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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 274 KB, 640x640, PV7V3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6424222 No.6424222 [Reply] [Original]

I think #1-9 are all by the same troll...

>> No.6424247

>eating half of what i used to
>i feel like i'm starving all the time

bullshit, to get to that weight she'd need to be eating like 4k calories + on a regular basis. she cuts down to normal calories and she's ~starving~

too bad for the obvious troll of
>sugar daddy like the gothic girls
it was a 9/10 other than that. that took it to troll/10 did not give a fuck.

>> No.6424253


>> No.6424252

However crazy it sounds, some people do get used to eating constantly.

I was a fat kid and I know that I was eating every hour and when I wasn't eating I'd feel intensely hungry.

You have to do things gradually or better yet, DIETO PIRISU

>> No.6424254
File: 109 KB, 900x709, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so sick of having trolls in the secrets.

>> No.6424266
File: 83 KB, 640x640, 4gAfp[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The secrets are posted in the order they are received, and since this one is #9, it means 6 out of those 9 secrets are from the same troll. 1 & 2 don't look like the others so they were made by other people, but I can't figure out the last one. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 look like they were made by the same person.

>> No.6424303
File: 117 KB, 638x960, 59681_484405461579659_25721392_n__2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already know about the no talent cunt stuff, but con artist?

>> No.6424314

She gypped a bunch of people out of their money and goods when she sold off her store. People had layby's that weren't fulfilled and a lot of small hobby brands that she stocked never got their money

>> No.6424355

stop talking about yourself

>> No.6424352

The model, or the woman that makes the necklace? 'Cause I love her collar necklaces.

>> No.6424359

Not always? sometimes the mods sort them by theme...

>> No.6424361

I eat constantly. I'm 130lbs. I do not understand how someone could hit 220lbs.

>> No.6424376

Actually, one of the problems obese people face when losing weight is hunger--when your body is used to eating an excess amount of food each day, eating significantly less can make you feel like you're starving. I went from 230 lbs to 120 in 2 years and up until last year, I would still feel very hungry even though I was eating a regular amount of food, like 1600-1800 calories a day.

>> No.6424380

It doesn't matter if she is 220 or 440, if she eats so much damn sugar and carbs to cause herself an insulin resistance, she can diet all she wants but those fat cells ain't letting go if they don't have to. A little daietto and morning jogging isn't going to do much. That is why fat people tend to stay fat.

I completely believe she can be both fat and starving at the same time, with little to show for it.

>> No.6424390


I used to weigh 250lbs, i'm a guy and all it really took was a strict exercise schedule, i still eat alot, but work out alot as well. i'm 180 now.

>> No.6424417

holy shit charms, read a book sometime

>> No.6424427

If you're a real lolita you should respect Catholicism at least.

>> No.6424429

Honestly I don't see a problem with the headscarf business, I just haven't seen any decent co-ords. Willing to be proven wrong though! All the Muslim lolitas I've seen have the black/white scheme going on. I'd love to see an OTT sweet Muslim loli. Headscarves could work quite well in classic too I think.

>> No.6424438
File: 180 KB, 500x750, muslim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is the nicest I've seen about and I still don't like it. I'm just not a fan I suppose.

>> No.6424448

I dont understand the hate with hijabs. They HAVE to wear them. Give them a break at least they try to incorporate them into their outfits jeez.

>> No.6424453

the model

>> No.6424455
File: 150 KB, 640x640, way to ruin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6424462

This is super cute to me, so maybe it's taste.

>> No.6424464


Pretty sure the hijab is optional.

>> No.6424465

who's face is this?
the face shape looks like someone i know, but she's not really into lolita much anymore. only ever did one outfit.

sorry, kind of off topic. i'd just be surprised if it's who i think it is.

>> No.6424469

They're optional. But even so, if they want to wear it. So what?
I think the same argument can be said about real hair vs wigs.

>> No.6424481

hijabs and there position (how much hair is shown) is based off of how much the person believes in the religion. At least, that is what a Muslim friend of mine told me.

>> No.6424485

Is it?
Well, if it is, I always think that most of these girls are still under age or living with their parents and I doubt their parents would allow them to go around without it.

>> No.6424490

no no i know. like, i used to eat 0-500 calories a day regularly without noticing. never felt hungry, dizzy, like i needed food. if i tried to eat "a lot" i would get maybe up to 1500 and have to vomit.

and now i eat... constantly. like, i'm 30lbs heavier than my lowest weight and i can hardly make it through half a day without eating. if i miss breakfast i'm dying by mid-morning.

but still, if you know for a fact you aren't actually starving i feel like you should stfu and stop complaining about hunger pains, it just makes you sound like a huge fatty.
which, i suppose she is... kind of a moot point there.

but good job on your weight loss. that's really amazing.

>> No.6424508

What is lolita secrets? Are these posted on a website somewhere?

>> No.6424511

It's a commitment. It's an "optional" commitment in first-world countries, but just because it's an optional commitment doesn't mean you don't "have" to wear it in order to continue to follow the choice you made for yourself.

