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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 337 KB, 425x596, asuka3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6419534 No.6419534 [Reply] [Original]

Evangelion Rebuild 3.0 launches in t minus 2 days. I think we need an Evangelion cosplay thread.

>> No.6420649

guess not

>> No.6420658

Would bury my face there

>> No.6420696
File: 85 KB, 800x535, 27d5c0c44298adf791de8ef6cbb2a19d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post whatever you have OP, and people will pick up from there.
If you don't have anything, then find some

>> No.6420707
File: 90 KB, 400x600, mari_illustrious_makinami_cosplay[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure why not. Gunna post Mari my waifu.

>> No.6420709
File: 50 KB, 398x597, 1254719351[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6420745
File: 101 KB, 475x433, mah nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sir, have god-tier waifu taste. I can't wait to get more mari.

>> No.6420806

Is this shit supposed to be hot?

She is hideous.

>> No.6420808
File: 62 KB, 598x900, 140644-mari03_super[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6420810

It's an obvious self-post because she looks old and haggard. Old thread but baleeted so she she decided to bump this dying one.

>> No.6420820

Oh, sorry about posting then. Bye pretty azn Mari.

>> No.6420849

holy fuck that's such a terrible photo of MJ. She looks so old.

>> No.6421844

Sad and shameless samefagging.

>> No.6421860

She too is my waifu... and I am a female. Never have I ever thought I'd have such feelings for a woman.

>> No.6421872
File: 126 KB, 800x600, asuka36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, would you look at that.

My goodness, there sure is a lot of Maryjane hate today. And by a lot I mean from like two, maybe three people.

>> No.6422466

How's your herpes?

>> No.6422478
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, 1331159520245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would still tap dat ass.

>> No.6422480

wait wait.. i'll edit that image later, gotta get done with my ranked play.

>> No.6422488
File: 885 KB, 540x720, shmegeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6422495
File: 57 KB, 1280x857, Asuka and Rei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only Evangelion I've saved.
And I'm not even sure why.

>> No.6422499

no please

>> No.6422588
File: 369 KB, 1280x720, doodlemunchers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to learn howto glass effect... should have done it before i merged the shit.

>> No.6423266

Why the fuck is her skirt so short? I hate it when cosplayers sacrifice accuracy just to be ~sexy~

>> No.6423423

>I want attention but can't get positive comments, so I'll just be a troll and revel in the negativity. Daddy never paid attention to me.

>> No.6423589

Haters gonna hate... Keep the sexiness coming MJ.

>> No.6423608

Seriously, how is her herpes?

>> No.6423670
File: 670 KB, 2632x1847, plug1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah.

Because of every single plugsuit cosplay up to now ending up a complete and utter failure khara actually designed new plugsuits that are easy for lazy fuckers to make using standard cosplay methods and materials.

>> No.6423673
File: 676 KB, 2598x1863, plug2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just sad that people will manage to fuck up something as easy as this.

>> No.6423676

Can we get some evangelion cosplay up in this thread?

>> No.6423688

MJ have you bought an eye patch yet?

>> No.6423707
File: 1.59 MB, 320x180, maryjanedance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6423742

Please stop giving her attention.

>> No.6423837

Yeah, i'd hit her

>> No.6423846

With a shovel.

>> No.6423861

My dick isn't a shovel, stop being jealous.
..or post pics of yourself

>> No.6424256

> easy

>> No.6424370

So you want to get herpes and some bonus STD? Nice!

>> No.6424441

Best video ever.


>> No.6424497


That was beautiful.

>> No.6424793
File: 625 KB, 492x717, tumblr_m78xmrtEkJ1r1hdllo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so excited for 3.0! Anyone have any idea when a sub will be out? Also I really hope it does come to theaters over here.

As far as cosplay goes I really hope to do a Mari plugsuit next year.

>> No.6424795

>Bumping a self-post thread

>> No.6424839

a month if we are lucky

>> No.6424876
File: 113 KB, 450x600, Asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6424880
File: 227 KB, 493x740, tumblr_mccoftk03J1rxufgfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that's not to bad! I was expecting a lot longer. Hopefully we do get lucky and a sub will be out shortly. Or at least at the beginning of next year.

>> No.6425781

We wont be seeing it until blu-rays come out. A month if we're lucky by anyway from 1-4 months from now

>> No.6425822
File: 410 KB, 559x900, Asuka_Cosplay_2_by_Ruskicho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You honestly think that's a short skirt? Go to a high school these days and tell me that's a short skirt.

That's the standard length of a skirt, as far as I know.

