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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 131 KB, 479x350, ndt badass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6443178 No.6443178 [Reply] [Original]

The folowing occurred about 20 minutes ago, on the bus home from work.

I pulled out my phone to check the time. The wallpaper on it, which has been unchanged for years, is a sneering Suigintou. A kid of around high-school age, let's say 17, was sitting nearby and noticed. "Hey," he pipes up, "so you like anime?"
"Some of it, not most," I reply.
He brings up Soul Eater and Dr Stein, I mention Franken-Fran in exchange as a comparison. So far, it's a ittle nerdy but okay.
And then.
"So you know about the jutsus, right? You know how some of them are real?"
He proceeds to tell me about how there are mystic powers that science can't explain, and that ninjas are real and can train themselves under an Elder to use magic. I'm trying not to laugh. Damn it, I'm trying. I can't hold it in. Thankfully, I'm saved as a friend of his boards the bus, and pulls his attention away from me but not from the subject matter.
Apparently, there are Mysical Bings in the world, empowered by The Lord to fight evil. He's studying to become one. He's already a warrior who can channel the Black Rage (which I thought was exclusive to the Black Panthers) and has the soul of an angel living in his body that helps him learn magical powers. Also, he can make his eyes change color.
I made it to my stop, took a deep breath to collect my sanity, and came straight here to report. Through all the cons I've been to, I'd never had anything for these threads before. Thanks for reading.

>> No.6443197
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holy shit

>> No.6443217

good job holding your shit together. Not sure I could have persevered in your place

>> No.6443232


How the fuck did you keep a straight face?

>> No.6443245

I eventually failed to, it was too much for me, but I don't think he noticed/cared.

>> No.6443259
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How.... did he even come to this conclusion....?
Like, did he read a Naruto AU fanfiction or something?

>> No.6443265

Those Mystical Bings, man.

I've had conversations with schizophrenics before, though, and never started giggling - but then, what they say usually makes an odd kind of sense, in a way.

>> No.6443277

If I were you I'd have gotten off the bus before I got to my stop

>> No.6443281
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Be engulfed by the flames of darkness and begone mere mortal!

>> No.6443295

if you stop being a faggot then retards won't approach you
"thanks for reading," but did you even read it before you posted it? tl;dr, saged for irrelevance also and samefag

>> No.6443443

post the suigintou

>> No.6443491

I had to deal with someone like that once. Went on and on about how he was the chosen one and how there were crystals he needed to find, and how one was under the school.
Though I don't really blame him. He must have been fucked up in the head from being a foster kid. Last I heard he grew sick of the bullies and got homeschooled.

>> No.6443539
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>which I thought was exclusive to the Black Panthers

Awesome OP.

>> No.6443577

Got one:
>at Barnes & Noble the other day
>see two fat chicks who look like Tumblr threw up on them looking at Hobbit/LOTR promotional merchandise
>love the Gandalf and Gollum plushies
>we chat a little over them and old fanfiction, laugh, then split up. They're nice I guess but super snowflakey
I walk around a little more but then decide to check up on a manga series I like to see if they've updated...
>"oooh, you like manga too, you're COOOOOOOL"
>fattest one practically lunges towards me as she says this, awkward red lipstick on her teeth, massive legs jiggling beneath those shitty sheer skirts that's longer in the back than the front, totally see through, she's wearing hotpants
>friend smiling creepily
>I collect phone charms and Tumblrweeb reaches into my bag and starts fangirling over them
>is too stunned to do anything
>store employee comes up to see if she can help us
>start chatting with employee because I want to get away from the weebs and employee and I were in J-club together in high school
>slightly thinner weeb grabs one of employees braids and fucking SNIFFS it
>employee ignores flawlessly, I am amazed
>miraculously my mom appears somehow in the same store and saves me

>> No.6443625

What is it with braids and creepers? I used to braid my waist length hair into two braids until a creeper grabbed my boob trying to grab my braid for god knows what reason in the college cafeteria.

