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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 82 KB, 250x250, hyperchristmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6434641 No.6434641 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread died so...

Meet is at 8pm Fri + Sat at the very front (on Warwick Road) and 6:30pm on Sunday.

What are you cosplaying as? Or are you wearing lolita?
Got any progress to show?
Annoyed that NicoNico won't be there?

>> No.6434759

Better move that meet on Friday to 9pm real fast

>> No.6434777

Okay then, 9pm it is

>> No.6434789 [DELETED] 
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I will be there Friday and Saturday. I still can't decide if I want to do Koko both days or do lolita on friday. I may bake some cookies too. Today I did the last finishing touches to my cosplay so I'm happy.

>> No.6434795

I will be there Friday and Saturday. I still can't decide if I want to do Koko both days or do lolita on friday. I may bake some cookies too. Today I did the last finishing touches to my cosplay so I'm happy.

>> No.6434820

Just going Saturday~
Eva group ahoy.

>> No.6434850

Apparently according to some people I know, Niconico WILL be there.

>> No.6434852

Sad to hear nico nico won't be there that was my favourite booth.

>> No.6434868

I hope so, the live stream on Friday was fun to watch and always cheers me up for the Sat.

>> No.6434906

Niconico are not listet on the hyper website but would be cool for them to be there, just hope brosuke dose not spam all weekend he got on my nevers a lot.

>> No.6434911


>> No.6434923

some yosuke from p4 cosplayer at last hyper who spent most of the con on the steam

>> No.6434926


>> No.6434933
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>> No.6436489

I Felt sorry for him. I got to talk to him for a min and he was really shy and worried that he made an idiot of himself on camera.

>> No.6436972
File: 24 KB, 300x300, tumblr_mcsa4lqWrz1qzz0iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's to staying up all night tonight for last minute adjustments

>> No.6436983

We gonna get somesort of Eva meet so we can get some pictures? Also, I've recruited a Shinji.

My cosplay is still not making itself. It stands to reason that if I cry in anguish for long enough it will do it all itself though...Right?

>> No.6436999
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Here's to making cakes at the last minute.
And adjusting trousers at the last minute.
And printing off magical girl contracts at the last minute.

>> No.6437010
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It feels good to be finished for once.

>> No.6437011

Are you Penpen?
Ask Asuka for my contact details if you know her. I am hopefully meeting the Rei at the tube station whence we start our journey. We could probably arrange to meet.

>> No.6437020


Yes I am. Which Asuka... Ophelia? I know more than one going...

>> No.6437033

Need to sew some ribbon to my socks and then I'm done, the shoes aren't 100% accurate since I didn't think the cosplay would arrive in time I didn't even bother looking for the exact shoes. Tomorrow I'll try to fit in sewing, watching EVA yet again and going to a Kabbalah temple for some research. Tomorrow is going to be so busy but Saturday is so close!

>> No.6437042

i believe in u

ALSO the email says to print your ticket off but is that necessary or can we just pull it up on phones like at expo? jw because my printer is ass

>> No.6437161


Print it just in case. Best to have a backup.

>> No.6437419

It says it's an eTicket so I'm sure it means you can just show it to scan it, unlike the MCM one where it DEMANDED you print it.

>> No.6437930

eTicket just means delivered by e-mail though doesn't it?

Never been to Hyper Japan, looking forward to it.

>> No.6438289

Tomorrow is going to be fun. Gotta venture into the loft to try and find the bag I want to take. Also probably going to disregard the wig I bought specifically for Rei because the colour's pretty bad and trim down the wig I used for Cirno instead since the colour is pretty much spot-on.

Pretty excited and anxious. Never been t o HJ before (MCM was my first con) so it's gonna be interesting. Hopefully also fun. And I'm looking forward to meeting you chaps again.

You can do it!

Eva meet sounds great. Definitely up for that.

I'm gonna be making cookies again. Might actually get around to handing them out to people this time. Maybe.

Watching Eva again is a good idea. I might do that.

Thank you for reminding me. Gonna try and remember to actually print my ticket this time.

