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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.09 MB, 1280x852, tumblr_mdruxaosG31qgp5aro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6430955 No.6430955 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread there. More cosplay, less butthurt.

>> No.6430968
File: 1.01 MB, 850x1272, tumblr_mdippm7FPt1qkhs2no3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6430971

that is a really cute john

>> No.6430972

I'm blind.

>> No.6430975

If there's going to be that much shoop, it should be more on removing awkward glasses frames and less on making everything so fucking bright you can't see anything.

>> No.6430974
File: 90 KB, 960x720, tumblr_m0tbppcCi61r32wayo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6430976

Oh that dirk is me. yeah the picture is not the best but the shoot was fun.

>> No.6430978

I'd really like the roxy if her teal bra(?) wasnt hanging out

>> No.6430979
File: 153 KB, 500x543, shooshpap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6430980

Oh dear. That's quite the pantyshot there.

>> No.6430986
File: 1.35 MB, 1024x765, tumblr_lzlxalwNkI1qzzfdxo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6430987
File: 486 KB, 664x1000, lohac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6430992

Did you need to make the picture that fucking bright though? It wouldn't be too bad otherwise, but god it hurt to look at.

>> No.6430993
File: 84 KB, 250x334, goodandsimple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6430996
File: 62 KB, 652x504, HoodTutorial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this to help anyone making a Heir of Breath God-tier hood. Kotobarusansama's tutorial lacked technical drafts/patterns, so hopefully this helps someone. Pardon the awful draftsmanship.

Supplemental instructions to this tutorial: http://everyonesahero.tumblr.com/post/9859422154/john-god-tier-hood-tutorial

>> No.6431000

Well, there goes my will to live.

>> No.6431006
File: 17 KB, 648x362, kuFv8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... wow. Just wow.

>> No.6431007

Yeah I didn't do the editing I was just in the pic. Not really sure why they decided to make it so bright.

>> No.6431009

i know people think skinnier = better cosplay but anorexia really doesnt suit the redglare outfit

>> No.6431011

Well give them this message for me...


>> No.6431015

My guess is you guys were weirdly backlit in the photo, and rather than adjusting aperture/shutterspeed like they SHOULD have, the photographer tried to compensate for it by brightening everything in photoshop.

On a related note, how much shoop would you guys consider too much shoop? For cosplayers, do you prefer to receive raws from the photographer and take the wheel, or leave everything in their hands and hope for the best?

Personally I like the look of high saturation for Homestuck pics, as long as it's used well and care is taken to the composition of the rest of the photo. It won't make a subpar photo acceptable, but if used tastefully it can add impact to an already good photo.

>> No.6431016


I think she's just naturally thin. It can't be helped. But I agree that curvy, even chubby Redglares tend to look really good.

>> No.6431019

What picture are you looking at? That cosplayer looks healthy to me, not anorexic.

>> No.6431021

Why god, why this


>> No.6431027
File: 11 KB, 650x450, 04053_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This reminds me. I've been kind of curious about this for a while: Why does nobody cosplay Redglare with teal lipstick? Every single one I see has black lips, but in this closeup they're her blood color.

I think the teal lipstick would look really nice, but I've never seen a Redglare who has done it that way. Anyone else...?

>> No.6431036
File: 682 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mdjkr9ZGoG1qhugjjo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only teal I've ever seen on the lips of a redglare.

>> No.6431039

So, I just got my bodysuit for Latula and I'm looking into airbrushing it with Dye-Na-Flow, do you guys think this is a good idea or should I just layer the fabric like everyone else?

>> No.6431041

People also consistently combine details from FLARP Terezi and Redglare on a whim despite the outfits being pretty goddamn different.
My guess is that it's lack of attention to detail. Nothing new.

>> No.6431043

What were the cosplays from chibi pa and shado that stuck out to you guys?

>> No.6431050

Shame that so many other things on this are so unfortunate. Is that tape on those horns?

>> No.6431046

bendy-looking stick legs, head looks big on their body (not just because of the wig), something about the fit of the vest and the stiff pose. anorexia exists prior to the living skeleton stage and i've seen it a lot.

it's a great cosplay regardless and it's not like they shouldnt cosplay redglare, but i'm suddenly aware of how much i consider junk in the trunk requisite for pyropes.

>> No.6431047

I don't think there is a single good March Eridan cosplay out there.

I'm almost attempted to try him myself though. But instead of wearing trashy random clothing, I'd want to make an effort and go all out like an ostentatious and gaudy drag queen.

>> No.6431054
File: 258 KB, 900x600, tumblr_m840lnXe5c1rp01m6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A while back something was posted in HSG about zippyc constantly coming here to insult other cosplayers and spread rumors about his friends, then nothing of it was mentioned again.

Can we get any deets on that? He's always been pretty unpleasant at cons in my experience, so I'm curious to know more.

>> No.6431059

Her arms look fine though? IMO I think the skinnyness of the leg is an illusion because of the black outline of the skirt, the placement of the bodysuit seam, and how the staff covers the outer edge of her thigh. She's standing at the 3/4 angle which is good for minimizing .

>> No.6431060


I think the girl looks fine, but I'm gonna agree with this--the cut of Redglare's outfit looks really good on girls who aren't stick thin.

>> No.6431066


Some Redglares cosplayed her before this panel was introduced. I know damaramegido used teal lipstick, though.

>> No.6431065

How has he been unpleasant at cons? He always seems rather friendly to me, though there are moments where that changes. but a majority of the time he's not unpleasant.

>> No.6431070

Love the makeup on the rest of this, but I do wish they had added nails/claws to their armsocks. I never realized how awkward they look without them.

Please do it. Pimped out weave, all the gaudy jewelry you can, bitch brows, the whole package.

>> No.6431067

Is cotton or microsuede a bad idea for god tier outfits?
What other non-shiny fabric choices would /cgl/ suggest?

>> No.6431068


Yeah, when I cosplayed Redglare, fucking EVERYONE thought I was Terezi. Man, that was annoying.

>> No.6431072


Someone I know mentioned that they saw him go off at someone who misgendered him at a con or something? It was while he was cosplaying a female character, but he apparently got really angry about it. I get it that it might be upsetting to get misgendered, but when you're in cosplay of your original gender, what do you expect.

>> No.6431075

Oh gawd. I think this was at San Japan.

>> No.6431076

Everyone thought my FLARP Terezi was Redglare.
So yep I know exactly what that feels like haha.

>> No.6431082
File: 1.09 MB, 850x1272, 1353392124496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6431084

That looks so much better already by darkening it a bit.

>> No.6431085


It can be really hard to get the right lipstick color, for one thing. I don't know if any place out there sells teal lipstick.

>> No.6431091

If you're going to cosplay a female, expect to be misgendered, oh my god. Just correct people politely, if you throw a shit fit that just looks bad on you.

I cannot look at you, female presenting, and automatically know 'he uses male pronouns'.

>> No.6431089

the image artifacts all over that roxy's camisole is embarrassing, what was the photographer thinking it looks awful. if i'm not mistaken im pretty sure that teal grain was black, just look at the upper part of her thigh. the contrast ate the shit out of this image.

>> No.6431093

Depends on the photographer.
There are a few I.... just don't trust with their editing. They're newer to it, and it shows in the weird doll eyes and overly smooth skin they do, along with hyper vivid colors.

>> No.6431098
File: 36 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mdrwglnIxA1rdo8d8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6431101

Because it looks tacky?
Out of the two, she's been portrayed with black lips more and it just looks nicer imo

>> No.6431102

why do the majority of cronuses always look like they're wearing helmets rather than wigs

>> No.6431107

Adding on, this image already contradicts with canon and makes her collar a whole lot taller and her hair shorter.

