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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 28 KB, 477x361, immad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6441470 No.6441470 [Reply] [Original]

Okay guys, im officially mad, 110% mad. Im pretty good with cosplay competitions in general and who wins and that jazz, I don't win and im all for who wins etc, what matters is if you have fun. But today my jimmies were rustled so hard for the first time about cosplaying and competitions, this was so biased. Today at a cosplay convention, a pretty serious one of the sort there was a lot of bought cosplays, yeah thats expected. But there was some really awesome ones like a Big Daddy from bioshock who had made a steel diving helmet, put all the LED's in the tubes etc and generally looked amazing.

Anywyay, in a nut. Get to Cosplay competition at end of the day, male winner is a Tony Stark cosplay that had about as much effort put into it as one would when you go into public,

And best cosplay all round was a Harley Quinn cosplayer who couldn't grease makeup and was wearing a $20 Harley Quinn halloween costume that you find in stores. No mention of the awesome Bioshock girl, or the awesome Scout trooper, or generally the better cosplays which would have involved a few months of work. However these two cosplays would of taken about an hours work to get done, walk into store buy costume, get out, grease paint on (badly), win competition. Jimmies rustled

Tldr; Ebay costumes win cosplay contests

Also Loki cosplayers (mainly female) are annoying the shit out of me as of late; You are loki of asgard and your about to be burdened with the back of my hand if you tell me to Kneel for your shitty photos. Just getting all my rage out.

Post your cosplay rage stories here if you have any.

>> No.6441480

Are we talking Tony Stark as in... just ordinary guy? So just scribled on stuble, chest light thing and just casual clothes? If so.. the judges have downs.

>> No.6441484

Scribled on stubble with permanent marker. No light chest thingo. He didn't even look like Tony stark. Looked more like a girl to be honest.

>> No.6441487
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>loki cosplayers
You mean Tom Hiddleston fan girls, right? Because they're the worst.

>> No.6441492
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>about to be burdened with the back of my hand

>> No.6441495 [DELETED] 

The probably deserve worse.

>> No.6441503
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Fuck that, just punch them square in the face or tear those shitty horns off. Im sick of Loki cosplayers in general as well. Everything they say is a frigging quote from the movie, every word. Annoying as shit.

>> No.6441511
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How the fuck does that even win.

>> No.6441514
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>> No.6441523
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Friends of the judges, OP.
This is why I don't bother with competitions.
Eventually, I'm hoping, people will realize this and stop entering. Cons will lose the drive to hold competitions because only 5 people will be in it, and it'll stop completely.
That'll take years to happen, if it does, though.

>> No.6441530

Op here, im considering just walking out / leaving before every cosplay competition from now on because it just shits me off so much, I just couldn't believe it. Then again next year at one of the conventions we are having ill be judging so i shall be able to deliver divine punishment to all people who cant grease paint or who havent put at least a minimal amount of effort into making it not a ebay costume. Not being a dick while doing it but just making sure people who win truly deserve it..

>> No.6441538

What i did too. Its just the way things are.

>> No.6441554

How can you possibly fuck up grease paint? If it was peeling or falling off it must of been super cheap face paint from a 2 dollar shop or something.. i just dont know how you can fudge up grease paint

>> No.6441612

hey OP, (this is offtopic but) possible future Lady Loki cosplayer here. I know Lady Loki is canon, but still - any tips for me as to how not to act? I haven't seen avengers or anything or read any of the comics, only seen Thor. I'd like to hope that I'm not one of the annoying ass people in the fandom (I'm not really 'in the fandom' either) but I just want to avoid acting like the people I hate once I'm in character.

>> No.6441620

I cosplayed lady loki as well, but I'm a fan of the comics and don't particularly care for the movie version. If you don't want people to treat you like a bandwagon movie cosplayer... read the comics and don't jump around quoting the movie and kissing up all over Thor's. It's out of character and ridiculous and offensive on so many levels.

