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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 11 KB, 700x467, manflan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6414032 No.6414032[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

whatever happened to flan?

>> No.6414052
File: 56 KB, 700x467, j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6414061

gross is that flan? looks a whole lot different when shes not plastered in makeup and circle lenses

>> No.6414072

She died.

>> No.6414079

Fuck me, that's Flan??

>> No.6414082

Are we having daily "Where are they now?" threads with old cgl circle jerkers?

>> No.6414094

Proof or it didn't happen.

>> No.6414120

facebook. i mean, maybe its not something that should be discussed openly, especially not on the forum that probably contributed the most to her death. I feel bad for her family.

>> No.6414133

Weird. She looks fat there. I know she's actually really skinny but sheesh. What a bad picture.

>> No.6414302

I'm glad she's gone, flan was a real cunt.

>> No.6414322

And you're not a cunt?

>> No.6414342

She's not dead. She still posts here right? She just disappeared from the internet, that's what I think.

>> No.6414347


Flan detected.

>> No.6414354

And you're wrong.

Just a newfag here, thinkin you's a rude bitch.

>> No.6414356
File: 208 KB, 819x819, 1350104272125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She realized that she couldnt get any friends on the internet and had to celebrate her bday all alone, thus leaving afterwards to go outside and try her luck in the real world.. which failed.

also she bought 59 dragon dildoes online and sucked them all.

>> No.6414369


lol, of course you're a newfag. only a fucking newfag would stick up for flan.

>> No.6414378

Hey, you were being disrespectful to the dead.

>> No.6414405

"Happy birthday to me..."


>> No.6414408
File: 410 KB, 770x1075, 1350673886193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best 2hu is still Patchy though.

>> No.6414416
File: 243 KB, 1200x900, 49eg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disagree. Best 2hu is Flan.

>> No.6414417

That's an awful idea.

>> No.6414420
File: 561 KB, 960x1080, 1350587227991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patchy you mean.

>> No.6414424
File: 168 KB, 640x460, 3hn9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how you spell Flandre.

>> No.6414429
File: 173 KB, 700x700, 1350494910255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you spell it like this : Patchouli knowledge, or just short and go with Patchy.

>> No.6414435
File: 209 KB, 700x487, flandre471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's Flandre Scarlet. Or Flan like I call her.

>> No.6414439
File: 1.68 MB, 1200x1700, 1351419858193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she isnt kawaii like Patchy.

>> No.6414441
File: 214 KB, 1300x923, 0debfb7b8c66fba295e631d19b6b06bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course she is. You don't need to worry about anemia with her, either.

>> No.6414445
File: 1.25 MB, 2646x3785, 1350685944320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She isnt smart like Patchy though.. nor kawaii'er.

>> No.6414450
File: 89 KB, 800x600, 3em0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a smart older sister though, and she's just as kawaii.

>> No.6414461
File: 152 KB, 308x306, 1338317450244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this picture
remember her bullying spoony over her tit piercings? Fucking pathetic hypocritical bitch.

>> No.6414466

dat jew nose.

>> No.6414463
File: 1.61 MB, 444x250, 1351374879817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's actually a "mod" on a TF2 prop hunt server. When I asked if that was really the same flan from /cgl/, she left.

>> No.6414464
File: 1010 KB, 1280x1024, 1350588760283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that doesnt count as her then, too bad you lost, also i bet she cant even make sweets.

>> No.6414475
File: 272 KB, 834x1000, 3v7m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says who? It also doesn't matter when you command a Ronald McDonald abomination. You could get him to make anything.

>> No.6414485
File: 711 KB, 708x1000, 1351791728471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But controlling something like Macdonalds only makes you fat.. Then i would rather enjoy some quality time and tea together, act abit more grown-up will you.

>> No.6414488

What was flans name?

>> No.6414493

wat. I don't even like TF2.

The distortion doesn't help either.

I was 16 and got over that at 17.
>mfw you're whinging but have picture(s) saved of me

Yeah. I think I was like 15? 16? and a huge tomboy. I didnt even know how to wash my face let alone eat well.

I don't even wear either aside from several photos though. I still don't get the cakeface accusations.

I post both under trip and anon.

>> No.6414498

>>mfw you're whinging but have picture(s) saved of me
try again bitch, I was cycling through the archive when I saw it.

>> No.6414500

is the almighty flan really here wow

>> No.6414504

>huge tomboy
>posing seductively for a photo


>> No.6414505

You'd have to have gone quite a fair bit then, or , y'know, specifically searched for it :3
Dat logic.

>> No.6414508
File: 1.42 MB, 1500x1100, konachan-com-57009-remilia_scarlet-touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd go to Remilia for tea.

