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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 47 KB, 640x854, rinrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6443830 No.6443830[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have a personal experience with her?

>> No.6443899

Very aloof, didnt talk much

>> No.6443902
File: 27 KB, 230x230, progeria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like she has progeria.

>> No.6444009

She's known here now? I went to college with her.

>> No.6444020


As did I.

>> No.6444026

Shes not really "known". She modeled for angelic pretty but hasn't really taken off popularity-wise, in the states or overseas

>> No.6444028

shes ugly

>> No.6444038


Aww, that's a bit sad to hear.

When I knew her in college she was kind of "ass kissy" towards exchange students from Japan.

>> No.6444066

I met her awhile ago and she was kind of shy and quiet but pretty nice.

>> No.6444067
File: 663 KB, 700x1052, 4d2af35182770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quiet. Her face isn't suited for lolita, her face is very dull.

However her non-lolita photos without that half bleached bang are gorgeous. Pic related.

>> No.6444068
File: 129 KB, 800x1200, 45b3291ab693a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another non-lolita photo.

>> No.6444070

This is the same girl? That is indescribably better than how she looks in OP.

>> No.6444075

That's really the same girl? Dang. She looks totally different and about a million times better.

>> No.6444077

Is she even Japanese?

>> No.6444079
File: 358 KB, 500x666, 4d2af7d526af6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty but OP's picture is a little biased.
I don't think she looks terrible in lolita.

>> No.6444085

She has the kind of waifish elfin face I find extremely pretty in model contexts, but if I passed her on the street I'd think her odd-looking.

>> No.6444095
File: 33 KB, 240x200, 20080714082707_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

models look like aliens when you think about it.

>> No.6444098
File: 209 KB, 500x747, chokelate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her face isn't suited for lolita

>> No.6444101

looks cute
but I HATE her hair
I think she'd look better with solid black(though best would be some sort of medium-dark brown imo)

>> No.6444102

I met her at an Angelic Pretty tea party and she was very polite, professional, and clearly interested in talking to people about lolita, about Angelic Pretty, and genuinely nice and complimentary.

That may have just been her "work self" but if so, she talks a great game and is an asset to AP.

>> No.6444118

Does anyone know how she became a model for AP? Is she a pro model first? Or a very lucky lolita turned AP model?

>> No.6444136

She should try going for J&J - they style their models similarly sometimes, and she has the kind of face they'd go for. Prior loli model experience would be a plus, too.

>> No.6444259

She begged them. She didn't speak Japanese at the time and begged BtSSB through a translator at an event too. But she lives in Japan now and models for a couple different brands, so guess that worked for her.

>> No.6444273

I thought she got noticed trough street snaps in the GLB

>> No.6444277

I always heard she was barely into lolita until she became a model...

>> No.6444286


wow, she's gorgeous here. What was this for?

>> No.6444290


>> No.6444297

No she is Chinese. The whole modeling thing went straight to her head. She is really stuck up and snooty. Unlike Chokelate, she isn't a real model and instead is a lowly English teacher occasionally getting her picture taken while wearing loli.

>> No.6444302

Jealous fatty chan detected

>> No.6444305

Look there's another one :)

>> No.6444313
File: 117 KB, 357x657, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she's quite cute

>> No.6444356

Agreed, since she started modeling part time in Japan, she doesn't talk to most of her US friends. Thought she was going to J-language school though? Or did she graduate/visa up and the only resort was teaching?

>> No.6444359

>she isn't a real model and instead is a lowly English teacher

And Misako is a nurse. You can't make a living out of modeling lolita, there's nothing lowly about having a second job.

>> No.6444370
File: 48 KB, 480x640, Misako Aoki 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misako makes a lot of money in general. She probably gives no fucks.

Also Japanese seem to overwork themselves. Just saying.

>> No.6444371

Yeah, I can tell by the bags under her eyes

>> No.6444372

Different anon, but I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say with your response... It seemed like anon was just saying that working as a lolita model and having another full-time job is incredibly normal, and it doesn't mean you aren't a "real" lolita model. It didn't really have much to do with Japanese men or their incomes, at all.