>> No.6441625

Just don't keep referring to everyone as "midgardians" and food as "petty misgardian food" and generally just being a snob, that and quoting the movie none stop and that stupid kneel crap will make people get mad pretty fast. Basically none of that and your good.

Basically this

>> No.6441626

OH and chasing after Tony stark and screaming at him for hours.

>> No.6441642

>petty misgardian food
>loki cosplayers
This is why we cant have nice things

>> No.6441648
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Sometimes people win because of their personalities. If you had a great costume but had bad posture and attitude you are obviously not going to do well.

>> No.6441679

Neither of them had a particularly good personality. I think that argument goes out the window when there were plenty of other good cosplays out there that werent bought from the store literally 300m away who had good personalities. It just was really quiet stuffed up and a obvious friend circle vote..

>> No.6441694
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>I haven't seen avengers or anything or read any of the comics, only seen Thor
>haven't read the comics
>only seen Thor

you are the cancer killing cosplay

>> No.6441695

I hate these Thor/loki fangirls more than you could ever know. Some turned up in cosplay to a pagan/asatru meeting.... they have invaded our forums to ask things about what the 'real' thor/loki's favorite cakes are.... some ask to 'convert' so them can closer to their 'real life husbando'...

When I see them at cons I want to strangle them. I am 110% mad.

>> No.6441701

yeah iv encountered a few but today I was extra bitter, i had a helmet on so i was pulling all sorts of faces that they couldn't see.. but I just couldn't handle how annoying they are. And that generally sounds awful. I feel your pain friend.

>> No.6441726

try being a sifloki cosplayer and getting bunched in with all these tards now. if one more bitch comes up to me like the horns are a beacon to yap about tom hiddlestone worship i'm going to scream.

I really don't find him attractive whatsoever...

>> No.6441729

why are you cosplaying Lady Loki if you haven't read the comics? Sorry but you seem like a bandwagon hopper, and people will realize this.

>> No.6441747

Why do you care about acting in character if you haven't even read the comics? If you like the costume that's cool, just act like your normal self. .

>> No.6441752

Any photos of the cosplayers you were talking about and what con was this?

>> No.6441753
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if you've only seen Thor, then you're doing it wrong. it's like cosplaying from a game you've never even played.

>> No.6441764

I encountered a Lady Loki at Otakon this year. The first time I saw her, she introduced herself loud and clearly, which is whatever. I actually appreciate people in character. Some idiots actually did kneel before her, but if they think they're that lowly then that's there thing. Her cosplay was done very, Very well though. Upon seeing her later I asked if I could get a picture of her. She acted all self entitled, snobbishly saying that she wasn't doing pictures right then (mind you she was just standing around) and to come back later. I just walked away.
Lady, you're NO ONE. You. Are. No. One.
Bitch acted like I was going to traverse the entire convention center just praying for a chance to see her again so I could snap a photo.
I understand being in character when not directly interacting with people. That's chill. Being an asshole to people who are essentially giving you the biggest compliment by asking for a picture is not in fact, chill.

>> No.6441774

Oh my god. I get acting in character but I don't understand how such a large amount of people actually ~think~ they're the character and use "IM JUST ACTING" to excuse their shitty behavior.

see: all of Homestuck

I'm so sorry you had to go through that, OP.

>> No.6441793
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I've just about had it with Loki cosplayers and my friends falling over the PERFECTION that is ~*Tom Hiddleston*~

My most recent encounter with these horrible fangirls was when one commented to some Sif cosplayer on how embarrassed she must be that Thor preferred fucking his brother over her.

>> No.6441812
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>>6441523 This is why I don't bother with competitions

Agreed. I also don't bother either for the same reasons.

