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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 212 KB, 439x341, 1790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6423170 No.6423170 [Reply] [Original]

Don't mind me, just trying to confirm/deny the stereotypes about this board after a few days here.

Number of serious relationships you have been in:
Number of sex patners:
Sluttiest thing ever done:

>> No.6423173

Age: 22
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 1
Number of sex patners: 2
Sluttiest thing ever done: exist

>> No.6423175

Those 2 girls up there? I'm cheating on one with the other.

>> No.6423185
File: 485 KB, 340x214, bitch im fab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 18
Gender: f
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 0
Number of sex partners: 0
Sluttiest thing ever done: held hands

>> No.6423184

>Sluttiest thing ever done: exist


>> No.6423189

Age: 18
Gender: f
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 0
Number of sex patners: 0
Sluttiest thing ever done: lick cream off a strawberry

>> No.6423190

Age: 27
Gender: F
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 1
Number of sex patners: 1
Sluttiest thing ever done: IDK, I had sex in a tent?

>> No.6423206

Age: 18
Gender: F
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 0
Number of sex patners: 0
Sluttiest thing ever done: Masturbate to my various /d/eviant fetishes.

>> No.6423209

Age: 28
Gender: M
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 2
Number of sex patners: 16
Sluttiest thing ever done: Let a girl hump my thigh till she came with my gf napping next to me on the couch at a party.

>> No.6423211

Age: 22
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 1
Number of sex patners: 1
Sluttiest thing ever done: anal?

>> No.6423212

Age: 20
Gender: F
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 2
Number of sex patners: 0
Sluttiest thing ever done: Masturbate, sometimes wear short skirts/shorts in summer WITHOUT tights.

>> No.6423214

Age: 19
Gender: F
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 1
Number of sex patners: 1
Sluttiest thing ever done: Roleplayed slavery? Had sex a lot of times a day because me and my LDR bf starte dliving together?

>> No.6423216

Age: 25
Gender: Hetero-male
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 2
Number of sex partners: 7
Sluttiest thing ever done: had a BDSM foursome with three women I barely knew.

>> No.6423223
File: 10 KB, 187x269, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 24
Gender: F
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 2
Number of sex patners: 2
Sluttiest thing ever done: 3 way drunken/topless makeout session that lead to the other 2 people having sex in front of everyone

>> No.6423227

Age: 21
Gender: f
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 1
Number of sex partners: 1
Sluttiest thing ever done: um dressed as a slutty nurse?

>> No.6423232

Age: 19
Gender: M
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 0
Number of sex partners: 3-ish
Sluttiest thing ever done: Threesome

>> No.6423235

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 0
Number of sex partners: 0
Sluttiest thing ever done: Nothing

>> No.6423244
File: 7 KB, 645x773, Thatface20110725-22047-wlaopv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 2 (Number of serious relationships from their points of view: 0)
Number of sex partners: 0
Sluttiest thing ever done: Nothing that could be considered slutty.

>> No.6423243

>people actually responding to this shit
>wonder why /r9k/ and /fit/ raid us
>women logic

>> No.6423241
File: 31 KB, 424x651, t4879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 18
Gender: F
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 0
Number of sex partners: 0
Sluttiest thing ever done: Watched porn.

>> No.6423242
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, 1352592469222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 0
Number of sex patners: 1
Sluttiest thing ever done: Sex on cam with a hot as hell greek girl I met on a mmo (it was overly awkward)

>> No.6423246

we're trying to prove we're not whores and keep them out

>> No.6423247

27 tomorrow
went to the gynecologist, I guess

>> No.6423248

It wasn't a raid, I've been here actively lurking and posting for a few days.

And I must say that I'm impressed about the lies they told about you.

>> No.6423253

By not acting like whores you are just inviting in the desperate people who want pure waifus

by acting like whores you just invite in the /b/ tier level raids calling us whores

Can't win either way

>> No.6423256
File: 71 KB, 514x479, IMG_0179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 21
Gender: M
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 1
Number of sex patners: 0
Sluttiest thing ever done: dated a 15 year old for a day

>> No.6423257
File: 12 KB, 200x200, constanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Number of serious relationships you have been in: 2 (Number of serious relationships from their points of view: 0)

>> No.6423261

You win by not responding to /soc/ threads

>> No.6423264

Age: 22
Gender: F
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 3
Number of sex patners: 8
Sluttiest thing ever done: I only date older men, once of the the men I dated spit roasted me with a friend, both were atleast 20 years older than me

>> No.6423267
File: 284 KB, 400x239, tumblr_lud9bdQGv61qh5u6t-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 19
Gender: M
Number of serious relationships you have been in: serious? 1
Number of sex partners: in my whole history, 2
Sluttiest thing ever done: either one of two things, you decide...