>> No.6443638

>at the mall for black friday
>'asian trinkets' place is going out of business and they have hello kitty stuff
>decide to look at their stuff
>employee walks up behind me


>she is wearing ears and a tail
>mutter an answer, put down whatever crap I was looking at, and leave

I just shouldn't go in those stores. It's just a mess.

>> No.6443640
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It's an oekaki image by an unknown artist.
Should have convinced him to sneak onto school grounds at night and try to dig it up.

>> No.6443666


Did she mean Kuromi..? Sorry, uh, Hello Kitty fag in me just wondering.

>> No.6443719

I am now bracing myself for the extreme weeb fandom that shall be unleash upon the Hobbit. Poor, poor Gandalf.

>> No.6443742
File: 79 KB, 1280x1024, WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at a bookstore that is selling most of their books and items 50%+ off due to closing down
>go to the manga section to pick out manga for my little cousins since it's 50% off
>here enters 2 guys and a girl
>both guys look fairly normal, both skinny hoodies, jeans, etc
>the girl was fat and wearing a tshirt with some sort of an anime guy on it, the jean + skirt combo, and cat ears and tail
>girl rummages around the yaoi section and starts squeeing, both guys looked uncomfortable
>all of a sudden, she is silent and drops the 4 yaoi manga she was holding
>she drops to the ground and crawls into the very bottom shelf where it looks to be empty
>at this point, I had no idea what was going on
>she then pulls out a box and literally starts screaming
>it was a box of pocky, like 20 or so
>she announces that hit the jackpot
>mfw the box was dented on all sides, collecting dust and looked like it's been there for ages and forgotten.

>> No.6443751

Maybe she'll get sick from eating the moldy Pocky and swear off all things weeaboo for the rest of her life.

>> No.6443755

>Black Rage (which I thought was exclusive to the Black Panthers)

Shit. Lost.

>> No.6443761

ITT: weebs complaining about weebs because they can't release their weeb powerlevel in public

>> No.6443763

Yeah I was looking at a coffee thermos with Kuromi on it.

>> No.6443783

u mad?

>> No.6443787

I am laughing

>> No.6443792

More like weebs complaining about weebs who can't control their powerlevel.

The proper established place to release weeb powerlevels is at cons, nowhere else.

>> No.6443793

>fedora guy crying about stuff

>> No.6443810


Oh boy I just experienced a creeper story although it may not be a weeaboo one. So I was looking through the forums as usual and I saw this person who is a newbie to this con and wants someone to hang out with. So I figure hey why not since after all conventions are meant for meeting new people. So we chatted online for a little bit, exchange numbers and all that before the convention; and didn't know what I was about to get myself into... And so the convention came and I met her in person, this girl is pretty much obsessed with Stocking and all weekend she was cosplaying her. Her costume was okay but the problem was that she cut her wig too short and she wears glasses in pictures. When we first hung out she didn't bother to say anything and it was pretty awkward since everything was silent and she didn't bother talking about herself or even talk about the same interest that we like.

But here comes the creepy part: Right when we went to our seperate ways she will call or text me every single hour of the day even though I told her I was busy since I had a busy schedule and I may be too distracted to pick up my phone. It was getting to a point where she had her friend to call me and thinking that I was bailing on her even though I told her where I was at. She would say things like: "I wanna hang out" or "I'm by myself and I have no one to hang out with".

>> No.6443814


Things didn't go creepy until Saturday night where me and my group were waiting in line for a panel. Now our line was huge and we have security bitching at us to stand next to the wall and we have no room for more people at that point. So unfortunately she found me and rudely cuts in front of the people just so she can stand next to me. After 15 minutes of more silent awkwardness and having her not give me any personal space she finally left to go to another panel while our group was attending to the panel where we were suppose to go. After we attended to our panel, the creepiness had gone worst since she basically followed me around for the rest of the night. I left a panel to meet my friends at the lobby and guess what? She followed me there even though I have not told her where I was going like if she was spying on me. We had to find another location just to get away from her since I had enough of her since all she did that weekend was texting for me to hang out with her.