When you enter a contest you now have to worry about:

friends of the judges
ebay costumes
liars whose mom or grandma made it
judges that can't tell a handmade prop/costume from a store bought one
Judges who vote for a costume cause it comes from something they worked on
People who buy a costume and change one simple thing on it and then claim they made 80% of it

It's all just too much to expect it to be fair.
On the plus side no one cares who won what in a week. Most of the pictures will be of the actual GOOD costumes anyways. No one will care about Harley Quinn #75764

>> No.6441926

i don't think tom hiddleson is perfect and all that attractive..he's meh.

>> No.6441949

You also have to worry about judge bias, too. If you're cosplaying from something the judge doesn't like/doesn't care for and they can't get over that, don't expect to get their vote at all.

>> No.6441976

Could you imagine a cosplay contest judged by the anons of /cgl/???
I'd fucking pay to see that. most of you would be as critical as simon when he judged american idol. and thats what would make it great.

>> No.6441978


Just cause there isn't enough rage here yet.

>> No.6442115

What the fuck

>> No.6442267

I was preparing to rage but it's actually pretty cute and well-made.

>> No.6442286

I once lost to a girl just because she was friends with the judges...

I mean, I wasn't expecting to walk out a winner, but I wasn't expecting the girl with a 'Princess Edward' dress made out of cheap satin, and a shit wig to walk out a winner either.

>> No.6442324

I'm not terribly familiar with the Avengers and Batman and such, and depending on the convention, perhaps this comment serves moot, but don't most [anime] conventions have some sort of rule designating that you must enter with some Japanese-related costume somehow? Either that it's from a Japanese show or game or culture-based, etc. Or are those only the conventions I go to?

I've had some pretty shitty cosplay competition experiences. I was once in a competition that required craftsmanship judging but rather than give out awards based on craftsmanship, the awards were delegated by audience voting, so it was a popularity contest. The girl who won was someone who cosplayed Sora or whomever and had some simple light-up prop. There were several more qualified costumes.

I had avoided entering costume contests for so long because I felt my skills weren't up to par... but after being in a few, I realize that it often doesn't matter too much if you make amazing costumes or not.

I also bought AX cosplay contest tickets this year and was highly, highly disappointed in the quality of costumes.

>> No.6442327
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Why are the judges friends with people like this, anyway?
To be a judge, I'd assume you'd have to have some damn good cosplay experience, so why are you friends with someone so failed?
You've got to have some friends who can make better shit...

>> No.6442882

OP here, basically this, is what really got to me, just totally wasn't expecting it. And it really quiet angered me it was a minute cosplayer who won

>> No.6442891

omg thats so cute THE HULK PART LOL

>> No.6442957
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Funny story, I remember getting weirded out at first when I found out the winner of AOD 2011's masquerade was an Edward Elric cosplay (not the one with the metal arm, that one with Winry won second if I recall correctly). Then it turned out, when the judges were stating their reasons, it was because they made everything almost flawlessly, including the trunk they carried and their own goddamn shoes. If you make your own trunk and shoes out of all things, I'm pretty sure you deserve something. Simplicity can go a long way, IF done correctly.

Half-assed Avengers cosplayers and "sexy" DC villains, please don't enter unless you put some ridiculous effort into your costume or become a Don Robert, who kept making Iron Man suits and went to the point of even adding the damaged detail in the second movie. Pic related.

>> No.6442986
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Get out. I hope you're joking.

>> No.6443103

Simple can look good but when a Harley Quinn store bought 20 dollar costume from a Halloween store with peeling grease paint and a blow up hammer wins best cosplay of the night. There's only one way I can explain that. Pure retardation.

>> No.6443106

Poor anon, never able to enjoy things or have fun :(

>> No.6443302

Past judge here for a local event. I quit because it was not worth the drama/too old to care anymore. Although its is not always the case there are sometimes when ppl win and the audience disagrees but as a judge I had a good reason. There was a couple times when I was harassed after for my decisions. One time a girl came stomping up to me wondering why she lost when she had bought all of her items from Value Village and the winner had sewn their item from scratch. Another time one group was upset they didnt win anything but it boiled down to the fact that they didnt show up for judging. From my experiences working for contests sometimes people lose because they dont follow simple directions like showing up for one. Another time these girls entered in these really flashy costumes but their seams were horrible unfinished, they had safety pins everywhere and the trims and zippers didnt match. All things you cant see from the audience.