>> No.6414513

Hi there. Excuse me, I'm not sure I recognize you. I'm not on /cgl/ often. I just saw flan and assumed it was a Touhou thread. Could you explain to me what's going on and why people are bitching about you?

>> No.6414514

Following a photographer's instructions somehow means I wasn't a tomboy when I was young? Uh....um...okay...

>> No.6414511


I was searching for something else when your gigantic nose appeared on the screen actually. don't flatter yourself.

>> No.6414522

she's a gigantic camwhoring bitch just about covers it. Is fond of dealing out abuse, not too fond of receiving it.

>> No.6414523

Because I have a big nose and challenge common belief.

>> No.6414526


Is the set of the OP picture available somewhere?

>> No.6414527

I deal out abuse?

And what were you searching that suddenly made a really old, rare photo of me show up?

>> No.6414529
File: 92 KB, 800x800, 1350589710065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about some cake with that also?

>> No.6414525

Dealing out abuse?

>> No.6414530

Not that I know of. I don't even have them. Heck, I wouldn't even know what the originals look like. OP's pic could be edited and I wouldn't have a clue.

>> No.6414539

From what I know it's probably a bad idea to eat any cakes from the Scarlet Devil Mansion unless Sakuya prepared it especially for me.
So why are you named flan? Do you do Touhou cosplay?

>> No.6414546

Nope. I couldn't decide on a name so I used the first thing that came to mind - flan monsters, like in the Final Fantasy series.

Wow the hate here died down quick.

>> No.6414551
File: 140 KB, 673x700, 1350584612187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abloobloobooo ~ Implying that would be better, it wont be filled with love then.

>> No.6414575
File: 1.01 MB, 1768x1252, flanchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat. That's interesting I guess. Does that mean you cosplay FF characters then?
Sakuya is filled with love...so is Flandre. What if Patchouli was weak from anemia and you couldn't protect her?

>> No.6414585

I don't have time to cosplay unfortunately, and I'm in no shape to anyways.

After my move next June I can get into proper styles again. Gyaru and a bit of mori-kei are my main interests.

>> No.6414595

I always used to feel like people hated on this girl unnecessarily. I'm almost convinced now that it's just trolling. People say she's sweet and cute, and others keep posting her and making up stories that just trail off when questioned or confronted.

If there was actual evidence, that'd be different. That's what makes me think it's all some inside joke, or just /cgl/ being terrible as usual.

>> No.6414597

Flan is a shit stirrer and tries to play along with anons, but fails. Usually she insults people's logic and replays the same arguments over and over. Finally it degrades to Flan saying "no! u."

She used to self post here a lot and whine about Dakota but recently stopped for whatever reason. She borders on ugly, but its probably just because of her Jew nose. A good example of why white girls can't be kawaii.

>> No.6414601


>> No.6414599

If you ever do cosplay you actually should try one of the flan monsters! I don't think I've ever seen one before.

>> No.6414604
File: 34 KB, 348x480, 1350484862501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty sure she could cure it with magic, only thing she suffers from is asthma, but in worst case i would give blood to her.

Would you give your life for Flan in worst case?

>> No.6414606


>in no shape to anyways
How come?

>> No.6414611

b-but I thought you were in shape?

>> No.6414613

I think it's more that people are always trying to play victim to what neutral or non-sugar-coated stuff I do say and twist it around out of context.

Play along with what anons? Of course I insult logic here. You know what cgl logic is like.
Considering the regular self posting accusations, I'm shocked you didn't claim this was a selfpost.

>> No.6414620

I love a lot of the gyaru looks and energy. Half is tacky, the other half is awesome.

Skinnyfat. I'm as wiggly and jiggly as jello.

>> No.6414623
File: 745 KB, 627x885, 1294973274391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In worst case she'd snap her fingers and blow everything up. I'd do whatever it took to stop her from dying.
Ah, neat. Well, you looked cute in the pictures so whatever.

Yes that's Rumia.

>> No.6414635

But you're a retard like everyone else in /cgl/ and sometimes worse. You have this superior attitude that you'll grow out of, but it'll probably be the hard way, like all former attention whores.

You look really bad in Japanese fashion, but at least you have the body for it. God speed.

>> No.6414640
File: 268 KB, 520x565, 1350694840425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just get to the agreement that 2hu's from the scarlet devil mansion, be da best.

>> No.6414648

But I don't wear Japanese fashion. Like, I have bits here and there but I don't dress in any correct or set out Japanese style.

The retard opinion's an opinion. Some agree with me, some don't. Doesn't make me a retard though. I've said some silly things, just as anyone has, but that's life.