>> No.6439325

Anyone here now and wants to start drinking with one lonely pen pen?

>> No.6439369

I'm assuming the nico booth isn't there then since no one has posted a link to the live stream.
oh well.
I'm sure someone will join you soon. What happened to the other eva people?

>> No.6439400

We're coming tomorrow.:3

>> No.6439610

someone join me on the steps. i'm the one with fifty bags.

>> No.6439692

Where da seagulls at?

>> No.6439718

I'm the guy on the railing outside earls court tube with a backpack :3

>> No.6439728

Ok we're wondering to the steps now

>> No.6439765

If fellow seagulls wanna meet at front of hotel lily near earls court at quarter to a few of us will be there

>> No.6439808

No sign of you mysterious stranger, we'll check here every so often if you want to meet up

>> No.6439807

Just got back from it. Didn't think /cgl/ gyals were that ugly. lel.
Also, who was that white lolita on the district line home? I KNOW it was one of you lot.

>> No.6439816

my friend last minute cancelled on me so now I have a spare ticket for Sunday
ticket cost is £6
if anyone is interested or knows someone who might be then please email me - my cgl email is in the field

>> No.6440233

I didn't go to the meet but I may do on tomorrow. What did people think? Saw a couple of itas at least.

>> No.6440249

Where/when is the meet tomorrow?

>> No.6441363

Just dyed my hair and I'm gonna be on my way down to London pretty soon~ Looking forward to cosplaying tomorrow!

The Saturday meet is at 8pm at the front of Earl's Court (the place you see at the award ceremonies)
Look out for the big scrolling sign that says SEAGULLS!

>> No.6441507
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Has there been any streams this time? With NicoNico or anything else?

Has anyone seen Venus Angelic?

>> No.6441614
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Got this one of her with Ophelia.

>> No.6441716

>The EVA group I met today and talked about 3.0 with were from /cgl/
Never would have guessed.

>> No.6441722
File: 146 KB, 300x400, kyary hahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat hover hand

>> No.6441745

was the queue to get in terrible today? i've never been to Hyper Japan and I was thinking of arriving at 9ish tomorrow with a pre-purchased ticket

>> No.6441776

Goddammit I was kind of hoping Ophelia wouldn't look so nice in person :( Rats.

>> No.6441840

WCS Winners: Yuka and Taruto
ECG doubles Winners: Tsupo and Clood

>> No.6441987

Ophelia is beautiful but next to her Venus her face looks a bit long(?)
still I didn't know that she cosplayed Asuka, does anyone have more pictures? She looks really pretty

>> No.6442010

Saturday meet has already met and we're full in a hotel room, so I'm afraid other people won't be able to tag along :<

However, everyone is welcome to the meet on Sunday!

>> No.6442214

Hey, Shinji here, stop being such an arse to Ophelia, she's a nice person :)

>> No.6442223

micnax is a fagot

>> No.6442265

Well done to them. Any pics yet?

>> No.6442318

Oh my god she looks adorable here.
I wish Venus would lay off the photoshop in her photos because she always looks better IRL.

>> No.6442348

theres was only 5 gourp for WCS

>> No.6442378

Well done to Yuka, but I'm a bit meh purely because she was in the ECG finals this year. But the rules don't state that, and I'm curious to know who else entered if they were the best. From photos I've seen, they did Eiko and Vivi from FFIX?

>> No.6442408

they did cosplay Eiko and Vivi, but vivi mask fell off half way into there perform the lotr gourp was better.

>> No.6442488

Really? Their costumes don't look amazing from first glance but I'm guessing they were constructed well to be chosen, and the rest of the groups were bad. Who else entered for WCS? I'm assuming there were two separate competitions since the baw over giving ECG to second place last year rather than treating it equal to WCS

>> No.6442495

Ophelia is great.

SEAN KNOWELDEN on the other hand...

>> No.6442503

no all 5 gourp for (1st)WCS and (2nd)ECG

>> No.6442535

Really?! That surprises me that the LotR group didn't get WCS then! Unless they specifically asked to just be judged for ECG...

