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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 261 KB, 1200x800, 411b2a1d9fc2f39435b9be6836a00a6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6410944 No.6410944[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The last one got nuked, presumably because of how retarded you were all acting.

Let's try again. Keep the idiotic drama and rumors about people's personal lives to a minimum this time.

>> No.6410953

You guys had ONE job

>> No.6410961

go back to /co/ or tumblr. preferrably the latter. im tired of this shit fandom permeating every fucking part of my online life.

>> No.6410964

Alright, I was going to link to my last post but the thread got deleted.

What's your next con, and will you be cosplaying from Homestuck there?

>> No.6410971


/cgl/ homestuck threads are REALLY easy to avoid. you should be glad all the homestuck faggotry is contained to solitary threads, honestly.

>> No.6410969
File: 43 KB, 650x450, 03524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a question in the last thread about future Homestuck cosplay plans-

I'd really like to try doing rainbow drinker Kanaya someday using Kryolan's UV makeup. Does anyone know if anyone's tried this already, or how well the UV makeup actually works?

>> No.6410980
File: 795 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_m8o0rcEVtA1rs1yhho4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /cgl/ think of species swaps? Like troll kids. I'm doing a troll version of John soon and I literally haven't seen a single good one so I'm really trying not to end up like pic related.

>> No.6410982
File: 25 KB, 400x300, sober-gamzee-cosplay-32541448-400-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6410990
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>> No.6410986
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>> No.6410994
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>> No.6410997
File: 676 KB, 1280x1920, kanaya about to kick clown butt or take names and she already knows your name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been posted before, but if anyone knows this cosplayer's name I'd greatly appreciate it.

>> No.6410999

I think troll kids are an adorable idea, but humanstuck rarely turns out decent since they're usually written off as lazy.

>> No.6411004
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>> No.6410998


I think it's a really cool idea when done well. I love Emlan's troll kid designs--John's horns looking like the back of a hammer is perfect.

>> No.6411005


Con season is over for me for a while. I'll probably start work on next year's cosplays during winter break, when I have more time and money.

I'm hoping that more detailed and "canon" art of the Mage outfits are revealed in the comic soon. God Tier Sollux is something I've been interested in, but I'd rather wait until the official design is released.

>> No.6411006
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>> No.6411007
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>> No.6411010
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>> No.6411011
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>> No.6411021
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>> No.6411022


Exactly, be thankful we're not contaminating progress and help and con-specific threads with our foulness.


Going to Katsu and bringing at least some ancestors. Possibly something else depending on whethe I want to do paint more than one day

>> No.6411020 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 646x451, g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

male jade harley at Shadocon. I was going to do lil seb but didnt get it done in time.

>> No.6411028

Is anyone here going to Shado-con this wekend?
I'd love to meet some of you!

Here's my list!
saturday- jadesprite
saturday night- promstuck rosy (I'll have a red dress on and I'll be with a dirk)
Sunday- Himari from Mawaru penguindrum
Also, I saw a post on tumblr of someone pointing out that Karkat had freckles of some sort.
How long to you think it will take before people start using acne-freckles for him because it's "canon''

>> No.6411030
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>> No.6411031
File: 294 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_m7wdcwTcLX1rqm1t7o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next big-ish con will probably be Anime Boston.
My cosplay ideas are up in the air, since for once a whole bunch of friends want to go, but I will probably cosplay homestuck again. Either Jane again, or Ms. Paint.

Not me in the picture by the way, I just found this Jane cute.

>> No.6411033

I've got one coming up this weekend and another in December but Katsu is my next major one. I think I'm only bringing Disciple and Nepeta, though? I might be forgetting one but in the end it depends on what my group drags me into

>> No.6411036

Im going to Shadocon. Ill be doing male jade for sat and friday and sunday were having a pajama day. Its a pretty relaxed con imo so im not going all out or anything like that.
OH and as for promstuck im one of the co hosts and ill be rose in a short puffy homecoming dress i have.

>> No.6411040
File: 113 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mdftbsGolW1r07w14o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wondercon, if it's in SF again.
The jizzybro rendition of queen bitch Trickster Jade in the pixelly dress or either Jade in Eclectica/Iron Lass (whichever is finished first)
(also Dark Smoke Puncher if Chris Hastings is there)

>> No.6411046
File: 689 KB, 900x603, tumblr_mdepiywto51qfu6zso4_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- or Handmaid, if I decide to follow through with the fabric and alternate design that I have.

>> No.6411044

ahaaa shadocon. me too. trying to finish godtier Meulin and Dreamer Nepeta rn haha. honestly I don't really want to go but I want to see friends again and obligations

>> No.6411045
File: 117 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mbwtl9nfH51ryluqqo9_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Setsucon, Mayyybe Ohayocon, Anime Boston, Mayyybe ACEN, and Mayyybbe Kotoricon are my cons before summer.
The only costume I completely plan on is hemostuck nepeta for Katsucon. I haven't decided what I'm wearing for any of the others.

>> No.6411054

wow i'm using my homecoming outfit too!
I hope to see you there! We can talk for a bit! :)

I didn't really want to go at first, but i'm using it as a chance to celebrate my birthday!

>> No.6411052
File: 130 KB, 774x1032, aranea_serket_by_congirltap-d59a86h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish. Most of my friends are going to Shado, but I'm stuck going to Chibi-Pa.

>> No.6411062
File: 1.55 MB, 700x1050, tumblr_m72eqiIua41r8rvxqo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops forgot to add a pic

self post sorry

>> No.6411074
File: 969 KB, 669x1000, tumblr_md9cfwTJt71qh868xo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bringing Psionic, hackstuck!Sollux, Eridan, Aces!Dave and GT!John
they are mostly for private shoots though...

>> No.6411081
File: 188 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mcvvn8iZpP1qb9cuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6411089

What is hackstuck?

>> No.6411092
File: 1.14 MB, 1000x846, tumblr_md9cfwTJt71qh868xo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like this latula btw

>> No.6411093
File: 357 KB, 643x900, 3c39ce57713ba396b532ce9542b21abf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katsucon for me. It's probably looking only like Meulin for me, but I'm kinda temped to switch her out for Jade.