On that Sunday I still receive many text messages from her but I still ignored her. After the con was over she wanted to be my friend on facebook, my reaction: "FUCK NO!"

Moral of the story: Don't trust a con newbie! Especially if that person begs for companionship!

>> No.6443888
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>home for the holidays
>black friday shopping with mom
>stop by the weeb shop in the mall to see if they're having a sale
>clerks are being harangued by young weebs about how there's no white employees
>family-owned business
>owner finally relents and tells them to submit a resume for consideration
>looking at folding star paper
>one of these girls with a smile that is far too wide pops up at my shoulder
>"can I help you find anything?"
>"no, just browsing."
>"you should really buy this backpack and these erasers!"
>holds up children's backpack with moonspeak scrawled all over
>"no, that's okay. they're not really my thing."
>"are you racist against japan or something?!"
>"i... um... excuse me."
>scurry over to the counter with my purchases and GTFO

There's something very different about small town hillbilly weebs.

>> No.6443912

>Only asian in class
>Girl taps my shoulder and asks if I knew Japanese because I looked Japanese
>"I'm vietnamese"

She replies with "what's that?"

>> No.6443914

>being Vietnamese
only considerable asians are koreans and japanese

>> No.6443922

Apparently. But I'm glad I'm not Japanese in that situation.

>> No.6443926

You should've used your ancient kung-fu skills and karate chopped her into next kimchi.

>> No.6443936

aw man i dont even wanna get started about when people say i shouldnt call myself asian because im filipino instead of korean, japanese, or chinese

>> No.6443937

post pics to redeem yourself

>> No.6443944

Tell me about it.

>> No.6444000

I think the darker-skinned asians are more attractive, personally.

I probably have better a story than this, but it's been on the top of my head for the last few days so I'll share it.
>2008, upper year of high school
>left my weeb phase in middle school
>not one to waste things, I use a modified Itachi necklace to hold my house keys and some bottle caps
>my GF gave me some taro fish snack so I'm eating it while waiting for the late bus, chilling out next to the security guard at the door
>some fat chick passes by, apparently she's waiting for the bus too or something, starts chatting with me
>notices the necklace, asks me about NAR-OO-TO.
>dismisses it, saying I'm not really into it any more, it just holds my keys
>she demands I give it to her
>when I decline she takes my fish snack
>she proceeds to hold my food hostage while I try to politely get it back
>things escalate until I grab a fistful of her shirt and wrench it downwards, bringing her jiggling mass down with it
>take my food back, go back to the security guard and sit back down next to him again while she skulks off
>Guard: I thought she was your friend. If I had known I would've stepped in.

Fuck being a short 5'1" asian guy.

>> No.6444002

Happens so much, but I just give act like the scary anime guys they fap to.
Then I get my food.
And be worshiped.

>> No.6444041

Aww youre so little

>> No.6444367

wouldn't even have any of those if it weren't for the chinese though.

>> No.6444368

Because you're not. You're a pacific islander. Just like japanese people

captcha Rice otrmon

>> No.6444499

that's more sad then creepy

>> No.6444552

You met up with a "noob" under the pretense that you could hang out. You got what you wanted. If it ever began to be creepy, you tell them plainly to their face. Why drag out an awkward situation; just have the heart to be honest rather than bite your tongue or hide your true feelings. It could become a troubling habit that prevents you from being you whenever you want.

>> No.6444557

Dated a Vietnamese girl for two years. Only girl I've ever loved and lost

>> No.6444561


>> No.6444570

go change a diaper

>> No.6444923
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not a very exciting weeb story but might as well bump the page with it

>>Work at used retail shop. We sell anime games and movies
>>Two weebs come in
>>One fat chick with way too tight clothing that look liked a cheap lolita lace monster. With fuzzy orange cat ears and tail
>>And the other a skinny as fuck creepy guy. looked pretty much what you think of for a guy weeb
>>All around annoying the other customers and randomly sqweeing
>> saying " kai-waay-eeeh" (yes that's how she said it)
>>Asked me if halo 4 can play on the old original xbox...i just...what? No it freaking says '360' on it
>>Then they left

nothing too exciting. I did try and take a picture of them but alas I got too busy and couldn't do it without being too obvious

>> No.6445043



I wish you'd turned to face him with a deadly serious look on your face and asked him to change his eye colour right then and there.