>knockoff purse shopping with gf.
>a lot of people in a tiny, poorly ventilated secret hidden area in back of store
>my gf and I are pressed against a wall by the sheer number of people in the room
>gf sticks her hand down my pants
>mfw she didn't finish and made me leave the store and continue store-hopping, begging her all the while
>went to the movies (Cloverfield)
>brought some asian snacks, like yanyan
>gf unzips my pants, starts gettings me off
>dips yanyan biscuits in my pre, uses that instead of dip

...I miss that girlfriend so much.

>> No.6423281

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 0
Number of sex partners:0
Sluttiest thing ever done:I accidentally lifted up my guy friends shirt once.

>> No.6423288

This should not be giving me an erection.

>> No.6423290

>lurking for a few days
Take it back to /soc/ faggot
You're one of the reasons this board has gone to shit.

>> No.6423291

Age: 21
Gender: F
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 1
Number of sex patners: 0 (still a virgin)
Sluttiest thing ever done: got piss drunk and begged my boyfriend to tie me up and do demeaning things to me. I then threw up all over the bed and proceeded to strip for reasons I will never know. It was pretty surreal.

>> No.6423292

Nobody believes women when they say they're pure.

>> No.6423295

Age: 18
Gender: female
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 1
Number of sex patners: 0
Sluttiest thing ever done: Masturbating with two female friends.

>> No.6423303

Number of serious relationships you have been in
Number of sex patners
Sluttiest thing ever done
>One night stand with a guy whose name I did not know

>> No.6423306
File: 248 KB, 1200x1500, 1330973335690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selling fetish videos online

Are you /v/? I bet you're /v/.

>> No.6423311
File: 9 KB, 500x500, 1346443517845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 1
Number of sex patners: 1
Sluttiest thing ever done:... Have sex?

>> No.6423318

Number of serious relationships you have been in: 3
Number of sex patners: 6
Sluttiest thing ever done: I schlicked off on cam to a stranger once. didnt enjoy it though

>> No.6423325

Age: 22
Gender: F
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 1
Number of sex patners: 1
Sluttiest thing ever done: Swallowed


>> No.6423331

let a guy record my feet and jerk off to it later

>> No.6423338

Age: 22
Gender: F
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 4
Number of sex patners: 3
Sluttiest thing ever done: Girlfriend and I sometimes do some kinky BDSM stuff?

>> No.6423342

>mfw even women that look like men get laid easily
no visage for this

>> No.6423344

Age: 24
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 2
Number of sex patners: 2
Sluttiest thing ever done: Was 16 and drunk in some party. Stripped myself and danced naked in front of everyone.

>> No.6423346

Define "slutty"?

>> No.6423348

"To be much like a slut."

>> No.6423351

"having sex with anyone but OP"

>> No.6423354

Made prolonged eye contact with a girl who smiled at me in a flirtatious way.

>> No.6423355

Had sex with more than 5 guys per 5 years. That's the most conservative popular opinion that I heard.

>> No.6423359

how is this cgl related

>> No.6423364

by /cgl/ standards "slutty" is at a minimum: "shows cleavage"

>> No.6423368

Age: 21
Gender: Female
Number of serious relationships you have been in: 2
Number of sex partners: 2
Sluttiest thing ever done: I've never really done anything slutty before. Anything sexual I've only ever done with my partners. They were both long term and the current one I've been with for 4 years now. I mean, if I'm really stretching it, and I mean REALLY stretching, I guess you could call the fact that I regularly peg him slutty? Once in the the head of it he thought it'd be a good idea to stuff two vibrating bullets into butt, but we were so drunk we spent the next 10 minutes in the bathroom laughing our heads off as I sat on the toilet and attempted to squeeze them out. You could actually hear them coming out because the buzzing would get louder the closer they came to my anus hahahaha

It was so gross but so funny, I think I just wee'd a little thinking about it.

>> No.6423369

>Number of serious relationships you have been in:
>Number of sex patners:
>Sluttiest thing ever done:

>> No.6423370

I asked a guy out but he said no.

>> No.6423372

>Sluttiest thing ever done
I grew 40DD boobs, everything I do is slutty now. Breathing, talking, walking. Especially walking.

>> No.6423376





>> No.6423380
File: 150 KB, 500x500, 1311357236878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who put sand in your vagina?

>> No.6423382

>I had to kiss a boy for the school play once but I didn't really like it.

>> No.6423386
File: 15 KB, 490x360, Colin-Farrell-makes-Fright-Night-fun-PRA99TB-x-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw so many girls over 21 on here who haven't even touched themselves yet