>> No.6424519

Discomfort --> complaining. It's human. Hunger pains feel the same at 90-odd pounds as they do at 190-odd pounds. Both are worthy of complaint, miss "dying by mid-morning."

>> No.6424523

>but still, if you know for a fact you aren't actually starving i feel like you should stfu and stop complaining about hunger pains, it just makes you sound like a huge fatty.

Lol wow, you're a cunt.

>It's only okay if my faux-anorexic ass complains about being hungry~!

>> No.6424530


Eh, IDK anything about muslim culture or religion or whatever. I just knew it wasn't mandatory.

Personally, I don't care if she wears it or not. Doesn't bother me.

>> No.6424532


>> No.6424536

Then why do 99% of sweet co ords look the same

>> No.6424541

but it's true. like, come on. a 200lb person complaining about eating the recommended amount of calories per day? that's like, straight out of a comedic situation.

and fuck that, i eat when i want.
nothing about my weight or behavior is anorexic anymore.

i can kind of see where you're coming from. i am a "no one elses suffering makes yours less important" but i'm also a "if you do it to yourself you (literally) deserve it"
i think it's the pity party tone of the post that rubbed me the wrong way so much.

>> No.6424555

It's just as funny as an anorexic cunt saying she's "dying by mid morning"

>> No.6424561

i'm 5'4
and 130lbs
nothing about my weight is unhealthy, in fact i could lose 20lbs without anyone raising an eyebrow.
i eat twice a day meal wise usually, since i don't get a real breakfast (yogurt in the car on the way to school usually) with snacking all throughout the day.

>> No.6424562

I don't think you know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.6424573

i don't think i'm talking about anything serious.

>> No.6424587
File: 55 KB, 520x329, 217375_f520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

130? 5'4?

you my dear are overweight by quite alot. that nose of yours probably adds 5 pounds eh?

>> No.6424597

You dont look that fat.

>> No.6424598

Three pounds is a lot?

>> No.6424608

According to this chart, i'm not a landwhale.
Unreliable thing, it is.

>> No.6424611

>I'm way below the "small" range for my height

>> No.6424615

>by quite a lot
>5'4 124-138 med


>> No.6424620 [DELETED] 

This chart is shite and you should feel bad for even trying to use it. But I suppose if your IQ is too low to understand how weight works with fat, muscle, and bones it can't be helped.

>> No.6424631

oh i made a mistake, that's like what your frame size is supposed to be
okay, well i believe have a small build, but i possible am medium as my ribs and hips still stick out even at this weight. so i'm a whopping ~3lbs~ over the recommended size for my height or 8lbs under the highest depending on who you ask

super overweight guys
super overweight

also i might be 5'5, last i checked i had gone up a 1/4th of an inch and my doctor said it's very likely that i'll go up another inch since i hadn't changed height in so long that a sudden change like that was not unlikely to get more

so fucking overweight
uhg i can't stand it
how do i anoreix?

>> No.6424633

That chart is shite and you should feel bad about using it.

>> No.6424634
File: 50 KB, 480x720, tumblr_m48oqbRc4K1qg6oxbo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hijab lolita's are just like black lolitas

racists are going to hate it and think it doesn't look right/doesn't belong in lolita

but when done right (like ALL bodytypes, races, genders)it looks awesome.

hater's gonna hate

>> No.6424638

Pic unrelated? Because seriously, that girl doesn't even have a petticoat...

>> No.6424639

Okay everyone debating about hungry fatties, I think you're missing something here. You can eat a ton and still keep under a calorie budget if you eat healthy foods. If you're being a baby about hunger pangs you're dieting wrong.

>> No.6424641


>> No.6424643

petti or not she's still cute as a button, not the BEST example but a decent one

>> No.6424647

You missed one.

>> No.6424653

And I forgot to greentext. Fuck.

>> No.6424655

Hey, same here. That chart is unreliable as hell. No bmi = go the fuck home.

>> No.6424656

If she had a really small frame she might look chubby at 130. But really, 130 at 1t 5'4" is exceptionally normal/average.

>> No.6424657
File: 373 KB, 903x1280, tumblr_lqdncnV9np1qmqzvco1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok ok i get it damn

>> No.6424660

A bmi is literally a height/weight ratio you idiot.

>> No.6424666

It looks like a sith costume not going to lie.

>> No.6424662

Yeah, I'm 5'2" and go between 115 and 120. It says I'm a size "s", but really, I'm usually a medium in clothing, I never fit size S unless there's extreme vanity sizing going on. It seems relatively inaccurate.

>> No.6424671

i'm a small or extra small on top, medium on bottom. people carry weight differently.

>> No.6424672

What that chart is talking about is frame size, which you can calculate by doing this: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/imagepages/17182.htm

However, that chart is most likely just using the BMI idea judging by the numbers, which is shite. Do not use this chart. DO NOT USE THIS CHART. Do. Not. Use. This. Chart.

>> No.6424675

Oh, it's about frame size. I have a really uneven frame (xs size hips, L sized ribcage/bust, M size waist) so that's about right.

>> No.6424679

this is very true. when i diet i generally eat all day because i'm not used to not eating anymore. so i just snack on apples, pears, grapes, bananas, water melon, broccoli, peas, cucumbers, just tons of stuff alllll day.