>> No.6444392

I can't remember her LJ name, but the first time I saw her modelling for Takuya Angel, I was quite surprised/pleased, because I reckognised her from egl.

>> No.6444405

She has been lying about going to school as a student. She goes as an English teacher.
Are you seriously trying to compare a job as a nurse to a job as a glorified tape recorder?

>> No.6444464

She lives as a foreigner in Japan, there's not that many jobs available and there's nothing wrong with teaching. I'm not even sure what point you are trying to make here.

>> No.6444474

The point is that she acts all snotty like she is an actual model when she isn't. She's a loser English teacher.

>> No.6444487


You sound like you have a case of sour grapes.

>> No.6444495

How is she not an actual model when she is actually modeling AP?

>> No.6444541

>loser english teacher

tell me more about how your salary blows her £25k-ish number out of the water

>> No.6444549

>meaning unable to support herself solely on her modeling career.

>> No.6444560

except sourgrapes implied that Misako was a real model, despite the fact that she doesn't support herself on modeling either.

>> No.6444685

Nursing is a really undesirable job in Japan, and the pay is pretty crappy. Misako probably makes more doing modeling, and from reading her blog it seems like she only works as a nurse part-time

>> No.6444721

What the hell is this thread? I've met her in person, and she's absolutely sweet and wonderful, very professional and nice. Angelic Pretty picked her to model for them, you can't BEG your way into multiple ad campaigns with AP and various other brands. Get a life, jealous cunts.

>> No.6444748

sorry but no one can possibly be jealous of a Chinese girl. Come on.

>> No.6445177

If you get paid by a company to model, get your picture taken by a professional photographer and put in a real, published magazine, you are a model. She's a company spokesperson as well--AP flies her to tea parties and other events all over the world. You all are clearly retarded and have no idea what a model is or does.

>> No.6445205

well said, anon. I think a lot of the people here are being unreasonable and dense.

That said, I've met her numerous times (before and AFTER she moved to japan), each time she was very nice and pleasant to be around. While I don't personally like her style/looks, I don't think she's a bad model either. Also, she still talks to me fairly often even though she has moved to the ~glorious nippon~, so idk what the other anon is saying.

>> No.6445210

i can't believe someone is in this thread implying that you can beg your way into a modeling gig.

how jealous can you be?

>> No.6445243

When has she acted snotty? From what I've heard she's lovely and easy to talk with because she speaks English fluently.

Calm your tits anon

>> No.6445253

You are aware she is American right?

>> No.6445291

I'm laughing my ass off that her main source of income and visa is as an English teacher. There are so many people in Japan trying to "break through" in Japan who's real source of income is making a paltry 220k yen a month (Not even on JET or teaching at a university - at least that has a level of respect and stability) working at shady Eikaiwas.

>> No.6445327

Neither does Choke. Choke lives with her parents, and hasn't graduated high school but, she is a well established model.

>> No.6445340

So? Does it make you feel better about yourself that she has a shitty job? She's working so she can live in a cool place and do what she loves. Your vendetta stinks.

>> No.6445355

How old is Chokelate by the way? Whenever I see pictures I always figure she looks a lot older than she actually is.

>> No.6445371

Your jelly is showing.
I don't know what this girl did to deserve your jelly pathetic petty vendetta, but hey, doesn't take much for some huh?
At least she's in Japan modeling for AP, which you will never do, and hangs out with the cool people .
And what is wrong with being a teacher anyways?

>> No.6445377

i'm not sure why taking any opportunity you can get to pursue your dream job is hilarious, but okay? if anything it really just makes me respect her more, since she's not doing it for the money.

>> No.6445393
File: 59 KB, 640x427, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22. Born in 1990. I can't believe we're the same age but our lives seem so different.

Stuck in university while all these girls are out there doing what they want and living exciting lives. So jelly man.

>> No.6445404
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, iknowthatfeelbroyoite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, I'm the same age too then.

...And I'm in the same boat as you. We can both be jelly together.