>> No.6425829

Maybe at Slut Highschool where you're from.

>> No.6425921
File: 80 KB, 1024x683, 1329516585617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do think kids nowadays, especially girls are becoming too sexually centered and revealing way too much. The reason for my comment.

In any case I still don't find OP's picture skirt too short. She's just breaking the # 1 rule of wearing a skirt: don't bend over. If you're wearing a skirt and make a pose like that, you'd be stupid to think people aren't going to see something.

Anyway, enjoy some more Asuka cosplay.

>> No.6425943
File: 790 KB, 1920x1080, ablooboobooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waiting for subs.
You're in for atleast.. 1-4 months as you said, since most subbers will wait for the blu-ray quality, dont waste time on getting a camrip and cause cancer in your eyes.
The group that'll do it is... UTW or Commie, maybe Hadena.
And after some time Coalgirls with their 72gb version for sure or THORA.

>> No.6425949
File: 96 KB, 960x636, 231049_4955936505208_1691762323_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just thinking that it's time to get cracking on my Green Mari suit. but hey here's a pic from this weekend and my Pen^2 kigurumi

>> No.6425980
File: 67 KB, 508x640, 129170426677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I'd rather wait the year or so to watch the dub. I'm not a fan of the evangelion japanese voices, and I'd kill to hear Tiffany Grant's amazing voice again.

Although, the last two times Rebuild has been in theaters, has it been subbed or dubbed?

>> No.6425988

I'm just waiting on 3.whatever the fuck is the final version

>> No.6426001
File: 912 KB, 1920x1080, dundunduuunMari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There should be dubs out i guess, but i dunno.. i prefer watching with japanese voices.
Google em if anything.

>> No.6425999

Again, maybe at your slut schools with shit principals. Also, she is barely bending over but we can all see up her skirt. Not that it's a bad thing (it makes up for her old looking face) but let's get real about the length of her skirt.

>> No.6426008

Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo ~ or Evangelion: Quickening

>> No.6426027
File: 171 KB, 467x700, tumblr_lk70jeCFWK1qenr6no1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The camera is posed way below eye level. If you were standing next to her and the height of a normal adult human, you would not see that (unless you're standing far away, maybe). The top fabric of her skirt would cover it if the camera were at a higher angle.

Also, please don't say I went to a "slut school". I went to a private school where dress code was strictly enforced. I'm saying that I feel kids NOWADAYS are dressing way to skimpy. Also, our girl's uniforms were just a bit longer than what is in OP's picture.

Finally, let us suppose she WERE wearing a short skirt. Is she not allowed to? Why do you care? I'm supposing we all understand we live in a country where people can dress however they want. Considering we're on a boar where people dress up like cartoons I would have though this was obvious.

>> No.6426030

I meant whatever the extended cut is numbered, like how we got 2.22

Because I seriously doubt 3.0 won't get more footage

>> No.6426058

You would definitely see the top of her skirt. Even looking at the picture, it reached the top. Even at eye level, you can see her butt cheeks. And I'm caring because you're caring people said it was short which it is but somehow you're offended for this slut.

>> No.6426084
File: 71 KB, 900x606, 1309401395268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay tehn, I see we're not going to reach an agreement. I still believe the angle of the picture is making the skirt seem shorter than it is, but seeing how irrational and ansgty some people are on this board, I won't go against your opinion.

Also, just a thought, but you stop throwing the word "slut" around, it takes its meaning away and is a terrible thing to call a woman. Just thought you should know. Have a nice day.

It will definitely get a 3.33 version. It's become somewhat of a bad cliche with this series.

>> No.6426092

Hey Asukafag, you're a slut.

>> No.6426098

No, I'll continue to call her a slut which she admits that she is. Also, she has herpes.

>> No.6426101


Okay, sure.

>> No.6426133

I wonder how many dicks have been inside her

more than 20?

>> No.6426140

cannot unsee the white shoulder details that go onto her chest totally looks like bird heads and then the wings going down her arm.

>> No.6426143


Probably. Should've capped the thread where that one guy came here screaming after she gave him herpes at the con.

>> No.6426160
File: 142 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m6vqjwcTkR1qlodbjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd watch it raw but I have such a hard time watching things raw. I get frustrated that I don't understand aha. At least it won't be a year, I can definitely wait for a few months. Thanks so much for the info.

Oh god it's so adorable! Good luck with your suit!

>> No.6426163


How long did it tkae you to put it together? It looks great.