>> No.6424798

Islam is not a race. There are muslims of all skin colours and nationalities. It is not racist to criticise religious practices.

Please don't spread ignorance.

>> No.6424807
File: 47 KB, 480x632, fuckihatepoliceman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muslim lolitas should wear nun lolita so that they can cover their hair except that would be even more sacrilegious then showing their hair in the first place.

>> No.6424875

Medium frame, 134lbs.
I'm okay with this.

>> No.6424886

How to you keep under your calorie count? (depending on what yours is, my daily intake is supposed to 1400 a day or so). Some of that is really low-calorie, but some of it (like grapes) are high calorie. I'd think if you at it all day you'd end up going over really easily.

>> No.6424903

Because you don't literally eat nothing but grapes all day you idiot.

>> No.6424911

Chill out. What I'm asking is, does this person track what they eat to make sure they don't go over? Because if you have a small snack frequently, even a low-calorie one, for most of the day, it's easy to go over your allotted amount, especially because many fruits and some vegetables are very non-filling, and some are more caloric than others.

>> No.6424914

Let me add to my post here: with the severe lack of common sense coming from seagulls about dieting it's no wonder so many of you are fatasses.

>> No.6424920

Ya, those things aren't feminine in the slightest. It's like a bald woman trying lolita, it just don't look right without the hair.

>> No.6424923

And I thought the Islamic dress code was about blending in rather than standing out. :/

>> No.6424925
File: 9 KB, 264x191, datalol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6424928

Urrrrgggghhhhh why did she put bows on it? That's just retarded, bows are meant for hair. That's like wearing fake nails on your wrist stumps because you have no hands.

>> No.6424936

It's optional the same way that keeping kosher is optional or honoring the Sabbath is optional, aka not optional at all if you're very religious. Of course, from a non-religious standpoint, religion itself is optional.

>> No.6424967

Trips confirm truth.
Accept your new Dark Lord.

>> No.6425141

>would have been eating 4k in calories everyday guise!
No, child. No. If she was eating that much everyday then she'd be gaining a pound a day and would weigh much more than that.
It's more or less the case that she would have one or two binge days a week, but then went back to eating 2k in calories again which only -maintains- a person's weight. She would have to eat at least 500 calories less than 2k a week just to lose a pound a week.

And slow progress like that is very discouraging for someone who has a binge eating or compulsive eating disorder.

>Hurr I eat 0-500 calories a day and don't feel hungry~
OH. lol. Well your bias makes sense now because you have an eating problem too. You just don't eat enough and you think you're doing your body good. Can't imagine how flabby you must look after your metabolism has atrophied your muscles for the extra energy. You're going to have heart problems if you starve yourself like that.

>I eat fruit a lot
Healthier than a candy bar I suppose, but fruits are full of sugar and calories and is not an appropriate food for a dieting person to overeat on. If they're worried about their calorie budget then they're better off with vegetables, unbuttered popcorn, or sugar free jello.

TLDR you're just another dumb bitch seagull who thinks they're health gurus with bad dieting information.

>> No.6425150



Hypocrites gona hypocrite

>> No.6425148

congrats bitch, you have the money and/or parents to buy that shit, not everyone can afford to buy enough fruit to eat fucking constantly

>> No.6425155

I feel like hijabs look okay with classic. Like, they remind me of gypsies, but in a good way.

Sweet on the other hand...

>> No.6425159

I dont get it, when you wear hijab you arent supposed to wear extremely colorful clothes and makeup either. you are not supposed to attract male attention when wearing the hijab. i wear hijab everyday cause im a muslim, and sweet lolita is defiently considered haram too, if you want to wear lots of makeup and brightly colored clothes and shit too, why wear the hijab, you are not following the rules of it anyway -shrug-
everyday i see girls wearing amazingly brightly colored outfits and heavy makeup and then the hijab, then the purpose of it is kinda ruined anyway. ofcourse you can wear nice clothes in the hijab but lolita is not something you should wear, especially not sweet lolita.

>> No.6425172

RE HIJABS: I think the point that everybody is missing here is that "Muslim" does not cover all Muslims, like how not all Christians have the same rules.
There are different sects of Islam, some believe you have to wear a hijab, some don't and some leave it up to the choice of the wearer.
As the Lolita in question has never mentioned why she wears a hijab (and she shouldn't have to either) we don't know if she wears it because her sect has to, or because she chooses too.
FYI, I don't think she looks fantastic and I wouldn't gush over her, but she looks fine, better than some of the acrylic wig sycophants.

>> No.6425178

What do poor people eat then, if not super cheap fresh and frozen produce and other cheap, healthy items?

>> No.6425185

poor people in the us eat junkfood only, or so my television likes to tell me.

>> No.6425189

You're skipping the point that fresh fruits are incredibly expensive. Around here a bag of grapes can cost between $10-12, and if you buy in bulk it can be cheaper but then you have the problem with trying to eat it all before it goes bad.

Nobody is saying healthy foods are unaffordable, but going to the store to buy fresh fruit everyday which is costly and not that healthy in the long run is unreasonable. You can't expect that of people. And fact is, vegetables are a much better way to lose weight anyway.