>> No.6442594

A damn fun night to be sure ladies and gentlemen, thanx everyone :3

>> No.6442618

WCS is Japanese only. So LoTR couldn't qualify for that anyway and Yuka's pair was the only 'only' WCS pair because ECG rules say you can't enter the same category two consecutive years.

>> No.6442639
File: 36 KB, 532x184, bex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see this on facebook

>> No.6442656

Someone is dissapointed they lost? What a shock.

>> No.6442659
File: 31 KB, 532x304, bex2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh theres more

>> No.6442724

So both winning teams had their costumes break on stage? And they still won? What were the judges thinking?

>> No.6442727

It's Hyper Japan.
I'm guessing the judges wanted to get in and out as soon as possible so they could get home to shower.

>> No.6442736

photos of their entries? compared to winners?

>> No.6442746

Raving at sanic speed

>> No.6442758

Might I point out she and her partner thought themselves fit to go 'tell tale' about the winners to the judges after the announcement was made to get their win removed.

Of course - because - the judges who are sat right at the front of the stage - with the best view - didn't see a mask slip and take that into consideration. Nope.

>> No.6442764

Somebody needs to learn that effort does not demand reward.

In both the ECG and WCS there was really nothing in it, it might as well have been decided with a coin toss. None of the entries were clear stand-out winners and only a couple were clearly not up to scratch. Judges probably just went with the first names that sprang to mind, and I wouldn't blame them.

>> No.6442767

They didn't try and get their win removed. That's bullshit.

>> No.6442776

I don't even know those Barbie girls but not long after the win I already heard them bitching about the winners very loudly to others in the area.

Even if the decision is dubious (which it usually isn't, remember judges see the insides and outs of costumes we don't see, and are also looking for REPRESENTATIVES from our country to send abroad), they are acting like sad little girls. If that's how they're taking it and bitching publicly all over FB already, then I'm glad they didn't win. I don't want people like that representing my country.

Absolutely loved the LotR performance, it was really intense. Didn't see costumes up close but on stage they looked great, their music was good as well as sound effects and they really had a story that gripped you (again, Barbie girls, it was sweet but not as good, not from audience POV).

WCS winners are very WCS. Again guys, remember it's a TV show, not a craftmanship contest. They want people who can entertain a certain type of audience, and people who enter without understanding that are just setting themselves up for failure.

Honestly loved watching the qualifiers today, looking forward to tomorrow!

>> No.6442782

>>6442767 >>6442758

Maybe not their initial intention, especially since I doubt that would ever happen / but you have to wonder why you would go and try to point out all the flaws of a winning performance if not to make the judges reconsider. At the very least just sounds the standard case of sore loser.

I'm sure all of those who entered are feeling down - but I've yet to see anyone else resorting to facebook statuses about how unfair the whole thing is.

>> No.6442787
File: 75 KB, 404x336, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was with them when they got the results and when they went to get changed. One of them was in tears and the other didn't say anything. They were dissappointed but not bitching.

Also this status from the pink one disagress with everything you've said.

>> No.6442791

You're quite clearly one of the Barbies.

>> No.6442790

I was stood in the room for that whole conversation. They did not go to the judges and point out the flaws in the LoTR group. They went for feedback and the judges initiated a comparison between the two for examples sake and they discussed the Barbie entry.

>> No.6442793

What performance? I was ear the front row yet all I can hear was audio that was obviously recorded from a webcam microphone. If they where that serious about winning then they should of recorded there stuff properly and not botched the most important part of there performance.

>> No.6442798

No I'm just someone with my facts straight. I'm all for discussing their skit, costumes, entry, whatever. But I think this invasion of their privacy on facebook is one level of debasement and to then state lies that are being propogated as hurtful truths is even worse.

>> No.6442806


You can tell by the pixels

>> No.6442811

Yes I am the same person, I'm not denying that. That doesn't make me wrong.