>> No.6431105

Is there any good Cronus cosplay? Every single one I've seen has been some young teenage girl with a shitty wig. You don't even need a wig to achieve his hair, it just makes it look worse, what the fuck.

>> No.6431116

Requesting some good Kurloz cosplay to motivate me. I'm at the point where I want to just give up. I've barely got the wig picked out.

>> No.6431117

There was a good one at PMX (memory is a little hazy because Saturday was like WHOA), but I don't recall seeing pics of him since he was Eridan for most of the gathering and speed changed into Cronus after.

That one Cronus in the previous thread (who apparently there is drama about?) had what looked to be a nice wig. As for using your real hair for Cronus, I have to disagree about it looking better, since if a cosplayer is clueless about styling wigs, they'll probably be just as bad at styling hair.

>> No.6431115
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>> No.6431120
File: 210 KB, 900x600, tumblr_mdnq5hTGS11qecd9qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory Hanyaan

>> No.6431122
File: 52 KB, 667x1000, tumblr_mcsel0hBtI1qecd9qo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this man some Hanyaan, stat.

>> No.6431129


I have to agree with this. A lot of female troll cosplayers I see doing blood colored lips (with the exception of most Vriskas) end up looking strange--you need to find a really bold, intense, opaque lip color to not look weird and that's really hard for colors like teal.

>> No.6431131
File: 62 KB, 751x1000, tumblr_mcqju043K61qecd9qo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all hanyaan all the tie

Someone mentioned another good Kurloz in the previous thread, something about having heatbonded the bones to the bodysuit? The name escapes me at the moment.

>> No.6431139


Ah, this makes me scared about my wig. I can pull off his hair naturally but I can't hide my headband horns under that.

It seems like Cronus' wig is a tricky bitch to style.

>> No.6431138
File: 33 KB, 248x310, T1Q2l4XiXwXXcwnIIY_025651.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that wig is fluffy. So far this is what I've got. Hard to tell how fluffed I can get the sides though, but I'm going to try. Then again I'm going more for a Humanstuck look, first time cosplaying Homestuck so I just don't think I'm ready for the full paint and horns but I still want to make it look as good as I can. Hence my difficulty translating Kurloz's outfit into something that wouldn't get you stared at like an asylum escapee on the street. It's probably all a terrible idea but my Meulin is being supportive and I promised her if I couldn't work out the human thing, I'd let her tie me to the hotel chair and paint me.

>> No.6431141

Out of all the trolls in the comic, the only ones who canonically and constantly use their blood color for their lipstick are Aradia, Vriska, Kanaya, Meenah, Aranea, Damara, Disciple, Mindfang, and the Condesce.

Aradias tend to go for a more 'mutant' red instead of her darker red and a good green for Kanaya/Disciple is hard as shit to find.

>> No.6431142
File: 584 KB, 870x1258, fantasystuck_jade_by_animegirl000-d4yv67f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make this cosplay, but how would I be able to get the skirt to stick out like that? Anyone got any ideas?

>> No.6431145


To be fair, she hasn't been portrayed with any lip colour at all, just the usual ancestor blackface outside of that one panel.


I've been thinking of making a tutorial on custom lip colours using clear gloss and eyeshadow. It's super easy to do and looks better than most lipsticks.

>> No.6431144

I'd just suck it up and be painted.
Kurloz is a decent start for trolls if you have previous experience with sewing and someone who knows makeup, as he has a turtleneck so you really just need to get your face + neck painted.

>> No.6431147

I forget what the actual name is, but what you want to do is stick something that looks like a really big birdcage down there.

>> No.6431148
File: 62 KB, 525x525, rust caged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boning, interfacing, and possibly horse hair braid.

Think like how a cage skirt is made.

>> No.6431149

A cage skirt? That's what I'm thinking you mean.

>> No.6431151

Oh, I meant in fanwork and cosplay.
The black just looks nicer and ties in with the minor detailing a lot better than teal does.

And I'd say go ahead and do it, but people'll still go for inacurrate colors because it's 'easier'. Many a tutorial have I linked but no one listens because chunks of this fandom want everything spoon-fed to them

>> No.6431150

I've run into him a few times at cons and finally had a nice hour long conversation at AUSA before I had to leave. He's been nothing but really chill every time.

>> No.6431152

Is that the name?
It was so obvious that I didn't bother considering the option.

>> No.6431155

>I've been thinking of making a tutorial on custom lip colours using clear gloss and eyeshadow. It's super easy to do and looks better than most lipsticks

Please and thank you.

>> No.6431156
File: 130 KB, 500x421, tumblr_mbajrkr1WY1qjh13jo1_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably right about the paint. I'm just terrible with remembering when I have make-up on and end up ruining it pretty quickly because of it. She's good with make-up but I can't sew and even though I really like Kurloz and his outfit, it's just not something that many people could pull off wearing and I'm definitely not one of the few. I thought I could just do something like pic related (sorry for the shipping fanart, it's just the first thing I found).

>> No.6431157

Different anon but its super easy. All you do is put on lip gloss, pap on the eye shadow with your finger or the brush that usually comes with eye shadow then put on a top coat of lip gloss. shortest fucking tutorial ever.

>> No.6431158 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 719x960, 480055_407734165938522_1339077666_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage for self post but here is my /k/
it hasn't really been seen much except for me all hunched over in the group shots
it was pretty last minute but fun to wear

>> No.6431160


What you have to look out for is that most odd colors are not lipsafe (the blues, oh God, the blues. Finding a blue lipstick that I didn't have to order online for Vriska was a pain in the ass.)

There is a growing list out there for lipsafe eyeshadows, but it obviously doesn't have everything ever.


>> No.6431161

Same anon as >>6431155

I've used clear gloss and pigment and in the beginning it looked good but it doesn't last at all. This sounds like the same exact thing, so what's the wear time on gloss+eyeshadow?

>> No.6431162

Hm, I don't think I'd have as much of a problem with humanstucks if most people didn't take "no grey" to mean "no makeup beyond smudged undereye liner because sooo edgy." If you really tailor your makeup to look like it would suit a humanstuck Kurloz, be really mindfull of contouring and such, it COULD look nice. But TBH, humanstuck makeup requires more effort because you have to try harder to get it to stand out and not look... super generic.

If you go with the grey after all, I'd suggest trying out PAX around the neck up until your jawline, then your choice of theatrical makeup for the face, ears, and close to your hairline around your neck. Even if you have gloves on, it's really easy to get makeup ruboff on your costume around your neck, and especially telling of you're wearing black.

>> No.6431166


I've tried this, and it really doesn't work as well as outright mixing it does. It also feels grainy/chalky and generally gross on your lips. It's so much better to put the time and effort in to blend it beforehand.

>> No.6431170

Hi it's your Meulin. I find it pretty hard to forget I'm covered in grey paint but then again I don't wear makeup often (or not a lot of it at least) so it may be just me.
(also shh you know I can sew well enough if you need anything sewn.)

>> No.6431171

There's also the question of how good your eye shadow is.

>> No.6431173
File: 123 KB, 430x639, tumblr_maupeukxa31qbjeddo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I definitely didn't want to do it in a way where it's just eyeliner and nothing else. It's just becoming more trouble than it's worth to try and design something that does stand out.

I'll probably just jump into the deep end of Homestuck cosplay and do the full troll version just in a different than canon outfit (like the fanart above). At least then I can be somewhat more comfortable with the whole idea because I'm really not going pull off a skeleton print body suit and purple undies.

