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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6421158 No.6421158 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about your community

>> No.6421159

Its shit.

>> No.6421164

Don't really belong to one, Not interested in belonging to one.

I'd actually just like one or two Lolita friends. Max is two.

>> No.6421170

My ex used to go to meets all the time
She used to make sure I knew about her hobby, which I didn't mind at all
I knew more than the people she met with
and I probably look better in a dress as well

>> No.6421175

The War or the Derps. One comm has declared an war against the main comm because they're "Evil Goblin Lolitas".

>> No.6421182

When I moved to Chicago last year I meant to attend meetups but I became too scared... Are Lolita's there nice?

>> No.6421190

Is there a group for Washington DC lolitas on facebook?

>> No.6421201

It's awesome.

Everybody seems super nice and well-dressed and I'm excited to participate more. There are also a couple of girls who look really amazing in the fashion and are just general lolita inspiration for me, which is great too.

>> No.6421205

my community is full of elitists who make fun of people for liking anime and not owning brand.
"everyone that likes anime is a fucking obsessed creeper"-says the girl who has a literal shrine of mana in her house
"if you aren't wearing brand, you might as well not wear lolita at all. bodyline is mass produced and looks like shit, and we all know fanplusfriend sells nonprint replicas."

I have been to only two meetups.. but its apperantly always like this. I felt so uncomfortable there.

>> No.6421241

I'm tired of my comm being full of noobs and itas that I stopped going to meetups.
> Should I buy from Bodyline?
> I bought something from Milanoo!
> What do you think about this (non-lolita) outfit?

>> No.6421255

I'm always curious when this is mentioned. Have people seen said shrine of Mana? Or does she just bring this up in conversation?

Either way, bitch has no business telling people what's 'creepy'. I like Mana and all, but not enough to build a shrine to him.

>> No.6421295

its on her tumblr somewhere. If you want I'll try to find it. Its complete with candles, photos, the works.

>> No.6421301

>bodyline is mass produced
So are the fucking brands? All it means is that it goes through a factory instead of being made by hand. Wtf.

>> No.6421309
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found (part) of her mana shrine.

if anyone MENTIONS any anime the whole lolita group gets pissy with you
"all guys that like anime will molest you and are creepy stalkers"

>> No.6421314

we're really laid back and most of us love animu. Can't wait to talk about the new eva movie, there's a meet tomorrow!

>> No.6421323
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I know who you are, and you are not the only one who felt uncomfortable at those meet-ups. Imagine it from our perspectives.
Get a job, a life and a car. You are way too old to entertain these childish fantasies of 'designing your own lolita clothing' while living like a parasite off've your parents--especially when you know nothing about the fashion outside of your ebay-quality anime cosplay. Frankly, you don't belong in a lolita comm. I'm not sure you even know what lolita is. Beyond that, you're taking two instances of behavior from people who are known to be the extremists of the community and judging the entire group en masse by their behavior. You're a bitch, and I regret the time wasted making your acquaintance and the effort taken to ignore your blatant weeaboo blundering out of pity.
Also, your attempts to be cute by going 'nya' at random intervals are childish and incredibly tiresome.

>> No.6421327

>I know who you are
not that person, sorry. could it be that more than ONE person thinks most of the lolitas in your comm have shitty personalities? gasp

>> No.6421333
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Ooo you got burned

>> No.6421337

Oh, you gave away a lot about yourself already. We've met before, remember?

>> No.6421342
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> This thread

>> No.6421353

Mine's awesome and I love it, but we don't get to meet up very often. D:

>> No.6421358

I love 75% of my comm. The other 25% is tolerable, but very weebish and annoying at times. But nothing crazy.

>> No.6421363

Even though I do not take part in it, it is home to the infamous meow_tan.

>> No.6421364

Since we're talking about this, anyone have any advice to how to deal with weeby itas in your comms?

>> No.6421365

>Tainted Reality poster
Oh, she's crazy alright.

>> No.6421366

I ignore them as much as possible.
Just talk to the girls in your comm you get along with.

If they ask for help and are interested in improving, offer it, but if they won't take advice, just leave it. Not worth the frustration.

>> No.6421374

I'm sorry to point out the obvious, but all Lolitas are weeby to an extent. Nobody 'accidentally' stumbles upon the BSSB website, y'know? It takes a certain (quite high) level of otaku interests to pay attention to Japanese fashion subcultures and read about each of them individually AND become so immersed into it that you JUST NEED to look like that too. Not to mention that listening to J-rock/Visual Kei and worshiping Mana or other Japanese artists doesn't exactly help lolitas break away from that 'weeaboo' title.
Just putting it out there.

>> No.6421380

But, liking that stuff doesn't make you or anyone else a weeb, ya kno?

>> No.6421381

This is how I feel about my comm. Apparently there's a bit of drama every now and again but none of it has touched me at all. We can be pretty cruel to itas though.

>> No.6421383

Meow_tan is from the Rochester, NY community, right? I live in Rochester and I've been wondering what the community is like here since I only recently got into the fashion. I would like to get involved and make some friends, but all I ever hear about it involves Tempest.

I know you said you don't take part, but do you or anyone else here know anything more about the Rochester comm?

>> No.6421389

Liking that stuff on its own doesn't make you a weeb really.

Erecting a shrine does.

>> No.6421394

There's being interested in Japan in a mature way, and there's omg gaiz Japan is teh best!! nyan kawaii desu, you know. The latter gets really annoying after a while.

>> No.6421397
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I'm an /a/non first and a lolita second however I feel at every meet up I've gone to before I've never mentioned how much of a huge fujoshi I am. The meets I've gone to so far have been nice though there's a meet coming up that I think their ideas of what to do are pretty stupid and one person suggested a place then says how terrible the place was to attend later in comments. I may just not go to the meet if they pick someone thing and just go to a Big Lebowski screening instead.

There's a few other events happening in the community but I'm just not going because I have no interest in sitting around drinking tea. On the other hand I've met some lovely girls though at a few of the bigger events I've felt like I've put on a slight persona as to not make everyone think I'm a creepy /a/non in nice clothing. Mostly everyone is really well dressed at the ones I've been to before too which I love. I put a lot of effort into my co-ords and I love looking fabulous with a bunch of other good lolitas.

>> No.6421414

I haven't gone to a meetup yet and the next one has been planned by a creepy weeb so it's probably not happening, once again.

In my comm it seems made up of like 50% good lolita, 50% ita or weebs that dont even wear lolita. I cant figure out which events to go to that wont be just full of the latter half. Weh :c

>> No.6421422

Actually, I did just stumble onto lolita fashion. I wasn't interested in anime or manga, I was only interested in unique fashion. I've always been interested in clothes or fashion, and so started googling stuff. I found japanese street fashion by doing this, and then lolita. Still don't really have any interest in Japanese culture, don't know any japanese, don't know any animes except for what I've seen here and there on tv. So yeah, no weeb here.

>> No.6421423

My town doesn't have one.