So what I guess I am trying to say is though its not always the case there could be other reasons why people lose competitions and others win.

>> No.6443345

>needing validation from a panel of judges

>> No.6443355

Some people, if they know who the judges are ahead of time..Will created a costume which meets their interest. Say, if the judge was some popular voice actor, they would create a costume from their greatest show. I knew one girl who did that but made a slutty version of the character and won against better costumes.

>> No.6443388

LOL. Cant help but congratulate that chick for being smart and doing that in the first place.

>> No.6443470

All my rage

>> No.6443541

There's a guy in my community that has relied on commissions ever since he started cosplaying. A friend of mine was commissioned to make his first costume. When she gave it to him, he gave her $10 (not even close to what it cost for supplies and labor) and started entering it into contests (contests that my friend had also entered into), claiming he'd made it himself.

Years later, he's still doing it. This time, he commissioned a very detailed Link costume. My friend has improved a lot and now judges in the community, rather than competing. He has entered various contests with that Link costume, claiming he made it. My friend has him on FB and has seen him post about how he commissioned it, etc., so each time, she has ignored his lies and given the awards to others. And, of course, now he's freaking out about how everyone in the community is 'biased' and how 'bullshit' it is that he hasn't won.

He's irritating, sure, but mostly, he confuses me. I don't understand how people think they can get away with lying like that and still expect to win awards for craftsmanship.

>> No.6443560

This thread just makes me realise how much i hate cosplaying and douchey cosplayers in general.

>> No.6443570

I feel like I know who this is... What state do you live in?

>> No.6443575


>> No.6443581


Washington. Everyone knows him and doesn't really like him. When he shows up to gatherings or photoshoots, people tend to collectively grimace.

>> No.6443589

It was a cosplay masquerade in Canberra, Australia, was only last night so no photo's yet.. will post when i find some.

>> No.6443596

Darn... That it was someone else.

>> No.6443611


Post about it anyways? Maybe we can make this into a 'sore losers/lying during judging stories' thread?

>> No.6443635

It's a guy in our community who enters a brought/commissioned costume and doesn't even have stage presence. He complains about losing to girls in bikinis (which is a lie cause our biggest local con has amazing winners) He enters with shitty bleach costumes and doesn't wear a wig either.

>> No.6443680

OP here, remembered something else that really rustled my jimmies last night. A Mako cosplayer. Now he was by far the biggest tool i have met this entire year. by the end of the day he was walking round in his tank top showing off his "muscles" and getting girls in general to hang off his every word because he was singing and mildly good looking, he hit on every girl. I spoke to him for a little as he asked about my cosplay but he just had the biggest ego of any person i have ever met in my entire life. I couldn't even believe people could fit in the room with him with a ego that large, it was astounding. He was a massive prick to my little brother as well. Im considering not going to the ball next year.. it was a massive let down and this year just sucked so much ass.

>> No.6443731

Admittedly, I've won against better looking cosplayers...

People still hate me over that contest because I'm good friends with one of the judges. So they think its that over the fact that I was the only one who followed the rules. Most people entered had ether bought or modified their cosplays which is allowed at this contest, but you can only win one particular award in the contest. Only me and best in show had passed the 80% made yourself marker thus we won the other awards.

Honestly though, my cosplay was horrible and it it been a different situation I'd totally agree that I shouldn't won.

>> No.6443945
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Well that wasn't the moral of the story, it was mostly "if you put enough labor to the levels of making your own damn shoes and travel trunk then I understand", but wow that fucking sucks to hear.
I don't make my costumes (I only made one and I'm hoping to properly learn to sew), but I know my place in not entering masquerades.