>> No.6411100
File: 168 KB, 1280x803, _hackstuck_designs_3_final_by_kerii_tan-d4jmm4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill be sollux for the saturday hs shoot i think and my friend is making hackstuck!feferi

>> No.6411110

Katsucon, and I'm split between doing Kanaya again or doing Roxy because I want a silly cosplay to so. I can only really spare time for one.

>> No.6411114

Holy shit, that's such a cool idea. I'd actually like to cosplay from this someday.

>> No.6411117
File: 41 KB, 500x333, tumblr_lwq6a5wNTR1qgp5aro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep an eye out for you at promstuck too, that sounds cute.

>> No.6411120

really cool AU, designed by tinybro on tumblr. they may be a tumblr that collects all the designs.

>> No.6411125

Yep. Shado is officially my I don't give a shit con and I'll be doing every canon Leo cosplay because I don't plan on wearing them much after this con.
Friday is Regular Meulin, Regular Nepeta, and Godtier Meulin.
Saturday we have Godtier Nepeta, Dreamer Nepeta, and Disciple
Sunday is Pounce de Leon/Catmom because Florida needs more Lusii love.
Hope to see you there!

>> No.6411126
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x875, tumblr_md9cfwTJt71qh868xo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it~!
we are putting lights on the design for my jacket and on my feferi's trident
we have a group of the kids for the con after that [momocon] going to be dave for that
i think we are bringing them up to otakon again sicne my friend wants to do vriska over there

>> No.6411147
File: 745 KB, 1594x1000, _hackstuck_designs_2_final_by_kerii_tan-d4bkibw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hackstuck.tumblr.com has everything collected, hasn't been updated for a while though

>> No.6411149
File: 814 KB, 1594x1000, hackstuck_designs_final_by_kerii_tan-d48dy7l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6411153

It wont be to hard to find me. ill be on stage with the other two host saying the rules and later on handing out the king/queen princess/prince prizes. Woo! hope we can all chat!

>> No.6411161

oh gosh that tavros design i love it!

>> No.6411165

The designs are great, and I love them a lot, but holy shit that CLAMP anatomy. I'd definitely have to adjust it to suit my short legs.

>> No.6411171

I love those designs so much

too bad you need to have the anatomy of a fashion mannequin to pull off any of the female designs

>> No.6411203

Aw butts I wish I could go, have to settle for something closer aha. Have fun!
Holy shit.
Alive Aradia on Sunday for Chibi-Pa, this weekend!

>> No.6411211
File: 109 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mdfm49oFTc1qb958lo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6411215


Dave's outfit rreminds me of iori yagami from the kof series

>> No.6411223
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>> No.6411236
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>> No.6411230
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random stuff from the top of the tag time

>> No.6411233

Good Dirk, but I hate kingtomcat's Roxy.

>> No.6411234

Shadocon for me, this coming weekend. Probably taking GT Dave, Kankri and Diamonds. Possibly also Karkat.
I'm under the impression it's going to be badly run so I'll probably spend most of the con hanging out and taking pictures.

>> No.6411240
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>> No.6411241
File: 786 KB, 1257x1185, tumblr_mdfzrz2dtc1qjuhp5o8_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6411248

Because I'm flying cross-country, my trio's only doing Homestuck since it's easier to pack.
So of course we decided to do Ancestors.

Anyway, The Condesce, a bunch of Roxy's, Porrim, and default Jade.

Oh I posted that. I picked it up from a group upload from Tumblr, but

Kids to trolls tend to work out really well, whereas trolls to kids do tend to look lazier

>> No.6411245
File: 92 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mdg1fmWbRR1r04cugo1_r2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6411246

Who is this even supposed to be....?

>> No.6411247

Gonna try to talk about AUSA without drama. Post your favorite cosplays of the weekend!

My favorites had to be this family, one day they were Roxy/Jake and their baby was Jaxy, and the other she was Spidermom, her husband was Terezi and their baby was Vriska.


>> No.6411250

Dat hooker kanaya

>> No.6411256

Actually, it's apparently humanstuck Kanaya.

Let that sink in.

>> No.6411257
File: 331 KB, 528x900, tumblr_mdfhkysZex1rur8wfo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6411251

No gold star for you. You didn't even try.

>> No.6411295

Oh man, I'm doing Chibi-Pa too this weekend.
I hear its going to suck though.

>> No.6411296 [DELETED] 

I love that Aradia, the skirt is perfect. Such a cute take on Aradia's outfit.
Eridan isn't awful, they cropped the worse parts of the outfit out (the horns, wearing creepers instead of Eridan's shoes) and their wig is one of the better Eridan wigs but something still looks wrong with it.

>> No.6411300

I love that Aradia, the skirt is perfect. Such a cute take on Aradia's outfit.
Eridan isn't awful, they cropped the worse parts of the outfit out (the horns, wearing creepers instead of Eridan's shoes) and their wig is one of the better Eridan wigs but something still looks wrong with the cosplay.

>> No.6411308

Oh wow this is so freaking adorable.

>> No.6411309


I'm going but I'm really not sure about my line up.
Tavros friday.
I was thinking kurloz for saturday but the costume doesnt look very good on me.
Warrior U on sunday and Gamzee for promstuck.

>> No.6411313

holy crap, warrior u? do you have a yumblr because i might have to follow you just for that.

>> No.6411314

Oh sweet, maybe I'll see you there! It has gone down in quality, they keep on changing the venue! But hey, I get to hang out in silly costumes with friends, so it's not that bad lol.

>> No.6411337
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>> No.6411338
File: 544 KB, 2000x2000, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously the best gamzee cosplayer 2012

>> No.6411341

I left the thread when it was somewhat constructive discussion about panels. What the hell happened?

>> No.6411346 [DELETED] 

its dumb and gay and i dont really follow any warrior u blogs, but uh if you still want it theslinkywontslink

>> No.6411349

Last thing I posted was me saying my opinions on the monologues which was basically that the only successful sadstuck was the Sollux/Karkat skit, the Feferi skit was hilarious, the Kanaya skit did well and got some chuckles and the Latula should have never even shown up because she not only ruined someone else's skit she couldn't even do hers.

>> No.6411352

Then I came back and the whole thread was gone whoops.