>> No.6421433
File: 49 KB, 500x332, ScreenHunter_05 Nov. 16 18.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it. I have been to about 3 meetups in my area and swear never to do another with these girls. I mean, they really try ~ the community has leveled up from ebay and milanoo to taobao and bodyline. The sad thing is, the girls are either entitled brats and immature bitches and I have yet to get to know one that hasn't disappointed me or left me out to dry... Even if they dressed nicely, I'm not sure I would want to go to their meetups.

>> No.6421449

Actually that quote from your comm,
"all guys that like anime will molest you and are creepy stalkers." Is really famous and has been referenced in these threads before. Your comm also has a reputation of being very snotty to noobs...so she actually revealed nothing.

>> No.6421450

Is there any in upstate NY?
I'm not involved in the fashion, but I hear there's a huge lolcow in one of the groups in NY.
I think she did a Yoko cosplay that was awfully shopped, I don't remember her name.

>> No.6421466

I think you're referring to Brittany Bors. She's also from Rochester, and friends with meow_tan, I believe.

>> No.6421478

They're friends? Oh lord.

>> No.6421489

No, it's just MD and NoVa

>> No.6421495

Not all lolis are. There are a fair number (mainly classic or gothic lolis) who came to the fashion from non weebish areas. One of my best loli friends HATES Japan. (just mention the place and she will go off on a rant) She came to the style via the blouses showing up in searches for Victorian clothing.

>> No.6421509

My comm is lovely, but the girls who have tea parties and meets regularly are at an entirely different age and stage to me; those who are at the same age/stage have all left the community and don't bother with meet ups. I have met a few friends through the comm, but I don't bother with meetups that much any more as I'm too busy most of the time and I'd rather hang out with my friends.

>> No.6421518

Only one particular lolita said that on the boards.
>>if anyone MENTIONS any anime
>>Two lolita related events for the past two years at local ANIME con
How long ago was this, now? Someone holds a grudge for an eternity. Also, one girl =/= "ALL OF THEM HATE ANIME!!111"

Get over your bad interaction with one girl. You post in every thread about communities. Grow some tougher skin, get off 4chan and meet some lolis.

>> No.6421544

stop assuming and singling out people. there is more than one person that hates your shitty com.

>> No.6421554

What comm is this anyway?

>> No.6421575

If I'm remembering this correctly, I THINK it's Alabama?

>> No.6421576

midsouth lolita meetup comm.

and on top of that we have our OWN pedophile brolita who jizzes his pants every time he puts on his dress, and is currently trying to hit on this 14 year old girl.

They like to blame everyone else "oh no, this community was perfectly fine until so-n-so started drama" no. the community is bad, and will always be bad. because they have shitty attitudes.

I have to admit, a couple of them are really really nice. but the overall bitchiness is so overwhelming its not worth the trouble.

>> No.6421582 [DELETED] 

>>Singling out.
>>Assumes EVERYONE hates anime.
OK. But believe it or not, you're the only one(s) with the drama women. This post was more for "HEY MAYBE YOU SHOULD GIVE IT MORE THAN TWO CHANCES....3 YEARS AGO."

Also I will add one girl outed herself in all of these threads by posting their tumblr and also was the one who started the rumor of "EVERYONE HATES ANIME." So singling out is done on the basis of her being the ONLY one that experienced it.

>> No.6421589

Local from this comm. The first time I ever came to a lolita meet-up in this city, I was wearing all off-brand. The closest thing I had to owning actual lolita brand was Bodyline. I have no idea where you're getting this 'snotty to noobs' thing. Everyone was perfectly civil towards me, complimentary even. Since then I've expanded my wardrobe and become friends with several of the members of the comm, so I really think that this sounds like some kind of personal problem on your behalf, not the rest of the comm.

Also, why are you so offended by this one girl's 'shrine'? So she has a collection of Mana's merchandise. Other people collect video game paraphernalia or limited-edition vinyls or anime figurines. She works hard to be able to afford to support her hobby; honestly, I think that's pretty admirable.

>> No.6421596 [DELETED] 

PROTIP: learn to reject men before they get to the point of admitting nasty secrets to you. It's obvious you were too socially awkward to push him away. The fact that you know what he's currently doing means you enjoy leading men on and getting favorable attention.

Honestly, the accusations made are untrue or outdated for most. You're the one who sounds bitchy. Nice facade. You sure like to pretend that you're a sweet girl, but you go out and judge more than anyone else does.

>> No.6421601

>my simple solution for those in the midsouth comm that don't like their comm shitalked about:
-nip those bitchy attitudes in the bud, if you see someone else being a bitch, change the subject, and if that doesn't work, call them out on it.
-stop the replica shaming. Its one thing to replica shame in your own time, but another to replica shame when someone is wearing a replica right next to you. this girl that wore the replica is wanting to leave lolita because of you girls. (replicas are bad but that was pretty damn bitchy of you)

its not that hard.

>> No.6421606

I pity the girl that wants to leave a fashion because of a group of girls that share a common hobby. If you're in this fashion for other women, then you're not doing it right. You're either "this girl" or just using some bullshit excuse to make the community sound worse. "LEAVING LOLITA" doesn't fucking exist.


>> No.6421611

your terrible attitudes are making our lolita community look even worse. I can understand, we all get very protective of our comm-but coming in and blasting a shitfest isn't really going to help us any. :/

>> No.6421615

I'm not from this community.

>> No.6421617
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nyc comm has so much drama jesus christ. there are two different groups and the 'ita' group is always saying retarded shit and wearing ill-fitting replicas
also home to simply and mia carla SIGHS

>> No.6421620

Mia Carla drama? You'll like this


>> No.6421625
File: 778 KB, 830x608, wkeaop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i remember getting the invite to that event a while ago
as soon as i saw this image and the people on the 'going' list i NOPE'd the fuck out of there

>> No.6421629
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>> No.6421631

>sponsored by yesstyle.com

>> No.6421636
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>tfw just getting home from christmas event
>see drama about local lolita community

well.. they will probably think it is me...
I hope you are happy anon. you know that when something they don't like surfaces they all link eachother to it (hence the sudden influx of butthurt lolitas)
ugh.. I thought the drama was over. dammit...

>> No.6421637
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jesus christ its like a whiny gaiaonline gold begging post in lolita form

>> No.6421641
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>> No.6421649

I'm scared of my local comm, what can I say?

>> No.6421657

She writes like she has Downs Syndrome...I wouldn't trust her to run a damn thing.

>> No.6421664

There's one girl in my comm who kind of ruins it for everyone. She plans everything and think she runs the comm because she plans everything, going so far as to delete comments and when people say anything remotely criticizing about a place she picked she takes it as a personal attack. She has to make it about her all the time and jokes how she likes attention and buying brand for status but everyone knows it's not a joke. Her bf pushed a girl at a meet (another girls birthday party that she was forced to make a joint birthday party because her birthday happened to fall on the same day) which ripped her stockings and she couldn't even apologize, she just laughed. Then she got everyone to ditch her when she went to the bathroom. She acts like she knows everything and is really condescending to people. She tries to get all the new people Under her wing and if theyre weeby or not good dressers, she drops them. I've wanted to make a secret about it but I don't want to deal with the bad karma that comes from it, so I just hold it all in :/

She's better than a butt ton of weebs and noobs we have lately, though

>> No.6421674


The event website

>> No.6421675
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If your guests don't know what a formal ball is, I have no hope for the event.

