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6434280 No.6434280 [Reply] [Original]

maikodolly scammer thread.
>>6431664 is autosaging
Egl thread is slow: http://egl.livejournal.com/18930602.html

New updates:
The credit card holder informed paypal that the charges were unauthorized and some people have to wait for 30 days for their money.

Her mom/grandma/aunt/female relative who may or may not be dead is the credit card holder as well as the email address holder.
They are most likely the one who reported the charges.
Some people have their money back but many are missing money still.

I urge everyone to go to the police with this matter but to keep contacting paypal and "Maiko".

Christmas is ruined
Lying bitch

>> No.6434312

What I find interesting is that the information found by /cgl/ has helped us figure out... somewhat... what really happened, but if it was conducted all on EGL shit wouldn't have gotten found out.

>> No.6434325

exactly. Anon who gave her name last night here. If I'd have given it out on LSE then everyone would have harassed ME mfw.
I didn't and still don't approve of giving out her address though. That was NOT me.

>> No.6434333

This has gone on for three threads and I can't follow. Can someone give me a quick summary of what's going on?

>> No.6434348

I'll try.
>this chick, Maiko Fantaji aka Caitlyn Murray buys a shitton of stuff
>months later, initiates chargebacks against most buyers
>some people, like Eve destroys get hit for 555USD, while Jola gets hit for about 4kUSD
>claims its a misunderstanding with her bank...no Paypal...no wait her brother, tee her xD
>Maiko says her "friend" will payback people
>pp tells a user it was card holder who called to initiate chargebacks
>Anon comes in last night to say it was a JANE Murray who's card was used
>lots of people still out money.
>Maiko/Caityn not responding

>> No.6434354

>a few days ago some lolitas from EGL noticed chargebacks on their paypal accounts from maikodolly one was for $2000 or so
>maikodolly comes in and explains that the situation is identity theft by maybe her brother or something lol xD(she really said xD in the thread on FB)
>she then says she will pay people back with her friends paypal account for some reason because hers is frozen
>she changes her story a few times saying that she called the bank/paypal/credit card company and told them specific charges and that the bank/paypal/credit card company just got rid of all of them
>turns out she did ask for 'specific charges' being all of the lolita charges according to someone in the EGL thread
>the card on the Paypal account is not in the name of the person you are shipping the item

>> No.6434362

Now she is claiming her ~livejournal isn't working~

>> No.6434371

Anyone who doesn't realise this bitch is a scamming, two faced cunt is as retarded as this bitch's scheme was shit.

>> No.6434376

Would you say she's scammed people out of over 6kUSD? Some of these people have a legitimate case to take her to court.

>> No.6434379

Where is she saying that?

>> No.6434388

On the facebook thread. She told some girl to PM her on facebook.

>> No.6434390

Tell her she can post to LJ using her Facebook.

>> No.6434408


>> No.6434421
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>> No.6434428

I want so badly to ask how Jane is doing but I don't her to drop everything and run while she owes people money

>> No.6434435

What I said in the old thread before I realized it's auto-saging:
>I always thought the name on the paypal account had to be the same as the mailing address. I would never sell to someone whose stuff was different, too paranoid.

>> No.6434437

Ugh. Yeah the last thing we want is for her to flounce.
Some girls in the last thread were saying that paypal is being next to useless in this whole mess. They really need to get their shit straight.

>> No.6434440

Nope, you can have multiple mailing addresses on your Paypal account.

>> No.6434448

Nope. That's probably why paypals are so easily hacked. I'd hate to think that someone can so easily do something like this to scam. What happens when they look into it? Does paypal even look into identity theft or do you have to inform the authorities on your own?

>> No.6434445

I think the problem with Paypal is that they're getting fed one story from Caitlyn while she's feeding people other stories.

It's still not clear whether she contacted Paypal first or her bank first, though...

>> No.6434451

I'm not even sure if she has access to her account at all. It seems to me all of the girls who have gotten their money back have done so by contacting paypal themselves, while others who haven't gotten their money are still popping up.

It could be that the card holder (Jane) was the one who actually contacted their bank and that Caitlyn didn't do it at all.

>> No.6434456

Pretty sure they don't even look it up themselves.

>> No.6434454

Holy shit... this is just a giant mess and I have doubts it will be resolved in a timely fashion.

>> No.6434459

What a fatass

>> No.6434467

Damn, if this were happening to me I'd like to round up all the loli's who've been scammed, go down there and beat her with parasols and rocking horse shoes.

>> No.6434466


It's looking more and more likely that she was using Jane's account and either got caught using it and is covering for herself by claiming identity theft to Jane, then going "omg my mean brother idek identity theft XD" online OR Jane simply filed for identity theft on her own and now Caitlyn is freaking out and offering to refund from her friend's account & all this other jazz

>> No.6434470

I think someone should compile this information and present it to the EGL mods. Right now their information is not up to date and people need to know what's going on--or at least the mods do.

>> No.6434472

she claims to be half jap on her fb

definitely a liar. bad character.

>> No.6434471


Also, it doesn't look like that Keiri girl or anyone in the thread FB is getting any more responses from her. Ugh this is such a horrible mess.

>> No.6434479

somebody should call the phone number for jane in the other thread

>> No.6434477

This. There is no way she's a haffu, I'm 1/4 and I look less white than this fat bitch.

>> No.6434484


They better be wooden rhs's ;)

Bitch needs a good beat down, just sayin'

>> No.6434487

It seems more likely to me that she's an immature idiot panicking at having spent so much money than that she's a stone cold scammer who intended to defraud people of thousands of dollars. I'm not saying we shouldn't kick her out or call the cops, but she probably figured, oh well paypal will foot the bill, and doesn't deserve to get beat so much.

>> No.6434490
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>that feel when hafu and look 100 percent white

>> No.6434492

What are you mixed with?

>> No.6434494

post pic for proof

>> No.6434504

the contact info is here if anyone involved wants to call


>> No.6434509
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You girls are just jelly of this pretty girl's inner beauty.
Pic very related.

>> No.6434511

the mods probably know more than they can share but they're only people with privileges on a livejournal community. what exactly do you expect them to do?

>> No.6434519

officially label her a scammer so that people won't be caught unawares when she tries this again, and urge the victims to call the cops so that this doesn't destroy the sales comm?

>> No.6434521

Tell people they should contact the authorities because it's clear she's not giving people the truth?

>> No.6434524

I doubt the mods found anything more than "oh Paypal told us ___" on their own tbh.

>> No.6434526

I bet if this was that "milanoo front" girl (lolita2012 or lolitahk, whatever her name is) who was doing this, the mods would have labeled her a scammer in an instant

>> No.6434531

modding the sales comm doesn't just mean getting first dibs on DSs, despite what some mods seem to believe. it also involves taking measures to protect your sellers and buyers.

>> No.6434534

I think we all know that if it was one of the mods who had been scammed out of $4000 she would have been banned and arrested so fast her privileged little head would spin.

>> No.6434539


>> No.6434556
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neva forget

>> No.6434593

that was good times.

>> No.6434605

Well their current info says

> According to our sources, authorities have confirmed that it was indeed a mistake with her credit card company

Which is false.

>> No.6434615

have any of the people who sold to her gotten their money back yet?

>> No.6434774

Lol why are there so many Maiko whitenights

> I'd just like to say that a number of the girls on this post, regardless of how upset via the situation, have conducted themselves in a manner that is unprofessional and down right childish.

>Having said that, I hope things work out for the best in both Maiko and the others girls involved, cases. I myself was a victim of identity theft of both my social and my credit card. It takes a bit and a lot of work, but things will work out in the end. [:

>> No.6434784

It is beyond me how anyone could defend this girl at this point. I don't know how deep it runs, I don't know what is true and what isn't, but SOMETHING is off here. She can't just be an 'innocent victim', there are way too many contradictions.

>> No.6434790


I know right?

Also I like how she called them childish when Maiko is the one going "teehee~ so sowwie you guys are out thousands of dollarz xDDDD"

>> No.6434794

It doesn't matter if it's an accident or not, holy fucking christ on a cracker. SHE conducted herself badly, otherwise no one would be out money right now, how stupid can you be?

>> No.6434809
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>> No.6434815

Disgusting. Seriously disgusting.

>> No.6434833


I hope this stupid bitch gets her day in hell.

>> No.6434838

I'm just astounded at how little she cares about what her actions have done. And I'm equally astounded that people--ALL unaffected by it, of course--are whiteknighting her.

>> No.6434839

She is friends with GutterFace on Facebook.

Just saying....

>> No.6434844


So she has time to monitor the thread and like comments that whitenight her, but she can't be bothered to message the people she's fucked over back?