Thanks! It was all experimentational. I still don't know at all what suits me (makeup, hair, etc).

>> No.6414660


Refer to this thread.

In fact, all you need to do is search Flan on the archives and it turns up loads of shit.


>> No.6414661
File: 150 KB, 850x803, 1293025785223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do what you're doing. You looked cute then. If I'm insulted for thinking so then whatever. I'm not really here a lot anyway.
Mag nigga.

>> No.6414665


>> No.6414666


The fact you walk around professing how superior you are to everybody and how we're all on a lower level of society is what makes people hate you.

>> No.6414672


Do you still post pictures anywhere? I haven't seen anything here, at least.

>> No.6414687

Woah. So there was some arguing with flan. Yep I'm staying out of this one.

>> No.6414692

The thing is, you're taking it all out of context again. That's where the issue lies each time it's brought up.

I called spoony low in society because she was (is?) lazy, got (gets?) all these handouts, did (does?) nothing to help herself and begged for free things/money on other boards.

I've got friends on Centrelink (Australian dole), but they work hard, take care of themselves how they can and study. I don't see them as 'low' by any means. That's the difference.

Facebook and tumblr, but they end up on here eventually I've noticed.

>> No.6414704

"Out of context." I've heard that a few times. That seems to happen. Things always get spun out of proportion when things are said.

>> No.6414709

I love whenever this happens on /cgl/

>what happened to [insert tripfag]
>shittalking commences
>tripfag magically appears in thread to answer every question

The only unfortunate side effect is shitty tripfags returning for their last gasp at attention, like Charms

>> No.6414707

I thought it was hilarious when Flan got called a consolation prize by /fit/ along side PT when they were posting some of the pretty girls from /cgl/. Spoony was one of the prettier ones, which is funny since she's way bigger than Flan and Flan HATES her.

Flan is no where as ugly as PT, but sorta funny /fit/ lumps her in a category with the man-whale-boar.

>> No.6414708

from the looks of it, people ignored everything except the 'govt giving you money' part that flan said. im in agreeance that context was vital and the silly 'im better than you cause youre on the dole' opinion claim is just retarded

>> No.6414712

the spreadsheet was made by derpqueen who openly dislikes flan and gets asslicked by spoony

>> No.6414716

>Facebook and tumblr

I thought you deleted both?

>> No.6414718

I never left and I'm usually on at this time.

>> No.6414722

Where do these ideas keep coming from? :x

I've still got the same ones as always.

>> No.6414726

spoony always mysteriously keeps finding her way on every 'this is cgl' or 'cgl's best' or 'cgl's craziest' or 'cgl's most loved' pics. always. and is usually the first to post each time a new one is created.

>> No.6414733


no flan, you're just a fucking bully no matter how you try to paint it.

>> No.6414738


Makes sense tbh, she is on /cgl/ quite a lot.

>> No.6414740


>> No.6414741

Spoony is alright. First time I've seen her.

>> No.6414742

And tries sucking up to all the tripfags now, too.

>> No.6414748

>"That's not insulting people on the dole. It's insulting the fact that the gov't is taking care of her in every way, and she gives thanks by posting on 4chan begging for money instead of looking for work." Flan, 2012.

You guys still trying to take this beyond what it is? Read all of what Flan said in the original comment, not just the part relating to a majority of the users on here. The two or three of you still trying to go on about this, months after its happened, are pathetic.

>> No.6414751

except pt

she hates annie and pt, so it makes sense that the picture puts flan tp and annie as 'consolation prizes'


>> No.6414752

Damn spam detection:
facebook.com heartflan
heartpon tumblr com

>> No.6414758

Spoony self posts because she's moderately attractive. She's well known on a lot of boards and pretty hated. I'm a girl and I love her figure when she wears a corset. Her face is average, but its got a cuteness to it. I can see how she's put into a category of attractive by other boards or anons.

>> No.6414802

considering its mostly fetishists and selfposts that call her attractive, its still hard to see it as legit.

however shes been asslicking everyone lately, even been trying to get comfy with flan, so i can see how opinion sways

>> No.6414817

Whoops, lost thread sorry.

I have a new tumblr but I havent 'filled' it out yet. Been too busy. The old one is still flandular as usual but I just haven't been using it to post, only to browse.

fb is nyaneow

>> No.6414824

I dunno. I showed a picture of her to my boyfriend and he said "meh. white girl. pass" yet I asked if she was cute and he said kinda. He almost passed out when I showed him her in a corset sooooooo "the fetish" nature helps, but I don't think its why she's thought of as attractive. She's got some good points.