>> No.6421709

What is the Boston community like? I live in Cambridge and have thought about joining.

>> No.6421728

My community is really awesome, at least what I've experienced sofar. No drama. Everyone dresses decently to really well. No real sign of any itas. I see the itas all the time at conventions but they don't seem to attend any of the meetups.

>> No.6421765

A friend of mine has gone to a couple of the Boston meets. She said everyone is really nice. There are some itas, but they don't outnumber the well-dressed girls. I guess there's a brolita who is really dramatic and he likes to exclude people from meets he hosts and act like he's better than others in the group. That's all I know.

>> No.6421816

There's only one brolita that I can think of and I'm not sure what you mean by he excludes people? If anything he's overly accepting and waaaaaay too nice because he lets everyone wear whatever they want because everyone is special. That secret about that girl on btb a few months ago dressed in terribad decora inspired by lady gaga? Tht was his meet. >>6421664 is so obviously Boston it's not even funny

>> No.6421838

Who's she talking about??

>> No.6421843

Derp, I mean who is >>6421664 talking about. Not the brolita.

>> No.6421849

Why does she need 3 caterers? She's doing it wrong. Plus, most catering companies won't work with other ones because it becomes a mess.

>> No.6421857

I'm from the Boston comm. Everyone is really friendly, there are some newbies but there are also a lot of people who are really into the fashion. We get posted on secrets sometimes but we don't actually have that much drama during meets themselves.

>> No.6421882

I'm 99% sure that anon is talking about sew_sweet/Caitlin. Though I don't know for sure. But it makes sense if you think about it. I can see it because she's really nice to people's faces but doesn't actually feel that way and is could be viewed as prejudiced but I'd rather not elaborate on that


Tbh I think that's every comm ever. Nobody has balls enough or is childish enough to pop off at meets.

>> No.6421889

This is what I thought. She seems pretty chill though sometimes, I came over from the RI comm like last summer and she invited people to her house to toke up and stuff. Still though, something didn't seem right.

>> No.6421892

Pretty fucking empty to say in the least.

>> No.6421907

I think I know who you are, lol.

>> No.6421910

Hah, well hey then. I hope that's a good thing.

>> No.6421919

If you have a separate lolita Facebook I just sent you a message ahaha

>> No.6421929

Chicago is huge so people tend to gravitate towards other people they seem to have things in common with so it can seem cliquey, however overall the lolitas in Chicago are really accepting of new members and love seeing new faces! There are girls who have never been to a meet-up before as well as girls who have been in the fashion for 7+ years and everything in between in Chicago. Join the facebook group and go to a meet or two to see how you like it!

>> No.6421938

Reminds me of that Facebook post where the guy's like "YOU CALL ME GAY I HAVE THREE GIRLFRIEND"

>> No.6422005

Oh man that's awesome. I wish I had another lolita to smoke with.

>> No.6422009

I used to love my comm but we had a couple of crazies that went off on everyone. They started attacking people in Facebook and being generally cray. But they weren't even really lolita either.

Then one girl went crazy post-election and told us all to go fuck ourselves for voting for Obama...

Then one girl sent me rude messages because I got into an artist alley and she didn't.

I just feel uncomfortable now. At first I only felt bad because the aforementioned girls pointed out how I have brand and they don't. I love about five girls but the rest make me not want to be involved at all.

>> No.6422014

Most of the comm smokes, it doesn't make her awesome. Shitty people smoke too.

>> No.6422024

>>Shitty people smoke too.
trufax. stoners aren't *all* calm collected individuals. I've known some mental stoners. Also highly irritable.

>> No.6422028

I never said she was awesome. I thought it was cool that she was offering to smoke with people and I assumed that she was giving out free pot if people came over? Or maybe she wanted people to bring their own. What do I know.

>> No.6422057

I'm so sad because my comm has a great combo of factors - everyone dresses pretty well, we're all over 18, most girls are cuties, the brolitas are superb, people are nice, not too many flakes - except for the one or two bad apples that ruin everything.

One girl has a severe case of pseudologia fantastica (pathological lying) and constantly tries to pick off girls, especially new ones, to be in her private lolita comm. Another girl is just very socially awkward, but the kind that talks way too loud and too much instead of being shy. I don't want to exclude these people since I feel for them (they both complain of being lonely) but it's hard to gently let people know they need to chill out.

>> No.6422072

This, there's behind-the-scenes drama but everyone's very welcoming to newbies and pretty sweet. I joined this summer and I was stunned by all the great coords a lot of Chicago lolis have. It can be cliquey but once you find a few friends it's easy to talk to anyone. A lot of the Milwaukee lolitas like to come down for bigger events too which is fun.

There might be an ice skating and then Kristkindl Market meetup sometime between Thanksgiving and the end of December, so maybe you could come to that. There's a swap meet coming up too.

>> No.6422075

>very socially awkward, but the kind that talks way too loud and too much
My community is almost exactly like this, and I'm afraid I'm the obnoxious awkward one

>> No.6422126

My main complaint is that there are just too many itas in Phoenix. Christ.

>> No.6422128

It's probably not the same comm, but I would suggest trying to listen to other people's conversations a bit more instead of going off on things that don't interest others, don't talk about things that are too personal, and try to modulate the volume of your voice to match the rest of the group. Old habits die hard, but try to step back from yourself a little and think "am I being annoying right now? Let me just listen and chime in to other's conversations instead of making it all about me."

>> No.6422155

same here. Im not interested in japan besides lolita and the odd bit of j fashion (and that came after lolita) and it is actually pretty grating when people assume that we all like anime.

>> No.6422383

What's the savannah,ga group like? The LJ isn't active and I can't find the new Facebook.

>> No.6422426

I left my comm because everyone were sheep.
If they were upset about something, they said it to each other, but not to the person in question.

Even though they might have been very upset by something someone did or said, they wanted to stay 'in' with the group. I spoke up about it one day, and found I was being invited less and less to meet-ups because I was 'rocking the boat'

Most of the girls I met were little more than Girl-Fashion equivilants of Anime Guy Nerds. Little self confidence, obssessive about something alternative culture, bizarre and awkward conversations. Of course they looked lovely, but thats where their niceness ended.

Several of them got drunk at a party one night, it was not a pretty sight, it felt like they were just spoiled self absorbed brats waiting to get out. I can understand why so many of them have had failed relationships now.

>> No.6422430
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My comm has Hildekitten.

>> No.6422433

Most of my local comm is actually pretty good but there are a few girls who, often don't go to most meet ups (because they feel like they're above them), yet think that they're somehow the queen bees and the pioneers of fashion in our city. Despite the fact that they both have no fucking decent co-ordinating skills. One makes her own clothing and is fucking colour blind (pairs green wigs and shit with pastel blue dresses and thigh-high mint boots, dafuq?) and insists that brand is shit, while the other pines over brand but always pairs it up with ugly off-brand crap and tries to put a cyber punk or raver spin on everything.