>> No.6442816

How does that disagree with everything I just said?
I overheard them talking in a way I consider sad, lacking in humility, and bitchy, and that's my own personal judgement. A nice status to try and make up for it afterwards does not change how they acted towards different people in the aftermath, and they should be aware that people overheard these things and will judge them.
When you enter this sort of competition you run the risk of failing and that's the game. I couldn't care less if one of them is in tears - it sucks of course, but you still shouldn't go round pointing out things that were wrong with all the other performances (that's what I heard them doing). Maybe be happy for them? Understand that they also put in hard work? It just sounds really bitter when 30min afterwards you're already talking to anyone who will listen about why others shouldn't have won.

Just hold your head high, move on, and try even harder next time.

>> No.6442819

That's actually harder said that done. And there's a difference between bitching and compairing what they've done to what you've done and wondering where you went wrong.

As I said, I was with them, I don't think they were bitching. I'm sorry that you've intepreted it that way.

I'd also point out there's a fair few on here pointing out why they shouldn't have won and, had they won, would have raised those same objections. And you're not calling them out on it. What's worse, eavesdropping and telling tales on here, or flagarently disrespecting someone on here?

>> No.6442838

oh hai charlotte

>> No.6442844

so are there any photos of the event?

>> No.6442847

There's some from Friday I think but I haven't seen any non-personal ones from today. Or yesterday if we're being pedantic about time

>> No.6442848

to soon I think - I've seen a handful of blurry/out of focus ones appearing. Should have some good stuff filtering through by tomorrow I hope as I'm eager to see the costumes - and their performances

>> No.6442853

The massive Chopper was back again. And I liked the One Piece Christmas tree. Can't upload a pic because I've left the lead for my camera at home.

>> No.6442855

There was a One Piece Christmas tree?

>> No.6442863

i have not seen one good cosplayer at this event....

i am very dissapointed UK

>> No.6442864

How about you get over yourself.

>> No.6442869

So no streams right? Just wanna make sure

>> No.6442870


proof me wrong

oh wait, YOU CAN'T

>> No.6442871

Did you not see the Trinity Blood costumes? They were amazing. But I agree, their skit was on the dull side. I thought the Final Fantasy and the Barbie ones were funny and the LoTR one was definately dramatic. That mace!! But I got distracted during the last one. I'm hoping some decent videos go up.

>> No.6442887

There were some great ones but only if you actually have decent taste and knew what they were. I'm just going to guess you just have shit taste.

>> No.6442888

OP is faggot

>> No.6442893

Sweet, sweet butthurt.

>> No.6442894

I saw an awesome Sheryl from Macross Frontier and Alice from Pandora Hearts but my battery had died so I couldn't get photos. I was so dissapointed.

>> No.6442919
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This was basically our group for most of the day. At the start it was Asuka, Mari and myself, then we ran into the Gendo, other Asuka, PenPen, Shinji, and Kaworu. Had generally a great time and everyone we met was cool. Hope to see you all again at more cons next year.

>> No.6442951


Dat Gendo

>> No.6442962

he was kind of a dick tbh

>> No.6442970

in character?

>> No.6443012

no he was just kind of a shit person in general
he was showing his girlfriend off like some kind of trophy making her do the 'sexy plugsuit' thing with him for friday and today and i think at other cons as well

>> No.6443031

does it matter? being in character isn't an excuse to be a dick

>> No.6443029

sounds like a jerk

>> No.6443036

only meant, were they being in character? no excusing them, sorry my bad

>> No.6443057

Walked past as this pic was being taken. I was the thug life Okazaki Tomoya.

>> No.6443059

Also, was that Gendo the one from the February niconico stream?

>> No.6443085


Thug life Okazaki?! as someone who loves Clannad, i would like to see this.


yes same Gendo

>> No.6444226

Early morning bump! Anyone who survived last night should come to the meet tonight at 6:30pm outside the main entrance (the one opposite West Brompton Underground). Last night sure was a fun and unusual night with seagulls.

>> No.6444304


no idea who you are, but gratz on spelling my name right I guess

>> No.6444358

Micnax is a cunt..

>> No.6444374

You know what else was fun?
waking up to all your beta tales
best hangover cure

>> No.6444419


I dunno how your party went. but someone dragged our group to a goth electronica club. There was a ball pit and hours of dancing.

