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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6418220 No.6418220[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever bullied or been the victim of bullying?

>> No.6418222


>> No.6418224


>> No.6418225

>cosplay and EGL
>not /adv/

>> No.6418227

Go back to /jp/

>> No.6418272

I go to cons with the intention of bullying you little weeaboo faggots

>> No.6418956

Not really, but back in high school, there was this one virgin guy who totally wanted to get in my pants. He did everything I wanted for me, so I pretended I was interested. Then one day, he finally gathered the (lol) courage to ask me to be his gf, so I just called my actual bf and laughed in his face:)
Even more amusingly, my bf was one of the guys who actually bullied him, like, he was so mad he wanted to punch me but my bf just punched him in the face and we left him there /w face covered in tears and bleeding from the nose. So pathetic, if I had a good camera I would've taken a pic and posted it on-line.

>> No.6418985


>> No.6419006


>> No.6419110

yes people keep making meanspirited threads on here about how fat I am

>> No.6419118

Hi, PT.

>> No.6419119

Wow you sound like a horrible person if any of that is true. i'm glad you're considered nothing but a ugly slut on here.

>> No.6419121


>> No.6419128


>> No.6419161
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>ever since i can remember
>kids hate me, exclude me, treat me different, give me mean looks
>everyone in girl scouts never wanted to be seen talking to me
>literally no friends
>two boys constantly picking on me, calling me names
>grade 5 boys start calling me a whore and telling everyone i have stds
>didnt even know what sex was until 7th grade
>middle school hits
>6th grade painful as hell, same routine over again yet even more classes with boys picking on me
>7th grade ask out a guy for the first time, all his friends laugh at me for the rest of middle school
>freshman year
>start in a new school with all new kids
>dont know anyone, develop hardcore anxiety issues
>eat lunch in the bathroom everyday
>feel like im choking every time i walk down the halls
>10th grade entire history class has something against me
>call me teachers pet and say the teacher treats me special yell at me etc
>go through rest of high school not talking to anyone yet receiving mean looks from everyone

now i practically never leave my house

>> No.6419167
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When it comes to fat bullying I usually say do something about it land whale but on cgl even anorexics get called fat... I just dont get it
>pic related: cgl shitting on everyone

>> No.6419171

Hi /jp/!

I love you~!

-Mystery Man Z

>> No.6419188

why is there a sudden influx of austism in /cgl/? I didn't think /jp/ would ever leave her room... *board.

>> No.6419202

Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimized by Regina George.

>> No.6419208

what's wrong with autism? Why are you discriminating against people with legitimite mental issues?

>> No.6419211

I was bullied a lot, OP. People still try to do it but I learned to wise up to their shit, not that I was never unwise.

I do have an ongoing anxiety problem though. It gets better. Be positive.

>> No.6419219

*raises hand*

>> No.6419220
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I've been made fun of for pretty much everything about me, but I don't see it as bullying, because it didn't really affect me.
I'm incredibly uncaring about others' opinions concerning me.

The things that were ridiculed can be split into two categories: things I can control, and things I can't.
If I can't control it, I didn't choose for it to be as it is, and you're frankly an ignorant dick for making fun of it.
(ex. My nose. I didn't ask for it to grow so big. Sure there's rhinoplasty, but that's expensive and not recommended if you're under 18, so why bother?)
If I can control it, it's there for a reason and fuck what you think.
(ex. Liking a particular series. I'll keep liking it no matter what you say about it.)

>> No.6419233

For the record, I am over 18, I was just addressing when I was younger and bullying was more common.
No one bothers me anymore because no one else cares to.

>> No.6419250

In 8th grade

I didn't get along with many people due to being very anxious and antisocial, but one girl in particular decided she hated me and would talk shit about me whenever I was near her. It really messed with me since I was already extremely self conscious. I have a thicker skin now, though.