>i don't have a reaction image angry enough

>> No.6434846


You're right, everyone was conducting themselves as unprofessional, because as a professional, I would have had this bitch handed a lawsuit two days after the problem arose. Professionals don't have time to dick around and listen to sob stories about her brother, professionals care about two things, money and time.

The Lolitas caught in this web have been patient and kind, understanding and willing to work with Maikodolly to sort out the situation, which is more than I would ever do in a business setting.

>> No.6434867

so then she's not responding to anyone, but is online.

>> No.6434873


>> No.6434875

half japanese, half whatever the hell my father is. look 100 percent white and no one believes I'm half until they see my mom

>> No.6434893

She also has time to tell her friends on facebook that she had soooo much fun in SF ^_^ ;D

>> No.6434915

She's obviously not taking this situation seriously at all. I really feel for those girls who got scammed by her, and seriously encourage them to take legal action if possible. This whole thing is quite nauseating, and I'm not even directly involved.

She is clearly immature. I don't know if she understands the extent of what she's done because it's apparently just one big joke to her, but I really hope it all comes crashing down on her. Soon.

>> No.6434932

At this point, if you're not getting the police involved, you deserve to be scammed. This is NOT a misunderstanding. This is a SCHEME. She wants you to think it's a misunderstanding so she won't get in trouble.

>> No.6434939

Is anyone else actually extremely mad right about now?
I am in a whole lot of pain right now, but this whole situation is just infuriating. It hurts my heart ffs

>> No.6434945
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Oh my God. I'm at the point of calling this bitch out.

She went to NorCal? Wait a second, so she basically went on a little trip to NorCal while these girls got fucked over. Wow, fuck this. I hope that Spanish chick she bought from DOES involve the police.

>> No.6434947

Am I wrong to think it's kinda weird how her relative that owns the credit card and email address hasn't suspected her at all? I mean, if it was my mom whose credit card I used and she suddenly found all these crazy charges after I recently obtained a fuck-ton of weird clothing... I think she would be a bit suspicious.

Granted that story probably isn't true, but it would just seem odd to me. I guess logic doesn't run in her family.

>> No.6434954

Someone call her mother or father or whatever, because at this point next time if I have to see her I will call that bitch out.

Also if you do tell her parents and threaten to call the police, something can possibly be done.

Think Spanish chick is getting the police involved.
egl dot livejournal dotcom slash18929625.html?thread=427411929#t427411929

>> No.6434955

She went to the AP tea party ^_^ xDDDD

>> No.6434967
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I can see that. Although my fellow Norcal girls are sweet, I can't even bear that she interacted with them after this mess.

Not cool in my book at all. I'm so close to flipping a table right now. Someone who got their money stolen, please fucking call her out on the liking and managing to update her fb shit please.

>> No.6434973

Why is it that there are some people saying that while she bought from them, they didn't get hit? I was under the impression that everything had been reversed. Can we take this as proof that indeed, not everything had been reversed (so that "even the restaurants I ate at!" thing would be false) but rather, the cardholder is picking through the purchases and doing chargebacks and had missed some of the purchases?

>> No.6434978

She claimed "everything" was getting reversed.
What about the Angelic Pretty tea party? If she made purchases, did they get hit too?

>> No.6434981

Or only went after the ones worthwhile (=high in value)

>> No.6434982

Huh. What exactly happens when big businesses are hit like that?

>> No.6434988

If Angelic Pretty got hit, they would be raising hell with her.

>> No.6435041

They've been happening over the last couple days (first was mid last week). Some people said they received chargebacks yesterday.
If she bought so much from private sellers, maybe she bought from the brands too, and their chargebacks will show soon

>> No.6435042

Lmfao a bunch of my FB friends wrote on her wall, saying how amazing it was to have met here. On sf lolitas, how daft and vapid could you be.

>> No.6435063

I'm concerned about this, that's why I've been keeping up with this thing. I don't want to find out the Bay Area lolitas or Angelic Pretty SF gets hit, too.

>> No.6435072

Appearently Maiko is No where concerned about the situation. She's too busy going to cons and tea parties -.- it so frustrating that this situation is not being resolved. It's been HOW many days now? Seriously Maiko needs to stop acting like some celeb rich girl and take some god damn responsibility!!!

>> No.6435075 [DELETED] 
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looks like there's a possibility now since she's wearing Misty Sky.

>> No.6435077

If you're concerned, why don't you ask SF BtSSB/AP/BPN/Harajuku Hearts? Don't know how well they follow egl so maybe they don't even know what is happening

>> No.6435084

I know a LOT of sf lolitas that visit cgl on a regular basis (they talk about it all the fucking time at meets, it's so annoying). If they get fucked, it's their own fault for turning a blind eye against this girl because "onoes my moms cc got stolen xDD"

I really hope AP any BABY weren't involved in this. Unlike the rest of the comm, I doubt they keep themselves updated on the drama that happens on cgl or egl.

>> No.6435139

Yeah it would reaaally reflect well on the international lolita community eh?

>> No.6435157

When I called Paypal earlier, they told me that the chargebacks total close to 50,000$...

>> No.6435162

From the last thread:

>i'm beyond pissed right now.
i accepted a refund from her "friend's" account because paypal deemed me sol (just like some other girls that were paid via personal payment). i'm fucked one way or another, so it's like whatever, and i needed to pay my rent.

>and now guess what i just discovered when i logged into my paypal account? little hint: it's what we all expected to happen to those who got refunds from her "friend".

>i will get proper authorities involved asap. i'm so fucking done.


>> No.6435165

What in the frilly fuck? And people are defending this girl...I just can't anymore.

>> No.6435172

Can I straighten this out here? UK fag with no experience with credit cards, etc.

This Maiko girl, she bought thousands of dollars worth of stuff, then instructed her bank/paypal/credit card company to take the money back, is that correct? In a nutshell, I mean.

>> No.6435175

She obviously thinks she's not going to get caught. If it were me and I wasn't responsible, I wouldn't be going to cons or tea parties, I'd be freaking out because I would know I was in deep shit even if I was innocent.

She needs to learn a lesson here, or else she's just going to keep doing this to people one way or another.

>> No.6435181

Pretty much. Although, there are so many contradictions going on here because she keeps changing her story. I've been following this thing since it started and I'm even having trouble piecing it together.

>captcha: was chikin

>> No.6435183

People should post that to the fb sales, I want to see what those whiteknights are saying about that...

>> No.6435190


>> No.6435189

So this whole charge back thing started happening right around when she was taking a big trip to SF and buying at least $400 worth of AP (Misty Sky) when a few days before she needed money to pay rent? ...uhhhhh

>> No.6435192

You're adopted.

>> No.6435191
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To whoever posted this, please fucking call that bitch out on the facebook sales right now. Tell her she has no right to victimize herself, ignore people, or even "like" the comments of the people defending her and to get your money refunded before you do indeed alert authorities.

"She just got back from a trip, she's trying her best, waaaah"

I am going to bring hell to her if she doesn't sort this out by ALA.

>> No.6435216

Can we now get a getoffegl post? Or bring attention to the mods? It's obvious that some people are NOT going to get their money back and should call the authorities.

>> No.6435213

Hooooooooooooooooooooly fuck

>> No.6435219

$50,000?! HOLY SHITFUCK THAT'S A LOT OF CHARGEBACKS. This girl is fucking nuts.

>> No.6435220

Both. And add the police in on this, too.

The amount of money is ridiculous, and the fact no one is allowed to speak up because we need to "be patient" and have concrete details is stupid. Someone who just got charge backed again...fucking call her out once and for all!

>> No.6435226

Okay, I think it's time for a GTFO with her info and all the caps we can scrounge. This is just turning into more of a mess than ever.

>> No.6435227

I doubt that. Paypal isn't allowed to release information like that

>> No.6435229

If she's saying that ERRYTHING got reversed, then clearly she would be fucking panicking. If I was in the same position, I would be so fucking embarrassed (if it was an accident and I had not caused the chargebacks) but she's not even embarrassed that she got caught. If everything got reversed, wouldn't she be shitting herself that restaurants and shops would be looking for her? And if she bought from AP, wouldn't she be shit scared that they'd blacklist her and never sell to her again? But then again, the card she bought with wasn't even hers, was it? What a confusing situation. I certainly feel for the girls that got chargedback, you are not being treated with the seriousness and dignity you deserve in this situation. I feel for the ones who may now be struggling to pay rent and bills and such, as I know what it's like to be living payday to payday.

>> No.6435230

Alesha says it's just hersayyyy.

>> No.6435232

I don't use Paypal so I don't know about it but even if you just add up all the money lost from the sales threads, it's still enough that people should have taken this to the police.

>> No.6435233

Yeah, I thought that was weird too. I thought PayPal would treat that as private information. It wouldn't even be given to the victims calling in to ask.