>> No.6444422

Holy shit you went to Slimelight? I am mad jelly.

>> No.6444427

Yeah, man. Right after japan underground

>> No.6444568
File: 523 KB, 1000x750, P1040822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone get photos of the other Fate/Stay cosplayers? Saw a Lancer but didn't get the chance to ask for a photo.

>> No.6444627

Anyone sign up for that Kamui sword lesson thing? I'm jumping on the 15:40 one today.

>> No.6444636

Oh man the weird mask/Moriaty dude that got banned from the MCM Facebook group kept telling people in my group that he knew me (He doesnt.) And kept asking people if my name was ******, which it is. Creeeepy.

>> No.6445014

if anyone's hanging around come chill with us in the pub

>> No.6445027

We're not gonna be able to come out tonight, sorry guys. Hope you all have a fun time though.

>> No.6445080

aw man we'll miss you!


>> No.6445098

If no-one else comes I'm just gonna rock on over to Euston or something.

Aside from meets, HJ was pretty... mediocre. I expected a bit more and it to be a bit bigger. Glad I only came for 1 full day, the partying was thousands times better. Nice meeting a good number of seagulls too!

>> No.6445353



>> No.6445549

Any photos yet?

>> No.6445586
File: 1.89 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only the best

>> No.6445754


I'm one sexy bastard.

>> No.6445814
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you know it

>> No.6445820
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I have lots as some of them were my friends. I will be editing the photos soon and can post them if you like.

>> No.6445842
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Only have a few badly taken pictures.

>> No.6445985

Does anyone know if/where ophelia puts her photos up? I hadn't heard of her until now-weeby I know, she took a photo of me on her phone!

>> No.6445992

as in the both of us

>> No.6446005

I only took one on my phone of me and my friend, I rarely use my phone for photos.

>> No.6446039

Did anyone get pictures of the Bakemonogatari group that was there Saturday? Those guys were great.

>> No.6446106

I know that one guy has one picture of them on his phone. Can't remember who it was though I'm afraid. So there's hope.

>> No.6448111

I have one here with some other photos if you want to look:
(excuse the terrible quality of images)

>> No.6448359

any more pics?

>> No.6448576

I don't think many people have uploaded images online yet since they maybe editing them before hand.
I'm just hoping more appear soon.

>> No.6448590
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I just finished editing this one. Hope you enjoy.

>> No.6448607

I look better as Penpen.e

>> No.6448609

We all do.

>> No.6448653


>> No.6448840
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>> No.6448835
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I can post some of my pictures. I was Koko on Friday and Celty on the Saturday.

>> No.6448843
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>> No.6448849
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>> No.6448850
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>> No.6448863
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>> No.6448870

Fuck yeah UN-GO cosplay

Thanks for the pics, keep posting more! By the way, are you shooting with a Pentax?

>> No.6448871
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>> No.6448878
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>> No.6448874
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Yep, I am using a Pentax.

>> No.6448883
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>> No.6448888
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>> No.6448896
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Got this one of Micnax. Hope he doesn't mind me posting it.

>> No.6448892
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>> No.6448902
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>> No.6448898
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Sorry if a couple of the photos are a bit weird, I found it hard to take them in a motorcycle helmet.

>> No.6448906
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>> No.6448909
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>> No.6448910
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>> No.6448915
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>> No.6448919
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Winners of the WCS thing.

>> No.6448920

Cool! Thanks for posting all the fate/Zero cosplay.

>> No.6448917
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>> No.6448938
File: 87 KB, 1000x669, DSC_8741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic PenPen.

>> No.6448976


Classic Niknax

>> No.6449015
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my husbandos <3

>> No.6449049

Eiko's nothing special but DAT VIVI

>> No.6449088
File: 251 KB, 1200x1600, P1100363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone has pictures of my rushed Konata cosplay?

>> No.6449098
File: 207 KB, 765x1024, da-ronrey-seagull-pt-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I look horrible. Why didn't I shave before instead of after.