>> No.6426172

I believe it was only like a day. I kinda made up the shape as I went. I started with a kigu pattern I found here and then just did all that out of the black and top stitched all the details.
Hopefully I'll finish the neck plate soon.
seriously this is the most comfortable thing ever.

>> No.6426181

how would these be any different from a regular plugsuit? I don't get why you think these would be "easier".

>> No.6426183


It looks really good. Especially for a one day work.

Keep up the good work!

>> No.6426198
File: 494 KB, 707x1000, 31317682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going for a Jerseysuka, but I haven't seen references and am not sure if she's wearing her plugsuit under that.

>> No.6426204

Most likely is wearing it under.

>> No.6426213
File: 2.13 MB, 2841x4096, 1353193657686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on Jersey Asuka as well anon. How are you going to do her button(s)?

>> No.6426230

Yeah, plugsuits are one piece (Mari's green one being the apparent exception)
She can't just be wearing the lower half

(Off the subject but I bet an official cat-hat is made within weeks)

>> No.6426237

We already have the eye patch, so I'm betting you're right. I'm positive we'll get the buttons. I wouldn't even doubt they've already got to making the damn jacket.

>> No.6426242

can you get a plugsuit with bandages in necessary places?

>> No.6426262

Subbed camrip is out.
Gunna wait for the DVD rip though.

>> No.6426272

I do wonder, where this picture is from.

I'm ashamed to say I haven't been following rebuild very much.

>> No.6426274
File: 394 KB, 1600x1160, t-plusuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of these sheets please.....? I'll post the older ones I have

>> No.6426277
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 1308692366210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6426286

Did you get that through a Facebook page?
If so, it's fake. What it really is, is a camrip of 2.02.

Booklet from 3.0 premier.

Another person is uploading them in this thread: >>6426176

>> No.6426290
File: 346 KB, 1600x1160, 1305682748542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last sheet I have

>> No.6426289 [DELETED] 

I saw it on an FB but decided not to download because I wanted to wait...thanks for the heads up though.

>> No.6426297

No problem. I usually try and follow the nyaatorrent rule. If it's not there, then probably not real.

>> No.6426331

Thread is dead.

anyone know the title of the book wiht the 2.0 art?

>> No.6426351

Never mind. I found it out.

>> No.6426485

some sort of booklet handed out to theater goers i believe

>> No.6426490


Sounds like you wouldn't know hot if it was sitting on your face.

>> No.6427633 [DELETED] 

Did MJ broke your hearth or something? your hate is quite lulzy

>> No.6427639

Did MJ broke your hearth or something? your hate is quite lulzy

>> No.6427647

Are there any humanoid fanarts of the angels?

>> No.6431424

I'm sure there are.

>> No.6431428
File: 34 KB, 500x255, tumblr_lghf9nPyz91qeym72o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is this, and also the last angel (Zeruel)in Rebuild 2.22 turns into a sort of giant naked Rei.

>> No.6431429
File: 65 KB, 745x356, angel-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this.


Someone needs to cosplay "Giant naked Rei" but maybe without the naked.

>> No.6431435

Are you fucking serious, is thsi what the angels look like in Rebuild 2.22? (Other than Rei)?

>> No.6431784
File: 285 KB, 1280x1166, Manon19861263731537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's an older figure series. There's a petite version too.

>> No.6431816
File: 348 KB, 950x920, Ramiel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kawaii'est angel.

>> No.6431840

All I want is a gf who looks / sounds / acts identical to Asuka in every way. Is that really too much to ask?

>> No.6431845

How did this thread turn to shit so radically?

I remember it being good.

Actually, I remember it having totally different posts-- what da fah?

>> No.6431902
File: 81 KB, 976x548, we all know that feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finding a girl who is a bitch is easy. Finding a girl who acts like a bitch and sounds like a bitch is easy, too.

Finding a girl who is as good looking as an anime character and is willing to be your gf...

>> No.6431970
File: 52 KB, 378x363, 1349939064047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I think it's a great pose, especially if you're going for sexy, dat ass, kinda feel.

I love how naive some of you are when you insist that cosplay isn't allowed to be sexual.

>> No.6432011
File: 625 KB, 894x1024, skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her skirt is not short as a skirt in itself, but is short compared to Asuka's skirt. It's not slutty if you don't pose like she did in the first picture, and anyways if you're going for sexy, I think that's okay, heh.
Plus MJ's face my favorite Asuka face.

>> No.6432027

Doing this accurate isn't very flattering I'll admit, so, I can understand why girls shorten it, and with those long legs defiantly not complaining.