>> No.6419251
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In the adult world things do seem to be reversed in an odd way. My work mates feel the need to constantly call me ugly or weak or whatever exactly because the opposite is true and thats their coping method. They love it when an ugly guy says something about being good looking but they would never have that from me lol
You never know, sometimes people are just jealous and we are always our own biggest critic

>> No.6419266
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>teacher's child and 2 of his friends would club me with small logs in the sandbox, throw my shoes away and stop other kids from talking to me on a regular basis
>get picked on for being smart-ish, pale and shy
>become agressive and start getting in fistfights with anyone who messed with me while keeping my shy persona so they'd get suspended and I'd get an apology
>different school halfway through elementary
>shy, regularly singled out again
>yet another school in the last half of elementary
>focus more on having friends
>pick on a guy with ADD who no one liked
>once went as far as convincing a kid to hold him still while another punched him in the stomach because he got better grades than us
>last year elementary
>have a small amount of friends
>top grades
>would still fight back anyone who picked on me and get him suspended but didn't bully anyone

>due to moving around the state like retards miss out middle/highschool and get my ass homeschooled

I've heard bullying gets the worse there but I guess I still know a bit of what it is like to be both.

>> No.6419308

Most bullying is averted if you just don't openly give a shit. I teach so many teens who are overly reactionary to every fucking thing. That's what the dipshits want, entertainment... why are teens so bad at basic logic? I feel for the kids who legitimately come from bad homes and never learn coping skills properly, though.

>> No.6419312

>be in junior high, be a weird looking scrawny aspie
>people constantly bully me, harass me, throw things at me, one girl even spits on me
>get dragged through gravel by my hair while teachers just look on
>go back to being homeschooled through high school
>grow xbox heug tits and child-bearing hips, no longer scrawny, grow into facial features
>go to college, still a fucking aspie even though hot
>most people confused, but try to ignore bizarre behavior
>go into sciences and meet other aspies
>become the goddamn princess of aspieland

>> No.6419332

That's what I tell everyone when they ask why I'm... so stable, I guess.

Bullies want a reaction. Positive, negative, any.
So the only thing you can do is give no reaction.

>> No.6419361
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>be in highschool
>ending of my weeaboo stages
>anything I said the entire class would laugh at me
>I could tell them the meaning of life or anything and they'd all still laugh at me
some chick: "UGH! there is an english test. I have no idea what to do. anyone do the reading?"
me: (gives all the answers to the english test)
same chick. "I didn't ask for YOUR help, you freak."
(whole class bust out laughing)
>this happened in every class I was in
>the only thing that they hated me for was liking anime.. I read manga in class and was the secretary of the anime club.. but other than being a weeaboo that was it. sometimes the kids would take my manga and play keep away. I did speak up for myself, but nothing stopped them. the teachers didn't want to get involved.
>I ended up not talking to anyone in general. I would just be laughed at anyway.

>> No.6419364

I don't know. I was bullied a lot by boys all through high school, and I never once gave them a reaction, but they still kept at it.

>> No.6419368

>Always that weird girl
>No one wanted to play dolls with me, so I befriended the boys
>Played kickball during recess
>Get close to one boy who turns out to be the class heart-throb
>We're besties, other girls notice, I become hated even more
>Fast forward to junior high
>Get picked on pretty harshly
>Others mimic my voice if I ever talk
>Popular girls invite me to be their friend only to sit around telling me everything wrong with my appearance
>Have a huge crush on one boy for a year, finally get the guts to tell him
>He likes me but all his friends convince him I'm too much of a loser to be seen with
>Continually gets worse
>Can't go to lunch because food is thrown at me
>Stay in the guidance office each lunch crying
>No one knows what to do with me

Yup, pretty miserable 7th grade. It was only after I discovered cosplaying, actually, that I started to have a tiny bit of self-confidence after this ordeal.

>> No.6419371

Also, hugs to everyone in this thread who has ever been bullied.

>> No.6419370

It doesn't always work but it'd solve a lot of bullying. I had a small spell in jr high, two incidences with different girls who just felt like bullying me for no damn reason. I didn't react to them and it eventually stopped in one case but not for the second situation until my mother stepped in.

>> No.6419372

agreed. I went through months of bullying without giving two shits. and I just would raise an eyebrow like "really? are you fucking kidding me? jesus christ you are dedicated."