Dat fucking Vivi man.

Finally a photo I can use for my CI~

Also, to everyone who didn't come to the meet on Sunday, you made Mami cry.

>> No.6449107

aw shit new fb default, please tell me you're uploading all the embarrassing drunken pictures as we speak

>> No.6449116

I will tomorrow, got so much shit to do tonight.

Walking into a pub full of Chelsea fans dressed as Kyubey was a little... awkward as well, to say the least. I'm glad they didn't find out I was from Manchester, shit would've gone down so, so badly.

>> No.6449128
File: 2.54 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_3807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit did you hear them when you went to the bathroom saying they thought you were a girl until you turned round? i bonded with one of them when he told me he was checkin out your butt

anyway this is the only actual picture i got of anyone else's cosplay IDC IF IT'S HOMESTUCK THEY WERE SUPER CUTE

>> No.6449136
File: 338 KB, 500x281, 1352649217262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they thought you were a girl until you turned round
I... uhh... I don't have any words to describe my feelings towards that. It's a mix of horror and disbelief rolled into many questions.

>> No.6449144
File: 174 KB, 669x1000, DSC_8671a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Mami? You look fine Micnax don't be silly~

We went into a pub during a rugby game. Like, the entire Eva group and a couple of other friends. Was pretty awkward. The bar staff looked incredibly unimpressed and not happy to serve us at all.

>> No.6449148
File: 442 KB, 182x134, tumblr_md1o1vDq4g1qecv43o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god how did i miss this, i am so distraught right now
and don't worry jake, it's an easy mistake to make

>> No.6449159

this guy is moe as fuk tho

can't believe you missed it either mang. join us in february, i'm buying everyone's drinks

>> No.6449166

February is Midlands MCM, right?
Because I can so totally make that.

>> No.6449175

February HJ I think she means, not that the event is worth going in to...

Oh jesus, really? The pub we went to had a joke around with it, even got some great drunk guys come over on Saturday.

>> No.6449182

aw shit i was talking about the next hyper j but mcm would probably be the superior option, i can do that.

tbf we weren't in cosplay on the saturday. those guys were great though, we should've kept them around.

>> No.6449191
File: 1.87 MB, 3264x2448, 20121123_155523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Mami here<

You had Reis face down perfect.

>> No.6449193

oh snap i didn't know it was on again that soon after november
But I'd love to go, I'll see if I can afford it and see what information there is about it up

>> No.6449593


I saw you, but I was too awkward to say hi and ask for a picture. Such is life.

>> No.6449696


Is that the fat one?

>> No.6449926

No it's the invisible one.

>> No.6450687

Out of curiosity do you have the photo you took of me in the white armor. If I had a pic of you in return I would have traded it but sadly I have hardly any pictures...sorry.

>> No.6450726


Not sure if serious..

>> No.6450742

Any more of them?

>> No.6450882

bumpity bump

>> No.6450947

the actual event is shit the only reason to go is the people

>> No.6450949

Can't that be said for every event in the UK?

>> No.6450956

MCM is a bit better imo feels like more effort gets put into it.

>> No.6450961

I don't know, MCM is getting pretty shit for me. I liked the stalls more at Hyper Japan, it actually had stuff related to newer shows rather than the five billion bleach and naruto stalls you get at MCM.

>> No.6450963


Hyper Japan only started recently unlike mcm expo, give it a few years.

>> No.6450969

that's true that was probably the only good thing about HJ it'll grow hopefully. The standard of the cosplay was better than the general standard of MCM cosplay too which was nice to see.

>> No.6450980

That's only because there were less cosplayers there and the vast majority in one competition or another. Comparatively speaking at an Expo there are a lot of 'floor only' costumes as it were.

>> No.6450985

I don't think I saw one bad cosplay there at all though.

>> No.6450988

That's the point. It's because they were in competitions and weren't just worn for fun.

>> No.6451000

Not all of them were.

>> No.6451007

>That's only because there were less cosplayers there and the vast majority in one competition or another.