The sucky thing is that many newbies seem to pander to them, despite the fact that they're giant walking vaginas who do nothing but talk down about EVERYONE who actually does attend meet-ups. I always hate when they RSVP yes, I pretty much never go to anything they go to.

Other than those two though, everyones pretty lovely actually.

>> No.6422434

Anyone from the Texas communities? If so then what has been your impression of the girls in them?

>> No.6422435


Is there a story behind this pic? I've always wondered...

>> No.6422454

What's she like? Obviously she can't dress herself for shit but she seems somewhat likeable at least. I imagine her spouting stupid fandom references all the time.

>> No.6422463

The one on the right could be attractive without the silly hat and with a better haircut.

>> No.6422498

When you're talking to her on her own, she's actually quite friendly. But in group, ugh. She's constantly jabbering about her Japanese friend this, Japanese friend that, J-Rock bands, Dr. Who, etc etc. Overall dealing with her goes well until someone snaps a picture of her without her permission. That's when hell breaks lose.She snapped on some kid's parents because the kid took a pic of the forest and she happened to be in there. It was so, so embarrassing when she started harping on that poor kid and his parents. At conventions she also keeps people from taking pics when we are taking a group shot because her husband is the ~*photographer*~ and the others should just gtfo. wat

tldr; nice face to face, but actually a huge bitch.

I just don't want to deal with her anymore. I'm seriously considering semi-leaving the community because she practically took over the comm and I'm sick of putting up with her. The only reason I'm staying is because the one who used to be in charge is such a sweetheart and genuinely trying to do her best for the comm.

>> No.6422507

That sounds horrible, what a contolfreak! Maybe she doesn't want any pictures to surface were she isn't doing her supa kawaii pigeontoes...

>> No.6422551

The Boston comm is rather meh. Lots of weirdos. But there's also many girls who dress well and are nice.

>> No.6422567

I feel sorry for you!!!

But honestly, who needs meet-ups?

Just because you share a similar interest doesn't mean you get along.
I don't need other people to dress different.
I don't like to hang out with teens, whilst I'm 33.

Although there are quite a few nice people in my community (whom I've met to sell/buy ), I would not go to a meet-up. I would hate to bump into people I know. Honestly, I would just be ashamed.

What I would like though, is to start a group with people and to make things together. I can't sew, but I would love to learn it.

>> No.6422569

She/you are from Belgium, right? Aren't there some really good lolitas in Belgium? Do they put up with that shit or do they just hang out by themselves?

It sounds so embarrassing. I totally get not liking candid pictures of yourself, but if you're out in public dressed like a weirdo you have to accept that it can happen.
I do wonder what she looks like in candid pics, because her 'staged' pictures with the strange posing and the huge wrinkly toothy grin is what I tend to look like in candid shots. Does a candid hildekitten look like me in posed shots? Or does she look even worse than I do? Questions, man.

>> No.6422573

Not the person who posted about hildekitten, but yes there are:
lunie_chan, kitch, annsooo, bircka to name a few

>> No.6422585

Yeah, there are good Lolitas. Some of them hang out by themselves now because Hildekitten's been a total dick to them but some of them just keep up with it and try to make it fun anyways. Also, a lot of the great Lolitas that are known online are from the French part, and we don't really have a lot of meets with them, sadly.

And it is so so embarrassing. She once started cursing very loudly to some tourists who snapped a picture of us when we were posing for a group shot. Some lolitas had to walk away a little because they were too shocked and embarrassed and didn't want to be associated with her. As for the candid shots, I don't know, she's always a bit derpy so meh. I don't like to post pictures that I took myself here.

>> No.6422589


I wanna know too. I live in a city with a comm and I've been wary of going to a meet because they all seem weebish but some of the other TX comma seem awesome

>> No.6422660

how old is hildekitten?

>> No.6422662


I think we might be in the same comm. I'll admit other Texas groups have a higher percentage of good lolis. The weebs are the most prominent online but the meets aren't so bad. Now I want to know who you are...

>> No.6422666

I don't know precisely, but she's definitely in her thirties.

>> No.6422745

I haven't been to any of my local meetups yet. What's the word on the community in so cal?

>> No.6422780

Were you at that Paris AP tea party where she whined about discrimination because she was in ~steampunk lolita? Did she ever bring that up at meets? Is she a really, really big special snowflake?

>> No.6422782

basically theres about 7 other people and theyre all itas, weebs, I wouldn't mind so much if they were nice people but theyre obnoxious and hideously boring as well.

so yeah its shit

>> No.6422800

Nope, I wasn't. And I can't quite recall her bringing that up on meets but I do have a horrible memory. She is a really, really big special snowflake though, no matter which way you turn it. She does often go on that "she's like the only Steampunk Lolita in Belgium" and she's so *~special~* and she doesn't care what other people think because she does what she wants!! The Belgian Cupcake Magazine that she makes also almost ALWAYS has pictures of herself in it when there's a certain style they discuss. Usually with her doing it the wrong way.

>> No.6422811
File: 234 KB, 333x500, 7915615106_2d6604b2a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always find it funny to read that mag. Her Mori-outfits were hilarious.
I'm glad I don't know her or have to deal with her although I do admire people who create their own style (but I don't admire "dikke nekken").

>> No.6422823

pretty good. Most of the lolis have been doing it for years and are in their early 20s. I'd say everyone's really welcoming (though occasionally you'll have some misguided weeb show up in bad homemade cosplay).

>> No.6422841

It's a blend of the older girls (usually college age or older) that dress well, have manors, and are fun to be around and some super annoying girls. Luckily the regulars are the good ones and we only occasionally have to deal with itas or immature idiots.

>> No.6422850

>>have manors
ain't that fancy!

>> No.6422861

I suppose that this would be the best place to ask this: I just moved to a small army base in Germany (Hohenfels) and I would really like to get in contact with the local community but i haven't had any luck on LJ or Facebook. Could anyone direct me to where ever they have an online presence? Even something like a larger Bavarian comm would be great.

>> No.6422883

Welcome! You can find the german online community either at 'dunkelsuess.de' or at 'animexx.de' we use circles on animexx. Just look for the Gothic Lolita Zirkel and you will find us. i'm not from bavaria so i don't know much about their local community, but I hope you will find other lolitas here soon :D

>> No.6422893

Thank you so much! I'll be sure to look into both of those.

>> No.6422918

Pretty good. There's three smaller region-specific groups--LA, SD, and OC--but they all get together a couple of times a year for huge meetups (usually organized by the LA group).

For the most part, people are well-dressed, and generally friendly. There can be a bit of drama because it's such a large group, but it's usually not too bad.

>> No.6422928

What's a comm?

I'm new to this board, are there any comms with down to earth dudes that don't do gay anime cosplay?

>> No.6422950

As the other poster said... pretty good, laid back. Some drama but a lot less than you would expect from an area as huge as So Cal.

If you specified LA, OC, Or Sand Diego we could get into more specifics.

>> No.6422995

Anyone in the seattle/washington comm? I kind of want to join but I really don't want to go to meets with a bunch of bitchy gig harbor girls.