>> No.6431178

I was wondering if PAX was necessary for the neck area? My friend recommended ben nye because I'm cosplaying meulin so it's just my face + neck that needs painting (making arm/hand socks so I don't have to deal with it). Would using ben nye on my neck too be horrible?

>> No.6431187

It's not necessary, but IMO it helps a lot. The neck isn't as bad an area as the arms/hands when it comes to ruboff, so any ruboff you get will be localized to your collar area.

Troll cosplay is helped a lot by high contrast (in your clothing, rather than resorting to adjusting contrast in photos), so doing things like getting the most intense black for your clothing and true black wigs (as opposed to off-black, and another reason why real hair usually doesn't look good for trolls as it's rarely the right intensity) really help a lot in making yourself look polished.

TLDR, you won't look bad if you Ben Nye your neck, but you stand a chance of looking much nicer if you use something that doesn't rub at all.

>> No.6431192


Bullshit, even Humanstuck Kurloz would still be wearing gobs of facepaint because he's still a fucking juggalo.

Or did you think the skull paint was au naturel?

>> No.6431198

hmm, I guess I'll ask around to see if any of my buddies are using that. Thank you for the info!

>> No.6431219
File: 77 KB, 300x288, 1352339326627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, you two seem so cute. I hope your cosplays work out.

>> No.6431228

You can still do that without going full juggalo. There are other ways of doing the skull look without looking like an ICP reject.

>> No.6431242

Harshwhimsical? But they're only an incredible Gamzee in my opinion - Hanyaan's wig is better and the way she holds herself really carries across the impression that I'm looking at a 19-year-old creepy clown cultist. And while heat-n-bonded bones can more accurately get Kurloz's bone pattern down, the flatness of the bodysuit gets you lumped in with all the other Kurlozes who bought their skeleton outfits from a Halloween store.

>> No.6431250
File: 2 KB, 121x97, meukurpixels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw thank you. I do too, though I'm not doing anything too complex (Meulin in her cat sweater from the massive pixel update) so it's mainly my Kurloz I'm rooting for/going to be helping if I can. (Especially as they may be doing something like his prince-ish outfit from the same update which is like a billion times more complex-- pic related.)
(Also who drew that Horuss? He's absolutely adorable.)

>> No.6431267
File: 224 KB, 900x470, tumblr_mczqn0KOph1qf5q4lo1_r3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to come on back and give a little selfpost when you're done, I would always love to see more sweater Meulin and Hamlet Kurloz.

>> No.6431300


>> No.6431347
File: 614 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mdn68mKWYZ1rz2awpo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HSG, I am a young adult woman. What is the best way to contour for young characters like Karkat? I want to look like a teenage boy rather than a girl.

Here's my ~makeup test~ of what I'm doing so far, by the way. I've changed my eyeliner since then (I was using a cheap, rather sheer black crayon), so there should be a lot less pink around my eyes; I'm not going to try putting a red tint on my nose again; and I have fangs and contacts now.

In those pictures I was just doing the general contouring I use normally - brightening in the centre of the face, dark around the cheekbones and eye sockets, dark grey paint under the jaw - but since I imagine Karkat having quite round, soft features I don't know where to begin.

>> No.6431409


Cage skirts rely on equal weight all around to stay balanced like that, if you want it open you're shit out of luck without a lot of built in boning channels and counterweights. As usual, fancy-stuck designers not knowing how the fuck clothes are made

>> No.6431412


no suggestions, but good job on the lips being darker but not too dark

>> No.6431414

I think there's something odd in the hair. Too soft looking or too smooth? Also the eyebrows are kinda too dark i quess. Please take photos with fangs too.

>> No.6431551
File: 391 KB, 1600x1200, IMG01117-20121120-1549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Jet black lips on male trolls is one of my pet peeves.
Noted about the eyebrows. My main concern with Karkat is looking like a boy, and the only real way I can do that is by going a bit crazy with the eyebrows. My own brows are quite thick anyway, so I'll tone it down.

I fiddled with the wig, but it's difficult to know what it is that's wrong with it, unfortunately. Here's another picture.

>> No.6431557

Your wig looks oddly high in this photo but honestly, I think you've got the teenaged boy Karkat look down.

>> No.6431563
File: 1.90 MB, 1944x2592, DSC01391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic where you can see the wig better.

>> No.6431623

Yeah the wig looks kinda high actually, do you have long hair stuffed under it or horn structures? The latter photos look a lot better! Work your wig a bit more, the hair looks sloppily cut. You should blend the dark circles under your eyes more, you look kinda cartoony but overall you strike as a "real-life" Karkat so you should make it look natural.. as natural as you can with grey skin. Feel with your fingertip where your eyesocket actually is, and darken inside that area, not just under your eyes but also all around your eyes to make them seem sunken. Especially between your nose and eye.. Try adding just a little shades on your nose bridge, maybe it'll help too.

>> No.6431638

>do you have long hair stuffed under it
Yes. I double up on wig caps but clearly I need to look into learning how to pin-curl my hair or else suffer Mars Attacks Wig Syndrome.
>Work your wig a bit more, the hair looks sloppily cut.
Will do.

Thanks for the advice on Karkat's dark circles as well. I thought extending them would make my eyes look rounder, but you're right in pointing out they just look cartoony and ill-fitting with the rest of the cosplay.

(courtesy sage)

>> No.6431669

Hey you know I got super long hair, and well usually I just braid it and pin it flat, but lately I realized that only work with certain wigs.. with a loose, long-haired wig, a bump on the back of my neck is not noticeable. So when I had to wear a short, unforgiving wig, I actually went through pulling my hair to small sections, like maybe 10 in total, and pinnind them each down on a curl. Ten small curls is a lot of work, but it looked great. I've never thought about using two wig caps.

>> No.6431680
File: 33 KB, 400x386, dPIaiLfpA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my advice on the make up would be to leave the freckles out. They're not canon, it was a shitty edit and even though your are miles better than say, any Meulin or Feferi with freckles I've ever seen, it still looks like dirt sprayed on your face. Also, you need to combine the dark with some lighter gray and mother-of-pearl under your eyes. Now it kind of looks like smudged makeup, where as a tired person gets eyebags. pic related, look at her right eye.

everything else is pretty much perfect, you make a really cute Karkat

>> No.6431683

oh, and if you want your eyes to look rounder and your face less girly, leave out the black on your inner lash lines. I'd use light yellow instead to fake the sclera colour and make your eyes look bigger. It also accentuates the dark circles

>> No.6431697

Oh right, good point. I'd use white though because she's not gonna have actual yellow sclera.. And it won't look "WHITE!" because it naturally wears down anyway to be just "light".

>> No.6431703

I've seen him once at con. Not the sort of person I can be around for more than a few minutes.

>> No.6431717

Nice idea, but I tried that (with orange eyeliner) and it doesn't work in practice. It just looked close enough to my own flesh colour to look like I didn't line my eyes at all.

>And it won't look "WHITE!" because it naturally wears down anyway to be just "light".

Yeah, it'd wear down to light pink, aka human skin colour.

I understand what you're all saying, though. Do you think lining my eyes first with black and then going over it with white might create a lighter grey? Otherwise, I'm sticking with black.

Okay, I'll do that. I put the freckles in partly to decrease the flatness of the makeup but mostly because I wanted to see if I could do them more realistically than the shitty freckles Homestuck cosplayers usually have. Thanks for your advice about the eyebags, as well, it's really helpful.

Thank you everyone for being so constructive and helpful, by the way. I'll be wearing Karkat to a meetup in December (which will also be attended by one of /cgl/'s favourite lolcows, I can't wait to meet her) and since it's a really simple costume I want to get everything looking as good as possible. The fact that you're all being so helpful makes me want it even harder.