>> No.6425190

Goddamn. Where do you live? That's insane.

The key to buying fresh is to buy in season for where you live, of course. And buying local can often get you a better deal, too, depending on the seller and the market.

>> No.6425196

It's funny because we do grow grapes around here. The problem is the season for concords is very short and local growers want a lotttt of money for their produce because they know grapes are high in demand. Same with cherries and berries.
Usually one can get a good deal on bananas, apples, or oranges though. Those fruits tend to not be locally grown though and I don't think they're anywhere as delicious as a succulent berry.

>> No.6425201

I basically never see Concords in a regular grocery store except for a very brief period in the summer, and they are never cheap. I'm not surprised that they'd be expensive. No plain old red/green varieties? I am not super fond of grapes, though, so they're not on the top of my price watch list.

Here I can usually get a good deal on strawberries, bananas (always), apples, and peaches when in season. But don't tend to buy a lot of fruit because I prefer veggies personally.

Pick your own places are also awesome.

>> No.6425225

It's one of those things that's "optional" but you get pressured into extremely easily and can't back out of.

>> No.6425265

There aren't sects like you would have in Christianity or Judaism, and you can't look at Islam in the same light and understand it. The two main "sects" of Islam (Suni and Shi'a) disagreed on one aspect, and that is who the Caliph was supposed to be after Muhammad died. However they both agree that everything Muhammad said is law and the divine word of God. All Muslim "Sects" believe this. As I said it's not like Christianity or Judaism, whose holy texts are compiled by many authors over hundreds of years and are open to interpretation, meant as rough guidelines. The Qur'an was written by one guy, in his lifetime and is a strict set of rules to be followed without question or alternative interpretation.

In the West people can pick and choose from their holy text to suit their own needs because there are basically no consequences. But in any Muslim country you would be breaking the actual law and God's law (No difference in Islam as it's politically motivated as well as spiritually) by not wearing a Hijab.

>> No.6425271

The sensation is literally the same, and depending on the severity, is highly unpleasant. I'll totally make fun of a fat person for being hungry after eating normally, but never for complaining about it as long as they're not whiny and overdramatic, because the sensation fucking sucks.

>> No.6425277

I weighed 120kg (I'm europeen, I dont know lbs) and now I'm down to 80. I still need to loose some weight but I'm proud of how far ive gotten so far.
And I tell you this, Ive been hungry everyday since I started dieting. And im eating the amount of food youre supposed to eat now. I ate so much before, like i could eat at mcdonalds thrice a day.
Now I eat what you should eat. And Im hungry every single day. Its not easy.
I try not to complain about too much but its hard cause being hungry is such an overly unpleasent feeling.

>> No.6425287

That trip has no idea what they're talking about, it's okay, anon. And congrats on the weight loss, you're a champ!

>> No.6425289

I'm 220 lbs and I eat fairly little compared to the usual fatty-regime of chicken and burgers everywhere.

>2 pieces of fruit
>2 sandwiches with cheese and veggies

I just lack exercise.

>> No.6425292

why a nice anon on cgl!

thank you very much kind anon

>> No.6425303
File: 987 KB, 882x650, fatassme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was 200lbs+(5'8) would eat anything my heart desired and lacked any motivation to workout.
Diets always failed for me because I probably lacked will power
But I finally put my big ass in check and began working out and eating properly
I still feel hungry but I try eating tons of broccoli and drinking water
now im 148-151 would like to be 140ish

>> No.6425311
File: 106 KB, 960x720, 1316704731164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all dat weight loss
>dat exchanging dog for a goat
Well done. Keep it up, anon.

>> No.6425342

I have no idea what any of you are talking about with this secrets business but holy fucking shit, the girl on the right in the hijab is gorgeous. I am seriously in awe.

It's not the hijab, folks. It's the fact that most lolitas are a facial train wreck, and this girl is beyond beautiful.

And as an aside, fuck everyone who slams her for wearing her hijab. She knew what she wanted to do, she adjusted it to suit her needs, and she went ahead and fucking did it. She's actually more a trendsetter and leader than all of you, just copying coords and doing nothing new.

>> No.6425346

No they are not. I posted once about an hour before submission closed and my secret was no 1 that week. Another week I got an early no too so its random. They probably try proper order but mix it up sometimes too.

>> No.6425357

LOL sure bitch.
why do fatties feel the need to lie about how much they eat all the damn time? just admit that you're as gluttonous as you're lazy.

>> No.6425358

Except that Pakistan is a Muslim country (it was even created as a country FOR Muslims) and hardly anybody wears a hijab here any more.
Let me guess, you're a white westerner who thinks they know everything?

>> No.6425411

>mfw I'm 5'2 and my weight is not even in there...

