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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6425324 No.6425324[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you girls hate virgins so much?

Every other insult that comes out of your mouth is 'virgin'.

It's kind of sad when you are actually a virgin you know.... Do you really hate us?

>> No.6425331

I don't think being a virgin is a bad thing.
Then again, you wouldn't want me as a gf.

>> No.6425336

Correction - we only hate male virgins, since people like you are the trash of society and failures as human beings. And you compensate your shitty existence by bothering us with misogyny threads because you can't get laid.

Ergo, the world would be better if you fucking died you pieces of shit.

>> No.6425339

>Then again, you wouldn't want me as a gf.


>> No.6425344

Capped. You know Newton and Tesla were virgins right?

>> No.6425348

Shut up, slut. You don't speak for me.

>> No.6425350

Because you call us sluts and won't like us unless we're virgin, pure, cute and underage.

>> No.6425353


I don't think that's true strictly speaking. I would prefer a girl who wasn't a virgin, but that's just me.

>> No.6425356

They weren't.

Pretty sure they were just unmarried, so virgin historians interpreted it as them being losers just like them.

Just looking at how handsome they were, they probably had sex with their maids or something like that.

Keep dreaming you will achieve something in your life though, at least you won't be shitposting here, misogynist piece of shit.

>> No.6425359

Similarly, it's not strictly true that all girls here hate male virgins. I don't mind virgins, I just hate neckbeards with a Madonna/whore complex.

>> No.6425360


Not always. I got turned down by my major crush in HS because I was a virgin and he said "I don't do virgins, sorry. You're cute, though."

>> No.6425361

Are you a virgin?

The virgin/betas from here all want a virgin, perfect young girl who is too naive to notice how unexperienced they are. ;_;

>> No.6425370


Yes. I'm a virgin. And yes, I want a girl who has had some experience. I think the insecurity comes from believing that a girl with experience wouldn't want a guy who has none.

>> No.6425374


Aren't you that crazy girl who said she gets turned on by the thought of her boyfriend beating up/killing a virgin guy?


I suppose I sort of have that, but I don't think having sex precludes a girl from being cute/innocent.

>> No.6425373

they say they want an inexperienced virgin, but then they bitch about how vanilla the girl is when they finally get ahold of her.

i really wish i had screencapped that thread from /r9k/

>> No.6425379

Clearly you weren't cute enough. No guy would turn down a hot piece of ass. You are just average looking/ below average.

'Cute' isn't really a compliment. It's like being compared to a puppy. Cute girls don't get to fuck as much a hot chicks. Just sayin'

>> No.6425377

That was a terrible troll.

>> No.6425378
File: 95 KB, 419x600, tumblr_lzny46eMAY1rq1201o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate virgins at all, OP, it doesn't matter if someone is a virgin or not, it's something that is silly to care about or retort to using it as an insult. Cheer up!

>> No.6425382
File: 46 KB, 500x375, plz-stop-post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're looking for meaningful insight you've come to the wrong place

>> No.6425384

go an eat a fucking tampon, whore.

>> No.6425385


>> No.6425386

You girls have got to understand that boards like /v/ and /a/ and even /jp/ have puppy love for you. They're like the kid who pulls the girl's pigtails because he likes her. They don't really hate you.

>> No.6425387

sup op >>>/jp/ >>>/r9k/

I'm not crazy. But I sure would do a favor for a guy who would kill you in particular, you pathetic piece of shit.

>> No.6425392

You're replying to a guy, dummy.

>> No.6425394

It's getting pretty sad/creepy that this 'board culture' is getting so popular. This should just be a hobby... somewhere to go online to discuss our interests in certain topics.

But some people have taken it too far. They spend far too much time on 4chan and 'raid' or come into /cgl/...urgh. We don't want you nasty mouth breathers. Go away.

>> No.6425401

Uhh... trying to be a kawaii queen? It makes sense why your crush turned you down. He clearly wasn't a faggot like you are.

>> No.6425408
File: 9 KB, 399x399, 1352581517035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever see something similar, please cap it. I'm interested.

Then I don't hate you guys. Nothing wrong with being virgin.

>> No.6425412

I literally do not understand your post. By the way calling me a whore is so laughable. Jesus.

>> No.6425417

>Yes. I'm a virgin. And yes, I want a girl who has had some experience

Same, I think that comes from the fact I have a kind of depraved mind though.

>> No.6425424

Why is this even an issue? For one, I doubt anyone here aside from the crazies really hates virgins. What most of us hate is when a man comes here talking about women's issues as though we're just a collection of inanimate objects that are only valued by the condition of out packaging. Virgin males get to the point that they irritate us when they start insisting that all of the desirable women are whores for not being virgins, and most of the available virgin females have no value to you because they aren't as physically attractive as you wish they would be.

>> No.6425425

There was a thread recently where most female trips said they would def. not date a virgin guy.

You know, trips are the ones who are actually proven to be girls unlike the 'girls' ITT.

>> No.6425432

No there wasn't. Why must you perpetuate this kind of horrible hatred?

>> No.6425444


Do the trips on your board represent the entire male population?

Also, what should it matter? If they don't want to date you, it's a personal presence. It doesn't make them a whore. I won't even date men, and I've been with another woman, (who is asexual), for the last four years. Love isn't about sex to me. That doesn't make me think that women who value sex are whores, though. Sex isn't just about gratifying a need, it can make you feel closer to your partner.

>> No.6425449


Don't try to deny that you once smeared tampon blood all over yourself and tasted it or I'll get out the pictures.

>> No.6425455

I didn't deny shit, I just said you made no sense because your sentence...made no sense. Why are you so angry at me? You should use that energy for something productive rather than shitposting online.

>> No.6425471

What does Ophelia look like?

>> No.6425480

You've got real issues missy. Even the girls who wouldn't date virgins don't have a pathological hatred for them.

>> No.6425484

This is not /cgl/ related. Report and hide this topic.

>> No.6425485

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.6425493
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>> No.6425501

why would I hate virgins? I am one.

>> No.6425525

What. I find virgin men adorable, unless you're a hambeast and/or autistic.

>> No.6425532
File: 28 KB, 373x356, fiesta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do girls hate virgins so much
>i'm a virgin man and want a girl with experience
>ewww virgin girls!! probably a whale lol!


>> No.6425538
File: 469 KB, 480x228, thb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>ewww virgin girls!!

>> No.6425543

>ewww virgin girls!! probably a whale lol!

What? Nobody said that...

>> No.6425548

>i'm a virgin girl and want a man with experience
>ewww virgin guy!! probably a nerd,bear,beta,yourfavoriteword lol!

>> No.6425556
File: 189 KB, 345x337, 1325692888763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, it's true. Kind of like the guys who go:

>Yucky, did you see that one-and-only girl who asked me out? I may be a hambeast with a neckbeard, but lul!
>Wooow, that skinny and 9/10 girl said no to me! What a bitch! I'm going to go to /jp/ and express how much I hate women now!

>> No.6425560

Yes. Men have high standa--


>> No.6425561
File: 22 KB, 340x345, 2853600054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wooow, that skinny and 9/10 girl said no to me! What a bitch! I'm going to go to /jp/ and express how much I hate women now!