>> No.6431716

The website shanalogic has a good collection of brightly colored, opaque lip colors; though I don't know how well they wear.

>> No.6431724

just do it with white. his blood is red anyway so if it fades to pink it's still ok. black and gray will make your eyes look small and no matter how well the rest of your make up is blended, inner eye lining always looks like make up, even if the rest of your face is male troll.

>> No.6431731

also, you're the kind of people we like here because instead of whining you ask sensible questions and listen to the advice you're given.

To the idiot whiner from earlier who didn't understand what cgl is, look here. This is how you behave like an adult.

>> No.6431741

Damnit, I didn't check if they still carried them, and it turns out they don't anymore. Sorry
These should work well though:

>> No.6431746

Yeah and it's really great you responded so fast to our ideas with a new photo, you actually listened and tried stuff and let us see how it came out.. Instead of showing a photo and asking for impovement ideas and then just shooting them all down.

>> No.6431789


Seconding Illamasqua! It's a pricey brand, but it's really worth it. Great quality.

>> No.6431812

After getting shunned out of the Yu-Gi-Oh fandom and constantly loosing friends because of his elitist behavior I think he's finally started to wise up on how to not run at the mouth. He's the type who will be really nice to people at cons/meetups then brutally shit talk them as soon as their backs are turned. Frecklz isn't much better. But they're fine enough to talk to if you keep your distance.

>> No.6431824 [DELETED] 

Can I just say I actually kind of like this Cronus? I just wish there wasn't grey all over his jacket. His wig doesn't look like shit and the horns are size and angled properly.

>> No.6431832
File: 76 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mdste0BgTS1qcsgcwo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I just say I actually kind of like this Cronus? I just wish there wasn't grey all over his jacket. His wig doesn't look like shit and the horns are size and angled properly.

>> No.6431841
File: 88 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mdrub7PF891rgrgvro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look it's the Porrim with mickey ears again.

>> No.6431839

If they got their makeup wreck under control, I agree that the other elements of the costume look really nice.

>> No.6431848

Why do all Cronus cosplayers insist on having a leather jacket though?

Leather jackets do not look good on most of the cosplayers I've seen and he didn't even have one on until it was an alt. outfit in a single update panel.

>> No.6431849
File: 44 KB, 250x250, tumblr_ly8wkwEPx01qf5q4lo1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this girl needs to take a step back and look at her choices

>> No.6431850
File: 354 KB, 450x670, tumblr_m0hymimfqD1qzasudo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

john why are you crying

that cronus is good do they have a known tumblr?

so many roxy dresses are gonna be complete fuckin trainwrecks.

also uh, are there some cute ideas for some davejade vers? my boyfriend and i are thinking of the green felt suit and 3-am dress

>> No.6431851

Saves on paint and makes it less likely to accidently rub paint on the rest of your outfit. I dont care how much you seal your shit if youre using ben nye and constantly rub against something (ex the side of your jeans) its gonna show.

>> No.6431858

whoops i mean im not really saying all cronus cosplayers should do it but i can understand where theyre coming from.

>> No.6431866

But that's fucking lazy and stupid.

Wait why am I even surprised. I guess I forgot this was the Homestuck fandom for a second.

>> No.6431899

Well technically it's canon now so there's no real point in getting upset.

>> No.6431908

No matter how much better you think you are than them you are still one of them.
Fucking disgusting.

>> No.6431917

I think they have the look down... the shirt/jeans look very greaser-like and he's got the attitude but that paint job is atrocious. I can't tell if I like his wig or not, the horns are better than most but not perfect.

>> No.6431925

Terezi's FLARP outfit is canon, but that doesn't mean that every Terezi cosplayer can pull it off. Same goes for a lot of alternate outfits for all the characters. Lots of Cronus cosplayers look absolutely fucking terrible in a leather jacket, so why do they all insist on wearing them?

>> No.6431957


What the hell is going on with that John.

>> No.6431964

He may be trying to parody Avatar the Last Airbender?

>> No.6431978

Because, news flash, they might just like that outfit.

>> No.6431980 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 640x480, Picture0048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one didn't use a jacket. despite the really shitty editing, i think they did a great job.

>> No.6431998

That doesn't mean you can fucking pull it off or look good in it, though.

I bet you're one of those obese tumblr femenists who encourage people to "wear what they want and love their bodies and fuck anyone who says otherwise" even if the outfit is ill-fitting and looks terrible

>> No.6432003

u mad it's canon?

I've seen a few Cronus' post-update that go with a regular tee shirt cut.

There's nothing wrong with it, but at the same time it looks bland and plain. Leather jackets can look good if you make sure they're fitted right and not something you pulled out of your fat brother's closet.

Not to mention they're ideal for crossplayers because the way they fit can help hide the curve of your waist and hips.

>> No.6432008

Can't even see it through all of the shitty filters but it looks like nothing special.
That factor along with the file name, nice self post. Your cosplay is horribly mediocre so please don't do it again.

>> No.6432012

My opinion is to
know your limit and dress within it.

>> No.6432025
File: 363 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mdrxs9AONC1r3r8ggo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found another picture of him.

>> No.6432031
File: 906 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mdrxs9AONC1r3r8ggo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And one more.

>> No.6432039

That's a girl? O god.

>> No.6432058
File: 95 KB, 720x960, vriska hand 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys have any tips on making vriska's robot arm? i've been working with foam. i've gotten the hand done, but i'm not sure if it will turn out looking realistic? any experience making these?

>> No.6432059

Oh man that's a friend of mine haha. Didn't know he was complying Cronus, actually proud of how it turned out for him! Face paint could use a tad bit work maybe, but still.

>> No.6432063


>> No.6432093

here's some other alternatives!

I definitely suggest looking up swatches/reviews for the specific one you plan on getting beforehand. Some colors for a brand will have different coverage than others.

Also, personally for black lipstick I use portland black, from their etsy shop. It goes on opaque, and lasts for hours without reapplying. I like their black better than OCC lip tar's, personally.
Hope I could help someone!!

>> No.6432106
File: 227 KB, 1200x1600, tumblr_mcbcigYqL21qe5kcco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice on my WIP damara cosplay?

>> No.6432121


How is any of that supposed to be Damara?

>> No.6432129

throwing on red lipstick and putting your hair up does not make a Damara cosplay.

Plz just go

>> No.6432135

its just somebody trolling- if it was really their pic it would be straight from their computer not tumblr

>> No.6432154


I'm pretty sure you could skip the 'fabric backing' part of the first tutorial, assuming you're attaching the pieces onto an armsock.

You have a great start! Seal the foam with mod podge or glue/water mixture and then paint using acrylics. Weathering, too. Maybe make some small raised up parts to look like bolts or add-ons?

>> No.6432157


>> No.6432161


I'm not even saying that it's going to look good on them, if they want to wear something shitty go for it. That just makes them look stupid as fuck, not me.

I'm just saying you're getting super pissed over the jacket being worn at all when it's technically canon now. As much as you want you can't go around and tell every Cronus they look like shit.

Also, I think I'd be more offended if you spelled feminist right, or if I actually believed that bullshit.

Calm the fuck down. It's a jacket.

>> No.6432167
File: 212 KB, 1280x853, homu-stuck awfully cute jade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432172
File: 116 KB, 837x1256, tumblr_mdsfw871a31rbpwipo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filled with so much envy for tiny Jade cosplayers.

>> No.6432215
File: 47 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mctqlhegud1rq72tgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice on styling a wig for Jake? This is the current state of mine.

Apologies for the hat, but it's pretty easy to tell what is hat and what is wig.

I want to find a way to do the swoop without it being a completely obvious loopy piece of shit.