>> No.6419378

Assholes who don't do their work don't deserve help anyhow. As a teacher I rage on good kids who share their work with their peers. Get some balls and tell them to do their own goddamn work.

That said, sorry your hs years sucked. Teens are douchebags. I spend most of my day raging at their horrible natures.

>> No.6419376
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People avoided me, and I avoided them throughout most of my high school years. Or I just skipped altogether.

I was so quiet people though I was mute anyways. I'd get occasional snarky comments from people but, I blocked it out for the most part. Was always staring at the ground.

>> No.6419382

Last time I posted about standing up to bullies /cgl/ got butthurt and called me violent.

Fuck me for not taking shit I guess.

>> No.6419387

bullied in my senior year in high school. it came to a point where the pent up rage caused me to take his umbrella and beat his ass with it.

a couple of years later i see him in one of my college courses. i was seriously ready to throw down the second i saw him in class. bitch fucker wouldn't even look me in the eyes and later dropped the course after a week. lol

>> No.6419393

Well, if you were being violent, then I can understand.. you know.. them calling you violent.

>> No.6419401

> Move 10 times in my life
> Grade 1 have deathly allergy to peanuts chubby girl named Jade threatens to stab to me with a knife with peanut butter on it if I don't do what she says
> I tell her off she gets butt hurt
> Grade 7s are always picking on the grade one girls I go up and tell them off grade 7s stop picking on the grade ones after that
> Flash forward move far away from my hometown be in grade 7
> Move from a laid back valley where everyone friendly to a farm town of rich snobs
> Have a weird accent be chubby
> First day of class math teacher tries to get me to answer a question to something math related I have never learned
> Tells class if I do not answer correctly the class gets double home work
> I answer wrong
> People start threatening me
> Teachers start threatening me and insulting me
> Teacher tries to get me suspended for not wanting to accept Jesus Christ as our lord and savior
> Be in a public school
> Calls parents in to tell them how bad of a student I am
> Be very shy and timid with all this because I am out of my element

>> No.6419408
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i was bullied pretty badly for the entirety of gradeschool,

it doesnt happen anymore, probably because of the way i look now
>ie. not chubby, no glasses, no braces etc.

>> No.6419409

>2nd grade
>walking on a high curb to school from bus
>thing was like a 12-16" above ground
>suddenly some kid who was maybe in 5th grade comes out of nowhere
>shoves me off the curb
>sprawled out on grass as he walks away laughing
>get up get back on curb
>run on it and jump off of it onto his back
>wrap legs around him and pummel his head until he goes down
>jet out of there afterward
Was I bullied again by him after that?

My stance on bullying is that you need to do something about it yourself. Teachers won't do a fucking thing, this has been proven multiple times.

HOWEVER, I will say that bullying has hit a fucking INSANE level. Some of the shit I've read is just...it's not even bullying. It's inhumane.

>> No.6419415

I come from a military family so we move around a lot. I'm also an aspie so yeah. I have no social skills what so ever.

In middle school everyone avoided me like the plague since I would constantly shake and jump around. I was also the teacher's pet and I would get all A's so everybody was pretty much jealous of me.
But then I got really chubby.

I hit High school and went into this pseudo-emo/scenester/weaboo phase. I had lost a lot of weight but I looked like someone hit me in the phase with a shovel and I refused to wear makeup. I wore cat ears on occasion and and anime shirts were the staple of my wardrobe. I never really got physically harassed but I got a lot of verbal harassment. Such as freak, whore, loser, weirdo, etc. There was one bitch though that would constantly steal my stuff but she ended up getting expelled when I reported her. (Last I heard of her she was knocked up and she doesn't know who the baby daddy is)

Flash forward to senior year.
I grew the fuck up. I now dress nicely and I wear a fuckton of makeup. I still don't talk all that much but at least people refer to me as the "Cute quite girl with the big boobs"