>> No.6435236

Holy shit this makes me very angry and I'm not a Lolita. Someone needs to alert the authorities about this. This is a serious scam, and its not a battle for the internet to fight.

>> No.6435240

The thing is she's not acting embarrassed or panicking. The whole time she's laughing it off and even now she's posting about some trip or meet-up she's gone to and acting like she hasn't got a care in the world. She probably thinks Paypal will fix every thing for her or lolitas will just give up after a week or two and accept they're not getting their money back.

>> No.6435243

It might have come up casually in conversation with a rep, especially if the customer might mention that a large number of people had gotten chargebacks and it was a large sum. Just sayin

>> No.6435254

We know for a fact that more than $6,000 worth of money has been chargebacked from JUST lolitas on the comm sales. It's sure not $50,000 (as far as we know) BUT ITS STILL A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY. This is NOT something that should be dealt with with lightly!!

If you were affected by this (like me and my sister) PLEASE don't listen to EGL/FB mods when they tell you to be patient and to keep in touch with PayPal. PayPal cannot do anything for you at this point. This is your money that's being tampered with, not the mods! Don't be afraid to take action with your own hands. Please please contact the police... This situation really has gone far enough

>> No.6435256

I can only imagine how scared and worried the sellers are!

>> No.6435258

It's easy to have the mindset of "Paypal will sort this out" but then you'd at least be giving out a public apology even if you don't have the guts to contact everyone personally. And if she's thinking all the lolitas will let it blow over, she really is an immature, pathetic stupid brat, because if she ever came to my comm and expected to be all lolitas with us, I'd tear that bitch a new one and cut her wig from her scalp because that shit is not okay. I'd tell her to fuck off until she has the respect to pay everyone she fucked over back or at least try to make ammends with them. She is not welcome in my books and if the lolita comms in her area are willing to look past this, they must have something wrong in the head.

>> No.6435265


I love cgl. Why do we have to wait for concrete facts to burn the witch?

>> No.6435269


The longer you wait with these things, the harder it is to get your money back. The moment these people got charged back and saw that this girl was doing nothing, they should have alerted their banks so the authorities could be called in.

>> No.6435270

Was this Alesha bitch involved, because she is pissing me off once again.

>> No.6435271


I was at the party. Had no idea it was her. Most of the girls who posted on her fb don't really follow the comms. She was nice in person. Even if I knew it was her, I wouldn't have been rude. I'm not going to ruin an event just to be an ass to someone. If I was personally effected, I might have asked her about it though.

>> No.6435277


No, she wasn't. She's just a loudmouth who talks out of her ass

I'm really glad I can block all of the people defending Maiko, though, because anyone who does is not someone I want to do business with

>> No.6435278

Some people have gotten multiple chargebacks from this girl. I think it's safe to say the authorities should have been involved.

>> No.6435280

She is not involved. She's just a dumbass maiko whiteknight who jumped into the whole thing WITHOUT READING WHAT WAS GOING ON AT ALL. "Oh don't be so hard on her, she's using the XD face to handle the stress!11"

>> No.6435283
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Because shitty mods and whiteknights. Hearing about chargebacks with the friend's account is now pissing me off.

She'll be at ALA. Everyone parties hard and crazy shit happens. Do the math.

>> No.6435282

I figured, she told some girl to stay out of it yet she is in it.

>> No.6435287

The mods refuse to believe anything that came from CGL, so that's useless.

>> No.6435290

PayPal has been cool with releasing all kinds of info about the situation so far though.

>> No.6435291

That's why I was saying >>6434984
needs to speak up.

>> No.6435293

They also don't believe either of those two are from Milanoo and refuse to ban them

>> No.6435305

Didn't she charge back one of those Chinese sellers too?

>> No.6435316

Even MintyMix was scammed by her? Wow, yell call the police on this girl.

>> No.6435318

Why did the mods put lolita_2012 on the list? Catalina Ziwes is a whole separate situation from this.

>> No.6435319


>> No.6435321

This is why is annoys me when people bitch and moan about cgl being a terrible place.

Yes, there are drama threads and sometimes the comments are out of line or too harsh etc, but when you have a hivemind of people working together on something, the results are always amazing.

This info would never have come to light if not for the wonderful ladies and dudes who spent time to google the family, to research PayPal's policies and victims deal with PayPal's useless staff, to summarise the mess what would have lost half of us if we were to try and piece it together ourselves...

Stuff like this is why I'm always going to be unapologetic about visiting cgl - you're all a great, helpful and useful bunch for research, you have the best and quickest advice threads for coordinates, awesome taobao threads and this is the first place that you can find out info about dodgy stores and sellers. So I just wanted to say that I love you guys and you should be proud of how quickly you manage to achieve stuff.

Sage because I went off on a tangent, but I mean it when I say that this is the best place to talk with other Lolitas about everything and anything.

>> No.6435322

That's a whole separate person

>> No.6435329

I'm with you anon. Everyone I know goes on /cgl for the info or to get a heads up on scams like this.

Newbies always give me the "/cgl is evil" story, but I just laugh at them.

>> No.6435334

Lol, she's on to us guise!

>They could say 100 transactions, just not dollar amounts.

>Also, for everyone here, I'm not a whiteknight for this girl who thinks she's glorious, I think she's an idiot and could definitely be a scammer or at least dumb as shit, I just was annoyed yesterday about the conduct of people for the silliest things. I know I was posted about on cgl, and am being talked about yet again at the moment, and I don't really care; I just wanted to state matter-of-factly that my comments are not if she is lying or telling the truth or defending her (I could care less about her and just hope this is all done with and taken care of soon, and people have their money back), I just wanted to say that paypal can't legally do that.

>Not that it matters, because you guys are just going to say more things about me anyway... But yeah... I'd rather be a "loudmouth bitch" than someone condoning this person's behavior or a supporter of hers in any way.

>I apologize, Alex Doll, I just wanted to put that on a public forum.

>> No.6435336


PayPal told animerei that over 100 transactions got reversed so who even knows what is supposed to be private and what's not

>> No.6435348

Shiiiit this bitch be crayzaaaaay.

This is the best drama I've seen on /cgl/ in ages. So juicy, so insane. I can't wait to see what happens to this maiko bitch, I'm not even a lolita, I just need to fucking know.

>> No.6435359

Ahaha what a stupid bitch.
Just fucking post it here why don't you?
No, we're all scary witch lolitas!

>> No.6435391

Why are people white knighting her...? If Isabella is worried about the "sanity" of the group, wouldnt you blame the scammer who is causing all this and not the people who are upset over it.

>> No.6435404

I don't understand how they can't understand why someone would be upset when they've lost hundreds of dollars. Or they don't care just like maiko doesn't.

>> No.6435408

Bingo, I'm not involved and I'm pissed off that she's treating this like some kind of game or something she can brush under a rug.

>> No.6435418

Jesus Christ, what are her parents' names? I'll find a number and call them, even though I haven't been scammed by her. It seems like more people just want to talk about it instead of actually taking action, especially those who were the ones who got scammed. I don't think it needs to be reiterated, but people need to go to the police. It's not that hard. If you don't, then you can't get pissed over something you're not working to fix for yourself.

>> No.6435423

in the previous thread I believe.

>> No.6435422
File: 480 KB, 500x240, 1314830058891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not involved and I'm giving my voice out because no one called out Maiko's bullshit until yesterday. The fact that she really is ignoring people is pissing me off. At this point I want the cops in and for her relatives to be informed on what happened.

>> No.6435429

From the last thread, these are possible
Father/grandfather: Monte Murray
Address 4 plum court homosassa FL
Mother/grandmother: Jane Murray
Phone (913) 345-0060
I'm in the UK or would ring her myself

>> No.6435433

The lesson to be learned from this is don't trust the egl mods to do anything for you(even if they cared its not like they could anyway) and just do everything yourself

>> No.6435444

The EGL mods are ONLY responsible for banning or not banning people from the comm sales and making sure people follow the comm_sales posting rules. Beyond that, of course you need to do things for yourself. The comm_sales isn't a company. It's a freaking LJ group, they have no power to fix things with the police. That's common sense.

I don't remember seeing them say anything about people NOT taking things seriously and going to the proper outside sources?

>> No.6435448

all anyone did that found her info was google her email/address....

>> No.6435450

Would appreciate them being open about how many people were chargebacked, amounts, if it was resovled or not, her name and emails, and the name/email of the "friend's" account

>> No.6435454

I'm not a lolita but the one thing I've heard repeatedly in situations like this is how the mods try to act like they do have power. Some girl said she regretted listening to a mod telling her how to handle a situation and she ended up losing her money because of it.

>> No.6435461

hey gals!
Evedestroys here.

Since there was some confusion again as to what I posted in the last thread I'll try to make this as clear as possible :)

In July/August I sold Maikodolly a pony in sweet dreams jsk. I forget the exact quantity but I do recall this payment having come from the same account that has been doing the chargebacks.