>> No.6411359
File: 132 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mdfcyyJRZM1qb6azuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6411365

I have to say, the best one was definitely '09 at the Crowne Plaza.

>> No.6411375

I just wanted more cute Homestuck-inspired fashion. Did anyone post more after the first John-looking one? I didn't even get to save it.

>> No.6411376

Which one is you?

>> No.6411384

hahaha only noticed this now but yeah, reminds me of iori too.

>> No.6411385

The aranea!

The meenah is Serket8reaker on tumblr!

>> No.6411391

oh my god party city horns that doesn't look like shit. i'm impressed.

>> No.6411395

You look cute! What's that under your skirt though? I'm curious.

>> No.6411396

Oh hey it's me!

>> No.6411399
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x1707, tumblr_m5sla42gZF1r1enhmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's two petticoats. My original plan was to get some from the theatre store near me before the con but i never got a chance to do it so I had to get to thin petticoats and one kept slipping down because it's too big :(

Pic realated, it's me in the background.
The best picture of me obviously.

>> No.6411400
File: 239 KB, 800x531, 0af0fb7f95a09c9eb6f3702c307a4a81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look fnatastic!

>> No.6411401
File: 491 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_m5sb750CiU1r5ug96o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres more
sorry for self posting,I just have one more with a jane and a jake!

>> No.6411402

OH MAN that Rufio was so awesome. He had no idea what Homestuck was and was so excited that people knew who he was.

>> No.6411403
File: 387 KB, 1280x956, tumblr_m5s8jpnwGb1qlg4y1o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6411405

Holy shit you are cute.

>> No.6411411

more of that great rufioh

>> No.6411414

rufio** Ha I'm to use to spelling the other one. Sorry

>> No.6411418
File: 140 KB, 900x598, hs__disciple_cosplay_02_by_alxmb-d580ec9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw thank you! I have more pictures on my tumblr (horror-terrors) in the berry tag, I don't want to spam the thread anymore!

>> No.6411419
File: 80 KB, 368x628, tumblr_m61n8egfuH1qeh4wy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6411421

I've brought this up before to friends but ask here:

What are your thoughts on cosplayers who poke out the lenses on their glasses for characters like Jake, Jane, etc?

I know some people prefer lenses kept in place but pictures like >>6411400 bother me when the glare is super evident in pictures.

Do I keep lenses in and suffer through that, or does it look worse to have no lenses?

>> No.6411426
File: 599 KB, 1280x1707, rogue_jane_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rogueshenanigans is pretty much my favorite/headcanon Jane, but she seems to have a limited amount of photos of her costume that are good.

>> No.6411431

I say glasses with no lenses look stupid. The character needs glasses to see, so the relfections and glare is kind of expected. It can easily be avoided, though, if your photographer is paying attention.

>> No.6411432

I took the lenses out of my Vriska glasses, just because I know that there will be flash at cons. But for private shoots, lenses would be nicer.

>> No.6411436


ah shes cute but wuh her foundation is so much darker than her face why

>> No.6411437

In movies, actors wear glasses with no lenses so that there will be no glare.

>> No.6411439
File: 285 KB, 399x599, tumblr_mdfzvf4PJv1qlur45o3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how now all kinds of poorly constructed shit is called fancy dreamer. What have you done, rumminov.

>> No.6411440

glasses without lenses just look costume-y and really dumb, imo.

>> No.6411445

oh dear lord what is that monstrosity

>> No.6411447


>> No.6411449

oh that sucks. i hope you can get a better petti next time!

>> No.6411450

I almost asked who this was until I saw the red spoon. How on earth is this Jane?

>> No.6411451

She needs to re-do that shirt.

>> No.6411452

Yes, but someone puts in a lot of effort so that most of the time, you can't tell that there are no lenses. Most cosplayers and con photographers are not going to be able to pull that off.
That said, to each their own. I wear glasses with lenses, but I know people who don't. As long as you're happy with the result of your cosplay, that's all that really matters.

>> No.6411455
File: 316 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mdfa6nATEb1qfc3o4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are all terrible.

>> No.6411461

Wow. I am impressed. I don't think I've seen a sadder line-up.

>> No.6411463
File: 292 KB, 2500x2500, E9CYY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My next con is Ohayocon and I'll be in a fancytier group as Aradia! Other upcoming cosplays include Mindfang and Aranea

>> No.6411500

>Mfw i got bitched out by a Dave of this caliber for being god tier Dave just for being god tier Dave.

>> No.6411501
File: 66 KB, 720x960, nepeta progressssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back again HSG.
Finally got my Nepeta wig and cut it some.
Horns aren't working out quite right because they slide off the headband too easily, so I need to secure them a little better.
Probably going to use screws instead of wire.
Any advice how to make the wig/shirt/horns/whatever look better?

>> No.6411507

The shirt and wig look already pretty good to me. You would want to make your horns look like they are popping out your head, not just sitting above your wig. Also your fangs look... Weird?

>> No.6411515

are you going to do her hat? that will probably help cover up the base of the horns some, but if not then try to add some volume to the wig around the base of the horns so they look less like they're floating above your head and more like they're actually growing from it.

>> No.6411524
File: 257 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mdg8xkpaaE1raywb2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6411536
File: 105 KB, 500x667, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey HSG, what's your opinion on straight hair vs. curly hair on some of the more ambiguous sprites? Like Jade, Vriska, ect.

>> No.6411541

Thanks! The fangs aren't fitted to my teeth yet, so I just shoved 'em in for the picture... ;;;

I'll play around with adding layers to that area then to help cover up the base of the horns some. Hopefully that will help add some volume and make it look better.
I do plan on making the hat, once I learn how to make a hat that doesn't look like fleece slapped together. lol

Thanks again seagulls. <3

>> No.6411547

So I was thinking of cosplaying Rose's white outfit at the beginning of the comic because I think it's really cute!
I was wondering what you guys thought of the headcannon where Rose has lavender hair. I think it's really cute but I'm not sure how people would react

>> No.6411549

i think jade has canon straight hair a little messy though. Vriska is curly wavy very messy but not "ive thrown this wig around on a football field for a year" but yea.