>> No.6432297

I still find it crazy to think that she's only 13. When I met her I though she was at least 16-17, probably cause of the makeup.

I think this looks nice. Maybe some soft spikes of the otter side, or give it layers? But as of right now, it looks better than other ones I've seen.

>> No.6432408

Maybe add some dark contouring onto your chin and inner browbone?

>> No.6432498

I want to have her cosplay babies. We can dress them in colourful spandex.

>> No.6432504

I'm willing to forgive it in this case because I'm 99% sure Mookie was basing these designs on JRPGs and and JRPG clothing usually makes no fucking sense either.

>> No.6432580

On the other hand, I saw her and she knitted the whole dress though

>> No.6432597

On that same hand, it looks like complete shit.

I try not to be an overly judgmental asshole, and it's great she can knit a dress.... but.........

>> No.6432602

just because you can doesnt mean you should or are ready to.
jesus thats a hot mess of yarn and wig and butterface

>> No.6432603

I'll finish that.

"But there's a difference between being able to do it and do it well."

>> No.6432606

wow she is cute but that wig is so shitty.

>> No.6432612

I think (more than anything) it would look nicer if she brushed it.

>> No.6432617

Because...? I think it would have been better if she cut the bangs and styled the little flip, but honestly I really prefer straight-haired Jades to curly/wavy-haired Jades. I tolerate curls/waves on Vriskas because her hair flips, but on Jades it's totally out of place because her hair canonically tapers to a point. I am perpetually confused as to why so many Jades go with curly wigs.

captcha: 1135 animean (animeanies?)

>> No.6432632

the fibers themselves look cheap and it needs more body. even though jade's hair is straight it's still really wild, and in some panels there's quite a bit of flip to the ends. i think the ideal jade wig would be really thick and straight with some flippy layers added--canon-compliant and it wouldn't look straight out of the bag like most jade wigs.

>> No.6432635

Exactly what >>6432632 said, the fibers look terrible.

>> No.6432638
File: 185 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mdtc8vf0p81qdkwogo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Did some Calliborn practice cosplay via shit i found around the house. "

>> No.6432661


>> No.6432775

holy shit they just drew a symbol over their shirt in MS Paint or something

>> No.6432803


Homestuck cosplayers sure do sometimes take the title MS Paint Adventures a bit too literally.

>> No.6432876
File: 453 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_mdt7pyDl6c1ru6ow2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hemostuck, anyone?

>> No.6432882
File: 520 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_mdt7pyDl6c1ru6ow2o7_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432888

These look... pretty good, actually.

>> No.6432886
File: 75 KB, 250x374, tumblr_mdt7pyDl6c1ru6ow2o5_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432887
File: 42 KB, 480x480, 480px-04104_3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give yourself a pat on the back for tolerating canon.

>> No.6432890
File: 268 KB, 380x480, 380px-Jadegodtier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why people would go with wavy or curly wigs either.

>> No.6432892
File: 802 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_mdt7pyDl6c1ru6ow2o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432896
File: 727 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_mdt7pyDl6c1ru6ow2o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432895

Roachpatrol drives me up a wall to the point where no matter how good her writing or art is, I can't look past her personality.

These do look completely amazing though, everyone looks fantastic and the photos I love.

>> No.6432901
File: 877 KB, 1280x1911, tumblr_mdt7pyDl6c1ru6ow2o4_r2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432904
File: 769 KB, 1280x1912, tumblr_mdt7pyDl6c1ru6ow2o2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432906

So does the comic take place in a hotel full of shitty people? Because thats all I see.

>> No.6432915 [DELETED] 

Nice vendetta, bro.

>> No.6432928
File: 127 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mdtc6oaIWG1qlkcr5o1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432937

gamzee and aradia are fucking amazing. mostly gamzee, so much good detail and probably my favorite gamzee wig i've seen, it looks like real hair.

sadly, everyone else looks like they bought everything at spirit halloween. especially eridan.

>> No.6432948
File: 39 KB, 500x345, tumblr_lrxyk2PLg51qeevolo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one get a cute homestuck significant other?

>> No.6432949

i actually love the bodice and gloves, well-made from what i can tell and definitely ostentatious-ballgown-like. (this is a mookie ballgown dreamer right, not rumminov? can't keep the fucking alt designs straight anymore) the skirt looks really sad and half-assed in comparison though.

>> No.6432969

Late reply, but as someone who knows Hanyaan if you want to copy her Kurloz or Gamzee wigs, you need something longer than that. She uses a shoulder-length wavy Touhou wig from Fantasy Sheep as the base and then teases the wig into "shape". It's really funny to see her occasionally refluff the wig through the day, and it has almost no hairspray at all.

>> No.6432972

...what? i'm not even sure what you were trying to say there. are you talking about the props or something?

>> No.6432995

i've heard posting nudestuck pictures can help. be sure to photoshop your genitals the correct blood color for maximum effect.

>> No.6433010

Homestucks also have specific mating calls so listen out for them during cons.

>> No.6433020


>> No.6433026

butter face i

>> No.6433042

Dude the fuck you on, she's cute as fuck.

>> No.6433071

Wow isn't it weird when different people like different things and have different opinions???????

>> No.6433072

Those horns are gorgeous and so close to the art. I think she's the only one that really 'wears' her costume well.

>> No.6433088

Oh man, the beading on the bodice is so nice. The skirt needs work, though.

>> No.6433093
File: 156 KB, 420x700, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Karkat is rather disappointing. I wish they would have made some sort of effort to have the horns be closer to how Roach draws them as opposed to just recycling what they have already. Even the shirt is off. It just seems lazy, which is sad when you look at all the details the rest of the group took into account.

>> No.6433098

Guy who has been asking about Cronus wig advice.

I'm looking to buying a wig from Arda but I was curious as to how long they take to ship? If it's too long I was just thinking of getting an Elvis wig and styling it a bit.

>> No.6433111


They made specific horns with notches in them and everything, you just cant see them in this pic. They just chose to go closer to the canon size.

>> No.6433113

Homestucks attend conventions for the purpose of finding social groups they may enter, and for the pupose of finding a mate. While some mating pairs (or occasionally, groups) may last for a year or more, it is more common for a Homestuck to cycle between mates seasonally; it is not uncommon for younger members of the herd to be connected to one another by one or more former mating partner.

To begin the mating ritual, first a Homestuck must adorn itself to attract a mate. This may include donning garments that clearly identify their species, though the more common approach, and the most affective by far, is that of mimicry. Disguising themselves as a being from the Homestuck’s sacred text is much more arduous, and often involves donning outlandish hairpieces and even painting themselves to appear more aesthetically pleasing to potential mates. However, this method is also a Homestuck’s best chance of attracting a mate of the same mimicry subspecies, colloquially known as the “cosplayer.”

>> No.6433115

Once they have donned their mating outfit, the Homestuck must then navigate the vast convention landscape. The dominant species of the area most commonly belong to the Anime genus, which is occasionally incompatible, or even aggressive, with members of the Homestuck genus, so care must be taken to blend in, or travel in groups for the sake of self-assurance.

And then, it happens in a flash: the Homestuck spots a mating prospect, and after evaluating their potential, may choose to initiate the start of the courtship ritual. This is commonly started with one of the many mating calls shared by Homestucks, and may involve vocalizations of “BUCKETS!” or even outlandish honking noises. If interested, the potential mate may return the vocalization. If the courtship ritual is successful, they may appropriate a term from their holy text such as “matesprit” or “kismesis” to identify their connection with their mate to prospective rivals, though the usage of this term is often incorrect. Regardless, once the Homestuck has found its mate, it is uncertain how long the bond will last, although should the partnership end it will generally have an overdramatic impact of the social structures surrouding the pair. It may very well be the unscrupulous nature of the mating process that results in the collapse of the social structure of a localized population of Homestucks.

