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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6421621 No.6421621[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine for a second that the cosplay community is set up like a University.
Who would be the professors?
Who would be on student council?
Who would be the mascot?
What courses would be on the itinerary?
What kind of degrees would you be able to get?

ITT Cosplay Academy. Discuss.

>> No.6421630
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PT is the dean.

I'm the professor of dumb fuckery.

>> No.6421634

>Who would be the professors?
Volpin, PikminLink, Hanyaan
>Who would be on student council?
Maguma, Spoony, Coffee, Shibby, Matt, tenlied
>Who would be the mascot?
Pixyteri of course
>What courses would be on the itinerary?
Sewing armor building, pattern drafting, embroidery, sculpting
>What kind of degrees would you be able to get?
Craftsmanship or Presentation

>> No.6421632

we already did this but with /cgl/

>> No.6421633

>Who would be the professors?
PT, Asherbee and Dakooter
>Who would be on student council?
Student council will get dissolved after they critisized Dean PT's lack of proper underwear.
>Who would be the mascot?
>What courses would be on the itinerary?
How to become Japanese, makeup/SFX, photoshop
>What kind of degrees would you be able to get?
Become a true Japanese geisha, a fakeboi, succesfully crush your sister's ego

>> No.6421638

A thread by a tripdropping tripfag for other tripfags.

>> No.6421640


Here you go newfriend.

Just change "high" to "uni"

>> No.6421642

I'm aware of that. This is more along the lines of a website for the cosplay community.

I'd like to know which cosplayers within the community you all would want to learn from, as well as if you yourselves would also be interested in setting up profiles to post and share your own tutorials.

>> No.6421645

Rofl. Not so much.

>> No.6421646

>posts /cgl/ high
>doesn't post shit the OG /cgl/ academy.

I'm showing my age, aren't I?

>> No.6421647

I'm not interested in rehashing those stale old niche /cgl/ social constructs, Sonya.

>> No.6421648

Yeah, right. If you want to learn from them, ask a specific question not "what kind of degrees would you get".

>> No.6421650

There's been a couple hasn't there? But I think you're talking about the first one I guess. But there's always a new type of these for every generation of tripfag here

>> No.6421651

Nah I just don't have that one saved/linked.

And you can go ahead and post the OG ones.

With no one relevant on it anymore.

Just sayin'

>> No.6421652

Sonnya. If you're going to use my name, you might as well spell it right.

>> No.6421656

At this point I'm just throwing around ideas. I'm not terribly creative, which is why I'm seeking /cgl/'s opinion.

>> No.6421661

>Who would be the professors?
Dakota, Professor of Photoshop
Flan, Professor of Shitposting
>Who would be on student council?
>Who would be the mascot?
>What courses would be on the itinerary?
Being Pretty
Why Fit Sucks 101
Wig Care
Taobao Ordering
Shoop Spoting
A History of Drama
Insults, Name Calling, and Swearing: How To

>What kind of degrees would you be able to get?
Degree in Kawainess
Degree in Costume Design
Degree in Mothafuckin Best Loli Chords

>> No.6421665

Also, I don't know if you can tell yet, but this was a bad idea from the posts that have replied on topic so far.

I'm assuming you started this thread with all seriousness.

>> No.6421668

>I'm not terribly creative

Exactly. It's basically just a shit thread for listing tripfags most of whom don't cosplay or cosplay poorly.

>> No.6421669

How about degrees in Armour construction, Sewing, Masquerade Skit Performance, Cosmetics, etc.

>> No.6421685

That's pretty much along the lines of what I had in mind.
Tripfags and anons are equally relevant to the thread since I'd like both to be contributing their ideas.
It's as serious as trying to build a cosplay website could possibly be I guess. I don't care about /cgl/'s internal politics.

Let me re-phrase this:
If you guys could forge a new cosplay community website that doesn't suck, what would you want it to be like?

>> No.6421690

Forgot my trip.

One more question: are simple layouts like 4chan's preferable?

>> No.6421694

I would want it to be like /cgl/ but on topic with a sub-board for fun and a sub-board for dramu.

No, really.

>> No.6421715

That's exactly what I'd like to do except maybe a few other sub-boards for specific things like lolita and community sales/classifieds. :)

>> No.6421722

So what is the connection with a university?

>> No.6421729

The theme. The forums would be named around it. Like a drama-specific board could be called "the commons" and a cosplay fitness-based board could be "the gymnasium", etc.

>> No.6421744

Tutorials in the lecture hall, convention threads on the quad, image dumps in the library

>> No.6421743

That's actually a good idea. That way you could have a craftsmanship board for people who make their shit and a presentation board for people like jnig who buy their costumes and a marketplace for the people who make them to sell stuff to the people who buy them.

>> No.6421750

It'd be really cool to get people like Volpin to answer questions in the lecture hall once in awhile

>> No.6421755

Nudes in the dorms.

>> No.6421759

Yes! Now would you say it would be better to have it all centralized one one board just like /cgl/ is except with stickied threads for those topic categories, or actual sub-forums?

>> No.6421761


>> No.6421773

That would probably be a bit more practical. It would keep things from getting messy.