>> No.6432042

>Plus MJ's face my favorite Asuka face.

I spit out my coffee. Not sure if serious. She looks old as hell and self-posts all the damn time as if people really want to look at her. This >>6424876 has to be the best one.

>> No.6432049

Why do virgin men like Askua so much anyway?

There is nothing well written about her character at all. Is it the red hair? Or the fact she has a thing for the loser virgin protagonist? Probably a lot of the latter.

>> No.6432056
File: 18 KB, 464x266, ptm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because she treats shinji the way women treat them - negatively.

It's also why the "tsundere" archetype is so popular. Let's disgusting lonely guys imagine that all those women who aren't falling all over them are really all just tsundere and hiding their real feelings.

>> No.6432057

Let's face it, all the other females in the series are just bland as fuck and Asuka stands out for that reason.
But don't mind me, I think all the girls in that series are 'meh' , Asuka is just less 'meh'.

>> No.6432069


Virgin men really are disgusting both on the outside and the inside.

>> No.6432070

Tsundere isn't actually that popular, men prefer nice women.

>> No.6432075


It's popular among disgusting lonely weirdos.

Real men prefer nice well balanced women, not bitchy little girls with personality disorders.

>> No.6432074

Well actually, a traditional tsundere warms up to the person they like over time and becomes very nice and -deredere to that person.

But a lot of characters that get called tsundere now just flip-flop because they are emotionally unstable hot messes. Where is that Lucky Star image when I need it?!

>> No.6432077

No it's not, just look at the character popularity ranks and stop making up bullshit.

>> No.6432078

I know you are all trying to be bitches to make me feel better and I appreciate it.

>> No.6432080

feel better about what

>> No.6432081

I'm not sure why you're replying to me, that's what a tsundere is. It's not an excuse for bipolar disorder, it's a grumpy character who acts like they don't like someone because they don't know how to express it. Eventually they show their feelings, or else they would be called tsunsuns instead of tsunderes.

>> No.6432087

It doesn't mattter, even those characters aren't the most popular.

>> No.6432092
File: 110 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mc2o2lVhFJ1r07zuxo1_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mari's changed her glasses. ;_;

>> No.6432095

Tsundere characters are fairly popular, especially in Japan, but I don't even care about that. What I was pointing out was that you said "nice girls", like tsundere characters are automatically bitchy. When done correctly, they aren't.

>> No.6432096
File: 1.98 MB, 264x204, ratslapfight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We got an anime expert over here.

>> No.6432104

No, their popularity is low even in japan.

Look at the newtype rankings.

>> No.6432110
File: 773 KB, 850x1276, 28dcbd443d6bc4ba8de3a6978eeddd55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why I like her.

Btw, are the posters seemingly going off on one serious or just trolling?

>> No.6432111

ITT: Disgusting virgin men taking over the thread, talking about what women they should 'prefer' even though none would ever date them LOL

>> No.6432125


Oh, so tsundere is to lonely pathetic guys what supply side economics is to the super wealthy?

A reassuring idea with no basis in reality?

>> No.6432143

Kind of. I say, they should be just killed and put to better use as fertilizers.

>> No.6432174
File: 381 KB, 755x959, ba52b948684b1d3489f667ecc7024d05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432177
File: 266 KB, 682x909, 93afe4408d2330394702a41a66451a62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6432201

Dat tsundere.

>> No.6432204

I like how Mari's tits are huge in the middle sketch then tiny on the right.

>> No.6432282

I'm serious! I know that lately she looks a bit too old for the character, but when I first saw her photos in her (granted, atrocious) plugsuit throwing her hair backward, I loved her. The girl you linked is nice too, but MJ has the perfect necessary bitchyness for Asuka!

Not saying she's my favorite person or anything, I just like how she portrayed Asuka accurately, expression-wise, let's say.

>> No.6432295
File: 171 KB, 589x1000, 0461a068a9610f0e85c41dc64632c5f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432293
File: 85 KB, 600x900, mari_illustrious_makinami_by_yuuri_c-d5hdxjt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat angel got curves. Mmph.

So I have a question that's been on my mind for a while. In the series Asuka has a brown/red hair color but I see a lot of cosplayers do her hair red. I prefer the red don't get me wrong, but I'm just wondering where the bright red hair came from

>> No.6432296

her hair is a realistic red shade, i.e ginger which is a brownie orange.

they do red because they're simple minded.

>> No.6432386

Maybe they don't want to spend more time than necessary to find that perfect natural tone of ginger. I know I've been having a hard as heck time of doing it myself. Either it's too red, too brown, too orange, or too expensive.