>> No.6425415

Crap, the second that I opened that pic I thought I was watching a black Assasin's Creed cosplay

>> No.6425422

It's not about race, it's about GARMENTS.
It's like a Lolita wearing a cat tail, cat ears and cat paws. Of course the majority of lolita will be pissed off if said 'neko-loli' wore those accessories with her every outfit because it does not conform with the basic rules of Lolita.
Heck, every single Lolita out there would call her out on that and bully her into dropping the cat shit, but when it comes to a hijab, everyone keeps quiet because 'she just has a different lifestyle', 'we should not judge her', 'everyone can interpret Lolita fashion in their own way'.
It's double standards, really. Some garments are 'OMFG TAKE IT OFF, YOU'RE NOT A LOLITA' while when it comes to religious shit like this everyone keeps quiet.

>> No.6425430

That's not how Christian sects are divided. You got it all wrong.

>> No.6425450

i can confirm this, having worked in a grocery store in a poor area for years. produce department where i worked was always slow as fuck, with people usually only buying the cheapest stuff (iceberg lettuce which has no nutritional value, red delicious apples, and i guess the old people would get a fuckton of bananas for some reason). lots of families would just fill their carts with pop, chips, sugary cereal, and cheap lunch meat, and MAYBE a bag of apples or something. we always threw a lot of shit out in produce because it would go bad before people would buy it.

>> No.6425467

Iceberg lettuce is really good for when you are trying to lose weight because it fills your stomach and it has next to no calories.

>> No.6425478

I love iceberg lettuce. I'm in the process of losing weight and I've sampled just about every lettuce my grocery store offers at this point and iceberg + romaine are the only ones that don't taste too bitter to me.

>> No.6425489

Weird chart
>5'6 1/2
>144 (as of today)
>My weight applies to both Med/Large

>> No.6425512

>iceberg lettuce which has no nutritional value
Well it actually does, but its still not preferred veggie. I'll take spinach over iceberg any day.


>> No.6425528
File: 100 KB, 1200x833, 1341807755517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And there's so much you can do with that vegetable too.

>> No.6425554
File: 14 KB, 225x224, enjoypopeye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol that was my face when I got too bags of it yesterday.

I swear I put it in every friggin meal.

>> No.6425557

I'm pretty sure that's called religious tolerance. I would hazard that it's pretty different to tolerate someone's religious choices than it is to tolerate someone's bad fashion choices. Of course, when the two intersect, it's a bit of a gray area, but I would not equate a religious garment with cat ears. It's just not the same.

>> No.6425562

Romaine is the bomb. I'm also partial to baby spinach and kale (milder than spinach) but I also eat a lot of green leaf lettuce. Green leafy veggies in general are excellent for weight loss--pair them with something high protein (chicken, lean turkey, or eggs) to keep you feeling full, and you have an amazing low-calorie and high-nutrient meal. Scrambled eggs with spinach and chicken Caesar (with yogurt-based dressing) are both great options.

>> No.6425572

I find that Greek yogurt is a miracle gift from the gods.

It's amazing how much protein is in a single serving. Pair it with fruit and I'm good to go.

>> No.6425577

Kale is also great. I find it's a bit milder than spinach. I put kale, spinach, or broccoli in basically everything.

Anyone else a fan of green smoothies? I make smoothies with kale/spinach, carrot juice, mixed berries, and plain nonfat yogurt, with some stevia for sweetener. They're great for breakfast, and typically end up around 100-120 calories for 12oz (depending on if I throw some OJ or pineapple in there, too).

Also, for the fatty-chans looking to try and diet successfully, I would suggest getting a calorie and exercise tracking app for your phone. I use FatSecret, but MyFitnessPal is supposed to be really good, too. It's really great for keeping track of your calories in and out, and helps you stay aware of your weight goals. A lot of times people don't realize just how many calories they are actually eating, and it can be amazing (and a little frightening) to see what those levels actually are.

>> No.6425584

Indeed. Have you ever tried making refrigerator oatmeal? It's damn easy, and super tasty. I'm eating hot oatmeal for breakfast now because of the cold weather, but I made the cold kind all summer, and it's great. Greek yogurt, old-fashioned oats, milk, chia seeds, flavoring/sweetener of your choice, and some fruit. Refrigerate overnight, and voila! My personal favorite is with vanilla extract, stevia, and peaches, but apple/cinnamon is also good.

>> No.6425620

Microwave ready meals are most of the time cheaper than cooking or buying fresh food, unless you happen to be growing the vegetables, making the pasta and slaughtering the meat yourself. Assuming, of course, you don't buy the crazy expensive ones.

>> No.6425634
File: 235 KB, 1024x683, IMG_2169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love eating the Kale salad in the picture. Ever since I found it at Costco I can't get enough of it. It's a shame I can't find it anymore.
I used to love drinking green smoothies but had to stop because I wasn't used to drinking so much liquid at a time and saving some for later would make it gross.

I believe /fit/ sticky has more calorie tracker options. My coach recommended choosemyplate.gov for finding out how many calories you need to keep track of for your weight, height, and how much you exercise in a week. I just found out about it yesterday so I haven't actually tried it yet but my coach said it was what the government used to replace the food pyramid last year.

>> No.6425638

>yogurt-based dressing

Bolthouse farms yogurt dressing is sooo good.