>get away with lying
See Vampy and Alodia.

I would rather see neckbeards fighting about DC Universe continuity over tumblr-leveled garbage.

Is this the tall Mako cosplayer that every girl swoons ever despite having an abusive history? He needs to get that ego out of his ass and he doesn't even thank the people that make his shit.

You know...I respect that. About time someone mentions these things. I really, really respect a judge like you.

>> No.6444072

How the hell did Alodia lie?
You sound like a jealous landwhale.

>> No.6444076

newfag. Alodia was outted years ago by the commissioner who makes all her and her sister's costumes. she has WIP pictures of the costumes as well as shots of the girls during fittings in her pro shop on her website.

>> No.6444089

Yeah, it was pretty shitty, couldnt handle it. also annoying Loki cosplayer posted this on the event wall and my rage sparked hard again
"thank you to the people who joined my Loki political party, Anti-S.H.I.E.L.D. We won guys, we won." jimmies are rustled once more.

>> No.6444094

For fuck's sake she didn't even realize her "Misa Amane" cosplay was actually a character from a totally different series...Also it's been confirmed repeated times she don't make her own shit or gives thanks to the people that "helped her".

Please go back to your jejemon land kthnx

>> No.6444100

>friend picks me up for our schools football game
>only one ill go to because of rivalry with other uni I may go to grad school for
>drop his super old parents off at the front of the sports dome
>go park in the middle of downtown
>bus back to stadium
>game happens
>bus to go get his car after game
>walking downtown to the garage
>lots of people
>it's thanksgiving weekend
>lots of tourists, whatevs
>walk by group of 6 kids
>All super fat
>All super shitty costumes
>no Texas con for weeks
>no con in my city for months
>in fucking public

Rustle status: my love, my anger, and all of my jimmies

>> No.6444107

Does smoker happen to live in Austin?

>> No.6444112

typical landwhale responses
both of you will never be as cute as Alodia though

>> No.6444114
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Hydra would like to have a talk with this "political party".

Please screencap this faggotry.

>> No.6444117
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God i just. Homestuck. Worst fucking thing to cosplay, i dont even know much about homestuck is but it just pisses me off when people cosplay it, they act so stupid and look stupid.

>> No.6444119

I always said Austin is the greatest city in Texas not named San Antonio.

The answer is no.

>> No.6444120

really hope you're just trolling dude. Alodia even fessed to it, not that she had any choice in the matter once the shop she got her costumes from accidentally advertised they made her shit because they didn't know she'd been taking all the credit.

her rebuttal was that she never said she DID make the costumes, but she never said she didn't either. she just you know... entered them in contests against the rules and never once credited the makers.

>> No.6444125
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Saw some really bad Homestucks today too while chilling with some friends in Little Tokyo. Then again, always expect to see really bad cosplay every weekend at Little Tokyo.

>> No.6444130




>> No.6444133
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>> No.6444142

Would someone explain homestuck to me? I keep hearing bits and pieces of shitty fans, cosplay disasters, something about trolls and rainbows, social justice, and a lot of tumblr crap. The fuck is going on and why does everyone love it?

>> No.6444146

Guessing he's hurtbutt over Alodia rejecting him or Gamer Totoy calling shit out as usual. The Filipino cosplay scene is seriously stupid.

>> No.6444148

Imagine a satire so poorly implemented that the only fans it attracts are those who enjoy the commodification of culture.
I mean it's a really shitty webcomic.

>> No.6444154

So...like some sort of double hipster fanbase?

>> No.6444152

See, that's just silly.

>> No.6444164

No, it's the pseudo intellectual, low eq, deprecated, and rejected people who think the cake is a lie, think that they are the only ones to 'get it', and silly boys shouldn't hit on them. It's a pure selling out and proverbial dead horse beating that a demographic that was already hated but didn't have a title to was there in defined.