>> No.6411553

i saw a gifset where someone did the lavender hair once and i love it! be careful though, it's really easy to pass right over "pastel goth cute" and into "this is really obviously a wig" territory.

>> No.6411556

yeah, still have no idea how people think jade has curly hair at all, that's about as canonly straight as it gets.

>> No.6411567
File: 778 KB, 1280x1913, 1351040535563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either way is fine, depending on how the wig is styled. For straight wigs, you still need to style in the volume and spikes, and for curly wigs, it should be somewhat loose and not full ringlet-tier. What you've posted is a very good example of curly Jade, even though I'm more partial to just volume with a slight waviness. Picture related is what I would consider TOO curly, the fringe has promise but the ends are way off base.

>> No.6411591
File: 116 KB, 538x334, 741464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vriska has straight-messy hair and I get really mad that almost everyone wear curly wigs.

>> No.6411597

Someone told me once that it's because getting the volume required for a good straight Vriska or Jade wig is really hard so a lot of people just do curly instead because it looks thicker. I don't know if that's everyone's excuse, but it strikes me as really frustratingly lazy.

>> No.6411594

Sorry, but I think it's really dumb. Nobody has natural purple hair and I doubt a 13 years old could maintain such a color.

>> No.6411601

A normal thirteen year old, maybe, but this is Rose. Could you really imagine Rose not maintaining it if she were to dye her hair?

>> No.6411610

I doubt. Even if it's Rose, she is only 13. It's almost the same thing Hanyaan said about making her velvet dress with crushed velvet. She is only 13 and she is kind of a mall goth.

>> No.6411616

It strikes as lazy for me too. If you search enough (hey fantasy sheep!) you can find really thick wigs that are straight. That's no excuse.

>> No.6411619

In the [S] Flip flash she is very clearly shown with curly hair though. I can't get a screencap because my computer is on the fritz, but she HAS been shown with curly hair before.

>> No.6411629

Well if you say so, when you can, please screencap it. I've watched that flash but for me it's ALWAYS straight.

>> No.6411646

Rewatching the flash, that looks wavy and messy to me, but I wouldn't go so far as to say curly.

I can see how someone would think of that as curly though, so I don't really mind so much when I see Vriskas with curly hair, but I'm never gonna understand the Jade side of things.

>> No.6411663
File: 492 KB, 900x594, tumblr_md8nfwtzMH1qhc1x7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



here's the john. somebody posted those hoodies, too, and a tshirt that I didn't get to save

>> No.6411670

...that doesn't look hipster. That just looks stupid.

>> No.6411681

where does it say hipster?

>> No.6411687

Oh fuck I misread something. Nevermind.

>> No.6411691
File: 34 KB, 559x491, vriska hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon here. Here are some shots I got of her hair.

>> No.6411696
File: 76 KB, 1096x898, vriska flip hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a few screencaps and it still looks pretty ambiguous, seeing as it's all rendered in one colour with no depth/highlight/shadow. Could be curly, could be messy straight. And seeing as Hussie has encouraged personal interpretation in matters of character appearance, I don't think anyone can technically be wrong.

>> No.6411705

Has anyone successfully worn larger horns using something besides a headband and have them still stick up? I've seen some people use hair clips for smaller horns but that wouldn't work on larger ones because of weight.

>> No.6411714

It still looks straight-messy-spiked for me...

>> No.6411723

yes, that was the one, thanks! it's so cute! anyone have the hoodies saved, or any others like this?

>> No.6411764
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>> No.6411765
File: 24 KB, 656x221, mdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>update came out like 2 days ago
>almost done
>beading it herself

wat. I feel like this is going to look awful...as usual.

>> No.6411769
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>> No.6411774
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>> No.6411777
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>> No.6411787

WOW i want those sweatshirts

>> No.6411798
File: 143 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mdgd6lkYEh1qe5sa4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6411804
File: 104 KB, 225x400, tumblr_mdgc454LvK1qe5sa4o1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about this Feferi's face bothers me.

>> No.6411811

Who made these? Are they for sale?

>> No.6411808


All of them are wearing the Party City horns in different ways. I loled.

>> No.6411817


Apparently they are not currently interested in taking commissions for the hoodies.

>> No.6411819

I think its her chin.

>> No.6411822
File: 91 KB, 301x449, tumblr_mde0y9PtCD1r2ugj9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beading it? what? theres not a single bead on roxys dress what is this girl talking about

>> No.6411826

Making those curly ends of the dress into strings of beads, maybe? Beading a rope to use for the waist string(s)?

>> No.6411832

Sometimes if I smile too big it makes my chin look super long, that might be why? I've seen this fef irl and her face doesn't seem as long as it does in the photo.

>> No.6411835

Eh yeah. Sorry, I do tend to have a man face and that's why I stick with cosplaying males. This was my first shot at cosplaying a female, let alone a troll female, and I wasn't expecting it to turn out well at all.

I'll be giving her another shot though. A bit more feminine makeup should do the trick, but since I'm honestly at a loss for female make-up skills, I'll practice on myself a bit more and could use some advice?

>> No.6411836

missed the last thread but any pmx pictures?

>> No.6411857

Who is this? I always see something posted about them in HSG but I've never seen them outside of here. A quick glance through their blog and they just seem like any regular attention-whoring cosplayer. What's their drama?

>> No.6411860


Oh geez, I found myself

>> No.6411889

that's basically it. she's an attention whore and has a huge ego.
She rushes costumes to try and be "lol first!!1" and looks pretty damn mediocre but is "known" as "lyke da bestt roxy evarr"
or something.

>> No.6411903


I think part of the problem is that the photo posted is really small, so it throws everything off in general.

Though I'd also say to tone down the height of the peaks of your lipstick by just a bit.

>> No.6411935

There are a lot any request?

>> No.6411937

Really wish the hamsteaks would start frowning on the ME FIRST shit.

it barely ever looks good and just causes MORE RETARDED TUMBLR DRAMA

i'm probably expecting too much from teenagers again


>> No.6411939

i really like this roxy
but she needs to fix her shirt, the symbol looks awkward

>> No.6411943

Lately I've seen people on Tumblr getting annoyed with the 'ME FIRST' bullshit, especially when it came to the gas masks. The only one that people really liked (that I saw) was that hilarious denizen cosplay that was an obvious joke.