>> No.6425639

I like My Fitness Pal but I think "calorie trackers" aren't necessarily for everyone. Personally, when I use them I get a little bit too obsessed with calories... reading online, it seems like it's a somewhat common problem. But it definitely helps keep track of what you eat, at the same time..

>> No.6425646

No I haven't tried that. Personally I don't like the texture of cooked oatmeal so I eat my share through homemade granola bars and cereal. I can deal with it when its crunchy but not when it's chewy or soft. I found a horchata recipe I want to try that was basically blended oats (instead of rice).

>> No.6425645

Choosemyplate.gov is A LOT better than the way the government used to promote calorie intake, but it's still not the best resource. It still pushes more grains than most people should be eating (not that grains are bad, it's just that people tend to overeat carbs) and isn't really ideal for dieting. It's probably okay for weight maintenance, if you replace part of the grain recommendation with more protein or veggies.

My mother is a dietitian, so you guys can ask me whatever.

>> No.6425656

Yeah, I definitely get a little obsessed, and I tend to think of my calories like money to "spend" so I'll sometimes "save" calories for dessert, things like that. It drives my husband crazy, but it really helps me stick to my goal intake.

>> No.6425668

Sorry, I didn't mean it as a one stop shop. I meant it as a starting point. I always believed people need to do their own research and find out what they need to do to reach their own healthy weight size. If a person just used the gov. website only then it would be the people who only go on /fit/ for their health and fitness related information. Yeah it may have some good information but it more than likely would have information that wouldn't pertain to you and your needs.

>> No.6425674


For people who get too obsessed, maybe a food diary would be better?

It doesn't count calories but it still keeps track of what you ate (assuming you keep it up to date) and the measurements of your food depending on how strict you are with it.

>> No.6425786

haha okay settle down there sand nigger, btw my condolences for your low standards but she isnt anywhere near 'gorgeous', you can go back to beating women and raping children now

>> No.6425838

It's not just a matter of price, it's a matter of time. For those who are poorer, they have less time because they're spending the majority of their time making ends meet. Therefore, they don't have much time to prepare healthy food, and so they eat shit. I know this isn't true for everyone, it's a broad generalisation.

>> No.6426311

I've seen this argument soooo many times, and it just doesn't hold water. You can make relatively cheap and healthy food without taking too much time, all it takes is some planning ahead. A rice and veggie stir-fry takes 20 minutes, tops, if you cook the rice ahead, and grilled meat and veggies also takes very little time if you marinate the meat the night before. I could go on and on about fast and healthy options, considering that's what I live on.

>> No.6426358

> cooking dinner in twenty minutes

How do you do this? When I cooked for six weeks, it took me 2+ hours every night. And before you ask, it was stir fries, chow mein, pasta dishes, etc. The most complicated thing I made was lasange.

>> No.6426363

Oh, and before you say "well you only did it for six weeks", I had to stop because we couldn't afford it anymore.

>> No.6426385

The key is planning ahead. I go grocery shopping on the weekend, and when I get home, I prepare all of the produce ahead (wash and chop). Then, when I get home from work, all I have to do is get out the ingredients, assemble, and cook. Obviously things that need to bake take longer, but the actual assembly time for casseroles is close to 30 minutes typically, depending on the recipe and how far ahead I planned. I defrost meat the night before, put together marinades before work, and plan out every meal at the beginning of the week so that I don't have to go shopping or running around when it's time to cook.

When I want to make something that will take longer, I plan it for a weekend when I have more time. I also make dinner with four servings--two for my husband and I that night, and two for us for lunch the next day. This reduces the need to eat out or make food for lunch in the morning before work.

>> No.6426463
File: 10 KB, 100x100, im just standing here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man im totally stuffing 40 burgers a night down my throat

No, if you just eat that and sit around all day of course you're going to gain weight, Jesus fuck.

>> No.6426491

I guess it's because I did all the chopping and washing when I was ready to cook. We have to shop every day because we can't freeze very much, so it's impossible to get a week's worth of preparation done at once. I'll remember all that for when I go to uni, though, thanks!

>> No.6426518

I can't imagine being able to afford *not* cooking at home every day. I'm usually done in 30 minutes and save longer prep meals for the weekend. What alternative is cheaper than preparing food at home if I may ask?

>> No.6426527

im guessing dumpster diving

>> No.6426705

different anon,

It takes me 20-30min a meal including washing and chopping veggies. Because I'm lazy around clean up time I try to cook everything into one meal. I have a rice cooker so if the meal includes rice I have it going separately. Just recently I bought the ninja which is like a slow cooker/skillet/steam oven and I'm in love. I just drop the veggies that take longer to cook like carrots into the pot and when its halfway cooked I add other thing like onions, bell pepper and mushrooms into the pot.

It's so much easier cooking this way because I can dish everything out all at once and clean up is really easy because it's just the main cooking pot I'm using, rice cooker(if necessary) and the utensil to prepare the meal.

>> No.6427476
File: 433 KB, 603x635, secret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one's the best. I hope she reads this

>> No.6428543

tiferet and rabbit usually comment a lot on the secrets don't they? am i the only one who noticed neither showed their faces on the secrets this week yet?