>> No.6444166

Oh god.

>> No.6444167
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At first I thought I should be nicer to movie fans after the Tony Harris mess, and then dumb shit spewing out like this makes me realize why I hate dumb half-assed Avengers cosplayers.

Next thing you know, they'll shit bricks and cause drama over the 616 Nick Fury and call him a cracker.

>> No.6444176

I feel ya. Half assed avengers cosplay are almost... almost as bad as Homestuck cosplays.

>> No.6444174

Oh, okay, that makes a whole lot more sense now. No wonder folks are sick of their shit.

Thanks for shedding a little light on it.

>> No.6444197
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You're so eloquent tonight.

>> No.6444205

Over the past few days I've drank so much and done so much stupid shit, I needed an outlet.

>> No.6444224
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Thats why this thread is here!

>> No.6444230

Holy shit I remember A Death in the Family. Goddamn, my mom actually called in for Jason Todd to not get killed off.


I heard they won or got some honorary something. I am losing hope.

>> No.6444242
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MFW that tony stark looks better then the one that won the competition at the masquerade... That is meant to be tony stark right?

>> No.6444241
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>> No.6444260
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"Last night was a blast! I love it - you were all really just, well, awesome and I loved hanging out with those who I did, talking with those who I did, and dancing with those who I did! 8D
But yeah, one of the best nights I've had in a long time! Definite thumbs up from the sexiest genius billionaire playboy philanthropist around! (Tony Stark)"

The shitty 5min stark who won best male posted as well. RAGE CANT BE CONTROLLED. FUCKING AVENGERS SHIT.

>> No.6444267
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I'm starting to think they're unintentionally cosplaying this Tony...

What con was this at? I want to punch babies right now.

>> No.6444361

Here is the harley quinn that won best out fit /cgl/ Prepare your jimmies.

>> No.6444366
File: 642 KB, 2048x1663, 622114_394337423982070_1307962599_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the harley quinn that won best out fit /cgl/ Prepare your jimmies.

>> No.6444369
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>> No.6444375
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>> No.6444376

wtf, is her collar folded Styrofoam picnic plates?

>> No.6444379
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What in gods fuck. why?

>> No.6444380
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and the best male cosplay... tony stark..........

>> No.6444381

I'm panicking.

>> No.6444383
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......it's a girl.

>> No.6444385
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>> No.6444386

YFW its actually a guy.

>> No.6444387
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>> No.6444388
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>> No.6444390
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If they had amazing make-up or hand-sewed every little thing flawlessly, it'd be okay. But it's not at all.

This deserves a headdesk.

>> No.6444391

The chick is pretty.
Too bad he looks like a lesbian.

>> No.6444395
File: 13 KB, 242x249, 1342629798004s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you can only imagine the rage the OP must of felt now... I can't believe he hasn't been consumed by hatred..

>> No.6444397
File: 332 KB, 1280x881, 1341467366148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I just get a water gun and spray it all over these idiots please?

>> No.6444398

Wow. Bitches like this are the cancer of the cosplay community.

>> No.6444400

Yes we can. But we'd get in trouble. That or just send an angry letter to take the cosplay competitions more seriously.

>> No.6444401

Or if you're Asian, call them out as a little cheap labor seamstress and say that you made their award winning cosplay.

>> No.6444403


>> No.6444409
File: 244 KB, 500x233, tumblr_m7qwhi9fad1qlh42no1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off how the hell do those win?

>> No.6444575

Being friends with the judges. And the judges being terrible

>> No.6444714
File: 27 KB, 338x300, 1353232372914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6444900
File: 972 KB, 500x225, tumblr_m8d4aml4cN1r63ef6o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just when you think it couldn't get any worse the Tony Stark cosplayer posts this

"The Canberra Cosplay Masquerade was absolutely awesome!! I, of course, went as Tony Stark, and had my ego stroked the entire time by fangirls (who all cheered for just me when it was my turn to show off whenever I did - ohhh yeah~) and the guys as well~ Some saying that I practically was the real Tony Stark - win~!"