>> No.6432393
File: 242 KB, 900x1354, aa1ba8b4f2452e8619f5dcc809a04e95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic looks a bit weird. Is it photoshopped?

>> No.6432401

As a man who, I feel, is more logical and less combative than a lot of other men in this board, why don't you allow me to have a say real quick?

First off, the definition of a tsundere personality, archetype, or character is hard ot make, because there are many different types of tsunderes, as we have seen in recent years. More recently, tsunderes in anime have become nothing more than simply aggressive, violent, dominating women who look down on men; yet they either sexually appease them or secretly admire them the same way. In my opinion, I don't find that to be much of an "original" tsundere at all, I find it to be more of a person with a sadistic or dominant attitude toward others; it's not very informed to say that "men don't like it", as, unfortunately, we have seen these types of characters rise in production a LOT lately. This can only mean, in a system of supply and demand, that those characters are popular, and they sell. Saying that "real men" don't like them is a childish no true Scotsman, and I won't even address it, because to me, a "real men" is that one with a penis.

Now, Asuka is someone I would consider an "original" tsundere. Believe it or not, I storngly feel that Asuka is one of the most shy and insecure characters in the series. If you stop the drama in your brain and analyse the show for what it's worth, you'll come to understan that each character has a problem that they're hiding deep inside them, yet it's one that defines them. In Asuka, it's this complex of not being good enough, or not being wanted. She feels she needs to be her best, to do more, and to get the attention of people around her. At first, when she has an infatuation for Kaji, she came to realize her childish attitude and it was that which dropped her slowly into a state of depression and self-hate. Shinji though, was a form of comfort for her.

>> No.6432405


Shinji knew how she felt, because he too had not mother, and he too was alone. She understood this and it is why she wished to become more close to Shinji. At the same time though, Asuka was unable to drop her ruse of confidence and her determination to be the best she can be. This often leads to Asuka treating Shinji, and others, in a negative or violent manner. I see Asuka as a tsundere but not as a very "strong" tsundere (as opposed to say Misaka Mikoto, or maybe Taiga Aisaka), as her actions were motivated more by her distress and pain than by shyness at admitting an infatuation toward Shinji. In fact, I personally believe Asuka did not feel much romantic feelings for Shinji more than needing him to be there as a companion for her and to assure herself that she was not alone. I found her need for Shinji more as one of a protector than one of a lover.

In rebuild, Asuka is much more of a strong tsundere in the sense she now feels jealousy for Shinji, and negative emotions toward Mari. At the same time, she has become much more of a normal girl than before. Although she may still have inner problems she must resolve, they are weak compared to those of the original Evangelion. She now is liked more for her demeanor as a newer form of tsundere, one whom is more bratty but playful, mean but pretty. I still like her quite very much, I still find her to be a great character. But she is different.

I do not understand the fixation of the anime community to see Asuka as an object of sexual deviance or sluttishness. (Most people in this board don't seem to know the meaning of that word, but whatever) I agree is she is more sexualized in Rebuild, as are all the characters. In fact, I find Mari to be portrayed more as an object of sexual flaunt than Asuka; yet rarely is Mari considered a "slut" or a "bitch". I believe this happens for two reasons:

>> No.6432406

Could just be a bad camera.

>> No.6432409


1. The men who see her in this manner find her to be something of a sexual object, as compared to say, Rei, due to her portrayal outside of the movies by those who find her sexually attractive, and therefore create things, such as doujinshi, in which Asuka takes that form.

2. The women, in reaction, see her the smae way when they realize the way that she is viewed by many men after the start of Rebuild. Women are naturally and psychologically more jealous than men, and may see this fixation of Asuka as an object of high sexual quality with jealousy or disgust.

Now I won't address the idiot trolls and insecure feminists on this board who make it their life's mission to derail every thread with their skeptical worldview. You can just continue deluding yourselves with the idea you're making some sort of difference in the world (trolls) or that men are useless, disgusting parasites (web-feminists).
TL;DR The retards who don't have the literary ability to see Asuka's ruse for what it is aren't fit to make serious commentary on a series like Evangelion.
Trolls GTFO
Feminists GTFO
Continue the discussion of COSPLAY

Red hair is the hardest to simulate in wigs. I don't know why. It's the most beautiful in my opinion, but I guess it's easier to just buy a crimson wig...

>> No.6432434

>Feminists GTFO
No, you GTFO our board, neckbeard virgin misogynistic trash.