>> No.6419422

> Class mates start steeling my things and breaking my stuff
> Class mates start beating me up every chance they get
> Over summer break I become skinny and more attractive
> I don't pay attention to anyone
> People still break my stuff but I do not react
> They start getting worst and following me constantly doing this things all the time
> Teachers do nothing
> Start drinking
> One day I get sick of how they treat me and tell them off
> All grade 8s and a bunch of high schoolers show up at the school a couple days later
> They follow me home
> I call a friend from my old home town so that they see I am talking to someone
> Get home safe
> Next day 100 people are waiting outside for me after school I book it I get home
> My parents call the police
> They are all waiting out front of my house
> They get charged
> Get older and bolder
> Go to high school I stop caring what people think
> I make no friends and enjoy my own company
> Get many hobbies
> People think I am really cool but because of how intimidating I appear nobody talks to me
> Always get put into most fashionable by the school for year book
> Realize I need to be more open minded and kind and not care about my past
> Try to be the nicest person I can be
> Having the bullying to toughen me up and know how to deal with situations better

>> No.6419424

mang i wish my bullies would have tried to hit me instead of just mouthing off

always been a head taller than most of them though, so i see why they didn't.

>> No.6419451

Bullying sucks. I've been on both ends, and goddamn, kids can be real assholes.

>> No.6419450

I got picked on a lot by chubby girls during my high school years. I guess 'cause I was really stick skinny, shy, and didn't have any friends.
I hated having group projects 'cause no one wanted me in their group. And if they were stuck with me, they'd give me the most work, if not all the work.
I never stood up for myself, I let people copy my homework. Only once did a small group ever thank me; they taught me how to make an origami crane. I was happy for that much appreciation.
I ate lunch by myself outside, even if it was cold, 'cause I didn't want to take up space in the cafeteria and inconvenience others or be laughed/pointed at.
One year, I start bleaching and spiking my hair. It looks stupid and "emo". So now I get pushed into lockers and have people mockingly ask how I can see with all that hair in my face. Yet, there WERE other girls sporting emo/scene hair too, but since they were more "attractive" and popular, were never made fun of.

I did make friends later on in high school. And I'm glad they were able to bring me out of my shell a little. But I still lack a lot of confidence in myself.

>> No.6419453

Indeed. There was a guy in high school who went from bullying me a bit to sexual harassment.

Like, cornering me on the way to class and grabbing my arm, pushing me up against the wall and demanding a kiss. He held my arm so tight that I couldn't move. I had bruises all that week. I did manage to knee him in the nuts and run, but I got in trouble for it.

I never was able to fight back, as he was a lot stronger than me (as in, he could do the human flagpole shit. He showed a group of people one day and it scared the shit out of me). I was very vocal, but that wasn't enough.

We found out later that he had gone from school to school because of his behavior. His rich parents were going to donate a large sum to the school if he made it to graduation day. So I had to start fighting back and gathering people to keep him away from me since the teachers wouldn't do anything but blame the countless fights (self defense, by the way) on me. Apparently, losing him meant losing all of that money and we can't have that, now can we?

So he continued to try to get me alone. One time we were in the teacher's lounge making copies, stuck alone. I couldn't leave my work. There was a bathroom near the copier. He pushed me in there and then got behind me, grabbed one of my breasts and my arm, and tried to drag me in there and close the door.
What happened after that is a blur. I know someone came in and made him leave before he could do anything.
But he never got in trouble.
So I ended up trying to hurt him when he tried to do things to me. I was going to get in trouble for things he did anyways, so why not get back at him?
That ended up with me starting shit with him. I don't know why. It was stupid. Still got in trouble but felt better.

Eh, anyways. Don't remember where I was going with that.

>> No.6419465

Sure, when I was in like elementary school. Then I realized that I was larger than pretty much everyone who picked on me. Once I made them aware of that, they got over it.

>> No.6419471

>All throughout 9th grade, girl bullies me for no particular reason
>Come 10th grade, she starts moving to bullying my friend
>Pay this juggalo kid to rape the bully
>Eventually she developed a few EDs and other shit
>Never bullied anyone again

Six years later and I still don't feel sorry.