I have not yet received a chargeback for this transaction.

In August I sold her Sugary Carnival NWOT JSK for over 500 dollars. It was sent via personal payment. I immediately shipped it out once I received payment and within 12 hours (and once the package was gone :() I received notice saying that paypal was reviewing the payment because it set off some sort of flag.

I immediately contacted her and asked her what was up. She told me that her account had been flagged for spending too much.

Seeing as I've gone on egl spending sprees and had paypal do the same to me (it's a security thing I guess? Abnormal spending..) and chargeback a seller without my authority and hold the funds until I cleared it....I didn't think too much of it. Within a few hours my money was released and all was good.

This was around the same time that Maiko bought some stuff from Jola and she got a chargeback that same day.

>> No.6435463

Fast foward to a few days ago. I woke up to find my paypal account (which I do all my freelance design business billing with -_-) to be at -522.00 USD. I immediately knew which transaction this was. I went online and saw that J.M. had reversed the payment. I always assumed it was her mom or something since they had the same last name. I called up paypal and they told me that the transaction was deemed fraudulent and that I was SOL because it was a personal payment. That personal payments are easier to deem as fraudulent.

And this point I was panicking because I REALLY needed that money. (I cannot emphasize how important it was that I not have negative amount in my paypal since I was due to get paid for some small freelance jobs).

I told them that she owed me money and it was payment for that and they were basically like "we know you're a top notch member and we normally do more for you guys but lololol go to the police."

I found Maikodolly's facebook and sent her a stern message. Basically it summed up as such:

I have a chargeback for the sugary carnival dress I sold you in August. I need this money. Either fix the chargeback, or pay me back. If you do not I will not hesitate to go to small claims court or to call the police.

Within hours she responded to me apologizing and saying she'd get it resolved. I also had a friend of mine local to her area give her a call for me. Maiko gave me her number and told me to call paypal and that if they needed to verify that it was a legitimate charge to call her.

I called paypal. They told me that there was no reason to call her. that if she wanted to fix that she could go and do it herself. When I asked them if this was done automatically they said no. They said that this person had to go out of their way to file these chargebacks.

>> No.6435465

When I asked them what about all the other girls that had chargebacks...would they get paid? They said that it was on a case by case basis and they were reviewing them. When I pressed her for more information the representative told me that there were a lot of transactions that were linked to this account that were being chargedback.

Being that I was extremely sick and feverish and all that fun stuff, I sent maiko one more email telling her what paypal told me about her having to fix it herself and asking her to fix it ASAP. Within a few hours she had sent me money from her friend's paypal account.

Since then I have not had any issues with her. However....I now hear that some girls that were paid from her friend's account are having that payment withdrawn. Despite how detrimental it'd be to me being able to bill people through my design business I'm going to close out my paypal account if that charge gets reversed.

Paypal also recently sent me an email about the first transaction that got reversed that they told me I was SOL on. They now gave me the option to fight it.

I used to live in Florida near where she is from. I have friends all over there.

Now I live in California, where she lives now. Lucky for me if she takes this money from me I'm fully prepared to fly back to Florida (yay some free plane tickets that I've accumulated) and involved authorities or the court there. OR since she is now in California I can confront her here.

I'm fully prepared to go to Anime LA or any other events to get my money if I need to. I'm sick of being passive. That's stuff I worked hard for and I won't let someone screw me out of it.

I don't know what's going on with other girls but even though she's cleared things with me, I would not be okay with her having screwed all those other girls of money.

So that said, I'm offering any help I can give to anyone who's stuff isn't fixed yet.

>> No.6435468

No, because that chick who sold her 2 chocomint stars got hit yesterday I think. So that would have been less than 50 bucks.

>> No.6435470

I know that's why I said not tht they could. I meant that its clear they don't give a fuck about this situation an haven't even labeled her a scammer or even shady. And since they put lolita_2012 on the list when it's a totally different person, just shows how clueless they are

>> No.6435471

this happened to me when I was really new to the comm_sales :v dandelion_cloud advised me NOT to open a dispute because a seller potentially was lying to me about requiring a signature confirmation when she sent the package. because there was "tracking" it was OK in the mod's eyes... but I never got the package/it was delivered but my post office said nobody signed anything for me. it was already passed the 45 day limit so I was fucked

>> No.6435474

Lol is Isabella still posting? I have her blocked can someone copypaste what she's saying?

>> No.6435487

Well a huge chunk of warnings got posted, so I have to keep my mouth shut now (I do feel pretty bad to be honest. And right after evedestroys had a message posted.

Looks like I'm done here.

>> No.6435488

Just unblock her, and look genius. We are not your personal facebook reader.

>> No.6435492

thanks for the detailed back story. i really hope that you don't get more hassle.

>> No.6435494

That was me. lol

>> No.6435495

Evedestroys, bless you. I really hope you get your money back.

If you do end up having to confront her at ALA, maybe you might want to have a friend record your conversation to use as proof.

>> No.6435502


Oh right. This is what happens when you haven't been sleeping

Good thing you added all that bitchiness and snark, otherwise I never would have been able to figure it out

>> No.6435504

Careful, because some states require the person to be aware they are being recorded in order to be used as proof.

>> No.6435508

frankly, it's probably more. the jsk alone is about that much. add some accessories and etc and it'd be quite a bit more.

>> No.6435512


I think it should be allowed to post information from people who don't wish to post on that thread... maybe the mod can give you permission?

>> No.6435530
File: 69 KB, 270x430, 13138038392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's cool. I was mainly trying to get Maiko to start getting her shit together. I feel bad if I offended anyone, since I did get a tad rowdy at the end due to the frustration, but hey, if police get involved, not my problem!

>> No.6435532


I think they were referencing an old school meme from when 4chan did DoS attacks regularly.

>> No.6435557

This sucks! I knew the Maiko shit was weird from the start. She screwed over so many people and it's repeated times. Why are people even giving her the benefit of the doubt? We're talking 50k here. Crazy dumb bitches be crazy!

>> No.6435558

you're fucking retarded

>> No.6435566

And you have a delightfully limited vocabulary. Glad we cleared that up.

>> No.6435571


>> No.6435577

Sweetheart, is that the best you can manage? xDDD

>> No.6435580
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>> No.6435582

I met this girl over the weekend. I had no idea all this shit was going down D:. She seemed so nice. I have her phone number though, if that'd be useful.

>> No.6435583

Give it to us.

>> No.6435593

Noooo if she posts it publicly and people harass her she'd probably cancel it and then we'd have no lead.

>> No.6435598

Darling, sweetie, honeypie, boo, I'm afraid it is. XD

>> No.6435603

i won't post it publicly for that reason. Do you think it'd be safe to contact her about the situation?

>> No.6435611

You're so right. /cgl/ might be an evil horde of bitches, but I have learned more about lolita from here than any other source. They may be harsh, but they're truthful and will give you better advice than the asspatters on dailylolita for coords.
If I was in trouble with a scammer or anything like that, my first port of call is /cgl/. Just look at the proof here, a whole anonymous community rallying together to help a bunch of sellers we don't even know, all putting in our knowledge and advice. Thank you, /cgl/ anons, you may be ravenous bitches who tear people to shreds, but you all still have enough heart to help others.

>> No.6435612

Shut the fuck up. You're not contributing.

>> No.6435627

Oh yeah, CGL is definitely doing this out of the kindness of their hearts.

>> No.6435630

Might not be the best plan of action if you just met her. Don't need her getting all "depressed" and crying about how everyone is betraying her or something.

>> No.6435640
File: 81 KB, 256x192, tumblr_m9s4flfudw1r2wx7r.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously it is a conspiracy.

Soon...our plans will be complete...

>> No.6435642

I've read about half this thread and I'm too fucking mad to continue. Seriously, I've been watching the drama around this bitch unfold since it started and really, I mean really, why the fuck are you girls that were ROBBED out of hundreds (and in some cases thousands) of dollars not getting the authorities involved? It's obvious to anyone who isn't a complete idiot that this girl is nothing but a downright lowlife scamming cunt and if you haven't started taking action against her and are "just waiting for it to blow over teehee~" then you deserve to get scammed.

I say it again, CONTACT THE POLICE. GET YOUR MONEY BACK BECAUSE THIS BITCH ISN'T GOING TO DO YOU ANY FAVORS. Paypal are obviously being useless cunts so get in touch with the police directly. THIS IS FRAUD. It's illegal and she's scum of the fucking earth. I hope her mom isn't dead so that when she finds out what her cunt of a daughter has done to all of these buyers she'll beat the little bitch to within an inch of her life.

I'm not even involved in this and damn it I'm just so fucking mad. Mad that half of the girls aren't even BOTHERING about the money they've been scammed out of and most of all I'm livid at this gutter skank who doesn't give a fuck about her actions or the consequences of them.