From what I'm seeing, it was funny at first but now everyone is getting tired of it.

>> No.6411959
File: 89 KB, 500x669, tumblr_m5q7ze4qja1qav77ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Anon from the last-last who wanted sculpting help still around? They posted a WIP picture of their trident and I had some tips, but didn't have time to reply.

I'm not the best cosplayer so usually I just stick in the shadows and make props. I kinda wanna try a Vriska or Aranea cosplay though, I think my face could fit.
(Pic is not me, by the way)

>> No.6411965

last last thread***, excuse me

>> No.6411971

I've never seen her do a costume first though..? She just does costumes fast from when she starts them. This would be her first like "first" thing if she actually does it

>> No.6411972
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>> No.6411983
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>> No.6411984


I really hate Hemostuck and other fanfics in the same overly pretentious vein, but this group turned out really good. My only complains are that Karkat looks a bit plain next to the rest due to his design, and Aradia's horns look a bit too... jagged? They're very angular, but that might be a mimic of how Roachpatrol draws.

>> No.6411988
File: 422 KB, 1280x848, tumblr_mdge2shKBz1qcltrio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6411989

The horns fill me with loathing

>> No.6411995
File: 96 KB, 426x640, tumblr_mdfrnd04Q21rueu97o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6412012


why don't more people get zentai suits for these it would look a hundred times better

>> No.6412039

what au is this supposed to be?

also i've never seen aradia horns that were shaped like that. not sure how to feel.

>> No.6412044
File: 214 KB, 498x750, tumblr_m807p9HmAQ1qmroqyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she did roxy's godtier as soon as the rogue design came out, and overall just really rushes her costumes and they all end up looking terrible and inaccurate. yet somehow she's still regarded as a amazing roxy, which i cant understand

>> No.6412046


why does everyone seem to hate the party city horns

i dont think they look that bad but i guess theyre kind of inaccurate

>> No.6412050


>> No.6412058
File: 372 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_mcqctma5gT1qzq9s7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6412059

People got butthurt. Were asking about Friendleaderp and derpderpmotherfucker's weird larping with each other. Asking about TermianllyxSadistic and mohawkdandy. And just over all ragging on BNFs and wanting to go into their personal business. The thread got nuked about then.

>> No.6412061

That's not broadway aradia is it?

>> No.6412063

What really annoys me is that the horns are (semi) realistically detailed, but people always seem to repaint them with straight red/orange/yellow parts. I think it would look so much better if they had a smooth colour fade.

>> No.6412073

Hemostuck. Also, the artist for the fic draws very angularly, which is why I'm assuming they went with the horn shape.

>> No.6412091

What a great group. The Eridan has a bit of an unfortunate looking face. But that might be not knowing how to do eyebrows, contouring correctly. That Aradia is gorgeous.

>> No.6412096

does anyone have tips for applying snazaroo? i'm probably trying it the wrong way because it's taking forever, won't cover at all and doesn't dry too. i read yaexrae tutorial but i'm still having problems.

>> No.6412117


probably because she has a cute face and acts "sassy"

>> No.6412127

I'm the god tier Aradia in these pictures! And I just wanted to say I personally like the party city horns, despite mixed feelings on them. To each their own, I suppose!

(PS: thank you, /cgl/, for entertaining me even in the darkest of times.)

>> No.6412136

you are really cute. you should change your boots for fancy GT aradia, though.

>> No.6412139

Holy hell that gamzee is really hot in my opinion, their lanky arms just really fit and looks really hot.

>> No.6412142


Just curious- what's up with your wings? They're all droopy and the colors are inverted.

>> No.6412143

except she hasn't like posted a photoshoot or anything yet yelling first so I don't know what you're talking about. Not the best construction but she was pretty nice to me and my friends

>> No.6412163
File: 56 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mdghzlZvsP1rw85iwo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean though?
You just apply it on like any other make up..
you just might be using too much water in it
you literally only use a tiny drop of water for it
I really love snazaroo because I heard it doesn't make your skin all greasy like ben nye
as you can see here
pic related: what my snazaroo make-up looks like when I apply it

>> No.6412167

You guys should post more lanky hotties so i can add them to my "hit list" thanks.

>> No.6412169


Aw thanks! I plan to; they were just the closest thing I had, and it's a pain for me to find shoes that fit, haha...


They're like that because I literally made them in the hotel room and didn't think through a harness... The pins were probably slipping at that point, which was really unfortunate.

The color inversion was because of trying to find fabrics that I liked and were the right color, with really limited choices. Unfortunately the lighter one didn't want to hold up well for the base, so I had to switch them around. Like I said, it was last minute, so if I wear it again, I'll fix them up.

>> No.6412215

yours look so much better hahaha. i guess the problem is really too much water. but how did you apply it? with your fingers, foam wedges or a paint brush?

>> No.6412227

when i used snazaroo i used a foundation brush to apply the grey and use a makeup sponge to smooth away any streaks, of course when the snazaroo is dry.

>> No.6412302
File: 74 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mdgj58Z0nC1rw85iwo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used the thing on the left for my face
> i don't what it is I just know it;s some sort of face brush that was expensive that my friend got for me
the thing in the middle is used to smooth that shit out
the one on the left is used for bigger areas
I used my fingers to repair damage and such

I'm cosplaying dave at my next con so I won't have to paint myself grey this time
thank jesus

>> No.6412304

oh god i mean the thing on the right is used for bigger areas

>> No.6412315
File: 96 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mdgjceSwYP1qf1noao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that Jake had ironed the green shirt, but otherwise I love these two.

>> No.6412325

i like when aranea cosplayers have a wave/curl to their wigs, but thats because curly haired serkets is a headcanon of mine

>> No.6412332
File: 194 KB, 600x598, tumblr_m8flm5zVVh1qetcjvo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit it's the roachpatrol realistic alpha shirt design

>> No.6412346

The Jake's expression could be better and their costume could actually fit? The Arenea is really cute though.

>> No.6412369

thanks a lot you too. i will try a foundation brush and sponges to smooth it.

>> No.6412390
File: 120 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mdg9n8fG021ru6ow2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6412393

Jake here!! Jake was a last minute cosplay decision due to being in a panel, and I'll admit I don't really sit and practice expressions in the mirror (although I should.)

