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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 209 KB, 700x1200, costume448-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6425211 No.6425211[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /cgl/, more specifically the lolitas, I've a question for you...

How do you feel about males wearing lolita? And I don't mean brolita, I mean dresses and such. I did my first serious crossplay at a recent con, and ... I loved it. :( I was way more convincing than I thought I ever would have been, even if a bunch of people here would think otherwise. I wore a maid uniform from bodyline (similar to the one in the pic -- I can't find the exact one) and, well... I kind of want to do it again. I don't know to what extent I want to yet, but I'm curious to hear what the general lolita population thinks, and if I'm like, offending the general community by doing so.

If it's not looked down apon, and is more widely accepted, are there any places I should check out? Any place in particular that's good for males looking to dress up or anything?

>> No.6425218

Have you heard of Mana?

>> No.6425219

Pretty prestigious name in lolita who's dresses cost more than AP stuff, right?

>> No.6425220

>And I don't mean brolita, I mean dresses and such
Brolita IS dresses and stuff.

>> No.6425223

Mana is not a brand. Mana is a person. Do more homework before making posts like this. We will not spoonfeed you

>> No.6425224

Is it? I thought it was the male equivilent that was tophats and... The other stuff I don't really know how to describe... But not dresses. I'm fairly familiar with lolita, but not really the male side of it. Paint me stupid I guess.

>> No.6425227

Yeah, no shit. I meant he's the NAME behind it. I don't remember his brand, but I remember looking through his website before (unless he's freelance or anything)

>> No.6425229

No, that's aristocrat/kodona. Brolita is guys doing actual lolita fashion. Honest mistake, though. What are your measurements like? It might be better to go for custom-sized stuff on Taobao if your figure isn't very feminine.

>> No.6425233

If you wear it like a costume, lolitas may be offended. If you just like the clothes but keep it to conventions because it's more accepted there, that is fine. Lolitas are generally very accepting of brolitas, as long as they are serious about the fashion and are not creepers who pray on underage girls on tumblr.

>> No.6425235

Thank you for clarifying in a polite manner. I'll make an effort to commit that to memory.

The dress from bodyline I have is a 3L, and it fits perfectly. I'm pretty out of shape at the moment though and I'm working to get back in shape. Honestly though, my biggest concern isn't my shape, it's that I'm a hairy motherfucker :(

Give me a few minutes to fish out my measurements though, I've got them around someplace.

>> No.6425237

your posts read as embarassed and horny.

But anyways, from what I've seen, brolitas are generally accepted in the lolita community. I know recently there was some drama about a brolita that would go up to people and start talking about his fetishes. As long as you don't act like that guy, and abide by the "rules" of the fashion, you should be good.

>> No.6425240

It's not something I considered 'just a costume'. I think lolita is fucking gorgeous. Always have. I love it, and not just as a fetish thing -- I honestly think it's just a blessing to look at. Hell, the idea of wearing it in public (and just not speaking much) is appealing to me, but not if I'm alone of course...

I have a girlfriend, and she has a lolita. I'm a hairy guy, but I have a lot of girly personality traits. I love when she wears it, and I love shopping for it with her. I've always been pretty jealous that she gets to wear it so freely. But we live in places that are fairly redneck and don't really have other lolitas around, and the idea of being her lolita-buddy as well just sounds incredible.

>> No.6425241

hair can be fixed. if you get ingrown hairs, instead of normal shaving try using Veet. shit is expensive, but it works.

>> No.6425243

Embarrassed, perhaps a little bit. I wasn't sure how this would be looked upon in the lolita community. It's something I want to seriously take part in. As for horny, well, can't explain that one. :( I apologize, that's not my intent or my aim.

As far as werid drama brolita, I wouldn't do that. My fetishes and stuff have nothing to do with lolita, and I have no intentions of speaking of them while wearing lolita. I don't view lolita or cosplay as an excuse to act like a deviant, and I don't plan on acting like anything but a normal fucking human being.