>> No.6435649

lol i overheard this bitch talking about this shit like it was no big deal. I'm 99% sure she knew everyone involved would get royally screwed by her and she's just trying to buy time until things settle in her favor.

don't trust this bitch, take it to the authorities NOW. if you need more proof, she even came up to norcal and blew tons of cash. coincidence? i think not.

>> No.6435653

This story makes me feel sick in the stomach and I'm not even personally or locationally involved. I wish you all the best, and if you ever need help in any way, please come back and let us know as I'm willing to do what I can. God, my stomach is twisted in knots. I hope this gets cleared up soon, because knowing how this is and could affect your business is horrible.

>> No.6435654
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1309829322305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, I like you and your rage.

Now if only that mod didn't shut everyone up...Then again, it was all just pointless arguing at the end...

>> No.6435657

After Mabet, Crux, and Talia these lolitas never learn. Just wait, we'l be doing the same shit in 8 months.

>> No.6435662

No it's obviously just a lot of people wanting to stick their noses in drama and try to solve an internet mystery.

>> No.6435667


Yes, this is clearly nothing more than an internet mystery

It's not like tons of people are missing hundreds or thousands of dollars

>> No.6435678

You are more than welcome to post something contributory like "call the police." What is not helpful is bickering about stuff like XDDD PSYCHOLOGY!

>> No.6435684

From the last thread:
>i'm beyond pissed right now.
>i accepted a refund from her "friend's" account because paypal deemed me sol (just like some other girls that were paid via personal payment). i'm fucked one way or another, so it's like whatever, and i needed to pay my rent.

>and now guess what i just discovered when i logged into my paypal account? little hint: it's what we all expected to happen to those who got refunds from her "friend".

>i will get proper authorities involved asap. i'm so fucking done.

>> No.6435687

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.6435694

This. I think I can confidently say that even know a good chunk of us aren't involved, we are all genuinely angry and pissed off at this situation; and hope that the people being scammed get their money back.

But we can only try to dig up information and rage, there isn't much we can do if we haven't been affected. So hopefully we can get the victims to take action before its to late.

She posted a three post update in this thread a few posts ago.

>> No.6435695

What an expertly witty retort. I've seen the error of my ways, youre right and I was wrong.

Go home, everybody. Nothing to see here. Nothing weird happening here whatsoever.

>> No.6435696

Because they have nothing to gain by doing all of this digging except more dramu? For drama, I wouldn't go to so much effort. But if you would do it for that, your spiteful hobby is still helping the community.

>> No.6435698




Fucking up our one awesome thread. My god.

>> No.6435704


there have been like 4 of these threads

i think you'll live with 5 posts of bickering

calm your tits

>> No.6435705

fuck this up
*whips out dick*

>> No.6435706

fine, fine. I'll behave. Here have a dead Jane Murray of the right age to have a 18-year-old kid on the date she said her mom died: https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/KHY4-XFD

might be wrong because it's in a different state, but it's pretty hard to get someone different with the right name dead on the right day.

>> No.6435716

Hey, maiko apparently came from Missouri originally. That's probably her.

>> No.6435717

Hey, eve here again.

That was not me. I have not had the money her "friend" sent via paypal reversed yet.

>> No.6435719

Pretty much at this point anyone affected needs to realize the mods aren't going to do shit by just giving warnings and call authorities so Maiko doesn't drown herself in all that stolen loli-money.

>> No.6435734

Oh snap, sorry for confusing you with that post then.

I really hope they realize that. Seems people think the mods actually have power over the situation, when all they do is manage a LJ community.

>> No.6435753

I hope the mods and rules for sales make a change for the good of the community. I really disliked how this situation was handled.

>> No.6435759

They won't do that, don't get your hopes up. Sales and EGL in general will remain the clusterfuck it has been for a while

>> No.6435762

Mod from EGL said police have been involved and are tracking it.

>> No.6435765

The moral of this shitfest?
Never trust egl mods or Paypal to solve your problems for you. Get your hands dirty and save yourself. And in general, just don't trust egl mods. Too many of them are only interested in sucking their own frilly dicks and throwing their weight around.
>Hurr durr I'm a mod, shut up ur wrong, I decide what is loli and what is not durrrr I make rules up to suit me hurrr
This happens too often on btb and comm sales

>> No.6435775

OT, but what was the deal with that one week where the mod on btb was commenting on random posts with stuff like "oh I saw this once before so ur a trol durr" etc? I mean, why not either do it on every post, or just reply in the proper thread? Did they make up those secrets for drama or something?

>> No.6435779

Source please?

>> No.6435785

Where did they say that at?

>> No.6435788

Wonderfinch posted this on Lolita Sales in English
Hi there, just wanted to butt in here~!

I'm one of the mods over on EGL. Over the weekend I happened to run into maikodolly in person. I just want to alert everyone to the fact that the local authorities have been notified of this situation and are tracking it. If you do not receive payment or a firm timeline as to when you will receive payment, please contact me via PM on here or via PM on LiveJournal (my username is wonderfinch). I can follow up with the authorities if you need further action taken c:

>> No.6435789

That would make her 43 when she had maiko. I find that highly unlikely, most women have their children in their 20s and early 30s.

>> No.6435794

Lolita sales group~ Cimone posted it

>> No.6435796

Wonderfinch apparently saw her this weekend:

>Hi there, just wanted to butt in here~!

I'm one of the mods over on EGL. Over the weekend I happened to run into maikodolly in person. I just want to alert everyone to the fact that the local authorities have been notified of this situation and are tracking it. If you do not receive payment or a firm timeline as to when you will receive payment, please contact me via PM on here or via PM on LiveJournal (my username is wonderfinch). I can follow up with the authorities if you need further action taken c:

>> No.6435798

But considering she's a doctor and successful enough that she has a ton of money and a huge life insurance policy? I believe it

>> No.6435799

So Wonderfinch contacted the authorities?

>> No.6435801

wow, WF is pretty average...

>> No.6435808

Maiko claims to have a brother, and the family appears to be affluent. There is a trend for later child birth in affluent households in the US lately, isn't there? So it's not impossible that her mom had her later on.

>> No.6435813


I don't think so. I think maybe she means the authorities are investigating these alleged "fraudulent charges" that Maiko reported

>> No.6435817

Maybe these days, but maiko would have to be at least 17-18 so that would place her birth in the mid-90s. Was it so common then?

>> No.6435820

I had no idea Lolitas love anal so much cuz you're all getting ass-raped xDDD

I gotta land me one of these lolitas now. So dumb, so awesome.

>> No.6435823

Can somebody please punch this Alesha bitch in the mouth to shut her up?

>> No.6435826

I feel more relieved now knowing this. Good luck to everyone!

>> No.6435834

anon, my mother concieved me at 41, i'm 18, so it does happen

>> No.6435843

Naturally it happens, but I doubt it was as common as it is now. We're just trying to work out the likelihood of different scenarios until something new comes out

>> No.6435856
File: 307 KB, 480x640, 1327607342218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paypal has (illegally I suppose) told that there has been 100+ transactions reversed by her as well as a few lolita businesses(like Minty Mix) being affected by this.

Even MintyMix is affected by this too. Her business got charge backs.

I bet BTSSB and AP in SF probably got charge backs if Maikodolly shopped there.

>> No.6435874

Isn't it much more likely that she was born to an older mom, than that she's faking her mom's death as part of an elaborate financial scheme, and some woman with exactly the right name happened to die on exactly the right day, though? just saying...

>> No.6435878

You sound like that person who calls everyone in pixyteri threads "smuckers". Just saiyan.

>> No.6435963

My mom had me when she was 43 and I was born in 1989 so it's entirely possible. Maiko is at least 18 according to facebook.

>> No.6435969

where did you hear that mintymix got hit too?

>> No.6435973

It's on the facebook post - someone who knows MM or is a friend of a friend heard she got chargedback

I kind of wish BABY was charged back, that would be kind of funny to watch with their rampant blacklisting of anyone who so much as looks at them the wrong way...

>> No.6435980

Not the anon who posted that but she quoted me off lj, Minty told me personally she got hit by her.

>> No.6435984

by personally I mean she told me on my status when I brought up how bad I felt for the lolitas effected by this.

>> No.6435985 [DELETED] 

I'm not getting involved in this but I'll say this much, I know her in person and have met her father, her mother is dead and died of cancer a few months back.

>> No.6435992

then knowing her personally do you think she did this on purpose?

>> No.6436004 [DELETED] 

Unfortunately I haven't known her long enough to really have a say on whether or not she did this on purpose. I was talking to my mom about it earlier this evening since she's met her too and we're both kind of shocked and really hoping this wasn't on purpose because it would really damage our impression of her.