>> No.6428618

I'm no lolita, but this caught my eye on passing. Yeesh. She insults other people's clothes? I hate when /cgl/ gets all bitchy, but damn, son.

>> No.6428656

They usually have no idea how to confront the facts. How could tiferet refute her horrible fashion sense when it's staring at her in the face?

>> No.6428677

I don't care what religious crap you believe in, but hijabs will always look fucking ugly, in or out of lolita

>> No.6428703

I'm still trying to comprehend where the fuxk some of you live.
$10 for fucking grapes?
I thought £1.40 at Sainsburies was steep.
No wonder Americas so fat

>> No.6428730

>a bag of grapes can cost between $10-12

What the heck? Where the hell do you live that grapes cost that much?

>> No.6428784

>its like wearing fake nails on your wrist stumps because you have no hands

fuck, I laughed.

>> No.6428791

Not true. Sometimes it can be the other way around. I have a few friends from Iran at my uni, and they all come from families that moved abroad after the revolution, so their mothers see the hijab as oppressive and don't want their daugthers to wear it. But the younger girls who were born here and grew up without having to wear it, sometimes decide to wear it later anyway if they are religious or want to encompass more traditions in their life. One of them is banned wearing it at home cause her mom will start ranting that they moved here so they'd be free to wear whatever they like, so my friend always wears it as soon as she gets out of her folk's home.

>> No.6428793

I get my grapes for about $4, I live in Canada. They are organic too.

>> No.6428805

>bows are meant for hair
Uhh in case you've been living under a rock, bows can be applied to anything in lolita. You can wear them on your hair, but you can also pin them on clothes, wristcuffs, socks and shoes, rings, stoles, everything. So pinning one to a hijab or wearing one over a hijab is not any major deviation from the lolita fashion dos. "Omg sticking decoden pieces on your nails??? Surely they are only for your phone covers!!!"

>> No.6428813

I've seen $10 bags of grapes too. I'm in California in grape country, but a lot of our stores are small/local and so are the producers. So a bag of organic grapes might be $3-4 a pound, and most of the bags are 2-3 pounds each. So, i can see how that's plausible.

I always just wait for them to go on sale, they get down to $2 pretty frequently and then it's much more doable.

>> No.6428823

Frozen food from cheap places is often really absurdly cheap. For instance, at Trader Joe's I can get premade food that honestly is cheaper than what I could make myself, simply because buying all the ingredients for a dish would cost a fair amount and the fact that they were perishable might mean they expire before I can use them all. That said, someone who is GOOD at cooking can make this work. The issue is that I don't have enough off-hand knowledge to make every leftover item "work" in a new dish, so often a few things don't get completely used in time.

>> No.6428885

The Qu'ran doesn't say you have to wear a hijab. It only tells people to wear modest clothes. And modesty is pretty much what society at large defines as modest. It changes from place to place and time to time.

Besides, the suggestion that there are no differences of opinion on how to interpret the word of the prophet is silly.

>> No.6428905

Yeah, I don't get that anon. Are they going to freak out when they notice the detachable bows on Lolita dresses and put two and two together? You don't just have to take the bow off. You can do other things with them.

They're meant to do that.

>> No.6428911

Let me ask everyone in this thread something:

If they WANT to wear their hijabs in a FREE COUNTRY, why do YOU give the smallest shit?

>> No.6428923

Adding to this, that's kind of why many Muslim Lolitas get into the fashion, for those crying "it's not modest!" It's a fashion that covers the body well and draws its inspiration from periods of fashion much more modest thank current day looks. It toes a line. Yes, the elaborate style draws attention and OTT sweet is still OTT sweet, but it's still sexually modest. It's not the body on display, but the clothes--a sentiment a lot of Lolitas around the world are still keen on.

IDK, it's kind of hilarious when white people see hijabs paired with ACTUAL colors and styles and go "but you're not supposed to wear that!"

>> No.6428948

Because people like an excuse to put down others, obviously.

>> No.6428997

>be free to wear whatever they like
But by choosing to wear the hijab, they are still exercising their right to free choice. I hate it when people think like those above. I knew someone once who was very pro-choice and when she got unexpectedly pregnant, chose to keep the child and got a lot of shit for it. I don't fucking get this, you're still exercising your right to choice, just like your friend is. They're just in situations where the other choice is seen as "correct" and are still forced into a corner of narrowed options, just on the other side of the room.

>> No.6429005

Why has no one tried yet to wear a wig on top of their hijab?

Then everyone would be happy.

>> No.6429007

I get what you're saying AND I understand the conflict in that family. The mom, emotionally, was more than likely very happy and proud to throw off the hijab. She worked very hard to move away from what represented oppression to her and worked very hard to make sure her daughters were not hurt the way she was or generations of women in her family and friends were. To her daughter, her hijab is a positive thing, but to her mother it's painful and frustrating. She should work harder to understand that it's her daughter's choice and it's because she is free that she gets to make it, but I GET why she's being unreasonable about it.

>> No.6429022

>Around here a bag of grapes can cost between $10-12
Jesus fuck. I've never seen a bag of grapes go that high; if prices like that are the norm in some places, it's no surprise why it's harder to often have fresh fruits/vegetables.