>> No.6445103

well lately this mentally challenged guy in my neighborhood who dresses like raiden from mortal kombat is trying to get me hit by cars when I cross the road

>can't see around corner
>guy: you're clear!
>car obviously coming around corner
>guy: never mind!
>yell back that I'll just wait for the light.

he also skips around town and catches the bus so I assume he can take care of himself. he also wears armbands made out of gold duct tape.

>> No.6445130
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I have a lot of stories, since weebs seem to gather at my school. I think this is best one.

>3 weebs sit at table in art class
>special snowflakes, yaoi fangirls, and scene kids rolled into two girls
>boy is greasy pizzafaced and skinny
>only talk to eachother
>sometimes scream and laugh loudly
>all 3 of them copy or trace animu art
>teacher tells them "be creative, and not use copyrighted material"
>weebs are enraged
>refuse to actually draw on their own
>teacher fails them all for the semester
>find out weebs filed a lawsuit against teacher for molesting one of the girls in class
>there's about 50 kids in the class and there's 6 of us at the table where the 'incident' happened
>a few months later things get resolved
>weebs are kicked out of class and fail

>> No.6445206

You're totally right anon, this is one of my habits I really need to break. The problem is that I'm too nice and I don't really speak up when there's a problem. I mean I didn't know she was going to be this way until the day of the con. It is actually sad since her entire focus was on me rather than other people around her since I thought she had other friends to hang out with like her friend who called me. There is another con coming up soon and I believe she's going to that one as well, so if this happens again then I'm going to have to be honest with her.

>> No.6445245


>> No.6445250

This shit happens to me and I'm Korean. Then some Koreaboo heard me say Korean then starts fangirling about Kpop. Then I tell them Kpop is alright and they get all in my face about it.

>> No.6445256

>find out weebs filed a lawsuit against teacher for molesting one of the girls in class

for failling them on there shitty drawings

>> No.6445272
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> Wearing Epic Meal time baconstrips shirt
> I kinda look like muscles glasses
> in international district of Seattle
> looking at manga
> rave girl shows up in massive clusterfuck of an outfit
> lime green tutu, orange tanktop, rainbow socks. cat ears and tail
> she is a little on the chubby side, but not too bad, still has a cute face
> she spots me reading an FMA manga
> "What is a guy like you reading manga for?"
> me: "Guilty Pleasure."
> she brings up Sakura and Kamoricon
> i mention that I'm going as Greed
> fangirl sequel. "That is so hot!"
> she pulls on my arm dragging me around the store with her
> I look for a chance to leave
> "So what's your number?"
> Me: I can't remember it, I don't even have my phone on me."
> try to walk away politely
> Her:"wanna make out?"
> mfw

>> No.6445292


Say, aren't you the fellow that shared the utilikilt story?

>> No.6445314

You dare mock our religion and mystic powers?

>> No.6445348


Also the Scout At Sakura con

>> No.6445379

>wanna make out
Jesus Christ. I can't stop laughing.

>> No.6445389

She cut straight to the chase.

That's what had me scared.

>> No.6445460

she knows what she wants

>> No.6445559
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>freshman year dorms
>generic black guy, seems fairly nice at first
>tells us first about the time he saw his "sensei" getting shot at and he dodged the bullets
>later, random people are watching a YouTube clip of something violent when he walks in
>runs back to his room, packs his bags and disappears for 3 days.

>> No.6445660
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i got one but it's kinda weak sauce- how was the poor broad to know i was off my nuts?