>> No.6445423

Make that three of us. 20 years old, stuck in college. Did nothing fun with my life and I probably won't do anything exciting for the rest of my also. Also found out today that Hyuna is also 20. Has several best sellers, known worldwide, sexy, accomplished careers... How do these girls do it?

>> No.6445430

They stop feeling sorry for themselves, and they get out there and just take risks and live their life in the moment.

I believe in you Anon-chan, you just have to believe in yourself!

>> No.6445433

Hey there anons, we all have different lives, and some people start later than others.
Remember that some actors (lots of them, actually) didn't find fame until they were in their late twenties, singers as well, etc etc.
And models are always very young (some start at 13/14!). Hyuna is a Kpop star which means she went to some sort fo school/training center at a very young age, to accomplish what she did.
I don't think it's bad to have a "normal" life at 20, or 25.

>> No.6445448

I don't know, but I certainly would like to know. They must be either really motivated, or really lucky. Probably a combination of both.

I have this stupid fear of never being noteworthy in life and then dying and nobody ever remembering who I am. I mean we only get one shot at life, gotta make it count.

>> No.6445467
File: 43 KB, 450x398, dep_3336676-Cute-young-female-showing-a-success-sign-isolated-over-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do these girls do it?

I've wondered that too.
Honestly though...luck.

You need to have gotten the right genetics for the time period you were born in.
(can't be a skinny chick with far set eyes in 1630, can't be a cow with a big nose in 2012)

Once you have that all you need is some drive to do something with it or someone else to spot you so they can use their drive to make you into something.

Now though girls, you are only 20. Life has BARELY begun. You got a good 10 years to do something really substantial and have all your looks to boot. Around 30, unless you take really good care of yourself, looks fade a bit but you can still do some awesome stuff.

I think the secret is not falling into the trap of the day to day. You have to have something you want and you have to work on it a little everyday. Otherwise you get stuck and before you know it a year, then 5 years have gone by.

>> No.6445488

Isn't she that AP model?

I've always thought she was the prettiest one. The blonde streak on her bangs make her unique as fuck.

>> No.6445491

You're right, anon.

I think, for those of us that aren't lucky enough to look like say, Chokelate, we should try to develop a talent too. I have been trying to get a lot better at drawing. I figure I can post cute outfits, cosplays, or Lolita coords as well as draw things, so that way I have potentially two things to help get my name around.

What about the other anons posting, do you have any talents or ideas?

>> No.6445493

my plan is the same as yours

>> No.6445498

Actually I'm not really actively working as a model anymore. Finally found a possible home I could rent, it's ridiculously difficult to rent a place in a city that isn't just a so called "room" - you need to save points for about 4 years before you even make a chance to be able to rent an apartment (I don't have points because I never expected to stay in this country), but I found an amazing house in the village I live in wich has a separate guest stay that's great for my office <3

Honestly, if you really want to do something else it can be worth it to take the risk. However you have to work hard for it and not give up. That's not per se only for things like modelling, but for pretty much anything else that you can't study for :) It can be really rewarding!

>> No.6445502 [DELETED] 

I was born in 1990 too. Feel the same way. I've settled in the fact that my life won't be anything spectacular. I'm envious very young people can find their passions so early and go for it, while nothing can even keep my interest.

Sage for somewhat OT

>> No.6445558

Oh really? Did she lie about taking N1 JLPT? Whenever I see her talking Japanese it's always babby's first Nihongo

>> No.6445641

Wow it's almost like I can hear how ugly you are through the internet.

>> No.6445651

The white knighting in here is pretty gross.

>> No.6445703

she's saying she took the n1?

it doesn't have a conversational section so it's possible but i seriously doubt it, that test is hard as fuck. i've passed n5, n4 and n3 and will be trying n2 but i've been told n1 is really hard to pass, damn near impossible for most people.

>> No.6445747

right, we should be ragging on a girl who hasn't actually done anything. forgot cgl's rules for a second there, whoops.

>> No.6445773

She was a local lolita in the SF community before she became a model. She was very nice and down to earth then. I've talked to her at events since she moved away and started modeling for AP and she still seems super nice to me.