>> No.6425244

Ask your girlfriend to help you out with the hair removal. All girls have different ways of dealing with it, but it's nice to get advice for the first time. I prefer shaving or veet, but my boyfriend likes to wax since he's got more hair, and using hair removal creams on all of it takes ages.

>> No.6425245

The thing about waxing with me is... Well, have you seen 40 year old virgin?...

As for measurements:
NecK: 15
Bust: 36
Hips: 37
Height: 177
Arm: 32/33
Outseem: 40
I feel like I've slimmed down a bit since then though, but maybe I'm crazy.

>> No.6425248

Yeah I can't wax either, it freaks me out. I rather take my time in the shower with razors or cream.

>> No.6425250

I recommend avon's hair removal cream it works like a charm and i't fairly cheap. You just leave it in for 3 minutes and wipe it off with a baby wipe ^^. Boy's who want to dress in lolita are always welcomed in my book. tbh I wish we had more guys dressing up anyway.

>> No.6425268

Can brolita's pull of pastels and sweet lolita at all? It seems better suited to gothic lolita for the slimming effect of dark colours

>> No.6425273

I've seen great brolitas in sweet, but gothic is probably easier to pull off. I don't think I've yet seen a broli in classic, I'd love to see that!

>> No.6425279

I've never actually seen a brolita in person. Anyone have any pictures worth sharing?

>> No.6425284

Different guy here. I wanna do some brolita and crossplay too, but I also have some hair I wanna get rid of. The problem is, I seem to have really tiny follicles or pores or something, and even the lightest shave causes me to get a shitton of ingrown hairs that make me look like I'm diseased. I don't know about waxing or Nair, would those just make it worse? Is there any way for me to shave without having to pick at hairs stuck in my pores the next week?

>> No.6425316

Here's some tips to avoid ingrown hair;
I can generally recommend exfoliating properly before you shave, and shave after warm showers/baths.

>> No.6425327

Huh. I may have to get a really nice electric razor. I thought you were supposed to shave against the grain? Goddammit that would explain a lot. Thanks.

>> No.6425475
File: 105 KB, 478x640, 1306988286724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your waist size is gonna be your biggest problem. As you said your waist size is around 35 inches. Most brand dresses such as BTSSB, IW, and AP have their waist size around 27-32 inches.

For hair removal, I just use an epilator.

Pic related, that's me as a brolita.

>> No.6425481
File: 139 KB, 510x466, 1347427296126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Just use an epilator.
> Just use
> an epilator.


>> No.6425534

Yeah, I'm a fatty. I'm looking into getting a stationary bike so I can do SOMETHING while playing vidya and am hating cold Canadian winters from stopping my jogging.

>> No.6425542


*googles epilator*

What is this magical thing!

>> No.6425539

I was going to say brolitas are usually cool but you posted a pic of a maid dress and thats making me doubt you + what you know about lolita....

>> No.6425546

ITT: Brolitajenny

>> No.6425558
File: 57 KB, 397x393, 1287813794889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>males wearing lolita
>Any place in particular that's good for males looking to dress up or anything?
My bedroom.

>> No.6425555

The reason I posted a maid dress is because it's close to the one I wore during my whole experience. Yeah, I know it's not the same thing, but the point is more that I wore a dress and was supposedly fairly convincing in doing so. The fact I was able to wear a dress at all and not be super friggin' obvious about my gender is what made me curious about if I could do it in lolita, not that I erroneously thought maid = lolita.

>> No.6425568

Yeah. Maid dresses and lolita fashion are two different things. First off, lolita fashion IS NOT A COSTUME.

As I said earlier, the most predominate brand names are Baby The Stars Shine Bright, Angelic Pretty, Innocent World, Atelier Pierrot, Metamorphose, Juliette et Justine, Victorian Maiden, and Moi-meme-Moitie. Bodyline is a budget brand with some lace monsters. It's basically the Wal-Mart of burando while the others above are the Louis Vuitton and Versace of burando.