>> No.6436005

yeah well we all know what a dumbass dandelion_cloud was

>> No.6436026


>> No.6436028


A lot of regular scammers can be the most charismatic people in the world. They will gain your trust until you let your guard down, then hit you when you least expected.

>> No.6436136

Somebody, preferably somebody local to Maiko, needs to take down the names, dollar amounts, and contact info of everyone scammed, and make sure the police get it.

The very day this started, "Maiko" should have gone over her bill and called in a list of legitimate and truly illegitimate charges. This shit should have all been over within 2 business days, not dragged out indefinitely.

>> No.6436153

Ugh, her poor mother. I understand that Maiko is probably feeling really bad after losing her mother that way, but did she really need to go to such extents to make herself feel better? I wouldn't be surprised if she went batshit on the spending and her father has noticed and she's trying to get all that insurance money back.

>> No.6436155

Since the credit card is in her mom's name, looks like she wasn't using "insurance money" but her dead mom's credit card.

>> No.6436156
File: 901 KB, 498x198, lara croft guurrl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what? did you...sock me?

>> No.6436159

WF is talking like she is in direct contact with the police, and apparently wants everyone to go through her to get this resolved, but I don't trust that situation at all

>> No.6436161

Awh yeah I neglected to remember that. So much worse.

>> No.6436173

I wouldn't either. Seriously people, do NOT rely on the EGL mods at all. Shit, their update still says "According to our sources, authorities have confirmed that it was indeed a mistake with her credit card company"

>> No.6436184

My mother was 41 when she had me, so its not really too much of a stretch.

>> No.6436246
File: 75 KB, 500x289, tumblr_llvnti8xuo1qhkf2u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHOEVER ACCEPTED THE PAYMENT FROM THE FRIEND AND GOT REVERSED, please contact wonderfinch on livejournal. WF wants some info.

>> No.6436247

If you're sitting around waiting for the mods of a fashion community on livejournal to fix your paypal problems you probably shouldn't be allowed to have bank accounts.

The egl mods are in charge of banning the scammer and warning people about them, not

*providing you with legal advice after your money has been stolen
*walking you through paypal's tech support
*alerting the authorities for you when money has been stolen from you
*providing anyone with the details of other people's paypal accounts
*knowing the details of other people's paypal


>> No.6436344

That's hardly impossible, or even really all that unlikely. My mom and most of her other doctor-friends had kids in their early 40's. Granted, it's incredibly risky to wait that long, but women who have intense professional careers do often either wait until the last minute or not have kids at all.

>> No.6436354

I mean, it's really nice of WF she's trying to gather information, but all she can do is provide a simple overview for people involved and outside of this situation. Her going all "gimme info, I'll take care of this" is giving people a false sense of safety. She has NO authority outside her little LJ EGL hugbox, she can't do jack shit. I wish people would realize this. If you have enough money lying around so it doesn't hurt to lose $500, let WF take care of it. If you don't, call PP and the police. Now. Since it's, you know, their job to deal with shit like this.
Especially with the history of some of the mods in regards to dealing with scams, I wouldn't trust ANY of them if I were in this situation.
>WF wants some info.
Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? I hope anon did the only right thing, turned off her computer and went straight to the police. Lol at WF demanding anything as if she was entitled to it.

>> No.6436357

I don't think she wants everyone to go through her to get it RESOLVED necessarily. Just, since she's a moderator of the community involved, it's good to have a collected pool of information about what has happened. She's not a legal authority or anything, but certainly it's better that she collect too much information than do absolutely nothing. It hardly hurts, and at best she can at least perhaps aid those affected in organizing the information so that those affected can contact authorities with a single list of info.

>> No.6436359

This said, I would go to the police FIRST, THEN provide info to WF. Again, it doesn't hurt, and then if something does get organized you can utilize that as well. Just don't depend on it.

>> No.6436361

Am I the only one who is surprised nobody called Maikodolly out on her "My LJ isn't working right now"-excuse? It seems funny that whenever something like this happens, PM suddenly disappear, accounts stop working for no reason, emails are eaten by the internet... all while nobody else is experiencing problems like this, of course.
I know LJ's glitchy, but come on now... and there are a handful girls who said that their messages have been ignored, both on LJ and FB.
Too many holes, too many excuses.

>> No.6436363

It really didn't seem like she was DEMANDING it. In the thread I saw, she just politely asked if someone could ask the anon to report to her, if they were comfortable with it. That seems really reasonable and polite to me.

>> No.6436377

Ah, okay then, my apologies.
I didn't see WF's post, just anon's, and "WF wants info" doesn't really sound reasonable and polite to me. But I guess it's just the way anon worded it. Scratch the last line on my previous post. Sorry.

>> No.6436384

Sorry, my word choice was bad. I just thought it would catch people's attention.

WF's request:
>Do you happen to have the individual's username or information? I'm packing to go out of town right now so I sadly won't have a chance to sort through the /cgl/ thread, but I would like to follow up with them and get some more information!

>(Alternately, if you don't have their info I would appreciate it if you could put out a call for them to contact me with info if they don't mind giving it!)

>> No.6436407


Why would you trust this bitch to handle something over which she has no authority?

>hurr i'll take care of it i promise xD

>> No.6436415


I'm pretty sure WF mentioned livejournal having some sort of limit on messages you can send/receive at some point and her having difficulty with it. If so, problems with livejournal are plausible. Also, livejournal gives me issues with IE sometimes when I try to post comments or make posts so I switch to firefox now to do that.

Unrelated to your comment, but I'm same anon who thought other anon's whining about having to wait for facts to act is stupid, btw.

>> No.6436450

> 2012
> using ie

>> No.6436641

New post from WF on the situation, dunno WHY they made it friends locked :/

">>Just wanted to provide an easy repository for this information~

>>If you have had issues with this seller or need assistance, please PM A MODERATOR DIRECTLY. That will allow us to easily organize and track the information.

>>If you need to get in touch with this buyer, she has said she is having LJ issues so you may have better luck proceeding via her FB. Please drop me a PM if you are a seller and need the link for contact purposes.

>>As mods, please note that we're really busy dealing with this situation and we don't have time to monitor outside sites and groups at this moment. If you spot a seller who has been affected by this situation on an outside group, whether they are a small-scale seller on the sales community or a larger-scale business, please encourage them to contact us here."

I like the subtle dig at CGL and LSE

>> No.6436650

I would just like to take a moment to thank /cgl/ for being a lot more interesting than my family on Thanksgiving.

>> No.6436662

No wonder it's so slow today.

>> No.6436670

Yeah all us Americans are stuffing our faces. That also means that the people at Paypal and whatnot are probably off today, or understaffed. So more waiting for those poor girls who got scammed.

>> No.6436700


>> No.6436732

Ugh tomorrow is black friday as well isn't it?
It'll take at least until monday for anyone to get their money back.

>> No.6436740

If you read it, she's offering to go to the LOCAL police for people outside of the area since she's in the same area as maikodolly, not saying she's going to take care of it all or that people shouldn't still go to their local police. And she's politely asking for info most likely so she can distribute it to people who ask the mods and aren't on /CGL/.

I'm not sure why everyone is going all burn the witch over her posts; she's offering to help disseminate information and/or do things that she can do by being local that people not local might not be able to do, not offering to wave a magic wand and fix it.

>> No.6436743

Sometimes I just want to tell WF to go fuck herself. Who does she think has figured out all the bullshit lies this girl has pulled? The mods? Uh, no bitch. No.

>> No.6436748

I thought it was the paypal that was in her mom's name? I don't think paypal tells you who's name the card used on paypal is in.

>> No.6436750

It's a holiday and she's traveling, I highly doubt it's a dig. She probably really doesn't have time to sort through 3+ /CGL/ threads of info, speculation, and contradictions (and THAT is not a dig, just looking at it from and outside perspective), and the mess of half-deleted conversations and bickering that is the LSE thread.

>> No.6436753

sorry, that was supposed to be in reply to

>> No.6436781

does it matter? I mean, the card has to match, anyways doesn't it?

>> No.6436788

My paypal is in the name of my website and paypal has never had an issue with it, so no, the name on the card doesn't have to match.

>> No.6436794

Because people want to complain about something. Before she said anything it was the mods had no idea what was happening and were useless, now that she is offering what help she can give it's because she's power tripping and it's none of her business.

>> No.6436837

Probably because the mods haven't been very forthcoming with what's really going on with this girl to the community? It's frustrating that people who are on /cgl/ know she's lied multiple times and is bullshitting but on EGL it just says "oh it was a mistake with her card XD"

>> No.6436855


>> No.6436891

I know that AP SF did get hit.

>> No.6436893
File: 33 KB, 400x453, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...internet explorer. you're using internet explorer.

>> No.6436895

Really? When did that happen?