>> No.6445784

I honestly can't tell if this thread is full of trolls or just shitty human beings...Are you guys seriously hating on her for being Chinese and being a teacher? :(

>> No.6445794
File: 799 KB, 864x648, 5e9e09cb72f72c8b9f6835ea86f30bdf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The white knighting in here is pretty gross.
Looks like sour grapes-chan is butthurt that her pathetic attempts to fabricate drama failed spectacularly.
Seriously, just stop already.

>> No.6445829

I met her once at an Ap party. She was very nice and pleasant. She also was on an episode of Kawaii tv explaining lolita modeling, and it made me respect her a lot more.

>> No.6445845

she's actually very smart! the only thing i don't like about her is that she's obsessed with herself.

seriously. i think she has enough ego to feed all of africa

>> No.6445853
File: 103 KB, 375x500, tumblr_m1ohs29rkY1qgjjjyo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic time? I think she's gorgeous.

>> No.6445862
File: 135 KB, 483x750, tumblr_mb92mjgt1U1qk2wjso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6445866

where to start....

first of all being an English teacher is not lowly. being a teacher of anything is something that ought to be highly respected.

secondly, while i agree with you that she's a bit stuck up, she was fiercely dedicated to lolita before she became a model. and to me is great because it means someone who genuinely loves lolita is also modeling it.

>> No.6445870
File: 136 KB, 280x373, mode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6445885
File: 84 KB, 612x612, f7b18826203511e2a77f22000a9e29a0_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6445893
File: 112 KB, 612x612, dc7ee5ca233d11e2a3d822000a1f9be5_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6445897
File: 141 KB, 640x767, 8175204824_31ef80b674_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6445902

Challenge: Live in Tokyo for over a year on a visa.

Obstacles: Must work full-time on your native Engish speaking skills because you are not a native Japanese speaker and your Japanese is not good enough to get a bilingual position.

All work must be done legally and tied with your visa. Money must be high enough to pay for your rent or room and board provided.

So tell me Anon, in glorious Nippon what will your job be? Keep in mind it has to be good enough to keep you in Japan for at least a year and it has to be realistic (ex. your resume and educational background must qualify for it).

I would LOVE to hear your response!!

>> No.6445907

Wow, so it really is over once you hit 30 if you're a woman. I knew it. First no one wants to marry you, then you'll never be know for being hot. Over 30 women can't catch a break.

>> No.6445914

Yeah you have to be damn near fluent to pass it.

>> No.6445920

Woah what was she doing with Cheesie?

>> No.6445925

Psshh. Based off that, besides an English teacher job, you'd have to have a specialized skill that you're really good at that someone Japanese can't already do better and a company(ies) are looking for someone that can do it.
I guess people can't understand that majority of a non-Japanese person's options are only as an English teacher of some sort. Unless like you said, you speak Japanese very well.

>> No.6445947

she and cheesie were both on tokyo kawaii TV and they became friends while on set. they hung out when cheesie went to japan in october.

>> No.6446097

Keep in mind that RinRin graduated from USC which is not an easy school to get into! I respect her more because she has a degree and perusing her dreams.

>> No.6446288

She only had like 2 dresses before she became a part-time model.

>> No.6446342

Lol the whiteknighting. Apply any of those reasons to all the other threads full of vitriol and shit you start up, you bunch of obese hideous hypocrites.

>> No.6446954


>> No.6447208
File: 182 KB, 376x640, la dee da Tylie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who thinks this doll looks like her?

>> No.6447259

I just got so excited while scrolling that there was a rinrin BJD out there somewhere.

Agreed though, it looks a lot like her.

I don't get why people don't like her. I think she's cute and looks different from a lot of other AP models

>> No.6447387
File: 11 KB, 315x315, la dee da city girl dee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, they're $20 dolls at toys r us. This one looks like the host of kawaii tv that also wears the really crazy outfits.

>> No.6447592


God that woman...I swear she always does the bitch face.

>> No.6447647

I think RinRin has the face Venus Angelic wishes she had

>> No.6447649


It's one angry anon that's mad because we aren't rising to the bait/giving two fucks. General consensus is that she's a p cool chick doing what she wants to do in Nippon.