>> No.6423024

Interested if there's a Burbank community, or if they just join the San Fran or LA comm. Diff anon.

I have an internship there in the Spring.

>> No.6423050

Burbank would probably be up in the LA comm, which I'm a member of. Gonna say the same as the other anons: nice girls, well dressed, a little drama but not much for the amount of people we have. I've heard that the San Diego comm is a little more 'fun', but I really enjoy the LA group.

>> No.6423056

The Texas comms are all very distinct from each other, but I have heard nothing terrible from any of them.

>> No.6423079
File: 66 KB, 720x540, 10407230523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never been to a meet up. Never met. I moved to Mississippi a few months ago and made a thread asking about this community and recieved this picture. I'm not one to immediately judge, I'm sure they're fine people. However, I'm not sure it's worth the trouble to attempt getting a hold of anyone.
> no facebook
> no livejournal
Quite honestly, I'm too lazy to bother.

>> No.6423104

Bitchy Gig Harbor girls? Are there even lolitas in Gig Harbor? Seattle community is okay. There are some nice girls, but lately there have been some extremely awkward weirdos coming to meetups and making everyone feel uncomfortable.

>> No.6423107

I would say that the SD comm is "less formal". Not in dress or anything (everyone typically dresses well) but in attitude. Everyone is very friendly and open, and tend to get along as friends as well as all members of the same fashion group. Makes meetups a lot more fun, in my opinion.

>> No.6423118

The downside being that when people are more open it can cause a little more drama, but it's not at an annoying level or anything.

>> No.6423157

Washington Community has pretty much moved to Facebook for planning meets, but some people still post on the LJ community.

>> No.6423188

How did you even find out about this? Did she laugh to you about it, asked you along with everyone else to ditch?

>> No.6423473


Haha if we are the same comm then I'm reassured, and you'd probably be able to guess who I am when a new face pops up at a meet :D

>> No.6423515


If we really are in the same place, you should come to the next meet that's on Sunday. The people on the attending list so far are all really cool, I think it would be the perfect first meet for you!

>> No.6423538

uh huh. i am part of the LA frillies, but SD meets are a little more kickback in comparison. there must be drama, but if you're not deply involved in the community, you can be delightfully ignorant of any drama going on, like i am :D

>> No.6423550


Awww noo we're totally not in the same comm! My comm doesn't have a meet planned for a while. Well not at all really tho I'm assuming we're meeting on loli day

You might be in a nearby comm, though, which I have been thinking of checking out via fb since mine seems less than active and I need more excuses to get dressed up.

>> No.6423560
File: 214 KB, 960x720, 2012megameet_all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Aside from normal issues of people not agreeing 100% on stuff and a couple vendettachans, I really love the Chicago group. Totally worth getting involved. Look up the Facebook gorup.

>> No.6423568
File: 117 KB, 960x720, 600752_4194088213477_766624841_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love the phoenix comm for how great the girls are, but we've had such a huge influx of newbies in the last two years we've been over run by teenage itas.

>> No.6423576


The one with the cane looks hilarious. More of her please.

>> No.6423585
File: 127 KB, 960x522, 543221_453724858012331_1521983838_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's in this group image, too. There aren't a lot of pictures of her.

Front and center. Girl's a total sweetheart, but can not dress herself to save her life.

>> No.6423669

this sounds like my comm but for the most part the really bad itas are in the other comm. there are a lot of lolitas who live in the state but i only see them at the conventions because they're either in high school or don't have cars and can't get out. that or they plague the fb group with boo hoo i'm broke all the time whenever there's a meetup

>> No.6423754
File: 150 KB, 450x247, 1330715400002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides Boston, is there any other active comm in Mass? I'm in the western part of the state and it seems kinda dead out here.

(Pic because it never fails to make me laugh.)

>> No.6423820

the OC group would be the closest one for me I guess.

>> No.6423924

they look really happy, like they don't give a fuck what we think...that's cool

>> No.6423928

I want to go to a Phoenix meet up, didn't realize they were that bad though haha.

>> No.6423938

hnnn the one in the red plaid mini skirt no thanks

>> No.6423940

The meet-ups are fun, just don't expect people to be well dressed.

>> No.6423945

I wish I was a member of this comm.
Hanging out with itas to make myself look better.

>> No.6423984

So which one are you?

>> No.6423986

No shit dude, that girl on the far left looks amazing next to all the other girls.

>> No.6424025
File: 58 KB, 553x759, 1337718803851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god, I thought the other boards were exaggerating about the catty bullshit that takes place on /cgl/

>> No.6424049
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>> No.6424053

These are the lolitas mostly

They can be incredibly catty

>> No.6424068

you sound mad

>> No.6424071

seriously I just...man the only one who looks passable is the shiro loli

>> No.6424073

hella mad

>> No.6424081

>implying cosplayers aren't just as bad if not worse

>> No.6424175


>> No.6424237 [DELETED] 

There arent many in my area :/ from at least what I know.. Im from Indianapolis

midwest sucks..

>> No.6424270

I should have stayed a lone lolita. I didn't know there was a fucking insane snowflake in the Las Vegas comm. Her bullshit completely fucked things up. It's just not the same anymore and I don't enjoy lolita like I used to. She left lolita but she's still trying to keep an eye on what's happening in the group.

>> No.6424387

There's a lot of people in western mass in the boston comm and western mass meetups get posted to the comm as well

>> No.6424450

I was the person who brought up the question about the Texas community. I worry I have been removed from Lolita too long to really connect with the girls currently active. I don't really know what's going on in the EGL community as a whole so my fear is feeling out of place and uncomfortable. It worries me.

>> No.6424566

There's a new girl in the Boston comm who is really weeby and is just not good for lolits yet she posts everything she does to the facebook group. She seems okay, kind of a tryhard, but she hasn't worn anything completely ita yet.
Also has anyone outside the Boston comm heard about the ~*Gothic Lolita Army*~ in Mass. run by manic weebs?

>> No.6424599

there was a post in the boston fb community about western mass lolitas and there were about a handful of people there. join the fb community to talk to the people in the area.

>> No.6424628

Toronto Comm anyone? Only heard nasty things and drama but also know a few of the girls through friends of friends and they seem nice?

>> No.6424640

is there a link to the Chicago facebook page? I have looked, but for some reason can not find it

>> No.6424654

It was made secret. You need to contact a chicago lolita to get sponsored or whatever to get in

>> No.6424680

how the hell am I supposed to get into a comm in the first place if I dont know anyone ><; lol

>> No.6424696

Exactly. I hope the mods change that soon.

>> No.6424806

My comm was really nice and only 4 or 5 people for a couple years. Then more people started showing up and a couple were nice, some were weird, and apparently there has been a bunch of itas coming in. I stopped getting invited to meet ups. They said it's because they organize them over fb, so I get forgotten because I don't have fb, but I'm always worried that they didn't like me. I'm the youngest in the group and met them when I was like 15 and they were all 18+. They're all lovely and I used to hang out with some of them outside of lolita sometimes, but I can't stop being worried that I made a bad impression by being so young and they didn't want to deal with me anymore.
Sad because I'm turning 20 in a couple weeks, so I think I've grown up a bit since I met them.