No one fucking cares about your Chinese cartoon or why you think a two dimensional drawing is more human than a REAL WOMAN (you sick fuck).

>> No.6432440
File: 314 KB, 661x865, ddecbca9d7aea04767f036b594b25e57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice post mate.

Btw, I think it was just one troll, I don't think anyone is actually jealous of Asuka. I am outsider to this board though.

>> No.6432444

You dumbfuck, I'm not jealous of her, I was pointing out she's a shallow not even two dimensional character, with terrible writing that is purely there to cater to misogynistic neckbeard virgins like you who think that women are only sex toys made for them and therefore, they only deserve so much character depth.

>> No.6432446



I am none of these things. Especially not a mysoginist. Please respect me enough as to not accuse me of being discriminatory to women.

Also, why do you throw "virgin" around as an insult? Does it offend you that some people may not be sexually active for some reason? Maybe you are directing some personal tension in that sense toward me? I hope not.

Troll harder. Why are you on this board if you seem to find these "chinese cartoons" so, I don't know, negatively?

>a two dimensional drawing is more human than a REAL WOMAN

I never said this. Feel free to point out where I did.

If you consider yourself a feminist (which I suppose you do, seeing your reaction), you are the very type that ruins their previously good name with your childishness.

now, GTFO of the board if this topic somehow offends you. That's what the board is about, after all. Cosplay and "chinese cartoons".

>> No.6432454
File: 274 KB, 800x920, bb78c2e0e9ba0b95a219703c1d44dbfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you bro.
I beleive the same thing. This is a nice board that has some very friendly people. Unfortunately it's also become a haven for insecure "feminists" trolls lik the one in this thread.

If you feel this way about the character, why are you on a board on the topic of dressing like her? Why do you wish to take her form? (or that of other cartoons?)

Have some Asuka to cheer you up.

>> No.6432476

>Why are you on this board if you seem to find these "chinese cartoons" so, I don't know, negatively?

>>>/a/ >>>/r9k/
^where you belong

This is MY board not YOURS.

>> No.6432479

sorry bitch but this is my board

>> No.6432488

I don't see "& male virgin loser general" in the title anywhere.

>>>/r9k/ >>>/a/


>> No.6432493
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>> No.6432497
File: 362 KB, 642x960, 124215939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have better things to do than argue with a person with nothing better to do than think herself tall on the internet.

You should really try looking in the mirror and asking yourself how sure you are of yourself, considering you seem to project so much jealous labels to others.

Have a nice day, sweetheart.

>> No.6432500

sorry but that would be under "cosplay"

my board now

>> No.6432502

as if I'm the one who's projecting

you're projecting the entire world in your head

>& EGL
get out

+you don't even cosplay, I can tell because you smell like /a/

>> No.6432505

Although I agree with you about the jealousy part, as a whole Asuka, at least in the original series, is one of the more complex female characters.

I personally like her because she was so different from the rest of the characters. I felt a slight connection with her because I had similar emotional reactions with dealing with my own mother problems. Also probably because I'm a sick fuck who liked seeing her wallow in her own self-pity at the end.

Then again, I don't enjoy her as much in the rebuilds because she seems much more of a snotty average girl, while in the original series she definitely had a sadistic streak to her.

I can't speak for men because I lack external sex organs.

>> No.6432507
File: 77 KB, 640x467, 1005484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please, let it go. I'm not even sure that's a girl yo'ure arguing with...
I also don't exactly agree with you on Asuka but let's make this a cosplay thread, okay?

>> No.6432511


I loled for some reason. I'll look for more pictures to post later on /cgl/

>> No.6432510
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>> No.6432513
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>> No.6432512

I don't even go to /a/ or /r9k/
I go to /jp/ the worst of both worlds

+you smell like a bitch

>> No.6432519
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>> No.6432529
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>> No.6432532
File: 36 KB, 640x426, 2190712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone was talking about getting the right wig color, I think Clef nailed it but she really doesn't look like Asuka and is way too happy-looking here.

>> No.6432536
File: 76 KB, 640x425, 2505527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6432534
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>> No.6432538
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>> No.6432540
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>> No.6432544
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>> No.6432547
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>> No.6432557

I don't feel you need to be sad to cosplay Asuka, but that's just me. she looks "somewhat" similar, although her facial structure is a bit too rounded.
Do you know who she is?

She looks amazing and the wig is a very good color.

>> No.6432562
File: 48 KB, 426x640, 2612860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, maybe it's because I know Clef so I really can't see her as Asuka, her demeanor is so far from the character that I can't portray her that way. But that might just be me.