>> No.6447713


tbh I think Asuka is uglier than RinRin

>> No.6447725

But Asuka's not a model.

>> No.6447724

It's not that impossible to live in Japan teaching English. Much easier than being a model, and you don't even need to know English that well, just have a BA.

>> No.6447802

Asuka designs dummy

>> No.6447878

former secrets mod
a friend of hers once begged me to take down a couple of secrets about her because apparently she has no self-esteem

>> No.6447884

Isn't that fairly common in lolita? Or with girls in general?

>> No.6447889

LOL which ones? The one about her nose?

>> No.6447898

yeah, i think so.

>> No.6447959

I know this, but I don't see why that matters?She's still less attractive than RinRin. She's always at tea parties and promo events and stuff.

>> No.6447974

I still remember when she would post on EGL and her username was AngelicLailah, then she disappeared and i saw her a year or so later with AP!

>> No.6447977

I don't really get the point you're trying to make. If you put Hillary Clinton in a room next to Angelina Jolie, of course Angelina is going to be prettier, but she doesn't know jack about foreign policy. Beauty is not a requirement for a job.

>> No.6447978

I guess the point is that Asuka's looks aren't as relevant - she does go to promo events, but it's because her skill is as the designer, not as a model. A model's purpose is to make clothing look attractive. So, although it's kind of catty, I suppose it makes sense that others might criticize her appearance, since it does actually have to do with her "purpose" (aka job). Asuka's job isn't to be beautiful or wear the clothes well, it's to design them, so as long as she represents the brand as best she can, it doesn't really matter if she's pretty or not.

That said, I think RinRin is beautiful and a great model for AP. I'm glad she's having fun!

>> No.6447988

Why not? What is with everyone hating on Chinese people? Without fucking China there wouldn't be Japan or Korea, damn.

>> No.6447991

That's a dumb comparison and you are dumb. A better comparison would be Coco Chanel and any random Chanel model.

If Asuka wasn't the ~designer~ then nobody would give a fuck who she was and she certainly wouldn't have a job in AP like RinRin does. Her job might not be being beautiful, but I've never seen her NOT wearing Angelic Pretty and she always looks ugly in them. Either way, my point was that Asuka is less pretty than RinRin. I think Maki is on the same level as RinRin, hence why I didn't mention it. I just don't get why I'm not allowed to criticize Asuka's looks when everyone else is fair game.

>> No.6447990

Ignore the troll and move on.

>> No.6447995

I disagree. I think Asuka is quite pretty; she's just not cute. I think her face is more mature and she would look better in at least classic lolita, if not a different style completely. I don't think bright colors suit her face well.

>> No.6447997
File: 43 KB, 460x308, 613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually they're both pretty ugly

>> No.6447998

It's not white knighting. It's not falling for the bait and instead, having conversations about her. Too bad your attempt for dramu didnt work.

>> No.6448001

Bro, you need to chill. You can criticize Asuka all you want, I don't think she's much of a looker either, but when you start asking why Asuka has a job at AP when RinRin is prettier, you're going to get obvious answers because that is a dumb question.

>> No.6448004

I don't think that person on the right is Asuka, but please correct me if I am wrong.

>> No.6448007

Where on earth did I say anything like WHY DOES ASUKA HAVE A JOB AT AP? I didn't ever. I just said Rin Rin was prettier. That's all.

No it is.

>> No.6448020
File: 198 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mdpy3mnXE41qgjjjyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize this picture is HELLA old, right? Even Maki (on the left) looks busted.
IMO Asuka looks better in candid pictures than posed ones

>> No.6448321

Yeah. Also Asuka looks way better irl than in photos. She doesn't wear much makeup so her face doesn't photograph that well, but she looks cute in person. Not beautiful, but far from ugly.

>> No.6449251

If it's hella old, then they should look better. Women only get worse with age.

>> No.6449661

This is the best photo of Asuka I've ever seen.

>> No.6449768
File: 60 KB, 250x250, Hercules_Thumbs_Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that's what they look like without much make-up and hair extensions, am I right?