>be shrooming
>taking bus to alien lands unknown
> around 3 pm so local high school just got out
>two asian guys, some goth asian girl and a chubby white weeb get on and sit behind me.
>they talkin- i shroomin- all's in its right place.
>they are speaking suspiciously loud.
>zone out a moment then tune back into their convo- they mention red hair
>mfw i have red hair
>holy shit they're talking about me
>holy shit they're talking to me?
>cause im a brave motherfucker i look back
>weeb is staring me down-
>get off at next stop- slight sweat.
>as i walk past to the exit weeb yells out 'i think you're pretty'
>mfw i spazz out a slight cringe and i know im the rude fuck.
>mfw im inspired to get a strawberry ramune drink and trip out on it later that day

save for occasional lurking on this board, i have almost no interaction with this sub-culture. i can't hang.

>> No.6445670

Sounds like an awesome dude.

>> No.6445762
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I was never really a 'weeb' in the sense of what it is now, but looking back I remember a girl who was and tried to pull me into her twisted world.

In grade 7 Gundam Wing was starting to get popular with my group of friends. One day a friend (we will call her Tess) quickly shoved a note in my hand and told me not to read it until I get home, it was 'top secret' info. Get home and inside is a letter detailing how this guy 'Matt' has been protecting me from this evil organization, that the gundams were real, and his code name was 'Duo'. I laugh as it is all totally in her handwriting. Next day I go to school and find out 3 of my other friends got similar notes (each one from a different main character from Gundam Wing) We all laugh it off, humour her some. Then she gets really crazy insisting that we had to wear all denim on a certain day, tried to get me to break into this summer home near me because 'Matt' was being held captive there, and all this crazy shit. She honestly would NOT stop until my friends and I got together, told her we switched sides and wrote a fake note detailing how we killed these imaginary guys.

A few months later Escaflowne became the big thing. Tess brought in fake news articles stating that scientists had discovered a planet that orbits behind the moon and may hold life. She proceeds to try to convince us that the world of Escaflowne is real and she is in touch with Vaughn. She even went out and bought a necklace like Hitomi's. At this point we all stopped talking to her because we saw how 'humoring' her just makes her more scary.

>> No.6445764


Grade 8 starts and we all discover cosplay. Tess begins talking to a cosplayer online and her boyfriend (pic very related). They seem pretty cool people, then she begins some of the same shit. Claiming this girls boyfriend flies to Canada just to cheat on this girl with Tess. We ignore it.

This girl then posts pictures of a Battle Royale shoot. Tess brings in the pictures. Here's the twist, she's put them into more 'news' articles stating how a photo shoot at a con turned into the real battle royale and a bunch of kids were given real collars and now were being forced to fight each other to the death. I sent scans of all the notes she wrote me about this to the cosplayer girl. From what I know she ran hard and fast in the opposite direction of Tess.

It was at this point most of us cut our losses and never talked to her again. I still see her from time to time at cosplay/anime events and cons, and she still seems JUST as crazy.

>> No.6445882

When did Escaflowne ever become a big thing? It's one of my favorite animes, but I've never met other fan irl.

>> No.6445927

You have to look this girl up online and find her Deviantart.

>> No.6445932
File: 37 KB, 700x700, 1353121229756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw people like this actually exist

>> No.6445937

Wasn't a hacked up Escaflowne dub briefly on regular TV some time after the "Cardcaptors" debuted? I remember some teen girl anime was.

>> No.6445941

Escaflowne was huge in early 2000.

>> No.6445960

Not really. It only had 9 episodes on tv and then got cancelled. The movie was sorta big in sumer of 2000.

>> No.6445963

very briefly in late 2000 on fox kids. then it got canceled.

>> No.6445970

>first time on /cgl/
>first thread I see

Huh. The same thing happened to me on /x/...

>> No.6446052

Where I lived it was a big thing really with our friends. I probably should have clarified that. YTV ran the entire series, and the movie. At the time all we really had on TV was that, Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon, Digimon and Pokemon.