>> No.6436900

I know she has shopped there and they thought it wouldn't affect them since they don't use paypal, but it seems the transactions were reversed through the credit card itself as well.

>> No.6436902


Where did you hear that??

>> No.6436908

I can't say where, but I have legitimate sources.

>> No.6436910

Oh shit son! So I gather that means that she personally requested the chargebacks and not Paypal causing the issues.

>> No.6436911

So freakin' dodgy!

>> No.6436923

Dandelion cloud was an awful mod. She was dumb as a sack of bricks and she couldn't coord to save her life. So glad she gtfoed herself.

>> No.6436926


Aww I want to believe you so bad. Cmon we're all anon here!

I mean to be fair I think a lot of us assumed this anyway. I hope this little bitch goes to fucken jail.

>> No.6436939

I used to work there before I moved and so I still talk to some of the current staff from time to time. I was also the for the tea party and the owner was excited about not getting hit. There was even an email sent to them saying to arrest Caitlyn when she got to the tea party.

>> No.6436945

I've seen her post about purchasing directly from AP. I'm not surprised if AP SF got hit tbh. She's gon fucked up the whole comm!


>> No.6436946

>an email sent to them saying to arrest Caitlyn
I'm sorry but that just sounds a little too unbelievable. I can understand why you don't want to post proof of your source but it makes it hard to believe what you say.

>> No.6436951

Just a thought.

If she has 4-5k or over worth of stuff bought, would it not still be profitable if all the sellers grouped up and hired a repro guy in combination with working with police?

Even if I had to chip in 50$ to get a 200$ jsk back I'd be worth it in my eyes.

>> No.6436952


This seems like overexaggerated... but iawtc she should get arrested for the shit she pulled. Cc fraud, scamming, chargebacks.. All of it is illegal.

Also I think girls who are affected can file a class action lawsuit against paypal. This whole shit is ridic.

>> No.6436954


lol RORITA REPO MAN. This would make an amazing movie. I would watch this over and over and over xD

>> No.6436956

What's it like working there, by the by? I know it's a boutique environment and I recently got a boutique job thinking "oh, this is a much smaller place that DOESN'T have the traffic of Time Square" but the shifts are longer, my boss is the store's designer so she's fucking INSANE, and we basically perform sales and manager duties since our staff is so much smaller.

On the plus side, we can wear whatever we like so long as it's "nice"

>> No.6436957

Some girl, not the police from EGL most likely sent them the email. No one believed it and everyone laughed it off.

>> No.6436958


Yeah I mean I think if there was a warrant out we'd have heard, unless it was some crazy anon that sent the email.

But yeah my 4 years of studying journalism and media tell me not to believe you womp wommmmp

>> No.6436961


yup im laughing it off right now as we speak!

>> No.6436962

It was some angry girl telling them to contact the police when she got to the party.

>> No.6436967

>This is the same thing that happened to me with paypal. I was told to contact Maiko to 'speed up' their investigation or something like that. This whole thing is really confusing and I had good contact with her last night and she said she would take care of it and contact me, but I had no reply from her since I left. I am only going to give her the benefit of the doubt for a little longer and then I will go to the police.
>I am only going to give her the benefit of the doubt for a little longer and then I will go to the police.


good lord

>> No.6436969


I quoted the wrong one I think. But yeah that's what I figured. It's a little funny, and it brings me back to the question all of us have been asking: why have the actual authorities NOT been involved?

>> No.6436970



>> No.6436971

She's probably just one of those people who thinks that Caitlyn is innocent and just a victim in all of this.

>> No.6436974


LOL I'm just gonna wait a little longer to see if the shit that landed on me is actually real. Then I'll think about doing something about it.

>> No.6436978

I must say I'm impressed that Maiko hasn't cracked after all this. people are threatening her with the police and she isn't afraid.

Fuck the poelice. Maiko doesn't afraid xD

>> No.6436988

Some people are scared to try to talk to police.

>> No.6436998



>> No.6437009

Late to the party... but this is awful! I hope the girls who got chargedback can get their money back. What is up with this Maikodolly chick? Isn't she afraid of the repercussions??? You can't just scam a bunch of people for 6k+ and get away with it. It sounds wrong but I also hope she goes to jail for it. Or at least gets in deep trouble for what she pulled (or tried to pull)

>> No.6437014


Or do you think she'll get away with it??

>> No.6437039

not that anon, but if enough lolis who've been hit sit on their frilly rumps doing nothing she probably will.

>> No.6437041

4chan always delivers on awful family holidays

>> No.6437051

I just finished an entire 12 pack of fun sized Twix while reading this thread.

I love the holidays!

>> No.6437058

Speaking of the holidays. I hope this bitch doesn't think she can ignore people who are out hundreds of dollars just because it's Thanksgiving.

>> No.6437064

She will. How often have scammers on the sales comm gotten away with their shit? They've been found out, but punished? Nah. Legal action's always threatened but never pushed through.

>> No.6437089

Lolis are mad scared of the popo yo.

>> No.6437090

This shit's autosaging guys.

>> No.6437172


>> No.6437296

Even though /cgl/ has gotten much more information than they're achieved.

>> No.6437399

it's possible the mods know more than they're letting on, as usual.

>> No.6437614

>issues with IE
Well, THERE'S your problem.

>> No.6437643
File: 191 KB, 477x407, maikodolly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone thinking that WF is gonna solve all of their problems is a moron. Never trust an untrained, unprofessional, LiveJournal community moderator.

>> No.6438494

Dammit. If I wore AP and knew she was going to the party I would have waited outside and asked her about it directly. Fuck her.

>> No.6438548


Why so much hate for IE? On my main computer, when I first got it, about half of the internet worked on IE and not firefox, and the other half worked on firefox and not IE. I like IE's interface and all my links are saved in it.

>> No.6440210

(Because of character limits, this will be a multi part post)

Hello everyone, understanding the situation I know many of you are upset. To clear the air, I will release all the information and give everyone the police report number that was filed from Maiko (real name Caitlyn Jane Murray) in Murrieta, Ca 92563 and I will give you all the number to the police station in Murrieta if you would like it.
The police report file is MR12-007242 and the number is (951) 304-2677. Feel free to contact if there is any problems.
As for the paypal, here is the situations, before all the money was taken away, even that of the purchases she did make, she had contacted paypal to report the purchases she did not make. She reported only the purchases not made by her but paypal refunded her back for everything including the ones she authorized.
Because of this, this is why she is called a scammer and it's completely understood.
What you should also know is the bank situations. The banks were notified before paypal and a fraud claim was filed, USBank is the bank she has been doing this with and they have been unreliable. She has filed fraud claim two times and they have yet to send her the paperwork after a few months to finalize and create an investigation. To help understand about why she did not know of this sooner has to do with her mom (who is actually her grandma) holding the account before her death in late august. Her grandma had Caitlyn in the account but held all information from her and had no online banking at the time. When her grandma did pass away the information was given to Caitlyn.

part 2 is coming next

>> No.6440212

Because of paypal freezing her account she couldn't make purchases herself for aprox 2 months and she couldn't contact the bank or paypal while her mom was alive to understand why. After being released the information for her bank and paypal she had learned of the fraud charges she nor her father (her grandfather) had made. That is when she set up the online banking and realized it had been going on since around June or July time. Purchases being made were anything from massive amounts of itunes purchases as well as thousands of dollars worth in lolita wear that Caitlyn never wears/buys from or knows of.
With that being said and explained this is how she went on to call paypal about unauthorized purchases and explains when they eventually took everyone's money even those she said were authorized.
Because of the frozen accounts and bank fraud she has changed her back from USBank and is trying to open up a completely new paypal, closing all paypals, bank accounts and cards recently linked to the fraud.

Part 3 is coming next

>> No.6440215

So she is starting from a new, and has recently moved to SoCal (the move relating nothing to the fraud but to a dedication to her band. Note this move was in discussion even before the fraud was known about), getting established in an apartment which currently has no internet or cable, not even furnished. Her friends have been there to help her with the move and helping her create fraud claims and police reports, also in any case that paypal still isn't working for her they have been using their paypals to pay people back. An example can be that she has already paid back four individuals by the name of Kieri Bradach , Eve Naffziger, Esther Luque and Morgan Moe Kyurin. Another is she did not pay this person back but helped her get her money back is Jola Kupferer.
She has recently gotten a new paypal to start paying everyone back that was not supposed to be part of the fraud claim and is awaiting her new bank account opened around Nov 15 to accept all her money from USBank which will be finalized Nov 27. Once completed she will have the funds for her new paypal as she has connected her new bank to it.