>> No.6433129

I think the fact the shirt was just not even given a thought is just careless. The construction of the pants could have been better and much more flattering using folds in the fabric and what not. It's not horrible just pretty sub par compared to the rest of the group.

>> No.6433130

Depends on if the wig is in stock, and if you are buying while Arda is away at a convention, or like most people you are purchasing during a sale.

If it's not during a sale or con trip, I usually find my orders take on average between one to three BUSINESS days to process (they do not process or ship orders on Saturdays or Sundays, nor do they respond to emails on those days unless it is an utmost urgent matter). After the order has been shipped, it usually takes between 2-3 or 3-5 business days for it to arrive in California from Illinois, depending on which shipping option is uses (I don't overnight my things from them)

Arda will usually update to their FB when they will be away at a convention, and include a notice about delayed shipping times during that period because, while they are growing, they are still a small company with a limited staff. If you ordered before the advertised "order your wig by now if you want it shipped before we leave!) date, you should get it shipped out before they leave unless an item in your order is out of stock or on backorder.

If you are ordering during their sales (__,000 likes, or their upcoming Cyber Monday sale), expect your order to take longer to process and ship, as it is during these times that they have the greatest sales volume. Many orders are placed and popular items are quick to sell out, so if you're ordering a black wig in a popular style, I suggest buying it before the sale, or stalking the site for when the coupon code first goes live! People who order within the first few hours of the sale occasionally get their wigs shipped the same day, but as a general rule of thumb I'd tack on at least one to two extra days to their usual processing time during sale periods.

Hope that helped!

>> No.6433144

The heels on that Eridan...

>> No.6433150

Can I just say I absolutely love this Tavros? I know a lot of people are super strict with the head cannon of him being super thin and tall, but the horns, makeup, and props are flawless. She looks great.

>> No.6433183

I love cgl sometimes.

>> No.6433245

That fucking birdcage thing looks hideous. So does her neck thing.

But mostly the cage thing. It isn't even at all and it's just... eurgh.

>> No.6433482
File: 31 KB, 640x480, asdfgjkl;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I posted about 3-4 threads back a pair of horns I was making. I just got them screwed onto a headband, and, aside from the wig being hideous and incorrect(Just a black wig that I had), how do the horns look. Also, they are baked clay around tinfoil core, and I was wondering a good way to better secure the horns onto the screws. The 'U' horn is stripped, and I wasn't sure how to go about fixing that.It keeps slipping and turning upside down.

>> No.6433701
File: 110 KB, 394x700, tumblr_mdp9lc7DIm1r2cxqp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my girlfriend and i ordered a wig from an Arda sale back last...March, I believe. For a con that was in the beginning of June.
An entire month and a half passes with still no wig and no emails from Arda. After a few emails we finally get a response saying that not only was the wig backordered, but it wouldn't be restocking until the beginning of May. That's only a few weeks so we're like, ok, sure, we'll wait.
The date they gave us passed and we still had no wig. After waiting a week just in case, we finally emailed them again only to get told they weren't even restocking the wig until LATE JUNE.
They ended up sending us a different wig since we needed it before then, but this whole thing still pisses me off. Arda needs to quit having sales or restock more often.

I'm mostly just pissed that it took several emails to find out what was going on with that wig and no effort was made to contact US to tell us it would be restocking so much later. You shouldn't keep your customers in the dark for nearly 4 months.
Haven't bought from them since.

Have the cutest Meulin and Kankri I've ever seen to counter my mad.

>> No.6433722

Granted they aren't the absolute shit that a lot of people grant them, but the product pages and order ones do in fact tell you if your order's been fulfilled or is waiting on a restock.

I've placed a handful of back orders as they've been really good about stating that they're backi orders.

>> No.6433745

I don't recall the system on their website being as updated back then as it is now.

I'm not calling them shit, because they're not. But I think they've gotten too big for their panties and need to start adjusting better to the amount of orders they receive, especially during sales (which they seemed to get on this last sale, but not letting people place even more orders on already backordered items).

4 months in my opinion is way too long to not have a wig in stock, especially when you have customers waiting on it.

>> No.6433769

Oh I didn't say you were. Just that they get a lot of praise for what they actually are.

But I really do agree they need to up how often they restock and how much.

Sage because I'm tired & not going to go digging through recent con tags for cosplay

>> No.6433820
File: 865 KB, 1600x1067, 8192391288_48f72e47b1_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6433884

I think the horn tips are too big, like the "u" horn could use an "u" half that size. They look clumsy..

>> No.6433979


I think being solid works in Hemostuck. The boots are really lovely, though, and the horns are nice

>> No.6434006

/soc/, it seems.

Well, I'm hoping to make him my significent other, anyway.

By 'hoping' I mean 'i'm going to club him over the head, dress him up as Equius and rape him.'

>> No.6434021
File: 143 KB, 500x500, 11656984465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6432896 ah, that certainly is my face! I'm glad you guys (generally) liked our group, we honestly just did it because we love the fic!

>>6433144 ahahaha, I'm surprised you're the only one who said something about the boots. I usually try not to make them so obvious when I pose, but I figured in Hemostuck it's not actually that much of a problem; Roach puts her guys in heels occasionally, especially in fancy outfits. (mine are probably still a little high, but if you can find me a new pair of purple leather boots, I am all yours, I need them for Fancy Dreamer too.)

also, I'm not sure what >>6432937 meant about spirit halloween? I mean, I made everything. I know there's a few construction problems caused by sewing until five in the morning, but I think it turned out decent. my wig is shitty, that's why I got a new one, and if you just don't like the design, well, complain at Roach. I was questioning her as well when I had to put the loopy design on the bottom, I'm not sure how well it translated in real life...

pic related; it's the reference that I used.

>> No.6434142

why do you even come here if you're only going to get defensive/unable to take criticism?

>> No.6434168
File: 34 KB, 264x400, Cady_Powder_Blue_065-1_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It seems shipping can be iffy at times so can anyone suggest a wig similar to Arda's Cady wig? Pic very much so related.

I wanna make sure I get my wig before Ikkicon

>> No.6434171


Violet, I adore you, but I wish you would stop posting here. You're never criticized that harshly, so it seems so unnecessary every time you pop up the moment you're mentioned. I'm worried it might earn you a reputation for being annoying or too eager to please or unable to take criticism.

>> No.6434336

Fucking homestuck. How many fucking characters does that fag filled shit hole have?

>> No.6434347



>> No.6434355

actually it's all just one character wearing 132 different costumes

>> No.6434359
File: 637 KB, 500x741, 1344818697956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread seems a bit slow so I'll just post a few of my old favorites

>> No.6434363
File: 173 KB, 498x800, 1344558802147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6434364
File: 363 KB, 800x533, 1344619518486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6434366
File: 83 KB, 855x668, 1344738353061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6434370
File: 600 KB, 1041x1570, 1345923699132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6434375
File: 336 KB, 753x500, 1344818555550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6434373
File: 241 KB, 600x900, 1347251415413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6434378
File: 128 KB, 600x900, 1350274489987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6434380
File: 72 KB, 500x750, 1344559011018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6434387
File: 444 KB, 500x667, 1345230654856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'm done. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

>> No.6434442

If I made some shitty kimono desgins for every populair homestuck character and called it "Kimonostuck", then how many cosplayers would be dumb enough to cosplay it?

>> No.6434468


All of them

>> No.6434481


make a whole line of feudal japan homostuck characters, I will reblog you forever on tumblr to see this happen

>> No.6434612


that cronus is a psycho asshole
he cheated on his girlfriend with a friend of mine, and lied to him and said he didnt have a girlfriend

>> No.6434621

Do explain more.