>> No.6446065

If you are talking about the picture that isn't 'Tess' It's the specific picture she used to try to convince us that Battle Royale was the real deal. She's another innocent party in the crazy girls escapade.

If you want Tess's Deviantart I have absolutely no idea what it might be. She didn't use it while I was still talking to her.

>> No.6446105


It was on tv longer in Canada, on YTV. Anime North 2002, every other chick was Merle.

>> No.6446291

In middle school, my good friend and I were really into Sailor Moon. This was like 2002. She was a year older than me.
So she comes to school one day with this necklace from Claire's with a picture of the planet Saturn on it and told me that the necklace let us talk to Sailor Saturn.
I'm ashamed to admit, but I played along with her delusions. She let me take the necklace home one night and I told her what message Sailor Saturn told me.
So I guess the horror story is me, too.
I wasn't really a weeb, just Sailor Moon obsessed. I looked at Sailor Moon sites and when they had sections about other anime I thought "Why would anyone care about that show?"

>> No.6446341

to be fair, the problem isn't you being "too nice", the problem is you valuing your niceness over truth.

i hail from /r9k/, and i hate it when people blame their problems on being "too nice".

>> No.6446395
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this one is pretty tame compared to some other stories, but it really scared me at the time
be in anime club, 14 years old, smallest kid in high school
hanging out with friend, two guys come up to us and start chatting it up
one is tall and nerdy looking, the other is about 300 lbs and at least 5' 11'' with long, greasy dyed black hair, tall one is surprisingly cool and the conversation degrades to him talking to my female companion and I, greaseball is eerily quiet and throws in odd comments every once in a while. Tried being friendly with him after that because i was retarded, even though something about the guy honestly scared me
1/? pic unrelated

>> No.6446476
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i end up missing the swimming days for p.e., teacher is surprisingly cool about it and lets me make it up after school. this is my first time ever staying after besides anime club. I'm waiting around school waiting for my swimming appointment while everyone is filed out. I got this really weird feeling when i was sitting alone in an empty hallway, again, because i was retarded. And then who else but the fucking greaseball should show up, on a tuesday when no one else is around. He recognizes me and starts talking to me about anime, or some shit politely, i listen and go along with him and start to think that maybe i was wrong about him. He asks me if I'm walking home and i tell him i'm staying after for swimming. He gets a disgusted look in his face and tells me swimming is dumb, and that he is going to be gong home. he walks with me talking all the way to the pool. On the way there, i see this retarded kid from my spanish class, tell him hola, and he smiles and mutters something that sounded like take it easy. I wasn't really sure if that was what he said, so i turn to greaseball and ask him what he said and greaseball says creepily, "he said you have a nice ass"
honestly, thats the only time anyone has said that to me, so i felt a little sick and told him i was leaving so i ran to the locker room.

>> No.6446522

sorry for retarded, i should have said mentally challenged, it seemed like the kids from special ed stayed longer than everyone else. i changed, relieved that the greaseball was on his way home and i would once again be passing freshman physical education. All suited up in my little one piece, i made my way to the swimming pool and met with some other nice kids from my class. After the make up exercises were over and i was no longer required to be there, i left the pool and dried my eyes with a towel i left on the bench when i hear an incredibly large splash. I looked over, horrifyingly watching greaseball lumber out of the pool, his stomach looked like a giant beach ball, and it looked like pure oil was rolling off of him instead of pool water. He's smiling his ass off and he tells me he decided he would swim with me. But the tone of his voice, it just seemed like he was lowering himself enough to swim with me. I excused myself and went back into the locker room to change