>> No.6414857

Oh, thanks. I hadn't tried browsing it in months, that's why I asked if you'd deleted it. I used to like your pictures.

>115 friends
Now I don't feel as bad about my few facebook friends

>> No.6414864

Do you show your feet?

>> No.6414873

More than 115 is still a "few"?

Holy shit.

>> No.6414882

>More than 115 is still a "few"?

I have a few less, hence "not as bad"

>> No.6414900

I don't use facebook often, and I dont like having unnecessary fillers so 115 is pretty high for my liking.

Not really.

>> No.6414904

Ahh too bad. I bet they'd be sexy if they looked as good as your pictures

>> No.6415040

Does spoony show feet? I want to jerk it.

>> No.6418693


Bottom feeder.

>> No.6418882

Flan is so fucking ugly, Seriously, it takes a shitload of photoshop to make that face look cute. Wouldn't tap/10

>> No.6418984
File: 103 KB, 534x512, 1343156648685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, I know Spoony's story and I just read all the shit that Flan has ever sporadically spat from her fingertips. Seriously, I've never had any contact with you Flan nor care to know you but you know absolutely nothing about Spoony's situation at all. So to say all that trash about her was (is) so very wrong of you. Shit, you know that saying "Walk a mile in their shoes"? Cool, you had it tough and you're coming through it but don't fling mud at someone who has had an equally hard time in life. What the fuck is that about

Man, I'm like frothing at the mouth in disgust

>> No.6418993


>> No.6418997
File: 9 KB, 448x411, 1339676781468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have the other cap where she basically called every person that's ever been on the "dole" and charity nothing but worthless mooches?

>I wanted to cap that post because I thought it was ironic that she claims to work for "charities" and "donates" but at the same time despises every person who utilizes these things. And if all she meant to do was deal a punch below the belt towards Spoony, she sunk awfully low to get there.

Never really understood the flan hate before this. I think I get it now.

>> No.6419027
File: 11 KB, 300x431, tumblr_m9ghf6fJNU1ra2kn2o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wounder what Flan has to say about injured veterans who are unable to work because of their disabilities.

>> No.6419038


>moochi moochers, maybe they should have thought about that before they decided to join a war

>> No.6419040 [DELETED] 

Flan is one of the cutest girl that I have ever encounter seen on

Hey Flan! I hope to chat with you sometimes
Skype - Kanranseki, see you maybe sweetheart <3

>> No.6419041


Dunno if your being serious or not, but the majority of people on the dole are lazy fucks. There are those who seriously cant work, are disabled, or have kids... then there are those who cant be fucked trying to work...so I dont see anything wrong with calling people out on it.

Nearly all of my extended family and their friends, and the people in the area dont work and they are fully capable of it, and are offered so many ways of getting jobs, education, assistance and dont take it because sitting on your ass doing nothing and getting money for it is easier.

I volunteer at charity shops, and donate money as well. But it does not mean I support people who chose to sit on their arse all day, making no effort to do something and claim money.

There are lots of reasons to dislike flan from what I have read in here, but posting that picture and trying to use it as a judge of character is bullshit.

>> No.6419043

Flan is one of the cutest girl that I have ever seen on

Hey Flan! I hope to chat with you sometimes
Skype - Kanranseki, see you maybe sweetheart <3

>> No.6419053

I can understand where you are getting at I knew this guy who had aspergers who would not finish high school and just received government pay checks paid for his conventions and gaming through the internet which pissed me off because he was such a lazy asshole. Made me angry because I am in college right now have handicaps but still are trying to improve myself.

But my father and mother are unable to work, father having no bowls from parasites eating out his stomach ;he sleeps almost all day. My mother retiring to raise us but she has three metal plates in her body from destroying some of the bones in her arms.
I really feel that the government should check people more carefully rather than giving out free money to assholes.

>> No.6419057

the goverment* sorry multitasking

>> No.6419061

I also think Flan is pretty cute, she just needs to get a nose job or shoop her nose before posting it on the internet.

>> No.6419067


The Goverment!? HAhahahahaha

>> No.6419076

Government sorry

>> No.6419077

You fixed something that didn't need fixing. Good job.

>> No.6419082

What is my prize?

>> No.6419090

I can fix the goverment easily.

simply hand out the red book to the whole world.
the best place to hand out the communist manifesto would be, Canada

>> No.6419096


Yep, and I think its 100% acceptable in conditions like your parents that they receive help. And I cant see that anyone has implied that this kind of support was a problem. Only that people like the first guy, who are capable, yet not willing to get out there despite not having all this help are in the wrong.