>> No.6434631

Sounds like a STORY, anon. Share.

>> No.6434636

I would really like this! Please don't make it shitty, though, I'm enough of a weeb to get off on feudal Japan trolls.

>> No.6434659

woah, tell more man.

>> No.6434664

finally some action!

>> No.6434672

How bad would it be for me as a guy to cosplay meenah?
And I don't think I'd do the paint, for the sake of not being a grey mess
Another thing, I wouldn't make a convincing girl at all nor would I try to, so is it distasteful to cosplay a human 63'd version of a character?

>> No.6434684


i will try to explain without getting obnoxiously wordy. basically i have a friend that we'll call L. he's kind of dumb but he's a sweetheart. he had a crush on this cronus cosplayer, who we'll call g (unless someone asks me for his tumblr hah). I was friends with g and since l told me he had a crush on him, i was doing little wingwoman things like "are you into guys?" and stuff like that. G says hes pansexual. L is really excited, apparently sends some anonymous tumblr message about wanting to suck G's dick. G posts his skype in response, L adds him, they talk about fetish shit (I might have screencaps) and later they meet up at Ls house and get down, immediately after g says something like "o actually i do have a girlfriend" theyre fuckbuddies for like a month when shit goes down. im friends with gs best friend, r. we're talking about him and i made a joke about him kissing l and she gets super confused. i ask her if she knew they were doing stuff and she gets really upset asking me if im sure its the same g, and that he would never do something like that. she messages G and G messages L asking if he told her. L says he didnt but is confused as to why he shouldnt. G goes off about how r isnt supposed to know stuff like that and how he was about to make a move on r's friend, and that this would ruin that, and how G liked Rs friend more than L, then asking L to lie to R and say they never kissed and saying theyd have to stop doing sexual things. ended with L getting mad and G blocking him from skype. G got with Rs friend and R is still friends with G.

>> No.6434688

I think it might be best to just get over the yicky troll makeup and do it. if you make arm socks, all you would hav to paint is your face and neck, which isn't that bad.
Personally I think a genbend version of Meenah would be cool.

>> No.6434693

I'm iffy about human!63. Choose one of the two. It's easy to not be a grey mess if you buy good paint, take your time applying it, and powder/seal properly. As for passing as a girl, there are plenty of resources online to help you do that if you just Google it.

>> No.6434699

oh...oh god.
this guy did the same thing to me. talking me up all sweet and stuff. we never really met up, did stuff over webcam and i though we might become an item.

then he says he has a girlfriend, and i was horrified. i cut it off with him, and haven't really talked to him since.
made me feel disgusted about my self, i still feel guilt about it sometimes.

>> No.6434704


a good rule 63 meenah would be cool, but there's a one-adjective max on AU!homestuck costumes. learn to paint.

>> No.6434707


>> No.6434715


at the time he was only an equius cosplayer

>> No.6434720

What's his tumblr?

>> No.6434724


>> No.6434736

Wow you guys don't come here for the cosplay at all, do you

>> No.6434758

They do, but /cgl/ does have a good center for drama.

>> No.6434765

Obviously not.

>> No.6434793

Hey, what would a good fabric be fore dogtier Jade?

>> No.6434916
File: 290 KB, 396x750, tumblr_ma4t9uvOm21r5y5jto1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...And the arms race for Ruffle and Lace domination continues

>> No.6434925
File: 267 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mdttlkPU6L1r0qfa3o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks great for foam

>> No.6434938

holy crap, this looks amazing so far. source?

>> No.6434942


>> No.6434943
File: 279 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mdttlkPU6L1r0qfa3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



if this is what she thinks is crappy and quick I'd love to see a "real" version

>> No.6434946

good fucking lord

>> No.6434948
File: 59 KB, 500x667, tumblr_makosjEPIT1rh8eslo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Rose always gets the worst fancy designs.

>> No.6434958

I really want to see what it looks like if the edges are blended properly.

Probably stellar.

>> No.6435001

What colors of PAX would be suggested. Specific set colors, or will I have to mix them?

>> No.6435025

For Troll cosplay, or...? I'd just recommend getting some black and white acryllic paints and mixing your own with your choice of Pros-Aide. There haven't been comparitive tests conducted yet, but Pros-Aide II is supposedly easier to remove (I can take it off of shaved areas or palms with hot water and friction), and No-Tac is supposedly easier to apply to areas like joints.

One of the benefits of mixing your own PAX is that you can control how much paint and Pros-Aide goes into the mixture, and you can customize the color to match any other makeup you're using.

>> No.6435044

Yeah, for a troll. Sorry about that. Alright. That sounds good to me. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.6435057

this looks very promising

>> No.6435088

Woah woah woah, acrylic paints?

>> No.6435090

>Shhh -hugs- You can tell me on skype too, my skype is ze_dynamo I WOULD LOVE TO BE YOUR FRIEND Y’KNOW

>> No.6435100

Skin paints

>> No.6435136

Yes, that's what you use to mix custom PAX - one part acrylic paint and one part Pros-Aide. So long as the paint is non-toxic (which most brands are nowadays) you'll be fine.

>> No.6435142

ughhhhh so many people trying to be rumminov and failing miserably

>> No.6435224


Fringe AND ruffles? Oh, honey....

>> No.6435279

Too bad cgl doesn't have a like button because I'd be punching the shit out of it right now

Now I'm curious: are there actually any (in)famous Homestuck couples out there? All I ever hear about is more derpy kids getting fake married at some con

>> No.6435304

the first people who popped into my head were squeakchic and sleeplock

>> No.6435306

I am so so sick of the proposals. They're nothing short of obnoxious.

>> No.6435341
File: 75 KB, 960x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TerminallyxSadistic and Mohawkdandy are pretty well known.

>> No.6435346

I really wish he was single. I don't think I've ever had such a big cosplay crush.

>> No.6435369 [DELETED] 

i feel you anon

>> No.6435371

Goddammit, right? He's the cutest. Also IDK, his facial structure.

>> No.6435374

I think we all feel the same way anon

>> No.6435373

they're both really really attractive. oh well, i'm glad they're happy.

>> No.6435402

>gross i hate marriage

>> No.6435410

No that's not what they're saying.
Almost every con there's been a 'real' proposal between 18 year olds in their otp

>> No.6435414

I use to think his partner was average but then she lost a lot of and got a mohawk. I saw them at AUSA and they looked really hot together.

>> No.6435415

I meant to say 'a lot of weight'

>> No.6435421

He was doing a back and forth with a friend on tumblr a few months ago and took a photo of his mid drift and just...damn

>> No.6435426

I've seen them around cons and on my dashs a bit. Are they elitist or bitchy? I know they always have people coming up to them which is a big turn off on approaching them.

>> No.6435428


>> No.6435435

they're really chill people, just kind of difficult to get to know because they're not online much.

>> No.6435439

I've heard nothing but good things about mohawkdandy, but the stuff I hear about him are from his friends, so.

>> No.6435440

Zippy and Frecklez but they're more of an unhealthy couple? They're known for their bad attributes rather than their good.

>> No.6435443

Utter sweethearts. mohawkdandy in particular is super sweet to talk to, and TerminallyxSadistic is hilarious. The few interactions I've had with them, they've been extremely friendly and funny.

>> No.6435479

Wow. Do you even realize what you are saying?

>> I know they always have people coming up to them
>> want to approach them

Are you serious?

>> No.6435526
File: 47 KB, 250x375, tumblr_mdv2tlNzF41qzmpk6o6_r1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She tries so hard it hurts.