>> No.6446584
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i started changing, and i was shaking and at the same time trying to change as fast as i could. When i left the room, i thought i was home free. Nope motherfucker. He was already outside of my door, waiting for me. I was starting to sweat like a bastard, as soon as i saw him, i immediately turned to ignore him, my greatest mistake. Never turn your back to a weeb. It was still a while until my dad would come to pick me up, so i went to my locker to pick up some things and kill some time. I ran there, hoping to lose him. I got there and as soon as I finished turning the lock combination, he was at the end of the hallway. I slammed my locker, speedwalked the hell out of there and weaved through hallways trying to lose him. But he was always behind me. He was following me, i'm terrified. I started running to the door when i saw my friend, nadia. Thank got i thought and i ran up to her, and started sputtering out.
"Nadia, there's this guy following me-"
and she said, loud enough for anyone to hear, "oh, you mean cody?"
I turned around, and he was right behind me, and he grabbed me by the arm and started leading me out the door, i tried shaking him off but i couldn't.
4/5 sorry for length

>> No.6446658
File: 25 KB, 373x464, chris-hansen-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he got me into an empty room before he let go of my arm, looking back on it i think he wanted to tell me off in private or something, as soon as he let me go i launched off like a rocketship outside, where it turns out my dad was waiting for me. too afraid to go back to anime club, even though i really liked it so i just stop going. Don't see him again for two years.

>> No.6446660


>> No.6446661

Refreshing like crazy but mad that you apparently are still 14, going by your spelling and grammatical skills alone.

>> No.6446675

quite a relief but quite an anti-climax as well.

>> No.6446730
File: 52 KB, 690x633, Majora's Mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the lack of action, anon. If it helps at all, a rumor went around that he was gone for two years because he beat the hell out of some girl
no, im just really shitty at spelling/grammar

>> No.6446773

it didn't, now i'm worried again.

i wanted you to do something heroic ensuring his era of violence and terror was brought to a halt

>> No.6446833

I still feel bad for not saying anything, especially after that rumor. I really wanted to get out of there fast, I had never been more terrified of another human being in my life. Hopefully someone posts a story where they stand up to a jerk

>> No.6446887

>person on cgl makes flat story
>tell them

sure showed them

>> No.6446895

>fish snacks

Damn, fellow asian here, fucking love that stuff. It's too bad you can never really find it except at select stores though.

Also, sucks about what happened to you,

>> No.6446983


We had Medabots, Monster Rancher and Power Stone too. I feel like there was something else too, but I can't remember... I used to sit down and watch the anime lineup every Saturday afternoon. Then later on when they had anime nights with Inuyasha, Gundam Seed, and... god, what else? My memory is shit. All I know is that I miss those days, and how much I used to love anime.

>> No.6447109


Crazies seem to have a lot in common, no matter the fandom/obsession.

>> No.6447166

>Gundam Seed

>> No.6447515

Won't believe it until I see it

>> No.6447545


Yeah. They played back to back. Also there were others... I forgot until I looked them up out of curiosity; .hack//SIGN, Witch Hunter Robin and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex all played on the same night.

>> No.6447562

It was the Bionix schedule on YTV.

>> No.6447627

Mobile Suit Gundam and Gundam 0080 aired with Inuyasha back in 2002.

Also, GitS: SAC and Witch Hunter Robin did not air until 2004. I am not sure about .hack//sign though. I honestly do not remember ever watching it when it was on.

>> No.6447672 [DELETED] 


I'm pretty sure we didn't even have those Gundams for YTV? At least I really don't remember them ever airing, and this list I pulled up to properly remember the lineup http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/company.php?id=1651 doesn't mention them either. GiTS and WHR did air later then the initial introduction of Inuyasha, but eventually they did start showing them together along with Seed.

>> No.6447677


I don't think we even had those Gundam series for YTV? At least I don't remember ever seeing them, and this list I pulled up to remember the lineup (animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/company.php?id=1651) doesn't mention them either. GiTS and WHR did air later then the initial introduction of Inuyasha, but eventually they did start showing them together along with Seed.

>> No.6447692


>> No.6447693

Oh god right in the nostalgia. Yeah I used to stay up all the time to watch Inuyasha on Friday nights. I remember watching both Dragonball and Zatch Bell before it. However I hated Gundam back then so would turn the t.v. off after Inuyasha. I also remember watching Bleach much later in the night if I had stayed up or fallen asleep and woke up to the t.v. on.