>> No.6425580

an epilator is like an electric shaver combined with tweezers. It plucks your hair as it glides on you skin. BTW- It hurts like a motherfucker. Worse than waxing by a landslide.

Honestly, as a hairy lady, Lolita is really forgiving. It really provides head-to-toe coverage while still looking cute. You don't have to shave (keep your face clean, though) keep your leg/arm hair trimmed short and wear tights and long sleeved blouses. ALWAYS. I don't care if it's hot and you want to wear lolita, You keep them hairy things covered!

>> No.6425595
File: 226 KB, 667x480, 1348456699173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wore a maid uniform from bodyline (similar to the one in the pic -- I can't find the exact one) and, well... I kind of want to do it again.
>I'm curious to hear what the general lolita population thinks
>wears maid uniform
>asking lolitas what they think about it?
this is why I'm doubtful.
wear dresses as much as you want, go for it, just make sure you know what lolita is and is not.
pic related, brolita doin it right

>> No.6425602

As I stated earlier, I am very aware that lolita and maid uniforms are two different things, and that I DO NOT consider lolita to be costumes. I do not wish to insinuate otherwise.

I'm aware of ... About half of the ones you mentioned, but I've never shopped at any of them for males, only ever looked through them with my girlfriend. I'm just not sure where to go for stuff if you're male. Also, my girlfriend would murder the hell out of me if I got an AP or one of those nice dresses before she did...

If there's one thing I've learned watching my girlfriend getting into lolita, it's that you gotta suffer a bit in order to look that damn good. But hey, I'm an actor and a cosplayer, I'm used to it.

>> No.6425605

Go on...

>> No.6425671

I would suggest buying something from taobao and have it made to your measurements. You want to make sure the skirt and bodice are long enough to suit you. Maybe look into some shapewear to try to make your waistline a little bit more defined.
Is there any particular style you are interested in?

>> No.6425675

> you gotta suffer a bit in order to look that damn good

imo the time spent on looking perfect is the most fun part of lolita!

>> No.6425688
File: 132 KB, 400x533, 11.09.12.BABY(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aspiring Brolita here. I'm planning to go all out with brand (Probably BTSSB) once I lose more weight and knock out some other goals first. I'm also pretty "guy-ish", which I think is the funny part - I'm straight, I lift weights, collect guns, program, etc. Just your typical swole nerd.

How would my measurements work out for EGL? I'm a bit worried about my chest size since I also have big shoulders - I'm already planning to wear a cardigan and a long sleeve cutsew/blouse to work around that.

B: 38 (Shooting to lose more weight to get down to a 36 if possible)
W: 30
H: 30
Height: 5'8"

I also think women look extremely good in EGL fashion.

Pic related. It's a JSK I saw on BTSSB's US website that I really want.

>> No.6425724

Your measurements are fine for brand actually, if you go for JSKs with some shirring, and IW's L size blouses could fit you. You could do with losing 1-2 inches from your waist, but yeah.
The main issue is your height, but if you have nice legs (and guys tend to, lol), I suggest fully covering tights.

>> No.6425791


Awesome! I figured if worst came to worst I could custom order things from FanPlusFriend. It may not be brand, but at least for a non-Japanese company they have their own sense of style and I think a lot of their stuff is cute.

In all of the coords that I've been planning out they've all involved stockings or tights. I'm actually not a fan of the knee high sock look, and I figured that being a guy that would probably be best.

Also, just to clarify things: A cutsew is just like a blouse except made using the same fabric as tshirts, right?

>> No.6425819

Pretty much, yes! Depending on the design they don't always suit to layer under dresses though, and are most often worn with skirts.

>> No.6425828

Good luck, Brolita. I would love to have a Brolita friend to be Loli with. <3