>> No.6429047



i thought the whole point of wearing a hijab was to not draw attention to yourself? Wearing OTT sweet and slapping a scarf on your head seems really disingenuous

>> No.6429083

I want to anally violate a muslim lolita. I find attractive women in hijabs and modest clothes more sexy than the same face and body in normal clothes.

>> No.6429104

This was already addressed a million times you reactionary moron

>> No.6429115


I didnt think it was about sexuality, though.

People are saying "oh lolita isnt sexual" but hijabs aren't just about not being "sexual." Lolita is outlandish and draws attention, and it's definitely not modest (and I'm not talking about modesty in the sense of how much skin is covered up)

Oh and maybe you can learn to have conversations without calling people morons

>> No.6429209


Seeing as a ton of muslim women wear a hijab then cake themselves in sometimes garish makeup I hardly believe there should be any dichotomy in wearing a few frills.

It's like being a Catholic who has premarital sex and believes in evolution and still goes to mass on Sunday. There are people who just go through the motions of the religion, and there are people who believe it fully.

>> No.6429226

I called a spade a spade, and it could have been worse. If you'd like to pick apart the whys of a Muslim woman's fashion choice and pretend Muslim lolitas are somehow hypocrites it would behoove you to do some actual research on what the modern Muslim world is actually like.

>> No.6429261

Adding to that, just as the cross is worn in many different ways for different Christians and MEANS many different things even within groups that are nearly identical (the different Catholic styles of the cross and placed on the cross) the hijab is more than just "modesty". You're not automatically half-assing your devotion or being a hypocrite by wearing styles that are attention grabbing, just as you're not automatically a Christmas and Easter Christian for wearing your cross with anything that's not highly conservative Sunday's best wear.

It's not that hard to get at all.

>> No.6429352

Y'know, it actually seems pretty reasonable to me that someone who wears a hijab would want to wear Lolita.

I mean, a lot of those religions/cultures that promote hijabs tend to focus on more conservative dress codes, and (in terms of amount of skin that should be shown) Lolita is more conservative than other.

>> No.6429425

I wish the internet would collectively decide that "this!" comments are inherently moronic and cut that shit out.

>inb4 someone thinks they're being clever and replies to my post with "this!"

>> No.6429511

Girl had to work around requirements ten times more difficult than the average lolita and I think she did it very well.

Why is her religion and what she chooses to wear so bothersome? It's not hurting you. Your delicate sensibilities do not count.

Either way, there's ten million reasons why that girl found it acceptable in the way she dressed and bitching about her scarf and how she isn't following YOUR ideas of her religion isn't very productive.

Go back to working on your coords, ladies. Or find something actually worth bitching about.

>> No.6429730

Muhammad the prophet was illiterate. The Qur'an was written a lot like the bible was; with little or no input from the prophet himself. Some passages were transcribed as he was praying, but those are all at the mercy of whoever was writing them down. His third wife, who he had a very strong and loving relationship with, is said to have written down a fair amount of it, then passed it to those who would eventually compile the Qur'an. The basis of Islam is essentially: "There is one God, and there is no other God but God."

You are correct in your statement as to the original schism between two sects, but since then they have grown very different. Like Christianity, there are many, many different subsects and was of interpreting the Qur'an. The Shifa (sp?) are an awesome group that are most likened to Quakers/Rastafarians.

Sharia Law is what causes women to wear the Hijab/Burka/Chador. The only portion that can actually be drawn back to what Muhammad taught is in the Qur'an it states that all people, especially women, should dress modestly. Judging by the fact Muhammad began his teachings as a way to unite the Bedouin tribes, this was probably said as a way to deter inter-tribal rape and jealousy.

And yes, I am just a silly white person saying this. My sources are some friends of mine; some are Muslim, one has a doctorate in middle eastern studies. My information is in no way 100% correct. If you really want an accurate opinion, talk to an imam near you.

>> No.6429743

I don'tlike sweet
but I think it would work if she had tights instead of jeans

>> No.6429750

>Like Christianity, there are many, many different subsects and was of interpreting the Qur'an.

> Like Christianity, there are many way of interpreting the Qur'an.

> Like Christianity interpreting the Qur'an.

Christians have the bible. How the fuck are you even this retarded. Towelheads are ugly in lolita, get over it, suck some incense

>> No.6429763

Welcome to the internet, why are you on 4chan if you hate memes?

Serioiusly, cut that shit out. Get off 4chan and the internet.

>> No.6429766

I wish I were Musilm for lolita sometimes. Just the fact you can do so much with another bit of fabric to add to your coord.
Like how
Did it, but I'd probably do it with more of a burgundy-colored classic lolita coord that all black. With maybe gold accents on the hem? I think that would look fantastic with her coloring

>> No.6429768

if you like memes you should be on reddit
or /b/

>> No.6429794

If I like memes, I would go back in time. But no, the internet is full of them. All boards have memes, all boards use memes from other boards. Your mention of reddit leads me to believe you are infact a newfag.

>> No.6430472

"this!" is not a meme.
Also, if you are unable to handle the opinions of others, why don't you "get off 4chan and the internet"?