The green shirt was borrowed, and actually it's kind of a pain in the ass to find clothes that fit me! I'm really tiny (as you could probably tell from the photo; I'm about 90lbs if that gives you any ideas) but the next time I have to wear Jake, I do plan on having the shirt altered or finding a new one.

But I do agree with everything you said (and I was aware of them beforehand, haha) so thank you for your input!

Also I love roachpatrol's design, although I wasn't expecting to wear it for this costume. I hope people didn't mind!

>> No.6412406

outfit design is from a fanfiction

>> No.6412410

think its related to this fic http://archiveofourown.org/works/288446/chapters/460526

>> No.6412420

Did she
Those sleeves???

>> No.6412422
File: 103 KB, 478x640, ZIraB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we get some quality ancestors that arent the same ones we always see

>> No.6412441
File: 397 KB, 1000x1250, tumblr_lwlo8t8uC11r3gzjjo1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is right, Rose ends up dressing like this at some point in the fic.

>> No.6412443

>dat disciple

>> No.6412448

Why do people feel the need to defend criticism with excuses?

>> No.6412452

woah man chill, shit happens
i'm sure it has happened to you too and others.

>> No.6412453

Is that a question of awe or anger?

>> No.6412455

because sometimes there are valid reasons as to why a photo is unflattering.

Id be mad if someone complained that my horns were tilted temporarily in a photo because of a previous instance. But yeah, its not that big a deal.

>> No.6412459


>> No.6412460

They accepted the critique and admitted that they weren't at their best. Why are you so upset?

>> No.6412487


>> No.6412497
File: 89 KB, 717x960, tumblr_mdgj742mjs1qmroqyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she finished it already

>> No.6412506
File: 829 KB, 900x534, sinister_by_elaroh-d5iwubd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6412522

I will say this, and I will say this only once: I'm shocked it doesn't look as shitty as I thought it would. Improvements could be made but not nearly as bad as I was expecting.

>> No.6412523

Another tip with the make up, is bring it down off your bottom lip a bit more to make your lips look lower possibly? I honestly think you did a wonderful job though, one of the best Fef's imo.

>> No.6412525

it could be worse

>> No.6412532

>Caliborn cosplayers with glorious lashes
>take all my money

>> No.6412533
File: 82 KB, 640x426, tumblr_mdggyap2is1roeapqo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humanstuck Vriska

>> No.6412537

You don't have to yell 'me first' to be pulling the 'me first' card.

>> No.6412541

I have seen so many people on tumblr
AS SOON as they find out about a new character/new outfit they are like
its like...slow your roll there bro.

>> No.6412543

i like it /:

>> No.6412549

but why the streaks though.

>> No.6412551

anyone know of any good Jade wigs?

>> No.6412561

fingerless gloves I wanna die.

>> No.6412562

If I see this question one more fucking time

>> No.6412568

10/10 Would bang really hard.

>> No.6412585


I actually really love how the Aradia horns were interpreted.

>> No.6412610

She said she doesn't have the correct gloves yet it's an almost complete pic

>> No.6412614

I feel like wip mirror shots aren't that though?? Woah someone likes a character and can sew fast, she's not even completely done or boasting about it

>> No.6412621

Well I thought I was sure of what wig to buy, but then I read some of the comments on here and now I've lost any kind of decision I came to before?? I just want some opinions from other people.

>> No.6412626

Someone has asked about Jade wigs for the last 3 threads.

>> No.6412630

Instead of asking for suggestions, because most people are going to ignore you, post a picture of a wig/wigs you're considering and ask which one is best.

>> No.6412631
File: 149 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mbyvscOYeH1rrtvrho4_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6412637

personally, i really like the Jareth Long wig in black from Arda Wigs. it's long and thick and shaggy and really well suited to jade, imo.

>> No.6412654

The one with the Vriska horns in the making?

>> No.6412717

Dear god don't tell me this is who I think it is.

If it is, Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.6412725

I don't think it is...

>> No.6412807

what are you talking about????

>> No.6412831

Anybody know any decent cosplay ask blogs? Particularly for Jade, Dave or Kanaya?

>> No.6412848

Has anyone heard of the tumblr user justicespank? He messages me often and it weirds me out sometimes with the things he says.

>> No.6412851


He's not a cosplayer, so why are you asking here...?

>> No.6412856

wondering if other people are weirded out by him is all.

>> No.6412860

Why is my dash exploding with Kurloz drinking Faygo through a straw?

>> No.6412866


Messaging you with what, exactly?

Also (it's relevant): are you a prominent cosplayer/do you have a prominent costume?

>> No.6412871

Just weird things. But yea I guess you could say I am one. I'm just weirded out is all.

>> No.6412877


I don't feel cool discussing it here, but--yeah, I get you.

>> No.6412880

Same, I don't really like to gossip or anything. I was just curious if it was just me.

>> No.6412883


Because Hanyaan.

>> No.6412926

god bless someone did a bad upd8 roxy cosplay so mine'll look better
god bless someone for doing it first even

>> No.6412940

he replies to my posts and stuff fairly often, but he's never said anything that weirded me out. he's just a guy with similar interests to me that isn't afraid to actually talk to the people he follows, as far as i can tell.

>> No.6413005 [DELETED] 


>> No.6413009

yes that was me and i apologize in advance
i didnt finish my costume and just ugh D: i did end up fixing the horns and plan on revamping my cosplay so it is actually accurate though
not trying to make excuses im legitimately embarrassed and kind of hoped no one would see these

>> No.6413037
File: 59 KB, 303x454, tumblr_mdencjCupU1qdm4l2o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6413046

I don't know why, but there is something sublimely punchable about that expression.

>> No.6413059

my girlfriend is in that photo... she really enjoyed herself and had a lot of fun. I thought she makes a good Dave. She's second from the left, with the sword. She was happy with her cosplay too.

>> No.6413096

She's one of the salvagable ones. Tell her she needs to bind, first of all. Then if she's not she needs to use a wig cap, if not than her wig is placed wrong. Lastly, the wig needs some styling. It looks out of the bag.

>> No.6413098

Also I can't really tell from the picture, but if she is wearing tight jeans she needs to swap them for baggier ones.

