was find a local leather shop and get one custom done. Comfortable, fits perfectly, and doesn't look like drugstore $2 ass.

Also, I posted on here shortly after it happened, looking for advice and got zero response. So kudos to you for actually getting some feedback.

Good luck with it all, and once you get used to it, you'll rock that shit.

>> No.6448175


Same exact suggestion I was going to make. A nice leather looks a bit classier than the drug store one that look more like a burlesque pastie on string. Get a color that compliments your features and the guys at work will be harder pressed to hassle you.

>> No.6448279


OP again.

t does indeed look like a pastie now that you went & said that. I eventually want a few different colored patches so I can coordinate them with suits. I'd kinda like to try matching them to tie colors eventually but realistically I should probably stick to black, brown, or navy. If only b/c I'm in a part of the U.S. where the natives feel like you can kill a trial lawyer by throwing holy water on him. Going in front of the judge here already means I have a strike or two against me just by default, so I'm reluctant to be anything but conservative and slightly boring.

But secretly I so wanna be a rebel.

>> No.6448282


This is great advice. Nobody told me to shake my head to mimic depth perception. The day after I was diagnosed I was trying to open a drawer and stood there pawing the air in front of it like an idiot for 30-45 seconds.


Also great advice, t y anon

>> No.6448286

Just grow emo hair so that it covers 1/2 of your face.

>> No.6448291
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cosplay Midget Tears

>> No.6448298


Yeah, /fa/ sugguested that too.


Honestly I was leaning more toward Madeye Moody.

>> No.6448310

You sound like a cool dude.

>> No.6448328


Also I know this is from a while ago and you're probably long gone, but it's been a month and a half. I've been running on optimism til now but every day that goes by makes a full recovery less likely. The docs tell me every case is different so I'm holding out hope, but I feel like I should start steeling myself in case this is my new reality. Do you have medical training anon? When I was diagnosed they trotted out every med student so they could see it in something besides a book. I didn't really mind, though.

>> No.6450636
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oh and incase you ever DO want to make any of this cosplay related, you should totally be Phil Ken Sebben. Seeing as you are a lawyer and all :)

>> No.6450645

I'm about as junior doctor as you can get, starting my third day of actual work tomorrow. And yeah, when we had a Bell's palsy on the ward (poor guy was in for something else, then the family totally panicked thinking he'd had a stroke) they pretty much rounded up all the med students available and had a teaching session. The neuro cons told us 6 months is normally when they make calls about whether they think someone is likely to ever fully recover, not sure about the role of steroids in your case but I'm pretty sure this patient got them.

>> No.6451454


HA HA. Not sure if I'll ever actually make it to a con, but I'm totally doing this next halloween regardless. Surprise surprise, most (younger) lawyers love Harvey Birdman. I hadn't thought of this at all, but it's awesome. Gold star for you today, anon.


You're in residency? Gratz. Try not to break too many ribs if they put you on crash cart detail. And yeah, when I woke up one morning and half my face was as dead as Good Friday I thought for sure I'd stroked out during the night. Inwardly I flipped out a bit, but I kept it cool 'til I got seen later that day. Prednisone by the goddamn handful, nomnomnom.

>> No.6451876

At the very least you'll be the most authentic-looking pirate at costume parties from now on.

>> No.6453994

anytime :) Just want to ease your sorrow with a little bit of awesome. Please come back and post us some pics of your future custom leather eye patch and you in a suit. I'd love to see!

>> No.6454009

If you don't want to go to the trouble of putting together an eyepatch, you could probably get one custom made if you asked one of the steampunk leatherworkers on etsy. I've seen a few of them offer costume eyepatches before, and at least you'd get some input into what it looks like.

>> No.6454272

actually didnt they just release an official version of Asuka's Eyepatch from the newest movie?

and it isnt completely crazy looking so he could get away with it easily

>> No.6454554

Pirates wore eyepatches so they could move freely between the deck (which was sunlit) and brig (which was dark) without having to wait for their eyes to re-adjust.

So no.

>> No.6455973

OP here (this is it I swear),


C'mon, you guys know full well that people only pay attention to the slutty pirates. & That just ain't happening. Cause I don't even lift.


I went on Etsy and most of the eyepatches would either make me look like Johnny Depp or that russian chick from the venture bros.

There was one that oozed fake blood though. If I wasn't worried about getting in trouble it'd be fun to do that during voir dire. God, just once...

>> No.6455976


I figure that since I've long since gotten the answers I was looking for I should thank you all for being so helpful. Stopped by a leather shop yesterday & got measured. An old man (like ninety) owned it and said he was a veteran and he'd made patches before. I left him daydreaming about punching nazis and voting for Ike. It should be ready soon. I wouldn't have known to go there if not for this thread, and I've enjoyed lurking this board for a few days. Cosplayers, I'm continually impressed by your creativity, and I think your hobby is p damn cool. You can macguyver a good costume out of nearly anything, it seems. Though some of your con horror stories are truly horrific—I could swap stories about felony cases but I bet some of you would have me outgunned after five minutes. I'd go to a con if I had friends that were into that sort of thing though: it sounds like a trip.

EGL community. Since I deal mostly with the incarcerated I usually only see women in jumpsuits, pantsuits, and regular suitsuits from day to day. Y'all wear such ribbon-and-lace confections that it was like mainlining after 10 years on the wagon. I saw an awesome print on here, it looked like cathedral stained glass windows? Unironically the coolest dress I've ever seen. As I understand it the fashion has its roots as a form of feminist subversion and knowing that makes you all that much more impressive; also I just love clothes in general. So thanks.

Ultimately, /cgl/ I'm in much better spirits than I was when I started this thread. /r9k/ says you're all catty, venomous, and bitter but you're more like the hug I didn't know I needed. This thread isn't really board relevant anymore and I'm done fellating you. I'm off to /lit/. I feel much better, thanks again.

>> No.6456431

/r9k/ hates us not because of anything we do (honestly, we're spiteful bitches but we're still cuddlier than the vast majority of boards) because they invade us every so often with 'Women can never be lonely' threads and we ignore them. But cheers anyway. If you want to drop in later any time, be our guest.

>> No.6458305

You're still young. Nerves will still regrow, but if you opted to think of surgery before physiotherapy, you should have a lot more things to worry about.