>> No.6424908

There's actually A LOT of drama in the SD group. the girls actually vote to kick out people that they don't like personally. the group is no longer about liking lolita, it's about who is friends with who and kissing the ass of the new the admin

>> No.6424957

Really nice to hear so; I too am in LA and am nearly ready to plunge into the world of Lolita and was wondering what the comm was like.

>> No.6425000

Why is the Riddler there...

>> No.6425119

ugh, kill it with fire.

>> No.6425275

Does she talk about social justice bullshit in real life too?

>> No.6425571

Toronto community is fine, overall. There was that infamous split more than a year ago, and the girl that "caused" it is pretty drama- and fame-hungry (but she's otherwise fun to keep as a CASUAL acquaintance). Otherwise, the regulars are nice and try to be inclusive of newbies, as long as you're not one to sit quietly in a corner all meet, and then complain how no one talked to you.

>> No.6425589

You seem pretty uninformed. I don't know where you got that idea, but I'm pretty sure the decisions are based on bullying/disruptive behavior, NOT personal preference. I don't know who your source is, but it sounds like they just want to cause drama by making the leaders look bad.

>> No.6425622

It's hard to join a facebook page when it's been made secret and you don't really know anyone in the group. I was in since summer, and I guess I didn't post enough, so when the page got made secret I was removed from it.
The LJ comm is starting to become a bit more active now if you want to try that instead. There's a bit meetup planned for the second weekend of December that looks fun.

>> No.6425630

Are there any Lolitas in Las Vegas? I just moved here and was wondering if there was a community or not...

>> No.6425632

>bit meetup
yea i dunno what i was trying to say there... i meant BIG meetup. BIG! well it would be cool if it was big anyway...

>> No.6425732

One of the other "mods" openly talks about all the drama. and how they ARE kicking out a girl because one of the mods has personal issues with her.
It doesn't really matter, the group has a bad rep anyway, and are not even being invited to the local con anymore after attacking the conchair last year.

>> No.6425740

Huh, that's pretty crazy, and the first I've heard of it. Especially the bit about the con chair. That sounds like complete bullshit to me. Not gonna comment on the rest of it...

>> No.6425754

No worse a rep than any other big comm. Every large group has drama. It's pretty much inevitable. All it takes is one or two people to fuck things up for everyone.

>> No.6425758

There was a whole thread involving the lolita fashion show last year, where they proceeded to personally attack the person running it and calling the conchair a faggot when he tried to defuse the situation. they've since then deleted all evidence of drama to try and make the community look "Cleaner" including getting rid of any guys who are not photographers who were in the group, whether or not they were into the fashion or not.
I've been in the group for two years, I've seen it all happen and I've watched the group literally turn into a shit hole with a nice front to hide it all

>> No.6425796

Woah, crazy. That must have happened before I joined, because I had no idea. Everyone seems to be on good terms from what I've observed, but I guess anything could have happened in the past.

>> No.6425833 [DELETED] 

sounds like Chicago

>> No.6426088
File: 27 KB, 94x100, 25016155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey, anon, I'm a chigothloli. Comment on the the first post and I'll add you to the facebook group.

>> No.6426227

I used to be in the Mid-South comm. I wasn't even from there. BUT I GOT OUT AS FAST AS I COULD.

In other news, now my area has enough lolis for a comm. We do a few meetups and panels every now and then, Only drama is this chick who refuses to go out to the meetups I go to, because I said I hate Chick-fil-a, and she thinks me a heathen. Thankfully, I go to ALL the meetups, so,haven't had to deal with her.

>> No.6426310

This is all complete bullshit.

>> No.6426316

it seems really nice but language barrier is a p. big problem.

>> No.6426322

Any drama in the UK comms? I live in the midlands.

>> No.6426336


You need to stop spreading lies. None of this is true. There is absolutely no way you've been involved in the group for two years, considering how much of your information is wrong.

>> No.6426341


>> No.6426348

I have other people who witnessed this drama, INCLUDING the convention staff. They all agreed that they would rather bring in another cities comm than to invite the local one again.
Several of the lolitas personally attacked the con chair and the fashion show coordinator.
They called the con chair a faggot and other shit when he tried to defuse the situation, and pretty much told the fashion show coordinator to not even bother and just invite girls from the LA and other communities that were near by

>> No.6426366

I'd say that brand and maybe bodyline are made through batch production rather than mass production

>> No.6426369

That's completely untrue. I witnessed what happened first hand and it wasn't anything like what you're describing.

The only fashion show that happened within the last two years at Anime Conji was coordinated by a San Diego lolita.

>> No.6426380

I'm friends with the coordinator of the fashion show. she is not a SD lolita, she was only invited into the group after the show.
I've been friends with the coordinator for about 5 years now. She doesn't like the SD lolitas at all after the drama last year

>> No.6426378

If you knew any of the girls from the san diego community, you would know that there's no way they would toss around language like "faggot."

>> No.6426391

Oh Hei There Jess.
Stop trying to cover up your dirty laundry, I saw this happen on your group as well, it's why I quit before conji and joined the LA lolita community 2 hours away.

>> No.6426397

Ugh, this. I smell a vendetta-chan. I don't know what happened with Anime Conji, but I do know that none of the girls I know would call someone a fag. Either you are severely misinformed or deliberately causing drama. Not cool.

>> No.6426406

Vendetta moar plz

>> No.6426405

Woah woah woah. Namedropping is not cool, guys. Vendetta or dirty laundry notwithstanding, don't attach names to it.

>> No.6426409

Larissa has always been invited but she had drama with Courtney.

>> No.6426410


>>No one from that time has left to join the LA comm.


>> No.6426426

I have to say, that I also had witnessed this thread.

>> No.6426444

I saw the thread on the SD lolitas page but nowhere was there mud-slinging or calling anyone a 'faggot.'

>> No.6426455 [DELETED] 

LOL STEPHANIE MOORE are you stirring shit again?

>> No.6426472

Nope, Just a lolita who is tired of the drama in the SD group, and tired of how the mod team hides it.

>> No.6426475

Kitsune, you aren't even a part of the group. There is no "mod team" really.

>> No.6426497

Does anyone know anything about the NY Lolitas?

>> No.6426501

what do you wanna know?

>> No.6426505




>> No.6426530
File: 55 KB, 450x600, picnic2420v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah you're a real hot lolita.

>> No.6426534
File: 51 KB, 450x600, anconj847v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I love your coordinate here.

>> No.6426543

Wow, SD lolitas confirmed for crazies.

>> No.6426555

lolol did you delete your replies?

>> No.6426561
File: 50 KB, 600x450, anconj299v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hottest lolita ever.

>> No.6426563

No they probably did.
Real Mature, just shows how your group handles themselves

>> No.6426565

Two of the girls in the picture are alright, and have gotten better. I really feel sorry for them. Because they have a girl in their group who is weeby and batshit insane
You're better off going to the neighboring states communities.