>> No.6413154
File: 47 KB, 638x960, 542871_3223558277110_473292589_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6413284
File: 104 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mdhd9oP8I01rtlglro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6413393
File: 283 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_md127xjNTD1qdw2z4o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6413401

>Because Hanyaan.
I can't think of a polite way to ask her herself, so /cgl/ why does hanyaan have the most xXeMoXx tumblr url ever?

>> No.6413414

It's actually from one of her favorite song/album/something like that's names, "As Silence Drowns the Screams". That's also what that screaming face in the blog background usually is.

>> No.6413437

Googled a bit and it seems she's a huge fan of King Crimson.

Huh. Not what I expected.

Suddenly the weird music in the tutorial videos that isn't miracles jokes makes sense.

>> No.6413450
File: 343 KB, 1280x851, tumblr_maa0dvvHx41rzxd8po3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related; isn't this the same Jade?

>> No.6413478
File: 234 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mdgyrs7Sqc1qgzicbo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6413489

I want to say something like 'I wish she had a wig' or something but all I can think is WOW what a cute dog!

>> No.6413504
File: 58 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mddcgbmH701rt09xxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>photoshop and i have a complicated relationship
I don't think it even counts as cosplay if all you do is feather your hair up and put on a Jacket, and let Photoshop do the rest.
>inb4 heaven dramu on same subject

>> No.6413507


>> No.6413512

I don't even Homestuck
I don't even like dogs
But DAMN that's a cute fucking dog.

>> No.6413525

Yep. Can't stand those heels or how she never does any pose that isn't "haughty drunk."

>> No.6413591

>or how she never does any pose that isn't "haughty drunk."

On a somewhat similar note, I really get annoyed at the majority of Roxy's who try to act drunk while in cosplay.

Most of the kids cosplaying obviously don't know how alcohol effects you; and even if alcohol turned you into a screaming ditz who refused to get off the floor, that doesn't mean you are allowed to do it in public. Even at a con or meet-up.

>> No.6413593

Exactly. It gets tiresome, not to mention makes every single Roxy look the same. I'd love to see Roxy's who remember that she also loves science and cats and video games, and use props/behaviors to reflect that.

>> No.6413596

not to mention (often underage) roxy's that actually get drunk at cons to try and be in character

>> No.6413601
File: 644 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_mdgwh2Kk4l1qmh8tlo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6413607
File: 38 KB, 500x670, tumblr_mdgovbnrAe1ro9vrzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised how many people jumped on this outfit, it seemed like it was going to be the least popular for Jake's new clothes. I wonder how long til we see someone who's bought/modded a real gas mask instead of trying to build one out of household items.

>> No.6413625
File: 774 KB, 750x1000, tumblr_mdh27lo0FC1qzc770o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Latula but why the leather pants on Mituna?

>> No.6413636


>> No.6413639

i think she's really cute. looks like more effort went into it than the usual humanstucks that get done.

>> No.6413649


I once saw a Roxy at a con walking around with an open bottle of wine. The girl looked no more than fourteen. (Though in cosplay, you never really know.)

I'm not a Nazi when it comes to drinking, even underage to some degree, but that's just irresponsible and stupid.

>> No.6413659


Are you sure there was actually wine in it? If it were me, I'd have taken an empty wine bottle and filled it with grape juice.

>> No.6413727
File: 411 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mdhrl6WYI21rb8q3ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6413754

Did Mindfang eat the Dolarosa before this photo was taken?

>> No.6413766

I'm more concerned about the Rose that looks like she's wearing a bag.

>> No.6413908

we don't care if she enjoyed herself, tell her to wear a fucking wig cap.

>> No.6413936

Do any of you have jobs or?

>> No.6413954

your girlfriends a shit cosplayer

>> No.6413992


This post really sums up the absurdity of this board

>> No.6414014

wow fuck off dude, seriously
not everyone is in this hobby to BE THE BEST OMG

>> No.6414034

No but everyone in this hobby should know how to use a wig cap. You should be content that people gave constructive criticism at all instead of just saying wow you're terrible.

Welcome to the internet, anon. Nobody has to be nice.

>> No.6414042
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Let's get back on track.
I wish this Kankri had done dead lenses instead of red, but other than that I like it

>> No.6414055
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>> No.6414066

Biosci major working part-time in a population biology lab. My parents pay for my education and rent, the job pays for the hobby and food.

>> No.6414068
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>> No.6414108

I work part time at a theme park. It's hell but it pays the bills and for the cosplays

>> No.6414121
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work for the national guard, trying to get a second job right now though

>> No.6414124

I know they've been all over tumblr, but holy fuck almost everyone in this group is hot

>> No.6414151

I work evenings part-time in shipping company (yes, I know the joke), and attend university. Scholarship pays for most of the rent, work pays everything else. I'd never rely on my family by asking money, unless it's a special emergency (such as when my cat needed a thousand dollar dental surgery).

>> No.6414186
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>> No.6414213
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opinions on John glasses?

>> No.6414248

Somewhere between 2 and 4 depending on how big they are on your face.

>> No.6414284

Hello HSG. I come to you with a question.

I am missing my right arm from below the shoulder. I usually wear a prosthetic and I've cosplayed just a few things before, mostly stuff with long sleeves.

I really want to cosplay from Homestuck, and to make the best of things I thought it might be fun to do an injured Vriska with the missing arm and eye, and gory makeup.

Except Vriska is missing her left arm, not her right. Would it still be ok to cosplay her? Should I flip the eye wound and horns to match or will I just look like someone who confused their references? Should I just pick another character with long sleeves?

Thanks for any advice in advance.

>> No.6414293
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>> No.6414305

Do it! Flip the injuries/horns, because even hussie flips everything sometimes. I think you would look great.

>> No.6414306

I'd flip it, and you can explain the situation to anyone that asks. I don't think it should be a problem.

>> No.6414336
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That'd be so cool, put some fake blood to your arm and all..

>> No.6414343

idk I prefer these leather pants to some of the baggier pants I've seen on other Mitunas.

>> No.6414397


So long as you remember to flip the shirt symbol along with everything else (horns, eye, etc) then you're good to go!

>> No.6414412

That girl is a clusterfuck and a half.

