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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 30 KB, 375x321, 375x321_prescription_weight_loss_drugs_ref_guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6410311 No.6410311[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What diet pills have cosplayers used in the past that worked?

>> No.6410324

going to the gym and eating right is a pretty good pill.

>> No.6410326

I went on Venlafaxine and lost 10 pounds. Now I have to choose between my sex drive and being thin. :/

>> No.6410330


>> No.6410337

being thin.

>> No.6410353


That makes you thin?

>> No.6410367

psych drugs kill your appetite.

>> No.6410370

Agreed, I was put on Prozac and my shrink reckons that the following anorexia was due to a side effect of the drug.

>> No.6410373

I used to use an EC stack which worked extremely well, but can be very dangerous if you don't know what you're doing (I didn't).
I stopped using it after I began experiencing some really scary heart palpitations and fainting.

>> No.6410381


The vast majority of psych drugs drastically INCREASE your diet and can cause significant weight gain.

>> No.6410382

I have an under-active thyroid so occasionally I'll up the dose of my thyroxine, I've never tried any of the ~*magical*~ diet pills since the majority seem to be derivatives of amphetamine and if I wanted to take speed I'd just take speed.

>> No.6410391

Eating right and exercise usually work for me.

>> No.6410392

Get active. Have a set calorie goal, and eat more nutritious calories. THAT IS ALL.

>> No.6410396

hit the treadmill
No no angus diet or whatever the heck
Just hit the treadmill

>> No.6410399

Don't forget proteins

>> No.6410404

OP didn't ask how to lose weight. Answer the dayum question.
I've been using NV for a little while to combat serious weight gain due to Depakote and it seems to do well helping to suppress my appetite.

>> No.6410407

>All these obese whores using drugs before even trying to work out

>> No.6410431

>using pills to suppress hunger
That's called anorexia ladies
You don't want to go down that road
I prescribe a gym membership with a side of treadmill
atleast twice a week, for 1 hour
>until you like it

>> No.6410452

The one I prefer that works is called "Diet and Exercise".

Try it sometime and stop relying on magic pills.

>> No.6410465

I'm too scared to go to the gym. It's ridiculous really because I've a free gym membership with my college. I'm like 170 lbs and I'm worried I'd be with a lot of super fit bitches and whores gym bunnies who laugh at me for getting out of breath after fifteen minutes.


>> No.6410468
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it's called put down the lays you disgusting fat cunt

>> No.6410474

don't worry they won't mind
Nobody is going to go "haha look at that girl who wants to lose some weight by doing exercise"

>> No.6410475

I can't fucking stand people like that.


>> No.6410476

Diet pills are going to completely mess you up. Also a toned body that has lost weight via healthy eating and exercise is so much sexier than one that's dropped it through dodgy pills.

No homo.

>> No.6410479
File: 121 KB, 719x700, 1351375807971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm too scared to go to the gym. It's ridiculous really because I've a free gym membership with my college. I'm like 170 lbs and I'm worried I'd be with a lot of super fit bitches and whores gym bunnies who laugh at me for getting out of breath after fifteen minutes.

Here, I'm going to lay a truth on you. Be prepared, this is some mind blowing shit.

NO ONE CARES. NO ONE WILL LAUGH AT YOU. NO ONE WILL POINT AND STARE. Anyone who is actually there to work out (IE, the people you're worried about making fun of you,) are going to be so engrossed in their own workouts that they won't be paying attention to you. Because, you know, they don't want to waste their gym time making fun of people.

Because real life isn't like 4chan. Now go to the gym. Its good for you

>> No.6410480

This is exactly how I feel... damn, if only you went to my college we could give each other moral support (and motivation) ;__;

>> No.6410488

You should go ask /fit/ for a workout plan
>ironically lol

>> No.6410489

OP, just be more active, everyday throughout your day. Walk or dance, follow pilates or yoga exercises. You can do some in the morning, when you get home from work/school and later on at the evening. Its not hard. Don't eat anything with sugar, corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup. Don't eat MSG. Don't eat dairy or greasy foods. For god sakes, you can order a small pizza with no cheese and lots of vegetables and it can still be healthy. Some of these pills can actually kill you.

>> No.6410493

can anyone just answer the question

what diet pill if any has worked for you?

>> No.6410496

>diet pills
lol. you dumb bitches. you are just losing water weight

>> No.6410497


No. Because diet pills are ridiculous.

>> No.6410504

They can also kill and or give you heart problems. Is exercising like anyone else really that hard for you?

>> No.6410509
File: 6 KB, 331x294, 1320630492521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey /cgl/

I have an idea

Go on an actual diet

Eat healthy foods

You don't have to starve yourself

All you have to do is eat better

Also, start jogging

>> No.6410518

Let's think about this OP. If there was a diet pill that worked without causing you to leak oil out of your anus or give you a heart attack, don't you think they would be selling that shit like TicTacs in every god damned store? Don't you think people would be popping them like a daily vitamin and eating 60 slices of pizza for breakfast lunch and dinner?

Even if you don't give a fuck about side effects, don't you think every person would know about a pill that actually works?

Furthermore, do you think that everyone already knows but is keeping it a secret just from you, that you can come to /cgl/ and out of ll the places most likely to divulge this forbidden information, we are the ones to give it?

OP, you should start looking for smart pills before you look for skinny pills.

>> No.6411026

I took diet pills and lost near 10kg, what now ? And it motivated me to stay at this weight with healthy food and a bit of exercise.
I bought the Linxghi pills (not the fakes), it was kinda awful first but near the half, I didn't feel bad anymore. Should have wrote down what I experienced, kinda frightening sometimes to be honest. Now my appetite has shrunk down and I'm not obsessed with food anymore unless I'm really hungry. I don't want to brag but life seems a bit different when you can finally buy a "one size only" from a chinese/korean store so I don't regret anything.

And to the healthy dieters: I'm proud of you all =) You don't need/want diet pills yeah ! You must feel so much better than me, how great is that ? I would love to be able to judge someone based on a tiny info. Oh and I exercised 4h a week last year and I didn't shed a single kg so yeah.

>> No.6411050

This. Pills can fuck you up permanently. I remember a classmate who was on some pills from GNC or whatever and insisted on taking them instead of using the lavish and amazing gym/fitness center at our uni. Anyway, guess who's ass got carted away in an ambulance when she dropped to the floor in class one day and had complained about chest pains and a racing heart at the beginning of class? When she returned to class she basically said she had permanent damage and might be getting a pace maker or transplant or some other serious shit. I think keeping organs functioning properly should always trump "fast weight loss" but hey, maybe I'm one of those cray cray people who wants to live a good, long life.

Seriously, you don't even need a gym pass to get into shape though it can help to "remove" you from an environment that makes you want to be sedentary for a while. Since we can't possibly know your underlying conditions etc, talk to your doctor about this and they can help you create a plan just for yourself. THe general rules are watch portions, stay active, and stay motivated. Even walking a few miles a day at a decent pace can make a difference if you're not doing anything right now.