>> No.6419478

I've been bullied in high school by some wannabe thugs. Apparently, one of them liked me and were angry that I didn't wanna date him so he and two of his friends took to sexual harassment. Things led to an instance of physical violence (one punched me in the arm). I went to the school counselor about it and she was a real bitch because all she did was say, "You're going to have to deal with this later on in life so you might as well deal with it now." SERIOUSLY!? This was a school official saying this bullshit. You know what I ended up having to do? Beat their asses and made sure they bled. Didn't help them any that I was taller than them and was in the school's Strength and Conditioning class.

Really though. I wanted that useless bitch of a counselor to be fired since she pretty much encouraged it. I didn't even get reprimanded for those fights but the harassment stopped after that. Shitty ass administration.

>> No.6419486

Yeah, by my 4th grade teacher. She taught everyone to yell at me to shut up whenever I said anything in class, even answer a question. And worse stuff, too.
Stupid bitch. Why would you be a teacher if you hated kids that much. I was really annoying, but it didn't warrant that. If you don't like kids, being a teacher is probably the most annoying career in the world. It's certainly not worth the money.

>> No.6419491

Dude. I don't get this.

I've taken a couple girls out from work, some felt it, some didn't, whatever.


I have no idea why they get like that. One guy INSTANTLY hates any girl that rejects me like it insults him or something.

>> No.6419500

That's... fucked up. Your story kind of reminds me of my 1st grade teacher who used to rally the other kids into making me cry. He'd make a huge deal if I got an answer wrong and the kids would start laughing. The jackass never did this to anyone else. Another time he was giving random kids including me candy for turning in their work. I said thank you just like every other kids but for some reason he felt the need to say, "I didn't hear Anon say thank you. Did any of you??" It gets worse but I won't get into that.

I don't get it either! My school was full of plenty of other girls his ugly ass could've asked out and yet, he gets super butthurt over a single little rejection. I wasn't even rude about it either since all I said was, "Sorry, not interested." It's nothing serious.

>> No.6419508

I moved the US from a different country when I was 10, so I was automatically "the weird kid". On top of it, I was super tiny - not even 50lbs yet.
Middle school was absolute torture. Two students specifically targeted me in 6th grade - one would stand on my toes in the hallway so I couldn't get away and yell down in my face, calling me names. The other was more passive-aggressive about it.
7th grade, the girls I thought were my friends turned against me - basically Mean Girls in real life. I got nasty notes in my locker, mean emails, and at one point, almost the entire grade hated me for no reason.
In high school, I got called so many names because I was a stick and into art (rather than sports, which all the popular kids did). The worst was when I got a death threat in my locker my junior year, and then my best friend at the time completely stopped talking to me my senior year and wouldn't tell me why.

I was so glad to get out of there.

>> No.6419510

anyone here have low self esteem?

> No one finds me attractive ;.;

>> No.6419515

dont worry bb u can be my waifu

>> No.6419524
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Boys whine all day about how hard it is to be men and how much woman expect of them, they complain about alpha this beta that. Girls actively try to bring each other down about there appearance.

>> No.6419530
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having a classmate accidentally bump into you then screaming out to the rest of the class 'eww, I touched her, gross' is pretty mild, but because of shit like this, I get that little voice in the back of my head saying 'they think you're disgusting'

>> No.6419532


I had a teacher that took a lot of stuff out on me too. My aunt and this teacher were room mates at some point in time and had a falling out. So when she learned who my aunt was she decided to just treat me like shit. Would mark down my grades even though I got stuff right. Would exclude me from class projects, and did all sorts of other petty inane shit that hurt me academically. When my father found out about my grades and yelled at me for it I said it wasn't my fault and blamed the teacher. I remember the following Monday I was sitting in class when I was pulled out by my dad. We went down to the principals office where I sat outside and heard my dad yell at him over the way the teacher was treating me. I didn't go back for like a week, and when I did I was in a different class.

Teacher still gave me hell though, like prohibiting me from going outside with friends during lunch and shit.

>> No.6419536

I think your very pretty, your one of the trips has the best personality in my opinion.
Looks can be faked but an honest beautiful personality can not.