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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 176 KB, 482x750, 1350189995244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6443306 No.6443306 [Reply] [Original]

So there was a tit but no cosplay ass thread?

man i thought you guys were cool

>> No.6443383
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>> No.6443423
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>> No.6449296
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>> No.6449301
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>> No.6449305
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moot might ban creeper threads

is this a creeper thread?

>> No.6449314

no its a dat ass thread

but 4chan should get a adult cosplay uniform etc board

>> No.6449310
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>> No.6450599
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the female posters on this board may find these sorts of threads degrading

>> No.6450671

Who gives a fuck!! no one is forcing these "girls" to show off their bodies. They do it for attention because they like it. If you're a girl and find other girls showing off their ass offensive, then don't do the same and go on your way. You cant control the world just because you feel entitled.

>> No.6450694


I'm actually a bit tired of seeing this one, it's always posted

>> No.6450696

>dat ass thread
>all but one ass belonging to fat chicks

>> No.6450700


always the same fucking pictures.

hasn't she cosplayed anything else lately?

>> No.6450706

repost thread!

>> No.6451063

Degrading is a codeword for "I feel bad about my body so no one should feel good about theirs".

>> No.6451079 [DELETED] 

/r9k/ here

Hating on the female body is a form of fascism.

>> No.6451085

Stop shitposting on /cgl/. Consider this your only warning.

>> No.6451090

go be pathetic somewhere else

>> No.6451922
File: 132 KB, 640x960, DAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up all of you. This is a thread about cosplayers' asses, not BEING an ass.

>> No.6451926
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>> No.6451957

Who's the girl on the OP pic?

>> No.6451962

You must be new here. This board was created for posting pictures of cosplayers.

>> No.6452026

Bumping for butts

>> No.6452046

> lusting over ass

But anon, poop come out of that, ewwwww

>> No.6452061

This is 4chan. Poop comes out of *everything*.

>> No.6452165

I'd be so afraid to leave the house like this.
Power to the girls who can do, lord knows I never could.

>> No.6452939
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>> No.6452940
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>> No.6452942

Some nice poo-cannons in this thread.

>> No.6453996
File: 670 KB, 490x276, dpd2l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In keeping with the theme of the thread, does anybody have tips on asstastic posing? People tell me I have a decent ass, but whenever I go for the butt shot in cosplay it comes out looking sad and flat and white girl-y. Until I kick my own ass into shape via squatz and oatz, are there any secrets to faking dat ass?

In exchange, have a corgi being vacuumed.

>> No.6454001

>are there any secrets to faking dat ass
get a shaper it does wonders.

>> No.6454040


>> No.6454058

Wear clothes that are cut tasetfully. Most of the best asses you'll see posted aren't in dental floss thongs or baggy jeans. Getting booty shorts or thong that's got everything cut at just the right angle for your hips and cheeks is real important.

And if you want to fake a /fit/-looking ass in a hurry, don't forget to clench.

>> No.6454147

I can't find any exact photos in this thread, and I can't post another photo because I'm on my iPad, but this pose - >>6450599 (except more head-on) tends to be the most flattering if you haven't got a perfectly round bottom.

>> No.6454155
File: 353 KB, 1138x2048, 464112_421027614585425_181144498573739_1482755_1433070556_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you really want to be posted in these sorts of threads?

>> No.6454196

Haven't tried a butt-specific shaper yet, only midsection ones. Do you have any recommendations?

Heels- check! I do love me some heels.

Fitting, thou art my nemesis. Does clenching really help? When I clench in the mirror my butt gets not only flatter but weird and boxy too.

There are worse threads to be posted in, all things considered. I just want a moneymaker I can be proud of!

So it's better to have a strong stance instead of putting your weight on one leg? I think I might be cocking my hip too much, because I just get one long line from hip to knee instead of delicious butt.

>> No.6454271

no dumbass, all of the shots are consensual/photographed with the cosplayer's knowledge/consent. nothing creepy about that. now go back to being an amish prude elsewhere.

>> No.6454544

Is there any more of her?

>> No.6454566
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>> No.6458022
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I wish to know her secrets.

>> No.6458113
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>> No.6458116

If they have an ass, squats. If they have no ass, cardio.

>> No.6458165
File: 36 KB, 386x378, 1317681158990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZONE-00 cosplay