>> No.6426566

I'm not a lolita but I go to Conji. You constantly talk shit about the lolitas when you don't even know them, Kit.

>> No.6426568

.. Is that a frosting stain?

>> No.6426572

I've been part of the SD lolitas for a while now, and I have never met this person in my life... What the hell is going on now? I'm so confused.

>> No.6426605

I don't really know what she has to do with lolitas either. I met her once when I was volunteering for ComicCon before I even got into lolita and she was an absolute bitch to me. And I had to deal with her for three hours because we were assigned to the same area.

>> No.6426624

Man, all this shit about SD lolis now makes me GLAD for once that I'm stuck with all the NYC lolita drama BS to handle.

>> No.6426630

SD just has some weeaboo stalker crazies and a couple of drama queens.

>> No.6426631

Does it matter at this point? Your group is horrible and your all to fat to be wearing dresses covered in cakes

>> No.6426634

Not sure you should be talking about anyone's weight, going by the picture that were posted earlier on in the thread...

>> No.6426636

Did you just call someone else fat?

>> No.6426647

So you're the one creating vendetta threads about the SD lolitas? sad.

>> No.6426651

Yeah okay Caitlin.
Nice lolita tag on your badge.

>> No.6426663

Toronto's only drama is age old and nothing bad has happened recently. By recently, I mean in over a year.

>> No.6426671

You mean calling Aya all of those nasty names?

>> No.6426681

So every other big metropolitan lolita community. Got it. Cool.

>> No.6426712

I don't follow what you're talking about, but even if people still continue calling her nasty names it's over drama that happened a pretty long time ago.

>> No.6426862

I can't wait for the drama to surface in the Boston community.

>> No.6426956

Not sure if any phoenix are still hovering, but how do you guys feel about Jessica, the tranny the joined the group some while back?

>> No.6426976

Boohoo poor Aya.
I don't remember people calling her nasty names, unless you're referring to some old and untimely secrets (in that they were made after the drama was over and done with).

>> No.6427019
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>> No.6427092

Basically, yeah. Every big group is going to have drama, but that doesn't mean it's a bad group. It just means it has a higher likelihood of crazy because of the size. I think probably all the big groups have their own vendetta-chans and creepers. SD just happens to be the loud ones today.

>> No.6427267

How the central Florida group?

>> No.6427568


There is a community here. Search for "Las Vegas Lolitas" on facebook.

>> No.6427716

It already did, unfortunately. Just in private. I'm actually impressed with the amount of MA lolitas that have posted on this thread, since most people always talk about how mich of a cess pool cgl is. Usually they never show themselves. Not surprised how many of them come here even though they hate it.

I wonder if>>6421765 and
>>6424566 are talking about the same person and >>6424566's friend thinks that person is a boy? I could see it, since their name on FB could be seen as a boy name

>> No.6427719

Ahh I meant post ending in 65's friend

>> No.6427721

Lolieodette: the child pokemon

Lolieodette is known for its cute charms and its hobby for wearing different clothes. Lolieodette only approaches those with a pure heart and will always try and have fun with its trainer, although it is said to get jealous when its trainer hangs around with other pokemon

>> No.6427735

what's this?

>> No.6427795
File: 50 KB, 619x346, jojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this secret about someone from my comm. She's never been to a meetup, she just shits up the FB page a few times a week.

>> No.6427809
File: 46 KB, 455x567, 465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6427814

/vp/ is "raiding" the other boards pokemon they make up related to said board

>> No.6427817

raiding other boards **with

>> No.6427839

Well, as raids go, I think that's kinda nice. God bless, /vp/. God bless.

>> No.6427873

yea, its kind of cute

>> No.6428103


She really posts all the garbage to the comm? Wow.

>> No.6428138

;__; I want this to be real

>> No.6428160

Considering my friend got into lolita while completely avoiding all anime related subjects, I'd vouch to say this isn't all that true. I totally traveled the weeb path though.

Local comm is also still perf.

>> No.6428184

Aw, so cute! /vp/ has never been this sweet before.
Why can't all raids be like this?

>> No.6428185

Seconded. That is the cutest thing ever.

>> No.6428211
File: 231 KB, 720x960, 550597_347256578702734_1237276494_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurr hurr hurr...This thread is full of comms that just have a portion of itas in them. How about Cosloli? A comm just for itas and shit tier cosplayers? I'm enjoying whoever keeps posting secrets about them every week. Also enjoying the LeLe dramu that I haven't even put any input into. Basically someone mentions on /cgl/ that some ugly shit singer calls herself famous and a jfashion pro, next thing you know she's on cosloli whinging about it. Self-posting drama whore hahaha
Pic related, best kawaii meet-up ever, you gaiz!

>> No.6428284

I'm sorry that you're a giant fatass and you probably have legitimate aspergers, but your trolling of the local lolita comm is really pathetic. It makes Anime Conji look bad that you're behaving like this.

>> No.6428296


Nothing new, as far as I know. People always bring up old drama about the UK cons, but I think things are pretty peaceful.

>> No.6428306


Oops. Should say comms, not cons.

>> No.6428335

Can we go back and talk more about mia carla?

She says she has 3 caterers, but it looks more like she has 1 person selling desserts, 1 person selling fake desserts, and 1 actual caterer but it's listed under vendors so it sounds like people are going to have to pay for food on top of their ticket.

Also, it's supposed to be an elegant formal ball but the music is all kpop and "sneki" and "america's akb48"

>> No.6428338
File: 629 KB, 1226x1585, wutrudoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped picture

>> No.6428438

Yeah, and her profile says that she graduated from high school in like 2004, so that'd make her like 25-26. I wonder how she's doing in criminal justice?

>> No.6428453

Caitlin has been confronted about the thread?
I want to know what the earlier anon meant about her being prejudiced - there are a lot of POC in the comm.

>> No.6428457

I wanted to know this as well.

>> No.6428466

Nobody will care about this. Just like nobody cares about what Lara did. The newbies will continue being ita & unaware of the drama, and the cycle will continue.

>> No.6428475
File: 49 KB, 400x550, so kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay or Ethnic Ensembles
>inspired and or constructed with a Formal or Lolita flair

This has so much potential! Please, someone report back with pics.

>> No.6428482

Lara left though didn't she? So did Adrienne.

>> No.6428585

She's still around. She went to a meetup in the summer.


This x1000000

>> No.6429034

What should happen: this thread and the caps from Lara's thread to be posted on the Boston fb, effectively ostracizing both Caitlin and Lara from the group
What will happen: absolutely nothing.

>> No.6429045

I messaged the mods of that comm about Lara's thread, they messaged me back but I don't think they did anything about it. I was talking with one of my friends about it and she said to give Lara the benefit of the doubt and that it was probably Adriane since Lara told her she was at the museum that day so she couldn't have possibly posted it, (she just flat out asked her after we talked about it) but if you know her you know how manipulative she can be. It's bullshit noone cared she tried to scam people, or that she kept throwing her friend under the bus, or kept making secrets, or bragged about lying about the condition of a pair of shoes. They just care that she's pretty. WTF. So basically, yeah, nothing will happen.

>> No.6429055

The Milanoo is strong with these ones.