The point is there wasn't a lot of casual cosplay. There will be however as Hyper Japan gets bigger and more popular. Even though it's a Japanese only event, whereas the Expo covers a world wide range of media, it will attract cosplayers eventually just as somewhere to cosplay.

>> No.6451027

several have been posted right here, HJ sucks for cosplayers. without a drastic venue and organisation switch that's not going to change

good food tho.

>> No.6451042


There are places in London you can go for that food that doesn't cost you the price of a HJ ticket.

>> No.6451040

Dat sexy version of Asuka I hate sexy versions of anything.

>> No.6451091

wasn't the plugsuit sexy enough?

>> No.6451208

I'm guessing the plugsuit was too difficult? But she's already got the details on it down so I don't even.

>> No.6451235

But it's an official costume. Not from the films but it was some sort of promotion. All three girls had one I think.

>> No.6451446
File: 243 KB, 960x640, 8222902513_d5cdf9477a_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The boys got one too. They are official outfits to help promote race cars and stuff. :)

>> No.6451644
File: 498 KB, 700x468, you can (not) get laid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6451656

Her boyfriend makes her do the sexy version

>> No.6451687

Why's everyone hating on Gendou he's a dude.

>> No.6451797

10/10 would repost

>> No.6451849

What's the story here?

>> No.6451864

It's Shinji finally getting some love.

>> No.6453237

Is there no more photos?

>> No.6453966

I was cosplaying Shinji, and I still don't think he deserves love.
Yeah, I don't understand why the hate. The only thing he did that was dickish was act kinda arrogant, but I guess it can be put down to character, as he was nice when I was talking to him in the evening?

>> No.6453977

my photos are up, just check Flickr.

>> No.6454002


fag alert

>> No.6454004

Flickr is a very large website

>> No.6454016
File: 223 KB, 500x369, tumblr_mdkanvxViT1qefvin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6454027


all classic seen moments are groundbreaking. get with it.

>> No.6454032
File: 24 KB, 450x300, SureShinji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually thought that Shinji was an adorable fellow, who was just hated by everyone for no reason.

>> No.6454091

link to said photos? I would like to see.

>> No.6455608

Next HJ is February, right? Any idea on specific dates?

>> No.6455625

I don't see them doing another one so soon and their dates always change each year.
Will have to wait till they announce a date.

>> No.6455814

I thought it would be rather easy to find but I guess I'm wrong.
here you go

>> No.6455918

ahhh you got some good photos! Is it ok if I upload them on my facebook?

>> No.6455941

I don't mind if you link back to them but not upload them.
besides facebook knows how to make decent photos look awful.

>> No.6456186

Where is the beauty mark?

>> No.6456566

Personally I was wearing my cosplay for fun and I met some gorgeous cosplayers also just there for fun not competition.

I WAS surprised at how many cosplayers where hidden away for comps though, seems a shame.

>> No.6456582

Thanks for posting this photo! Its pretty much the first photo I've gotten from the day OTL. Someday I will remember to USE my camera

>> No.6456684

So many Eva fags in this thread

>> No.6457725

Sounds like a spoiled little brat to me

>> No.6462096

Can we continue Britfriend General in a well behaved manner now?

>> No.6462105

Not this photographer but which girl are you? I might have a photo.

>> No.6462112
File: 50 KB, 425x369, outlook-not-so-good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6462118
File: 242 KB, 640x438, 1346639043026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble trying to find pictures of myself as Celty too. Either way you are welcome though I am all out of photos beyond stupid ones with friends.

>> No.6462120

So are most 17 yos

>> No.6462139

Is it even worth making a new britfag thread?

>> No.6462205

I wasn't or am I just getting old

>> No.6462211

Not really, will just be the same drama

>> No.6462218

Nah you're still a brat.

>> No.6462666

Siesta 00 (Far right), thanks for checking :D

>> No.6462737

Ah man, i totally forgot about this. Oh well, Midlands Expo next for me.

>> No.6462737,1 [INTERNAL] 

I like the way you all assumed I made her wear it. I didn't.

I'm just a lucky, lucky bastard.