For the other girl, I think I found her pictures on cosplay.com, I have some other! (and yes, I agree, she looks amazing)

>> No.6432570

>Although I agree with you about the jealousy part, as a whole Asuka, at least in the original series, is one of the more complex female characters.
No she's not >>>/a/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/jp/

>> No.6432582

Asukafag, I like you. I enjoyed reading your thoughts, and I completely agree with what you said. I like eva, but I am by no means one of its cult followers who has really analyzed all the characters and understood the greater message it has to offer. Even so I found myself feeling the same way about her original character versus the rebuild, and yet I had never actually put it in the way you did. So thanks for getting me thinking!

What do you think of the new designs from the 3rd movie? I am excited for it, but I am worried it is going to be a fanservice fest. Most of what I saw was new female characters, and as much as I love Mari she is clearly purely in the series for fanservice as far as I'm concerned. I also don't care for the redesigned plugs (I love the damaged original one though).

>> No.6432581

>I know Clef

Oh, I see. That may be why. I can't say how her personality is as a person, unfortunately. Haha.

Also, I'm glad you do. She's beautiful as well.

>> No.6432590
File: 84 KB, 640x480, 2209525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my. I was looking for that girl's profile for you and I just found a goddess on cosplay.com.
I'll post more pictures but DAMN girl is making me jelly.

(and Clef is a very nice and friendly girl, really unlike Asuka)

>> No.6432594
File: 65 KB, 397x640, 2182323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad all her photos are crappy.

>> No.6432595
File: 77 KB, 640x581, 2225213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaand fanservice one, but still. Looking a lot more mature there, though.

>> No.6432609
File: 54 KB, 428x640, 2636133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find that girl anywhere, even reverse image search is not working, so I'll just post all the pictures I have. Sorry!

>> No.6432613
File: 41 KB, 420x640, 2637469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaand that's all I have from her!

>> No.6432610
File: 40 KB, 427x640, 2632939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6432621

Is the one in this picture the one you are talking about? She is Ruskicho, right? She's very pretty as well. I'm studying at the moment, but I will post more cosplay tomorrow or later tonight. Including some Rei.

Thanks, you're flattering me. ^///^

I personally feel like Asuka is more ,umm, "worth" than characters purely made for popular admiration. I feel that Anno really portrayed some themes of what life may be like for people who are expected to eb the best and be fearless and who have to put up a ruse like hers to cope with reality (unlike Shinji who instead was overwhelmed by it and cried about it to cope instead). I've been with a couple girls in my past for nothing more than looks or dumb things like that and it never turned out well. If anything Asuka represents the type of girl I admire and would love to be with, someone truly human, not a perfect, adorable miss-princess as we have come to idolize in the female figure today. (and in much anime as well). I admire all of the original EVA characters very much.
Anyway, I'm straying off topic.

>> No.6432624


I feel the designs looks beautiful. The art is very pleasing ot the eyes, it's very well drawn, the effects seem like they will be good. Do I think they're needed and that all that nice art will have any meaning put into them? No. I feel they will be there as another character for guys and girls alike to make their favorite. I myself am guilty of that. I can't deny I like seeing pretty aniem girls, but unfortunately that has deteriorated evangelion. We're slowly starting to see a "harem" of sorts with each new movie that introduces new girls which fit each guy's personal preferences (such as the little sister attraction to whatshisfacce's little sister)

The whole movie series will be a fanservice fest. All I can do is enjoy what I can (such as those tasty plugsuits they come up for Asuka, haha) and explain to people who have ONLY watched rebuild that evangelion used to be something more.

That's okay. I'll search myself and let you know if I find out. Thanks!

>> No.6432627

I have no idea what she's called apart from her coscom username (jersay) but ehre she is : http://www.cosplay.com/costume/233845/

>> No.6432633

She seems to have a different name in her blog, but it's the same girl.


>> No.6432639

Actually know her, shes a nice girl.

A friend and I are looking to craft the 3.0 plugsuits for Kaworu and Shinji. The only differences I can see between them are the symbols on the backpack.

Think its worth it?

>> No.6432735

It depends on your ability and willingness to do so. I am personally the type of person who would prefer to spend a whole lot of time on a difficult cosplay I like rather than a simpler ones I don't want to do as much,

>> No.6432744
File: 6 KB, 275x183, rhyfueyruerfurey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more Shinji.