>> No.6429084

Welcome to Boston! This bullshit is why I have never gone to a meet. The drama/bitches/ita outweigh any decent people that are involved in the group.
sew_sweet/Caitlin is a mod on EGL, which is probably the root of why she thinks so highly of herself.

>> No.6429089

Good on you for trying. Since Caitlin's a mod I doubt anything would happen, unless she left the group on her own. And since she does the majority of event planning, Boston will crumble.

>> No.6429087

They probably didn't do anything about it because I don't think Lara sells anymore. She's way too manipulative in any case . She's also pretty fucking crazy which leads me to believe it was her. Plus she admitted to leaking the mod posts.

>> No.6429091

Her events aren't very good anyway.

>> No.6429116

I think it's hilarious how hard Boston is pressing the F5 button right now.

>> No.6429134

She's not a boston mod, just EGL. She has no mod power in the boston comm.


Welcome? Child please, I've been here for years. It was never this bad until Lara/Adriane came around.

Well, they (the boston mods)
haven't banned her from the group so I don't think they give a shit if she were to even try it again, and since none of them care that she is manipulative and has scammer qualities, they deserve it.


>> No.6429148

>It was never this bad until Lara/Adriane came around.
No, it was always kind of shitty. I am not in the comm anymore because of some drama from like 5 or 6 years ago. I think I may know who you are. You love to stick up for the comm no matter how awful it really is. The truth is that it's just been eating itself from the inside long before Lara or Adrienne entered.

>> No.6429153

Without outting yourself, do you still go to meets or are active in the community? I want to tell a friend about this thread since she's gone to a few meets recently but I don't know if I should or not. Do you think the community will improve or just implode on itself?

>> No.6429157

Isn't the GTFO mod from the Boston comm?

>> No.6429162

I actually think I know who you are. There was probably drama before I joined a long time ago (I know of a few, and maybe your drama just wasn't recorded or shared with me), but there wasn't really any drama in my years until the two of them joined. Even when someone tried to start some, it just fizzled out. Some people suck at dressing, some people are great. That's every comm. How can you even know anything if you weren't even in it for like 5 or 6 years?

>> No.6429165

Sort of. Most of the girls are really awesome to be around. Personally, I don't think you should since it looks like basically every largeish comm came up in this thread. There was never much noise about us until very recently, because of a few rogues who've already been mentioned in this thread. Lots of noobs now, but they get better with age.

>> No.6429167

Well I don't go to meets, but I lurk regularly and I still pay attention to the drama and secrets. I also know people who are still actively in it and I get info from them. I know the whole Caitlin drama too.

>> No.6429171

Melissa, dat u?

>> No.6429173

Yeah, rocketlaunching.

>> No.6429185

cosplay is allowed as long as it has a formal or lolita flair. oh lurd, i'm ready for photos.

>> No.6429235

Why is it always bitches named Caitlin?

>> No.6429533

Didn't you know that /cgl/ actually stands for Catty Girls and Liars?

>> No.6432284

Out of curiosity, what happened with Caitlin?

>> No.6432310

Link to this? What happened?
>Boston loli here

>> No.6432327

AFAIK only two things have happened with Caitlin. She screened some girl's comment on a meet-up thread a long time ago. And recently there was some sort of misunderstanding where her boyfriend accidentally pushed a girl at a meet-up and for some reason the girl thought it was on purpose and told a couple of people that she thought Caitlin hated her, which turned out not to be true.

>> No.6432349

This is what I get for being a cheap bitch and buying tickets to this shitshow.
I should've signed on for amanikitty's meet but I was a little worried about having to sit around a table with a bunch of people I barely knew and make conversation- cause I can be a little awkward.

>> No.6432365

I think it's somewhere in the lolita secrets thread here

Long story short Lara admitted to scam attempts under Adrienne's account as well as to leaking the mod caps. But someone earlier ITT said that ~Lawra~ was conveniently out all day at the museum during that time. As well as people bringing up all of her past wank with gyaru nails and the manasamadramallama.

>> No.6432388 [DELETED] 

My community has the most hot ladies that I've ever seen in any comm. They're beautiful, loving, have fantastic personalities, and work their asses off for what brand they have.

To the people talking about the girl with the "Mana shrine"-She's never said a damn word about your stupid animu. Get a life, and try getting to know someone before you start talking crap about them. She's a fierce friend, and one of the most genuinely wonderful people I've ever met. Why don't you get off of cgl and actually come to meetups instead of trifling on wank communities.

>> No.6432469

Oh, this thread is back. Every boston loli needs to fucking show themselves and stop talking shit about CGL because you're all goddamn hypocrites. I knew as soon as Mic made that status everyone would be rushing in here.

Not just screened, but deleted. There was a poll about it and everything.

>> No.6432537

Lol I never denied being on /cgl/. I'm here all the time, just never said I was from Boston.

>> No.6432543

Im new to my comm and Im honestly scared to go to a meet-up or anything.. :/

Theres not very many girls as it is, and they have all been together for quite some time now. I feel like if I just stepped in I would get ignored/shunned because Im new. idk.

>> No.6432607

Take pictures and post them here for the win, you will be a martyr for the cause of lolz, and we will sing your praises.

>> No.6432663

I never seen posts on /cgl/ about the South Carolina loli comm.

don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing...

>> No.6432678

i have the pleasure and misfortune of being in north NJ. I went to one NYC meet and was an awkward turtle. I just watch the New Jersey lolitas on FB. They seem nice, but there's still a lot of questions about milanoo and bodyline.

>> No.6432694

You don't but pretty much everyone else does.

>> No.6432697

I used to be a member of NJ Lolitas. I met some of them at a Mitsuwa event and they were saying how replicas are just as good if not better than brand. I ran for the fucking hills and didn't look back.

>> No.6432958


This will be a quality event

>> No.6433123

omfg suck my dick YOU ARE SO BUTTHURT. What in the hell did I ever do to you? If the comm dislikes you I'm fairly certain you brought it on yourself. We don't auto-judge and sit there hating on people. We're laid back as fuck and 99% of the members would agree. YOU are that 1% that doesn't. So what if I'm passionate about something? Why in the hell do you care? Who DOESN'T have a fandom these days? Its no different than having your room be decked out in Hello Kitty, o k. Also, I have NEVER made fun of anyone for liking anime. I don't give a shit if you're an anime fan, okay -- but a comm for LOLITA FASHION is not a place to yack about it. Do you see anyone else doing that with their personal fandoms? No.

Furthermore, a 'shrine' is where you worship something and I do not worship that jackass. I admire him, and I like to collect his merch -- and what do you expect me to do with nice quality shit like that? Pile it on a shelf, out of sight/mind? yeah no. Pretty sure you wouldn't do that with whatever you like collecting, mmkay.

get a life.

>> No.6433139

you admire a jackass?
oh dear.

>> No.6433162

jackass is a term of endearment... sort of. but he is one. lol

>> No.6434014


gurl bye.

>> No.6434871

what the fuck is your problem? So she has mana shit it isn't a damned shrine.

someone sounds like a jealous cunt.