>> No.6414433
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As a turn-ways sprite flip, they wouldn't need to flip the symbol.

Though it would also be cool to have a second shirt for shoots and just have all the resultant photos flipped.

>> No.6414512

None, get square frames. I'm fed up of seeing this rectangle frame and hipster glasses bullshit, John is easy enough to cosplay so at least make it accurate.
4 is you must choose from those.

>> No.6414531


Go for it! You might also consider Slick (post losing his arm) and/or Mindfang. I don't know much about arm prosthetics, but maybe you could get one/make one that looked especially robotic?

If I may ask, how'd you lose your arm? I understand if you don't want to answer.

>> No.6414536

isn't she missjadeharley?

>> No.6414570


Definitely do it!

If anyone notices that the injury is on the wrong side, curse in anguish and lament that your surgery was all for naught.

>> No.6414586


Thanks for the encouragement and suggestions! I'll think I'll do the flip it turnways thing. I may even make a flipped Scorpio shirt so I can take photos and flip them all horizontally so everything lines up right.


Mindfang is definitely a future goal, but I hadn't even thought of Slick. That might be fun too.

And I don't mind answering. I was hit by a car when I was 13 and developed so many complications in my arm my family and I had not much choice other than amputation before it got worse or I developed an infection that might have killed me, etc.

>> No.6414592
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on one hand, good job not making a genderbend design thats super skanky

on the other, this is really ugly

>> No.6414596


Oops, that last reply was meant for >>6414531's question.


That is a great (and hilarious) idea. I'll totally do it.

>> No.6414605

>on one hand
Stay classy.

>> No.6414607
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It would look alright if she fixed the wings and ditched those heels. The corset is kind of tacky, but doesn't bother me too much.

>> No.6414615


The design and the construction are really unfortunate. Though the horns seem decent, though in need of more uniform finish.

It's annoying. I'm considering a God Tier troll cosplay, but I'm underwhelmed with the majority of Homestuck wings out there. Guess I'm experimenting on my own.

>> No.6414652


Ouch, that's tough. Well, definitely come back and show us when you're done!

>> No.6414654
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woe look at these alpha kids though

>> No.6414667

Wow the only one I even remotely like is the Dirk... and the Roxy's face is cute.

>> No.6414680

I actually have to disagree. I actually like this. I remember seeing her in person, and she looked great, aside from her wings which could obviously use work.

I am not a fan of the pony tail though, and any time I see ANY character in heels that arent Mom or the Black Queen I get a little upset.
Despite that its still a quality cosplay.

>> No.6414685

None of them... look particularly good or bad? Mediocre is a good word.

>> No.6414706
File: 100 KB, 480x640, IMG_0476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of this Vriska and Kanaya? I think they have potential. If they worked on it a little more I think they could be really good.

>> No.6414715

If there was a better picture of them up close, I would be able to get a better opinion.

>> No.6414756

No, it's not. It's one of her friends iirc.

>> No.6414757


>> No.6414767
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x960, tumblr_mdi3vdzsnp1rt7ro9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat terrible shop

>> No.6414778

I kinda get shooping the shoes, but why Kanaya's face? and yeah, that's a prety bad shoop. Good concept though.

>> No.6414782
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>> No.6414786

Blurry image, but they both look promising.

>> No.6414792

I really like this one, however, I can't see if they had the correct facial piercings, and I kinda wish I couldn't see the seam for the arm socks. Otherwise, this is probably one of my favorite Meenas.

>> No.6414836


They made the seam way longer than most people do, which is probably why. But I agree, I love her bracelets.

>> No.6414908
File: 158 KB, 750x554, tumblr_mdghnxDrJ31rebuteo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the m off center? It's a lazy mistake, and ruins the whole thing.

> Requesting good props, please

>> No.6414928

It looks less like it was because of a lazy mistake, but more because if the M was centered then the arrow would lead off the edge. I can't tell though, because her hand is in the way.
sage for no contribution.

>> No.6414943
File: 71 KB, 250x376, tumblr_mdgpwtBjgo1qa3lhio8_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone tell me what's wrong with this rose? like why does she looked so... morphed?

>> No.6414960

I've actually seen that with another grimdark rose aswell I think it may have to do with the darkness/shade of the gray and contrasted to the white of the hair/surroundings and no contouring

>> No.6415013
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>> No.6415016
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>> No.6415017
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>> No.6415020
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>> No.6415022
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>> No.6415024
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>> No.6415026
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>> No.6415029
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>> No.6415101


it's a shame how tiny little details manage to derail each of these

>> No.6415127

not a fan

>> No.6415135

Rose is the only good one.

>> No.6415198
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The bottom of the M lines up with the skull eye.

>> No.6415241
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>> No.6415248

My friend wants to start an IC Homestuck panel but knows it's not going to happen because the clique in his area will get there first. I proposed he do a sadstuck Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff panel instead.

>> No.6415271

IC? and is there anyway to, I guess, call dibs?

>> No.6415275

Is this from that Rufio tutorial, or did someone actually replicate that abomination?

>> No.6415284

hurk... it looks like a pokemon.

>> No.6415319

Will get... where exactly, first? If it's at a con, then you pretty much have an equal chance of getting a panel, since con staffs don't (or at least, shouldn't) take the group's popularity into account when deciding on panels. Just put together the best panel you are able and if yours is better than theirs, it'll show.

>> No.6415331

Homestuck as a whole, or nothing. But it really does depend on the people you have to work with.

Just have a nice script, and people who speak clearly. Ive been to several panels with people who just dont know how to speak up. (not homestuck related)

>> No.6415420
File: 120 KB, 500x556, tumblr_mdicglz0eQ1r4el0ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanaya's face looks like the Flesh from Doctor Who.

>> No.6415450
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>> No.6415500
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meanwhile at Florida cons...

>> No.6415522


With some grey makeup, I actually think this would be pretty cute.

>> No.6415577

Kanaya is cute!
Also, are we on autosage? (I'm on a phone right now...)

>> No.6415644

Agreed! And yeah, we are.

>> No.6415739

Ah, college-sponsored conventions.

>> No.6416113


New thread.

>> No.6416213

*wwalks into thread*
*rips wwet fart*