Im sorry to hear about your parents and your situation though, really sucks.

>> No.6419116

As weird as this sounds I am happier that they are able to retire, before when I was younger my mother worked full time and my father worked over seas I would see him 2 times a year. Was not until I was 9 until I got to know him more. When my dad got injured my mom quit and stayed at home to take care of him.

>> No.6419125

Which is why communist party is reigning over Canada now huh.

>> No.6419129

That guy sounds like all of /jp/. Zing! Also keep on keeping on friend, change is a coming!

>> No.6419133

Thanks Anon.
Harper a dink.

>> No.6419141

Canadians be dumber than a bags of hammers than sickles

>> No.6419145


>Stephen Harper


>> No.6419152

If I become American I will become smart?

>> No.6419153

No. You will become a dumbass.

>> No.6419157

So... I should become European?

>> No.6419160

Do you really want bad teeth and hairy legs/pits?

>> No.6419163

at least americans are dumb enuff to raise their country flag everyday and pledge to it, stupidity at its finest

>> No.6419165

Where do I go to become good?

>> No.6419170

whne you pledge yourself to ohhhh glorious Soviet Mother land.

are you a comrade?

>> No.6419176

Except we don't.
It went down to doing the pledge only on Fridays, down to like once a year.
Nobody knows the pledge of allegiance anymore.

And yet they can recite this stupid song about a mc donald's burger.

That, sweet anon, is stupidity at its finest.

>> No.6419179

No but I look Russian. Can I be Russian now?

>> No.6419184

I do Canadian national anthem evryday

>> No.6419228

be a Comrade!

>> No.6419293

Flan do you have a boyfriend? Or girlfriend?

>> No.6419305

back the fuck away, shes mine!

>> No.6419306 [DELETED] 


>> No.6419314 [DELETED] 

DerpQueen where are you...

i saw you comment, you're a communist.

>> No.6419334

hey DerpQueeeeeen I saw you commented and deleted it.
Come out and show your tit bags if you're not a coward.

>> No.6419339


>> No.6419411
File: 75 KB, 760x571, 1344857158614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flan getting called out for her shit
>is such a stubborn bitch that she won't even admit that what she said is fucking ignorant

HAHAHAHA. What a loser! Flan's a loser.
All I know is Flan wouldn't be fucking anywhere if she didn't get help. She just got lucky and it makes me laugh how she sits around and gloats like she built herself up from nothing when she fucking didn't. Hilarious.

>> No.6419472

Hey! Leave her alone, I care... I care about her!

>> No.6419481

When you gonna lemme clap dem cheeks, girl?

>> No.6419482

>mfw this has become my default line to hitting on my female friends and it works

>> No.6419527
File: 496 KB, 500x281, Dragon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>et any friends on the internet and had to celebrate her bday all alone, thus leaving afterwards to go outside and try her luck in the real world.. which failed.
>also she bought 59 dragon dildoes online and sucked them all.

>> No.6419581

I never got to hear her speak Japanese. My respect for her would have soared to the ceiling.

>> No.6419974

anyone got that photo of flan where she immitated kotakoti style?

i remember it being pretty good.

>> No.6419981
File: 121 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m3jw18q0xu1qg6u7io1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6419984

her nose fell off

>> No.6419988

yah that. the styling is very very good, shame bout the nigra nose tho.

>> No.6420016

What the fuck is "whinging" and why does everyone seem to think it's a suitable replacement for "whining?"

>> No.6420018

Flan is right to complain about those dole-vacuums. Nothing in life is free, things/actions are always traded in exchange for something. That's the rule of nature and life. Just stop whining, winging and do some regular hard work - harden the fuck up.
So what if flan's a jewish-russian-aussie trust-fund baby? Nooboodycaerrrs. Atleast she's working, doing something decent with her life insteadof fucking around.

If she ever moves to the states she'll be an honorary Republican.

>> No.6420034


dole = financial assistance, charity
whinging = whining + winging

whining = complaining, bitching.
winging = not doing anything, not giving a fuck.

whinging = bitching about shit while not doing a fuck about the situation.

flan is still a pence pinching jew.


>> No.6420051

Whinging is having a whinge. It's used commonly in the UK.

>> No.6420402

>at least she's working
Yeah, thanks to her boyfriend who put a roof over her head and food on the table first. Without him she'd be on the "dole" all the same.

Self-righteous cunt.
How dare she act like she had nobody and magically pulled this shit out of her ass.
And btw, having some mediocre job isn't much of an accomplishment. And it must be pretty fucking mediocre if she keeps having to remind people and bring it up all the time.

If your actions can't speak for themselves, then they must not be that great.