>> No.6432746
File: 29 KB, 400x600, tumblr_m0laxbTNXr1r60u0xo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432754

Shinji's nothing but a pain in the ass

I want more Ibuki

>> No.6432760 [DELETED] 

Well I have built one before and built a suit of the armor from the Halo series. My first one could have been better but it was..rushed..Con came faster then the funds did. I am willing to spend as much time as possible to complete it.

Also, Goodwill is awesome...Went there, found a skinny fit white T..

>> No.6432792

I've made one before though it could have been better, it was rushed. The con came up before the funds for it did. I am willing to start this given that I have more time.

I'm just glad I was able to find a slim fit white T today.

>> No.6432910
File: 111 KB, 600x896, evangelion___shadowless_by_hikari_kanda-d3inwf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6432914

That photo is about as good as getting a degree in janitorial science.

>> No.6433117
File: 137 KB, 900x606, kaworu_and_shinji_by_bellaid-d46woyg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, did a quick search to try to contribute. Ill find some better ones.

From what I can tell, there really is no difference between Shinji's and Kaworus 3.0 plugsuit.
Guess I should buy some more EVA foam.

>> No.6433126
File: 286 KB, 1024x680, asuka slight headache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6433133
File: 127 KB, 720x1080, 1197382820433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get more cosplay of the side characters?

>> No.6433142

and hopefully not the same old reposts.
Sage for no pictures to contribute.

>> No.6433185


Evangelion cosplay videos! :D

>> No.6433186


>> No.6433188
File: 154 KB, 730x1095, kaworu_nagisa_cosplay___neon_genesis_evangelion_by_sailormappy-d531t8h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6433193
File: 179 KB, 900x600, evangelion_2_0_by_yingtze-d48xe3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find good ones that are not just the main female pilots.

Also, trying to think of ways to make a better plugsuit then my first one...

>> No.6433197
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>> No.6433207
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>> No.6433211

Not bad, would be better if they were in a elevator.

>> No.6433213
File: 374 KB, 1024x683, CI_66536_1352727397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6433219
File: 44 KB, 487x806, Asuka-Plugsuit_lulubird06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

safest duthdt

>> No.6433221
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>> No.6433227
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>that Auska's zipper

>> No.6433228
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>> No.6433236
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>> No.6433238
File: 187 KB, 555x740, e988f1eb40bf855cebf737cbba2d5dd90bdcbea0-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry guys, Just dumping all the asuka/Rei i've saved. Those are the only two characters I like.

>> No.6433243
File: 207 KB, 493x740, 9fc1e6d70b14f536b51f8110c079fd85c670f4f3-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6433248
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>> No.6433249
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>> No.6433256
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>> No.6433260
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>> No.6433258

the fucks going on with that shoop

>> No.6433268
File: 95 KB, 332x500, 49227be5c28fbb778795edc683084d21ae8e0bfe-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6433277
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>> No.6433280
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>> No.6433293
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>> No.6433304
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>> No.6433309
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>> No.6433311

Not really a fan of this one..

This one is better then mine, Ill have to take notes from this one.

>> No.6433351
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>> No.6433507
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You guys should post, I'm in a bad mood..Cheer me up.

>> No.6433519
File: 231 KB, 518x725, Nagisa.Kaworu.full.559031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is an EVA thread, I was wondering ... are there any widely recognized non-school uniform and non-plugsuit outfits for Kaworu? Something casual or formal that people would still recognize as being an outfit worn by him? I'd like to cosplay him but the school uniform is a bit too simple for my tastes ...

>> No.6433527

Nothing wrong with the school uniform if you take the time to get a nice wig and contacts IMO.

My friend and I went as K/S when I didn't have a plugsuit and it seemed to go over just fine. Maybe find a Shinji to go with you so its more recognizable.

I'm sorry I'm not to much of a help, I did a search but I really can't find anything outside of school uniform/plug suit.

>> No.6433534
File: 146 KB, 975x600, 5786347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah I see ... thankyou anyways, Anon! I'd like to be recognized at least once or twice ... I would take my boyfriend with me as Shinji, but he's a head taller than me and a tad too muscular for Shinji though, I think. Maybe I can find someone else to do it with, though ...

>> No.6433555

It would be better if you were about the same height as your counterpart. Thankfully my friend and I are about the same height.

If you are going to do the school uniform, do a search for thin fit white T's. We searched all over the place for some but where not able to find any, I'm a skinny guy so its hard to find....Happen to find one at Goodwill yesterday. Fits so well.

>> No.6433575


I remember a dark red sweater,black pants and white sneakers(?) outfit I saw in some Sadamoto illustration where he is sitting on a winged statue with a black kitten in his lap.