I think i hate everyone and everything. He looked nothing like tony stark, anyone who said to him he looked like the real tony stark must have downs or this guy is delusional.. My brain is full of fuck.

>> No.6444914
File: 488 KB, 500x313, tumblr_m8ntouGk9A1qco819.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just when you think this thread couldn't make you rage harder. It does. I can't keep reading this or im going to quit cosplay.. fuck you OP.

>> No.6444931 [DELETED] 
File: 995 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m7jimlVZFy1qbb2d3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell, why, i dont understand how they could of possibly have one. Just dont go to cosplay competitions anymore, or hell that event anymore, sounds shit.

>> No.6444942
File: 995 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m7jimlVZFy1qbb2d3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6441470 (OP)
Fucking hell, why, i dont understand how they could of possibly have won. Just dont go to cosplay competitions anymore, or hell that event anymore, sounds shit.

>> No.6444947
File: 948 KB, 800x597, STEEB NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met her too at the Marvel photoshoot; She gave the same exact attitude to me. But I did happen to snap a pic later when she was 'fighting' skinny steve.

>> No.6445305
File: 203 KB, 571x800, 8053908045_e6be22a291_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found their tumblr, their name is "xanderstock". same username for twitter, too. Damn this person...wow.

I guess with Tony Stark cosplay I only have respect for people that put massive amounts of effort as Iron Man or had a good make-up job. There were photos of one that looked just like him, but I lost the photos.

More Don Robert so I don't rage.

>> No.6445357

I compete a lot because that's the only way around here to make skits and I love them. And I've lost performance prizes to people without performances, I've been in biased contests in which the winner was the organizer of the event. Damn, there are even competitions in which the judges are there to "listen to the publics reaction". So ofc that the person that has the skimpiest cosplay or a reference to Chuck Norris will win.

But I learned to not care. I mean, when the prizes are being given I'm always kind of expecting them to say my name, I can't avoid it. But I don't get upset if I don't win. People should compete more for the fun and the show than for the prize and status. That way it's healthier.

>> No.6445374

You can't do it just for the love of it forever. Love without result dies out quickly.

>> No.6445406

Flash Back Time to my first and only cosplay competition:

>I sign up for pre-judging, get one of the latest slots possible.
>Come back at appointed time. Judges have been running a bit behind schedule and have run out of time to prejudge me. I'll have to undergo prejudging right before the walk-on starts. Okay.
>Cosplayers starts lining up.
>Audience starts piling in.
>Obviously off by myself waiting to be prejudged. I'm the only one.
>Judges show up and do their thing, all pretty chill folks. I thank them and take my spot now at the very end of the line. LAST BUT NOT LEAST etc
>Competition ensues.
>I win my division.
>"Your character isn't even from a manga or anime" "You were singled out even before the walkons started"
>Drama drama drama drama

I know how bad it must have looked to the other competitors, what with the prejudging right before the event. I'll never enter another cosplay competition again, unless I'm in a group, holy crap. I'll just stick to photoshoots.

>> No.6445986

I agree.. im feeling it a little..

>> No.6445995

I know the feel. Im thinking the same thing, just photoshoots

>> No.6446019

> Anonymous 11/25/12(Sun)02:55 No.6444

>> No.6446077

>Damn, there are even competitions in which the judges are there to "listen to the publics reaction". So ofc that the person that has the skimpiest cosplay or a reference to Chuck Norris will win.

That just. Everytime judges do that I wonder why the fuck they even are judges if they arent even doing their jobs.. so stupid.

>> No.6446086

That Tumblr gave me cancer.

>> No.6446378

Should be more about fun really... but cosplays like the OP has posted shouldn't be winning.