>> No.6435531

Is that MF?

>> No.6435534
File: 557 KB, 669x1000, tumblr_mdv2tlNzF41qzmpk6o5_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I spent a stupid amount of time on this dress, since I’ve never done anything like this before, and the satin bias tape had to be hand sewn, so I’m incredibly happy to get such gorgeous pictures ;u;

Whatever you say, Jenni.

>> No.6435537
File: 139 KB, 614x869, 526295_265251440263860_1901278278_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain to me what the hell is a medieval tier? saw this a while ago on this board and just what

>> No.6435541

I really like that cosplay but holy shit that text is full of bullshit.

>> No.6435548

that looks terrible what the hell

>> No.6435555

It means he has a sword.

>> No.6435559

What is going on around the side/back? eugh.

>> No.6435560
File: 630 KB, 669x1000, tumblr_mdv1vmkCrN1qzmpk6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it doesn't it's a ~*~a classy porrim photo set*~~ god dammit anon shut up!!!!

>> No.6435562

its bullshit because she made that herself and pretended that was a page from a "very important and have well known cosplay webmagazine"
self centered attention seeking cunt

>> No.6435568
File: 664 KB, 667x1000, tumblr_mdv2tlNzF41qzmpk6o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going on the work of an amazing seamstress.
Jesus christ MF will never fail to make me laugh.

>> No.6435578

I really wish the dress fitted her better- I think the drapery of the side-train is cool but the flappy back ruins its silhouette for me.

It's just... hanging there being lumpy. And look at the puckering who-knows-what around the slit.

>> No.6435579
File: 85 KB, 484x464, 1035515546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fandom's reaction

>> No.6435595


I guess I'm the minority here, but I think she's a good Porrim. I think it's usually always the same anons popping up here to bitch about stupid little details, because it's been the same fucking thing over and over since NYCC. Yawn. Find something new to bitch about, or go look at the hundreds of truly shit-tier Porrims out there. MF's might not be perfect, but it's not nearly as bad as some of you autists make it out to be.

>> No.6435599

It's a loose drape so It seems to fit the look she was going for/i've seen in fanart. I like the drapey back, it could be tacked a bit better but it's hard to press some fabric folds into complete place unless practiced

>> No.6435602

Totally agreeing with you here. I'm not gonna praise the give on being perfect but someone obvious has some personal issue and i'm tired of it.

>> No.6435606

It's not that shes terrible, it's that she charges out the ass for commissions and has shit tier construction.
Also her taste in friends is poor so it's her own fault.

>> No.6435614

Different anon, what do you mean?

>> No.6435616


>Also her taste in friends is poor so it's her own fault.

This is one of the stupidest things I have ever read in this thread. What the fuck does that have to do with Homestuck, her Porrim dress, or cosplay in general? You're just pulling out shit at random to try to sound like you have a coherent reason to justify bitching about the same boring drama over and over and over.

>> No.6435619

I like the set overall,it's more good feels than bad for me, and it's a better job than the first shoot. I think the back of the dress is a bit bulky but she looks good as Porrim and I don't mind the rest of the dress. I don't care what personal stuff is up with her or whatever I just want to see cosplay. Literally it's hilarious how anons rip apart little details on some and then let slide a whole bunch on others you can easily tell samefag or personal issues

>> No.6435629

Basically what >>6435606 said. Plus she has the biggest ego I've ever seen.

>> No.6435631
File: 89 KB, 482x670, bright-red2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>acting like a low drape isn't one of the most common ways to design a backless dress

Jesus christ, HSG. It's like you don't know the first thing about sewing or fashion or any aspect of design whatsoever. Sure, the Porrim dress could have been executed better, but it's really clear what she was going for and it looks alright.

>> No.6435636

Anon means they are a cheap ass who doesn't realize how real life seamstress work costs. If you don't like her quality don't commission her. Sometimes I feel she's slightly more pricey but honestly she's on the dot with her estimates most times. If you do commissions properly it's fabric costs plus money by the hour. What she charges per hour is the correct amount, it's up to you to deem if shes worth it. If not then don't commission her, but as someone who gets paid to do freelance for theater she is charging the correct method.

>> No.6435639

On the subject of mohawkdandy et al....can we talk about really nice people/experiences in the HS fandom?

I really love how helpful damaramegido is, especially given the sheer volume of messages she must get. Her tutorials have really helped me.

>> No.6435648

I was actually referring to the 'bad taste in friends' part, but this is also applicable.

>> No.6435650
File: 173 KB, 500x335, tumblr_mdvbyfUq831r04cugo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the concept for this but not sure about end result

>> No.6435651


This. I find it weird that people are so quick to judge at commission costs...? Even a simple pleated skirt takes me about 5 hours to make. At just $10/hour, that's $50 of labor, and that discludes materials.

If Mostflogged wants to charge $10 or $15 or $30 an hour for her labor, that's her prerogative and there are plenty of people out there willing to pay, and plenty of people who aren't. If you aren't, then don't commission her? It's really that simple and I don't understand the rage over her prices when it has virtually no effect on you. Unless she made you a commission and never delivered it or something like that, why care?

>> No.6435652

Ok Jenni, calm down now.

>> No.6435660

we're autosaging.

new thread:


>> No.6435663
File: 387 KB, 464x700, tumblr_mdr9uuWnvu1qbliizo2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Jane!

>> No.6435668

Ok anon, calm down now.

>> No.6435671

Stop the shit everyone, keep old drama out of the new thread please

>> No.6435674
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>> No.6435677
File: 241 KB, 1280x853, heaven we.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright ladies, let's talk about tumblr user davespriite, aka heaven, previously known as prospit-dreamer. Specifically, how she handles her "'commissions'". I got a friend who commissioned her around september, paid in full and everything, and asked for a few small things before november 1st. in a true display of "professionalism", heaven didn't get the piece done, claiming a dire need for shipping money. it's now three weeks later, and she hasn't gotten back to my friend about the shipping cost, leaving my friend down 100 bucks and still waiting. heaven's a good cosplayer but she's unprofessional and spends all her time dicking around instead of getting shit done that people paid her for.

>> No.6435686


Speaking as a professional seamstress, the whole thing could have been executed better but she had the right idea. The front needed more structure than what she gave it in order to let the Virgo symbol hang correctly on her. The side...i'm not entirely sure what's going on there but it looks unhemmed? There's a weird fabric bulge on the edge that again, i'm not sure what's happening. Overall, the back is draped well. The picture on >>6435568 looks like it's a nice, even drape, and yes, she was going for >>6435631 look. Not sure about her choice for the slit, especially the sheer fabric underneath with that heavy trim. Personally i'm not digging the trim and wish she had gone for something more subtle or nothing at all.

Overall it looks like a rookie job, right idea, not too great execution. Fabric choice I feel had a LOT to do with that. Not too familiar with her work overall but if I was basing my opinion on this dress alone, I would say she's only been sewing for a very little while. Enough to make outfits, not enough to get the difficult techniques in this dress right.

That was more than I was planning on typing whoops.

>> No.6435688

I couldn't tell it was a low drape, it just looked look a really loose ill fitting dress bulge thing, be it the photo or otherwise.

>> No.6435751

I just cringe at that back. Oh my god, how do you look at that and think it looks okay?

>> No.6436259

There's actually a really hilarious story behind this shot.

The four dead trolls were all standing on a ledge behind that wall, and they had what they thought was a lowered garden area with bushes behind them. After taking the photos and climbing back over the wall, one of them was taking a closer look at the area and discovered

Those were not bushes. They were TREES. And that the ledge they were standing on was actually 10-15 feet off the ground below.

Life almost imitating art!