Part 4 is coming next

>> No.6440218

As for her Mother's death (grandmother) which is in question by a few people, you can find her cremation information by possibly searching her name Jane Elizabeth Murray or her maiden last name Scott, also by calling Wilder Funeral Home in Florida.
I tried my best to address every situation where there is concern or doubt of honesty so if there is anything else which I can address to help clear up the situation please let me know what incident I forgot.
I hope everything gets situated and that Caitlyn's name can be cleared and everyone can get their money back. This is a huge misunderstanding that was blown way way way out of proportion and it was never meant to happen. The anger is understandable and because of no clarity given the accusations of her honesty is also completely understandable. I just hope this information will help clear up any uncertainties or doubts. Once her new bank account accepts all the money and is finalized on the 27th of November she will be refunding everyone back.

Part 5 coming next

>> No.6440220

Also note that because of the bank holding most of her money and her friends being the ones to pay some people back, the friends do not have enough to keep paying everyone back for her, so once her bank account is finalized with all her money deposited, she will be able to refund people herself and a lot quicker.
I hope this information has helped clear up any problems. Thank you for reading and good luck everyone!

>> No.6440328

So which family member/friend of Caitlyn is this? Because a lot of what you're saying is bullshit.

>> No.6440593

I'm sorry, do you know her personally? how do u know this is bullshit? Please, elaborate on how you've come to this conclusion and i might believe you.

>> No.6440617

>Purchases being made were anything from massive amounts of itunes purchases as well as thousands of dollars worth in lolita wear that Caitlyn never wears/buys from or knows of.

Right there. Total bullshit.

>> No.6440623

I'm a different anon, but I have a question: Does that mean that some (or ALL) of her purchases from seller in June and July were unauthorized? Because you say that she couldn't make any purchases for several months, but weren't several of the purchases she's now having to refund made in July? Or was it before that?


>> No.6440635 [DELETED] 

ok, well if you think you're an expert how about this.

The massive amount of itunes purchases were shown in her actual bank account, nothing to do with paypal, the frauder had her actual information, hence the reason for the name "identity theft".

Secondly, massive amounts of dollars in lolita wear she doesn't wear or have heard of. She doesn't wear certain types of lolita brands or even some of the makeup that was purchased she doesn't wear either, hence she would never buy from them, and from what she doesn't know, there were purchases to sellers whom she has no idea who they are even have contact with. So again, going back to identity theft, the frauder was buying from people and companies that she doesn't know or have ever heard of. Right there, it isn't bullshit, but if that's your only reason for trying to say it is, then that's sad.

>> No.6440654

>The banks were notified before paypal and a fraud claim was filed

Bullshit. She said on Facebook she contacted PAYPAL first and golly gee, they must have "called her bank or something."

>> No.6440655


She found about the fraud near the beginning of October, the couple of months before then (june july and august) her paypal was going through freezes and unfreezing and freezing again. Eventually it stayed frozen, she had no way to understand what was going on as stated before how her mother (grandmother) kept information with her to look up the account. So yes some purchases of her refunds are going to purchases in the window of time when paypal was unfrozen.

>> No.6440667

Actually, factually she called her bank first in October when everything was found out about fraud. She continued to deal with the fraud from her bank all through October, recently in the beginning of November is when she called Paypal she went through the fraudulent charges and the authorized. It is paypals mistake they reversed all paypal purchases within that window of time. The "called her bank or something." she figured they must have called it to refund the money there or something of the sort. She has no idea if they did or not.

>> No.6440682

Why do you keep saying "she" when you know you're Maiko?

>> No.6440687

Because this isn't Maiko.

>> No.6440693

Which friend is it, then? Is she on the phone, hysterical right now? Or over your shoulder, biting her nails wondering if any of the people she scammed are going to take her to court?

And I notice you ignored >>6440617

How do you explain "she doesn't know of lolita wear"? And why would her brother, who she said stole her identity, buy lolita clothes?

>> No.6440704

You have a pretty distinct writing style. Cgl isnt stupid. We can recognize it if we read your bullshit posts so many times over.

>> No.6440717

Who this is is someone who wants to clear the situation to everyone who has no idea what's going on. Your choice to believe it or not goes to you and frankly the information goes to those of the actual paypal reversals, and has been posted elsewhere.

Thank what you would like, but having not been around this personally you cannot factually claim what I have been saying is false. What I gave was basic information everyone needed to know and of course there are specific details, but I felt since this a public board most of the specific details should belong to those involved.

actually i didn't ignore that question, i replied but the number is the wrong.

And if you would read it correctly, there were certain purchases of brands she'd never wear and places she's never heard of and I explained. Also, she never said her brother did it, the identity of the frauder was already reported to the police and going to remain anonymous.

>> No.6440720


Think what you like, but this isn't Maiko.

>> No.6440731

>as well as thousands of dollars worth in lolita wear that Caitlyn never wears/buys from or knows of.
Are you saying that she doesn't wear/buy lolita at all?

>> No.6440751

>Also, she never said her brother did it, the identity of the frauder was already reported to the police and going to remain anonymous.

She said so on Facebook, actually.


Here's the new thread btw. Ask there. Someone will post the cap that shows her saying her brother "Who is a very mean person" stole her identity.

>> No.6440780

Certainly not, there were lolita items purchased of brands she doesn't wear, therefore she would never spend money on them let alone tons of money. Also, there were items bought from certain paypal names she doesn't recognize or have ever purchased from, that is where the "buys or knows of" came from.

Of course she wears and buys lolita, there would be no denying it when it's perfectly clear.

>> No.6440789

So you're telling us a Lolita stole her bank info, bought Lolita from brands they liked (but she didn't) and then sent them to her in the mail?


>> No.6440797

>Also, she never said her brother did it, the identity of the frauder was already reported to the police and going to remain anonymous.


Right there.

What excuse will you make for yourself--I mean, her, now?

>> No.6440801

Herp, wrong link

>>6440793 is the cap

>> No.6440808


She probably said it was possible, I checked there and didn't see anything. The fact there are multiple threads on 4chan being made about this and doubts of a huge message meant for the sole purpose of explaining everything shows that any attempts at trying to calm this down is worthless.

The facts are there and they are the truth whether anyone wants to take it as such or not. She is going to be paying everyone back so once that is settled everyone will know. The information was only said so people may take it as such and hopefully get some questions answered.

Everyone will be paid. That is pretty much the base of all this drama, so instead of trying to drag her personal life into this just contact her, she really truly does want this settled and never once has she wrote back anything offensive to anyone who has contacted her with concern.

This only happened because she wanted her identity theft taken care of and paypal is the one that messed up.

Everyone will get their money back. Just please wait till the 27th, that's when her bank finalizes all the money transferred from her previous bank account.

>> No.6440814

>She probably said it was possible

No. She said it WAS her brother. Check the link. >>6440808

You keep talking about the "facts" and yet your "facts" don't match up with the truth.

>> No.6440827


There were two suspects and her brother was one of them, but because of VERY personal reasons nothing of her and her brother can be released.

She claims that at that night she was getting hounded with messages and someone even called her phone, I mean, this forum went so far as to release her old address, her parents name and even attempt to show her mother (which they are actually her grandparents) and that post wasn't actually her. Anyway, the deal with her brother, because it's a very personal story she thought it was him for quite a long time. yes I even know this. So yes she said it, it is true she thought it to be her brother.

Because she was piecing everything together and of course because her brother wouldn't buy lolita she did not report her brother to the police, her brother will not, should not, and can not be involved in this. The police report has another name, nothing to do with her brother.

>> No.6440835

guys, this thread is autosaging, please take it to the new one.

>> No.6440839

so you're saying that both her (as yet unnamed) mother and her grandmother Jane both died of cancer in July?

>> No.6440840

She said it WAS her brother. That is a fact. Nothing you can say can change that.

>she thought it was him for quite a long time. yes I even know this.

So magically, until 4 days ago, she KNEW it was her brother enough to post about that in a public forum ("very personal reasons" indeed) and suddenly found out it was a lolita who was buying a bunch of lolita clothing? Yeah, okay.

Nobody believes you, aoisfuji.

>> No.6440851

Mother and grandmother is the same person as she calls her grandmother "mom" because she has raised her.

No they did not both die, her real mother is out of the picture.

>> No.6440868


No, she had 2 suspects as I mentioned before, the reason she brought her brother into this is because of their history and because of being constantly hounded it is what she claimed.

Like I said, you don't have to believe me, but these are the facts.

>> No.6440880

"These are the facts."

so first you say she didn't blame her brother, then you say "oh she said it was probably her brother," and now you're saying that magically, a day or so after she told people publicly it was her brother doing it, she found the mysterious lolita identity thief and reported them?

This isn't Fox News, aoisfuji. Repeating things over and over doesn't make them true.

>> No.6440889

then tell us who the thief actually is, so we can go after them instead.

>> No.6440896

here is a link to the newest thread, we all switched over because this one will be deleted soon. just click on the red link below.
